The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 26, 1875, Image 1

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C. B.
c. p. rccs.
Fcrvarflin2& Commiss'n Merdiaiits.
Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A
Rood assortment of all kinds of Goods al
ways in store at lowt-st market rates.
Aiyenta for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Chnmis c., c
Mdinl Collcife of New York, late
member of Bllevieu Hospital Medical Col
lere. New York. Okkice In A. Carathers
s Uo. Ts drug store, Albany, Orvgon.
' ' f GEO. It. HELM, .
Ati ucjr and i'oansrlor ait
of thf State. Office In Fox's brick
(up stairs! First street. 6v7
Has just opened a fine stock of
Boots c&s Sta.oes
CaHfomia made, to which he invites the
attention of the citizens of Allnny and vi
cinity. (TGootls manntactared toorder,
Iti latest styles, with best of stock. Store
corner nrcodalbin and First streets. Clias.
Menley's old stand. Call aud examine my
Albany, Oist. 16, 187v7
' Halite's Headers, (Wood's improved.)
t'oqnillarU's ludlnna Farm Wagon
The UusHel aud Vibrator Threshers,
(best machines on the coast.
Ktatesman Foreefecd Irlll.
Ktar Plain, and other machines.
Vail, urtr, mi'l ii n-; tci urn in:ivric
bo-imc elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop,
comorswoiiuanii ,iiswortn sis., Aiuuny,
t V rood Broom ever nmie in Alliany,
has retnrned from California, and located
permanently in this city, where he has
axuiti commenced the uianulactnre of all
kinds of
Brooms, Brushes, Wisps,
Ac. at his factory on First street, at John
Mctzter's old statu). east of Masnolia Mills,
where he invites those wishing a first c!us
broom' to call and secure it of him.
Allmny, Oct. lfi, 1874-5v7
-csM, a. JiomrAstrE. wnT,iPett,rr:
select eil with care, and bonght for coin at
Sriiiidaloukly Low IT s tires !
and as we bought low we can and will sell
, tliem at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come aud see our selections of
lkreoa Goods,
Ribbons, Collars, Collarette,
Eace, &c, &c,
for the ladles, and our complete lines of
Readymade Clothing.
'. Cottonades,
- aiuaere,
of all descriptions for men and boys. Also
full assortments of
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware.
for everybody.
TiVc best (roods, at the la west rates every
time. e-Coma and see. - .
Lebanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874.
AH. BELL PARKER, late Vf Oresron
'ity, hesc leave to Inform the public
that they have purchased the entire stock
of drains, medicines &c.. formerly owned
by K. C. Hill ft Son. and that they design
continuing the business at the old stand,
where they purpose keeping in the furore
a full assortment of , .
DrvgK, ; ' . '..s; :,.
Chemicals, - ,
it-Jf: - PaUmt Medicines, e'H .;? '
; Toilet Articles, U
V'-' ...r , ' rerfnmery,
and everything usually found in a first
class drn? store. -
While earnestly soliciting a continuance
of the liberal patromuce heretofore extend
ed to the old house, we hope at the same
tiiue, by fair and liberal dealing, and care
ful attention to the wants of customers, to
merit the esteem of any kkw friends who
utay favor us with their orders.
Particular attention will be Riven to the
compounding of physician's prescriptions
and family recipes, at all hours of the day
or night ,
, Successors to U. C. H.II.I. Soif. .
- Albany, October . l-nttf ,
'.'I'- (No. S4 Montgomery Block.) . :' 5 ;
and Commander of the Grand Army
of the Republic in California and Nevada,
will Rive prompt attention to the oollee
tion of Additional Travel- Pay, now dne
California, and Nevala Volunteers dis
charged more than three hundred miles
from home. Soldiers caw -depend on fair
dealing. Information given free of charge.
When writing enclose stamp for reply ana
stat company and regiment, and whether
?rou navea discharge. Congress lias ex
ended the time for filing claims for Ad
ditional Bounty under Act of July 48, 18B8,
to Jaiwiary 1S75, so all such claims must be
made before that time. Original Bounty
f 100 has been allowed aU volunteers who
enlisted before iuly tM 1861 for three
years, if not paid the same when discharg
ed. Land Warrants een cwi be obtained
for services rendered before 1SS, but not
for services in the late war. Pensions for
kite war and war of obtained and
increased when allowed for less t han uis
abilitv warrants, but. no-pensions are al
lowed to Mexican and Florida warsoldlers.
Wate of Texas has granted Pensions to sur
viving veterans of Tcto Revolution, liew
Orienns and Mobile Prize Money is now
dae and being paid-- W. H. Aiken also at
tends to General Law and Collection Busi-
t . ' " " , ith&4va
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
First street, Albany, Oregon.
vTeinis Cash.
