THE WINOED WORSHIFJEK8. Addrviseil to 7Vo Swallow that Flew into a Chtmh during Divine Sereice. Gay, guiltless pair, What seek ye from the field of Heaven T l( Ye have no need of prayer, Xe hare no sins to be forgiven. Why perch ye here, "Where mortals to their Maker bend T Can your pure spirits fear The God ye never could offend T Yene erknew The crimes for which we come to weep. Penance in not for you. Blessed wanderers of the upper deep. To you lis Riven To wake sweet nature's untaught lays. Beneath the arch of Heaven To chirp away a life of praise. Then spread each wing Jar, far above, o'er lakes and lands. And join the choirs that sing In yon bine dome not reared with hands. Or, if ye stay. To note the consecrated hour. Teach me the airy way, .And let me try your envied power. Above the crowd On upward wings could I but fly, I'd baths is yon bright cloud And seek the stars that gem the sky. Twere Heaven tndeed . Through fields of trackless light to soar, On Nature's charms to feed. And Nature's own great God adore. THE DETIIS HOLLOW. In a certain Northern town, situated on the banks of a river, there dwelt, some years ago, an attorney by the name of. Mason. He was in considerable practice, and. bad two clerks in his office, whose names were Mansell and Burton. In ability these young men were nearly A I - ai, -H- a- i : i i ji- position. Burton ? was cold, close and somewhat sullen in temper ; but in busi ness, shrewd, active and. persevering. Mansell, although assiduous in his du ties, was of a gayer temperament, open as tne day, generous, connding ana true. Mr. Mason, without being absolutely dishonest, was what is called a keen law yer, his practice being somewhat of the sharpest ; and as the disposition of his clerk, Burton, assimilated in many re spects to his own, he was a great favorite more intimately in his confidence, and usually employed on those delicate mat ters which sometimes occur in an attor ney's business, and in which the hon esty of Mansell might rather hinder than iielp. a bachelor, lived with him in the capacity of housekeeper. She was a Lively, sensitive and clever girl very pretty, f not posi tively handsome. She had the grace of a sylph, and the step of a fawn. It was natural that such a girl should be an ob ject of interest to two young men living under the same roof; and by no means a matter oi astonishment that one or both of them should fall in love with her; and both of them did. But as the young lady had but one heart, she could not re tain the love of each. In making her se lection, the choice fell upon Edward Man sell, greatly to the chagrin of bis rival, And to the annoyance of Mr. Mason, who would have been pleased to find Burton "the favorite suitor. However, Mansell was chosen lover, and Mr. Mason could not alter the case by argument-; nor was lie disposed to send away his niece, who was, in some measure, essential to bis domestic comfort ; and, more over, he loved her as much as he loved anything. Matters went on this way for some time ; a great deal of bitterness and ran cor being displayed by Mason and Bur ton on the one hand, while Kate and Ed ward Mansell found in the interview they occasionally enjoyed, more than compen sation for the annoyance to which they were thus necessarily exposed. It happened, at the time when Edward's engagement as an articled clerk was within a month of its expiration, that Mason had received a sum of money as .agent for another party, amounting to .-nearly thrfte thousand pounds, of which -"the greater portion was gold coin. As the money could not be conveniently dis posed of until the following day, it was - deposited in a tin box in the iron safe, -?th"e key of which was always in the cus "toily of Mansell. " Soon after he received the (Charge, Burton quitted theoffice for . a short time; and in the interim an ap plication from a client rendered it neces- - sary for Mansell to go out to get some bill-stamps. Having dispatched his busi- - ness,- he returned with all expedition ; - and in due time he took the key of his - safe to deposit" therein, as usual the - valuable papers of the office over night when to his inconceivable horror, he dis-ccfwccK-d that the treasure was gone. His rushed down stairs, and, meeting Burton, communicated, the unfortunate circumstance. - He, in turn, expressed bis astonishment in strong terms, and, indeed, exhibited something like sympa thy in his brother clerk's misfortune. Every search was made about the prem ises, and information was given to the local police ; but as Mason was from liome, and would not return till the next -day, little else could be done. : Edward passed " a night of intense agony nor -were the feelings of Kate more enviable. "Mr. ZMason returned some hours earlier 'than was expected, and sent immediately lor Burton, and was closeted with him -for a long time. Mansell, utterly incapacitated by the terrible calamity which had befallen him, from attending to his -duties, was - walk ing, ignorant of Mason's return, when ILate came, or rather flew toward him, ;nd exclaimed, " Oh, Edward, my uncle Thas applied for a" warrant to apprehend you ; and, innocent though I know yon are, that fiend in human form, Burton, lias wound such a web around you, that I dread the worst. I have not time to explain ; fly instantly, and meet me at nightfall in the Devil's Hollow, when I will explain all." ,- Mansell, acarcely knowing what he did, xushed out of the garden, and through some fields ; nor did he stop till he found liimself out of town on the banks of the xiver. Then, for the first time, he re pented of having listened to the well meant but unwise TOiinsel of his dear Kate. But the step was taken, and lie could not retrace it now. He proceeded until he arrived at a thick grove, in the vicinity of the Devil s Hollow, where he com pletely hitL until nkrht dosha He then approached a dark opening in which there was a deep hollow, which had