v . ii ' v ; . " -5..;. t 5 .1 mo , r' 3 1 r." v VOLUME VII. ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 12, 1875. NO. 25.1 3 p p o o 2. 25 019 GO GO P p- 3. p a pa p P s 0Q p CO o S3 CD CD P CD 5. S3 C CO o CD C3 : O p CD CD P CO CD S3 CD "S P CD - CO '-'?'-..,?' ' CO CO CD- A BUSINESS CARDS. SAM'L. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCAST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First Btreet, Albany, Oregon Term? Cash. . . ' . . 20v7 ' : Here's I he Place ! S- H.m Glauglif on Has received and i offering for sale a well selected stock of GENERAL MEFiCHASDlSE WUieli he Is determined to sell . AX THE LOWEST PRICES for- Cass, or lerctotaWe Proince ! Please give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices. s. ii. cT4ixftro.. ' Lebanon, Or. 15 v7 O- S. S- CO. XOTIOE. FROM AND A1TER DATE, ITXTTLi further notice, freight from PORTLAND to ALBAXY WILL BE 03E DOLLAR PER TOX! All down freight will be delivered at PORTLAND or ASTORIA Free of Draynsc and WJiarf age, At Reduced Rates. Boats will leave ALBANY for CORVAL LIS or PORTLAND . 32 -r x v For farther particulars, apply to BEACH A NOXTEITH, Albany, Nov. 2d, Ti-VS AjeDtM , ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS' Hew Elevator ! TS SOW KEADT FOR THE KETEP X tion of wlimt and oats. We call the at tention of farmers to the fact that we have erected the finest warehouse in the Slate, at a lai tte esnonse. and are in position to handle satisfactorily an iiumensc quan tity ot grain, our House lias a capacity ior 209,000 bushels of Wheat at one time, and Is located on the marsrin of the Willamette Kiver, and provided with a flise trade Irmn the o. Ac .. K. K.. so tnat shipments mav Ije made daily uv rail, and asoiien oy water as ooaunii lacnuies oner. ive nave two lartre suction- lans, lu auui- tlon to other fans, attached to the house. run by water power, and are thus pre pared u D Zj 33 -A. OXT all the whffat received. Can take In and dean 10.000bnshelsrerdav. Cloaned wheat Is worrti mncn more in ail roreijrn TnnrRets than feral wheat, and none should be ship ped wit liont clean injr. Our charges will be tiva cents a bushel on wheat, and fonr cents on ottia. n e uuvc SIXTY THOUSAND SACKS to furnish thow storinif wheat with tn, free to those wliose wheat we purchase. and at the lowest cash price to those who sentiieir wneat irom our house to other buyers. Persons s:orlnr with ns are at liberty to sell to whom they please. Those who reside on the west side of the river will have ferriage free. Will be In the market as buyers, an d expect to be able to pay the hlKhest possible price. Having prepared ourselves to-do a larsre bnstness. wn nope tor oar snare oi t lie puniio pat ronage. PARKKR A MORRIS. July31n47- Albany, Oregon. Bath Hons? & iiarber Shop rpHE CNDERSIGSED would respectfully JL thank the citizens of Allmny and vi cinity for the liberal patronate 'bestowed on hfra for the rinst seven veai-s. nnd hones for the future a comin nation of their fa vors. Fortheavoinniouatlonof transient customers, and friends in the npper part oi town, lie nas openea a neai iitrie euop next dOor to Taylor A MontKoinery's Sa loon, where a ood workman will always be In attendance to wait upon rmtrons. - . iwo. iu ust, - . jug tttutit. Silfcr-Plated AVare! TCST' RKCEIVED, A FULL INVOICE el of Raven Mlver-f'lMtrd Wr, KUtcs Ktetl l attery, etc., direct from the Factory. We will sell Table Spoons at $3 per set, and Teaopoons at ! 50. and oth er gooda proportionately low. IiSTEY ORGAN8 SOLD AT THE M. E. Li PfU)rmfii?e- Albanv. on the most fi vnr. able ternub The ESTEY OKOAN has been, pronounced the best by tha most compe tent Judges. ' Dor.t Imy any other nntil yon nave seen and heard these beautiful - ' ' FOR OLAHI'v D . Keatly executed, CU ttt the Register Oicc. BUSINESS CARDS. LOUIS KEHWALD, Iliis just opened a fine stock of . Boots c3 Slioea California made, to which be Invites the attention of the citizens of Albany and vl clnttv. C-tiooils inantifactured toorder, in latest styles, with bet of (Stock. Xtore corner Bi'Oii'lnlbin and First streets, Chas. Mealeyt old stand. Call and examine my stotk. LOI IS RKHWALD. A llmny. Oct. HI, 1875v7 FOR SALE ! rpilE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS &. MOWERS. Ilalne's Mender, (Wood's Improved.) i Coqulltkrl' Iiidlnua Farm Wagon. The Russel mid Vibrator Tbrcslurs, (best machines on the coast. Stateamnu Forcefeed Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call, see, and jret price and terms before buving elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. . 