Here's the Place !
S. Hi GlaiugXifon
Has received and is offering for sole a well
selected stock of
Which he i9 determined to sell
Cash, or Merchantalile Proauce !
Please give me a call, and examine
Goods and Prices.
Lebanon, Or.
o. s. S- oo.
further notice, freight from
All down freight will be delivered at
Free of Oraj upe and Wharf-
At Reduced Rates.
- Boats wfll leave ALBANY fcr tXRVAL-
T.TSArPllUTl.AVll ' -
i .....
JE2 "vr e r y X a, -y .
For further particulars, apply to
Albany, Nov. Sd, T4-13 Au-euts
ITew Elevator !
JL tion of wheat and oats. We call the at
tention of farmers to the fact that we have
erected the finest warehouse in the State,
at a large expense, and are In position to
handle satJsiactonly an immense ouan
tity of grain. - Our house has a capacity for
200,000 bushels of Wheat
at one time, and Is located on the margin
of the Willamette River.and provided wit h
a side track from the O. & C. R. R.. no that
shipments may be made daily by rail, and
asoiren ny waTcr a uoaTingiacuuicsoner.
We have two large suet iou tans, In addi
tion to other ians, at tached to the house,
run by water power, aud are thus pre
pared to ;
O JLm 33 .' 350".":;
all the wheat received. Can take in and
clean lo,gonbnshehperday. Cleaned wheat
is worth mnch more in all foreign markets
than foul wheat, and none should be ship
ped without cleaning. Ourcharges will be
nve cents a bushel on wheat, and four
cents on oats. We have
to furnish those storing wheat with us,
free to those whose wheat we purchase,
and at the lowest cash price to those who
sell their wheat from onr house to other
buyers. Persons storing with- us are at
liberty to sell to whom they please. Those
who reside on the west side of the river
will have ferriage free. Will be in the
market as buyers, and expect to be able to
pay the highest possible price.' Having
prepared ourselves to do a large business,
we hope for our 'share of the "public pat
ronage. ,
JulySln7-6 Albany, Oregon.
Bath House & Barber Shop
THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully
-thank the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity for the liberal patronage bestowed
on him for the past, seven rears, and hotes
for the future a continuation of their fa
vors. .For t lie accom menial 1 in oft ransien t
customers, and friends iu the upner part
of town, he has opened a neat lit tle shop
next door to Taylor & Montgomery's Sa
loon, where a good workman will always
be inattendaoeeto wait upon patrons.
Dec.ll. 1H74. . .JOE WEBBER.
Silver-plated TFare !,
fj of Kotcers Xilver-Plntcd Ware,
Mlvcr8teel 'a&lry, etc., direct from
the Factory. We will sell Table Spoons at
i$3 per set, and Teaspoons at tl 50, and oth
er goods proportionately low-
Batoy Organs.
E 'wrier' organs solti at the m. e.
Parsonage, Albany, on the moat favor,
able terms. The ESXEY ORGAN has been
pronounced the best by the most compe
tent judges. Doi.'t buy any other until
you nave seen and beard these beautiful
luttrumente. . , - I WIL80N. .
CLANtl O2ED0, '
. -. . Neatly executed, -.- '
Call at the, Register OSice.
Ham Interests,
' Watch Presentation at Lebanon
Id. Riwister : On the 24th of
December last, the congregation of the
Cumberland rresbyteriatj Church
selected a committee of ladles, consist
ing ot Mesdames J. llnuk and IV. S.
Elkins, to solicit lunds for the purpose
of purchasing their pastor, Itev. C. A.
Wooley, a watch, in which they were
most successful, in a few hours obtain
ing a sufficient sum for the purpose.
On Sunday, the 21st instat.t, the
Chairman of the committee, Mrs. J.
Honk, publiel' presented Rev. Mr.
