THE TWO TRAVELERS BY WTUXSXt OUIXBM BSYA.XT. it, ud before my eyes There lay a landscape gray and dim ; Field faintly Mea and twilight stara And cloada that hid tha horizon's brim, I aa w or wm it that I dreamed? A waking dream? I cannot ay; Tor every ahapa aa real seemed Aa those that meet my eye, to-day. Through leafless shrubs the ooid wind hissed The air was thick with falling enow ; And onward, through the frozen mist, I aaw a weary traveler go. Driven o'er that landscape bare and bleak, Before the whirling gusts of air, - The anftw-nakee amote hia witbered cheek, And gathered on hia ail ver hair. Tet on he fared through HHinr snows, And murmuring tohimaeU he aaid ; The night ia near, the darkneea grows, And higher rise the drifts I tread. Deep, deep each aufeoma flower they hide ; Each tuft of green they whelm from sight; And they who journeyed by my side Are lost in the anrrounding night. I loved them ; oh, no words can tell The love that to my friends I bore ; We parted with the sad farewell Of those who part to meet no more. And I, who face this bitter wind. And o'er these snowy hillocks creep. Must end ra ) Journey soon and find A frosty couch, a f roaen sleep." As thus he spoke, a thrill of pain Shot to my heart ; I closed my eyea, And when I opened them again I started with a glad surprise. Twas evening still, and in the west, A flush of glowing crimson lay ; I saw the morrow there, and blest f That promise of a glorious day. The waters, in their glassy sleep, Shone with the hues that tinged the sky, sua ruggea cun ana Darren steep Gleamed with a brightness from on high. And one was there whose journey lay Into the slowly gathering night ; - With steady step he held his way O'er shadowy vale and gleaming height. I marked his firm though weary tread, The lifted eye and brow serene, And saw no shade of doubt or dread Pass o'er that traveler's placid mien. , And others came, their Journey o'er, And bade good-night with words of cheer ; To-morrow, we shall meet once more ; Tia but the night that parts us here.'' And I," he said, " shall sleep ere long These fading gleams will soon be gone Shall sleep, to rise, refreshed and strong, In the bright day that yet will dawn." I heard ; I watched him as he went, A lessening form, until the light Of evening from the firmament nma pasaea. ana ne was lost to sigQt. -Atlantic or February. THE HEIR'S HEIR. " Who is that charming creature, Ave nelt" " What ! not know Mrs. Banvard, the belle and beauty of the Beason ? Not to know her, Henry, argues yourself un known." ' From the depths of my social ob scurity I have heard of her ; neverthe less, I had no idea she was so beautiful. A rich Irish widow, is she not ? " " Yes ; she accompanied her father and his second wife to England last June, and is so well pleased with society here that she intends to remain perma nently, I i believe. She is fabulously rich, and, as you see, very beautiful, and has the reputation also of being very amiable and intelligent. If it were not for one drawback, I should advise you to fall in love with her, Henry." " And what is that, pray 1 ' " The drawback is that, in case she marries again, she forfeits all her for tune." "I never could marry her, AveneL with or without that proviso," said Henry. "I was not aware that you are en gaged." " I am not engaged. But I am poor, and X would not be guilty of the mean ness of even "seeming to marry for money. And I surely would not be the means of bringing a splendid woman tike her down to my level of penury. " That last would be rather unpleas ant, I confess. Hut I cannot see any meanness in a man marrying a rich wife, if he can love her well enough. And I don't think she would be very hard to love, do you I I cannot tell, I am sure, never hav ing tried," said Henry, with great frig idity. Henry Percival was very proud. He inherited pride from his mother, who. having married against the wishes of her family, and been cast off by them on that account, had refused to mention them, even to her son. " You need ask me no questions about my family, Henry, she would say, coolly, in reply to his questions ; "they are nothing to you. Your father's name, and the admitted talents you inherit from him, are quite sufficient to you. And you have, besides, your mower's love and prayers your mother, who takes pride in no other name than that of Per-civaL" During his father's lifetime Henry had known " neither poverty nor ncnes. Mr. Percival had been a superior archi tect, and had never, failed to provide amply for ; his wife and son. But he died : and. during, the five years succeed ing that event, it had been rather up-hill . work for Henry to provide for his mother out of his earnings as a cierK. us salary, however, had increased, year by year, till, at the time my story begins, he was head clerk in a wholesale house, at a rate of salary that did not, certainly, consti tute affluence, but, with frugality, was onite sufficient for his mother's and his own modest needs. What ill fortune, Henry, wondered, had brought him to Long Beach to spend his summer vacation there to meet Isabel Banvard ? I Nobody but himself knew, thank fortune, what a fool he was. . But he knew that he loved that " bright, particular star," that shone as far above his reach as Bertram did above the fair Helena's. Weil, he could keep his own counsel, at any rate ; this he was deter mined upon. His mother had proved that she could keep a secret, and it would go hard if he could not - , -; -Hanrv stood upon the beach, watching; in mmnanv with his friend AveneL the crowd of morning bathers. Such a sight is generally neither highly- romantio . nor highly picturesque, ' though here and there a bathing oostume is sometimes th rvrndnoes the latter effect. Such a isfc was Isabel Banvard's this brilliant