The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 05, 1875, Image 8

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    . 1 1
: - A
. j
JpfcanjT gifglsfe.'.'
Corner Ferry ami First Street.
,a cony, one year... ...,...(3 50
One copy, at months , 1 SO
To clubs l twenty, each cony 2 00
Single ooniis.. Ten cents.
Sulwerlbers outside of Llnn county will
I mi charged SO cents ex:. a 42 7 for the
"veer-a thut 1 the ajtount of postage
per annum which wewe required to pay
en each paper mailed by us.
FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1875.
AgrntH (or tbe Resistor.
The following named gentlemen are au
thorize I to receive' and receipt for sub
scriptions to the Ue&isteb in the localities
Messrs. Kirk ft name....
Roliert Glass
W. P. Smith ,
41. P. Tompkins .i....
. H. Clanuhton
A. Wheeler Co ...
Mwr. Smith ft Brasfteld.
J. B. Irvine
Thos. H. Reynolds
V. Water house
. . .Brownsville.
Craw fords v 1 1 le.
Halsey .
....... Lei anon.
. .Junction City.
One witness in the Tilton-Beecher
ease was kept on the witness stand two
or three weeks. Beecher was to hare
6een put npon the stand yesterday,
and as he is a chief witness, he will
probably occupy the stand for two or
three months, judging from the his
tory of witnesses so for. , At this rate
the present judge and jury will pro
bably not be called upon to decide
npon the case at all; and tt may be
that the people of this century will
Dot hear the end of it.
A Prominent Man Gone. Mr. R.
C. Kinney, ot Salem, President of the
Salem Flouring Mills Co., died at his
residence in that city on the 2d Inst.
. Mr. Kinney was an old pioneer, cross
ing the plains In 1S17, had been a
member ot the State Legislature, was
principal owner in the largest flouring
establishment in the State, and was
iniversa.lly esteemed and Tespected.
He was buried yesterday at Salem.
Mrs. A. J. Duxtway Lectures
at the Opera House this (Friday) eve
ning. Subject: "The cause of politi
cal corruption." The following ques
tions have been propounded by promi
nent citizens of this city, which Mrs.
Duniway will answer to-night: "Is
not home tlie proper sphere of
woman ?" "You say motherhood is
woman's highest mission : can she do
a voter's duty without neglecting this
mission?" "Ought woman to vote
when she cannot fight V A meeting
'will also be held, at the same place on
to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2
o'clock, for the purpose of organizing
a Linn County Woman's Suffrage
Association, an invitation is extended
to the ladies of Albany to be in attend
ance. T '
Northwestern Commercial Com
pant. Messrs. Bradley, Marsh & Co.,
: Portland, one of the most enterprising
firms of that cityi it is understood, lias
or is about to be merged into the
Granger company, known as the
'Northwestern Commercial Com
pany," which starts out with a capital
of $50,000, with a prospect of doubling
to $100,000 in a short time. Tlie
Board of Directors of the X. W. C. Co.
are Messrs. A. J.;' Dufur, Green B.
Smith, T. J. Matlock, J. A. Bradley,
Win. M. Powers and S. L. Marsh,
with the following named gentlemen
as officers: President, J. A. Bradley;
Tice President, S. L Marsh ; Secre
tary, T. J. Matlock. This looks like
business is intended, and a determina
tion to make things warm.
Mr. A. Claveau Is probably a olever pho
tographist of San Francisco, and has a
number of views of portions of San Fran
etscoand environs. The Con an 1 of Chile
at that citv recently sentacommiinication
to the Board of Supervisors, remindine
the Board of the Importance of havinsc the
city well represent d at the Chilean Inter
national Exhibition to be held next Fall,
-and susreesting that panoramic views of
thepnbticbnildlngsof the city. etc.. wonkl
be asplendid way of reachingand Impress
ing upon the Chilean heart the Errand at
tractions of the city, etc., and kindly in
timating that his countryman. A. Claveau
had some excel lept views of his own tak
ing? that would suit to a T. Good enough
say the Board, and straightway passed a
resolution authorizing Mr. Claveau to
draw upon the city's treasury for ion to
defray the expenses incurred by him in
exhibiting snch a panorama as described.
This shows that to be appreciated a man
must have friends in high places.
Ex-Senator James Vf. Nye, ; who
has afforded cause for : considerable
newspaper gossip In times gone by,
created a new sensation last week.
While on a train going north from
Jacksonville, Florida, a freak took
him to leave the train. He carried
out the idea, getting off at the depot
In Richmond, leaving bis berth in tbe
sleeping car In almost a nude condition.
As bis absence from tbe car was dis
covered soon after the train left Rich-
moud, and his boots and a portion of
bis clothing were left behind, it was
thought he had fallen from the train
In one of his "spells, and of course
must have been killed. But he was
found in the depot wliere lie had con
cealed nimseir, andtakencare or. ub
should have a guardian.
II I HI III I'M M. ....
The Sacramento Union has been ab
sorbed by tlie Record ; rather, the two
journals have been consolidated, and
will be issued hereafter as dm Jteeord.
Union. The weekly lias been discon
tinued, and in- its stead a large seven
oolumn eight page semi-weekly is
Issued, at the same price charged for
the. weekly - Subscribers - are ' thus
tarnished two- papers per week for the
earn of $5 per annwi. We doubt not
. this combination wfii prove an excel
lent thing to the subscribers, ena bling
tbe publishers to give a mucJj better
paper than ever belore.