W ooley the watch which had been
purchased for the occasion, a most
elegant time-piece, with the following
brie but pleasant address, which was
delivered extenipoi-e and, with but a
few minutes reflection :
'Rev. C. A. Woolet : In behalf
of the Church and t lie citizens of Lb-'
anon audf vicinity, I have the pleasure
of presenting you this watch as a tes
timonial of our gratitude lor your
ministerial labors among us, and we
trust you will receive it as a memento
ot our esteem. And when the hands
upon the dial indicate the sinking of
the sun in tl-e western horizon, may
your heart be lifted up in prayer for
the many warm friends of Lebanon,
whose eun is rapidly approaching the
eve ot life, and ask that in that Great
Day for which all other days were
made, they may be resurrected in glory
and honor, where suns shall rise and
set no more forever." . ? s
Gone to Wokk A Suggestion.-
Capt. Geo. G. Smith of the Governi
ment suagboat, called last Saturday;
Tlie snagboat is now at work sotm
distance above the city clearing tbf
river of snags and other iin pediments
to navigation. During last seasot,
under the direction of Capt. Suiitli
a large amount of substantial work
was accomplished on the Willamette
between Oregon City and Cor vail if,
no less than two hundred aud eighty
snags being removed, among them tlie
'Big Pine" at Luekiamute, and others
almost as large, all of them more or
less serious impediments to the naviga
tion of the Upper Willamette. If an
appropriation couiu be secured en-
nabling Capt. Smith to purchase an
engine for the boat, more than thribble
the amount of work could be done each
season, as the "power'.' could be trans
ferred to the capstan, when not in use
propelling the boat" from point to
point, and used in 'pulling out snags.
At present all the work is done by
-hand-power, which 13 iaborous as well
as s-low and tedious. As there seems
to be no probability of obtaining an
increased appropriation from the Gen
eral Government for the improvement
of our river, it might be. well enough
for our Granger ! friends to look into
the matter. If we are correctly in.
formed, about $6,000 were secured on
subscription last season lor the im
provement of the Willamette. It is
possible that if a portion of this money
could be used iu placing the snagboat
iu a condition not only to help itself,
renuering it capable ot moving up or
dowu the river without the aid of
another boat, but increasing its useful
ncss generally,; and the balance appro
priated to putting in wing-dams where
needed, more good would result than
ia any other way. A small amountof
money, comparatively, we are assured,
placed in proper hands where It would
be honestly and intelligently expended
during the coming season, will secure
the much wished for result render
the Willamette river to this point at
least navigable during the entire year.
r To Stock Kaisers. The noted
thoroughbred Devonshire bull. Victor
Second, is now owned by the Messrs.
II. B. and T- B. Sprenger, and can
be eeen at their farm, two miles north
of Sliedd Station, during the season.
This is said to be one. of the purest
blooded animals ever , brought to the
State, and on the two occasions when
exhibited at the State Fair took the
first premium!' It costs no more to
raise good stock than it does to raise
interior; but the' difference in price
between tlie thoroughbread and com
mon stock is at once appreciated either
by the party selling or the one purchas
ing the thoroughbred article. Believ
ing it to be to the best interests of
stock raisers to get the best, we refer
them to Messrs Sprenger. See ad.
' Jurors. Following are tlie names
of jurors drawiifor tle March term o.t
the Linn county Circuit Court, which
convenes Monday, March . 8th, 1875 :
David Lewis,' Francis Malone,
Anthony Wlddle, .' Francis Bellenger,
S. Cannon, Dawson, John
Isom, ;T.' B. Carey, Martin ' Miller,
Isaac II. Long;-' John Lay ton, A.
Hackremau," f E." ' Hoalfc, .: Jas. S.
Grimes, B. F.' J&unlcers, S. Ami-'
peiger, Jesse Archibald Philip W.
Smith, Jas. A': Pennebaker, J. Wv
Swank, Jas.; W.- Curl,' A.'S. Jianney,
J. M. Phil I potVAaron Condra, James
SherrlhV 'D. M. Thompson, - Frank
Presley, Caleb Barge D. HtMeCiure,
Osiander ParrUh and William Cyras.
The docket is not yet complete but
will he ready' ia. time for our next
issue, as we are". Informed by our gen
tlemanlv Clerk.. Fred. iliu. -
... . - ' . .. -
N" Jake Fleischner came up from
' Portland on Monday. i.
. Mining on the akti Am. AYeicsra
from Uie Salem J.'econl th; , pr.rty of
miners nave cormneHced & 1-,'rccV
flume with the intention cfv.crUng
Dry Gulch during the eomir - "on,
Tliey believe- thst the gule'j h in
gold, and in ease there Is not nt
water hi. the gulch, to wor .f t.
they will bring in ditch, ff ' 3 10
miles, from tlie Santiaoi. ' 1 h- y pro
pose working the gulch thoroijo ljlj for
a distance of three-quarters cf a i.. 'e.
