BUSIXKSS C.RDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHIHQ, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOE?, ' THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, VAGCJiS, PLOWS, SEED DR1LIS, BROADCAST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First. , street Albany, . t)rcM. Here's the Place lias received and is ottering for sRle a well selec ted stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Which he is determinedto sell AT THE LOWEST Ml ICES for- C a s & , or McrtataMB Preface ricttic give me a caH. and examine GooiIn ami Prices. II. t LACGHTO. itsvj Lebanon, Or. O. S- s. oo. UOTIOB. 1 ROM AN I AFTER PATE, CXTIL FCKr Ibcr nolice, fitujhl from POUTLAXIl to ALBANY WILL BE OX E DOLLAR PER TOM All down fn-Vrht w 111 be delivered at rORT LAXU or AeiTolUA Vree or Iruj ajie and AVZirfagc, At Reduced Hates. Boats wUl leave ALBAXV for COHVALUS or Pv r lax U Ivery For farther part icu'ars, apply to BA4-1I 4c MOV1FJTW, .Albany, Xov. Si, 1-U Areata ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS Hew Elevator! T !WW KKADY FOK THE JL ol of wheat nnd oats. We call the attention of tamu-ni to the raet that we have creeled the ti licst warehouse in tb S'nte.at a larre e-xpense. 'and arf In post' ion bundle sat tef:wtoruy an imifM-nxe quantity ol grain. Our house has a capacity for 200,000 bushels of Wheat ,f one tlnie.nnd I located on the margin ofthe Willamette River, and provided witha sidetrack Inrni the o. A f. K. K- s ilmt shipments may he made daily bv rlt,and as often iy water as twmt ing facilities offer. We have two large suo Hon fan. In addition to oiher fans, attached to the honwe. run by water power, and are thua prepared to all the wheat received. Can take in and clean 10.000 bushels per day. Cleaned wheat is worth - ranch more In all foreign markets than foul wliea. and none "bonid be whipped witlmnt cleaning.- Oureharges wlWenvecenfeabuhel on wheat, and four cents on oat a. We nave g1T; THOUSAND SACKS to furnish thorn storing wheat with ns, free to thorn wlviw wheat we purchase, and at the lowmt null price to those who sell tlieir wheat from our house to other buyer. Persons stor- - In if with iu MJ-e at liberty oseil to whom they please. Those who reside on the wt wide of tho river will have ferriage free. Will be In the market nt bovcrs.and estpectto lie able to pay the highest possible price. Having pre oared ourselves to do a 2tge business, we hope for oar share of tho public, patronage, V IMKUEK A, MORRIS. nvfjuly 31 .. Albany, Oregon. Bath House & Batbcr Shop rpiIE CNCEKSIGNKIi WOULT BEPPECT X. fuilv thank tbocltteena of Alljany and vi cinity for the liberal iwtronajte bestowed on hint for the rt seven year, a "'J hope for the future a continuation of thoir fcVow. For t ho tuvninutodatkm of tranfrfent customcra, and frienda In rha upper part ftffow". he has own danat UttJe hon next door to Taylor Bros, ftaloon. whereaKood workman will always be in attendance U wait, upon 'fl'Vwnwr ' Xeo. IL lt!J4. JOE WEBBER." Silver-Plated Ware TC8T RECEIVED, K TVVL HS VOICT OF l ilnvm' MTrFId Ware, f liver. Htvl iu7-ry. etc., direct, fmmthe toi-y. WewDi j" 1 able fipoo"" W Pr n1 ESTET ORC.AXS SOLO AT THE M. E.PAR 1iti4''(C, A iliany. on I iieruoot lavorabie tenoa best bv tfra towt comTetent jt;!srM. lH:'t buy i?y SttSi ?Vt you nava WW and r.Tue beautifnl i'rnient!. , vit.sa. A CARD-,9 HEWARD Til?! ABOVE BEWASP ES CtVT-S tannynno proving lht t o Raiea ofthe BlXGt" lo wo exceed I o t era hv ihon eoman. h. in !. derwd, tue f-Gk. A tnm1 woo.rnHv'i i at t.r head. at it atwj' wansie . - AB3n.r,Or-.&Pt-!18'- BUSINESS OAltDS. FOR SALE! JMIE CELKBSATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS & JIOWEUS. , Hainc'N Headers, (Wood's improved-! t'oqailliinh Indiana Farm Watoa The Boasel and V(brntorTarestifai( , - (best machine on the coast. Ktatesmnn Formfeed Drill. Ktar Flown, and other machines Calf, nee, and get price and terms before buying owwntn', ar my nioi-inirmt n .-nop, corner sec ond and Ellsworth sta., Albanv, Oregon. 3v5 , FRANK WOOt). A AUI. AH. TIFXt, A. PARKER, late of Oreuon City. ber Uv; to inform the public t hat the v have piireha-d the entire stock of drum. iue-.