The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 12, 1875, Image 7

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IVn-and-Iak Sketches of the Brooklyn
lUxrvr A. Pryor'a Oratory.
Cor. Cincinnati ComniercdaL j
His voice is shrieking and furious, soft
ad gentle. His body is elastic as a
whalobono, and his movements like those
of a cricket; his language was impetuous,
yot far removed from rant. He flopped
his long, staff hair with a quick jerk of
his head, and was off like a shot in a
nervously energetic way, in sentences
that began quietly and ended explosively,
in the tremulous kind of fervor that ia
oftener found in the pulpit than at the
bar. Bocdde these things, his singular
face, fascinating in momenta of excite
ment, added to the effect of his words.
tOer. Chicago' Tribune. ;
The absenoe of the Beechers and of
Mrs. Tilton was the result, I fancy, of a
solemn council of war held on Sunday,
at which Evarts presided. The injurious
effect of their presenoe upon the jury
seems to have struck everybody but
Shearman, who revels in the sort of
theater display which surrounds a man
ou trial for murder with his weeping
wife and children. Mr. Beecher's palpa
ble anxiety, the feverish interest he took
in the smallest contention between coun
sel, the terrible indications of mental
distress which hung their crimson on his
cheeks all these things produced im
pressions the very reverse of those de
sired by the crafty little lawyer who is
mainly responsible for the equivocations
of this trial who never comes to the
surface except to emphasize a technical
point or a discrepancy in debate or
punctuation. .
Advent ot Tilton.
From the Cincinnati Commercial.)
Tilton at once ascended the witness
chair, took the oath, and settled himself
down for the sickening work cf the day.
He looked quite as well as usual, tall to
the height of over six feet, heavy to the
weight of nearly -200 pounds, with his
familiar light complexion and long,
bushy, blonde hair. A short distance in
front sat his woeful faced wife, with a figure
so slight, petite, and shrunken as to be
in marked contrast with his own. It cer
tainly was a curious spectacle to see this
husband thus confront his wife as her
accuser under the circumstances, and in
the peculiar way in which the thing hap
pened to-day. All the half-dozen ladies
in court, all friends of Mrs. Tilton, sat,
like the rest of the spectators, with their
eyes fixed steadily on him. Mrs. Tilton
wore a slight vail, looked straight at him
from the first to the last of his story, and
the reporters say that her face was set in
sternness and anger. These sharp
sighted reporters also saw that Mr.
Beecher's face was covered with a won
derment and surprise, while Mrs. Beecher
looked at him freezingly or sneeringly
especially at his bits of evidence referring
to herself . - .
Piea MiSl Ice-Water.
.flrr. Syntax in Chicago Tribune. J
Two or three days after the curtain had
gone ftp, a pieman dawned upon the
smothering congregation. I cannot per
sonally testify to the quality of his wares,
but I can conscientiously affirm that this
once altogether supernumerary and gratu
itous person has come to regard himself
as one of the indispensable functionaries
of the oourt. From a condition of bare
toleration he has successfully aspired to
the standing of a necessity, and, directly
the gavel of his honor falls to proclaim
recess,- straightway does the pieman lift
np his voice, and chant, in the very temple
of justice, the excellence of his deceptive
pastry. Imring the process of the trial,
rus dyspeptic manufactures lurk in some
undiscoverable retreat ; but, the moment
the jury have been escorted out of the
building, that moment the pieman hur
riedly drags them into daylight, and with
the voice of a town-crier, announces the
episode of lunch. Muttons, of a hard
yet tallowy consistency, are his specialty.
At leaSt two hundred regular customers
fall, in ravenous haste upon his basket ;
and, when they retire, the pieman's table
cloth is as bare as a Kansas orchard after
a descent of grasshoppers.
Shortly after the pieman and his basket
had been established in the court an
enterprising person of African descent
took it into his head to supplement the
eatables with something to wash them
down. So, during recess, he circulated
among the people who wait rather than
lose their seats, and shouts his war-cry,
"ice-water!" Some of his patrons give him
a dime, some a nickel, and some nothing
at alL ;Set the child of Ham is always
happy, and bares his ivories in a per
petual grin.
, That Famous Interview,
. wife's CONFESSION, I
. TKxtracttrom Tilton testimony.) '
On the 30th of December, 1870, 1 had
an interview with Beecher. Moulton
brought Beecher and retired ; I did not
salute Beecher; nor he me ; I crossed the
room, locked the door, and went back
and sat opposite Beecher. I began in
this way I think I said, I presume you
received from Bowen the letter demand
ing your retirement from your pulpit in
Brooklyn. He answered, I did, sir, I
told him he need not fear that letter. He
thanked me. I said he need not do so.
Elizabeth deserved his th"k and not
me. He said he understood the object
of this interview only in general terms,
and asked me to tell him what Bowen
had said. I told him it would be better
to go to Bowen himself. I told him
Bowen said he was intimate with mem
bers of your congregation for the past
twenty-five years. , That you were not a
safe man, and had rained many family
households. That you were a wolf in
the fold, and should be extirpated, and
that Bowen had said that he had it in his
power to drive Beecher out of Brooklyn
in twelve hours.
I told him that after I had this inter
view with Bowen I told it to my wife,
who was distressed and reminded me
that I said in the previous summer that I
would not break my premise not to hurt
Beeohfir for fchn.t if nawpu-A drivnn frnm
Brooklyn, it would be her shame and
that of her children. Beecher asked me
what I meant by her shame, and I read
to him Elizabeth's hitter of confession.