August morning. Her ' glorious KWk- mm flowed all the darker for the contrast between them and the- bright hiwi-nf-TtsursdiseHBolored robe she wore. which also brought into the most charm ing relief her clear olive complexion and .in-t- KoriflH of rippling hair..' Henry s s a. creat lean as ha saw her' lmrtinff in the water ; but he frowned . and turned his eyes away, whistling .' There is the splendid creature," said i . ..ymvoiwa ihsn the lilies Avenei ; -mw " I saw her, if you mean Mrs. Ban vard," said Percival, with superior sang froidV " Look, AveneL can yon see that ship in the distance V And h Ktauned his shaded eyes, as though in that ship centered sB his hopes. : "Ship No; what are all the Bhips on the iU to a Kiot U woman How can you be so insenmbie T Just look at her now, as she swims I" . It was indeed fine sight to see that eyeful form, in ita brilliant bathing dress, glinting in and out among the waves, like a golden-backed dolphin at play. Henry, gazing on the vision, for got to dissimulate forgot that his eyes were to be schooled to hide the feelings of the heart. He forgot everything till Avenei touched him on the arm. "Henry, has she completely bewitched you? I have spoken to you twice, and you have not answered me." Percival turned to answer, feeling a blush creep over his usually pale face, and inwardly invoking a malison upon his old ten-tale blood ; when, all at once, a fearful cry, loud and ominous, crossed upon the air. He turned again toward the bathers. The golden-backed dolphin had dis appeared, and there was a great and hor rified cry of "The under-current ! the under-current!" Percival was an expert swimmer. In an instant his coat was thrown aside, and he was in the midst of the breakers, dashing away wildly toward the object of his love and solicitude. Once before he' reached the spot where she had dis appeared he caught a glimpse of the bright yellow dress she wore, . then lost it, then caught it again, grasped it, and went with it under the greedy wave. But he was strong of arm and warm of heart. He emerged from the treacherous waters bearing on one arm the apparently lifeless form of her he had risked his own life to save. Two days after this occurrence Henry iercival was pacing the moonlit beacn alone. The surf was rolling finely, throwing back the pallid rays of the queen of night, and scattering spray in drops of silver dew. , Henry did not see all this beauty ; his face was shadowed by a frown. "Why did I ever come here?" he asked himself, impatiently. "And why, now that I have made a public spectacle of myself, do I not leave t 'Everybody saw me kiss her as I brought her out of the water, and the news of my absurd presumption is sure to reach her ears. To-morrow morning, Henry Percival, you take the boat for home. To-morrow morning, mind, before there is the least possibility of her making her appearance out of doors." And the young man cer tainly meant what he said. He looked from his survey of the sands as he said this, his eye seeking the direction of her window. He did not see the window, however, for there, right before him, wrapped m luxurious shawls, and leaning on the arm of a lady's maid, stood lier smiling and blushing self. 'Mr. trercival, said she, .holding out her hand, " I have found you at last. But, having found yon, I ' am at a loss how to thank you for so inestimable a thing as my life." Xlie tears shone in her beautiful dork eyes. Jfercival could have Kissed them away willingly, but he assumed as much indifference as he could. ' I am not aware, Mrs. Banvard," he said, "that I am entitled to any grati tude. I was simply fortunate enough to be the only one to rescue you." " ion were fortunate enough to be the only one to try, as I happen to know," said she, a little embarrassed by his chilling manner. "I insist upon thanking you, and claiming not only your acquaintance but your friendship.' "My friendship, l fear, Airs. .Ban vard, would not be of much benefit to you. I " Will you give me your arm, Mr. Percival? I have a fancy to argue that point with you." She took his arm, dismissing her ser vant, and they walked together on the sands for half an hour, xou will not imagine, if yon have the least faith in psychology, that Henry could feel the thrill of that little hand upon his arm for thirty minutes, and communicate no sense of it to her. "Did you say her name was Banvard?" asked Mrs. Percival of her son. "Banvard yes. Do you know the name ?" exclaimed Henry, in surprise. A quick flush passed over the mother's face. Yes," she said, "I used to know it once. Hut you love her, you say r " Fool that I am yes. Don't despise me, mother ; that is all 1 ask. "Despise you, Henry? 1 only wish there was a woman on earth good enough for you." Something more than a mother's pride lighted up Mrs. Perci val's face as she spoke. " Do you think that this woman loves you ?" she asked, earnestly. x do think so ; but what of it 1 could -never ask her to. share my poor destiny." Mrs. .Percival was silent a few mo ments. By-and-by she said, suddenly, " Henry, 1 am going to tell you some thing that I had intended to keep secret forever. Jut name was Banvard. "Mother!" " Yes : and I believe this friend of yours is the widow of my cousin.' " Can it be possible V -: " ion can soon ascertain for yourself, my son. - v w - . . . " Henry, you surprise me. Mary Ban vard ! yes, that is the name in the will. Your mother is my late husband's heir, in case I marry again. II you should marry me, then, Isa bel?" ' . "I should marry the heir's heir, and so keep possession of my property. Quite a speculation that would be." - " Refuse me if you will, Isabel, but do not mock me, for I love you utterly. i " And I love you, in spite of your ab surd pride, Henry Percival. I have loved you all along. And she gave him her hand with be witching frankness. , They were mar ried.' ' ' "'" "(J wine far to Jine. the Band." . The other night a Fayettesville gentl man was greatly disturbed by a dismal howling in his kitchen, which he first supposed was the sad refrain of some low-spirited tom-cat dying with the bronchitis. Tracing up the noise, he found it proceeded from an old negro woman that was rocking backward and forward in a chair, singing as vociferous ly as her feeble lungs would allow. " What are you doing. Aunt Peggy exclaimed the irate Fayetteevillian. " I'm a singin' of a Lime, honey." " The d 1 yon are : what hime' are vou singing ? . " I'm a singing, I'm gwine fur to jine the band.'" " Well. I'd like to know, what band vou are irwine fur to jine ? "' "Da angel band, honey de Lord's band!" ... ....I .. .