These placer digging are ja-i f..o- j
Quartzville, and are about 73 tnttta
from tljis; city". These gentlecjn
worked over , the tailings of ,the ' !
quartz mill that worked rock frot.j
White Bull ledge, and collected at ;
800 pounds of quicksilver, which 1 t
itself lift pretty good Uiing, ven i
contains no gold-. They took it
Salem where It will Le r?ort: I.- '
TP Lakesii Li . , '!' t
ond- number of XI ' tiiiy ' 5
been received.' X3nr re-i. .. wi.
member that o'poa ibe reception of i'u&
fLrst number-we explained the c?J' ,t
aimed at by thJ publis!; -, 21
Donnelly, Loyd & Co., ia this
remarkably cheap,, publication. - We
will again say that, it Is the Intention
of the publishers to give a ' neatly
printed paper twice each month, simi
lar in size to lltzrper'M ' Weekly, each
issue containing one' or more of the
choicest works cf fiction, travel, etc.,
by the best livb j writers, v bile they
will also republLiii the maste-.-pieces ot
such authors as i-cott, 'Coopt r, lie a do,
Trollope. Payn, Marryatt, Duioa3, etc
Every work pittlished will, be una
bridged and unaltered, and with the
exception of a tew very-large Volumes,
will be completed la one issue. .This
will give subscribers 4 vol urns a year
of the very choicest productions in tlie
line of fiction," W6rvtht" In ordinary book
form, from $10 ta $50, for the small
sum of (2 15, postage paid. ; Order of
Donnelley, Loyd & Co., Chicago, IU.
Wells' Ankual; of Phresologt
and Physiognomy For 1875, contains
many Portraits,-. Biographies, and
Characters of leading men ; all the
Presidents of the United States ; Canon
Kingsley ; James .-.Lick ; Pere Hya
cinth ; Von Kauibacb j John Tyudall;
John Laird j ; Characters in Jshake-
8 pea re ; Our Eyes--Blue, Black, Grey
Grecu, Large, Small, Almond, etc.,
.with more than twenty . illustrations ;
all aboiit Sleep ; Eating to Live, - and
Living to Eat ; Blushing, Cause and
Cure ; Our Faees Open Books ; Horse
Phrenology .; Cheerful Face ; What
Am I Good For? and much otiier ba
tul and. entertaining matter.-; Large
octavo, full of pictures,, sent first poft
for 25 cents., Address S K. Wells,
330 Broadway, Slew York. . '
. - .. ' -- - ;- - v A ... -
--- - - 1 m . . - - 5 ,
Sale of Xotks of Haki. At a
sale ot nvtes of hand belonging to the
estate of W m. Pe&ers, in titiis city on
Saturday 006 nota calling for the sum
of $318, sold for $1,25; another , for
$117 170 .our informant forgot
which sold for $23 ; a number of notes
(five), mnoutitlag In the aggregate to
$465, brought - tlie huge sum of $40.
Other notes and property brought cor
responding sums, b ,
. Religiocs. A revival of religion is
in proiSress et the . 3il." E. Church in
this city, .which buls fair to accom
plish great good. 'Quite a number of
our young people ' have sought and
found Site Lord, and more are anxious
ly enquSriiig tbe wayi: The daily
prayeraset'J'igs at the Fro man build
ing ou First street are fairly attended,
and seem t? be growing in interest.
A tlKi-j ". We are in receipt of a
pampIJ icf tweuty-two pages, pur
porting uha review "of the speech of
Senator JoLa Pi Jones, of Nevada, on
the Bask and Currency Bill, delivered
in the f. E-enate AprQ 1st,. 1874,
by Henr;; " Fitch, of San Francisco,
We h& k-i . lad tltne to examine its
pftge& k , ta not therefore tell how
badly 3o. .j. 1. Jone$ is used up by his
reviewer. ' 1
zrsEjt-T? I
excellent t .
Its name 1..,-'
,bn.ary Dumber of this . .is reached us
-jji " t'ned, aaltwas
formerly Wc
I'aU-j "idhold Maepaine,
and it is n; .'
city. 'The :
pear year, &
now than
world's ?.
Coughs, .
tioas oft ;
ln the ti a
unless v. e
not dot'
coram'. iraiiti
any otns
Henry's i
a good
to the r
in. Iti
tism, fci
Sluinls ;
lootl. i
WOOl'l f
we oo.i
befc ar
fornrt. .
for f 1 c
tlt v
' ;
byivvv -rnr'
sin;.- '
in 1. .-' ;i
OUli. ...
ptiblt fed in New York
e r? alns the same, (1
t I.- a Vtter margins
:nr Pectoral the
r?r Is' fcr Colds,
i : and all aCecr
i hroat. ,
; Nfrrxc anything
wouHi we now,
iictujt icmt, we s
Journalist, in 1
q tfce 'sole 's'i i
rvf 1,'r. i!-iy.
