VOLUME VII. ALBANY, OREGON, "MARCH 5; 1875. NO. 25 o. 53 S3 sr , CD 9 3 CD 9 sr a? CD J CD CD 3; S3 a is CD 99 rs S3 CD CD CD Of CD 53 8" S3 GO s 53- CD C rs era CD CC err CD: S3 CD .3 ssr CD - .. & " on BUSINESS (JAIIDS. a., whef.uk. cp.rcrsfc C R. WHEELER. A. WHEELER At CO., SIIEDD, OREGON, crwartog&Coffliiss'nMercliaiits, Dealers In Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills. Churns, &c, c. CASH pold for WHEAT, OATS, POHK, BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY. II. JT. BOUGHTOX, HI. D., GRVOtTATK OF THE VXIVERKITY Medical Colleare of New York, late manure at Rellevieu H spital Medical Col- raie,sew lorn. urricE-in a. (.aroiuera A Co. 'a drug store, Albany, Oregon. - CEO. It. IIELJl, Attorney and t'oaniwlar jts Law, ALBAXY, OREGOX.i , "XTIL,L PRACTICE IS ALL THE Conrts ot t hi ate. Office In Fox's brick tup stairs) First street. . 6v7 LOUIS UEIIWALD, - Has jnst opened a line stock of ; ots c&3 Slioei California made, to which he Invites the attention of the citixens of Albany and v 1- cimiv. Kr-sioous manniacturea tooruer. in latest styles, with best of stock. Store corner Rma-lalbin and First streets, Chas. Mealey s ola stand. Call and examine my ' BllKTM . 1.171. At3 I iU.l . 1. T . .T'l T L' II 11' .Ilk Albany. Oct. 16. 1874-5v7 FOR SALE! rpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS & MOWERS. Maine's Headers, (Wood's Improved.) I Coqulllar-irs Indiana Farm Wagon The Bnssel and Vibrator Thresherm, ' (best machines on the coast. Rtalcsnan Foreereed Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call. see. and zet price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner aeconu auu cuswonuBn., aiwdj, Oregon. i Sv5 FRAXK WOOD. . BROOK FACTORY ! W. D. D ELDING TT7"HO MAXITACTCBKD THE FIRST v T good Broom ever made in Albany, has returned from California, and located permanently in this city, where he has again enmmencea uie manutacture oi au kinds Qf Brooms, Crushes, Wisps, 4c. RtJiis taetory on First street, at John Metzler' old stand. east of Masmolla Mills. where be invites those wishing a first class broom to call ami secure it oi uttn. W. D. BfcXDLNG. Albany, Oct. WL 1374-5 v7 CHAS. V- MONTAGUE. BOBT. St'CALLEY. SlOmGlE & McCALLEY, A RE SOW OPEXLXG A MAGNIFICENT stock of Fil l. I'-WTITKR CiUlltSl aelocted with care, and bought for coin tu Scandalously Low Fisurcs ! and as we bought low we can and will sell I Astonish Everybody. Lome una see onr selections ox Khanis, rlil we, Brflltantes, Maraeillea, PonllnM, tra. Ribbons, Collars, Collarettes, Lace, &c., Ac, for t he ladies, and onr complete lines of Readymade Clothing:, Hosiery, CVittonades, Oisslnierea, Clotbs, Mhoes, ' Hoots, ' raps, -Hals, of all descriptions for men and boys. Also tun assortments oi Groceries, Croctoy & Glassware. The best roods, at the la west rates every 1 nine. fcLorae nnu see. Lebanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874. ACARD. 4 H. RET.I, A PARKER, late of Oresron xV Citv. tiear leave to intorm the mibltc tnat. tney nave piircnaaea tne entire stock of drugs, medicines, .. formerly owned by R. C Hill Ation. and that they design continuinar tbe business at the old stand. wlteretliev tmrpose keeping iu the farore nuiAoriaeai ox Drug, . , VhemUMU, r. Patent Medicines, y i ' Toilet Articles. ' ' Perfumery, and everything usually found In a first. eiass aruir store. ... . . While earnestly soliciting a continuance ot tne iioerai patronage neretotore extena ed to the old house, we hope at tbe same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and care ful attention to the wants of customers, to merit the esteem of any new trienda who u mv favor us wltb their orders. Part tenhtr attention will be given to the compounding of physician's prescriptions anu iainiiy recipes, at ail noursot tue aay or nigui iv Successors to K. C. UlLI. a SOU. AJbany, October , '7-n4tf OTOVE8I 0TOVEGI rrom this date until further notice, I will choick sEixcnes or Stoves & Ranges PUMPS, HOSE, &C. ...J.. W. n. MCTAELAND. . Albany, Pee, M, 17-13 ' ,. BUSINESS CARDS. SAM'L. E. YOUNG, : ; Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, . REAPERS & MOWERS, ' WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCAST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. Terms Cash. ll20V7 Here's the Place.! Si XX. ClauQlif on Has received and Is offering for sale a well select eu si Oct oi ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE - Which he is determined to sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES " for Casli, or MercliaiitaMe Prince ! Please give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices; . II. (XAt'C-HTOX. Lebanon, Or. 13v7 o. ts. s. oo. UROM ASH AFTER DATE, CXTIL luri ner nonce, iiturm xrom POUTLAXB to ALBANY WELL BK 0E DOLLAR PER TOX AH down freight will be delivered at rUKTLAM) or ASTORIA Free of Drayajre and Wliarf- At Reduced Rates. Boats