(-Icine. Ac,, fonrturlrnwnndbv R. Tlill Snn. and that thcydesian continuing the business i i iiB oiu manci. wnere tnev pnrpoae Keepiutc in the furure a full assortment of Drugs. . "''. Chemical, ""' ; Patent JHedicfnes, Toilet Articles, 'X Perfumery. and everything usually found in a first-class i.v','Jllu arnestly soliciting a continuance of lie tvierai patronage hct'totoro extended to the ulu nonse. we horw At. &m,m i ,., f- and liberal dealing, and careful attention to the rXi..r'0f,'TlnM,Tf"!,'f "' nkw friends who uuiylavoruii with their or- ders. Part lealar attention will h e-5 nounding of physician's pre- ci-itt ions and fam ily recipes, at all hours of the flavor nii?iit . A. 11. Hl.i.l. A. lAHKt:K. . v Stuwwrs to K. C. Uua a Son. Albany, October 9, l-fr-nli f CHA3. It MOSTAOCE. ItCBT. M'CALLEY. SiO-STAGUE & MeCALLEY, A RE NOW OPES IXG A MAGNIFICENT U. X. stock of FALL -AXD WHITER GOODS ! selected with care, and bought for coin at ScanlaloIy I,ow l'lgures i and as we bought low we can and will sell them at prices that will Astonish Everybody. Come and sea wur selections of Ureas Uootls, Japantw Khaala, Piques, Krllllautea, Naraelllea, Popltiiw, Laitrv, t&ibbon!), Collars, Collarettes, IaccK, A: v., A.c., for the ladies, and our complete lines of ; Readymade Clothing. lloalery, otUuadeM, CiKsiiut.r, riotlk, tioes nooia. spa. Km., of all desATptions for men nnl boys. Also, full uoriDienus ot eroGsnes,, .CrcDtery aril Glassware, ' ' ' bvt everybody. ' " The best goods.at the iowes rates every time. UsTConii'ttnilst. Lebanon, Orgon, October 3t, J874. STOVES! STOVES! Frotn this date until farther notice, I will sell a CHOICE SKLi:-nasi OF Stoves & Ranges CASK, -AT E ISI .O? ! -ALSO- PUMPS, HOSE, ETC. W. II. McFARLAND. Albany, Dee. 10, IS74-13 Tbe Thorooirhbred nevonKlclre . all, r Victor Second, TVH-if MAKE THE REASOX, COMMEXO tl ing March 1st, 17S, and ending June 1st, 1873, at the la nil of the. undersigned, lwo miles north of Shedd Safion,on the ti J lead ing from Albany to Harrisburg, Linn county, Oregon. Those desiring can obtain good pastueon rea sonable feints. , -. VICTOR is the- finest bull in the State, having taken the first, premium over all competitors when exhibited at the Oregon State Fair-- ' 1'ERXs n. B. & T. 1. SPREXUER. 24m3 IJIFOitTAST. Endorsed by the Medical profession. Pit. Wx. HALL'S BALSAM for the lungs cures Coughs, Colds and Consumption and all diseases' of the Throat, and Chest- Db TO WXSLEYf? TOOTHACHE AXOUYXE cures in, one MINUTE 7n43 , . . v.. FOK NALEI ... A SMALL FARM OFOXE HUXPREDACRES two Hiiles from Albany, with house, eom- moflions barn, ana small orchard of cbnicetreea. Also, tunning implements, and liny suftlvtent for Sftrtng use. PRICEIW ANI TERMS Ea&Y. Great indnoeineni to emigrants seek ing a home near this thil-lng ci; v. Possession given immediately. For rarticulnrs enquire of . K.H. MbKnlLL, 15v7 - Cor. Washington A Sd sts., Albany Or. FOR CLAKK. DEEDS. Neatly executed, Call at the . Register OSee- FOR Clank Mortgages, 1 . XAtest and improved styles, r-. CzU at the tcglster OSes, Oar SHnniKHtppI letter. -f i RAltma, Mlswlippi. March 27, lB7r. If it rains a often and as hard In Ore" on as It doc here, I pity yon. Sometimes one would be ' fully Juatidahle in believing that the flood gates'! of the ripper world had been attain thrown-open, or, that the bottom of the great reservoir liad tumbled out, the whole contents were stream ing down upon us in one grand destructive deluge. It has rained, rained, and rained, still rains. Tains and rains, ' hardly stops long enough for the mud to harden just a little. before it begins attain, and keeps on raining till one grows weary of the monotonont lettering of the drops--or buckets full on the bouse- tops, or the gloomy, dismal" outlook from the windows. We have had bat one snow that was anything like a snow, and tliat fell Just three weeka ago to-night. Jn Memphis, fifty miles north of us, it is said to have fallen to tho depth of lifteen inchex. Here it was not mere than three or four, and all except in shady spots- melted off in tweuty-four hours. There ha been no sleighing, and very little skating in this section dining tho past winter. The far mers have been able to make -very little prepa ration for crops so far, for the land hercnnlike yours in Oregon, wont hear plowing when t he rainsare in blast' Nor, indeed, conld the plow men stand the work, even If the lands "would admit of it, for. I verily believe, as a general thing, it rains' harder here than it. dot-.s any where else in the world. We have thunder storms, too, even In winter, that would almost frighten a native young Orejioniun (who had rtAnd then, too, thtse little visitations are octa- PO"Uy interspersed with windstorms and L . , r life as well ns property. A week ago. for la atance, we had a heavy wind here which, coui iag in the dead hotirs of the night, ns it dil, dWve sleep from eyes tha. had closed heavily and In weariness several hours lwfore, aad Kwd many lair ones to leave their ilowtiy Iwds in the tasteful ai.