- : " Now. vou'd make a Lniee angeL wouldn't yon, with the dirt an inch thick on vour hide.' . ; " Nebber mind about de dirt, honey," piously ejaculated Aunt Peggy, " nebber mind about de dirt de Lord he got plenty of soap, he has, and the runs de ribber Jordan, Am does nebber mind about de dirt I'm gwine fur to jine! Here Aunt Peggy's tormentor fled, and she was left to exercise her vocal powers at discretion. f ayeuctvaie. Juxpress. Tociro Alfonso's allowance has been fixed at 28,000,000 reals $3,500,000 which oueht to prove a real comfort to him.-'' Pith and Point. Mkx who can cut a shine Glaziers. Mrs. Hobson was " Hobson's choice." More men have fallen in love than in war. -. Chairs should never be covered with silk, but sot-in. Question for florists Is not a rich mandarin a China Astor? ; It" a pair of spectacles could speak, what historian would they name ? ; Euse bius. . 4 A "journeyman granunar-smasher " is what one St. Louis editor terms an other. A youxa man at Jersey City poisoned himself rather than Bee his widowed mother marry a member of the Legis lature. . j " Can't you make any allowance for a man's being drunk ? " " Ctertainly," said the Judge, " I allow you thirty days in the workhouse." A rudb fellow told Baraum tha' he had never exhibited anything that was not a barefaced humbug. "Yes I have," said Barnum, " the bearded lady wasn't barefaced." j Nothxko gives the foreigners a better idea of the gigantic resources of this country than the Baby Almond of Cali fornia. Each nut yields about a gallon of prussic acid. ; A Dakbubt man, who bought a new pair of boots Saturday, says a ship may stand on one tack all night if it wants to, but he finds an hour and a half - an ele gant sufficiency. A fbxjjOw was told at a tailor's shop that three yards of doth, by being wet, would shrink one-quarter of a yard " Wll, then," he inquired, " if you should wet a quarter of a yard, would there be any left i " A Thomas street schoolboy had just got his face fixed to sing " Let us love one another," when a snow ball hit him in the mouth and so confused him that he yelled : " Bill Sykes, just do that agin and I'll chaw your ear off." While on her way to leap into the river, a Minneapolis girl met a man who proposed marriage, and she turned back and was happy. Almost any day now one can count four or five Minneapolis girls walking along the river banks. " When can I get a chance to put this baby to sleep? " once ; asked a lady emigrant of Kit Carson who was conducting the train. " Well, nia'am," said Kit, reflectively, " I don't exactly know, but I think it would be when we get to the Rocky Mountains." j " Sure," said Patrick, rubbing his head with delight at the prospect of a present from his employer, "I always mane to do my duty. "I believe you," replied his employer, "and there fore I shall make you a present of all you have stolen from me during the year." "I thank your honor," replied Pat, " and may all your friends and ac quaintances treat you as liberally. The Cruelty of Monkeys. An amateur naturalist, writing of the fondness of cruelty for its own sake ob servable in the human species, says : To refer to the striking similarity of this passion in man to that which is mani fested by monkeys, is not, of course, to explain its origin ; but I am quite sure that it is m the monkeys that this ex planation is to be sought. Every one knows that these animals show the keen est delight in wantonly torturing others, but every one does not know how much trouble an average monkey will put him self to in order that he may gratify this taste. One example will suffice. A friend who has lived a long time in In dia tells me that he has not unfrequently seen monkeys feiirning death, lor an hour or two at a time, for the express purpose of inducing crows and other carnivorous birds to approach within grasping distance ; and when one of the latter was caught, the delighted monkey would put it to all kinds of agonies, of which plucking alive seemed to be the favorite. As I am not aware that any other pnimn.1 exhibits this instinct of in flicting pain for its own sake (the case of a cat with a mouse, belonging, x wins, to another category), I believe, if its origin is ever to- receive a scientific ex planation, it will be found in some way connected with monkey life. Wanted to Coprriirht a Dog. The Cincinnati Enquirer tells this vera cious tale : " A rather intelligent-look- incr man came into the United States Clerk's office recently and stated that he desired to take out a copyright. Air. Tom Ambrose explained that by the change in the law of 1870 his applica tion must be made directly to; Washing ton. He said he had a table perform ance he "wanted to get copyrighted, and manired how it should be done. Oapt Ambrose told him he would have to send three copies of the work to the depart ment at Washington. ' Of which, the table or the doe ?' asked the man. What do you want copyrighted s I inquired Ambrose. ' Why. a performance on a