This confession was destroyed -by Eliza
beth two years after. A copy of it was
destroyed on this evening. " '
Tilton then testified that Beecher at
tempted to speak, but witness said :
"Wait, hear me through, and .then
BPeak."' Witness said to Beecher that
Mrs. Tilton had come unexpectedly, and
said to her husband that she wanted to
communicate a secret that had long been
on her mind and that she wanted to
throw off ; that she had been at the point
several times, and i once particularly
when she was on a sickbed. Before
telling the secret she extorted a promise
from her husband not to tell any one and
not to injure the person concerned. She
aid it was a secret between herself and
her pastor. She said that for a long time
fnendship'had existed between them,
more than frienship. It had been sexual
intercourse. It began after the death of
her son PauL She went to her pastor's
house, and on the 10th of October, 1868,
she surrendered her body to him in
sexual embrace. On the Saturday fol
lowing she repeated the act at the house
of her husband, and on several other
occasions at his house and at several
other places. It had occurred all through
the fall. In the month of July, 1870,
she had written a letter to witness telling
witness of the facts. She had been
greatly distressed owing to rumors as to
the condition of Beecher's moral charac
ter. She wanted to demonstrate the
honor and dignity of her sex. Until he
told her, her love was innocent. She
said to Tilton that for a long time
Beecher's home had not been a happy
one ; that his wife had not been a satis
factory one, and that he wanted Eliza
beth to be a wife to him, but she always
refused. Beecher's solicitations to her
were oftentimes violent. She had gone
away from witness in the spring, and
witness wrote her a letter saying that
until she made a full confession he would
never look upon her. She said she had
come down from the country on purpose
to make the confession. Witness said
that he wished it understood that the
conversation was not given word for
word, but as accurately as he could.
He furthermore told Beecher on that
occasion that Mrs. Tilton had become a
broken-hearted woman, and that instead
of taking her usual summer vacation, she
went to the far West. Also told him in
regard to the statement that she had
asked Tilton to send to Beecher that they
might hold an interview, and she could
hear that the letter about withdrawing
from the pulpit and Brooklyn should be
withdrawn. Also told Beecher that he had
refused to acquiesce, and that she had
appealed four or five times, and then she
asked witness to carry a letter, and wit
ness refused to do it. She then implored
him to hold an interview with Beecher
which should not jar his pride. Mrs. T.
wrote a letter to Moulton for the purpose
of holding an interview. In conclusion,
the witness reminded Beecher that he
had revoked the demand he made upon
him, and promised Beecher that he
would not assist Bowen in his efforts to
prosecute Beecher. At the close of the
narrative the witness waited a moment,
and noticed that Beecher's neck and face
were blood-red. Tilton went to the door,
unlocked it, and said, "You are free to
go. " Beecher appeared not to hear him,
and sat as if in a dream. Tilton repeated
it, and Beecher arose and walked to the
door, but came bask and asked, " May I
go for the last time and see Elizabeth ?"
Tilton said "No," then "Yes," and said
to Beecher, " Do not chide her. H you
smite her with a word, I will smite you
in tenfold degree. I did not smite you
when I had the power, for my wife's
sake, but if you chide her with a word, I
will smite your name before the world."
Beecher put both hands to his head, and
said "It is all out, all out."
Beecher went down stairs with his
hands to his head, and Moulton was at
the foot, and he asked Moulton if he had
seen Elizabeth's confession, and Moulton
answered "Yes." Beecher said, "This
will kill me." Moulton and he there
upon went into the parlor.
1 Moulton.
From the Chicago Journal.
Frank Moulton has at last stepped
down from the witness-chair, and Brook
lyn has another cause of boasting. That
city not only has the most eloquent
preacher in the world, but the most re
markable witness that ever appeared be
fore a bar of justice. For eleven days
he stood the tire and cross-fire of . a very
imposing array of counsel, and not a
wound did he receive. And what is the
upshot of all his testimony ? First, Mr.
Beecher admitted to him theft he had had
sexual intercourse with Mrs. Tilton.
Second, it was agreed with all tie parties
that what could not be cured must be
endured, and, if possible, kept from the
public Third, Mr. Moulton undertook
to keep Mr. Tilton from making a fuss ;
also to make those who approached him
on the subject and had not been let into
the secret believe that Beecher was inno
cent. He admitted that he lied whenever
that seemed necessary to the success of the
cover-up policy. To some few persons the
whole truth was told without reserve,
notabryMr. Moulton's partners, Franklin
Woodruff and James P. Bobinson.
Fourth, Moulton received from Beecher
7,500 during the period of his mutual
friendship, a part of which was spent for
Bessie Turner's education, ana part the
greater part was "fed out" to Tilton
and the Golden Age, Tilton having no
knowledge of where it came from, it
being known that he would have declined
the money had he known that it came
from Beecher. Among the minor points
of the testimony was the fact that General
Butler wrote Moulton's two statements
before the investigating committee of
last summer, and that General Tracy is
acting as Beecher's counsel after having
pledged his professional honor not to do
so. It should be stated, perhaps, that
the only piece of documentary evidence
adduced, in addition to the letters which
had become public prior to the trial, was
the crifrinal of the lettnr nf
Mr. Beecher offered to send to his church.
a great part or the time on Moulton's
examination was mrnmimvl in vnnMni.
and reading the correspondence intrusted
to him as the mutual friend.
The Parties to the Bolt. ,
From the Chicago Tribune.
Both are men of stalwart frame, of
BTlendid nhvRinnA-. nf rt ri on' ja4-i n tnm
perament, and of large 'capacity or sen
suous enjoyment. Both are men of
social - dispositions, encracrinir mAnnera.
and magnetic natures. Both are largely
gifted with imagination and humor.
Both are orators. Both are lovers of
art, and dehght in natural beauty.
Both have great energy of character and
ambition. Both hava urmcrrtr. tr Ha re
formers. Both, after a sort. . are re
ligious. ;.