3-Jvd 1J FBAXTC WOOD. - ACARD. H. BELL PARKER, late of Orejron City, Uv leave to inform the public that they lmve nurchnsed tle entire stock ot drills, medicines, Ac. formerly owned by R. C. llill A Son. and that they design continuing the business at the old stand, where they purpose keeping in the farore a full assortment of Drug., ChemicKtls, Patent Jbtlicines, Toilet Article, Perfumery, and everything usually fonnd in a flrst clns tirii sioixi. Whil earnestly so'icitinz a continnance of the litieral pa'ronnire heretofore extend ed to the Uii) house, wo hope at the same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and care ful at ten lion to the wants of customers, to merit the esteem of any skw friends who may favor us wit h t heir orders. Particular attention will lie given to the compounding of physician's prescriptions ami family recipes, at all hours of the day orniant A. II. ItFI.I A PARKER. S;uicessoi-3 to R. C. IlILL 4 SON. Albany, October 9, Tl-n-ilf. CHAS. B. MONTAGUE. KOBT. M'C ALLEY. 510XTAGIE & McCALLET, A RE NOW OPENLVG A MAGNIFICENT V. stock of FALL & WINTER G00RS ! selected with care, and bought for coin at Scandalously Low Figures ! and as. we !onlit low we can and will sell then at prices that will Astonish Everybody. Come and see our selections of Ilresa Goodi, Japanese Mjnxvln, Piques, Brilllantes, faneilles, PopliiiH, Instreit Ribbons, Collars, Collarettes, Ijaecf, Ac, &c, ? for the ladies, and our complete lines of Ready made Clothing. - Hosiery, . toiionaaes, CnsMiuteres, ClolIiH, Shoes, Boots, Caps, Into. of all descriptions for men andboys. Also mil assortments or Groceries. "Croclrery & Glassware. for everybody. The best goods, at the lawest rates every time. rjr-Come and see. Lebanon, th-egon, October 30, 1874. STOVES! STOVES! From this date until further notice, I will sen a -CHOICE SICLECTIOX, OP Stoves & Banges -AT- -ALSO- PUMPS, HOSE, &C. W. H. MCFARLAND. Albany, Dec. 10, 1874-13 The Tlioroujrlibreel nevonsblre 1 nil, r Victor Second, WILL MAKE TITE SEASON, COM inoucfiig March 1st, 1S7 . and ending June 1st. Mi t. at. the farm of Hie under signed, two miles north of Shedd Station, J rislmrir, Linn county, Oregon. ' i Those desiring can obtain good pasture on reasonable term.. VICTOR is the flm-t l ull in the State, having taken the firs' vuoinium over all comiwHtors when exhibited at the Oregon oiaie r air. IST TERMS KELVMtNABIJB. n. B. A T. B. SPRENUER. 21m3 IMPORTANT. Endorsed by the Medi cal profession. DR. Wat. HALL'S BAL SAM for the longs cares Coughs, Colds and Consumption, and ail diseases of the Throat and Chesf. Da. TOWXSLEVS TOOTIIACHE ANODYNE cares in one MXNt'TE. . 7n48 NEW TO-DAY. . POK MAUEI . i A SMALL FARM OF. ONE HUNDRED acres, two miles from Altmnv. ibith house, commodious barn, and small orch ard of choice trees. Also, fanning Imple ments, and hay somcient for Spring use. PRICE LOW AXI TKHMSk'.KY r:.t inducements to emigrants seeking a home nwriiiiiiiiri'ingcuy. fossessioa given immediately. For rArtieulnrs enquire of Cor, Washington and 2d sts., Albany Or. 1 . 85 TWO FARMS FOR BALE OR RENT. ONE OF THESE FARMS CONTAINS 640 acres, t he ot her 2S7 acres, with good buildings. , These taiins lay near Lebanon. For terms and mrtii'iiiani anniv tn tVin underslKiied. L- KLKINS. Aioany, Aiarcn s, 1875. , - w Eaterosts, FROM THE 'FORKS. . "march 6th, 1875. Editor Kegister : It becomes my painful duty to record another item from Providence Sehoolhonse. The school Is just out, that so much has been said agd written about. The day that has been long looked lor, came last Friday, and the teacher that teaches; that the earth is flat, as might ; be expected, was out of humor with certain: parties especially the friend of the "forks and concluded to have revenge out of somebody. So. for a very trifling offence, he called up a little boy some twelve years of age (son of jCliarles Charlton), and stripped him down to a thin, shirt, and whipped him unmercifully, leaving marks tlint could ' be counted fifty yards. The flesh wis tartly bruised. - It majce my heart sick to think .of it.. The fntlier of the boy had the young teacher (Franklin Crabtree), arrested and brought! before the Hon. H. Derthick, and fined fifty dollars and costs, and everybody . said amen. , He has left for Arizona, and there is many a tear that will not be shed on account of his sudden departure. I still remain, A FRIEND TO THE FORKS. IICRRAU FOR IlARRISBCRG. As WB informed our readers last jWeek, articles of incorporation have been filed inaugurating the Harrisbur & McKenzte Canal and Water Ditch Co. The intention of the gentlemen forming) the Company is to secure stock subscriptions amounting to $80,000, 'said subscriptions to be used in the construction of a canal conveying the waters of the McKenzie to Harris- burg. It is intended to takd the water from the McKenzie at Spore's terry, a distance of probably fourteen or fifteen miles from Harrisburg. We are told the enterprise la an entirely feasible one, and the highest hopes of success are entertained. It is quite an undertaking for Harrisburg, but it her citizens are thoroughly aroused and fully understand the benefits which