acquired a celebrity from its having been the scene of a murder some years be fore, ana was sncn an object of super--fftitious awe to the farmers of the vinitv that be was considered a bold man who -would venture mere alter nightfall. This, doubtless, had innuenoed Kate in her ; phninA of such ft TflaOS Of mAAfcinm snnch aa they would be secure front inter- mption. "Mansell returned, and lingered on the ssldrta of the Grove, until the sound of 1i t -tit footstep on the beaten path which led to the place announced the approach of the loved being whom he ten he was .V)oritto meet for the last time. . The nnr ot't4 rcmltl not sneak a word when 7 1 t, 1 i.; tliey Btteif OUli uuwmg xi-i jubuu. n"-ru J 13 shoulder, burst into a flood of passionate -fa-. TW decrees she became more calm, lotiu'led to him a conversation . .. fiha had overheard betwen Burton and her uncle ; and gathered thenee that the former had succeeded in convincing Mr. Mason of Edward's guilt, by a combina tion oi iacta which would have made out a strong case against the accused the most formidable one being the finding of a large sunt of specie in Mansell's trunk. .Knowing that he could not satisfactorily account for the possession of this money, witnout uie evidence oi -a near relative who had departed for the continent a week before, and whose address was un known and return uncertain, Edward, to avoid the horror and disgrace of lying in tne county gaoi in tne intermediate tune, resolved on evading the officers of justice, until he could surrender himself with the proofs of his innocence in his hands. The moon had now risen" above the hill which bound the prospect, and warned the lovers that it was tune to separate. "And now, dearest," said he, "I leave you with the brand of thief upon my fair name, to be hunted like a beast of prey from one hiding-place to an other. But, oh, Kate, I bear with me ahe blest assurance that one being, arid that being the best loved of my heart, knows me to be innocent ; and that thought shall comfort me." "A remarkably pretty speech, and well delivered ?" exclaimed a voice which caused the youthful pair to start and turn their eyes in the direction whence it proceeded, when from behind a solitary tree that grew in the Hollow, a tall fig ure, wrapped in an ample cloak, walked toward them. l i The place, as we have before said, had an evil reputation ; and although Ed ward and his companion were, of course, free from the superstitious fears which characterized the country people, an undefinable feeling stole over them, as they gazed on the tall form before them. Mansell, however, soon recovered him self ; and told the stranger that, whoever it was, it ill became him to overhear con versation that was not intended for other ears than their own.- Nay," was the rejoinder ; "be not angry with me. Perhaps you may have reason to rejoice in my presence since, being in possession of the story of your grief, it might be in my power to allevi ate it. I have assisted men in much greater straits." Edward did not like the last sentence, nor the tone in which it was uttered ; but he said, " I see not how you can help me ; you cannot give me a clue by which I can find the box." " Yes ; here is a clue," replied the other, as he held forth about three yards of strong cord. " Here is a line. Go to the river, at a paint exactly opposite the hollow oak ; wade out in a straight line until you find the box ; attach one end of the cord to the box, and the other to a stout cork, but remove it not vet. " " The devil !" said Mansell. - Whether he really believed himself to be in the presence of the evil one, or that the word was merely expressive of surprise, we know not. The stranger took the compliment, and acknowledging it with a bow, said, " The tin box which you have been accused Of stealing, is at the bottom of the river. and you will find that I have spoken no more than the truth. .mansell neartatea no longer, but ac companied the stranger to the spot, and in a few minutes the box, sealed as when he last saw it, was again in his posses sion. He looked from the treasure to the stranger, and at last said, "I owe you more than hfe, for, in regaining this, j. shau recover my good name, which lias been foully traduced." " He was proceeding toward the shore. when the other cried, "Stop, young gentleman ! Not quite so fast. Just fasten your cord to it, and replace it where you found it, if you please. " Ed ward started, but the stranger continued, " Were you to take that box back to your employer, think you that you would produce any other effect on him than the conviction that, finding your de linquency discovered, you wished to secure impunity by restoring property ? We must not only restore the treasure, but convict the thief. Hush ! I hear a footfall." As he spoke he took the box from Edward, who now saw his meaning, fastened the cord to it, and it was again lowered to the bottom of the river, and the cork on the other end of the cord was swimming down with the tide. "flow follow me in silence, whis pered the stranger ; and the three re tired, and hid themselves behind the huge trunk of the tree, whence by the light of the moon they beheld a figure approach the water, looking cautiously around. " That is the thief," said the stranger, in a low voice, in Edward's ear. "I saw him last night throw something into the river, and when he was gone, I took the liberty of raising it up ; when, ex pecting that he would return and remove his booty, I replaced it, and had been unsuccessfully watching the place, just before I met you in the Hollow." By this time the man . reached the river's brink, and after groping some time through the water, he found the box, but started back in astonishment on seeing a long cord attached to it. His back was turned to the witnesses of the transaction, so that Edward and the stranger had got him securely by the col lar before he could make any attempt to escape. The