' 'i-n of "w ?i or
', l- v-.fl itr.
ii'- '( as
if f.-rwvei4
-' -lull., i ?:.!-
--i or v."
l tKKi f11'.nln
( cm-" t.Hl
. 11 ill' I
1 or Lunes
... it, contains no
Hi Rfllm
t . ir'orti'
i -inwt, etc it
-i j Li-
t, im rlv&jKK;
: : it nsHiio; tie
- . ..... j v
Jtltd tO 1-51-
ta.onr c
Aid for Kansas and Nebraska.
"-r-'l-hrough the untiring efforts of Mrs!
J. F. Backensto. and Mrs. Walter
Monteith, President ,and Treasurer1,
respectively, - of the Ladies' Aid So
.ciety of thia 'eity; . there baa been col
lected and fbrwKrded. to the Kansas
euCeresra total of $183 22, r g hundred
and forty-eight dollars anc venty-flve
cento' ' f which wa s in cash, t..& balance,
f50, Id blankets, clothing, etc.
T .i ' He they forwarded (20
eas.i j.0 te e. rersin STebraska, mak
ing a grand toud of $218 23, collected
and i.,r warded during the las fifteen
or twenty days. " These stuns of coarse
vill' 'something toward alleviating
if J 1 u the need is so great and
"in so vast and widespread
'" a '-- oceans cf tnoney and
..rid clothing td: meet th
. '3 of the' ccurgd ,c : :a
tho?e Etatea, - It has there-
-j?re oeen t -r ia x- tr.a
ft'nl that
a" askable be bell v
!:? the cityy undea tlie an.
' - -llIH'-
L.; A.. Society, where and ioof
cltizeu. could ienjoy a pie-. . eve
ning,, and each contribute something
for the cause of euffering humanity.
It b a good suggestion; a,EKl, we J: a
will be acted upon at once. r
Mte A.' J. DtrHrwAr--Proposiss to
deliver two lectures in' this city this
week this and to-morrow evening.
The subject f the lecture this evening
will be, 'Cearteblp, Marriage and
Divorce. ' Lecrorea to be given at
the Opera 31oue, and to commence at
7i30 each evcainir. - Mrs. Dunlway is
a pleasant and : entertaining speaker,
and one of the .best Informed women
in Oregon, and, she deserves and we
hope will have full houses. Admission j
free. , 1 : -f :"'
Left Leo Bablt Ckcshed. Mr.
Drury Hodge3, who resides in Benton
county, about five miles from this city,
hurriedly sent for Dr. J.'L. ,HUf on
Tuesday last. : 'When .xh Dr. arrived
there, he found that X y was Esuch
the worse from. the k.. 's of a CO".
The cow liad went for, hlua, Stick
him 011 the lett leg, between t!ie J ie
and ankle, literally crashing and break
ing the bones o" the leg in sertnu
places. "Dr. Hill 'set and dressed the'
bones in good shape, but it -will be
some time before Drury can use that
leg to return the kick.' - ' ' 1 ,J -,
Leo Broken. Mart. Miller's little
boy, aged about 12, had the m La for
tune to get the small bona of the right
leg broken, between 'the knee and
ankle 'on Tnesdssy isTi t txmv. ,.Dr, J.
L'i:ey Bill, Who was CHJ-d set the
I and the : little fellow As getting
a:.. ;ig as comfortably as may be under
the circumstances. . ';
Statistician Is the name of a
new. monthly just ' Issued from vSan
Francisco, by J. P. McCarty, at $2
per annum. It contains over 155
pages, and is devoted to advertising
and printing statistics on every con
ceivable topic of interest. We are in
clined to think it a valuable publica
tion to all classes.
Eftsoopal Services. Rev. Mr.
Hammond, of Eugene, will hold Epis
copal services .In the Congregational
church of this city on Sunday next, at
11 A. M. and 7 P. M. All are 'in
Sherman & Hyde's Musical Re
view For February,' Is over average
indeed as a musical publication it is
rapidly taking its position among the
first in the land. Terms, fl 60 per
annum.;. Published by Sherman &
Hyde, San Francisco, Cal
- A CnAJtot-For a good sixteen horse
power Engine and Boiler, with necessary
fixtures, at a bargain, call on- E. Outer
& Co., at. their Sash A Door Factory,
Albany. They are preparing to run their
machinery by water, and have their en
gine tvad boiler for sale, cheap. ' . - '' lttf
Wheat 660;' 0 " '
Butter scarce, ZSdSf. '' 5 '
Camp meeta this evening. -
That K.! Y. hotel acL sent na is
entirc'y too thin. ' ' '
v, Ti nightly meetings at the JI-Ei
Che increase in interest. - n'
" Farmers bissy everywhere patiing
la -grainy " ; - ' . .- v
Wi Lav, been threatened with ra'.a
more or lees U. through thweek.