will leavfi A LB AW for CORVAL- Lis or iuiuLAa D i Les vr ery For further particulars, apply to BEACH & MONTEITH, Albany, Nov. 2d, T4-12 Agents ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS ITew Elevator ! IS KOW READY FOR THE RECEP. tion of wluat and oats. We call the at tention of farmers to the fact that we have erected the finest warehouse in the State, at a large expense, and are in position to minute sattsiactortiy an immense quan tity of grain. Our house has a capacity for 200.C00 bushels of Wheat at one time, and is located on the margin of the Willamette River, and provided with a side track trom t he O. & C. K. R.. so that shimnenta mnv be made dallv by rail, and asotten by waierasooaiingiacuiiiesouer. we nave two mrge suciion luns, in wiu tion toother tans, attached to the house. run by water power, and are tnus pre pared to all the wheat received. Can take In and clean 10.000 bushels per day. Cleaned wheat is wort tt mucn more in an loreign markets than foul wheat, and none should be ship ped w ithont clean ing. Our cbai-ges will be ; Ave cents a Dnsnei on wneat, ana xour cent on oata. We bave - SIXTY THOUSAND SACKS to furnish - those atorlng wheat with ua, free to those whose wheat we purchase. and at the lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat from our nonse to ot per buyers. Persons storing with us are at liberty to sell to whom thev please. Those who reside on the west side of tbo river will have ferriage free. Will be in lbe market as buyers, and expect to be able to pay the highest, possible price. Having' prepared ourselves to do a Harare business, ' we hope for our share of the public pat " ronage. - PARKER MORRIS. ' July81n47-6 - ' ; r Albany, Oregon. - Rath Hons? & Barber Shop nWE VS DERSIGNED would respectfully - JL thank tbecitizens of Albany and vi cinity for the liberal patronage bestowed . on hfm for the paal seven years, and hopes for the future a continuation of their tn vora. For t heaceoiumodaMon of transient customers, and friends In the upper part of town, be lias oiiened a neat Hi tie shop next aoor 10 inyior Moninnnierjr n -kwn, where a good workman will always be In attendsnee to wait nmn -natrons- . . Dec. 11. 1874. ' JOJS w.tB.i. Siher-PIated .Ware! TCST RECEIVED, A FTT.T INVOICK fj of Rowers Mlver-f'tatvd Ware, Mlver-nteel nUrry, etc.- direct fnn I he Factory. We will sell Table Spoons st S3 per set, and Teaspoons at tl 60,andotli er goods proportionately low. . 1 TITUS BROTHERS. X323ty ;3v Organ t. naTtT organs SOLD AT TH'B M. E -E Parsonage, Ailwny. on themost favor able terms. Tbe EST E Y ORGAN has lwen pronounced the beat by t ho most compe tent Judges. Doit buy any other nutil von huve seen and heard these beautiful nstruments. - - I- WILSON. FOR v? :f OLAriftaOEEOO, (!" Neatly executed, " Call at the Register OQce. Home latorests j "BOW WOWS." j SnEDts Oregon. " Ei. Register : Onr bnsy little town is In a state of terrible excitement over the t singular and mj-sterlous disappearance of an old resident and Ma son. on the night of the 5th ult. From circumstances re cently developed in connection with the - auarr, two nooie. nonorea nnu uim ihijb have undoubtedly been forfeited to the insatiable, love of , blood, possessed by ihnwhpiiAUnf iwr" (wolves in sheen's clothing) that one so often meets upon the highways and Jbvwavsof theeonntry Im- lonr been snsnected of beinsr an organized and associated JUrek otthupx, and since the lamemame ocenrrenee oi tne oi ner hwh, evid(noe at once conclusive and Incontro vertible has transnlred, provlnar that they , uissfmee even ineir innnieroiis wem nro:o;vpes. In the scientific refinement of imrhhritv they exhibit in their mode of rtlnosinic of the bniUei of their victims. The fiiin-r of horror and rljthteons indis- narion wntcn idis terrioie event nas nr mased in the breasts of tle extensive circle of friends and rein Ives of the noble aad beloved departed, in too terrible and too aeeu.tprpy pen to ticscnoe.- unt jus tice Is not dead, slie has on!v-slTW. Vsn xeance is npon their track, and retribution wiM lie nieted out tothetn.swtft. sure, stem and Wrtrek-nttns, their wild ways, meek lacev ana wnue coats to ine contrary notwithtandinB. This heartrendln'r affair hanjrs like a pall over the half community, shnttin-r out the sunshine of safety and security in our nonses, as on ly i ne snauows irora Tire Intra of the'dark ansrel can. And now, In conclusion. I exnress the universal sen timent ot thoir frinds and fatnllv. when I say fiirwell ("or. generous, du'ifnlnnd nse- iiti "sunn- woug" w ix P. 8. The sfc-ro (Fs) evidentlv killed the doss (Csl, and have drnjrged their bodies Into some of their dens, hidden beyond t nc Ken ot man. ana wnere mortal eve win never penetrate. Hence it will become neceesnrv to resort to the use of the "eye' o the "Cir Court." ale, purps. . CiRcrrr Court. Tlie following