-d interesi inghablhmerts of the bewitching hours of slnmler and A,t dreams. So material damage was done hen; nr in this linrae liu;e vicinity, but by the t:mMte storm had swept soiw eighty or ninety milts eastward H culminated in a tornado which struck the little towii of Pietizl, on the Mobib A Ohio Railroad, in one of the nort hratera counties, and in that p!ace alone (not hajf s large as Albany), kilted sis or eight per"" wounded many more, and destroyed nearly two hundred thousand dollars worth of propert j. including several churches and academies, be side stores, private residences, etc One of , these fellows would be a regular " wake np " in Oregon, and they are not so uncommoi here but that one f looked for in some locality or other every year, and they even come oftener. A faliforaian says he had rasher take all the earthquakes of the Pacific coast aggregated. than one of our (Aunder ttorms. I reckon he would ba willing to throw in ' boot " if a torna do were substituted for the thunder and light ning. True to speak, none of u are fond of them, and many would iee to the moun tains," and beyond, even rO the shoivsr.f the Placid Pacific only wo can't get away. Verily, the spirit is willing, but 'he flesh Is weak.'' i Know or one tarty or some eighteen or twetity persons (hich will prolably be in creased to forty or more) who are making tlteirai-cangeim'nts to start in May or early in June for the Willamette valley. They are go ing froBi Montgomery and CUrroil .ouutlns. tmstly. Mr. J. Y. Oliver, of f!ie ar;y, was up to see lac a fo-.v Uus a;o, since then he has writen me that the entire nnr'y expixt to start tetween the 1th and lo'.h of May. Mr. Uoid srone'oneof tlieti:!, has a bint her nowlnCor- vallis; or rather, I saw and left him there last summer, and his reports to bis friends, like those of Mr. Crump, from Albany, are all favor able, and encouraging to i migrants or to those who contemplate emigration,, 1 repeat what said In Oregon and have said hundreds of times since my return Oregon needs a rail road connection with the rest of the world. All the energies of the State and the people should bo directed and held to this one great deslderatnm. As for myself, I never en loved a trip more in my life than I did the one on the noble steamer JtJtn i. Su-jjirns, from Portland to San Francisco, and have no hesitancy what ever in recommending It to all emigrants, bufi I have met with many, and particularly among the ladies, who declare they cannot and dare not and utTJ not venture on it, and you know that "When a woman will she will, and yon may demtid on t ; And when she wout she wou't, and there's an enu ona ; . and as long as women rule (which will be as long as there are any men to be ruledi the.'r tastes and wishes and prejudices are bound to be respected. Let Oregon buil J a Bailroad con nection with the rest of the world then, the sooner the better- and my word for It given upon close observation and actual experience the women will go there, and wherever Uwy go. the men, like Mary's little lamb," will be sure to ffo.n j Taxes are evils to he dreaded, bnt they are necessary evils, and we are bearing them here to an extent that fairly makes ones eyelids quiver, but, if I were a comfortably domiciled in the" Webfoot 8tate " as I am here, I think I could very readily consent to be taxed to help build such a railroad as it seems to me to be the one thing needed to inflate the Oregonian Bal loon, and send it sailing to the very summit of prosperity, greatness and grandeur. Before this reaches you, you will have learned that Arkansas matters have become settled, the State reconstructed and the present State gov ernment and officers recognised by the powers at Washington. " Since all this lias transpired, Gov. Gariand has Issued his proclamation of amnesty." and especially countermanding the one offering a reward for the apprehension of Volney Smith; so Volney is safe! and also Joe Brooks is appointed Post master at Little Rock, which I have no doubt Is a better paying office than that of Governor. It is thought that Gar land (who was a confederate senator