table by a door. I might send three ta bles on, but yon see I have only one dog. The little fellar acts the cutest yon ever seed, and there's money in" it for me if I can only get. a copyright on it so other folks can t learn their dogs to do the same tricks. How 11 it do. Mister V Capt. Ambrose assured him that he had no remedy, except to make? his dogs acting so superior to others that they would not be - eucroachable by dogs of inferior , talents ; , just the same copy right which artists enjoy. . j : : "t : Thk Pebxls of SfflMtNADiriG. Sere nading in Lewis ton, Oregon, has ceased to be popular. The following extract from a recent police report will explain why : " The too ? melodious! nocturnal band was brought before hia' honor Re corder Vincent, who, after hearing the facts in the case, recorded a fine of $5 and costs, which amounted to $7, making a total of 012 against the K-flat cornet, which was paid bv Charles Willis (con traband); the trombone was mulcted in the same ' amount, and made good by Billy Duffy i The snare drum and bugler not having the necessary amount to sat isfy the insatiate maw of the offended dignity of the city in the parson of the Recorder, Martin Williams and Brick- top " ' took it upon' themselves to offer themselves aa hostages in the city jail until the expiration of the alternative, six days." - -I"- '' - Beroh After HoRSB-CtfppKRS. In New York, the other day, jMr. Bergh made a Utile breeze in high life by a raid on dipped noraes belonging jto fashion able owners standing about A. T, Stewart's retail store. Among them was a span belonging to one of tha Appletons, the book publishers, whose driver was arrested, and. after a lontr. examination. held for triaL It was only last Sunday that out of seventy-eight carriage teams Paris' Oldest Inhabitant. The Boston Post says: "The oldest inhabitant of Paris, the Comte de Wal deck, now in his one hundred and eleventh year, is still seriously consider ing the subject of taking out an insur ance policy on his life, and will no doubt try it next year. Three years ago M. de Waldeck was enthusiastic over the pro ject of a new theater near the Madeleine, he having applied for the position of director, although he would be about one hundred and fifteen years of age if he lived to see the building completed. He still wants the place, as he was director of a theater bearing the, name proposed under the first republic. A correspond ent who saw the old man coming down the Rue des Martyrs ; the other day thought him looking remarkably welt On the Empress' birthday he Bent her a bouquet, saying in a note that he was in the world before the founder of the Napoleonic dynasty. He was an officer under Napoleon, and was wounded at Austerlitz. During the reign of terror he was. like Sieves, occupied in Uvintr.' no easy thiner when one had the title of -Count, and when there was a permanent guillotine on the rMace de la uoncorde ; but he succeeded by becoming a purveyor of ' public amusements. Ha said the other day that there was only one thing pertaining to that time that he now re srretted the costumes of the women. There is nothing, he thinks, which shows off the female form so well as the dresses worn under the Directory, and, one may add, or so much of it. There is no doubt about the Count de Waldeck's age, he having authentic documents and the records cf the army to show that he must be considerably over a century. v ; . j A Annecdote of Henry Clay. Many years ago, when the great Ken j tuckian, Henry Clay, was a candidate for re-election to Congress from his native State, the following incident actually oc curred : On election day Clay was standing near the polls, surrounded by a number of friends, when he was approached oy an old friend who -was carrying a flint lock rifle on his shoulder, as it was cus tomary for all backwoodsmen to do in that early day. When he reached Clay, he extended his hand to him, and said, " Harry, as a man I like you; but you supported a measure during the last ses sion wnicii x iiuiiK. wui prove ajijuxiuiim to the best interests of the country ; therefore, I ainnot vote for you again." Clay looked at him for a tew minutes in silence ; then he took the gun off his shoulder, and after examining it for a short time said, "Did you ever have a fine bead drawn through the sights of your gun on a noble buck, when the flint snapped ! The man answered, Yes." Clay then continued, "Did you break your gun over the nearest tree, or did you pick the flint and try it again ?" The man's face brightened up ; he held out his hand to CJlay again, and said, "Why, d n it, I picked the flint and tried it again, and I will try you once more," and ever afterward he was one of Clay's warmest friends. Expenditures of the Government for mono improvements. The expenditures of the United States for public buildings at Washington, from the time the capital was located to the end of fiscal year, June 80, 1873, have been For the Capitol $12,000,000 lreasury e,uuu,uuu Interior. 4,000,000 Postofflce 2,000,000 President's House 300,000 Agricultural Department 200,000 New State Department (unflnislwd) ...... 