will naturally flow from the comple tion of ''such an improvement, who can doubt of its success? Still the gentlemen who have it in hand have a huge work before them a task that will require perseverance and un relaxing energy. Often those t who a re. to be he most benefitted by a new enterprise are the last and most un willing to see and aid it. But we Uofcx- tuaG the citizens of ILinlsbnrg have not only the means but the lib erality aiid energy to successfully carry ouC the work, and that the Harrisburg & McKenzie Canal may soon become an acknowledged fact. All enterprises of this character de serve at least the good -will of every citizen who is anxious to advance the best interests of his county and State. Let us haVe the Canal, and the soouer the better. Sherrill's Seed Sower and Cultivator.--We liave called the atten tion of our readers "to the merits of this excellent machine on more than one occasion, and we do so again, believing that it is to the interest of our agricultural friends to investigate for themselves, and thus establish the fact each for himself of its excellence. We may be mistaken in our estimate of the machine, but we are inclined to believe, until better evidence is ad duced, that it is the best combined machine made, no matter where it halls from or who made it, for sowing and cultivating wheat, oats, barley, flax seed. etc. To give the farmers of this portion of the county a chance to see and examine for themselves, Mr. Slierrill has one of his machines on exhibition with W. H. Dodd & Co., in the Register Building, wliere all are cordially invited to come and ex amine for themselves. Nice Butter. On Saturday last Mr. C. T. Ingrain presented us with some splendid batter, the first real nice butter we had been able to secure up to that time for weeks. It; was nice, sweeC butter, in great yellow rolls the kind tlint makes your mouth water to look at and it had been "put' up" ; sometime last Summer. Friend Ingram has somebody about his house that knows bow to iqake butter. i' 1 ' - -; Stoves ajcd Tinware. Those ot our readers who do their trading tn Harrisburg, ! and who may be in want of anything in . the Stove or tinware line, are advised to give our old friend. Mr. O.' P. Tompkins, a call. He has a varied stock ot goods, is a good workman, a straightforward, honest and accommodating dealer, who will serve you well, and at as low fignres as he ran and do justice tobimselt. Dou't fail to give Ol. a call. . . 1 MARRIED. . - ' At the residence of ttie bride's par ents, in this city. March 10th, by Rev. O. Dickinson. Mr. J. J. Murphy and Mrs. Elizabeth C Chorcli both of Marion county, Oregon. ' Some fifty guests - were gathered at the residence of Dr. Lister to witness the ceremony, and. a pleasant, social evening was spent. Our best wishes attend the happy pair. gave us a friendly call on Monday. Out latch-string always bangs out. ' Woman Sam-awe In Albany. The friends of woman enfrar)i!se. ment met la Pacific Onera House Uth, 1875. .IrscaUtag lor these Q...., J" " "Pr "use fYW-.n"i8t Rive the date on which they Sunday, March 6th, at two P. M., for the purpose of forming a Linn County Woman Suffrage Association. Meeting called to order by Mrs. A. J. Dunlway. On motion, Mr. D. D. Gray was elected Chairman, and Mrs. L. Flinn, Secretary pro tern, Mrs. Gray opened the meeting with an appropriate address. A committee on Constitution was appointed, consisting of Mrs. M. M. Blain, Mrs. A. E. Mercer and Mrs. E. 8. Merrill. . Mrs. buniway was appointed on Order of Business. :. Committee on Constitution sub mitted the following report : v Waereas, We, tle undersigned, citizens of LI tin county, tate of Oregon, realize that one. half of the .people of the United State are denied the prlf fleges of the elective franc4iser aud are therefore taxed without repre sentation afid goverened wltliottt con sent thereby rendering the Constitu tion of the Republic practically inop erative as tar as citizens, thus disen franchised are concerned ; and. W HEKF.AS, We now deem it advi sable to form an Association for the purpose of considering the ways and means necessary for the promotion ot the political interests of the whole people; therefore. Resolved, That, in order that we may properly organize, and profitably carry on this work, we hereby adopt, and pledge ourselves to support this CONSTITUTION. Article I. This Society shall be called tlte Linn County Woman Suffrage Association, and shall be auxiliary to the Oregon State Woman Suffrage Association. Article II. Its officers shall con sist of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer, and Executive Committee of five. Article III. Officers shall be elected for tle term of one year, and shall continue in office until their successors are duly , elected and in stalled. Article IV. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two thirds vote of nil the members of tlie Association present at any public business meeting, provided due notice ot such alterations or amendments have been submitted at the last meet ing previous to the time of such action. Article V. Any person may be come h member of this Association by signing this Constitution, and paying into its treasury an annual fee of fifty cents. MRS. M. M. BLAIN, MRS. A. E. MERCER, MRS. E. S. MERRILL. On motion, the report was laid on the table, to be taken up after the election and installation of the per manent officers. : un motion, air. lv u. uray was elected President for the ensuing year, and Mrs. M. M. Blain, Vice Presi dent. Recording Secretary, Mrs. L. Flinn ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Mercer; Treasurer, Mrs. D. M. Thompson ; Executive Committee, Mr. A. Pierce, Mrs. D. L. E. Luper, Mrs. L. M. Putnam, Mrs. E. F. Settlemeir and Mrs. E. S. Merrill. On motion, the Constitution was taken from the table, discussed and unanimously adopted. On motion, the President named the following Committee on By-Laws, with instructions to report at the next meeting : Mrs.- J. H. Foster, Mrs. M. M. Blain and Mrs. A. E. Mer cer.; ; On motion, the Secretary was in structed to furnish a copy of the minutes ot this meeting for publication tn the Albany Register. Democrat and Granger, and in the Portland JVete Northwest. ' A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. D ml way tor her assistance in organizing the Association; also to the Mayor of the city for the free use of the Opera House tor the occasion. On motion, adjourned to meet at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Foster on Saturday. March 13th, at 2 P. M. D. D. GRAY, Pres Mrs. L. Flinn, Sec. - Poetry Oram the Forks. Written expressly for the Albany Rkois- TEB.J Titers was a teacher at Providence, Who whipped and beat his scholars; They took him before his Honor, the Esq., And fined him fifty dollars. This same young man ot the Santiam, , . Rides a bljr brows pony, . And every time that court comes round, - He goes to Arizona. As soon as Bonham leaves the chair. And the excitement uets cooled down, Arizona will lose a fool, , And Linn will get her bound I He swears bv alt that's (rood and bad, He'll never teach anot her school! And In the district where he taught, They never want another fool. ' fit IH BOT THAT WAS LlCKID. It is ski.tkx that wk Kortca anything In the medical line, nor wonld we now, unless me 01m be convinced that we are not doing our dnty as a Journalist in re commending to the public the celebrated botanical preparations of Dr. Heniy. Whoever Induces the victim of Scrofula or anv other disease of the blood, to use Dr. Henry's Extract of 6arerjarU'tt, has began good work. Tfverectsn he no question as to the result of this medicine If persevered i-n. It is a rare euro for Scrofnla, Rheuma tism, Salt Kheum, and indeed all com plaints arising from viiated or Impure blood. It is lust what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we confidently recommend it as being the best article now in use. Dr. Henry's Congh Balsam Is the most effective remedy for any affections of the Throat or Langs that we have ever known. It contains no detetertoua drugs, and can be taken with impunity and certainty of relief. For the core of Coughs, Colds, Bore Th roat, etc, it stands without a rival. Dr. Henry's Lini ment as an alleviator of pairs, is unrivalled by any preparation before the public ; the most skeptical will be convinced by a single trial. It will prove itself a "friend in need" which no family should be with out. ' - - ' -'.- i ACeakol-For a good sixteen horse power Engine and Boiler, with necessary fixtures, at a bargain, call on E. Carter A Co., at their 8ash & Door Factory, Albany. They are preparing to run their machinery by water, and have their en giat tnd bolTqr tpr gaje, cbeajv , SUC i USIT OF Iat.TTERS Remain injr 1b the Albany Postofflce, were advertised : Adams, Mrs. Mary, Bit roc, Lnret y. Carter, Benton, Campbell, T. H. Cooper, Frank, DodMOn, R. 1). Davidson, Henry, Davidson, T. B. . Fisher, Isaac, Hamilton, Henry, Knntrs. Wm. McDerned, Mrs. Miller, Mary T. Robinson, Wm. L Reynolds, E. 1 Sharp, Lewis, Smith, Edward, Thompson, W. H. Thompson, Wm. Thomas, David, lineman, Moses, White, Henry, McMahan, Miss. M Wilson, John P. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Roll of Honor. Following is a list of the names of the pupils of the Crawfordsville School, ending Feb ruary, 1875, whose standing m deport ment Is 90 per cent. . :;. . Commodore Carey Ann Johnson, Fannie Carey, .