: ;Set out frit an! sLade trees-if you
want KJ. 'i -, -
The. Cartwir!.t, the rostler fc? the
Granger, called on Saturday.
xce pc. . . -ca - at rjaaay, .,m
connty, but rer.itly e:'? .
been orderSc: ""v ' !r-ed, : :,-
' M'. Coiwsf-orlte,
ortwoonbua'K- -bound
trrtin T -e-
- i.,..9f"yf.rtir
on t'- sojtra-'t
p,- Doc. E
John ClaypcH-"l r '
on Tne&I&y. T
Wm. Tally t
part of the C..; .
cf a ranch.' " '-
J. Eloom tats
where be wi!l ; i
raods are to .". ',
rted for
Li search
gene rorfian3,
into La-tln. 5 K'.j
v IniiatSIa .-" ' 1 i
- Uncle Jerry . cf E
T arrived L the city earl :
cut week. J -v-v -
During Css revive,! r
relng held at, the 21. t.
t'.Sscity, f;.??n liavs pn.h"
version nl treaty-five t v
firwsrd to tie fcUsj- for t, ...
.:e, vr,
.9 res
'.-i it
-rh -at
i con-i
J The new sign of Brown & Stewart
,18 a good job, reflecting credit on the
painter.. t .1
" People - who .deface buildings or
fences in any manner are .liable to
heavy fines. ..',,;
., Geo. Vollnm,, blank book manufac
turer,.' etc, of Portland, made us a
plen5nt call on Wednesday,, ,
C hundred and thirteen dollars
and ti u&lt was forwarded to the Kan
sas soiTererai from vthis city, ion
Wednesday1.' f- ;'
Tbe all at the Opens House on the
night of the 22d wast fairly attended
and thoroughly enjoyed, we are in
formed-- , -
Writ- is of obscene ientenees on the
side Wi shou'.J be" told' thatL'.if
cangttt, they will igW.for a time In
jail. r ; v.- -
J W. "H." Findley. of Ilarribbarg, has
sold part df hi" Izte "larni" r.ear that
f' ar.d 4rcHed a-' farts 'i&.T'.'z
c tty, jre fie Wnf temcva soon,'
?lxed -vtr r dnrfng -the, week,
'srnafci br' .nshlne and corre3.
" - - . . -
wndinrfr -nt - atephyriV 'wfth
clouds, fl::.t i:.t3 and chilly -breezes.
Cr. I-afctc-
ent -down yo Port-'
land Aawiday,
-e - h wilt remain
-!r - San Fran-
..ial'.;ed of ia the
. i'm talking of in
"i to, back up the
. la tb enterprise,
a fw Oflya L:.
"her pap-r
c.... , ana the
yet' !ve the .t
enW. -i Ue I Suet
beys. , - . --'
Ol. p. Tompkins, 1 our - agent at
Harrisburg, gave ns a pleasant call on
Monday, bringing with Mm contribu
tions from subscribers in Ute shape of
colnr of the realm. -i - . ' - ;
Mr, Isaac Young, wl has been
confined to bis bed for. weeks with
rhemnatism, shows a shade of improve-,
ment, and hU physician hopes that
with returning .fine weather, he will
entirely recover. - .i "" s '
There is great activity n. the river,
and steamers arrive and r . !rt daily.
As fare is extremely low, a great deal
of travel Is attracted that way. " , -
, Here's the latest In the way of letter-
backlng: 5 ' -
- ' - To M!i . ' .
'- Who lives at Knox Butte, - -
. ; 1 ans resnoctf ullv sent . . .
ivr As a slight tribute, - -
, . To those many estimable cxuallt . 4
That to see are so rare. v
, So pleaee deliver me over , ; , - : V
- - To alias scare. -
"Competition m the lumber busiuvs
promises to be brisk' the coming c.&-
soti. It is' said Comstock wilt, ship
larger -opntaf from his mills out south
to thi y .Aot. '! The demand for lumber
protaises to be brisk wt season; .
Wet ttiuir 4odV !;. f
Collector of Internal" Revenue r this.
State, at Portland, Is In charge of an
officer of the General Government at
present,: who will mn it until such
time as the new 'pointee. Judge O.
MV. Denny, shall be . ready to qualify.
As a tax of 5 per cent, is to be levied
by the Government r-a all incomes of
over $10,000, we fer vfasTaall be com
pelled to pay an; enormous tax next
year to support this Abolitlon-'NUx-ger
Government," or quit the delight
ful and. lucrative business of news
paper publishing !