surprise of Mansell and Kate may be more easily conceived than painted, when, as the moonbeams fell on . I . . it , " I A 1 . ine iifcCe oi uie cuipni, uiey . reuogmzeu. the features of Burton, his fellow-clerk. Mansell's character was now cleared, while Burton, whom Mason, for reasons of his own, refrained from prosecuting, quitted the town in merited disgrace. The stranger proved to be a gentleman of large landed property in the neignDor hood, which he had now visited for the first time for many years ; and having been interested in the young pair whom he had delivered so opportunely from tribulation,' he subsequently appointed Mansell his man of business, and thus laid the' foundation of his prosperity. It is almost needless to add, that Kate, who had so long shared his heart, became his wife, and shared his good fortune also. Comparative Mail Statistics. ' From a detailed statement of mail mat ter of all classes originating at fifty of the largest offices in the United States for a period of four weeks, beginning Dec. 1, 1874, the following comparative fiffnrM am tAken : - , No. of trieoes. impounds. r. S.KW.S43 I" 333.348 Baltimore - Buffalo 837,871 . 38,88 ... 8.98al97S 421.261 Cincinnati 'S Indianapolis 883,166 ; , . 80,008 Louisville ..j , - New Orleans "!???' . S''IVL ITnladetnhVa.'.'.V.A... 4,176,980 ' 9?,7 PitUburgh JZSi bs. umu -v"rrx Ban Francisco.... .. 858,25 ?'8" nasmngton. ............... ,iiSMw . The total number of pieces in the fifty offices for the period named is 41, 241,990, weighing 5,543,048 pounds. An old lady on the government pension list at Lexington, Ky., at the age of 101, is killing herself by smoking a pipe, a practice of hers for the last fifty years. OUR KATIOTSAL LAW-MAKERS. Where They Come From Variety the Spice of nomenclature interesting Con gressional Statistics. Washington Cor. New York Evening Post. It may be an interesting bit of statis tics that only three of our sovereign States and Territories are represented in either branch of Congress by their na tives, and these three Delaware, Ver mont and North Carolina aggregate only leeven men, which is a small percentage of three hundred and sixty-four. The members of both houses from Kansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada and the Territories, thirty-four in num ber, are all born outside of their constitu- encies. Here is a taoie snowing iu rela tive increase and decrease of representa tion within the last eighty-hve years : New Hampshire 6 5 Vermont , j Massachusetts. 13 Rhode Island ' Connecticut.. 9. New York , 12 35 KewJersev . 7 V Pennsylvania . 15 J9 Delaware o Maryland.. 10 8 Virginia (and West Virginia) 21 11 Kentuekv . ...................... 4. ! North Carolina 13 10 South Carolina a Seoreia. 11 JSew xork has sent to jongress tne greatest number of natives of any State, as may be seen from the following schedule : Native in' Native i State. Coiurrett. States. Congres. New York 45 Pennsylvania 44 Ohio 87 Maine 16 Kentucky 1 Georgia 13 Virginia 20 Massachusetts 191 Illinois..... 11 California, Kansas, Minnesota, Mis sissippi, Oregon, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ne vada and .Nebraska have no natives in Congress. By a singular chance, out of the one hundred and eleven Southern members onlv eleven are New En&landers. while a North Carolinian represents Con necticut, and a Virtrinian Massachusetts. Speaker Blaine himself is a sort of "carpet-bagger" a Pennsylvanian, and the only man born west of the Alle- ghanies who represents a New England constituency. The foreigners in Con gress aggregate fifteen ; Schurz, the Ger man, and Jones, the Welchman, comprise the Senators ; and in the House are five Irishmen, four Scotchmen, two English men, a Canadian and a Mexican. The List mentioned gentleman, far from being a tray hidalgo, with a sonorous title and the conventional guitar, is a very ordi nary looking: person by the name of Buckner. Cannon, the Mormon, is an Englishman. Then there are names to suit any and all tastes. " Chester Darrall " and " Lionel Sheldon" are persons ' whom Miss Braddon might properly immor talize ; jiiDenezer, Jiezeloan, Abraham, ! Isaac, Keuben, Lot, Zachariah, Timothy, Moses, Aaron, Eli, Josiah, Hosea, Elijah, j Abijah, Ephraim, Nathan, Jeremiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Laza rus are all suggestive of Scripture his tory ; while two Alonzos, Hannibal, Lorenzo, Fernando, Jason, Godlove, Ros eoe, Philetus, Roderick Random, Eppa, Glenni and Sobieski cover all the ground from mythology down to an opera libretto. . Law seems to be the favorite profes sion, having formerly occupied the atten tion of two hundred and ninety-four members. " Sunset" Cox and Mr. Mc Cormick, of Arizona, have been the only bterary men since Sumner died. Tipton, Bro wnlow and Gordon are the clergy men. Besides these there are several doctors, an actor, a stenographer, a jeweler, a tailor, an omnibus driver, an engineer, several editors and printers, a carpenter, eight soldiers and a hotel proprietor. The merchants are usually rich men, and there are a few miners who seem to have made their calling profitable. Spring Fashions. From the New York World. The waists to all dresses are made quite long, with high shoulders and narrow backs, a combination of the cuirasse and basque properly named the cuirasse basque tits smoothly over the hips and is rounded deeply both front and back. In street costumes the prevalence of brown and grays is already quite notice able, colors that are certain to be popular throughout the season for walking suits. They are seen not only in the plaid over dresses worn with silk skirts, but in cash mere ones over silk, which will be quite as lashionable a combination as the other. These suits are, many of them, made with what is termed the French sacque, 'a half -fitting basque in the back and loose sacque fronts. The tendency is toward short backs, that is, short in comparision