1.300,000 standing in front of ohurchea examined by Mr. Bergh's officers, forty-one had been clipped, and the blankets provided by the owners for tha animals were found wrapped around, the drivers' legs and leet. A South American City. ' A South American letter-writer says Buenos Ayres is a modern commercial city, built upon an old Spanish town. It is hid out into squares by streets cross ing at right angles -with perfect regular ity. The narrow streets were originally lined with rambling one-story houses of brick, faced with white cement, each with its patio in the enter, and its large street windows effectually protected by a network of iron bars. In recent times the wonderful commercial proth perity of the city has rendered necessary a more crowded style of building, and these structures have been run up to two, three, and rarely four stories in height. The shop-windows of the Florida, the principal street, will remind yon of New York or London, but a glance at the edifices will bring your thoughts back to Buenos Ayres: The sights in the streets have the same two-fold character. The old custom of horseback- riding still pre vails largely, and tha clatter of hoofs without the rolling of wheels is a marked peculiarity. The baker's outfit is a don key or a sorry jade of a horse, with huge panniers on either side, between which sits the man of the loaves galloping down the streets. I . be lieve that, fortunately, piea are not in demand here. The milkman, dressed gaucho fashion, with a ; slouch hat, a shawl over his shoulder, and another about his legs, comes trotting in from the country with his cans slung on either side of his horse. He puts . water into his milk ; there is another " variety" who does not. He may be seen driving two or three cows down the street with calves tied to their tails. When hailed he will draw the milk for you before your eyes, unadulterated of course, unless he may have a syringe full of water secreted in his sleeve, as one ingenious fellow is said to have done. You may see a drove of turkeys down the street, and if you de sire one for dinner, the acrile driver will catch the object of your choice in a mo ment and wring his neck in your pres ence. The carts, you see, all are very hic-h two-wheeled vehicles, with the shafts thrust into a saddle on the back of one horse, while another, fastened to one corner by a chain caught in one side of his saddle, gyrates about much as he pleases. These are trifling matters, but they are street pictures along with street-cars of New York manufacture the driver of which winds a horn at every crossing to clear the roads, and equipages as fine as any to be met on the grand boulevard m Chicago. Total $25,800,000 The total amount expended during the same period for the improvement of rivers and harbors was $32,680,340. This sum was distributed as follows On the Atlantic coast, $9,587,173 ; Gulf coast, 579,706 ; Pacific coast, $638,003 Northern lakes, $10,437,158 ; Western rivers, $11,438,300. Of the total ex pended the sum of $21,242,040 was for the improvement of harbors. Billiards America vs. England. Chris O'Connor, of New York, has issued the following challenge to Eng land. It is believed that one of the players referred to is Rudolphe, and the other either Cyrille Dion or Maurice Daly: "I will wafer $5, 000 that I can prodnce two billiard players from Mew xork city who vail beat any two Engliith players upon the follow ing conditions: Two games of 1,000 pointu each to be played. One the English game, on an English table ; the other the American game, on an American table. The player who makeu the greater number of pointa in the two games to be declared the winner. I will give or take 500 to have the came played in London or JNew 1OTK. Various powders, etc., placed in silk bacrs, or ornamented envelopes, are agreeable to smell of, and also economical for imparting a pleasing odor to linen and clothes as these are packed away in drawers, for they prevent moths. or lavender powder take one pound of powdered lavender, one-quarter pound of gum benzoin, and-quarter of an ounce of otto of lavender. For patchouli use one-half a pound of patchouli ground fine, and a very little of otto patchouh. This herb is often sold in its natural state as imported and is tied up in half- pound bundles. Sandal wood sachet powder is good, and consists of the wood ground fine. Cedar wood, when ground, forms a body for other sachet powders. and will keep moths at a distance. Dried fennel, when ground, is also used for scent-bags, and ground nutmeg is liked for this purpose. For heliotrope powder take half a pound of orris root, one quarter pound of ground rose leaves, two ounces powdered tonquin bean, one ounce vanilla bean, one .half dram grain musk, two drops otto of almonds; mix it all by sifting through a coarse sieve. ; This is one of the best sachets ever made and perfumes table clothes, sheets, pillow cases, and towels deliciously, Ax Otj BiiAPB. John L. Paget, of Cornish Flat, N. H., stall shaves himself with a razor which was the only one used by bis father, who got it of an old man eighty years of age, who in turn bought it when he was young for sixpence at a pawnbroker's shop in the ity of Glas gow. It was an old razor then. Mrs. Paget has a looking-glass which was brought into Cornish about 113 years ago, and has been in use ever since. It is seven by ten inches in size, is sound, and seems good for another fcundred years. - ' " ' - ' ;-- - Lion's Hbabt. A banquet has lately taken place in Paris, at which Firmin, the eminent publisher, presented a sir loin of lion, a leg and heart of tha same aimn.1, artistically cooked that is, dis guised. The flesh, though firm and close grained, could not be ranked higher than with that from . the horse. The heart was not at all." tender, " but rather tough. The meat was not of a nature to justify tha opening of a special butcher's shop, or the formation of a philanthropic joint-stock ; society, to en courage the consumption of the delicacy. Ex-Sesatob Nye's "softening of the brain " ia contradicted. These Two Great Kmplrea Contain About , One-IIalf tne People on the Globe. . - From the Chicago Tribune.) In noticincr the death of his Maiestv Tsai-Shun, the late Emperor of China, we stated that he had ruled over - the largest number of subjects of any mon arch of the present day, as the popula tion of China numbered 300,000,000 of people, being superior even to the great British ' Empire, whose