The Sunday Welcome is to be the
name of a new weekly 'paper soon to
be issued at Portland, Or. . It is to be
a six column eight page sheet, furn
ished to subscribers at $3 50 per an
num, in advance eight columns less
than the Register, aud $1 per year
more for subscripting. , ,
Harrlsburg is a rushing place, and
no- mistake. .Tlie "Great Trans-Con-tlneutal
Telegraph Company,'-' under
the Presidency Ot G. W. JBrandtn
burg, Esq v, has live or six offices in
the city, while th- t . a two dancing
schools, singing f:' ',, two Sunday
schools, Good Ten . , Xxxlge,' and
various and sundry -.1 ? s.Jcifcties and
lodges,-"too nnra rotis to mention.',
Mr. Miller has recelvsd , a lai-ge
amount of material' durinjf the week,
and will soon commence the manufac
ture of farm and freight wagons. Mr.
Miller being a first "class blacksmith,"
and having 'secured "the" services 'of
Harry Sunn as foreman la the wood
shop, our farmers can rely on getting
a first late wagon' whoa they purchase
of wm.v; '-
J Capt.' Mathews and others who went
tip ihe Santiam on a prospecting f r
some diiyaago, lave returned. " They
have secured claims above Greenhorn,
we believe, and propose during tlie
coming season to see whether there U
a sufficient amount;-of gold In pen
to pay for working or otherwise. r .
fbrfcsoftbe Santiam -are likely to I
wc:i prospected the coming Summer.
- 2 early-every able bodied mania
3,. city gathered -on 'Ferry street,
-lav afternoon -to WltneJ3 tne
As cf llarahall Fox and assistants to
t a ft How to tJaa, lock-op, and not
5 t or get hart themselves. -; The
4 Irxt fought desperately every inch
t Tie way, but superior muscle even.
I iy succeeded, , and he was lotea
la repent ' and" g-1 sober., , ,t"
: 'essrs. JT. Vf'ZTi Co- (oarJTocle
y), iiave'cJi' eitensiyely into the'
e s of canti-ij clams ever, on
l founds The clams Ve jut up
,is 6irr.;:ar in size a h?feto
Ka used in putting up oy
tL Puget Sound zm is sa' 1 w e
rl " te! In the wc. 1." v.e are ltl t
has our I
as struck it. 7
tbviSt." YOU 'i,l
3 tlams at II.
: ' NO. 24. ;
By 'invitation of the citizens
Lebanon. Calviu B. McDonald, Ej
will deliver his lecture, "Massac- 5 f
Glencoe," In the hall of the Sar sar
Academy In that town, on M , ida.
evening next, March 1st.. Clu :. X
Montague, Esq., will' make the L.
ductory address, which insures .
double treat on the -occasion, as Mt
Montflgne is an elocutionist of no me&
order and an accompHshed gentlema:
tJ.i Orange Kote.
.Mr. X. v Abbott, Msster of Olympla
Gran sre So. 10, received a few days ago.
the chari er of his grange, from headquar
ters at Washington. .
The G rune-era of .'Lewis county, W.
last week held a cohik-U to take into con
sideration tlie feasibility of erecting sv
flouring mill and conducting a store on
the co-operation ni:n. -JJo definite con
cltiHlon was renciitKl, but the iue Ijfting
broken no doubt but a plan -alii t i be
matured to effect the detrired objects .
'The Cln.r!c!ountv3ouncil of the Patron
pf llnljaredry. ici a& Vancouver on the
ijtil inst Some seven, or Biniit gi-smn
wete rivrewiitd. Tbi following . i-
i-' slotted forthe.tT- ''ntrw;
. b'W,-JteorskA'li vKiamt,
At '- - wvtrv.ti- J i .,- ; Tnv
C. . . , . On utioii, a
,'toi. " UK rvior;'
Of lis-. K ; .' Jar Co.
the Council i tint am.
nwu, ii,
e t..a.i
eacn runa j -inii nd .
aeo- uttopi -isiing: i, V.
t. ivaiif is ainKMUuHl ti-
. and
y can. .
, and
.. ranges. -xouited
far ?. :..nirM . .t'tnUm inlvt- .
be hc-il-resr 'fie by lncomiie!-
repon, at o: to the dittcraiit
An t-xecnt" imuiiftee a -comnoxed
ot -ficrobers of iu
whowsduryu. ;iieto take mwft tch,
vl- at all tiu,.,r rsofintere-rt berialr''!'!
tott. R'Janiit(jut of tlie order of
ruus t Husbandry. -
x" . SOSCKIXAXEOl.'n. ,'J--
Woman suffrage ha.i been - defeated '
in Massachusetts. . r ,
Harris, of South Boston, tlie wife
murderer, has been convicted, of mar- .
der in tlie second degree.