en titled causes appear upon the dockiet to be tried at the Mai-ch term of the TJnnj County Circuit Court, which convenes in this city on Monday next :' State of Oregon vs Jacob Todd ; sailing liquorwithout license. Thomas Slonteiih etalvs J. H. Foster et ul : in eonitv. John Lee vs L. Elkins et al ; to recover money. Andrew Wiley vs L. Elkins et al; tore cover, money. Antf O'Brien vs Richard O'Brien suit for divorce. Win. E. Newhouse vs Wm. Peters etal; to foreclose mortuaae. James Kenny vs T. C- Winn, J. E. Bent- lev et, M i to foreclosie mortiraite. Jno. T. Harbin vs W. A. Skinner 4 Cress- well : to recover monev. Wis. Harris vs Wm. McCalllster; tore cover monev. Jasi H. Perry et al vs Geo. W. Garland ami Clarissa. iTiirland : for imrtltion. Maggie M. McC'ouncll vs A. R. McCon- nell; tor divorce. Sitan Mulky vs Wm. Pitman etal. - -; Wm. Pitman vs Wilson Uumn. S'aie of Oregon, vs Corvailis i Y. B. W. R. Co. Jno. T. Harbin vs Jno. T. Gil more; ac tion sr luw lor monev. Board ot School Commissioners vs Susan W. Thorp etai: to lot-eclosa uiongae. Albany A Santmm W. D. or C. Co. vs E. H. Grinin : to recover money. Jno. T. Craig vs Francis Kendall elal; equity. A. Cnrrtthers Linn County. - L. Fieischner A Co. vs Eagle Woolen Mills t o; t foreclose mortsnure. U. Cheadle vs E. 8. Merrill; to recover moni-y. . J. B. Constable vs Rttel Cnstar ; to re cover money. C. H. Paine vs Sophia Paine ; for di vorce. C. W. Cowan vs Chas. Wilson. Wi W. MeGohon vs G. A. Hill. Co. Clk, of Lino Co writ of mandamus. Henry Seller et al vs Laura B. Mooret al : to a met title. Jennie Grubb vs C. W. Grubb; for di vonoe. Garrison Gerst vs Sarah Huston and E. B. r rum : to recover money. The suit asainst G. A. Hill Is brought against hfm for acting in his official ca pacity as County Clerk byanthoritv of the Comity Court, and ho is inadethe parly to this suil in order to test the legality of the action of the said Court. The Clerk Is simply sued as an olicer of the Coust, and noi, tor inuiviauHi aescrepancies. Resolutions of Sai.km Grange. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by Salem Grange: Jfryd. That we as Patrons decline to Join ourselves to or in any way aid t lie for- nuauon oi ine xv.rui western uonmieixial Ctimpany at this time, and we wonld re- spcctfnjly caution tbe nieinbership of other Granges from lieing induced hastily to enter into combinations with tills or any other business scheme. . Jicaalved, That in view of the danger of cenam pariies muiicing memoersoiine Order to loin combinations to their own hurt, tbe Secretary of this Grange is re- quesieu to nave ine loregoing published ii tlie Willamette J'armr. with tbe liotw that other papers friendly to our order will copy. J. J1XNTO, Secretary. SALEM, Feb. 87, 187 J. It is seldom- that we KOT Ct anything in tne medical line, nor would we now. nntess we coma oe convmcea tnat wears not doing our duty as a Journalist in re commending 10 rue puuuc tne celebrated botanical preparations of Dr. Heniv. Whoever Induces the victim of Scrofula or any other disease of the blood, to use Dr Henry's Ext ract of Sarxapaiilln. has liegun a icond work. There can h no nnstio as to the result of this medicine it persevered. in. i it is a sure cure tor seminia. unenma ttsm. Salt Rheum, and Indeed alt cotn- C taints arising from viiated or Impure loo-l. It is lust what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we confidently recommend It as beimr the best article now in use. Dr. Henry's Cough Balsam is the most effective remedy ior any hbwirhis oi lue xuroat or .Lungs that we have ever known. -. It contains no deleterious drugs, and cart be taken with impunity and certainty of relief. Fori he cure of Conichs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. It stands without a rival. Dr. Henry's Lini ment as an alleviator of pain, is unrivalled by any preia ration before the publie i tbe most skeptical will be convinced by a sfngle trial. It will prove itself a frtcnd in need" wuicn no family should be wltb- out. . - A CtiANCE. For a good sixteen horse power Engine and Boiler, with necessary fixtures, at a bargain, call on E. Carter ft Co., at their Sash A loor Factory, Albany. They are preparing to run their machinery by water, and have their ear gihe and boiler for sale, cheap. . S4tf . Gold Discovery in Polk. -lust over in Polk county, flvo miles from Independence, they have discovered a quartz ledge ttiat is somewhat rich from all accounts. Xat. Holman, tbe discoverer, took 100 pounds to town. oat of which he obtained $407 in gold. or at the rate of $8,140 per ton.; If this is a true statement, we don't wonder that the citizens of Independ ence have all moved out on to that qdartz ledge. " - ' Evidence. We ba.ve been favored with a pamphlet containing over 100 pages ot the evidence in the Tllton Beecher case, as reported by the offl cial eteiiogioplier. The pamphlet aiso couiatits a portrait or rneotiore liiron. 