subjects num bered 220,000,000. ' Whilst our state ment is correct that tha Chineee Empire is the most populous in tha world, we find we have considerably understated the populations both of the Chinese and British Empires, It is exceedingly diffi cult to form correct estimates of the pop ulation of Asiatic countries, and in com puting the population of the British Em pire we adopted the figure which up to tne late census or isntisn India was gen erally assumed to be the population of that country. These figures were up to 1865 variously estimated at from 150, 000,000 to 180,000,000 of souls. From that period several provincial enumera tions established the fact that the actual figures were considerably in excess of previous estimates in the case of every province-; and the general census of 1871 has given the population of British India at the enormous figure of 239,000,000 of souls, or 19,000,000 in excess of what was previously believed to be the population of the entire British Empire. The sub jects of Queen Victoria are, therefore, almost as numerous as what we had be fore quoted the subjects of the Brother of the Sun and the Moon, as will be seen from the following table : Britian Isles, with other possessions in Europe (nearly) 33,000,000 Empire in India..... 239,000,000 Colonies in Australia, Mew Zealand, Tas mania o,wsj,uuu Dominion of Canada, possessions in Brit ish North America..... (1,000,000 Colonies of Ceylon, Cape of Good Hope, fort xtatao, Singapore, straits SetUe- , ments, West India Islands, all other numerous colonies, at least. 8,000,000 ys: fol- IIow a Dead-Lock Works. A correspondent writing from the House during the recent , filibustering bout, eives a concise description of the way a dead-lock is worked, lie sa; The method of proceeding is as lows: Some one of the leadincr Demo crats moves that the House adjourn; another demands the yeas and nays upon this motion. Then some member on the Republican side demands tha yeas and nays. This is where the fun comes in for the Republican side. The Speaker asks if the call for tellers is seconded, and a sufficient number of Republicans rise in their places. The tellers are then appointed and take their places before the Speaker s desk, and the JJemocrats who desire the ' yeas and nays come marching down the aisles and pass be tween the tellers. The Speaker then declares that a sufficient number have voted for the yeas and nays to second that demand, and the other side is not counted, so the Republicans have an op portunity of giving the Democrats some physical labor without trouble to them selves. The yeas and nays having been ordered on a' motion to adjourn, some other Democrat moves that when the House adjourns to-day it be to meet on Saturday next. On this question the yeas and nays are demanded, the Repub licans call for tellers again, and repeat the same proceedings as on the first mo tion. Next -a motion is made by some Democrat to amend the last motion by striking out Saturday and inserting Fri day as the date of meeting. The Demo crats are made I to march between the tellers again in order to get the roll call ed "upon this motion.) Three roll calls are thus ordered, and consume the time for two hours or more. When the last motion has been voted upon and voted down, then the same routine is begun over, and the same monotonous proceed ings are repeated. ENGLAND AS D CHINA. Total i . . . . .200,000,000 As to China, we have no reliable offi cial census of that country, like that of India, and any estimate is, oonsequtntly, liable to be more or less inaccurate. ; We know, however, that China proper, es pecially the eastern portion of it, those provinces intersected by the rivers Yang- tse-JUang, Hoangho, Hi-Kiang, in then lower course, and the great Imperial Canal, contain a population so, closely herded together that travelers often ex press surprise how food can be raised sufficient to feed them. In Lower Ben gal, in the agricultural districts of the countries of Hooghly and ' Jessore, the population exceeds the eisormous num ber of 1,000 per square mile. But even this figure is exceeded by China. Some partial and local enumerations have been made, and on the strength of the figures thus obtained, and with the best information available, P.ngliah and Ger man geographers assume the population of the Cliinese Empire at 450,000,000 to 500,000,000 of souls. We have thus the remarkable and in teresting fact that the joint population of these two great empires (the British and the Chinese) amounts to the enormous sum of 70U,ouu,uoo or 700,000,000, or about one-half of the entire population of our globe. We believe there is no parallel to this wonderful fact in the his tory of the human race, as far as we have authentic record or tradition. A Nice Little Game. A Lovely Meeting. The stockholders of the Great Western Telegraph Company had a spirited meet ing in Chicago the other day. The f al lowing passage m their proceedings we copy from the Times' report : A Stockholder I would like to hear from Mr. Stark in regard to this matter. Mr. Harding He has not stated a word of truth. I say he is a liar. Mr. Reeve He is not a liar. I will take the matter up. Mr. Reeve rose from his seat as he made this remark and assumed a menacing attitude. ! He was saluted with cries of " Sit down and behave yourself." Judge Van Bnren There is evidently going to be a fight here. Mr. Harding I repeat that Sutherland is a liar. : ! Mr. Reeve Shut up. . We ain't going to take any more of your chin music. ' , Air. Harding l ou are an adjudicated fraud. Mr. fool. Mr. liar. Mr. Reeve And are a damned Harding- you I maintain that he ., j - ... is a Reeve jumped up hastily and shook his fist in Harding's face, threaten ing to give him particular hell." He worked himself into a rage as he capered round Harding, and ; proceeded in the midst of his gymnastic performances to divest himself of his coat, as preliminary to pitching into the object of bis fury. v I The scene then became one of the utmost confusion, and never was eqftaled for rowdyism by any outburst on the Board of Trade. j x Hessian Mercenaries. The Atlantic Monthly for February has a really interesting article, written by the historian George Washington Green, on ".the Hessian mercenaries of our Revolution." The article shows that our war was so unpopular in En gland that Englishmen could not be got to enlist in the army to : fight Americans. Foreign mercenaries were then sought first in Russia. Catharine seemed to con sent ; but at length refused to sell 20,000 Russians.