in war times) will succeed Clayton in the United States Senate, but some believe Uiat Judge Caldwell, of tbe V. S. District Court, and Gov, Baxter, are hot b aspirants for the much coveted cushion -and tliey are no mean competitors. The Pen oeraia'wlll hav it their own way, having a large majority In each branch of tho Legisla ture, and having been excluded from, tlte hon or and spoils of office a long time, are naturally quite hungry for the " flesh pots." Who blames them? KotL - 1 1 The "labor question n is being seriously con sidered here by the people generally, and par ticularly by the farmers and. tbe Grangers. It has become Indeed (Reabsorbing problem of the day. When cotton is down and tbe crops are short, it 1 clearly demonstrated that farming don't pay. It is equally plain, too, that .tha colored people are not " overly n fond of work under such e'renmstances. They flock Intoand around the towns and villages and seem to pre fer depending, upon transient Jobs that fall ia their way or that they can pick up, rather than regular farm work. This you: will imagine to be a rather precarious way of getting a llveli hood, but they manage somehow to live, though I doubt if their tables ever "groan with lux uries." I know they are not st rict followers of fashlao In dress and their linen (w'hich ia urn u erally eoarte cotton) is rarely like the fleece, of teas snow." As a general rule, however, the j acka arecontiuciius wv- 1" and with a fc .exception. woU Udtavdi, at i.,.ive to their duties, go to church, anj send ..iniKnit themseivea weu. Arc on theircbildren tdscliool. and If let alone .y sel fis.h and evil dispose P"on. I hav Httle doubt they would get along very well. They need education, however, and before tl ycan ever liecome useful citfKena they must 1 ive it, for the great Ir. Thomas Pick and all fritera on moral philosophy have declared thafignor ance and crime are boon companions, aid thai intelligence promotes me growin ana srreaa.of virtt. But I tlmll am verging on the trltory ofthe Essayist or Lecturer, and thimiiy seem ti, rmt nf nlace In a " newsletter w-therb- fore. having given all tlte news thai wOlbeuf any interest to yonf teaaei-s in iregon, an having notliing more to say, tbe most sensible thing I can do la to bid you adieu. .-ft - -SOUTHWEST, PAR AG E AHIjETS. Farm hands in demand. The Alden Fruiters mean biz. Terpentine clogs don't like it. Our market well supplied with flb. Money in demand come and see ns. For aneat thing In parasols go to Baums. Imlie Baldwin has entirely recovered, and looks as serene and happy as of yore. -The street-sprinkler made it's first ap pearance on Wednesday. Overcoats and stovepipe hats laid away, and dusters, light hatsand slippers donned. P. C. Harper returned from San Fran- cisco on last ocean steamer. i uose new nats ai tiarper 63 Uo.'s are the style. Snlkys and fast trotters are now the thing. Kev. Dr. Geary and family left ns for tlwir new home in Eugene yesterday. Mr. Clark, of Coi-vallls, threw bis smil ing face in sight on Tuesday.'. When the hoys get too tired to do any thing else, they fish. Mrs. Name Gaylord lectured at the Opera House Tuesday night. ' - Jas. Elkins is on duty at the depot, full of snariter pi wiorio if not so fortiter in re. The peneil and chromo vender has gone trom our gaze. We had tlie pleasure of meeting Mr. Dorris. of Eugene City, on Saturday last Sim. Beed, of Portland, was in the citv last Saturday. - Job work looking np. - Fetch on the work, we're on It. M. C. George, Esq., of Portland, has been among us for several days. Abe Hackleiunn and family started for the Ochoco country early Inr the week. Circuit Court at CorvallU during the week. :' v-i FresU goods at Dr.. Plummer's--eitg arivfliing you want. too. awful low;-- f At evening services in the M. E. Church on Sunday, five persons presented them selves and were baptized. Rev. Mr. Conner has been secured as pastor of the Calvary Society for tbe co ra ng year an excellent choice. f Capt. J. V. Mathews started for Hang man Creek. W. .Tv, last week, taking his fine horse with Mm. H. C. Clement came In from Grass Ridge the first of tbe week. He will have his sawmill going shortly. The next meeting of the Linn Cpnnty Teachers Association will be held in this city. December 2i5tb, 1875. , ; j Female prsjyermeeting at Mrs. CUne's, next Wednesday at 2Jl o'clock P. M. All are invited. Our old friends Clangbton and Kicker- son, of Lebanon, came