But in manv trnncn thav rlifTat- tvun'aa
their inequality of age their disparity
here being some fifteen years. Beecher
nan a vani appetite XOT DOOKS, DUt He Has
read at random, trusting to his genius to
assimilate what was wanted for his pur
nose, and YmirtfT vu4a1v oil ommmKIa -in
tellectual stimulants in preparation for
his professional work. He is quick in
his mental movements and ' sympathies.
wiui wouaerrui readiness or utterance in
anecdote, address, and repartee. He sees
his ' discourses in m Anr&i - ninfnnu mrttt
depends upon his great command of lan-
uuk uj give mem suitable, dress and
vitality. So he produces a good deal
without reflection, and nftan Via vn'ftn
and spoken efforts lack an elaboration
.umm caoganoe, ana a singleness ox
aim and crraoe of rut.niKner aim.
high culture and a perfect mastery of the
material in hand. But he was a wonder
ful aptness, in seeing what will touch our
natures im rtrAn v tt tmA . w
i . , XBO
yeals a fine freshness of pictorial power
vi..a a j laivji. xxus uuxnuf is kwqi&l ana
oontagious, and babbles up along: "with
his craveBt Hxcmoht. TTa
est in deliberative essay or voluminous
uwry, uui. in ma oratory, wmca is always
interesting, frequently persuasive, and
sometimes artful to a nigh degree.
Tilton has great intellectual vigor, care
ful training as a literary artist, deep sym
pathy with the graceful and impressive
aspects of life, an inquisitive mental
vision that peers on many sides with skep-i
tical glances, promptness to act in ai
generous cause, boldness of utterance,
and a very resolute will. With a certain
air of grandeur offensive to soma, he is
still affable and easy of approach. His
wit is often more playful than severe. He
writes with ease and energy, and has
proven himself, in his late bontroversy,1 a
master both of rhetoric and logic. TTia
temperament is naturally sunny, and as a
companion he can be exceedingly fasci
nating. Though sympathizing with the
softer side of life, he is not effeminate :
preferring to praise, he still is swift to
condemn, where he thinks humanity is
wronged ; and he can wield a pen as
caustic as it is keen. In conversation he
is never indelicate. But with his versal
ity, his culture, his ,' creative power, his
courage in the advocacy of opinion, his
interest in questions of public moment,
he has a highly-romantic quality of mind
which has impaired his reputation for
earnestness. He affects situations. Some,
who know him best, accuse him of
"acting." . j.
Beecher entertains, moves, sometimes
instructs, and often melts his audience.
Tilton begets debate, excites dissent,
now dazzles and now convinces, and gains
at least an oratorical triumph. Beecher
gets nearer the masses, for he is mare
homely in his diction, while at the same
time he is idiomatic and picturesque.
Tilton strikes out more from the heart
of his Bubject, is more sparing of illus
trations, and leads you on with a more
intense directness to- the point in view.
Beecher is full of shrewd diversions, and
attractive anecdote and description. Til
ton shows more respect for your taste
and your tendency to reason. As a liter
ary offering Beecher presents you a dish
of various fruits, bad and good. Tilton
selects and gives what scents choice, j H
any are rotton, the fair side is sure to be
uppermost. Beecher and Tilton are
both inconsiderate, but while the former
in his ardent feeling frequently enun
ciates half-truths with tremendous em
phasis, which he afterward qualifies, the
latter sometimes advocates questionable
doctrine with elaborate argumentation
and persistent enthusiasm. Beecher has
the more devout nature, J Tilton the
more inquiring and skeptical one. In
dangerous crises, imperiling his charac
ter, Beecher gets alarmed, j loses confi
dence in himself, and commits his cause
to the care of his friends. ,'Tilton, when
beset, looks out for his own interests,
and is as watchful as a hawk of every ad
vantage that is within his reach. Beecher
excludes from his hearsay the disagreea
ble verdict of men about himself. Til
ton opens his ears to listen to what is
reported of him from the four quarters
of the earth. Beecher is ; crafty in con
cealments. Tilton is cunning in dis
closures. Beecher depends upon j his
public reputation and rests in the verdict
of the past. Tilton strives to repair a
reputation which was badly damaged, by
an explanation of the past ; that shall: re
verse the judgment that has con
demned him. Beecher is the more nat
ural character. Tilton I is the finer
genius. Beecher has been foolish in the
management of his case, and time will
show whether or not Tilton has been
foolish in giving him a case to manage.
Koogh on Tracy. j
Brooklyn Telegram. !
Til ton's testimony to-day contained
one popular sensation, and, as usual, it
was at the expense of Tracy. Fullerton,
whose devotion to his client includes the
dehght of squaring accounts with an old
foe, reserved the further exposure of
Tracy as a professional bonne boucho.
After leading his client through arid
plains of negative testimony, he brought
him to the very doors of the Investigat
tion Committee. There arrived, the de
fense, through Evarts, made a renewed
battle to prevent any more exhibition of
the curious museum which Tracy is
pleased to call his conscience. But Ful
lerton was fierce with the desire to finish
his adversary, and, therefore, after 'fight
ing with unusual vigor, obtained a rule
admitting the grotesque story. Tilton,
upon this, bore witness that Tracyj with
tears in his eyes, while the committee
was sitting, approached him and
told him that his case was a
strong one, and, with many solemn
pledges, assured him that the committee
would accept any charge against Beecher
except one so grave as to make it im
possible for him iever thereafter to re
appear in Plymouth pulpit. This, com
ing via Tilton from Beecher's recognized
agent, and involving the committee of
Beecher's own creation, first filled the
court with amazement, and then directed
all eyes at that eminent divine. Beecher
did not bear the! scrutiny without dis
tress. He ran his fincrers throne-h hia
Lhair, and a wave of blood rolled j up to
the crown of his head. For some reason
the audience appeared to decline the
hazard of believing that Tracy wept, but
the graver charge that he desired Tilton
to modify his admittedly true statement,
merely to make it possible for Beecher
to remain in Brookfin, struck the towers
of Plymouth with such an earthquake
shock that they reeled. The hour of re
cess fairly tingled with ; the discussion of
this grave statement, i Tracy's previous
operations as a confidential agent for
Beecher had been exposed by Moulton
and . Woodruff. No hesitation, ' there
fore, was expressed in the popular ac
ceptance of Til ton's further and more in
juriaus showing. j
Domestic Badinage In Texas.