'Anose', who would like to read tne run eviuence in the above entitled cause should send to McDlvltt, uampopuos to., Ill Nassaa street, JJew York., Tlie pamphlet ir pub- uButu iu ixiu tnat progresses,, . DisfNCORpORATED. At ft meeting tt the Home Manufacturing Coupany at Salem on Tuesday of last week, the Counpany was dissolved by the rote of ft majority of the stockholders, pour hundred and thirty of the 8ix bohdred shares were represented. Two hun dred And sixty shares paid up the full assessment of $10 ach, while one hnndred and seventy shares paid $2 50 each, leaving one hundred and seventy sliares on which Uiere was not cent paid, . Tbe expenses incurred amount to 1500, which the Directors Wflf pay,' returning the overjflus, we suppose, to ie subscribers, who paid np, prorata. - ii N s i ---, - s .r . Seed "Whsat Mor VVASHTKcrroN CODNTT. The late freeze np klMed all the lnll-sowh wheat In portlons of Washington oonnty. The fields pro tected from the cold east winds by tiinbej were Injured but little, but where -there was no t imber to protect the wheat, not a spear will be raised. Mr. E. E. Fanning, now a resident of TVaslilnsrton county, came back to tlte okl dart, " Linn county. last Tuesday, to procure seed wheat for himself and neighbors. He will pur chase about six hundred and fifty bushels of wheat, for which be will pay 72,l cents, per bushel. - . Canal Co. Articles of Incorpora tion were filed yesterday Incorporat ing the Hnrrisbnrg & McKenzie Canal and Water Ditch Co. Incorporators J. F. Hendrix, Hiram Smith, R. A Bumpy, ; W. H. Baber, M. Fuller and Samuel Seller. Capital stock. f0,000. In shares of $100 each. The : canal wilt be in the neighborhood ot fifteen miles in length, and will cost about $50,000. A Histort of the Wrongs of Alaska. Is the title of a neat little pamphlet of forty-three pages, printed by order of the Anti-Monopoly Asso ciation of the Pacific coast. It speaks In strong language of tho "Serfdom of the civilized inhabitants ot St. George and St. Paul islands in Alaska, and of the fur-seal monopoly that hag been granted by the Government. " Quarterly Meeting For the M E. Churh of this city commences to morrow The Presiding Elder, Rev, I. D. Driver, will preach on Saturday evening, and probably twice on Sun day. The church will scarcely hold the half of those who will desire to be present on these occasions, Mr., Dri ver being the most talented Methodist divine on the Pacific coast. ; .: Another Pioneer Gone. At his residence in Marlon county, Oregon, on the 21st of February, 1S75. Mr. Joseph Davis, in tbe 74th year of bis age.,; i . Teachers' Instttcte Will be held in this city, commencing on Thursday, April 1st, and holding tbe balance A the week. B. II. M. Postal order for $5 re- i celved. Thanks. Will attend to the other matter as &oon as space will admit. ' Resolutions of Condolence. At a regular meeting of Western StarXodge No. ia I.O.G.T., held on the 2d of March, 1375, the following tesoUitions were adoptd : Whihieas, ; It has pleased Divine Providence to remove our beloved sister, 1. I.. iMUtams. from our midst and transplant her to tlie borne appoint! for ttiose or wnom lie saia. 'it tsenoiign, mine tip niguer;" ana. Whereas, We realize that our loss. though irreparable, U ber eternal gain, thereiore. Jieaolted, That we bow in this afflic tion to tlie dispensation ot Him whose wavs are past tliMlinz out. - Itesolrm. mat we tenoer our Heart - . .... " . . felt condolence to the bereaved bos- baud and family of our beloved sister. and that we recommend them to the mercies of Qim who teinperetli the wiials to the shorn lamb. lietoived. That It sliall be our pur- nose to emulate tlie virtues of our de- liarted friend and sister,' knowing that lite Aiiseeinir ive is ever anon as, ana ever beckon ing us ou iu tbe way of truth and charity. T Eeaoived. That a cony or these reso- . .. . . . ., t- ........ ,, lotions ne sent to tne oereavea nuiiuy, and tbe city papers for publication. J. F. BACKEXSTO, MBS. A. A. AUXOLD. PARAORAXXJEm, Wheat has fell tn price,' and is now quoted at 6i cents per bosheL Hate Backensto took charge of tbe any - - . .a Exchange Hotel on Monday. The first day of March was blustery, cloudy, raw and generally, disagree able. Mrs. Annie Harper has been quite sick during the week,, with fever, but Is reported recovering at this daw., During the week, Mr. A. I. San son, of Jefferson, was engaged in patt ing up Brown & Stuart's Taylor press. Little or no butter lias made Its ap pearance in our markets during the week. Price, 25o to 37c per ponna, Boats are making regular trips to Harrisburg now. The Ohio came down on Monday with 4,800 bushels of wheat on board. " . 