with the fronts, which some times extend into long square tabs. The last is newest, while the other has the advantage of showing a more elaborate arrangement of lace, etc., about the neck. The sleeves are cut straight, with flaring cuffs at the wrist to match the collar, or they may he half-flowing. ; .Where overskirts are worn, .aprons will probably be the style throughout the summer, imported dresses saoow a change from very deep to short aprons, although the dresses made here have not as yet been in imitation of them in this respect. - Many dresses are, of coarse, worn without overdresses. A favorite style for making the skirts to these is either perfectly plain in front' and elab orately trimmed behind or elaborately trimmed in front and plain behind. Outside garments are to be worn much longer. The English walking-jacket cut long wiix be one oi the styles, but the French sacque already described, made of Mack Sicilieiine, with trimmings of lace and fringe, embroidered - bauds, ostrich feather trimmings, or Titan braid, will be newer, and consequently more fashionable. For those who desire a change from jackets, are capes and man ties fitting in at the ' waist, thus formincr a kUM of sleeve, as for instance, a round cape in the back coming over the arms in front in long square tabs. X-apings enter largely into mmrmngs. The Titan braid, a lusterless trimming made of mohair and silk, and of a variety of widths, will be a favorite. This is both plain and bordered with beads, which last will largely take the place of jet passementerie. Jet mst of necessity be worn to some extent, but is no longer the most fashionable trimming. Trimmings on everything will be ar ranged either up and down or diagon ally, not across as heretofore. : On tab liers the tendency is to the diagonal. Overskirts are not lined, nor generally are other skirts, as all drapery is made clinging, to show as much as possible the natural figure. COXTGHINO AND THE Wlldj. -Coughing seems involuntary, yet it is really much under the control of the will. It is related of the famous Scotch preacher. Dr. McCrie, that on Sunday, during the service, he was much annoyed by the in cessant cougnmg, and tne audience evi dently shared his, annoyance. Suddenly ne stopped in we middle ox a sentence. Every eye turned to the pulpit in won der, and for a full minute there was ab solute silence. The Doctor then said good-humoredly, " I re, my friends, yon can be quiet when I am quiet." There was little coughing during the remainder of the service. . FARM ASD GARDES. Kitchen Consolation. Oh ! this baiting and brewing, This hoilinff and fttewinff- And washing of dishes three times In a day ' ine griddle-cakes turning, The KVimminor fn. nhtimino The. setting of tables and clearing away ! What is it but weariness. The same round of labor day after day T i a rawer De painting, Or SAWiTlflr. nr hrsiHhiir. Or spending my time in a pleasanter way I Thus my fancy kept dreaming O'er the hot dishes stesming, And wond'ring why I must a kitchen nre tend Till an angel's low whispering Compelled me to listening. And taught me these household discomforts to mend. Is your work not the oldest, The msefulest, noblest In ministering daily to the life God has given? If Uie work is unceasing Of washing and sweeping, Bemember that order's the first law at Heaven I Pray what gives more pleasure Than a well seasoned dinner. When tastefully served on the family board? Thank God you can labor t Can knead mix and flavor. And draw pleasant meats from the farmer's rich hoard - That heartsome delight At morn, noon and night, When the family gathers for chat and good cheer 1 Then should you be complaining Of work unavailuur That brings joy to the loved ones each day in the year 7 Minor Farm Topics. Apeopos of the question, Do varieties wear f out ? the Gardeners Maaazine. 'London, quotes "Mr. Taylor, of Fen- cote, as authority for the statement that a potato known as " Old Americans" has been grown in the same garden for sixty years, without change of seed, and has never been known to be affected by dis ease, while the crop has invariably been a good one. . Hungary has the most highly civilized sheep yet heard of. A trustworthy ob server in the Theiss district writes to the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England that tobacco is largely culti vated there, and that "sheep do very well upon it in a green state as a forage crop." We are not aware that this fact has been utilised by the champions of tne JJarwinian theory. Allusion is made in the Gardeners' Chronicle, London, to "the very large scale" on which cranberries are grown in the United States, and the editor ex presses the opinion that it would not be difficult to establish similar plantations in many parts of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or even in some portions of Eng land, at present left wholly uncultivated. But that is scarcely the shape which the New Jersey Cranberry Growers' Foreign Trade Committee is wishing the matter to take. An ear of well-ripened corn, "fit for seed," was exhibited at the agricultural show in Manchester, Nov. 25. This was from a field on the borders of Chatmoss, a bleak, unprotected locality in the north of England, and a very unfavorable one for the successful growth of so tender a plant as maize. The same variety has been ripened also in the southern part of the country. It is not, therefore, impos sible that this crop may soon be thor oughly acclimated in England, and that farmers there may be enabled to compete with us in the production of our peculiar staple. In its application to veterinary prac tice homoeopathy seems to have been generally successful. - Whether or not this is the effect of the medicines, or, as some profess to believe considering the homoeopathic dilutions to be non-effective for good or evil of the absence of medicine, may be questioned by those interested either way ; but the fact