Last evening at the Phoonix Hotel a
gentleman and his wife were sitting to
gether, the gentleman; cleaning; one of
his revolvers', from which the cylinder
had been taken, which was loaded. ' The
other gun lying on the table in front was
empty. The wife, in a playful way,
took up the empty pistol and said:
" Suppose I shoot; he said, "yes." She
laid the gun down, and, while doing
some of her little sewing business, "the
husband had cleaned his first gun, at
tached the cylinder, and had taken up
the other. ; The lady again took what
she supposed she had used before, and
pleasantly remarked, "I make you my
mark." He, not, thinking of the pistol
being loaded, " said, Make - me your
mark and fire. " She did fire, j and the
explosion made her faint at once; If he
had not been placed in a certain position,
the ball would have gone through his
heart. Being in aside position and lean
ing over, the ball struck the lower part
m iua vest ana giancea away. Dallas
F .- ... ... ,1' .
Russia ant Gebmant. The Russian
journals are allowed to talk occasionally
of war and rumors of jwar. Just now
they are occupying themselves j with the
steps Russia - would take in case of a
rupture with Germany, j The first step,
according to them,: would be to defend
Poland against attack, and for j this pur
pose to augment the present garrison of
that province 75,000 men by adding
275,000 fresh troops to receive the Prus
sians. Yet the two sovereigns and
premiers pass for the best of friends.
' Sawdoat for Celery.
The editor of the London Journal of
Horticulture says sawdust is a good
thing for earthing celery, placing it be
tween the rows and around the plants
after the leaves and stalks have been
brought together, pressing the sawdust
about them, so as to lie compact and in
sure blanching perfectly. It is better,
he thinks, than soil, not being so liable
to cause the stalks to rot, and is a good
protection against frost.
. j Care ln'Horae-Shoeinc;.
'Never touch the bars, frog, sole, or
enter surface with a knife or rasp. Shoe
with light, thin shoes that allow the sole
bars and frog to be brought in contact
with the ground, and thus bear their due
proportion of the horse's weight. Use
small nails, and not over five of them.
Never allow the points to be driven high
up the wall of the hoof. For ordinary
service in the country during the sum
mer months, use only tins which protect
the toe, but leave the entire ground sur
face of the foot unprotected.
Warm Bedding for Cattle.
It is quite important at this season of
the year to provide a sufficient amount of
warm bedding for stock, and the " orts"
and coarser hay and straw that are re
jected by the cattle may be used for this
purpose. At other and warmer seasons
sand makes a very clean and useful Utter,
and we like to use it freely, but it does
not impart that warmth that is needed
in extreme cold weather. Leaves that
were collected in the fall are excellent
for this purpose, and they have the ad
vantage that they are not so full of weed
seed as the coarse hay from the mangers.
If we had plenty of leaves we would use
them freely for bedding now. They
make capital manure also, and if any
farmer neglected to store up a lot of
them it was a mistake that ought to be
borne in mind to correct next year.
Massachusetts Ploughman.
Profits In Grape Culture.
We are often asked the question as to
whether grapes will pay. Good varie
ties eertainly will. If a man is prepared
to lay out of the use of his land for three
years, at the end of that time the money
will begin to come in. There is not a'
great deal of labor or expense attending
the planting of a vineyard, and in this
part of the State no irrigation is needed,
as in the lower counties. New wine sells
at from 40 to 50 cents per gallon. The
mountain sides, so far as tested, produce
the very best fruit. A large cluster on
the table where I write grew on the range
in sight near Calistoga, ' and sold for a
cent a pound. If hung on the plate
glass window of some Eastern city this
cluster would attract a crowd on the side
walk. There are numerous places where
the crop may be sold. Land for vine
yards can be purchased in the hills at
reasonable rates, say from five to fifteen
dollars an acre, depending upon the lo
cation. Sacramento Valley Agricult
urist. Average Wheat Crops of England.
Mr. Thos. C. Scott, King's Arms
Yard, Moorgate street, London, writes
as follows to the leading journal : We
have now sufficient data to enable us to
come to a safe conclusion as to whether
or not the wheat crop of this year is un
der or over an average crop t In regard !
to wheat, thirty bushels an acre is the '
rate usually adopted ; but it is only an ,
assumption, based upon individual ob
servation and experience over very lim- !
ited areas. To arrive at a sounder solu
tion of the question, I have taken the
areas'under wheat in each county in En
gland, multiplied them by the generally
admitted normal rate of produce of each
county respectively, and the aggregate
number of bushels thus obtained, di-
jvided by the number of acres to which
they apply, gives the nearest approach
our present data admit of to a satisfac
tory answer to the question, "What is
an average crop f " and, thus tested, it
turns out to be 29.1 bushels an acre.
Clover Hay for Horses.
