FVItMSirED EVKRY FRIDAV, BY COLU VAJiCLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corner Ferry anil First Streets. TERMS-IN Alrt'ANCE. : On eopv,orte vear ............ ....2 30 One copy, fix months 1 SO To clubs of t went V, eaeh cop v 2 00 Single copies... ......... .....Ton cents. Suhserl'iers onifMi' of Ltmi eonnty will be charirc-d 1 een's cxtm.-i 70 for tbe yeur as tuar is iu auionnr ni ihwihip per annum which wenre required to pay on each jmper mailed ly . FRIDAY. MAH'CII 12, 1875. AkpuIh ior tJ: Register. The following named srentlemen nre au thorized to receive and receipt for sub scriptions to the HkiiisTEU iu tbe localities mentionn: , r . Messrs. Kirk & Humo........Hrownvllle. JSolwrt Glass. ....... ... .Cvnwfhrdsville. YY. i. Smttn. i.... . ..Hnlsey, O. l Tompkins.. ............IInrrishur!r. K II. t'lnnsrhton Lclmnnn, A. WIhi-Iit A Co Shortd Mossr. Smith St l,nvftld...JniictiouCltv. I. B. Irvine..... Scio. Thiw. II. Kevnolds fvilem W. Waterliou.je... Monmouth. Appropriation for Oreiron Blvcrs. Congressman Xesmith Informs the Oregnnian that the River and Harbor Appropriation Bill, as passed by the House on the 22d of February, con tained the following items for Oregon: For the improvement of the J,ower Willamette and Cohimhin rivers?, from "Portland, Oregon, to the sea, $ 20.000. For the improvement ot tlie Upper "Willamette, $-25,000. For the im provement of the Upper Columbia river, $33,000. This is a total aggre gate of $ S0.000, a sum which, it judi ciously and intelligently expended, will do a vast amount of good. The appropriation of ? 25. 000 for the im provement of the Upper Willamette ought, if properly expended, to clear it of al! obstructions and make it navigable for light draught steamers the year round. This, at least, is the opinion of experienced and competent nver men, as stated to us more than once. AVe are not informed whether the bill passed the Senate as it came from the House, bnt we hope that it 3id, without any change whatever, and that the appropriation may be sed intelligently and honestly. Robert J. Sharp writes quite a lengthy eouimmiieatiou to the Salem Jiecord under the heading "What is ' the matter with Kansas. " The writer claims to have been a resideut of . Kansas over eight years, and should know whereof he asserts. lie says, in substance, that Kansas Is a failure A3 an agricultural State; that crops have been a failure five years out of eight; tint 1 he State lias been kept alive tlie iast five years through emeigration. ITe further says: Thcre are natural causes for these drouths in Kansas that are beyond human power to control. Tliat State has a sand desert bordering it on the soutb-west, extending oIT in a south west direction for over 500 miles down to the Kio Grande river iu Texas, and I don't know how much farther, and 400 m;!es in its greatest width. This accounts for those hot winds they have in that country. For proof of this assertion I refer you to Gen. George A. Custer and all the officers of the 7th U. S- cavalry." More Railroad Talk. We are informed that quite a discus sion has arisen in tlie Granges in this county, on the question as to the depth of water on the bar at tlie month of Yaqnina Bay at Jpw tide i and upon wic proper iiiKierstauuiugui uhj matter hangs to some extent the amount of aid that will be given by our people to the Yanuina Railroad. We nre assured by Judge Chenoweth that there is ten feet of water on tlie bar at low tide, and fifteen feet, ami some times more, at high tide, in the old channel. The. rock obstruction at the crossing of the bar, he says, is not more than ten feet across, and on either side Is deep water.. The Shu- brick has had no difficulty in going in and out. But there is another channel in which there is never less than fif teen feet of water at low tide, but in or near the center of this channel there Is a single rock, covered by probably eight or ten feet of water at low tide, which parties have offered to remove for tin- sum ot $1,000. Tills rock re moved, and we have a wi.e and safe cliiitinel, with fifteen feet of water at low tide. Vessels in coining in or go ing out of Yaquin Bay. will not have to nin the gauntlet of a long line of breakers, sunken rocks, always more or less dangerous. We have not the Government survey at liand to verify these statements made by Judge Chen owetli, but are inclined to give them full credence. There seems to be one thing certain, and tliat is, that no busiuess man or set of men, would bind tliemselves to furnish the Iron and rolling stock, fully equipping and placing a railroad of fifty miles in length in running order, without first being fully informed as to all tlie ad vantages to accrue to him or them through such expenditure, as well as the obstacles to be overcome. The road after being built would be a very unprofitable piece of property, ; if vessels ot sufficient capacity to carry away the produce of the country cou.d not enter the Bay. We have been promised further facts in relation to this matter, and we propose to lay them before our readers from time to time, so that they may judge for them selves a to the importance or benefit to be derived by Linn county through the building of the Y. B. Railroad. The V. S. Senate la Extra Session. The following matters of interest are from Washington, under date of March 6th : I. The crowd in. the Senate galleries to-day. was larger than any time since the in auguration, and the floor is also j tilled. Great anxiety was manifested 1o ascertain the location of the Beats of Andrew) John son and prominent new senators. I John son was assigned a sent on the outer row on the Democrat iu side, that formerly occupied by Iioy. who now has tile seat, formerly occupied by