Nevada is in "dead ears est "'in her efforts
in behalf of the cause of education. Tbe
permanent school fund of Nevad has
been more than doubled daring the past
two years, and now amounts to the snntr
earn of JH).0u0. Ove s000 hav been ex-
v penaea in tne erection or new ana tne en
lanrement of old school-houaea. and thir
teen new school districts organized, dur
ing the past two veara. Nevada Is taklns
a front rank amonx the States in- this
matter of educational facilities, showing a
wise foretbouKht for the future of tliat
Tlie President has signed the CW
Rights Bill. ;
On the night ot the 23d of February
t'K Steamer Los Angeles,.' plying be
tween San Francisco and Portland,
being on her way tip to Victor! with
freight and about 150 "': passengers,
broke her (shaft awl, became disabled.
An effort was made to use her sails,
but the position ot her propeller made
It impossible to steer her on her course.
The anchor was then let go in fifty
fathoms of water.; On the morning
of the 24tli Capt.' Howell with four
volunteers lelt the vessel in a small
boat, being then 15 miles from land,
in an endeavor to secure assistance
to bring the disabli-d vessel to a place
of safety. Late in tlie afternoon the
small boat with its brave men reached
tlie breakers, and, assisted by a kind
Providence, were safely carried
through a heavy surf which cast them,
boat and all, high and dry on the
weather beach. They landed near
the mouth of Elk creek, twelve miles
below Ben Uolliday's place. All
that night these devoted men spent in
climbing the hills and wandering
through tlie woods, making their way
as best they might towaid Clatsop
plains, which they reached about noon
on tlie 25th. wet. hungry and weary.
(Tom nere tney proceeded with as
much dispatch as possible to Astoria.
which they reached at 5 o clock on
tlie 25th. The steam tug Astoria was
immediately chartered by Capt. How
ell, and proceeded to the aid ot the
disabled vessel, which was safely towed
to Astoria, to the great delight of
those on board, some, of whom had
become somewhat despondent. Capt.
Howell was tendered a vote of thanks
by the passengers on board the Lou
Chavez, the noted highwayman and
robber of California, is creating great
excitement in the southern portion ot
that State. On last Sunday evenin
lie was seen, attended by several fol
lowers, fourteen miles from Gauda
loupe, upon which place it was thought
he Intended to make demonstrations.
Every precaution was taken to nip his
calculations should lie attempt a raid
John -Mitchell, on the zcl, was re
ported utterly prostrated, with fre
quent fainting fits. It was thought he
would have to withdraw from the
election contest in Tipperary.
Good news has been received at
Sioux City from the Black Hills
From the report gieat quantities ot,
gold have been found, tlie Indians
were not troublesome, and parties
wintered there very comfortabley.
On the 1st Inst., the Secretary of the
Treasury issued a proclamation for 1.
000.000 coupon bonds of 18G2, npon
which interest will cease June 1st,
1S75. . :: J
The resolution passed by the House
in 1SS2. censuring Simon Cameron.
then Secretary of War. was rescinded
by that body, on motion of Sco field,
on tbe 2d lust. ,
Because ot the passage of the Civil
Bights Bill, both or tlie hotels in Alex
andra have canceled their licenses and
closed business, fearing trouble.
A bill repealing the Local Option
law passed the Lower House 'of the
Pennsylvania Legislature on the 2d,
by a vote of 124 to 51.
On the 2d iast.. the eight conserva
tive senators took their seats in tlie
Kellogg Legislature of Louisiana.
Gen. Fitz John Porter has been ap
pointed by the Mayor commissioner
of public works of New York.
Good rainfalls are chronicled in va
rious portions of California, helping
and benefitting late sown em in
frectenck . Hall has neen ap
pointed ganger of the fifth California
Wm. Henry Dutton. Jr.. proprietor
of the Boston Transcript, died on Sun
day night-
Freight on sugar and coffee on trunk
lilies from New York to Chicago has
been reduced to $6 per ton and the
railroad war still progresses.
Mr. Reed Hughes, of Shelby comity.
ikenmcKy. na wniien to tne e nior oi me
Snn Francisco Chronicl'-, inquiring; aKnt
California- with a view to emurratim;
thither. The Chronicle publishes his
oneries. and devotes half a column in an
L endeavor to prove that Calitornia is very
superior to JieniucKy, tve uo noi ueneve
this lo be the fact. There is no better
State in the Union than Kentucky. She
has evervthinir that t he heart of man can
desire, from a blood horse, blueerass and
whisky to the prettiest women on the tace
of tbe carlo. There are bonanzas of lead.
silver. Iron and sold hidden awa in Ken
tucky bills, and unutterable commercial
and airrfenltural possibilities snrrtmnd ns.
Instead of koIiii; to California, Kentnck-
lanssuouia remain in nenmcKy, stirtuem
selves. arive nn their Distol-carrvlna and
the like, and develop the immensity of
our crude wealth. LotttniUe GniriaJour-
TUMI. '.- 7:
'. The Executive Committee of the United
states Centennial Com mission, which has
Jnst adtoumed, has deferred the date of
open ins ana ciosinv oi inviniernaiioniti
Exhibition from April 19: h and Octo'er
lstn to May lotn antovemoer, run, i7.
This baa leen done at tbe desire of forehrn
Commissions, witb the view of a greater
pcohabillty of Ane weatherat theopcnlnK.
A Western paper tells us that "a female
door aeent at. ia urosse imockea a law v
lown with a 22 Bible, and then knocked
bis teeth out with a a hymn book." Arm
that woman with en ordinary library of
easily reiigioo dooks ana sne wm wmp
ner wciui in wutwuw.
Tbe women of New Orleans are probably
tbe most Mnerb-lookinir in America.