into this city on Wednesday and remained over eight. ; Spelling schools are now the rage in the East. Wlien will our folks est ready for a "spell?"' The Methodist , church is being thor oughly cleaned and repainted, inside and OUt. . . j Battling tubs for babies are in order, and John Briggs has got them of all sizes and colors, specially green. - X Roads are rapidlly drying, and will soon require a heavy rainfall to lay tbe dust. . , Phimmer keeps adding to his attractions He keeps everything looking as neat as a pin. . Ted. Whitflela Is out again, and is pleased by the fact that he will not be Ii figured by the shot-gun accident., The resignation Of Johnny Petty, as boss ot Jas. Harris' butcher shop, 'places O. W, Warren in place and power, j 3 Jno. Foshay has the best and most tempting stock of books, stationery, musi cal instruments, eta, at bis establishment ever brought to the city. II. Weed don't take a back seat when it come to groceries and provisions, by no niarnero' means. lie's got' em and au excellent stock, too. lion. Geo. R. Helm, we are pleased to remark. Is Improving, ami from present indications will soon be able to entertain clients at his office. Geo. V. Young cnt his thumb pretty severe) v with his little hatchet, while at work on Thompson's, building, on Thurs day. - J' j . Tlie M. E. Church being in tbe palnter'i hands, undergoing renovation, repainting, graining, etc. there will be no services there oti Sunday. Sunday week services as usual. - " : .The temperance lecture at ' Knox Bntte, by ReV. J. Wilson, will occur to-morrow evening at T o'clock.' A Good Templar lodge 'will be organized after the lecture, Turn out, ' ' " " ' Our old' friend, Mr. Wm. P.1 Anderson, having received a patent for his'! harrow and clod masher, is now ready to sell rights ivt little lamb bcfoi-e referred to, for their uianuitur. ' ! , ln Simpson in tlie city Tuesday. The M. E. Sunday School will be held Hf itie Opera Um " l axt Sunday after-1 noon, at 3. o'clock. In a Httte drive of five miles into the country Wednesday, W. H. Dodd counted ntty-three teams plowing. " Mrs. Allison lias moved her millinery establishment over Scott &Tileston'a gun smith shop. ; r' The District school opened on Monday. with Mr. T. J. Stites as Principal, and Mr. G. M. Nichols and Mrs. Ada Mans field as assistant teachers. ' - , Read the interesting letter of " South west,", in this issue. Quite an emigration from the South may be expected during tbe f otiiiiiiier. Alex. Fnrdom Is one ot the fortunate wys. He held a winning-ticket in the Kentucky lottery affair, getting away with nearly two dollars worth. Messrs. J. D. Hurd & Co. have ordered a fine large Fay's Inproved Planer, through W. n. Dodd & Co., who will import It at I once Irom the manufactory direct On Monday H. d Clement shipped two loads of inichinery, etc., to Grass Ridge, for his mill. ' Amongst the lot, we noticed a 53-iuch circular saw. .'.There has been great demand for bran and shorts, everybody seem.lngly being out. As both mills are running again, the de mand will soon be supplied There is a terrible amount of grumbling because of the scarcity of lumber. When Hurd & Co. get down to business they'll throw lumber In sight mighty lively Dick Fox was one of the lucky ones in the great Kentucky lottery scheme. Dick held a winning ticket, and got away with one hundred and ninety cents! I'ts much better to be born lucky than rich ! Mr. John Burkhart, . Deputy County Clerk, intends building a neat dwelling house in eastern portion ot the city as soon as lumber can be obtained. Of course it will be for rent ! Messrs. Beach & Monteith, ofthe City Mills, and J. H. Foster & Co., of tbe Magnolia Mills, loaded a vessel at Port land, during tbe week, with one thousand tons of flour, for Liverpool Sunday ushered in the old-time Oregon Spring balmy, glorious, riotous, galttudi- nariousness. pnng I xne days are per fectly lovely and then such moonlight nights! Oh, my. Donations oi soda water, Ice-cold lem onade, and reviving ice cream, are now in order. , Our boys require no Introduction to make presents of the above description lgo down." . :.