Alcorn. Dawes has the sent which Chandler occupied.! Cnon the desks of Johnson and pawes were larjje bouquets. Iturnside was welcomed bv the clapping of hands in the galleries. Vice President Wilson called the rSenate to order at 12 o'clock, and after reading the proclamation o! the President the oath was administered to the new senators. As. Johnson advanced to-the clerk's desk to take the oath, there was great applause in the galleries, which was soon checked by the Vice President- After lie was sworn in a laree botiqnet was handed him by a page, and he was escorted to his seat by Boiv. All the new senators -bavins? been sworn, Morton offered a resolution acknowledging the Kellostar government in Louisiana, which was laid ovet at his request. He then offered a resolution to admit Pinchback as senator from !l,otiisi ana and gave not ice that he wouldj ask its consideration perhaps on MondayJ At 12:20. on motion of Frelinsjhuysen, the Senate took a recess till 1 o'clock. Immediately, Senator Johnson was sur rounded by visitors, and was kept busy shaking hands till the close of the recess. Vice President Wilson, lea vinij t he chair, ave Johnson a cordial areetma. i Caperton. Cokerill, Jones of Florida. Maxy and Withers took the modified oath, bavinir been pnmred on the Confederate side In the reU'llion. Booth andj Sharon have not yet arrived. . I Upon tlie resumption of business Edmonds and Stevenson, th committee appointed to wait upon the President, reported that he would communicate with the enate on Monday next, till which time rhe Senate then adlonrned. For an hour after the adjournment. Senator Johnson received the congratula tions of the crowd of people who were unable to call upon him before the recess. Wa.shln;to, March 5.--The sussion to day was attended by all the memliers. The principal snbiect under considera tionwasthe nominations, which will be sent to the senate early next wees. 7IEWS PARAGRAPHS. r. D. S. L. Railroad. Wed nesday's OregoHiaH lias this para graph, under the above heading, which will be read with interest : "On this subject. Col. Chapman writes to John Brattain, under date of Washington. Feb. ISth, as follows: Of course you have lieard of the defeat ot our bill. The big railroads were willing to see its test tlie Sen ate, not believing that our defeat would seal their fate. Bnt it flattened thera out with tlieir heavy debts on their shoulders, while t had just been notified tliat tlie representative ot English capitalists would sail on the 17th ,'yestenlay) to meet me here, and reqtiestittg me to retnaia and com plete negotiations. Tlier preferred to invest without our bill, unless raate rialiv amended. At their request, I remain ti!l the lt of March, when they will be here. The people of Southern Oregon still profess the utmost confidence io the richness of the new discoveries of gold, silver and cinnabar in that re . glon. It is asserted, . however, that every loot of the ledges so far dis covered have been cramped on; that the accommodations for, man and beast are inferior, and cost money : that tlie re are now in the mines more people than y accommodations, and parties who cannot afford to pay; for the luxury of sight seeing and hard Jiving, are advised to stay at home 1 until further developments advice, by the way,' which Is certainly good. , Wednesday's Oregantan says that a dispatch was received fa Portland . the eveiiing before, from Concord, 2?e Hampshire, asserting that the , Republicans had carried tliat State, electing their candidate for Governor, a majority in 1 both branches of tlie Legislature, and the " members of Congress. a":.' ' TIOaxei.. The Salem papers say that the discovery of rich gold quarts near Independence, - reported last -week, la a bnge hoax.1 , W were in hopes that it was the truth, and at the time of the report were inclined to give it full credence. A Loudon telegram of the 9th says : This week's Mirk Lam- Efpr says since its List issue, wheat has- gained fiiHya shilling In price. There is a firmer feel it ig and better demand tbrongbout the, trade. Xeverthele3 apeculatioa is wholly wanting. . On the feta Inst, Mrs. Evans, in Seymour county, Kew Tork, ent the throats or ber two ciilUren, aged three aad six years, and then cat ber own throat. " Arthur Help, tlie English author, died on the 7th inst- aged 57. Charles James Mathiew, the French astronomer, died in Paris, aged 92. Lientcuant-General, Sir James Pope Grant, died on the 7th, aged 67. It is stated tliat Dr. Kenally has given notice that on the 10th Inst-, be will call attention to Tichborne. " J. W. Evans of Arizona, who shot and killed James Carroll some weeks ago. and was himself shot, has bad his arm amputated. " From Tucson, Arizona, we learn that tlie military telegraph was com pleted to Camp Lowell on the eveuiug ot the 5th Inst. BUI King, the man who figured so largely among the P. M. Co's. sub sidy takers, used to be a poor country editor in Minnesota. He is supposed to be rich now. Mrs. A. C. P. Smith,- widow of the late Gerrit Smith, died at Peterboro, X. T., on the 6th, aged 71. The rumor comes from Washington that Attorney General Williams is to be nominated Minister to Russia, and ex-Senator Carpenter is to be appoint ed Attorney General. The great amount ot snow that fell in New Hampshire on the 7th it was thought would cause a great reduction In the vote on the 9tb, as locomotion was rendered almost impossible. G. S. Orth has been nominated Minister to Austria; Horace May nard, Minister to Turkey ; ex-Con gressman C. C. Sheets, of Alabama, sixth auditor of the treasnry, vice J. J. Martin, appointed r postmaster at Montgomery. : Tlie President has nominated D. S. Wade for Chief Justice of Montana, The convention between