is vouched for that a bad case of inflamma tion of the lungs in a mare was speedily cured by doses of tincture of aconite given alternately with bryonia every twenty minutes. Camphor and' coly cinth are said to have afforded speedy relief in recent instances of colic, and fourteen cows with pluro-pneumonia were all curedav by homoeopathic pre scriptions. - A Michigan Farm. There is much said about the necessity of experimental farms and model farms, at our agricultural colleges, and these we believe should be instituted, but we must not forget to mention all the good private farms, the enterprise of whose owners is worthy of imitation. The Ionia Sentinel gives a description of the general operations on the farm of is. is. Mayes, of .North I'lains, Mich., which shows it to be one of the best conducted farms in the country. As in most cases of this kind, Mr. Hayes has a good deal of other business, which' has instilled into his mind the necessity of reducing everything to system and order, and this is no doubt the foundation of his suc- cess : - Ilia farm consists of 1,050 aires, of which 800 acres are improved, and is located in the fa mous agricultural township of North Plains. He raised last season 4,500 bushels of wheat on 180 acres, 2,500 bushels of oats on 70 acres, 75 acres of corn, and 200 tons of hay. He had 15 acres of orchards, producing all of The choicest varieties, of apples. The buildings consist of eight barns, six dwelling houses, a com bam with a capacity of 3,000 bushels of ears of com, hay barn, poultry house and blacksmith shop. One bam deserves especial mention. It is in the form of a T. the top of the T beiag the main part, and 162x32 feet in size, with 23-feet posts ; cow and calf stable in the west end, three main floors, four bays, granary holding 8,000 bushels and root cellar holding 2,500 bushels. The wing cor responding to the lower part of the T is 100x22, with 20-feet posts. It has two main floors, the . I : -i 11 ..ul..J ..... n., 4-.1 . . the second floor is a straw loft, and is connected with the center maua floor, where a thresher is placed and filled with oat-straw, which is cut by a straw-cutter run by horse-power, and coarse grain sprinkled ana lea to tne stocK. The bam is painted inside and out, and is but mounted with Bix cupolas, which act as venti lators. At the south end of the building is a windmill and tank, which not only supplies each yard, but the watering troughs are so arranged as to oe acoessiDie to- biock at ui uiubb, uuiu summer and winter. In one of the yards arelo cated scales for weiirhinjt stock and gram. The barn, with yards, scales and water-works, cost, comnlete.S7.U00. 'me stocK consists on 14 wora norses, iiwo span of mules, a driving team, 8 brood mares ana coit, 71 neaa 01 catue, y mucn cows, zu 1 head of short-horns, 800 sheep (Spanish merino, and raised this season 213 lambs), 87 hogs, in cluding 4 breeding sows and 1 boar, fuH-blood .Berkshire ana Buttaik. Una Droou mare ana colt oost about $500 ; colt sired by Glenwood. Twelve men are constantly employed on the farm. His implements are too numerous to mention, it being without doubt the best equipped farm in this respect in the State. We will name, however, a vibrator threshing machine, a power corn Bheller, a power straw cutter, a Johnston harvester, two hay tedders, two mowers, etc He is also sinking an artesian well, which is on an elevation high enough to water his entire farm, if it should prove a success. Although nnMMMHor of. TMrhans. the finest farm in the State, - his house is an ordinary white frame structure, considerably the worse for wear, and nat mYiVtahlv An 1.2001(1 1.500. It is com fortably arranged and furnished, and is made inviting by tne Hospitality 01 uie lnmatea. , I'RACTICAJt. SUGGESTIONS. : In a case of illness where it is desirable to stimulate perspiration, a vapor bath may be improvised in the following man ner : Place a few hot-bricks in a pail of water over which the person must be seated in a cane-bottom chair and use a large blanket, which will cover him from the shoulders to the floor, for confining the steam. , To Bbeak Bottxes A lady in the Christian Monitor says that when it is necessary to break a bottle, the quickest way is to soak a string in turpentine and tie it round the neck of the bottle, then set fire to the string and it will break in good snape. To Bake a Sparkktb. Dip it in water ; then rub on a little salt and pep per and flour. H not too thick, it will bake in an hour or a - little more, in a moderate oven. Have it done, by all means, but don't roast it to a" crisp, un less you wish to dream ef your great grandmother after eating it. N. To clean an oil-painting that is in jured by dust and particles of wrapping paper, take the. picture out of the frame, lay a coarse towel over it for ten or four teen days ; keep it continually wet until it has drawn out all the filthineas from the picture ; pass some linseed oil which has been a long time seasoning over it, in the sunlight, to purify it, and the pic ture will become as lively on the surface as new. Use no Stove Dampers. These nuis ances are now quite common, and be cause they " save wood," and thereby save money, they are popular. By shutting on the upward draught they throw back into the room all the poisonous gas gen erated by the combustion of fuel, and are, therefore, very destructive of health. It is a subject of common remark that an open fireplace is more healthy than a stove, and it is largely owing to the bet ter circulation of air through the open upward draught. Now it is true that wood might be saved in a fireplace by covering up the top of the chimney, but we should not wish to live in the house. And that is exactly the principle on .which wood is saved by means of damp ers in stovepipes. Fire may be easily checked by shutting off the supply of air in front, and this is the only safe method of checking it in a stove. 