They are brunettes the most and best of
theui. with an elegance of carriaee and
figure, coatonr of features and a pose of
manner tnatareniatcniess. xney sav that
the peasantry in certain district of &pain
carry yet in their bees tlie grandeur of the
faded Cast 11 inn tntleue. These ' New
Orleans beaut lea, lifted tenderly down a
ooaen nneiatioiwsr close oiooa, are more
queenly thn the por Units of their French
imothers that bva fcun for centuries in
tueir parions. hobm of mem are like
cMaeled, panelled fljmres of marble, wi
the soft dash
of Guldn's brut-h or of I
Petrarch's son
in their tiuwa. and t he rine
Southern bl
nosuing ij to r neir Tern-
pies under the puce surface of their veins.
T lie exqnisi teness or tueir st y le takes your
Iweath wltb an exclamation of admiration. .
and a slgb of relief as yoa pass. Their na
tive city and Slate .are the horizon of
society and of the arold to tbB superb'
creatures; they are reared - ander the
solemn shadow of Catiioliustn : I bey are
local in their attachments as Venetians;
their culture is narrow, but they gather in
their loins tbe gait of empresses, and in
their eyes that glanee, filled with the wia
dota. the cunning, the rofinemenj, toe
So help me gracious, cfcrv day
I laugu me wild to see der vay
My small young baby drie to play
uui mnny ibcib! uuuy, ;
Vhen I look on dem leetle toes,
Und ww dot funny leetle nose,
Und beard the vay dot rooster crows,
I achmile like I was crazy.
Und vhen I hoard the real nice vay
Vhen beoples to my wife dhcy sav
"More like his fater every- d"uv,rt
1 was so proud, like blazes.
Sometimes dliere comes a leetle schqnal,
Dot's vhen eer vlndy vlnd vill crawl !
Klrfhd in its leetle stclioinach schiuail,
Dot's too bad foi- der baby.
Pot makes him sing at night so schveet ,
I'nd uorry barrio he must cat!,
Und I mwl chuinb shpry on my feet,
To help dot leetle baoy.
Tie pulls my nose and kicks my hair, scrawis nie over evcrywnere.
ITnd achlobbers me but vat It-are?
Dot vas my sehinall young baby.
Around my head dot leetle arm
Vas schqeezen me so nice and vann "
Oh ! muv ilhere never comes some harm
To dot sch mail leetle baby.
Dot vas me himself.
From Southern Oregon,
The following paragraph is from'a
Grave creek, correspondent of tlie
Jacksonville Sentinel, giving interest
ing information with regard to the
quartz discovered in Grave Creek
Miuitig District, organized Feb. 15th,
1ST5, in Josephine county'. Oregon:
Many quartz lodes have been known
to exist within tills district for years,
but have had hut little attention paid
to tliein until the recent quartz exelte
menton Galice Creek, sine which men
liave been prospecting in every direc
tion for quartz, which has led to the
discovery o several promi-dng leads in
tlie- vicinity of the mouth ot Grave
Creek. The most Westerly lead dis
covered, and known as the' Keystone,
crosses Grave Creek close to it month;
crosses the point of a high ridge a ml
runs into Rogue River, following the
bed ot the river fo'r some distance ; and
if it appears again, which it more than
likely does it will appear on the south
of tlie river, some distance west ot where
the Yank and other leads -ross. This
lead, though tx-ingnext to the last tak
en up. is now claimed for seven or eight
miles, nearly all of, which i distance it
ciiii be traced by bold cropping.- and
measures where discovered 18- feet be
tween walls. The quartz of this lode
is ofa very tine quality, is very full of
snlplmrets. ;hi1 in general apnea ra nee,
is second to none that I have seen in
the Gal ice Creek District. ; The next
ledge east and close alongside of the
Keystone. Is the Ophir, the rocky of
which shows well in many 'place, hut
1 a darker colored quartz, having rather
a greyish cast, aial in many places a
rusty appearance. This lead is quite
large, but is not taken tor ; so great a
distance, as its cropping are not .-vsVlis-tinct
as the Keystone. The nest'Ea-'t
of the Ophir is the Mammoth. The
quartz of this lead is similar to that ot
the Keystone, and is claimed for a con
siderable distance. The next on the
East ot this is the Grev Eaffle. This is
a large lead, but. has been prospected
hut little; tlie cropping j look well.
The next, and most Easterly lead on
which claims have been located is tlie
Yank, having been traced through from
wtiere it crosses ifngtte liiver to where
it crosses Grave Creek, a ; distance of
about five miles, and is now claimed
several miles North of Grave Creek.
l'he quartz on this lotle looks well for
cropping, and the lead isi large and
well denned. All the rock' I hare seen
fn m the above leads compare fa vorably
with the lock of Galico t,rtek at a cor
reiondinff distance Ixdowthe surface.
and in niv opinion are hut a continua
tion ot tlie same lends; ami if so. the
Galice Creek District will have no per
centage over this, mid It remains to be
determined which is the! richest, if
there is any difference. j
H. S. Gilbert was elected Mayor of
Virginia, Montana, last week.
A Jackson county surveyor has
found 45 acres ot land in two 20 acre
tracts. I
Coos county is putting herself on a
war rooting. A , militia, company is
being organized. ;
TTenrv P. THnver. of Sheridan. Yam
hill county, has been apiKiinted a
notary public by the governor, . for
Utter City, Coos comity, is said to
be over-crowded with iieople. i.iany ,
finding but the poorest accommoda
tion, i
E. G. Browning & Co. are ex
tracting quartz from their mines on
Gravereek, and liave a fine lot al
ready taken out. j
Tlie Champions of the Red Cross at
Salem are preparing to; give "Ten
Nights in a Bar .Room," Friday
Two citizens, near Phoenix, had an
affray lately, which resulted in one
breaking the other's arm with a piece
of scantling.