the United States and Spain for the settle ment of the Virginia affair baa been signed. . The . Turkish . . Government C has. ordered five hundred' pieces of artillery from the great establishment of Kmpp, of Essen, Germany. Tbe largest piece, - fourteen inches in diameter, costing about f 100,000, has been pre sented by Herr Kropp to the Sultan, who has conferred on him the Order of tbe Mediidie of the second class. - - Telegrams from . San Diego, Cal., dated the Stlt. say the corn crop in the valley will largely exceed that of last season, from present indications. L4a J nana valley will produce a good crop of tobacco. . Encouraging accounts hare also been received from San Lois Key. valley, . for' farmers, bee keepers and sheep owners. Hatters at the Julian mines are in a prosper ooa condition, and miners and tbe farmers In tbe vicinity of Banna as well as Julian are intbe best ot spirits over the outlook. -.-4- . . rt At Salt Lake on the 4th insW attor ney George E. Whitney bad a dis agreement with Jodge McKean, dor- ng a session of court, and after, its adjournment, as the Jnrlge was leaving the loom, be said: "If yon mean" to say what I said was false, you lie. On the 8th an order was read in court thatGeorge E. Whitney pay a fine ot f 100, and that he be forbidden to practice in the court until In open court, at each time as shall salt the convenience of the court, he stall hi person in writing make an unequivocal acceptable apology tot the contempt of conrt, and that In default of such payment and apology, wULIn ooe motitb, he be disbarred. Faolfio Stagers, The Register sav: "A number of bovs ranging in i age from 14 to 20 years, sous of citizens of Vancouver, are kept out of mischief and are ren dering society a real service by ac- ceptinz employment at the salmon fisheries down the , Columbia. I A boy who is skillful and indnstrlotis can earn all the way from $35 toi $50 per month. i For the first tune in several years the city treasurer of Vancoftver has had to endorse warrants drawn on the treasury "not paid for the want of funds. " The depleted state of the municipal exchequer is due to the large dm fts made upon it to satisfy the demands of Messrs. j Brittou. Gray & Drummond. of Washington, D. C. the city's attorneys iu the townsite controversy. j The Lewiston. Idaho, paper savs "The recent cold snap has killed nearly all tlie peach trees in this sec tion of the country. All the black berry huslies are also frozen j down to the ground, and the pear and plum trees have suffered considerably. This is a great misfortune, as most of the orchards were just beginning to be profitable to the owners a fid a lux ury to fruit eaters, j The.Bozeman (Montana) jfimea says that an expedition to profpeet and settle atiotit the Big Horn will leave there in March or April ifollowing. E. B. Way, commander of a former expedition to the Yellowsjtone, w-ill take cliarge of tlie party. jEach one will secure ins own otitnt tnree months' provisions and 4001 rounds of ammunition, with a pack animal for transportation. j Agent-tor-roving-bands-In d 1 a n s Brown, has received a letter from the Indian Bureau. Washington, con cerning Indians in Clatsop and Tilla mook counties who have ftever been treated with. Hon. R. Mal'.ory liad written on about these Indians and complaining of their presence tliere. The department instructs - Agent Brown to look tliem up and see that they are properly cared for on some reservation. J Quoting some rather ill- natured words from an Eastern Oregon paer against the Webfeet, tlie Lewiston Northern er says: "Eastern Oregon don't like the Webfeet ; Eiistern Washington don't like the Clam-eaters. and Northern Idaho don't like South ern Idaho. What we want is a new Territory, formed out ot Eastern Oregon, Eateru Washington and Northern Idaho. The plan mar not be practicable, i but the .'interests of these sections cannot better be served than oy its consummation. The following story is told by a contemporary : A clergyman, seeing a man come into church after the sennon had begun, stopped bis dis course, anJ remarked toi him, G lad to see you. sir; come jin; always glad to see those liere late who can't cotue.iearly. " Tlie man thus address ed, in the presence of an astonished congregation, promptly j responded : "Thank yon; would you favor me with the text."! j People who : object to elaborate weddinzs should en to Iowa, where a marriage was j recently celebrated with tlie following brief ceremony: Tlie happy pair were told to join their right hands, and were I then asked. "Do you want one another?" Both replied, "Yes."! "Welii then, have one another ; and the ) couple were man ana wile, i "My real number is six. but my band will stand squeezing, " is what she said to the young fman at the glove counter. And tlie! great thick beaded lunatic got her a j pair of five and a half gloves without finding out how mut-h soneeriog her band would bear. We would hava. worked at that job an bonr, but shej should have bad an exact nc The Tacoma Tribune say: The American ship Orient, ff 1,800 tons measunnent arrived at Utsalady from San Francisco last Friday. She is loading spars tor Cork, in the United Ktnsdom of Great Britain and Ire land. The Orient H one of the largest ships Hut ever loaded ,on Puget Sound ; The Great Faciac of 1,700 tons being one. and th- JerimiaU Thomp son ot 1,900 tons the other. TJtsalady also loaded tlie Pacific and Thompson, and now adds tbe Orient to her preten sions as to the port to wnicn three- deckers have to go for cargoes. TV Cntrrt r - Hilrmnk ml all the Upper Sound aret well supplied tn mail service now, and they know bow to appreciate it, after the taste given them last fall of being -left out in the cold. ' 'roe regaiar mail con tract calls for, three 'trip a wjek. which are promptly performed, and then Cant. Wright, of the Zeer, rives us an extra one for which be asks and gets no pay except tbe thanks or scores who are greatly accommo dated by his - generous action. Be makes two trios ner week and carries the mails both times, altuongh his .Tohn Wontl. of Olymnia, has been held to answer to a charge of selling liquor to a minor. " Mr. M. C Simmons, ot oyster Bay, W. T., will start a logging camp at the head of that bay. for Capt. Eenton, of the Blakely mill. .Ttidge Clark, a newly appointed in Idaho, held Ins maiden term of the district court at Boise City last week. Mr. P. B. Clark, who had the n,aii ...