-B-,W. Cnndifr Intends building; a neat reFdence on Second and Jefferson streets. Messrs. Hochstedler A Rankin, carpenters. have tbe contract, which insures that the work will be well done. 3iessr3 Hochstedler & Rankin are putt ing up a dwelling for Lew. Royal, on cor ner of Third and Railroad streets. It will be a good substantial frame dwelling, one and a half stories in hight. X. Baum has purchased the neat double frame, on the corner ot Third and Wash ington streets, of Ike Conn. We believe tbe price paid was $2,000. Mr. B. moved into his new purchase yesterday. Mart. Brown, Geo. Humphrey, and others from this city, on Monday night last. assisted in instituting a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, nnder dispensation, at Scio, with D. P. Mason as High Priest. i Messrs. Harper & Co. are receiving new goods trunks and boxes and bales come pouring in, packed full of the latest In la dies dress goods, clothing; and general merchandise. Go and see 'era On the 20th tbe Odd Fellows of Oils city will celebrate with picnic at Hackleman's grove, winding up tbe evening at tbe skat- ing rink, which will be chartered for the occasion. " Oh, we'll have lots o' fun, boys." It will bestrictly for three-linkers. Twenty-seven persons were received Into tbe Calvary Church (Congregational and Presbyterian Churches unltedl, on Sunday last, four by letter and twenty-three by faith. The ordinance of baptism was also conferred on thirteen, one Infant and twelve adults. The rumor on tlie street that the post- office was or Is to be removed, from its present location to the Democrat building, or any other building, is entirely; without foundation. To remove tbe office Irom a fire-proof brick to a frame would not be a wise or prudent one, and the Postmaster has never for a moment thought of such a thing. " , - , Joe Purdom started for Kalama, W. TM yesterday, to take charge ofthe telegraph office there. Win. Duruars, nephew of Dr. Plummer, takes the position of ope rator In this city left vacant by Joe. We are sorry to lose Joe, for they don't get up much better boys. We wish him the fullest prosperity and happiness lu his new borne. . ,. '. ...... ,.'ft.,..V.vY:"-.;r 6Vf:')A f -.-. The dry weather is productive of fires, and accounts of terrible conflagrations are already reaching us. Every care should be taken by our citizens to secure themselves against these terrible visitations. .. Most of our habitations are wooden, and will Ignite with a spark. .Don't put hot ; ashes into wooden boxes and leave them sitting hi the house or; woodshed, It you are - net anxions to be burned out. Total number uniting with the different ehnrches of this city u to last Sunday, one hundred and twenty, divided as follows r Baptist, ! ; Evangelical, 4 ; United Pres byterian,, 8; Calvary, Society, s 21 ; Meth odist Church, Mouth, .24 r M.. E.. Church, 04 aU new rart- - .-. i Geo. W. Young and E. Sloan haver gone to work on Dave Thompson's new liouse. on First street, next to the express office Jolin Briggs will soon commence tbe erection of a two-story business boose on the ground now occupied by bis tin store. He will occupy the Ipwer story with his tin and stove store, dividing the upper story into neat offices which will be for rent. ' . -. Mr. Melan, the eminent merchant tailor of First street, lias lately received a fine stock ot French, English and 'American cloths, of the finest quality, which he will make up into suits to order, guaranteeing fits and good work, at lowest rates. lie is one of the best tailors we have ever bad. and deserves patronage. He 'has. -some elegant and tasty vest patterns, which must be seen to be appreciated. ' Since tbe nice weather set in. everv able- bodied man and boy that conld be Indnced to follow a plow, in this bailiwick at least. lias been seized upon, and for the time be ing converted Into Grangers. Parties are stlll inquiring for more help, we believe, with none to be obtained. Farmers are now paying $1 per day' and board for plowmen.; ; There is an immense amount of land to be plowed during the next few days in Linn county, and a large number of extra hands will be needed. Messrs. Bell & Parker keep one of tlie neatest drag establishments to 'tbe State ; everything looks as neat as a pin, and the drugs and medicines are the purest and best to "be obtained, great care being used in tlieir selection. ' There are no cleverer or more obliging gentlemen in the trade, and all who do business with them are assured that they will get the best of goods at the fairest rates. Call at the old stand of R. C. Hill & Son when you wish drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, eta. j The four-horse mall stage, carrying the mail between this city and Lebanon, ran away on Friday