11 all the air could be shut off from the fire in front it would go out as quickly as if it were im mersed in water. Thus it may be seen that fire may be well controlled if the stove is tolerably tight in front when closed up. All who do not wish to com mit suicide nor to undermine the health of the family will do well to discard stovepipe dampers. Laws of Life. rilibnstering, Ancient and Modern. Filibustering, as it is called, and I don't know why that term is applied to the offering and resisting of dilatory motions, is somewhat different now from what it was in 1856, or rather it is conducted undar different circumstances. There is either more good nature or less bad whisky and doctored brandy now than there was, for instance, during the Kansas-Nebraska struggle. Fihbustering then was usually the prelude to a general free fight, and the occasion of half a dozen ' affairs of honor." It was almost impossible for the House to be in session all night without a row of some sort. Spittoons, inkstands, and sometimes knives and pistols, were among the argu ments of those days. The famous drink ing place, known as the' "hole in the wall," contributed fuel to the flames, and members surrendered to the stupor of liquor long before natural sleep asserted its power. If there was a call of the House, the Sergeant-at-Arms generally found enough members to complete a quorum at Mary Hall's, a famous resort of the demi-monde years ago, and at Pen dleton's, an equally notorious gambling house. Public and private morals have improved, at least so far as Congressmen are concerned. During the entire forty six hours in which the House was engaged in filibustering', last week, I did not see a single member under the influence of liquor. The utmost good humor pre vailed, and there was not an angry word on either side. How much of this is due to the efforts of the Congressional Temperance Society, of which, I think, Vice-President Wilson is Chairman, I do not know. It was through Wilson's efforts that the "hole in the wall" was abolished, and spiritnous liquors forbid den by resolution to be used in the Capi tol. H a call of the House occurs now, the Sergeant-at-Arnis gathers a quorum from the lecture-rbom of the Congre gational or the pews of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, or from the elegant saloons and parlors where the numerous receptions are being held. Last Thursday evening, while one of the most brilliant parties of the season, given by the Hon. Jjernando Woods 01 JNew xork, was in full blast, there was a rumor of a call of the House, and the haste with which Democratic and Republican mem bers made for their hats and coats showed that the motto on both sides was " busi ness beiore pleasure. isoston Jiavcr- tiser. Mineral Statistics. The collection of statistics is a slow process, hence it is that the mineral sta tistics 01 Jttngland tor mis were not pub lished till the end of last year. The quantity of coal raised was 127,016,747 tons ; and of iron ore, 15,577,499 tons. More than 35,000; 000 tons of the coal were consumed in making iron, more than 27,00X1,000 in producing steam power for manufactories, and more than' 20,000,000 tons in dwelling-houses that is, in keeping home comfortable. The " balance," as Americans would "say, was burnt in other trade operations, in the production of gas, and nearly 13,000,000 tons were sent away to foreign countries. When looked at in detail, the results under one head alone manufactories are surprising. There are 2,500 cotton factories, with 34,000,000 spindles, and 450, 00O power-looms ; 500 hax factories. with 1,500,000 spindles, and 32,500 power-looms ; 220 hemp, jute and shoddy factories, with 150,000 spindles, and 700 power-looms ; 700 silk factories, with 750,000 spindles, and 10,000 power- looms ; 220 woolen factories, with 2,500,000 spindles ; 750 worsted facto ries, with 1,750,000 spindles, and 56,000 power-looms. More than 40,000,000 spindles, and more than oUU.UUO power- looms ! What a Droditrioua amount of whirling, whizzing, roaring, and dashing xo and iro mese ngures represent I Serious Accidents. What a dreadful place a school-house must be, and what shocking things hap pen there, if the talk . of school-children ib to be relied upon I Yesterday noon I heard a dozen of them speaking about the various incidents of the day. It was impossible to catch all they said, aa three or four talked at once, but I managed to learn these startling facts : Nelly Jones coughed fit to split her saes 1 ... Kitty Carson nearly died of lauahinn. That Iiawrence boy actually boiled over witn rage. The teacher's eye shot fire. NeUy Murray recited loud tak e the roof off the house. enough to ltobb ltz s eyes grew saucers. as big as Tommy Hudson almost ran his feet Susie Jennings thought she'd burst. Ellen Walters broke down completely. And yet it was an ordinary school- aay. oc. xwcnoias. , As twice eleven is twenty-two, can twice ten be twenty, too 1 how A Trying Position. Friday morning was the coldest, stormiest, snowiest of the seasons It was in the dull gray dawn, the snow whistled through the biting air like a volley of bird-shot. Mercury was down, to 30 deg. below zero, and everybody was abed but William Hodgins. There had been an episode in William's residence about midnight. The doctor had gone, and the corps of efficient women neigh bors had departed. The last pale stars had blinked out, and Mr. Hodgins was alone with Mrs. Hodgins and the new baby, a little roly poly thing that needed a warm atmos phere. Mr. Hodgins had arisen from his improvised couch to " stoke " up the family stove. He intended to make short work of it and get back to bed. This was the reason he was incomplete of toilet. Thus he darted one step out of the door to deposit a pan of ashes and cinders, expecting to return within doors on the instant. Mr. Hodgins did not return just then. In pulling the . door to, the handle came out and left him