(mct. between Jiozemau aiwi V ir-rinia Cit v. Montana, has relinquish ed if, and a'special contract has been let to C. C. lluntly. M r. .T n. Ttowell. of Washington county, lost during last week two fine horses, one a fine stallion, worth $300, died from having a nail run into his loot, ann the outer, a une juuug from being snagged in the leg. Bishop Spaulding. of Colorado, has deposed John C. Fitnani. a presby ter of his jurisdiction, iroin luewraeu ininistrv. in accordance wiin cstiiuu o. title 11 (2) of the dtsrest. Fitnam was an editor, and might have known the two offices wouldn't work well to gether. ' ' 'fl ... Wnctitnivfnn C.nrtntV P.OIineil i" ..-...fot.... - ...j -- P. of H.. at the hist, meeting, elected the following officers to serve for the next vear: uivsses jacason, i-resi dent; R. A. Carjienter, Vice Presi dent; H. C. Raymond. Secretary; T. D. Humphreys, Treas. ; .las. v . Gibson. Steward ; E. H. warren, Door-keeper. Stock of all kinds in Tillamook is coming through the winter in goon condition. The grass is green and growing. - But little feeding has been necessary this winter. The farmers are plowing and sowing grain. Their winter wheat ana oats took wen, not having been injured in the least by tbe winter. i Four of Lewiston's best pugilists undertook to chastise an Indian one day last week, but the quartette were vanquished in disorder. The trouble grew out of a dispute about a cow. The "noble red man" failed to get away with the cow, but he got away witli his men. Some scoundrel attempted to ' set fire to Bunker & Squirs' gin shop, at Lewiston. last week, by saturating the premises with coal oil ami applying a match, but a few buckets of water and a thorough snow-balling stayed the devouring element, and whisky is still cheap. Eight large business blocks, mostly brick, have been erected in Catiyoti City, Colorado, since last July, ac cording to the Avalanclie, In addition to these tliere were built fifty odd dwelling-houses. Tlie whole cbt of buildings ot all classes for the period named is given by the Aealaticfie at $111,830. A court-house, to cost several thousand dollars. Is among contemplated improvements. Much interest was manifested in a case which was tried in justice court at La Grande week before last, en titled State ot Oregon vs. Andrew Ladd. In which defendant was charged with btirelarv in forcibly enterine a granary belonging to his son, John J.aiki. iKdei.ua nt was neia to otui for his appearance at circuit court for the sum of $ 200. which having been given, he was left at liberty. The HillsboroiitfjwJ?i tells thi3: "Recently In his absence Mr. Har mon's house on the Lousignot Lake caught fire from the chimney in the iiiiiht and hnrned up with all the household effects. The boy who was living in the houe, wlien lie found it was on fire, went to hi uncle's dwell ing near by and went to bed with one ot his cousins, and said nothing about tlie tire, because lie did not like to disturb tlie folks when it was so damp iu chilly out. doors. " Mr. J. Mackin. informs the Walla Walla Statesman that the . prolonged spell of cold weather was terribly dis astrous to the fruit trees in this valley. In some places the peach trees are killed outright. Mr. Mackin thinks the coming season will show the peach crop an entire failure. The apple. pear, plum and cherry trees have all suffered. This is more especially the eae in tlie nciehborhood of town. but it is believed tliat throughout the valley the orcliards have been greatly damaged. Tbe Silver City, Idaho, Avalanche, says: "The prospect ior lively times tlie coming spring are decided ly brighter tliau ever before known in - . .1 : . , 1 1 j C camp. n ii tiic mines uu ,i nr Eaele mountain were never in such good sliape for yielding large quanti ties or ore as tney are at present, and preparations are being matle for a vigorous mining campaign during the coming summer. Besides the mines already in operation, other new enter prises are projected, which will greatly atkl to the industry and mineral pro duct of our camp. Tlie two smelting furnaces at south Mountain win turn out ten tons of bullion per day. the transportation of which to Wiiinemucca will give employment to all the teams in tlie Territory. " The San Francisco Commercial Her ald gives handsome meed ot jut praise to tlie woolen manufacturers of Oregon, and says that tlie "'eassimeres of the Willamette Mills are valued for their uniform good quality and tasty styles, and readily taken by tlie trade on receipt here. " The sales of good made in these mills during last appears that a company have been at work grotind-sluieitjg"all winter, and in cleaning up have taken out a- large quantity of the precious metal, jwhich has cansed the great excitements Alter tlie question of the expediency of having any more" Chinamen! come to this coast, had been settled in the negative by nearly every" debating club in the country, the Olynipia club deciding it the other way (a -few evenings since, leaving us liable to be "lloodgated" with Celestial immi grants. .