last. The team had been left standing a moment while Mr. Donica, the driver, was waiting on a passenger, when they got np and dusted. Arriving m front oi Marshall & Schlosser's stable, one ofthe wheelers tell, and the balance of tlie team became detached trom the back, and ran on to the Magnolia mills, where they were caught. The horse, tliat fell ; was dragged some distance, and was pretty severely hurt. , Besides : breaking tbe double-trees and harness no other serious damage was done, ! On Wednesday evening as Cal. Burk hart was exercising John Irvin'rf sorrel trotter, driving him to a sulky, and while passing the residence of H. Weed, corner Montgomery and Third streets, a couple of dogs came charging out," barking vocifer ously, which startled the horse, causing him to jump to one side,- throwing ttie sulky into the ditch where it opset. Cal lit out gracefully on his head, but held on to the ribbons. The upsetting of tlie sulky drew one ofthe thills ou to the sorrel's back, which caused biro to go to work with his heels, and with a few vigorous kicks he broke the thills off close up to tbe axle. and freed himself from tlie vehicle." No further damage was done, however, as Cal. held on to the ribbons. A. Carotbers & Co. have been mak ing changes in their drug establishment. preparatory to the Spring business. Tbe office " is now In, front instead of the rear of the building ; a braiulvsplinter new desk and new safe sets off that part of tbe build ing, and they are In better shape to enter tain friends and customers than ever, Tbey have been filling up their counters and shelves with fresh drugs, medicines, paints, oils, etc., while their brauda ot cigars and tobacco are as good as the goodest.M They will open on tbe soda business immediately, and as they suc ceeded in putting up a nice lot of Ice dur I ing the winter, they can furnish yon a cool drink during the heated term tliat is cer- I talnly approaching. When it comes down to ' get up and get," real biz.f you know. they're upon it. ( A team belonging to Mr. J. E. Bentley, of Watterloo, "got away" from the City Mills, on Wednesday, scooted np Ferry to First street, taking an awning post on tlie corner opposite the Parrish brick from thence veering to the larboard slightly Uiey carried Gird's saloon by storm, tbe shock breaking the tongue out of the wagon ; thence back to the center ot the street n front ot Harper's, wliere they" ran fonlf John Bcmoeer'S owggy, in woicn were seated two small children, where they left the wagon, and following in the wake of the buggy, they procecaea aown r irst to the lower eiid of town where ttiey. were caught. The horse attached to Schraeer's buirsiv didn't seem to get nnder the 'in fluence," and tlie brave little tellow who beld thct ribbons" proved himself equal to the occasion by stopping his. team in the next blocks Damage slight- X ,X lTe Canal meeting at Harrisburg . last Saturday was fairly attended. The attend ance from the . country was not as large a it would have been had the weather proved unfit for plowing ; as it waa they were all too busy to attend the meeting. Speeches were made by Dr. Heudrix( ,and Jy If Smith, whch were well reeeived. ;. About 7.000 of the tock has been taken, id he general impression is that tie whole amount of stock offered: will be sobseribed Good. We are certain tae Harrishnrgbtna: are a wideawake people an that they will not let slip- a opportanity, snch as this great enterprise offers, of building np and adding to the attractions of their town. They i cannot . invest tho - nuu amount of inoney lu any other enterprise mid produce such grand results, to the In- ! dividual interest of the citizen aa , well as the general good. It ail ta&e hold1 hniifa'.Ty and with a will, Cne canal e be put through m good shape rm! fa good seaxon. It cannot be commenced too aeon or com pleted too-early. If every eMzert will sub scribe to tbe extent of fefe means, tbe 31c- Kenzte A Harrisbnrg Canal will aeon be recogutzed fact - XJBT OF l-ETTXSES Remafnfng hi t&e Albany PostotTfoe; April 15th, 1876. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised f Armstrong, William McClane, J. 8". Aklev. William v niker. 