The New York Herald says : " Many
farmers are strenuously opposed to red
clover as feed for horses of any kind, as
they contend the poisonous dust which
rises from the dead stalks and dry leaves
frequently causes the heaves. For many
years we have kept horses exclusively on
clover hay throughout our long winters,
and if the clover was cut when about one
half the blossoms had turned brown, and
the hay mostly cured in the cock in good
weather, so as to retain most of its leaves
and heads, and green appearance, we
have never known it to produce cough or
heaves. We know of no reason why it
should produce a cough in horses, any
more than red top or herds grass. Clover,
when cut early for hay, as it generally
Should be, from succulence, if not well
dried before being carried to the barn
in large quantities, is very liable to heat
in the mow or on the scaffold ; this proc
ess produces some injurious chemical
changes in the hay. . The starch, sugar,
gum, etc., first assume the vinous, fer
mentation, producing a saccharine qual
ity in the hay. If the change here be
arrested no bad results would follow, the
nutritive and healthy quality of the hay
would not be lessened but generally the
vinous runs into the acetous fermenta
tion this is followed by sourness, moldi
ness, and dust. Such musty hay, fed to
horses, made from clover or any other
kind of grasses, would be very hkely to
produce a stubborn cough, frequently
ending in the heaves. , It is no wonder
that some farmers have a prejudice
against clover hay."
Dbop Cake. One cup of butter, two
cups of sugar, three eggs, six cups of
flour, one cup of milk, one teaspoonf ul
of soda, one tablespoonful of essence of
lemon. Drop into a pan with a spoon
and bake in a quick oven.
Muffins. One quart of flour, : one
cup and a half of sweet or sour milk, two
eggs well-beaten, one egg will not do,
one tablespoonf ul of lard, one teaspoon
ful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of cream
tartar, one teaspoonf ul of soda in the
milk. Bub the lard and cream tartar in
the flour. If the milk is sour, put only
one ! teaspoonf ul of, cream tartar in the
flour, .bake in rings.. -; V.vVf
Goo Hints fob JEvkbtbody. The
way to get credit is to be punctual; the
way to preserve it is not to use it much.
Settle often; have short accounts. ' Trust
no man's appearance;' appearances are de
ceitful, perhaps assumed for the purpose
of obtaining credit. - Beware of gaudy ex
teriors; rogues usually dress welL The
rich are plain; trust him, if any one; who
carries but little on his back. Never trust
him who flies into a passion on being
dunned, but maker him pay quickly if
there be any virtue in the law. " When
ever you meet a man who' is fond of ar
gument, you will meet one profoundly
ignorant of the operations of the human
heart. Mind your own affairs., Let all
the errors' you see in other management
suggest correctness in your own.
An impassioned swain, under a bad
spell, wrote : "Mary, I love the well."
She replied that she was glad he didn't
drink liquor.
Pianos and Org ana.
Fine new rosewood pianos for $300.
Fine walnut organs, six stops. 9125.'
. Good second-hand pianos, $150 to 9200. .
Beed's Temple of Music, Chicago..
Wruci Wonders Never Cease? When
Dr. Walker proclaimed that he had pro
duced from the medicinal herbs of Califor
nia an Elixir that would regenerate the
sinking system, and cure every form of dis
ease not organic, the incredulous shook
their heads. Yet his Vinegar Bitters
is now the Standard Restorative of the
Western World. Under the operation
of the new remedy, Dyspeptics regain
their health ; the Bilious and Consti
pated are relieved of every distressing
symptom ; the Consumptive and Rheu
matic rapidly recover ; Intermittent and
Remittent Fevers are broken ; the
hereditary taint of Scrofula is eradicated !
Skepticism is routed, and this wonderful
preparation is to-day the most popular
Tonic, Alterative and Blood Depurent
ever advertised in America. We don't
sell Rum under the guise of medicine.
We advertise and sell a pure medicine,
which will stand analysis by any chemist
in the country. , 22
In the hearing of an Irish case for an
assault and battery, a counsel, while,
cross-examining one of the witnesses,
asked him what they had at the first
place they stopped at. " Four glasses
of ale," was the answer. "What next!"
8 Two glasses of whisky." " What
next V " One glass of brandy." "What
next?" "A fight."
Carpentebs, read the advertisement of
Simmons' Sash Supporters.
Treating the Wrong Disease.
Many times women call upon their family
physicians, one with dyspepsia, another with
palpitation, another with trouble of t'.ie breast,
another with pain here and there, and in this
way they all present alike to themselves and
their easy-going and indifferent doctors, sepa
rate and distinct diseases, for which he pre
scribes his pills and potions, assuming them to
be such, when in reality, they axe all symptoms
caused by some nterine'disorder : and while they
are thus only able perhaps to palliate for a time,
they are ignorant of the cause, and encourage
their pratico until large bills are made, when the
suffering patients are no better in the end, but
probably worse for the delay, treatment, and
other complications made, ai?.d which a proper
medicine directed to the caose would have
entirely removed, thereby instituting health
and comfort instead of prolonged misery.
From Miss Lobiksa XL St. Club, Bhade, Ath
ens Co., Ohio:
"Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. T. Tom
Favorite Prescription is working almost like a
miracle on me. I am better already than I have
been for over two years.
From Ella A Scbapeb, Zanesville, Ind :
"Dr. Pierce I received the medicine you sent
'me and began using it immediately. As a result
of the treatment X feel better than I have for
three years." i
From Mrs. John K. Hamilin, Odell, HI. :
"Dr. Pierce The Favorite Prescription has
done me good, which I am verv thankful for."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia sold by
dealers in medicines. ,
Wltihoft's Fevkr and Ague Tonic.
This medicine is used by construction companies
for the benefit of their employes, when engaged
in malarious districts. The highest testimonials
have been given by contractors and by the
Presidents of some of the leading railroads in
the South and West. When men are congre
gated in large numbers in the neighborhood of
swamps and rivers, Wilhoft's Tonic will prove a
valuable addition to the stock of medicines, and
will amply reward the company in the Baving of
time, labor and money. We recommend it to
all. Wheetock, Finiat & Co., Proprietors,
New Orleans. For sale by all druggists.