there in the " beautiful snow." He looked up at the cold gray sky, the frost gathered in a white rim about his eye lids; the powdered snow whitened his locks, his unshod peet tingled with cold. "D ," screamed the poor fellow. No need to swear. Nothing can begin to do justice to this solemn situation. Spasmodically he pulled his raiment down, but shrunk by many a washing, it crawled up on the opposite side, and the wind whistled a requiem between his limbs, and the snow sifted in on his quivering abdomen. Hodgins was out in the cold. A few seconds of indecis ion, and then if an early bird had been out it would have seen one poor worm of the dust striking about 300 yards to a neighbor's woodshed. The tracks were wonderfully wide apart. Grasping an ax he returned to his peaceful home. Three well-directed blows on the door and Hodgins, blue with cold, white with snow, and black with rage, bounded into the house. Then for the first time the babe opened wide its eyes in wonder, and for the first time saw its papa. It screamed 1 Hod gins sank down beside the stove and in terrible italics exclaimed, "The d ." And the poor mother thought he meant then: baby. He didn t. It was only the door knob. JSldora Iowa) Ledger. The All-devouring Grasshopper. Hichard Goodman, in the Massachu setts L'loughnuin, relates this heart rending tale : A young man named John Wyker, who returned recently to his former home at Branchville, Sussex county, N, J., traveling with his wife and baby 1,500 miles in his wagon, crossing six States and thirteen rivers, and riding for fifteen miles throueh grasshoppers and over grasshoppers, and for many more miles between fields as bare aa the road, not a green thing to be seen tne grass hoppers had been there trivea us a de plorableview of the case. About the 13th of August last, the " hoppers," as they ,call them there, struck his farm in Kansas, coming as a snowstorm commences, a few at first, then thicker and faster until the whole air was full of them. In six hours they had eaten every green thing the chinch bugs and the drought had lett, devour ing the grass and chewing the tobacco like " any other man,"' eschewing only the tomatoes and their vines. Me counted 240 on a window pane, 8x9 inches. They covered a harrow so that it was simply a cn frantic A of grasshoppers, 'l'he clothes in the house had to be covered up, and the hoppers clung to the side of the house in millions, and ate hole A in the clapboards. They ate each other. for the minute one died a half a dozen went for the body and devoured it in no tune. Mr. Wyker, the young farmer who gives the information, says that there is a large class of farmers thus cleaned out who cannot remove from the State, and unless aid reaches them there will be un told misery throughout the country- " There is now," said he, "an incredi ble amount of suffering ; all that has been written has not and cannot put the condition of things in too strong a light." How Garibaldi Looks. The Gome correspondent of the Lon don JSTews writes : "I had the pleasure of being the first Englishman to shake hands with him on his arrival in Italy. The General was in a plainly, almost meanly, furnished room, supported on two black crutches, having Prince Odes- calchi on one side and on the other Major Pasqualotti, who had formerly served under him. His face is as full of renne ment as ever, and though it bears the stamp of time and suffering, it is singu larly winning, from the beautiful smile on 11. xiis nair is iron gray, out were are several marks of chestnut in his beard. His hands looked terribly thin, and it was evident that he stood anything but firmly, even with the .aid of his crutches. He wore the small cap orna mented with braid, and, underneath a short striped white and black South American cloak without sleeves, his red shirt. Apparently these were part of his old famous uniform. He wore blue mil tary trowsers. His boots were cut in Beveral places, probably on account oi his rheumatism. He inauired of the Syndic as to the bathing season, men tioning that salt water did him no good. Altogether there was a look 01 great feebleness about him bodily, I mean, not mental. This was obvious to any one who heard his manly, yet beautifully soft voice, and saw the calm and benig nant smile that played over his leatures continually." Great on Poker. Ex-Senator Nesmith, of Oregon, now a member of the House, is one of toe most remarkable men in Congress. He went to Oregon in 1843, and for many years scarcely saw a white man. He dressed in furs and tne raw maea 01 am- j mala, and ate whatever he could get. He was a border hunter and trapper, buou u we read of in the Ledger. , He knew nothing of what the world was doing for more than twelve years, and uuui no w elected to the Senate in 1860, and on his way to take his seat, he never saw gas burning, nor knew anything of the tele graph, nor had ridden in He knew little of newspapers or any thing else but Indians, and yet he knew how to play poser, xi hoiuouujw sles me to account for the number of good poker players among the back woodsmen. To make Nesmith happy, you have only to play poker with him, V1H 111.11 ! 