On the 18th the President issued his',
proclamation " convening the IT. S.
Senate in extra session .on the 5tb ot "
March, . ' . .... -; a.
Gen. Jas. R. Hawley is the Re-.,
publican 1 nominee for'. Congress in
tlie 1st Congressional district; Connecticut-
. : .
The wife of In3iar" ew Senator,
.las. E. McDo- i.. , in- IiKliau
apolis on the x . ih. - bhe liad been
married but six tuuntiis.
xt,:. 'iuaijriaiiu . uciiAi.u aiiviiaju .
Butler todelivcrsn adtiress at tlie agri
cultural fair ne. itall. - Fntler declined,
saying he expected, to be traveling In
Europe at thf.s time. . - , i-.
.The P'tU ATii Qoe ' gives an ac-.
count of the r ent. conviction of one
McWatt before the ,-rvot of Mussel-
btirw. jrc'attw actually convicted
nfwjiT p in V "street in the pres
encet '1 Pro- !" Wlwt wont peo- -pie
i. pe t. -'xt? Whistling in
the ?t . fufsor-. l ! - Why, who ever
heard , -ch a thifigr " -' - .
.One, iiiiidred aud stxty-fhree cases -are
ou record of -.individuals who have
wa?lw"ed swh estibie fend "mi
; omiortaW-riiclea as cknra, p',"
gold medals shoe-buckles, (.amlnoev
knives. pipei, glas vials. wtttones,
etc. But what is most - mnarkable,
probably, is that ot the whole number, -onlv
ten died froca thus Indulging
theh" appetites.'-
"At a spiritual manifestation recently,'
a widow lady called up the spirit of
her husband, when the following ques
tions and answers were elicited ? '"Are
you nappy now, ivimarar" "un,.
ves," " responded the spirit, "very
happy "Are you as happvas when
with me in body form, dear William ?"
"Ota, 4 yes, fir more so, indeed.'V
'Where are you, William?" "In
hell.' This last answer discomfitted
the " widder," aud slie'd no more qusa- .
tiona to ask. , . 1 ' ,
. ;Some enterjirising individual has -been
counting the hairs , which grow .
on an' average person's head. The
number of hairs varies according to
tlie color. For instance, light or
blonde hair is. the finest and most
luxuriant, the average being. 140,009
to each head. ;while the brown is put ,
down at 110,OOOj- and coal black at "
103.000.. While the brown and blacic
hair -lacks, in number the weiarht is ,
about the same, as the mle seem-! t- .
be, the darker the hair the cobs-- s
becomes, so titers is no pcrc ,jl
difierence in the weight ot a u,l id ,
of blonde or black hair. . - " , ,
4 Under date of Feb. 12th, tlie
nfeni's, regular correspondent at 2. ..-r
CHtyspeaxsof mines ami mini, la
thft sei-rion as tollonrs : "The Grwa
m;:i. fit Rye valley, lias suspend f-r
a fl.w days, on account of some t . -r-.
errt between the owners. . TJ - t .
cuHies are iiow settled, and tlsr..- mul x
U airt knocking away on ri- h o-j.
The possession of wealtli or r 3
doesi.ot always bring a per; . -a
fcf hfippiness, see mi,
creek uiiiisand tins Virtue -e r .hing
on ia pood style, as usual. The "Iron
stone1 is being slowly developed
wilt make its mark to the aatisct'.xii
Of owners. -4' -".:.
Dr. Belt ' -t,-v -fS-jinf -1 t:.
left arm of o 1 Ltattner, ct kfcon.
county, aiK - una esu," j
caucfcr bad bin formed 0.1 U i
eo dangerous sis to rervler
tion necessarj , , ' , -1
A training track" has -i
t t:e JfUid of Con"re
i.j The l - :-
u..i long, the round a cii '
A letter to the Orenrmim f
rydale. Polk coui-y, tv' t
whect in that section is utii"
r-Q",i,fl 1- 'a excellent com'..
! was
, .
Vrr- .
0A"!",t prores,-ing rs Vy.
Ts p.ror- -(- i - - r
Salfi t Sum iv, in i-
' cf a
e l-
5 f-
. t Sum iV,
. 1. ri
on lZC-.v3.$
r-i w " ' ' - " : -
r . . . -1 3 !
d.. ; tt i i ti, ' r,
sea, - .
Ts.r.fwrc ' 1
town ot i or -t ;. , , ;
fi7iorji.' 5-
The far -1 on Clats--,
, 'i!i--.v . . and et- r
in g it-deus, ,
"i Goodt", who
.pOtg. ' iLt-J S'
. jj ofh!"orrh
. ma".! cftrri. rb
io'sjth mB it 1 j