The last trio ot the Eastnnrt froni
Coos Bay to San Franeisco and back.
was tlie quickest on record, being a
little over six days. ; '
Thos. Smith, of Butte Creek, Jack
son county, was examined before
Judge Watson last week, by Dr.
Matthias, and pronounced insane.
John Blattner, of Jackson county.
who had his arm amputated week be
fore last, died last Friday evening,
and was buried the following day. ;
There are rumors' or a straightout
Democratic aper to be stinted at
Empire City, , the ' name of J.:M.'
Siglui being connected therewith. ,
Tlie trains on the Istlnnn railroad.'
in the Coos Bay country.; were resum
ed last Sunday, the locomotive having
been pnt in proper condition. . . : t .- v
Tlie snow on the Cascades, where
the road from Jacksonville to Llnk-
ville ctosses tliem. Is two feet deep.
But little snow at Linkville.
Scarlet rash and chicken pox have
been prevailing among the children of
Jacksonville for some time, Nocases
have ended seriously as yet as the
diseases are only ofa mild type.
; They have struck a very, rich vein
of ore in Green's discovery Jedge at
Rye valley. Baker cqniuy. - It :1s 22
inches in .wiutn as lar as projected,
and the casing on either side have not
yet been struck. --v-'j--- i.J.
Tlie Eecord says: President Gatch
of tlie University at Salem improves
very slowly and cannot even hear
classes in Ids own house. He does
not hope to take any active part for
tlie remainder ot this term. .
j Dr. Baker, of Union, idled at that
hki,. 1ifo..dv Phrr.or ',! f
I l ' "'T.- r v
I liioftut. i ne uwiur was a won.oy and
substantial citizen, and his death will
be deeply mourned by a. large circle of
friend and acquaintances. ,
. The grand jury of Marion county in
.their report to the circuit court, say :
"We have examined, the State pen
itentiary and we approve of the gen
eral management of tlie j penitentiary.
We do think tliat some other mode of
punishment might be adopted' besides
stripping the convicts and whipping
them with three raw hides twisted
together at the butt. " i , , .v
The Baker City Democrat of the 24th
tilt, says "The past week has been
warm and ipleasant. with water ruu
niiK' freely in our streets. On Mon
day" we had a litfht fall of snow, and
on yesterday nioi ning the sun was out
clear and beautiful. "
Panthers are numerous and trouble
some near Lelaud, Josephine county.
Three of these animals attacked a
mare and yearling colt belonging to
F. A. Davis, and killed tlie latter.
Tin. nuir, reached home, hut is so
badly injured that she will probably
Sheriff Manning returned last week
from California to Jacksonville with
Cunningham, who , decanqied wilh
one of tlie livery horses ot Manning &
Isli. and sohl him to H. Casey.
Cunningham returned $20 75 of the
money he received from Casey for the
horse. He now languishes in the
Cantain Wilson, of the steamer
Gm-ermit Grnrer. ha discovered a new
chute about five miles below Harris
burg, just above Davidson's lauding.
and lelow Alton! s cliute. It is a
good, deen .channel, and perfectly
safe and clear, with the exception of a
few snags at the head.
Tlie Mmntaineer says : The Indians
at Celilo last week were engaged for
sevenil days and nights in dancing
for a Chinook wind. Acconhng to
their liellef fhev succeeded, for on
Friday evening the wind commenced
to blow ami has continued, off and on,
up to the present time.
The 22d at the Dalles passed off
without any demonstration of any
kind of a public nature. Jackson
Engine Company had everything pre
pared for their annual supper, - but
owing to the death that morning of
one ot their members, John IVndegast,
the affair was postponed until the
following Monday evening, March
A correspondent at Butte Disappoint
ment. Lane county, under date ot
Feb. 27th. savs : "The many friends
of Postmaster Handsaker. at Goshen,
will lie pleased to learn that his son.
whose leg was amputated some weeks
ago, and who has- been under the
most skillful treatment of Dr. Shelton,
of Eugene, is fast recovering. "
Mr. George M. White, a former
resident of Salem, arrived there last
Saturday from Southern Oregon. He
has a claim in the Yank Ledge, and
brought with him a niimlier of speci
mens ot silver ore which lie 1 Intend
ins to have assayed, '. He says that he
has got a big thing, and all that the
Southern Oregon papers have printed
in reference to tlie tialiee creek mines
is true and not at all exaggerated,
John Y. Calloway, who was exam
ined some time ago before Justice
Brown on a cliirge of rape, committed
upon the person ot Mary woodward,
a child 13 years of age. in Lane comity,
and disi-liarged. rthe prosecuting wit-
ness failing to appear, was up before
Justice Brown on the 22d, on the
same charge, a jkI, after hearing, was
helil over tor trial ar the circuit court
hi the bond of $2,000. Charles Cal
Iowa v. hi father, and Robert. Wall
stood hi bail and.. lie was discharged
from custody.
Jmlge P. P. Prim, of the First
Judicial District of the State of Ore
gou. on tlie petition and application of
M. S. Alcradden. Ivq.. as attorney
for Walter A. and William Brown,
granted at chambers, in the city of
Salem, on the 23d of Feb.. a peremp
tory writ ot mandamn. commanding
the count v clerk ot Jackson county to
forthwith make out a transcript ot the
cause entitled .the. Stale of Oregon,
plir. vs. iv alter A. Brown ami -Wm
Brown, deft., ami transmit the same.
together witn all the original papers
in said action, to the county clerk of
Line comity, for trial. This action
will now come on for trial on the 4th
Monday of June next.