- Holland 'was next interro gated, but, after discussion, refused, to send her sons, who had recently won a successful rebellion, to go across the seas to fight other rebels, j Six German states at length were found who would send German hirelings. - These were Bruns wick, Hesse-CasseL Hesse-Haven, Wal deck, Anspach and Anholt-zerbet. They sent 29,166 men. Of these, 11,853 were killed or died of disease. Tha remainder of the Germans settled chiefly in Penn sylvania, after the war, and became Democrats. Their descendants have voted for Jackson for the last thirty years. England paid tha German government 70,UUU,OUO lor these- troops. San Francisco people love strangers. and they sometimes take 'em in. One of em loved me. 1 stepped into a gorgeous saloon, of course only to get a light. There was a baker s dozen of nioe fel lows in there. One of 'em Bpoke. Just in time," says he. " For what ?" says L " Penny under the heel," says he. " All right," says L " Take a hand i" says he. " I wilL" savs I. Then he said the way to play it was to , , , -1 11 put one neei on a penny uuu on tne noor, then reach forward with a piece of chalk. and mark on the floor, as far as possible from the toe, and the man whose mark proved to be nearest to the toe was stuck for dnnks. it s a lovely game. X marked, then another fellow marked, and in reaching forward lifted his heel from the penny ; then a cuss behind him, quick as a . flash, pfeked up the penny, and he gave me a sly wink ; then he said " Your heel ain't on the penny." " It is," said he. . " It ain't," says L Drinks that it is," said he. " Done," says L . I found I was done. That fellow hauled off his shoe and shook out another penny. They sell champagne by the drink here at two "bits" a glass. They had some, and I disbursed 33.25 in coin. That chap then come over and said, I'll give you a chance to get even. "- "How? saysL ," Odd or even," says he. " All right," says x. . Then he made a 6 on a piece of paper, and held it so I coidd see it ; then, ," Odd or, even ?" . " Even," eaysl.; ' " You're stuck," says he, and turned the six upside down, and it was a nine. I murmured just a little. I told him it was hardly fair to ask if I wanted to get even and then show me odd. He said it did look odd. ; . ' ; ' Joirw. The Biter Bitten. A dried-up old man,i of apparently about sixty years, strolled into a billiard parlor in this city yesterday afternoon, and taking a seat watched the players with some interest. After he had re mained in the choir for some time he was approached by a hanger one, on the outlook for a greenhorn with whom to play and save the cost of playing. " Hello there, , old : man, do you ever swing the cue ? " ; aaid he. " WaL stranger, I used to prance around a little on a three-cornered table fifteen years ago, but I don't s'pose I could hit tha first ball on this new-fangled thing," said the old man. " Well, I'm no player my self; . you'd beat me easy enough, I know; just take a stick," replied the ac complished " beat. " " Wal." said ' the old innocent, " I'll play just one game to see if I can 'scratch' and they both "banked" for the first shot. The old man had singularly good luck, for ho got the first shot and made a run of fifteen points. The other looked on in aston ishment while the player of ; "fifteen years ago " was at work, and when he ceased and counted up the challenger muttered an oath, took off hia coat, and went to work in earnest. He made five points only, and the next time the old man ran out the game. -" I swow," said he, "I've had the allfiredest luck; will yon try another?" No, not by a darned sight, you old fraud," said the sport, and he walked off to pay for the game, amid the roars of his -companions and a smile from tha old man, who remarked, " It is strange how I remember to play so welL -Jitngharnton Jicpublicun. ' , Excitement Over the Election of A. C fHsstivOIe Oar. Cinoimati OonunerataL Tno' Speaker tried to announce the vote, as ha is required to do, but bis words could not be heard twd feet from his nose.' 4 He rapped and pounded with his gavel, .but tha noise of that wa . drowned in the deafening yells. He then sat. down and calmly awaited for the crowd to exhaost itself. Meanwhile tho members wera waving hats and hand kerchiefs, trying to quiet the excitoil throng, but without speedy success. Altogether it 1 was ' a scene at onee lu dicrous and dramatic. : Finally tha cheering ceased from aheetr exhanstion, the vote was announced, andE. Andrew Johnson declared to be elected! to the United States Senate for the tern of six years from tha 4th of March next. Now mora yells, cheers and conf anion,, and a rush for the streets to carry tbe neww to Johnson at tha Maxwell House. About two thousand men undertook to bear tha joyful intelligence. , The first to get to Mr. Johnson's room (No. 5) was a Mr. Taylor, of COay county. , When Taylor got to the door ha was so exhausted ho could not say a word, and another mm, with mora enduring wind, rushed in. gave Ai J. tha news, and with it an affec