1.1 Iti wmsAT w r'. or two of fine cut tobacco, and a big spittoon. He does notplay with the same crowd Fernando wood does, but viln-- invstorntelv. Youmust remem ber that there are strata m j" as well as in politics. Washington Letter. . - Aw fixfihan-e defines a blunderbuss as kissing the wrong girl, just as though it were possible to be wrong in Kissing any girl, a blunder duss is ior meu wj b one another as Frenchmen do, or for girls to kiss one another as they often do for want of a man to kiss them. JACK FJROST. -Bi otont coorm, I leave on the field by sight, The print of my lt, in white ; I scatter the suow,jike chaff; I whistle and tan0 and laugh ; I bang at thssash. The shutts I rattle ; . ; . O'er ehiiun?s I Oaiih, , . . I frighte the cattle ; I breathe, and ths boughs are tossed Why, every one .knows Jack Frost. My arms, thjy are long and stout. And doors nwy not keep me out; . -Far off to the shipa I pass One touch aud their ropes are glass Each poor, lonely tree I prank np la laces ; My handiwork see ad ail Buru oi yuK b , And travelers, nipped and lost, Thy shudder to hear Jack Frost. Though boisterous I may seem, .. Yet often I sweetly dream, And visions of Spring delight . I hide in my heart by night. An icicle then (While everything still is) I use for my pen, . And roses and lilies On window-panes are embossed. To tell vou of SDrina 1 Jack 1'ros Independent. Wit and Humor. a nn.nn' itcainoe. I won a beauteous maid. Or rather thought I had ; But when I asked her dad He got no thundurin mad, I felt afraid And when she bade me "stick," I did ; but with a frown He snatched me by the crown. And yanked me np and down, And then ; I " dusted " quick. Bees are a sting-y set. A papkb of tax The assessment list. He was a Warm Spring Indian the moment he sat down on a hot stove. What is the largest word in the E- glish language I Smiles : because there -is a mile between the first and last let- tors. " No ma'am" said a grocer, to an ap plicant for credit, " I don't trust any body these days. I wouldn't even trust my jcelings. " I see the villain in your face," said lawyer to an unmanageable witness. " That is a ncrsonal reflection! re- torted the witness. When you see a physician sprinkling ashes on the. icy sidewalk in front of his residence, you may know he has retired from the profession. A cokptoent Bridgport man chased a horse-car about a mile, the other day, and when he reached it, discovered that it had passed his destination. The difference between a fool and a looking-glass is said to be that the fool speaks without reflecting, and that the looking-glass reflects without speaking. " Can you run ? " asked a boy of a St. Iiouis officer who had arrested him. lake a cuss," was the reply. " Then chase me," said the boy, and off he went. " Johk, I am afraid you have been for getting me," said a bright-eyed girl to her sweetheart the other day. " Yes. Sue, I have been for getting you these two years." In the Bondout Methodist Church on a recent Sunday morning the usual donning of coats was proceeding amid considerable confusion, but had not been completed when the pastor, the Eev. J. J. Dean, arose to pronounce the bene diction. He paused a moment and said : " Brethren, I guess I will put on -my overcoat hereafter during . the benedic tion, so as not to lose any time." -. Ornament and Use. Ornament and Use Combined. The Country Gentleman says that the way to banish rats is to plant asphodel near the barn or stable where they are, or put some in their holes. Bats have such an aversion for this plant that they will quit the premises where it is. Besides, as a herbaceous perennial plant, with long spikes of stately white and yellow flow-' ers, the asphodel may be regarded -aa highly ornamental. Window Gardening. A very orna mental object is made of a pine cone by laying it on a warm stove until the scales : are fully open, then filling the spaces with equal parts of sand and grass-seed and hanging it in a dark rocfm for a week with the lower half immersed in a vessel of water. On exposure to light, by sub sequently hanging it in a window, the seeds will germinate rapidly and produce a luxuriant growth. It should be watered daily with lukewarm water. A Pretty Conceit. An ingenious method has been invented for ornament ing apples for holiday presents, Christ mas trees, etc., which is so simple as to" be in reach of every one, and may be in valuable to many who cannot afford more costly presents. Here is the se cret : Take a strip .of paper and cut children's names ; then place the papers around apples when they begin to color, and in a week or two Mamie, Jamie, , Johnnie, Susie, or whatever the name ' may be, appears on the apple in large red" letters. These, picked and barreled by themselves, bring fancy prices for the Christmas market. Treatment ow Frozen Hocse Plants. Don't hurry them into a warm room, but let them remain whef they got frost-bitten ; close the shutters or drop the curtains, so as to make the room quite dark; then sprinkle the plants with -cold water direct from the cistern, and wait for the result, not allowing the room to become warmer than forty-seven de grees for twenty-four hours. If a few drops of spirits of camphor be thrown into the water before sprinkling it will be all the better. Plants treated in this way, though frozen so badly that the water will freeze on when sprinkled, will come out unharmed. , Sleeplessness. -To take a hearty meal iust before re tiring is, of course, injurious, because it is very likely to disturb one s rest and produce nightmare. However, a little food at this time, if one is hungry, is de cidedly beneficial; it prevents the gnaw ing of an enntv . stomach, with its at tendant restlessness and unpleasant dreams, to say nothing of probable head ache, or of nervous and other derange ments, the next morning. One should no more lie down at night hungry -than he should lie down after a very full dinner; the consequence of either being , disturbing ' and harmful. A cracker or two, a bit of bread and butter, or cake, a little fruit something to relieve the sense of vacuity, and so restore the tone of the system. is all that is necessary. . We have known persons, habitual suf ferers from restlessness at night, to ex perience material benefit, even though, they were not hungry, by a very light luncheon before bed-time. In place of tossing about for 'two or three hours as formerly, they would soon grow drowsy, fall asleep, and not - waken more than once or twice until sunrise. This mode of treating insomnia has recently been " recommended by several distinguished ' physicians, and the prescription has gen erallv been attended with haonv results. . 1 Scribner for March.