1 ; , . Mr. LU Elkins offers two fine large farms, adjoining Lebanon, tor sale or rent; Here is a chance for somebody. See advertisement' in tills issue. A splendid piano can be seen at the Methodist parsouage, "brand new, iv.r cheat. A ciiance to gee a first-cla&s piano cheap. - Our city is well provided with dogs of blab and low dsgre. , Tbe conversions at the revival meet ings number nearly thirty , j Considerable rain fell during the week. . . ,JJ., Brenner, of Brownsville, was hereabouts on yesterday. - Dvntlst Ballad "Ob, wbo can tell the jaws we feel ?" . ?' ; Mrs;: Dnnlway lectures at the Opera Honse this evening don't forget that. Calvin B. McDonald deHVered his "Massacre ; of Gleneoe"- to a fine audience at Lebanon Monday night. ;, Brisham Yonnir has sufficiently re covered to sit np , and get married oo- easionaiiy. , ; , . ?t No change in prices of prod ace generally." '' -..., " x 3--V- One-armed Brown was in the city Wednesday, bunting up Indian wit nesses who' are wanted in Uncle Sam's Court at Portland. Mr. Sneneer. f Moodns. Conn.. cast a' despairing took upon his twenty first child tlie ot Iter day. - No wonder they call a repenting rifle a Spencer. The Govermnetit Simgboat is at Broonsville Slough, busily engaged la clearing tlie Willamette of snags and. other obstructions. ' ; ' : "" :'' ' , - Bev. Mr. Bowersox, " of Salem, came np on Monday, and is rendering valuable aid in the revival meetings now progressing. ' One of the most interesting and hotly contesteci law suits ever known in Michigan arose from the fact that two women claimed tlie same waterfall..,;- -.. , Land generally in Linn county has been in splendid condition for plow' ing. and hundreds of acres have been plowed, and are now ready for seed ing, f - . Geo. W. Young is erecting a new business house on First street, west of Thompson fc Irving's saddle shop, for Dave Thompson, v Frank Wood returns to his mines at Greenhorn this week, to finish rivet ing tho pipe. A few days more and the water ditch will be finished, and then look out for business.1 Mrs. I jt ing, an Umana woman. glided softly up behind King Kalakana and stole a kiss ! But the joke of the thing Is that the Omaha 'wags passed on a goou-iooKiug negro ror tne King. Mr. C. Fggert and wife, of .Law rence. Kansas, arrived In this city a few days since, and are stopping with Mr. E. B. Purdom. Mc Alexander has so far recovered front hLs long sickness, that be went to work on Tuesday. , Mc hasn't been able to , work at bis trade for more than two years. ; " Capt. Scott Business Mannger, ppd i Calvin B. McDonalds Edltprv of tbe ISalein o'tatestttan called on Monday, loth reporting themselves In excellent condition. Gen. F. Settlemelr and party have returned from Greenhorn. Mr. Set- tlemelr's eyes suffered from the trip, and he has been compelled to keep bis room a good portion of tbe time in consequence since his return, we learn. It is said that sometime during tbe present year a party of one timxlred Ensrlishmeti Is coniinsr over to this mmilrv nn a orrnnrl huflsln limit. 'Tat ! The 'orn of the 'unter is 'eard on tbe 'ill Mrs. Fred Hill and Mrs. B. C. Hill went down to Salem tlie first of tbe week, to visit Mrs. Andrew Hill, who recently arrived in that city from Cali fornia, and wbo is supposed to be in tbe last stages of consumption Theodore Burmester, Esq., formerly a resident or this city, now or salt Lake, recently shot himself in tbe band while carelessly handling a revolver. Last week the Groter. Capt. Wilson, made tbe quickest time ever made between Harrisburg and Portland. She made the: trip In twenty-four hours', the river being very low, lay ing at Salem one night. The distance is one hundred and ninety miles. Mrs. Dale, of -Detroit, held a hot buckwheat cake over, ber husband's countenance for several minutes be cause he expressed bis disapproval of free love doctrines. .:i This family roust be run on an unsectarlan basis. said Mrs, D. . ; ; Mrs. Dnnlway, lectured on Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. In the Opera House, to large audiences. She delivered a lecture on temperance on Tuesday evening at the same place. Mrs. Danlway is aa excellent and en tertaining lecturer. Mnbscriptton papers, soliciting "sign era" for stock in tbe content plated Mc Kenzie Canal project, we are informed, will soon be'; circulated 4 among the citizens along the line of the Canal, when it will soon , be determined whether the people of Linn county are in earnest In tbe matter. Having secured interests in one of the "bars" on the raging Santlam, we propose to see how much gold we have laying dormant in it during tbe sum mer. - If it doesn't pan out better than tlte printing business, -we will not be a candidate for the U. S Senate ; that ranch ia determined on, at any rate. A Boston man has died and left two hundred dollars to a Uiilversallst church. It would do an okl-fashtoned MeUsodlst preacher good to tell a re vival comrregatlon just what has be come of this mas. The revival meetings at the M. E. Church have' been 'continued nightly during the Week. ' Services on Sunday were conducted by Bev. Jos. Emery, or Corvailis, and tbe chnrcn was crowded. In tbe evening tbe crowd was so great that . many were com- pelled to go elsewhere, not being able to get hardly standing room. The interest to the meetings is apparently Mr. Charles , Elkins left tills etty on Tuesday; for 5 Eastern Oregon, near Camp Harney, , Wbere bimself , and father have a, large band of cattle. Recent letters received here from that section, say that stock has fared well there, and little or no loss has been met. We wish Charley the best of success.1' ' .. Mr. Wm. Talley has returned from atrip out south, tthere be went In search of a ranch.