The Corvallis Democrat has been
Informed of a melancholy accident
which occurred on Friday of last week
by which a hi tie child was burned to
death. It seems that the parents.
named Robiuett. who reside in the
Alea -valley, nhont twenty-five miles
distant from Corvallis. went out to
work in the ganlen. leaving the child.
aged about three years, alone in the
hone. and when the mother returned
in a few minutes, she was horrified to
find that the little innocent had fallen
into the fire and was tearfully burned
about the head ami face. A messenger
was immediately sent to this place
(the nearest available point) for a
doctor, but before his arrival the
little suttt-rer breathed its last, an
other victim , to a mother's careless
The following Is a summary of the
assessment roll. Wasco, tor the year
1874 : . Acres of land 31.494. valued at
$165. 201 ; number of acres ot wagon
road land 150,314. valued at $30,032;
town lots, valued at if'JU.Uoll ; mer
chandise and implements, valued at
$434,331 ; money, notes, accounts.
shares of stocks. Sc $200.5S4 ; house
hold furniture, carriages, watclies. &c,
valued at $(50.54 ; number of horses
and mules ti.271. valued at $1S3,C92;
number of cattle 3a.oj!). valued at
$355,735; number of slieep 33.5S1,
valued at 71,190; number ot swine
I.tRiH. tiros value ot prop
erty. $1,800,702; amount of indebted-
nes. $324.257 ; amount exempt from
taxation. $142,077; total, $436,334;
total value of taxable property, $1,
334.368 ; number of polls, b04.
The Hillshoro Independent says
"A large part of the wheat on the
North Plain Is killed." Mr. James
Imbrie. who gave us these items, in
forms us that his wheat (which was
winter wheat), consisting of 200 acres,
is killed, and that Robert Imbrie also
lia 200 acre that is dead ; John Cor
nelius, Jacob Hoover- and other- large
grain raisers, have lost theirs like
wise. Mr. Imbrie will soon start to
Linn county to purchase spring whet
for seed for himself and otliers in his
vicinity. He says that he can get tlie
win at delivered here for 90 cents per
bushel, being cheaper than he can buy
it in u ashingtoii eoiiiity
A rumpus was kicked up among a
number of Indians, near Sheridan a
few days ago. It seems , that a
halt-hreed gave the Indians yhlsky.
an:! they becoming intoxicated, com
menced cutting sud slashing each other
in a fearful manner, and would, had not
Mr, Louis Garrison heanl the uproar
awl ca tne npon i the spot just at that
moment, have killed each other. The
half-breed who Inrnlslied the whisky
vamosed ; tlie seighborbood and has
not oeen nearq from since.
The Record says; The extent Of the
business, by tiie i opposition river
steamers can bi Imagined when" we
state that the i increase of tonnage
passing through tlie locks in 1874,
more than in 1S3. was about 15,000
Representatives of the Pacific Bridge
Company, ot jsaii Francisco, were in
Eugene last week, contracting for the
erection of a bridae tacross the Will
amette at that ribi'eo. 'Half of the nec
essary stock lias ..already., been sub
scribed by prominent citizeus. ;
-The : Gwrrd publishes, a , rumor to
the effect that work is soon to be
commenced on the extension of the
v.k. u.t rrooi St. Joe to jMigene
Mr. F. R. Hill, of Wilbur, harl his
leg broken some two weeks ago by his
1 1 1 - . . 1 - .... o J.
nurse tawing on mm. lie la uow re
covering. Mr. W. Cushman, of Benton county,
was visited last week bv his three
brothers whom lie had not seen for
thirty years.
Mr. R. P. Earhart has sent about
$350. contributed by Masonic lodge
throughout the State, to relieve the
suffering of the people of Kansas, to
tne ijrranu aiasier ot that State.
The unfortunate lad. son of Ma thins
Swegle. who was thrown from his
horse nt htilem, on Wednesday of last
week, died at the residence ot G. W.
.Ionian, Friday morning, at 4 o'clock.
Tho railroad company nrooose to
build a neat lodging house near tlie
depot, at Rosebuig, for the accom
modation oi the conductors of the
trains which lay over at that place
every night.
Corvallis contains two school dis
trict, North and South, each - district
containing just 237 persons of school
age. There are 19 more males than
females in the south district and five
more in the north.
The North British Fire Insurance
Company, which formerly did business
in uregou. lias .concluded to resume
business and have made the necessary
$50,000 deposit oru. S. bonds, with
the Secretary of State.
Cant. West made another large
shipment of canned beef from his
West port cannery week before last.
1 tie steamer A'ioo Fig met the Ajnx
in the stream with the freight on board,
which was iraiisfui-ren afloat.
At a meeting of the band of direc
tor of t he v illamette Valley and
Coast Railway Company, held in
Corvallis on the 0th, Hon. F. A.
Chencweth. Richard Irviu, I. B.
Ilenkle, Dr. Win. Graham, w. A.
AVells and John Cowdell were appoint
ed to canvass the county lu the interest
of the road.
I'hos. Knebel has opened a ledge
of coal on Cayote creek. 8 miles from
iMigeue i Hy, which lie is using in his
blacksmith shop, and which lie re
gards a equal to any Pennsylvania
coal. The vein is something over
three feet thick at the opening. Ar
rangement are being made for the
full development of this mine.
The lienorter say3 : The Baptists of
this place have btten holding protract
ed meetings in tlie C. P. church at
McMini.vil.e for the past ten days, and
are having very good success. Their
meetings both day ami night are
crowded, and a great deal of interest
is i)iauite?-ted. especially among tlie
young people, quire a number of
whom are up lor prayers each even
ing, on satumay last there were six
person baptized by the Key. Air.