-.Sarah King, Martha Carey, J Sat Irah King, John Care t '' David King, Margaret Cargy, Resha Carey,' " T. B. Carey, Oeorge Colbert, Othen Uonover, I on Crawford, . Beverly Crawford. JCdnaFinley, Marson King, Mary King, 1 . Jane Leslie, . Maggie Leslie, Amanda MeCawr " Hot tic Robinett, - . -Mnssrle Riga, Afiam Shanks. H . . G. D. Johnson, Andrew Shanks. O. IT. BYLAND. Teacher. - Fun Alive. A first clasat wedding came off put in the prairie a tew days ago, which afforded the "boys" a huge old time. The minister who was sent for to do up the job came much earlier than he was expected, and informed the to-be-married that he had but just so much time, and if they wished to be united they must hurry up. Thus urged, and before the guests; had ar rived, the two were hurried into the presence of tlie minister, who "spliced" tliem tight before they bad time to think. The newly made husband, as soon as ! he "got his wind," com menced lamentations both loud and long, in the langnage of our inforaiant he "boo-hooed all over the yard, till eventually his wife got tip on lier ear" and declared that it the boys would chiravari him she'd pay all the expenses.; And tlie fun grew fast and furious, until some of the visitors in formed the newly made bride it was time to retire. She thereupon in formed the crowd that site didn't in tend to go to bed until site got ready. Two of her lady friends then, jokingly, took liold, of her to go through the ceremony of putting her to bed, when she incontinentaily threw herself into an attitude, struck out manfully with her ."mawleys," knocking both ladies "out of time," one of tliem falling into a jar ot yeast, sadly demoralizing her "good clothes." Of course we won't mention names, but those folks, living within at 1 10 u sat id miles ot Leb anon, who got away with all the big cake, because the ceremony was per formed before thejr St there; deserve the severest censure, perhaps not T The moral of all this seems to be that there are girls in Old Linn that 'know their rights, and knowing, dare main tain !" j PARAGRAJfLXTS. Wheat, 624'c f Oats, 40c Eggs, 15c. Butter none in market. Fruit trees at A. Carothers & Co's. The finest honey we have seen tor many a day, came from John Schmeer's during the week. The election tor School Directors, we believe, comes off this month. As the office is important, let the best men be selected. ..-. .'.' We are glad to see Mr. Jas. Nixon is able to be out again after being confined to bis house so long with rheumatism. - ' Mr. N. Payne is lying veir- low with typhoid fever, at the residence of his father, Mr. Mart. Payne, In this city. - - J - Messrs. Althouse A Co.. ha ve order ed a water wheel, which ' will pro bably be put tn ' and ready for biz, as soon as the ' ditch down Lyon street is dug. -'.!:':'. . --''f-.v'.; ... : There were twenty accessions to the church on Sunday, after the morn ing sermon at the M. E. Church eighteen joining the old cburcli, and two tlie Southern branch. : Win. E. Howell, of Salem, agent for the Uuion Gas Macliine, called a moment on Monday. He' is making an effort to induce the formation of a gas company In this - city. Good enough. j . , . Rev. Mr- Handsacker, of Salem, held divine iaervtce in this city at the Baptist Church on Sunday. We understand 'that an effort Is being made to secure bis entire services by the Baptists of this place. . ; Last Friday the Willamette Chief ran on to a snag a short distance below Buena Vista. She ' was immediately ran into shoal water where she sank to her guards. She had 175 tons of wheat on board, all of which la re ported sate. The most of the butter sold from the counters of dealers of late, seems to be butter that was "salted down" last tall or summer. A good deal of butter has also been Imported Butter has been retailing at 4050c a pounds ; Jas. SherrUL Esq., of Harrisburg, called on Monday; W are glad to learn that the Cultivator and Seed Sower patented andt manafactttred by him, is meeting with tlie fullest suc- The sutt in the Circuit Court en titled Andrew Wiley vs Ii. Elktu et at., to recover money, was simply a suit against tlie late Directors of the Willamette Valley & Cascade Moun tain. Wagon Road Cv ' Orgeana Encampment . meets to night. - ' ; Circuit Court convened on Men- day, Judge Bonham presiding. . The Register has been selected to do the city printing for the balance of the year until January, 1876. A meeting of the stockholders in the Alden Fruit Perserving Co., of Albany, is called for Monday, in the Court House. Mr. Robert Glass, of Crawfords ville, gave us a call yesterday. Ore gon don't produce much better men than Mr. Glass, and we are proud to number him among our friends.. Rev. I. D. Driver, after efficient labor at the revival meetings during the week In this city, goes to his quarterly meeting in Corvallis, which transpires to-day and to-morrow. We are Indebted to Mr. Henry Myer, 'the popular Treasurer for we dont know bow long of tlie Fire Com pany, lor a couple of boxes of fragrant cigars. ? We think ot Our Henry" when we smoke. The Canal C6mpany have peen en gaged during the week in widening the ditch dug along: Water street to convey water to the sawmill and the foundry, so as to furnish water to Carter & Co's. planer. - The new Taylor press of the Demo crat was started up on Monday, and, Mait; tells us, worked splendidly. The Detnocrat. will get into its new office soon, when it wiU be pleasantly and conveniently situated. It seems to be ou the high road to fortune. Success to, Mart, and Claib. Any one wishing to purchase a first class piano, (in use but a short time, and as good as when taken from the store, at a very low price, should call at the residence of Mr. John Schmver, corner of First a ud Ells- i worth streets, where they can see and ' test the itistrnment. Messrs. Porter, ot Shedd, O. H. Byland, of Crawfordsville, Jas. Slier rill and ,W. Churchill, of Harrisburg, Rev. Mr. White, of Corvallis, Mr. Johnson, ot tlie Forks, have favored us with calls during the week. We feel all tlie better tor their words of kindness and commendation. Our friends are always welcome come often. ' Albany Lodge No. 4. I. O. O. F., a week or two since undertook to get up a library. So far nearly one hun dred volumes have been donated to the Library, and more are promised. At the regular meeting of the Lodge on AVeduesday ' night, Bro. John Briggs was elected Librarian, and Bro. Clark, Assistant. , We hope in a short, time to have a large and valu able library. An ordinance has passed the City Council to its second reading, grant ing tlie Canal Co. the right of way along Lyon street, from the Canal to the planing mill owned by Messrs, Althouse, Backensto & Ketchum, on the bank of tlte Willamette, tor a water ditch, we are informed. It is intended also to extend this ditch op Water street to Simpson's waretiouse, The Interest in the religious meet ings that have been held nightly for several weeks past in this city, are gathering in interest. The noon-day prayer-meetings, too, are daily grow ing larger and more interesting, and soon the old furniture store will be unable to bold tlie numbers seeking admittance. God is certainly reviv ing the people of this whole com munity, and christians everywhere will pray that the good work may continue, until not only this com in u nitybut the people of the entire coast may feel the power of divine love. Slight rainfall yesterday forenoon. XATE TfXEUBArmV XEWft. A breach of promise and seduction ease, in which Miss Mann was Plain tilf, closed at Danville, 111., on the ftth, the jury award ing Miss Maun SLVMO. . The telegram chronicles the mysterious death of Pbtl. W.-Hermans, commission merchant, at St. Louis, on the tttb. His body was found, in a terribly mangled condition, on the North Mission railroad track, two blocks above North Market street depot. The supposition is tnat lie wandered on the track while in a state of insanity, and was kilieil by the train, At Columbus, Ohio, on the 6th, Wm. Mo Donald, a well-known and formerly wealthy oltisen, was found dead in the canal. His habits having been of a dissi pated character of late years, it is not known whether his death wasaceidental or premeditated. , . Gen. Cotton declines to be a director of the P. M. 6. & Co. , On the 5th, G. Schry's residence, at Sun bury, Penn., was burned, together with two chUdran. , Their mother was also fatally burned. ' f . , . Says a Fonda, NVT., telegram of the Sth: Early ttxlay the Bank of Hays A Wells, at Johnstown, was found to be in tin urea, and on entrance being forced, the charred re mains of Ed ward Tost, who slept In the bank, was found. Tlie money, watch and diamond pin of Yost's are missing. No at tempt was made to rob the bank. There is a rumor that Plymouth church has subscribed. tl"0JoO to defray the ex penes of the Beecher-Tllton trial. The rumor goes so far into 'details as to relate the action of Bowen, who entered a hearty protest against the appropriation and utterly relused to be a party to it. Dispatches from Canada report a general improvement In the money market there, which began a week or ten days ago, and steadily continues. ', , ;1 , Hon, James Bnfflngton, of Massachu setts, Representative from the First Con gressional District, arrived home front Washington, on tha 7th, with his family. He went to the residence of his son-in-law, were he died within an hour. He was 68 Ssars old, and 'had been Indisposed for a ng time. .- ;.-'-:...