-. i To Commence. The San 1 Fran cisco Bulletin ot'a late tlate .says that "work on the Oregon a;;d Wiiine mucca railroad will be begun at both ends in tlie spring. The company have secured means enough toi insure the completion of the work at an early day. " This is good news to Oregon, bnt it may not be entirely reliable. Since this 'statement has been made public, we. may as well tell what we were assured" during the last session ol our legislature : A gentleman who ought to have ; known what he was saying, and who evi dently spoke from authority, told us that if the Legislature passed the bill then pending', the "road would be built immediately, whether Congress gave any aid or uot. " We trust tliat it may, and believe it will. Enterprise. "The Political Situation" is fully presented in the February number of the Eepvfjlic, published at Washington, D. C. The motives of the Democratic "banditti, " or leaders of the White League in the South, and their allies, the Democratic Obstructionists in Congress, are shown up in their true light iu the leading article? in this number of the Magazine, and in papers under the tit'es of "Carl Sclmrz as a Witness;" "Louisiana: Kansas the Difference;" "Is the Country Prepared for Demoeratie iRule?'1 "President Grant and his Assailants," and in several pages of quotations from Senator foran s great speech On the South. The 1,'erwh'fc should be read by every friend of the Union and of peace, harmony, and prosperity throughout the Union. It is issued monthly, at only $2 a year, or 25 cents a number, by "The Ilepuldic i Publish ing Couqiany, " Washington, D. C The X. Y. Tri'i-mi ay the Cana dian Commissioners to the American Centennial Exhibition will proceed to Philadelphia at an early day lo place themselves m relation with tlie American Commissioners. 1 In order to promote relations with the Holv See. a Legation is lo be es tablished at Rome by the Nicam Government. i ijnia Patrons of Husbandry. AME5DKD COKSTlTCTIOy. The Constitution of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry was amended i in several rjarticn!ars at the recent session, .of the In San Francisco assrreea nearly a dnarter of a million of dol lars. The Herald says licit during the year tliere has been a marked im provement tn the qoaiuy oi tne manu factured woolen good received from Oregon. Tlie fabrics of tlie Salem. Brownsville and Oregon CityaSicto- ries will compare jiroEiaoiy with those of any other factory sin tlie laud, in almost everv variety, and . in some artR-les are superior, to any elsewhere made. ' A letter, dated the 23d nit, from Tillamook to tbe , Independent, says : A led ire snpposed to be rich in silver has been discovered near this valley. A comjrtiiy of 25 men are at work on this ledge drilling and blasting and developing tlie mine. They will send tome or toe rock to I'ortiand to-mor row to have it assayed ; in the mean time the company will continue Work, as they have entire i:h that the ledge is rich hi silver. The excitement here reminds me of the spring ot IS63. when tbe Florence mines spread snch a fever among the people. Yon can men wiui picks ami b novels. blankets and cooking - ntensiis on their backs pressing forward, and Prof. Gilman has been ' appointed oos of the West Point Examiners jr 75, by the resident. . Tbe six little children of the lata Mrs. Sloan, are to start East soon, to be placed tn the care of their grand father in Pennsylvania, Their father is in the asylum at SteiXsaxxa almost insane. . contract only requires j him to take it once. " t . ' A stock man informs the Walla Walla &tnteimtn that in Walla Walla alley there Is not 30 tons of hay lor sale. .very thing has been eaten np slick and dean, and unless the spring grass pots in an eany appearance even pet animals wul have to so on short every man straggles to get in the lead. Oregon may . yet furnish as rich mines as have yet been discovered. w by not mines here on the Coast rauze. wbkh is continuous with tbe coast inotuitauwiu .Caltoruia so rich in all the valuable minerals? " From Mr. Egbert French, a mer chant doing business at GohJendale, vr . x who arrived at the jjaiies ou Wednesday last week for the purpose of purchasing mining tools, the Mountaineer learns that ihto and ex tensive gold mines have lately been discovered five miles north of Golden dale on the Canyon road in the Klickitat valley. The excitement i has already." spread over the entire valley ana everyoody has gone to t he pew diggings to secure a claim- It National Grange at Charleston i sS. C. Wc give below, the Constitution as amended Unman h.inniness is the acme of carthlv ambition. Individual happiness depends uixin general prosperity. i Tlie prosperity of a ntion is in propor tion io I lie vaine oi lis "i '.iae'io;i!. Tbe sotil in the ton--e from'whenee we derive nlii liat eon: ite wealth : without it we would have iioairricnhnre, nnmann faetnres.no commence, a!l the mauv rial trtftis of the Creator, the vnrions mxv. rtuctiona of the veifetiible world are of the first importance. Tlie art of auricuirnre isthe parent end precursor of all arts.an:. its produels t he fiundu,kn of all wenttti The ircv!n!ins ol" 1 he ear: h are imbibe to the infliu-neeof natnrullaws. invariable and indisputaltle: the amount produced will conse.iuentlv bo in proportion to the intellieuee of the producer, and eoocefs will depend upon ni. know lease ol tne act ion ot 1 liee hiws. and tilt- proper a; jilicr.tion of tiieirrraieir.es. Henee. knowledge is I he foun'lation or ha.:mes. . i The ultimate object of this organization is for ninttuii i'psi ion and protect iyi. to lisrli'en labor hy diffusing n ktiowieU:e f its ainiH and purpose. ex;a:id tiie niind hj tnu'inK tbe Ijcaniiftil laws