No Time to be Lost. In the incipient
stages of Consumption, the first symptoms are
generally a hacking cough pains & the chest
difficulty of breathing or oppression of the
lungs. Something should be done at once to
check the cough, allay and heal the irritated
parts. Allen's Lung Balsam, will break up the
cough in an incredibly short time ; also prevent
the formation of tubercles. Where tubercles are
once formed the disease is hard to cure. For
sale by all medicine dealers.
It is now generally admitted by hon
est physicians, that when once the consumption
is fairly fastened upon the lungs. , no human
power can save the patient from death. They
also say that about fafty per cent of those who
die from this disease can trace the cause to a
neglected cough or cold, which might have been
cured by a small bottle of liquid Opodeldoc
or what is the same thing. Johnson' g Anodyne
Liniment i ;
Cut this notice out and bring it with
you. We are authorized to refund the cash to
any person or persons who shall buv and use
Pnrwm'a Purgative Fills and fail of relief and
The Northwestern Horse-Nail Co. 's
Finished" Nail is the best in the world.
Most approved, rel'Able and well-known remedy foi
Coughs. -Coldft and Consumption. Gt th genuine. Price
SI : mill, Uc CUTLKRBROS. OO.t Boston.
G ENT8. Chanir Chang sells at stent . Naeesurjr as
soap. Goods free. (Joans' Cnans MTg Co., Boston.
S200 i-Jnnn,h to wnmta everywhere. Address
JJJ Kir.FT.BiOB STy'u Co., Buchanan, Mich.
12590 P"' yt home. Terms free. Address
WhO L U Geo. 8tiksok Ik Co.. Portland. Maine.
CX.W7C A WEEK to Armta. Business legitimate.
9 m V Address W. EL BLISS 4 CO., ToledoOhio.
K A WEKK. Agvnu wanted everywhere. For
Will mail
maksaaintsf BEST BLACK IKK la Basilsi
as ,11 jssyaMU. a. CO. Oaas;, lsssHHs,0.
Address E. R. Ooenran, Middle town. New - astle
Co., Del., for free eatatortra choice peacfi tree.
omau inuia at douub pross. unoto nattsa.
dolnA sic Co-1018 H.
6Ui St. Louis. Mo.
$52 4fl0 J.TJ"r,JT- Batary and expenses paid. Oot
Ip.'xVJU fit tree. A alant)e package sent lor ISb re
turn postage. C. U. GuitxKZ, Waterboro Center, Me.
irk PHA""- nwartieles endthebest
W dr Familr Paper in America, with It S Ohromoa,
free. AitiJiiCAJ M'ro CO.. 3M Broadway, N. y."1
AGEWT XV A KTE D Men or Woman, fit a
week or Slot) forfeited, rh. v toSTI
to OOWEH A CO.. Eighth Stmt, NewYoik.
4R FEB DAY OammlssioB, or S30 a weak sala
Ws vl ry, and expenses. Ws offer it and will nay it.
Apply now. U. W. Wlbotr & Co" JfcLWo. O.
of prettiest girls in the United States, their names,
e and P. O. address, send 30 oents immediately to J. H
ORHIS, Mill Bprincs. Krnlw-Hr. J
t 1 For circulars, evidence of stirness, ato
acuirwse taWteB BBOfi. pl-hirx-nd. Ind. .
ArWERTWERSl Send Sent to GEO. P. ROW.
KLL- CO., 41 Park Row, New Turk, for tnefe7w
PIM of 100 pnyM, confaintnir Mats of 8MW newspapers and
estimates sWwing post QladTerUatng
$CytZf A MOrTTH Agents wanted erwywnere.
ZH 1 Roscwse hoaorable and nrstUoiaa.
Particulars sen t free. Address Wunxa
' ACo-8t.Aoaii.Ma. . ...
TWmia paper ia printed with Ink fnrniahed br Charge
X Enen Johnson n Co.. & Boatn Tents Btreet, Ptula
delpUa, and ott Uoid Street, KewYoik, r oTaale u 10
and aS-pound oni by
TUB JifiiwBPAPgR OltTOrf, Chicago, m.
rwjVBTAHT EMPLOYMEKT-At home. Kate and
J Female. $3U a week insured. No eenital required.
Particulars and valuable sample free. Address with oo
return stamp. O. Rosa, Wuliamaburgh. N. V.
MlalMS th potau. m) tan ttwm taati nala
tw pnrf.uHul)7. i. Dr. N . a Ixaaa. WIUM
parti. as laar a iurttj Araarva.
sMaaata. fas saar aaaarra pa
that Ifca vafcaa an am
' B m aaa bms as aaaai
Who desire to reach country readers can do so In the
bent and cheapest manner by uoUig rne or n oro rcc
a u? .f T"Jt!T KKWwjr-AFaaAiJXixiAaY Lists.
Apply to E. K. i'lAATX, 7 a.' caacn-et., Chicago.
Applied to new or old windows, are warranted to give sat.
Istaction. They take the place of curds end weights on
oorasoonxed windows. Agents wantaHi In every county.
Carpenter preferred. Address J. C SIMMOAIa A COL
m and 6 West iatke t, Ctoeago. 111.
' "-iiinv.aa '"'-
Os anyand every telnd. Send stamp Wa"" (
tot Cai!oria. MrM sBayes Vm!wm aSaaas
auaal arletaat wVawatev flTTSB UaOst, aJe4
vwmv lM fwiiwrm. aeptumtad into ubc.wlftiotu.
JOT fi.wj-w,taB jBta. eUad OOtlt of iVGVAt&IUZ. aMllsni-m R. F
-j?9 exposmtr the mvatariea of a I n-m
Strt.wYort-' Aim BaoKZaa. Wall
,wm wet Kaja ev sank the
aaeca Aese Sere.
gawaaaaiaa naalaM uT! aatM.