Kuss. and yesterday three more were
baptized by Rev. Mr. Lynch.
At Port Dlcoverv. on Pnget Sound,
SO men ai-e furnished employment in
connection with the mill, at an aver
age cost of some $3,000 per month
During the past year 1S.000. 000 feet
of lumber were exported from Port
Discovery, together with 45.000.000 of
laths and 100.000 feet ot piles, em
bracing 43 cargoes. Of tlie above
lumlier 15.000.000 feet were shipiied to
California and a. 500. 000 to foreign
ports. This place has also obtained i
some celebrity in ship building, hav
ing within a tew years built sevenil
first class vessels, among which may
be mentioned tlie steamer Mitx'.ic, the
most powerful tng this side of San
trancisco, ine schooners Jltrter.ui,
tSerena Thayer, and tlie ; barkeutine
Two young men. who tried to break
up a ball nt Bethel, were fined $10
and costs.
There are in Independence six
warehouses, which holt! In the aggre
gate 400.000 bushels of grain.
Nelson Wilcox, who lives near Cor
nelius niled 20 tons of carrots on one
acre ot ground the past year.
The wheat in Patton's valley. Wash
ington county. I not so badly killed
but what it will make a stand.
Two large sawmillsat Independence
are kept running all the time, turning
out about fi.000 feet per day. and -still
the demand is greater than tlie supply.
Th ?re is a Borgia among the canines"
of Salem." Seven dogs were poisoned
there a few nights ago.
lfred- Tozicr tried to monnt a rag
ing caynse in Hillshoro on Monday.
anil his boots dangled in the air for a
few seconds when he came down feel
ing up for the ground.
A correspondent of the Spirit.
writing from Pataha prairie, which he
says is in the center of Walla Walla
conntv. says : "We need a good grist
mill In this part of the county. Any
one who would undertake the erec
tion of one would have tlie laud for
the location given to him. and help
In the way of a wheat snbldy. Who
will be the first to respond ? We can
raise all the wheat a mill : can grind
at least such as would probably be
put up.
Tlie Nevada Legislature has passed
a law providing that all : sheriff and
constables in unincorporated towns
shall be ex officio fire wardens.
In Meager comity. Montana, during
tne cold speii, not a boor or stock per
ished, it is paid. Wells 30 feet deep.
and which never before froze in the
least, were so cloed with ice that axes
and crowbar had to be used to open
them every morning, but stock ot all
kinds rustled for bunch-grass, sought
such shelter as the country aBonletf
and weathered it through in good
siiape. f-
The bid for the territorial printing
of Montana were oiiened by District
Attorney R. P. Vlvion and Auditor
Star in Virginia on the 20th tilt.
Following were the bids: M'tdinonian,
$500; JVd North-West. 9409; Mon-
tanian, $2i 0 50 ; Herald, $270.
The brother-in-law of Wm. Vance.
who so mysteriously disappeared
few days ato at fneulo, otters a re
ward of $100 for the recovery of
Vance, dead or alive. Several per
sons are now confined in tlie jail at
Pueblo, suspected of knowing some
thing or tlie rate ot the missing man.
Tlie sum ot $15,000 has been raised
by subscriptions at Walla Walla to
aid in completing the railway from
that place to Wallulu on the Colum
bia. Tho citizens propose to raise the
sum to VZO.UUU. j i ....
B, F. Brown, of Salem, formerly
agent ot Wells, Fargo & Co.. charged
with embezzlement, was tried, awl
honorably aeu tilt ted. last week.
Walla Walla county has let the con-
tract fpr keeping her pauiiers tor the
ensuing year to A 0. Dickenson at
$900. - : - '
The avalanche In Big Cottonwood.
Utah, which buried five , men ami
seven tennis, was a , mile and a half
long and half a mile wide.
C. P.' Thompklns has been appoint
ed untteo states marsnai ror Colorado,
Vice Blianonourg. ,
On December 31st, last, Colorado
was out ot debt and .hail. $2,110 la the
treasury.'" s..,p-5..i;;..; v-'--v ;-.
l'he mines In Little- Cottonwood
Utah, are jammed with ; ore awaiting
transportation to the smelters.
Portland is going to pot in $7,500
tor an alarm telegraph, :-.
A Walla Walla nlmrod has killed 40
deer the past winter. ,
lohn Chambers, or Tenaicut prairie.
W. T.. has killed four Urge cougars
during the winter. - "
The owner or tne wana waiia
horse. Mark Twain, values him at
$5,000, and has refused to take $1,500
tor him.
Judge John Clark, tbe newly ap
pointed judge ror maito Territory,
nasscd through' Walla Walla last week
on his way to Boise City, on business !
connected with the supreme court.
A distinct shock of earthquake was
felt in Walla Walla valley on the 20th
ult. The oscillation seemed to be from
northeast to southwest, ana was ac
companied by a rumbling sound. (
A man named Keeler, who now
lives at Walla Walla, lias been through
two wars, and came out of both with
out a scratch, was recently kicked by
a worthless cayuse horse, and so badly
injured that be was compelled to nave
bis leg ampuuuett to wive ins ine. :
A gentleman who resides nt ' the
head of the ivalia wana valley re
ports that but few cattle have died in
liis neighborhood, awl ns a rule the
stock an doing well. He further re
ports tlie liea I th of the settlers as
greatly improved siuce tlie setting in
or cold weatner. .
The business of the United States
Land Office at Vancouver for the
month of January, 1375, was as fol
lows ; Homestead entries. 9 909-40
acres; final homestead entries. 4 640
acres ; declanitory statements filed.