-. -.. .. - A special correspondent, writing from Sioux City, gives a long report of the in terview with Ephraim Wik-ber, an old citizen of tltat place, and one of t be party who went oat to the Black Hills last fa)L and has recently returned. He reiterates previous-accounts of the richness of t he mines, and asserts that vhey found no un friendly Indians. Game was plenty, and though the weather waseoid the party did not suifer. One of the original party that left Sioux City, M. H. Bones, hailing from San Francisco, died on the way to the mines. Tbe business men of Sioux City have organized a Black Hills Transporta tion Companv, and expect tostarl the. first trxia about te lt oATU, , A. J. Crnne, 1st collector, of internal revenue of the3-.l district of Vermont, who Tilead gntltv to embezzlement, as dlsbnrs ng agent of the government, and to mak ing t'nWe entries ascoliec'or, wnsscnleneed tolsmonlhs Imprisonment and to pay a line of $3,000, at Burlington on the 61 h. It Is probable that the Department of ' 8tate will, tlurttif? the present executive session of the henate, transmit to that body sinlry documents on the subject of Spanish stialis. , A London fclegi-ani of the Sth Inst, says the Archbishop of Canterbury and York, and all t he !)isho)w except two, have Issued a pastoral congnitulatinir the clervy and laity on the prosjierify rftid proeress of the church, and strongly admonishing the formenignlnst ailcgeu rltimlistlcpinctiees, causing isolation of the clergy from -the people, v . 4 On thefnifflit of thefith, tlie heaviest snow storm ever experienced fell lit M inrlils, Tenn. Fifteen Inches of snow toll, drift ing in ninny places w ns to stop t he street cars. Onilio same niwhtat :uiro. III., the snow fell to the depth of elsht inches the heaviest known lor ninny years... ' The speech of MlnisferCiiRhing to King Alfonso will contain only the customary formal expressions of friendship of the United Slates for fcipnin. Ila, Jfowever, has special Inst ruet ions to govern him in the neKOiiations which were initiated nnder the laie republican government and are now to he or. sum mined. These neaotiii tions conteiupiiile the full srf t k-nient of all inestious ending Tietween the two guvei-nment, while Miulster Curbing, like his n-.l'tssors, will !so exert him self -to negotiate a new litmty of cooiini-ris anl navigation, none-having Iw-en nmile with firHin skree Kiis, home favorable ar rangements 'nspeetlng our trade with Cuba will continue to be pressed by our government. At Waliinton on the 6th. the Secretary of tlie Interior nia-ienn important decision in the case of Arrbcorcheu nunlnKt the State of Caiifomlaand snn'lry preemption c-laitnnnts to kinds within the limits of the Los Percllos ici-hiiIs. Arroeorcliea's appli cation to purchase it. at 1 21 pir acre as an innocent purchaser nnder the rejected luexuran grant, is reinseu on its merits. Th Alutn I7niver-itv imrl filifi- Ar.rtisjiM. . tion is declared, voi'l and the land awarded to nre-ciiintkm -clniiiiH. An entirelv new and important principle IsestabllHhed by the decision, that an irreirniar or in valid 81 are select ion does not withdraw public land from pruempttou settlement. The . followlne Pneiflo const measnres foiled to receive final action by this Con gress: Clayton and Luttreli's movementa for a tax oh imitation chnnipattnc, to pro tect California .wine milkers; Lntti'ell's resolui ion for an in vestt-'iif Ion of Central Paciiicaniiirs; Kendall's hiils prohibiting uniust ruiiwav. discriinlniitions. to en-' courage the sinking of Artesian wolls, nnil to pay Nevada Indian war claims; Alitcnen 111111 jNcsinttii 1111 to alU tlie building of the Portland, Dulles and Klt Lake Railroad. AH Oregon and Wash ington Territory hills roHiwcttng swaino lands, liiiinely: Nez Perce-and Kiamath rcservaii.ms. myiupia Tine ttais ana lands, and the Seattle and Walla, and Hosebura raili-oails. - Also all bills propos ing to compel or.nrlz miners 10 outcnt and pay forcluinis. Wall street. New York, wns excited on the mh Inst. Karly in the day a strong etfort was made to unsettle matters by making gold scarce 11 ml dcur. Lewis were tailed in freely ami liorrowers had to pay one sixteenth ir diem for short time. Till blah into soon brought linveamonnts ofgol i into the loun markctund especially iroin nana uiitiKs, ami very foon goia was loaueil fii of interest. The move ment lul l noeifeet on the money market, and call Itmus were easy at 4 to r. j or cent. On slock exchntre lhcrcvvii further lm pTOvement and a buoyant feeling lu many " siiaros. Bonio 01 ine ucars ui ivuipteu 10 cover, and in doing o carried up prices, it whs known tlutt nUiitt $ha I'M) gold had Ihimi taken out ol ilioiniwiccniiii tlint : everything five liL.d been done which was oecmctt mttssnry to secure 1 lie success of the squeeze promised for to-day. - A spec'al from Omaha soys General Ord, cnmmniiuing.thc district of Nebraska, has received lnfm-umiinu from Col. Bradley, . commanding i'oit Laramie, that the two men who ni rived tliere limn Black Hills, refmrt twenty men, one woninn undone child in the ttlacjr Hills, terribly destitute of sipiplics aiKliinost starving, their only resources liuinn puimi', wli'.ch is dllllcult to ' obtain on account ot severe wca; her. Gen, Ord telegraphed I'.nidiey to sen A troov .' with fcuppd.; for t heir relief as worn as 1 lie weather wiil iM'rniit. and 10 bring them back. General ord h!m