tionate hug, bear fashion. Mr. Johnson could not speak . for soma seconds, box. tears followed each other in quick sno cession down 1Mb pale and furrowe cheeks. Ha bad won the great fight..' one in which his heart was more deeply engaged than any other of his life. In a minute his room was full of over joyed friends. -When his room would?, hold no more, the stream overflowed into the corridors, passages, stairways, rotun . da, and out into the streets. The scene in his room was aiTecting Many of the Old white-headed Democrats cried, as they clasped him -whom they call the " great Commoner " by the hnndL Many were so choked with emotion thali they could not say a word; they couldt - only shake hands and then sit down in at. corner and wipe away the tears with theix ooat tails. ' , . ( An Irishman wedged his way in- grasped A. J. by the hand, and saluted, the "next President." Hias Polk an aged colored man, thtv trusted body-servant of President Polk came in, saying that he had not felt so happy since 1844, "when master besx Clay Meanwhile there was an immense throng outside calling for "Andy." Ha was brought forward, bowed his acknowl edgments, but said not a word. His facer beamed as it never has before in all these ' hard-fought Tennessee battles. He wae- tne happiest man m tne nmie. A Brakeman'g Bravery. Charles Crandall, a brakeman on the New York and New Haven railroad, saved . the life of Mary E. Jones in Portchestex recenth at the imminent risk of hia own. . Miss Jones was crossing the track when -she recognised an acquaintance in a little boy and stopped to talk with him. He- was not on tne roan oeo, dui miss stood on tha track, which was trembling, 7 with the approach of a Boston express at full speed. ' A freight tram stood on thm -ether track, and the men were busy switching oars on a side track. Crandall'. was on a freight bar that was moving, and hearing the express, snouted to iviihr--Jones to get out of tha way. She seemetT. not to bear .' and continued her conver sation. " Crandall jumped from the moving ear, . and ran towards tha woman, who, too late to save herself, saw her danger. "I thought all of a sudden that I'd try," said he afterward, in relating the story to his mends, " and 1 knew that it must bo on awful quick try. She didn't sea met coming, but just glanced over her shoal der quick like, and then shrunk alto gether with a sort of shrudder and whis pered, I'm gone. ' I heard that whisper,, and it seemed as if the engine might hsve heard it, too. It was about as near as I was. It was which and 'bother between; me and the express. ' The girl put her hands to her face anil." tottered backward. I just caught btfi"' round the waist, and lugged her off tlarrr track as the whole train scurried past. II looked down at the little woman, and slurs was as pale as a ghost and hardly breatbeiSf. -Then I was afraid she would faint, and I wouldn't have known what to do then. To pull a woman out of danger is easier- . for me than to bring them to when they faint, But she opened her eyes andL stared into my face in a wondering way.. just as one does on waking from a sleep after being sick and light-headed. I think the scare itself came near killing: : her. She found out where she was quick. -enough, and bounded away. Don't you ever come around this track agarr." said L Then she laughed and started' for her home, as she remarked I think. I shall remember this forever.' Now is the time when prudent parents see too it that the part of the boys on which they slide down hill are property half-soled with leather, tin, or sheet iron. . ifYill Whisky Freeze? ' It was lately stated, as an example of intense ooJd, that in Montana, on the night of January 13, the mercury in the thermometers all froze, small quanti ties of meroury in ' vials became con gealed, and proof whisky placed out of doors froste solid in half an hour. Thiav. last item is tha only one which hax elicited an expression of incredulity.. The proof whisky that froze in half aw hour is regarded by a contemporary ass beyond belief.: :The freezing of the mer cury happens at thirty or forty degrees below zero, but absolute alcohol, it undeclared,-has never been frozen, thongta Prof. Faraday found it looked a httle- fcnrVt'ri wluvh' amViisWl tn a. Tairrtvwi , i wr. (artificial) of 16C degrees below aeroL-. High wines contain 75 per cent, of alco hol. Proof spirits of government stand-, ard are plaoed at 50 per cent, alotronlt, and, as tha Newark (N. J.) Advertiser remarks, tha alcohol this Montana whisky contained would have separaid from tha water in tha progress of freezing, l&a tha "core" in a frozen barrel of caJhc If it actually trovx solid it was a harmlem variety of whisky. In the severest cm lei of -the Arctic explorations proof spirits, never froze, though there was a bar lesqne about the men in Parry's expeac&v tion chopping the brandy out of the easkwithanax. The probable explanation of the Montana phenomenon is that thn spirits were set aside in an open vessel. whn tha whisky evaporated rapidly and left the component water frozen. Wash ington Star. r ' 5 California Style. - Not long since, a German wssr ridingr along Sansom street, near Sacramento, when be heard a pistol-shot behind him;.-, heard the whizzing of a ball near hirn, and felt hia hat shaken. Ha turned anal saw a man with a revolver in his hand., and took off his hat and found a-fresb bullet-hole- in it. "Did you shoot at met" asked the German.' 'Yes,' replied t other fwty. " that's my horse; it was stolen from rat recently, " Yon' niust be mistaken, said the German, I have owned the horse foe three years.' ' -. Well," said the other, "when Irxnara to look at him, I believe I am minbiJtan. Excuse me, sir; won't you take drink V . CoiORaDO has established an cgwruJt ural college. C3