- He was nine days in the ' saddle, and found the roads anything but inviting. He has secured a splendid place about midway of the Alsea valley, some fifty - miles trom this city, wbere be Intends removing when the weather will admit. W. I. May field, editor and pro prietor of the Spirit -of the West. Walla Walla, W. T., formerly of Oregon, has been granred a pension for services rendered ' in tbe Rogue Blvar Iinllan war. . , , Fran V Wood came to from Green horn last Friday. He says a few days more ot blasting and the water-ditch will be completed. The ditch Is calculated to CArry 800 Inches of water. Whether the diggings wilt pay or not Is a qnestion that time aud actual trial alone will settle. We a re in hopes tbe boys will make It pan out rich. : Several lights of the world honored our city on Wednesday by a visit among whom were Capt.' Scott. Busi ness Manager of the Salem Statesman ; Calvin B. McDonald, Editor-in-Chief of the Statesman ; Hugh Small, travel ing correspondent of the ' Orvgoninn, and One-armed Brown, Indian Agent. High zephyrs prevailed during tbe day.' , , :- .... ; .;,.,.,, They tried to scare a' man In Mis souri by tbreatenine to tar and feather him ;' bnt he. replied : "Come on with your old tar; I've been there six times, and I've got a receipt ror wasn ing it off." ; Anyone desirious of purchasing a nice little farm of one hundred acres, on which is a good dwelling and out houses, an ot chard ot choice trees, etc. should call on E. S. Merrill, on cor ner of Washington and Second streets. Bead advertisement on 8th page. There has been quite a number of ministers In attendance on tbe revival meetings at tbe M. E. Church tn this city during the week,' lending their aid and counsel in tbe good work. Among them we noticed Bev. Mr, White, Prslding Elder of Willamette District of the Southern Methodist Chnrch, and Bev. J. Emery, of the same Church, both of Corvailis : Rev. J. Bowersox, Evangelical, and. Bev. L. Ai. Powell, M. E. Church, both of Salem, " and Rev.lf; Clark, M." E. Church. ofSliedd. ' '' The Grand Masters of both the Odd Fellows and Masonic Lodges of Kan sas having issued calls tor aid for tbe suffering bretbern in that State, we are pleased to announce that the lodges of this city liave responded handsomely, and stand ready to "go down " as often as necessity may re quire. Our people only want to be assured that whatever they donate will be properly applied, when they win not stand back a moment, but come down wltb tbe rbino without a word. .. i . Mr. X. Baum got on board the northern-bound train oa Wednesday for Portland, where be will embark on tbe ocean steamer for San Francisco. Should be survive the perils of tbe ocean and reach the greatest mart of trade on the Pacific coast, be will pro ceed at once to Investigate for himself as to who lias the latest, most stylish and inviting dry goods, clothing, etc, and where be . can , purchase to tbe greatest advantage. After having made Ids decision on these necessary points, be will proceed to purchase a larger stock of goods (so be says) than be ever purchased before for this mar ket. Baum's taste,' good judgment and shrewdness assures us In tbe state ment that his new stock will be un excelled In variety, style and cheap- oess. , 1 LATE TEUECnKAPEZIC' NEWS. Tbe Local Option law passed the Penn sylvan la House on tbe night of tbe Mlh On the sth tilt, the credentials of SamL 3, K. McMillan, 0. a. Senator from Min nesota from March 4, were prssented In tbe senate, ana ptscea on me. The Hospodor of Moatenetrro 1ms in formed powers that the Padgnarltsa afiair lias not yet oeen completely secueo. Old John Bender, who has so long battled the officers of the law, has at last beea arrested at Florence, Arizona. We hope this diabolical old murderer will get Bis jus aues ana no more. At Salt Lake on tbe SSth ult, Charles Williamson ana joun tmitn were eacn sentenced to seven years for stealing note from a dead man. . , , . Philip Sbafer, convicted of Murder is to us nong at salt Lace on tne xta ox dune. An Annsnolis letter says that Gordon Claude, a naval cadet, was expelled from the Naval Academy on the S4th ttlt. for reruaing