1160 xcres ; laud sold, 72-31 acres
total, 1,731-71 acres.
Whatcom county wants Congress to
grant it the privilege of bonding to
the amount of $12,000 for the purpose
of building a road into British Colum
Gold in New York 114.
Legal tenders 874SgSB.
Wheat 62 cents.
Flour. $1 12. sack.
Oats 40 cents.
" Butter 25a37eC as to quality.
Eggs 20 cents.
Potatoes $il 25 bushel.
Apples, green, retailing from stores
at xyihc ier oox.
Chicken. $2 50(33 dozen.
Hams 13c: shoulders 0c; sides
11c V !h.
Lanl. in 101b cans, $1 25; in bulk,
luc tt.
White beans 4c ft. , i
Onions scarce nominally $1 50 per
bushel from stores.
Beet, oil foot, 4c ; pork, 5Vc ; mut
ton sheep, per bead. 1M.
San Fraiiciacn quotations give :
Wheat, $1 5531 60 W 100 lbs;
flour, extra. $5S5 25 ; oats, $1 75S
1 M; potatoes, $1 7d&1 S3.
New To-Day.
640 acres, the other 237 acres, wilh kotkI
buildimrs. These farms lav near I,etanon.
For terms and particulars apply to the
undersiiriied. 1.. tLKlNS.
Albany, .uarcn o, is. a. sw
acres, two miles from' Albany, wilh
houe. commodious barn, nnu small orch
ard of choice trees. Also, fanning Imple
ments, and hav sufficient for&nrinjf ue.
Inducements toenitcrmnts seeking a home
near tnis tnr"-insr city, r-ossession given
immediately. For pnrficnlars enquire of
3. UCttfilLU
Cor. Washington and 3d si a, Albany Or.
The Thoroughbred Ilevonsbire I nil.
Victor Second,
V V mencing Murch 1st. 187 i. and en-ling
June 1st, 187.1, at the farm of the under
signed, two miles north of Shedd Station,
on the road leading from Albauy to ilar-
risnnnr, l.lnn county, oreijon.
Those desiring can obtain good pasture
on reasonable terms.
VICTOR is the tlncst bull in the State,
havinir taken the first nremlnm over all
eonipeMtors when exhibited at the Oregon
State air. . - i
IMPORTANT. Endorsed by the Medi
cal profession. Dr. Wm. HALL'S BAL
SAM for the lungs cures Coughs, Colds
and Consumption, and all diseases of the
Throat and Chest. Da. TOWNSLEY'S
Ayer'a Cathartic Pills,
For all tne Pnrpnaea of n Family
CUBING Costlve-
ness. Jaundice,
Dysnensla. Indi
gestion, Dysen
tery, Foul Stom
ach and Breath,
Erysipelas, lie fl
at he. Plies, Rheu
matism, E r n p
tlona and Skin
Idseases, Blllous-
vs.ness. Liver Coro-
-""olaint. Dronsv
Tetter, Tainors
and hilt Rlipnm. Worms, ftont. Neuraluin.
as a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the Blood.
are the most congenial purgative yet pen-
rected. 1 neir enecis aonnaaniiy snow
bow miii-hihi-v excel allot her Pills. ; Thev
are safe and nleasant to take, but powerful
to cure, 'iney purge out tne ioui numiira
of the blootl ; they slimulate the sluggish
or dlsorderei otvan into action ; and they
imnart health and tone to l he whole being.
Tbey cure not onlv the every day com
plaints of every body, but formidable and
oansrerous aiseases, most, skiiuui inyiu-
lans, most eminent clergymen, and our
nest Ctrl Wins, send cerrincares oi cures per
formed and of great benefits they have
derived from these Pills. Thev are the
safest and best physio for children, be
cause mild as well as effectual. Bema-
susrar coated, they are easy to take; and
neinir purely vegetanie, tney are entirety
Harmless. rKSrAHKD dt
lr. J. 4 . ATER dc CO.. Lnwell. Mm
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
ESSnld bv all Drumrista and Dealers in
Medicine. v7n8
Ajer's Ague Cure.
For tbe ftpeedy Relief
or ifver mmi Airne. sn-
tcmalttent Fever, Chill
r evrr, armiiieBi rrvcr.
Bilious Fever, dr.
and Indeed all MeaMee
4 ions wakk nrlaa frwna
nanlarlansB. mnrsh. or nliunmlle
Mlana, Has been widely used, during
the- last, twenty-five years, in the treat
ment of tbese distressing diseases, and
with such unvarying success that it has
gained the reputation of being infallible.
Tbe shakes, or chills, once broken bv it.
donot return, nntil the disease is contrac
ted atrain. . This has made It an aooopted
remedy, and trustea specine, tor tne ever
and Ague of the West, and tbe Chills and
Fever of the South. - i-
AyerM A true Cure eiadlentea tbe noziona
poison from the system, and- leaves the
nat lent, as well as before The attack. It
thoroughly exnella tbe disease, so that no
T 1 ,-nmnla Inl. Vhttnm.H.m X u . . ,
o-tft. Dvsenterv or Debility follow the ure.