'l'. n. Ttowman Joel If. Barnett. J. E. ... Kunrford, Jtiun Berk ley ,Rey. J. 8. Ensleya Maivhal) Walton, Bfrs. EHanbetw Walton. Mrs. Pheaby Wagoner, or William- Elizabeth ' Woolly, IT. E. P. B. JLnou, F. M. FotTXTJ. A Mack ease, contafnlnjjf a gokf - pea-holder. Toe owner can obtain it calling at this office. ' Removal. Hv Weed run remowa tht .. " Bee-Uive Store " to Freeland'a bofldhigr two doors west of the old etand, on First street, where lie will be happy to meet his old patrons and friends. Ho offers the public Groceries, ' Provfekms, Ac, at re duced prices for cash or Froduea. Call and? i seehirn.;Xv ;W X- ;'. - tf. - Slathers br New Goods ! Onr enter prising merchant N. Baum, arrived last Saturday from San Francisco, ; with the largest stock of general merchandise ever brought to this city, comprising tbe latest styles of ladies' fancy dress and dry goodi. and the neatest and best cuts and styles of men's and boy's clothing in fact a full assortment of every line, which he Intends to sell according to the times lower than any house In the city. - Give him s call be- tote purchasing elsewhere. tf. Builpixg Located. The Albany Frnit Drying Company have secured ground ad-- joining the Flax Factory, in Ilackleman'a addition, on the bank of tbe Willamette, where a large boildfng will at once be amuImI tn ro i 1 fr mi ttidh hmttiMt oT tliir Company. The building will he 32x46- feet, three stories and basement iu fiighth Success to the enterprise, , , ,1 Plnmmerti Emporium is the place ' Toboy your ffnerfgars to taste:' ' '. Hia pure Havana as are the rage, .: And Plnnrmer Is always at the cage. Aoseuanneieneentcigar , Or an imported two-hit cigar. a .mishap. -iiura dE tjo. s eaw-mui wa suddenly atopperX, on Monday, by the breaking of one of tbe large - Iron cog-' wheels attached to the for bay. A defect in tbe casting la supposed to have been titer . caiwe. ' Mrs Hard Immediately started to-' Portland for another of the same pattern. ' and we anticipate that by ttita time tb mill is grinding out lamber lu quantities equal to the demand. ,w : . Stocktioldees Meeting. Stockholders in the Union Grange, Albany, will have a meeting in Granger's Kal in this city, at o'clock P. M. of Saturday. May 29th, 1875, for the purpose of electing Directors, and lor transacting any other b islness that may be deemed necessary. , A full attend' ance is requested, . . Lost Ring. An enameled gold finger- ring, with a pearl set. Lost on Sunday last, somewhere between the residence of Dr. Griffin and the M. E. Cfiurcb. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing the ring at tbe residence of Dr. E. U Griffin. " Jewtxbt Stolen. One evening during tlie recent revival meetings, whilst Mrs, Wm. Gird was attending the services, some miscreant entered the family resi dence on corner ot Second and Broadalhia . streets, and took the re trom a small cabi net, of Chinese workmanship, which con tained nearly all " the family jewelry,, amounting In value to about fl,000. Tlie jewelry consisted,' In ' part,' of an elegantr watch and chain, Usually worn by Mr, Gird; 'a watch belonging to his son Ned ; the elegant chain, earrings and breast-plu belonging to Mrs. Gird, and sundry other, small articles of Jewelry. Mr. Gird wouldf gladly pay the intrinsic value of the articles enumerated,' upon their return to Mm, a they were presents and heirlooms, making" them more ' valuable than tbey would otherwfee be. If tbe party navihg them In- possession will return theta to him be will pay tliem liberally tbere&r. ' Tekhiblk. A few mornings since Mr, N. B, Neal, who lives , within four or five miles of Scio, met wkh terrible alfiiction whlch may cost film Ida life. The story was related to us about as follows : Mr. Neal had arisen early, and after starting a fire in tbe fire-place, not feeling very well, he sat down In a chair bamedlately In front of the flrsvVThe- fire had hardly oc to- bnrning welt, when Mr. Neal was selaod With Crlnttng C losing air eonclousnesa and-control of blmaelt. .Mrs. Neal, who had not yet arisen, and who was sleeping probably ra t& same room, TulranoLae like if? groan'o? person in j,itsat agony, raisetl np In bed and casting a quick glance toward the 'firs-place discovered her hus band' lying In leap wMh 10a head and part of his eody in the fire, tlie sprang: from the bed and rescued her LuiLand from the ftames,' but ra before hU f a, necW antl one ana were burned fcluiost to aT crip-obsd, ifeideed, ''were U.e Lurna, tliat our tnfbrmant, Gen. Brown, V.J tltat fears were entrMaed tSs he ecu: 5 not survive fcls Irarkjs, - " ' f , A WIXKMXZ1K i' " ':'f April 14th, at t' eft. c -r' -i in t.is city, by i. v. lUh , , i. F. M. Dlce, pc-:x cotu yr j m , '