tile Gitat Creator has established m iie Universe, and to enlarge our views of Creative wis dom and power. To those who readartarhf. history provini that In ail aice. society Ufrasrinenlury. and suceesfttnl results of nemt welline tan be secured only hy eneml efttorr. Cnity of action cannot b" acquired ; wilbont dis cipline, an.l UfK-ipilne cannot ne entoivea without 9ini:icnt organization ; iieiu-e we have a ceremony of initiation w li Ufa binds n in inu'ttal fraterniiv as wi;!t lund of iron; iut although its intinenee is so powerful, its application is as jrentle astnatof the silken, thread,; tliat binds wreath of flowers. i The Patrons of Husbandry consists of the following : i Crsitn ization . CrBOBPiJ. ATE GEA3EGES. First Degree Maid ;wpniah). Laborer, (man.) Second Peirree Shepherdess (woman!. Cultivator 'man.) Third Degree Gleaner (woman). Har vester (man.) i Fourita l.'eirree Matron (woman!, Ens- bandman (man.) ; STATE GSASGS. Secttos 1. Fifth Deirree -Pomona (Hone.) Compoetl ot the lasters of Sub ordinate Granites and I heir wives who are Matrons, provided th it when the nnm'HT of Sn'iordinate tiranjres in anv ?!:e le- cotm-3 so area: as to render it necessary". ii Nie itranp top.y. in sucn manner as it may determine, re luce it re"resenta-ti-es. by providing for lh elect iou of a certain proportion of tltose enlitied lo memlerhip in the Srate Grange from, each county; and the memtxirsso cltosen aimii I- toe o. a:e irarure- Sbc . There may tie established Ti triet or Conn y Granges in the ftfthdesree. not lo escsd one in each county, com posed of Masters and fast Masiers of f u' ordinate Granges, and their wires who are Matrons, and such i four: h-deeree members mot lo exceed three! as may be eiecel thereto by the twltordinate Gransres. nmler snc-n resolations as may he es?atH--hed by Sale Granges. Sucb Dtsfrlt or Conniy Granges sliall have cliarsrc of the e-Jiicn. ion and business interests of the Onier In their respective districts: and snail em-onrase. strensfthan and aid the n!xrdinateGrunges represent ed therein, itispensations for sncb ids trict ort.Uanty Granges shall fssne from tbe State Grange, and under sra h reguia tions as the S:a:e Grange may adopt. XATIOSAI. CRASCK. '.jrth rfm-r:n TtaH'T.l Compnse-.l of Ma-f ers of S'ale Gntns and their wives wco have taken the de cree of Pomona, and the oict n.1 mem'iersof the Kxcvrutivo Committee of tne national t.ranae. , ,. Seventh I esrec-teres 'Faith.l Members of the National Grangts who bave served one year therein may heouie members of this decree npoti appiaition andeleenon. It l as cl ar-.:e of tbe seeift vomoitiwurirr.itti i fbatl lie a conrt of ituirahnent of all or.i'-ri of the National Grange. - ! Members of this decree are honorary mnii" of nfe Natiot al Grange, and are en--ii)!e to otBoea llierctn, Imt not entitled COBMllKtiOB. AKTKLE I -, iotas. Htwii 1. The offlcers of a Grange, either Natimtal or Sate. or 5ubord:naie, consist of and male as follows : Master. Overseer Lectnner. Reward. Aataiit Steward, C lis plain, Treroner. censtarv, GatLeeper. Cere. Vomica. Fiora and. ijioy Awwiam Metrsnl. It ibeir dnty axw uic jhhsui uw unKr ut) rlctl out. Sec. 2. State Gramres shn nnallyatsuch time and place as the Grange shall from vear to vear determine. SfcC 3. The National Grange shall meet annually on the third Wednesday inNo vcuibev, at such place as the Grange may from year to year determine. Should the Kationa! Grange adjourn without scleet insrllhe place of tneetin;, the excontive coiPtiiittee shall appoint the place and not 1 f v t lie secre t ary nfilwv,.,j.1,,..,,.(1. and Hie toasters ol State Gran-res.' at least thirty days before the day appointed. ARTICLE III. LAWS. The National Grange, at its annual session, may frame, amend or repeal such laws as the stood of the order mnv n-r, All laws of State and Subordinate Gl ances most conlorm to this constitution .....I ti. Jaws adopted by the Xational Grunge. AKTICLE IV. EITUAI.. The ritual adopted hv th Vottvot GraPce shall be used bv all suhnntmnto Granges, and any desired alteration In the stiine most lie submitted to and receive tlie sanction ot tlie National Grange. AKTtCXK y.MESIBKRSIilH. Anv .person enffn!Md in or..-i..,,i.1,Mi pnrsuiis and liavinn no interest in conflict withonr pur)wses, of theae of sixteen years, duty proposed, elected, and comply mK with the rules and regulations of i he oruer, lsentitieit to memltershin and the benefit of the degrees taken. Kverv n- plicntion must, be aceomnnnied hv tIi, e of membership. If rtdeeted. the monev will be refunded. Anulicntions certified by inemliers, and balloted for at a subsequent meetinar. It shall rennire three negalive votes to reject an appli cant. : , AKTKXK VI. FKK3 FOB MEMBERSHIP. Tlie tninitnnm fee for memlwishin In a snliordinare liran;e shall lie. for men five dollars, and for women two dollars, for the four dcjrrees, except charter memliero, who shall pay. men three dollars, and women fifty cents. ARTICLE VII. DUES. SETTTOTC 1. Tlie mininm et nmrnlnv raont lily dnes shail lie ten cents from each memtie.r, and each Grange may otherwise resiiin1!. I'imn line",. Sec. 2. Tlie Secretarv of each Rnbordl- nateGranjre shall report quarterly to the State Gransre the names of all persona initiated dnriti" the quarter, and par to the Secretary of the State Grange one dol lar for each man, and flfiy cents for each woman, initiated dttrintr the Quarter: also a qnanerly dne of six cents for each metn- oer ; sato. report to De approved and for warded at the first session of the Grange in ench qnnrler. Sf.c. 8. TheSecretarvof the State Grange shall pay to the Treasurer of the State Wranare all moneys comintr Into his hands. at, least once every ten days, taking his receipt therefor; and shnll report quartern- to the Secretarv of the National Granjje. the menilershtp In the State. Sec. 4. The Treasurer of each Stare Grantee shail derwit to the credit of the National Grantre of Patrons of Hnslwndry, with some imnkintr or tmst company (to be aeleeted by the Executive Committee), in quarterly instalments, the annual dne of five cents for each member in his state, and forward the receipts for the same to the Treasurer of the National Grange. Sec. 5. All moneys deposited wit h st!