to lenee witu a coiorea cauew John A. Tracy, a prominent railroad man, and one of t be chief business men in Western Pennsylvania, died at Lrt, Feb. wui. - t James MY Tjrtter, ef Indiana, has been nominated by tbePrestdenvSeoondAssis tant Postmaster General. - T1ws Pacific Mall Co started an attorney, test Friday," for Minnesota, to attach tlie property of Bill King, with a view tore cover tbe amount received by him in eon nsetion with tbe subsidy. . - Pstsey Marley, the stags robber, wbo escaped from Slteritr Fife, of Lincoln, by Jumping from a train in motion, Was eap tursd last Friday morning at Oreana, erada, by Natobas,tiis Piuis Chief, from Philadelphia under date of Feb. Vh, we have an account of dUwters on the Sobnylkill caused by tlie lee: The Ice on the Schnylklil. at Manayunk, broke np yesterday afternoon. Iuring tne ntgbt the rive? rose rapidly Sit foet above the usual night, and emy four feet bciow the highest point ever reached, submerging all the bouses in tne lower pan m iowii miHi fnrcinar oecapants to abandon them JSSsM XSSSZZ Xu the mUls except one bare ucpended, throwing at least t.ooo persons outf em The amount of Indemnity promised tf Spain to the United States ts $40,000. Delos VT. CfiAmpltn, ft young jtober of the board of trade of Chicago city, dwrW the capital prize of f),000la the LOuiaviiMf lottery, .i ;' , :L" The total Imports Of raw silk renefved St New York last month. s reported by tbe SUk Association of America, aaotmted lot 2,354,691. The publio d'bt statement snows a tl crease during February of 6,SS0,18 f eoitf lifclancc, (7A,A28.0e9: currency bsicrnce, 1(V 819,007; coin ceTtrflcAtes. 23a,00 ; posits for legal umders, IISU.OOO. ' ' Advices from Santander revfve te rs-' -port tost Gen. Concha is to be appointed to command the Army 'Of the North. Gns. Monones, Lotna and Blanco have resigned. The Carlist s are preparina for a grand effort against Poycerda. -, A Mcmpfifs telegram of tne 1st (nst, my0 that on Saturday last detectlvo Wm. pla kerton arrested Kd. Johnson, leader of the party who robbed prady, southern ex- press messeneer. four weeks since, and who is a notorions outlaw and I'lim. u.iciikci. xmi im viif sity since, ai robber.. The wall of a chnrcn' An' Tmaae ittroet New York, on the evening Of the SSth nit., which was burned few days ago, fell, crushing through the roof or S"t. Andrew's church which was filled With people st vespers. Six persons were killed and M otbert seriously injursd. - , An Inlrr-Oacan Wsshifurton imeulal save the statement that the President would not call an extra session if tlie river sntf harbor appropriation bills failed. Is sit error, so far as the Hitter bill is eonerrned Should that fall the cabinet hold that an extra session would be absolutely neotsy 'The library drswtatf fiMrsn it Imlu Ville. Kv.. on tbe 37th nit. Ths fiKntnn announced that as only S8 per cent, of tne tickets nsd bee sold, the prises would be scaled in the same proportion. The cspit tl prtze-KB.wo-ttiu drawn by tteket No. tj271 tke sewnd-,0(XH-as draws Ths srrnnsl reixwi, of tfi crhWmmA tnw Itngton and Qulnvy railroad, just nad public, shows its total earnings to be H S45A17: .net earnine. S5.1l.w : mtai amount surplus earnings, Sv 148,737' ; in crease of gross eftrnlnn for Itfji over tIS previous yeao is rii. wnue iu gain to net earnings are 1SLS47. A Washington telegram sttysf Ala extra- session of the Senate begins on Friday next (to-day), and will not. It Is supposed, continue over one week. Ths business' will tie in secret, session on tne Hawaiian and Belgian trestles ana sr action such nominations, as tns President make, which will be raw. A telegram fronv- London, dated Feb 28, says: Seven battalions of Carlists at' tackea tstiuoaon i naay. Anererigoroow bombardment tbev assaulted the forts of Puenta Nnevo and Arbolaneha, whict! were taken ana retaken tnree times, tu fighting was desperate on both aides. That Carlists were finally repulsed. Tbe Al' fonsists1 loss is 150 killed and wounded. Tlie Alfonsists' subsequently attacked the Carlists in tbeir entrenchments and were in turn repulsed, with a loss of W10 kUisd- and wounded. IXtv York snedal savs Victoria Woo & hull lias addressed a letter to the Uerattt and Time; threatening them with li'nel suits for. misqnottng Tracy's onentnr speech in which be was made to sneak of ber as the most notorious prostitute tbo world baa ever known. The report of the Tribune and other papers give tbe expres' sion as tbe most notorious preacher and . praotioer of free love, etc. The Woodhull expresses her purpose to nave a sett leroeut with whoever is responsible for tbis sistw der on her, w aether it be Tracy or tbsf papers. : .:. 