B.'?vr- al-')0 - 3m Biaga, per
I lOO eoo a eotnierea Sings.
JWeA OPnngs, tVtm-tm mail.
Uf JMMtoaid. Luauiaia im.
Otaoeleidu Con., orourBrancb
The Tribune .Mxnanac
Po'ltleal Register for 1876.
Oldest, Largest, Beat. 148 Pages.
The Standard Political and Statistical Annual. Price
postpaid. SeO Cent t Seven for SI.
Address, , TUE 'rtUBCBiE, ITew York.
Hvins alracKled twatT y-wrs beiwtwm M ad
dthw1tta AKTHMA.I xperimeatl by cwnv
potUKUttc root tuid herbe udlnhtdiaf; Ctastnfkrfe
acisa. I fcrrtanatwlja discovered wmderfa
Warrmn ted to relieve. tnmtmuUj mo the itavtteti t ema
iiia uwD o rev ana weep eom mrxaYblv. inig
jrtNta are vrappHed with Mrnple paefcacea for rmmm
iOastribtttlon. Call and ret on. or atadraas
An!. Cw9ix. Oatalo.
by DnaaVt-Ua -Tuli-alaa Fcfce. bj giai., ti.S0,
Habit CiirArf
A eBrtsls and anM MtM - 1 ,
wAMHjua inconvenience.
and at home. An mtiHnta that x. , ...
Own merita. i fionrl r. Mw - . ,
Huea-tcriy magazine, (U
cotUvounoWrig,) containing certificates of hmdreda
" " " i""ncuiiy corea. 1 claim b have
uncovered and produced the nan, onienxAi. aid
a MS. COUJlfg, lagy Porta, lad.
tnAltttSL mo nther set foTa
w rJJ ,'v. ""P'tal." - The best game yet." That's
.L1? Dickinson A Co.)"
Iio. lu East Madison Ht., Chicago.
??.!"'"" wasi prietm. A specialty
mademnllingordersfrora fnoa. No charge for package.,
and freight prepaid on alfbills amonnting to 82U or over.
Agents wanted In every Urwn in the West. Send for Oir.
cttfar to AgtMm. The beet Teas in the market for the pi ice.
Young Hrson. fate, kj, 70c, 80c, fine and f 1.M)
uun a-swuer.. sue, ooc, 7oo, c and
Imperial...... .........
Knglish Breakfast....
tic, ?oc. Hue, Due and il.w
- fide floe. 10c. Hoe and
, 60c, ?oc. Wc, Stic and
Hie, Sue, 7tlc, SKIc and
- 6ic. 7UC, 8Uc. IWc and
Markina Clothlna. Books. Printina EnseJanee-
Cardt , Bag, o. Bankers Stamps a specialty.
AoentS Outfit. 12.00. Sand Stasis tns Circular
o ti raest made t (a. toaela elastic, aa a fine
rifi.UJ? powerful, pure and even.
esanoc ae ricrUrd i a tone or beauty ; ihtyArfy
competition. mfjoncrrtoSUpiTahnelmi-
TrR .JJE.r" .w.-'or ".'! 11 daring this
I i u no. S 1U HiiU ; (limn,, eWoSSO, Sre-OM!-iin
iul IiKtriimrnt.. S-l to St. monthly
nrter fir. Deposit. iliElSTS WASTflD? A
i !TJ rtlMOMMt to Teather. Hinittm, Cliurrhr,.
I -i oi',V,"C- prtia.Hn'l ucemenla to t lie
r?a'2.':.IJ1V.",'r?7J.t?iLc?a,0?' fntlet.
way. New Voi lt. ox3i6T. '
Waukesha Water.
MrfiTve?" forma, all diaeaaes of the Kidneys
Pmcg 'Barrels, 8T2 : half do, 7 : cans. ings. demi.
JohnSMind boUle... to cents per gaUonTpacaVSei eSL
boolof ja pages, giving description of the ahove dis-
C. C. OLIN St CO.,
"W'stnateslia. WI.
r, " n -
W.TLlTcrc Cod Ll-vc- OH and T.tmcrVrsoBs
srhehave LeentjiOnc CodUverOU will be pleasedta
earn thzt Or. Wilbor has sneoeeded, from directioaa fi
fverrj professional gantlemen, in eombining the pure
ctl end lime ia suoh a munacr that it is pleasant to the
tastp, and tta enacts in lung oomplainta are truly won.
perfuL VerynianyrieraonswnoaecaaMwerepronounoed
wMhout marked effoct. hvo been entirely enred bynsing
thu nreparntaiin. le snre and get tne genuine. Mnu
fctaredmili A. B. W ir.HOit. Chemist, Queton. Uosd
. ana wno rjaa ttKen tne clear ou for a lung time
pSTCHOMAJVCT, or Sool Ourattar
a&vcncai of aay prm tlwy rtMMMM, liwta:illy. Til. art atl ran
ananusnw, by null. r. eaiita; tiixrUaFrwlitiaS.UTUiraU.lMa.
SxvUau oracaa, ltrntwa, lllnta to Loon n-ilaol.t A
aaaraa.?-. w tt.i J anwa Wayalrs,rtillaaiitihla.
( aim ar nmrrled or contemplate nmrriagv
PrieeMets. Iiymall. Addresa Dr. Hutu nisuena
aary MUotiU KlaUth true I- el. Iuia. tin.
Sa 17 St. CbATle. StrMt, St, Levit, l&L,
eaeeaaaa as tnaa aU aaass at ahiia.ila. a. .4.