(l company shall be paid out only noon the drafts of th- Treasurer, approved by the 5Ias:er, and countersigned by the Secre-lar-v. Sec. 6. No State Grange snail be entitled to renresentaiion in the National Grange whose dues are unpaid for more than one quarter, ARTICLE VHI. CH ASTERS AXD DISPENSA TION. Section 1. All charters and dispensa tions issue directly from the National Grange. Sec 2. Nine men and fonr women, hav ing received the fur sn!ordinft!ederces. may receive a dispensation toorani2e a snbordina'e Gransie. Sec. 3. Applications for dispensations or charters shad Ins made to tlie seere'ary of the National Granire, and lie sianed by the persons applying for the same, and be accompanied by a fee of tl , ! Sec. 4. Charter niemtiers are those per sons milii whose names are upon tlie appli cation, and whose fees were raid at the time of organization. Their number shall not bo less than nine men and four women, nor more than twenty men and twenty women. Sec. j. Fifteen stiliordinate Granites workintr in a S'ato can apply for authority to organize a S'ate tiranse.i Sec. 6. Where S ate Granges are orga nized, dispensations for tlie orsranizat ion of Ihe s,i!orJina'e Granges, heretofore issue 1, shall le replaced by charter from the National Granxe without further fee ; nnd thereafter all applications for charters forsntordinafeiranressha!l ncissthronjth tlie oticeof Hie Master onheS!teGrnne, and mns lie approve'l by b!m lietore t hey are issued bv the National Grange. When so issued, the charter shall pa throuh the olSce of the seere'ary of the S:ate Grange and receive the signature and oiticial sea! of that offlce. Sni'. 7. No Uranje shall eonfer more than one decree on tlie saiaeix'rson at the same meet in. . . AKTItLE IX. DCTIES OFFICERS. The dm les nt theofHeersof tbe National. S'a'e. and Su-Mirdinaie (irautce shall be prescribed hy the laws of the same. ARTICLE X.TEEASfEERS. Set-too?! 4. The treasurer of the Na tional. Sta'e, and Stiitordiftate Grange shail s've lionds. to be antroved by tlie officers of their respective Gruntres. Sec. 2. In all trranies hills most be ap prove'l by 1 he Waster, and eoitntersucned by the secre:ary" before the treasurer can pay the muie. ARTICLE XI. RESTBICTIOT S. Kelijrions or political qnestlons will not be tolerated as sultjects of discussion in the work of tbe order, and no polit ical or religious tests for membership shail bo applied. ARTICLE XIL The Manter of the National Gransre and fhemem!ersof the executive committee sitall lie empowered o snsnend fi-om ofTlce anv tHcer of tlie National Gratcre who mav piTH-e mefticient or derelict in thedis ehare of his duty, subject to appeal to the next session thereafter of the National Grange. A CARD-l,00O REWARD rpHE ABOVK REWARD WILL, BE GIV" - J. en to anv one proving tliat the sales o The SING Eft do not exceed all others hy thousands upon thousands. While all tlie other old companies' sale in 1873 decreas ed, tho SINGER increased wonderfully, and keep at the head, where it always la ajid should he, .. TITTS BROTHERS. Albany, Or., Sept. 25, 1874. . . Me win k Haeblne Sales or 1S7S. The table ot Sewlngf Machine (Sales for 1873 shows that our sales last year am ounted to 2U2.44-t (two hundred and thirty two thousand, four hundred ana orty-four( f Machines, being a larfre in crease over the sales of the previous year (1872.) ' , . The table also shows that our sales Ex reed th one ofany other oiaiauy. lor the period named, by thonumberot 113, 254 Maetilnen, or nearly double those of any other Companv. , It may be further stated that the sales of 1873, as compared with those of 187. show a relatively larster increase, beyond the sales of other makers, than of any other year. For instance in 1872 we sold 45,000 mora Machines than any other Company, where as, in 1878, t ha sales were 112,2114 MHehlae tn EBwasfW Hl-taest 'OMipetltar. These figures are all the more remark able, for the teason that the sales of the principal Companies 1873 am leas) hM their wiles In 172 whereas, as has been shown, oar soles have lariceljr lurrewtrd. The account of sales la from warn retwrnt made to the ownersoithe Sewing Machine Patents. - . ' It will hardly he denied, that the superi ority of the PtNGEK MACHINES Is fully demonstrated at all events that their popularity la the household is unques tionable. Increase Name of No. Sold. or Machines. - JS72 1873 Ieci-ease Singer Mrg Co 219.7?!8-23-3,444 In. 12,1 Seeor . M7Co SI I 8,430 " 3.(519 W. & W. Mrs Co...l74,W8 llt,r.W je.M,rf llomestie.S. M.Co.. 4StJ54 40.114 Grover&DakerCo. S2.C10 3rt,179 Weed S. M. Co 42,444 21,79 Wilson S. M.X.... 2,fiH6 2147 . How Mnehtne Co.. (no retnrrs. Wilcox AGibbsCo. 22,39 15,1 American B. 11 Co. 18.trao 14,182 Florences. M. Co.. la,7W3 S.Jfsl " THE SINGER MANCFACTCBISG 34 Union Square, New York. 9.4HJ I l",rr:i 20.7! 