1 -.. Waslrlnarton dlsnateh ssvs it is pronoaed to provide a small sum in the sundry civil appropriation bill for an Artie expedition Tbe secretary of the navy favors it, also a number of Senators snd members. Tbe navy department will be authorised by tbe bill fa provide and fit proper shivs. and man them wiin ofBcers and men, at- , teaay unaer pay ana awaiting sea aury. The extra expense-will ttotmbe more than . 50,000, but It Is proposed to make tbe ac tion by government oontlnrmt on prlvsto subscriptions to the amount of SM r The president of the geographical society' says it will heartily co-operate in aay ex , : pedltion whether undertaken by govern' meat or private enterprise. In his lecture room In New York test Sunday night, Henry Ward Beecher touched the scandal in substance as foW lows : "For thirty years I have preaobed to you and have tried to expound too word of God. In my old age. my Father ' has seen beet to afflict me with severe and prokintred trials. I am not half mansions about tbe result of this trial as that 1 shall live during its continuance and after Its termination, and I pray that my exampls may be that of a trusting, patient touower' of Christ Jesus, and 1 pray that your many prayers may oe answeraa, simpiyinaii mav be known to men as a Christian.'' The ternitn Ulon of his invocation was, "help us so to live that we mav be able tot say: 'Thy will be done; if tney are wiUi bs, w no can oe against u. - Tbe annual renort of tbe Penasvlyannv Railroad Company shows ths proas earn ings of all lines east snd west of Plttabnrs during the year, mi,ViSJs&l : expenses, iu eluding rentals, interest, dividends, etc, 3,423,643 ; net earnings, aa,A17,SM : earn ings oi tne mam uneanu lis Pennsylvania branches, t22,&3,371 ; expenses, Incindiag . rental, tl2.7Ul.M8 : net earnings after pay ing rentals, t9tS&,4, A statement ria uvstotne lines west oi nnsounj snows ; tlist the net result after paying au tosses, rentals, interest and other liabiiittee of every nature, working expenses, etc., fs surplus profit of SS444I38, more t Man. aeyw -per cent on the entire capital stock Of ths Pennsylvania Company. The annual report of tbe Pennsylvania Bsilroad Co. has been published, and from tbis report advocates of legislation looking to the enactmentofTaws regulating fretgtst -and fares on railways, are afforded a . splendid argument. Tbe report of this road shows that the gross earnings ef thm road for the year were Ha8i,Sftl ; that tas expense account footed up )eav- ing a net income of mM'iMM I ttat is, after paying regular dividends On stock. . snd current expenses, the Company sua hsve over twenty-three millions snd a half for fun ber dividends. Nearly thirty per sent, of the receipts of the road wers net profit. This is certainly a muwndi.I paying property lor tbs manipalatora f tlie road. - ,., . .... , . ,.) - The & F. Chronical favors ths tKmina tion of Hon. Newton Booth as ths next Republican nominee for the office of Pres ident of the United States. ''The mtnet ' abilities of Senator Booth, both ssa states man and scholar, are generally acknowl edged. "In hi opposition to monopoli,' -says tbe Chntnide. "he lias been bmi e pbatlo, He has ldentltled idmself satie active opponent and the outspoken met,, y of sll moneyed combinations Which have threatened tbe rights of ths people. With-, out being agrarian or Communistic, his sympathies have been finooonnced for tlia industrial eiaases, and wnenever sod. wherever there has been arrayed tbe In tereat of capital against labor he baa, with out being t he enemy of tbe one, been tbe staunch friend of the other." ;. . '.-! The Lake Superior papers are talking seriously about the formation of a new State out of siloes taken from Wisconsin and Michigan. The territory to be ereated Into a Stale lies between (lretn Bay (north and east of Menominee R(ver) and Laks Superior, now apart of Michigan, with tbe addition of s strip from tbe northern part of Wisconsin. A good many masons are Snt forward for the formatkm of new tates, but the real mason Is rarely sis; tinned, A new State calls for a new set of ofnoBft. There are execuOvwoukwrs, rial officers, Icjtlsuulve ofncwrs, snd the thonsand ahd one attaches of each defsirt mailt. That is what a new State means, Ands new i-'te starting fair is always permitted to d-jote a del j. ' - - ,- " A dilapidated-looking .being. With a handkerchief tied over his eye, a straw hat danarllpg In shrrartsaliout bis ears, ts back of his vest split fivnn buckw to tif k, hNkiorra1d knurs re"- it throj-sh jiia disjointed pants);;: arm in a sling, and a hravy sii s. t,"rti"T hi treuibltng limbs, pin4 -n k.rtfiset Square. Kvwyhsdy rnns.i ttft in htut about tlie explosion, but this Wreck of hu . msnity, turtitnsr his Kftnhed snd blewSimr face upon ttoeerowd.said tn tretuo,i i.- t hopeful tones: "tentlemen, you .,) t none of you want to buy a siiintw, team of green mules, runnlrt,' do yo-i They AiAat.Jui1inotm JHcmm-pe. . .t Tbe BeeclKer-THton Uteratare t in lured tlxi sale Of oomlcalmanacs t -4 14 year.,' :;j . ; . .. . i,. Jr.