1 1 W it J!.?'' .aparailalM eaaa
saa. ssmla 777. .
iiaf. Kaiag e gnalaat. ef
r'frf", aaa kavtag is. exaertaae. ef s
?1 ,VL." "L J" sesaalds. ks aaa earaanas
SM aaaaaiuZTi a. eaaaa. ausMUar
"J??! ."? "" evvrywaera. as
TI JVu6410- writs. Vraa tas sress a aaa-
r7,- I "M'' " avs eaataaalstiai aui
r - - ia saajsaa. tka raasna ef Or. (
!?I.liSS2,J2 .. UM-ra fraaa taaa w,
as aaaay. aaa laatia. , Saau sum. aM-saia tar as
"KTO. 1t North FUth Street, St Louis. Mo.. FHTAB
111 USHKD 1557. Uares s.'l ssfferwts without the use of
ercury. Charges mnKiaabie teea. . . . .
av-ur. B.'s "TnP.ta on Special Blseaaea," wtucn
It exnlains the nature, nausea, avmntoms. and mean
to cure all forms of Nervous Debility, all Dumases censed
by the firrora of Youthan and valuable Information oa
other delicate subjects, seat fxvex in plain snnlsd
am 1 -J 1L w
s ,. iraaav
C3 !? !f S I T S.A?.!Jj?DB??fc Borne. Tfo
UrlUaJ !ft?7
V '
. "J Fflaarw J h4
SrW- r5?
7 tt.rrr-rt?
Or. J. Walker's CaUfornia Yin-
egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly from the na
tive herbs found on the lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevad.'ymountains of Calilbr
nia, the medicinal properties of which
aue extracted therefrom without the nso
of Alcohol. The question is almost
daily asked, "What is the cause of the
unparalleled success of Vikegaji Bit
teks V3 Our answer is, that they remov
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers hit health. They are the greai
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect .Renovator and Invigorate
f the system. Never before in the
aistory f the world has a medicine been'
comporWed possessing the remarkable
qualities of Vinkoas E. iters in healing the
wok of every disease man i heir to. They
are a gentle Portative sm veil as a Tonio.
relieving Oongesun - Inflammation oj
the Idver and Tiseerai vrgans, in Bilioug
The properties of Dr. Waxkeb's
Vinboab Bittsbj are Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, .Nutritions, .Laxative, lHaretio,
Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera,
uve, and Anti-Bilious. y
Gratefiil Thousands proclaim Yin
Bgab Bitters the most wonderful In
vigorant that ever sustained the sinking
system. .
No Person can take these Bittera
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond,
repair. -:'
Bilious. Remittent and Inter
mittent Ferers, which are so preva
lent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande.
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and. liver,
and othor abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon these various or -gans,
is essentially necessary.. Thero
is no. cathartic for the purpose equal to
Da. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters.
as they will speedily remove the dark
colored viscid matter with which the
bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating the secretions of the livery
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Bitters. No epidemic can take hold
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, pain in the Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tatien of the Heart, Inflammation of the
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toias, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will prov a better guarantee
of its merits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Scrofnla, or King's Evil, White-
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neckr
Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old
Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, eta
In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
eases, Walk rr's Vikkgab Bitters have
shown their great ' curative powers iu the.
most obstinate and intractable cacs. :
For Inflammatory ami Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Item it
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of -the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases
are caused by Vitiated Blood. .
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
raged in Paints and Minerals, such as
luinbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and.
Miners, as they advance in life, are subject,
to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard
afrainst this, take a dose of Walker's Vix
boar Bittkrs occasionally.
For Sk'in Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt-lthettra, Blotches, Spots, Pimples
Hustnles, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms
Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,,
benrfs. Discoloration of the Skin, Humors;
and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name,
or nature, are literally dug np and carried,
out of the system in a short time by the usa
of these Bitters. ,
t Pin, Tape, and other Worms,
lurking in the system of so many thousands,
are effectually destroyed and removed. 2fo
system of mediums, no vermifuges, no aa
thehnimtics wiH free the system from worms,
like these Bitters. - ,
For Female Complaints, in young-
or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonio.
Bitters display so decided an influence that
improvement Is soon perceptible.
Cleanse the Yitiated Blood when
ever you find its impurities bu retina through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or ores.
cleanse it when you find it obstructed and
sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it ia
,; Tonp feelings will tell yoa when. Keen
the blood pare, and the health of the system
will follow.
li.. n. Mcnomi.n -i- a-va
atau cor.
. tL Wtaaaltrw Ot Co.. ttm
C Sleiaa., j 1 oneatlj Jkhlnk ronr la .Foavan
nDerkir to all eaara.rt
Wawt. BtMM !i Ca- firanra,
fprittntrld, Ja., .w" Be Foam
enmbrms sU csnahtlps dasuad in a
nrrtiass Baklna rVwder.9
It la tilA thins for rivaraanHRSaruf
vsaah parsona, and beitar foe Ui
KioDi and well." Many Vnlnabi
eonauis; recipes anat f raa. Semi ioa
Circular to Ceo. P. Gantz A Co.,
1713 Ihiaac St., JVev York.
utaraiDTinr , .
R. D. PALr.1Eff'S
Star Well Auger,
Patented MarS, 187.
Sraavvaasatsna , BBor ri hlaia il i
WellS SQ ft. Din Sm.k in il Unnra
Caa bora SCO taei deep U pcromtur,
f Untuall in SinJMta thai
;.. Tknmgh Matf BodU qf utciutand.
IttatbaetMepastandinoat parfbotWalf
Aoeer ever Invented.
Owing to the rpidly4ncrestnr demaiut' '
for our Ansera we have been compelled to
remove oar manafartnry from Chamnaien
toClilerwa, 111, where wa are dot tuiir
y yf-iaanHLw oil aii orders promptly,
Hionawr Tbti(iim rvHsismn,
j'aend for our new XlhiMratoil CataloKua.
dreas "SI At. WLil AliblUli tU-"
no. SOS Seatii Canal SU, Chicago, Dm
C. N. U.
Uo. V.
1 1