Indeed, where Disorders of t be Liver and
Bowels have occurred from Miaaahatio
Poison, tt removes the cause of them and
they disappear. Not only Is It an effectual
cure, but. If taken occasionally by patients
uraond to malaria, it will exriel the notson
and protect thum from attack. .Travellers
and temporary residents in - ever and
Ague localities are thus enabled to defy
the disease. The General Debility which
4 on Ant tn ensne from continued exnosnre
to Malaria and Miasm, has no speedier
remedy. For uttrinspii, It is an
excellent remeuy. r j., j., ,
phkpakvd bv
Br. jr. CT. ATEB A t La well. Msatn
rracncai ana AnaiyiiciH v;ueinists
" B2r-Sold by all Druggist t and lenlors In
MeUiclha.- , t;na
en to any one proving that the sales o
the SINiiEft do not exceed all others by
thousands upon thousands. While all tbe
other old companies' sales in 1S73 decree
ed, the MXOER Increased wonderfully,
and keep at the head, where it always W
nuu 911UUIU lie.
Albany, Or., Sept. 25, 1874.
' Be wlnp;
The table nt Si-winir Moehtne Sales for
187 shows that our sales last year am
ounted to 233 444 (two hundred and
thirty two thonsand. tour hundred anil
orty-four) fMachlnes, lieing a large in
crease over the sules of the previous year
1 ' F
Tlie table also sho-vs that our sales
eeeil those ofnny nther Couinuuir, tor
ninpei-ioa nameu, oy tnennmoeroi iw
254 Machine, or nearly double those of
any ot her Company.
It may be further stated that the sales
of 1873, as compared with those of 1872,
snow a relatively laiver increase, ueyonu
the sales of other makers, than of any
other year.
For Instance in 1878 we sold 43.000 more
Machines ihnn any other Company, where
as, in 1873; the sales were
113,204 Maelkiuea In Exeeaa nf sar
Hiartieat 4'oinf4itor
These flirnrua are all tne more remark
able, for the leason that tbe sales of Ibe
principal Companies in 1873 are letm than
inrir aaiea in wnen-as, as nan
been shown, our antes nave InrKCly
The account of sales is from neorn rlttrns
made lo tlie owners ol the Sewing Machine
Patents. '-, -
It will hardlv be denied, that the npcri-
ority of the SINUEU MACHINES Is fully
aeinonstrateu at ail events mar- rueir
in the household Is uuques-
No. Sold. or
Name of
1872 1878 Ttecrease
ai.7l8-e3?,444 In. 12.1H8
811 3.430 " 8.19
.174.(8 119.190 Pe.S4,8ft8
Singer Mrg Co...
SccorS. M. Co
W. W. MfV Co.
Domestic S. M. Co.. 49,V4 40.114
(irover ABukerCo. fi'2,010 8K.179
Weed 8. M. Co. ..... 42,444 2 1,79
Wilson 8. M. Co ... 22.SK6 21,247
How Machine Co.. (no returns.)
Wilcox AUibhaCo. 22.S39 15,881
American B. II Co. IH.'.ISO 14.182
Florence S. M. Co.. 11,7113 8,960 "
84 Union Square, New York.
Agents, Albany, Cngva,
aprlP74 -
Silver & Plated Ware,
1VL especially for the Pauitiu Coast by the
of Elgin, Illinois, viz: : j
California ami
WATCH, and we most' confidently rao
ommend them to the pnblitsas poseiing
more i;ood qtialil ics for t he price than any
other Wutch In tin- ninrket.
We also Keep all other brands ot Klgln.
Wall ham and Swiss Wn'chcs. Clocks. Jew
elry, Sliver and Plated Ware,
Pistols and Cartridges.
CST Repairing a Specialty.
CA1I Work Done and Clooda tld.
Warranted to be aa Represented.
First street ALBAN Y. OREGON
P rawing- Certain or Money Relnndcd
One Wrnnd Cnan irt.......ase.OO
Ht Wrand t aah Jft 1M OOO
One 4rad aan tf t t imto
One4rand t'aah Ull't. Se.OOO
One rd twsh VII ......... 25 OOO
B nab Vina nsso mints lira
loi'sHliiiiiM, e,oooe 140,000
lMMiUItU) 1 inwea io v,n
240 "ab 4iia,
IMmeMb Oirta,
l,OOOt'Ui,b Ullta,
a WMM l,UW
4 000 en loo.tKHl
3 OOO ra tfO OOO
a ,000 ea 100,000
1,000 ea 100.000
AOOea 120.OOO
looea So,
Whole Ticketa W.oa
Mai t ea aM
'a-An... tnm mrb nilWH.... . O.
11 Whole 'IK-Keta tor ' So.on
22)4 Tlcketa lor............. l,a
DMtli of 4ot. BrMsaItt Aetlen
be Trail fee A anreeaanr nu
; MHatm-90 lore roiponi-inmM
Dniii(tiriis urw.i j nu.
- At a meeting of the Trustees of the Puh
11. i.ihmrv of Kentucky Jan. lit. 187.1. It
whs resolved that O. M. 'Brigirs, Kq.; who
the late Hon. Thos. E. bin m let
wasthereal bntlnesn manager of the gift
concerts alr-adv given In aid of the Public
Library of Kentucky, b and he Is hereby
authorized to take the Place made vacant
bv the death of said Bramlette, In the
management of the affairsof the Fill hand
Last Gift Concert, and that the Drawing
announced for February 271h, 187, shall
nrxittvelv and nneauivomilv take n acaon
that day, without any further postpone
ment or aeiay on any acrooni wnniever.
R. T. DURRETT, lrea
JoSM 8. Caik, Sec'y i t
Tfercsfter. all communtcfitlons relating
to tlie Fifth Conceit, should be add rod
to the undersigned, and 1 pleilvre myself
that the limn ing bhall come off February
27th or that every dollar jiaid for tickets
anal I oe retnrneo.
'.. M. llRHitiS. Anrentand Manaifer.
Ruemi. 4 fuoia Library tluilJtiip, Ijcuu.
VtU-, A I-
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