1,41 17,7.18 4.748 S,8iS3 CO., TITUS 3JKOTISEEIS. Asents, Albany, ;rc;joii. aprll74 THIS imOTIIERS, DEALERS II J E W ELR Y , Silver & Plated Ware, ,. "- and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MA JiCFACTCRED AND ADJTTSTKIj especially for the I'aciiic Coam. by the I NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: ." Pacific, California and San Francisco WATCII. and we most eon Aden tly rue ommend them to tlie public, as possessing more mod qualities for the price than any other Watch in the market. W e also Keep all ot her brands of Elein. i Waltltaiu and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, silver anu f latea v are, ABTKXE Xllt. AMKJTDMEKTS. This constitution can be altered or amended by a two-thirls vote of the Na tional Grandest anyannoai lueeiinit: and wlien such alterations or amendments shail have leen rntUted by t breeourt lis ot tne state Granire, ami tiiosame reportea to the secre ary of the Nationai Grange, it shall be of full force. Pistols and Cartridges. C2T Repairing a Specialty. 53 Car All Work Done nod Goods Mold, Warranted So ho an Represented. feet. 2. Horn ClKim.-Jn theSobordins Granges tbey shall be cIhmti annnaiiy at tbe rrsm;ar taeetin toi liecember, and Installed at the regular iavtaian in Jaa- nur.ormswn ienaii'eras practca'e; in tbe 6;!e titinxe wncc in two rears, and in the National Grange once in three vears. All electhms Jo be ur tnlni Vacwncies by deaab or resisaiisinn tn l fl3ed at a special e.-t ko ml the. xuert reciiiar meet nix thereof omeers o cbo- scii toserve nntn toe atinnal rueetinsr. Sec 2. The Master of the National G ranee may appoint nx-mlx-rs of tbettr dr as deputies tonreaajxe granges where no sate Uram cshia. ; Set- - i lere snail e an Exeratlvo Comaiittee ot the National Granite, mn. r-nB of Ave members, whose term of otrx-e snau oe uirsse yenrs. f ?. irBC. a. i ne oraeers or tbe respect rre granges soaii oe natmasea as "M ortiiy." Pbctkcv 1. Sahordlualc ' Granges shall meet at least once each mooih, mad may Snow, sleet and heavy rains chronicled thiouirbout New York and Northern Pennsylvania, the first of tlie week. The wife of the editor of the X. T. Etxtrto'l'tt, Mrs. Henry M. Field, died last bat unlay evening. A Chieaao special says tbe President will at onue issue M rinjrerit orders to pre vent new expeditions from eutering tne rsiacK ii n.s. , A St. Johns. N. F dispatch says the bodies of over fortj- pervins who died 1 nere tit is winter nave oeen temporarily interred in tbe snow, which lies in such quantities as to prevent the opening of graves. Says a London telejeram of the 8h. many women and children were drowned by tho wreck of the ste&inshVD OnUnbura in Bass srair. between Australia and Van l'iemen s l-al. : On t lie n Urht of t he 7th t here was another Jai! delivery at Salt Lake City. The par lies were: jotin iitwjitan, uwa:;e'i ior as-ault to kill; ieo. Ijcwis, (rambling: Cltas. Williamson and John Smith, sleai fnie from n defid man; diss. Buckley, assault to kill. T- K. Klcts. indicte-l for mnrderand polyaamy, and W. H. Inuue, fnaicted lor connect on wuutne Mountain Meadow muwiTr. n' Slmfcr. under sentence ot death lor tnnrder, refused to leave. - : " " '. FINAMCE AND COrJMERCL . o!d i Xea- York 1151. , Ja-a tellers W'Sssaa- Flour, f 1.1 2y sack. Oits 40 cent. Kntrer 24rs37c as to quality. E 15 lit. i . V Potatoes J 1 61 25 f bnshel. - Aille. green, retailingJrofii 6toKS at 62 j'e per Ur. Cliickeits. 2 5033 f sVwsenr Bams 13 'c ; hooklers 9c; tlOea lie V lb. Lanl, in 1C& carta, f I 25; in bait, 10e tt. White bean 4c f ft. - Onions scarce notninal! J $1 50 per bobel from store. Beet, ou foot. 4c ; pork, 5c ; mut toii sheep, per head. $3. Sau Frata-i-n qnotations give: Wheat. 1 5531 60 100 lbs; ilotir. extra. 55 25 ; oats, $1 75S 1 80; potatoes, fl 75sl 85. 3. D. TITffi. J. B. TITUS TITUS BROTHERS, , AT JOH5 OAXTEK'g OLD STAJtP. First street ALBANY. OKEOOJi Aycr'a Sarsaparllla,' Far Prfftrlnje tkr Blood. This compound of the vegetable alteratives, w.- ttilllinxia and i Mandrake with t k Iodides o 1 1 Po'ssstum and I ron makes molt effectual ! cure of a series of com plaints which are very nrevktent and af flicting. It purities the b'.owl, nurstesout the lurfclnz humors In the system, that undermine health i'i '!- into t rii.,rt some dhordeis. Eru.t!on of t lie stt In are tbe appeorance cm t he surface of hu mors that shonl.l be espeiled frowi the blood. Interns! t?ra!ss-i-s si termination if Thusamehirmc-rstosOBue tnlema.1 orxan, or oritns. r.ose ncijon th...- i-mrM and whose snhstame 1 hey i cX-Ju and destroy. AVran eiAiA saii e.rpls these humors from the blood. WT-.-J1 Ibev ar:Kone, t oe utwor ters they produea disppear. OUy.ro. J&vpUona anil Erupttre iJtmXfe t-f . r.- i . HtfrJn. Bntl. Tumm. Tar 'ti"l &i!t 3i tint, Iv-nlft H , i worm, V'rTn-t &n. rTat rn; moia, fa'n in the Jtn. 8- "ff H an. , Jf iwi -n u, H rVettf Xvntjrrtmt arxing from iniermrtt n'e-ratx and , 6wnl IMaBf. Van their depart betib returns. v,r,i1Ttl BV w v awm Issfll. wwi t Amlvtical Chembus. tSTold by ail LtTttggtsts and Healers , in Men lei ne. i. --- Jew To-Iar. PlAWFtl HAEJCI , A FTHT CLASS CEICKEEtSG PIA Jf O. J"V aiiuost new. Is oifered tor sale M Tiitlll.Lr 1W nfil KES. For rnrue n : n ..i . .it MHMnce Of MB. JiMm mUMBMM. corner at First and Eus- worux suweto, Aihaajr, uregon. f IlatlPa Teetale Meiltan HAIR HEX EWE Tt I This standard article Sa compondded ' t(hth,nmlMIMIf. I It etr-s are ss wonderful and saUsfeo torraserer. . --i-' L' It restore gray or faded hair to ltsyoath fhl color. " , it wmmnxsn nH mmtlons. Itch In sr ana dsndmtf ; and tbe scatp by its use becouHM while ana dean. - - Rv Its tnnie nronertiesi B restores tbe i eaplilary elands to their no, mal lor.pne ventins; faaMnewsand making tbe hair mmm t hL4 ud MratlK. : As a dressimr nothing baa been found so efifeetnai, or desirable. - Ir. A. A. Hayes. tae As-syer of Varna enuset. savs of It : -I consider I th- preparation for its Intended purposes." Buckingham's Dye, fas TUJB WOKf3S. 0 C3 t- O sr CO p-l S CO a c 8: O PP. CO cs CO CO CO -a C3 Kn9 CO mm ri o S3 o o Q H 5 Cf) Us 'mm a ta on o an S EH en 0 to o n ' mm ""w