orders the new ex pedition preparing to leave t-ionx City lor the Ililis, to e slopped and comie:lel 10 return even If it Inxoincs necessnrv to des troy tlieir out tit. General Micridan has telegraphed Gen. Ord to clenn the Black Hills ol' all miners aud allow no mure to enter. The New York PM' snecliil says: "On all sides wt hear compliments wr Secre tary Kristnw. Instead of kciiin oid, he has kirpt within the luw, ifiiardiitg the sinking fund, and made possible an In crease of t:ttt,0o0,H" 01 sold in this market within the next three mouths, and that, in addition to the regular and known dis bursements, the withdrawal ol legal ten ders to the amount of w percent, of the new Imnk notes issued, while only carry- . ingoutlaw, giva ejnal sal isfuction. On the whole, we hear tunny regrets expressed that Secretary Bristow could not have been in the trensury during the time his present jioMtion was occujilcd by Bout well and liiclutrdscn. Gov. Howard, of Khode Island, on tho Bth Inst., presented to theStme fonate of that Slate the reixjrt of the chief constable relative to otllciiU Interfeivnte of t. 8, Marshal Coggshall. at the n-cent seizure of liquors, wtiichwere under ihe protec tion of the State. Ou presenting the re port the governor made a siv.-cch, in ihe coarse of which he mid: In the collision between Ihe ofliccrs si u ted mid the I nln i S ates, ha? was called on by a uicniherof the consfnlmlarv and inloruied of Ihe existing dlfllcully and aWHl to lnterlere in the matter. Although there was no doubt in my -own mind that I might direct a portion of the military establish ment of the State to sustain the Slate officer, and the law, yet prudence required that the question uiiiiht lienor be dovidedt by tlie court rather thun by tho interven tion of the miiilary. 1 then-lore directed the constubii nry to make 110 lurther ctTort . to seize the liquor then held by the V. H. marshul and the chief of police. Asa result this has been plaiarded us a victory on the part of the V. S. marshal and hie . deputy. I agree Inlly with the universal opinion that these attachments are col lusive and a thinly disguised slutme, and ' 1 shaie 1 lie general sense of moi'liikation at ihe indisniiy 1o which onr ccninioii wealth was suhjcWed. 1 realize alo the' gravity ol the si unit ion and recognize it as our Imperative duty to take measnr for an early and proper a tjusi meat or t ho question. Thcie have betm dinned into our cars for the paxl six months threats in -regard to Fort Anderson and revenue cullers, tint so long as these threats are words, they liave ljen tivated as such; yet when it is gravely stated bv a respec table and iniellixcuv Journal that troopa -. , from Fort Adams and the C". S. l-eventie cutler Wmi l Jsezter,- had been, p aced at the disposition of the luarv-liu!, it. seems protier toask why is this ilonef It must be tor tlie purpose of wughig w ar on I be tieople of a Stute who, from tlie dnte of its settlement, have lietm noted tor t hei r intclliseiice,eonservatLsm and patriotism. Your prttMnce here, senators. Is a mockei-y and a farce when such proceedings as these are saslnined by the federal gov ernment. Your honomble judiciary and executive may as well resian their oftlces and leave 1 lie control and Utrwiwm of State atl'alrs to the subordinates of tho V. 8. government. -No graver question has been foix-ed upon the State since Ha first" settlement. It Is a vilal qiimt,(in, ' for in it are involved the soverehj-nt v of the State and lis harmonious rem lions, with the L'nltetl Wales. The Hrtie Stale ' Of Rhode Island iseullllexl on sucirpoints to equal respiet as larger Stales or the general government itself. From the following telegram, dated Richmond, A a., March Sth, 11 would seem , that there was a full rteteriuinai Ion on t he part of members of the Siaie Lcxi-minie, ' now iu session there, to annnl und make of no etfeet as far as- possible ihe civil :' Rights Bill passed by the last t'ongi. a. The telegram says: Gilman, of this city. ' lntroduccil a bill in the House topunih ' Jiarties creating dlsturliancen In lintels, theaters, etc It provides that pet sous , who create disturbance in hotels by Ixiih tnroos demands for accommodation, niter the proprietor or agent has declined 1o entertain for want of i-ooru - fr w ren sonnble siiecifleil cttiises, shall Ik- m. vlwd by fine and itnprisoiiiiicut. In t... ,.f t healers, inana-irrs have the righ t i:ua reservtHl seat tickets, stamped r. 1. ferable,and when a person not tl i "i-i -.ul purchaser demand admittance, the vic , keepercan refuse hlm.bnt tho niomv j be retunded, and If ho refusesto take money and thereby-creates a disturbance., lie w ill be liable to arrest an d fine. In hot 1 1 eases half the fine goes to the hotel kecr.er or maunder, as the ease uuiy be. -'i hero ' are similar provisions in reaard u steajaers aiid railroads . f