The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 19, 1875, Image 7

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I danoe in the pleasant mndo.
In tbe fresh and waring gram.
And the arna of iny own Shadow
Clasp me tightly aa I pass.
They tell me I am ao ugly
No peasant will dance with me
That I'm too bold and naughty.
J know not UH be.
Bui my Shadow's not ao naught ;
The moor U a ball-room free
All day, all night, my heart ia light.
For the good God loveth me.
Wf trip it so well togethf r.
My still brown Shadow and I,
That op from the sweet wild heather
The bees and the blrdlings fly.
Oh. nearer and nearer coming,
They hum and twitter and wheel ;
" Zit-aee I " laugh the bees, low humming ;
" Twit-tee ! what a Jolly reel "
Skip, skip ! comes Monsieur Grasshopper;
Bop 1 comes dear little Cricket ;
Only drowsy Will-o'-the-wisp
Drones in the dusky thicket.
Ever my Shadow awakes me .
When the day is scarce begun ;
Close, close, round my waist he takes me ;
" Come out to our danoe iu the sun
14 Come out to our uance in the sun,
The dew ts lugeriug1 yet ;
Are yqu ugly or fair, ail's one
To me, my Fancbon Fadet."
So my Shadow and I we kiss,
In our reil of flying hair.
Or we daooe or we float like this
Be follows me eTarywhere.
Harper's Monthly.
It was only a common little country
cottage, witu noiruns; attractive or, pic
turesque about it. No flowering shrubs,
or climbing roses, or scented geraniums.
only a plain grass plat in front, covered
with golden buttercups and clustering,
white daisies, flattering and dancing in
Al. . i j 1 : -
heads lovingly to the bright sunshine
ui nun . oiit 4us mvuov woo uiu auu
weatherbeateii. poor enongh inside and
out nothing of art enriched the scene,
but nature had been most prodigal in
bo magmncent scenery around, glo
rious and God-given.
A rich, golden sunset was lighting
np torn verdant sides or "OldKirby
xaountarn, gilding the surrounding
landscape, brightening the yellow of
thecOrn-nelda, and the amber hue of
the wjbeat and oats, now fast ripening.
Masses of gorgeous clouds lay piled np
in grand, fantastic beauty, and now, as
the sua was slowly sinking low, and
still n lower, throwing into dim. unoer
tain indistinctness the encircling hills.
a changed color comes over all, and
mountains, hills, and distant woods
take on the deep, purple glow, thrilling
all with its charm, so indescribably
lenaer ana oeauuiui i xis tne soul of
the landscape exhaling.
Widow Tutes stood at her garden gate
watching anxiously the distant road
from town.
Foor boy ! I fear he will be sadly
sureajco-nigbt, lor me day Has been not
and altry, and the roads dusty and
hardl' She turned away and slowly
walked back to the cottage door, and
into Che little room where the evening
meal was laid, awaiting tne absent son.
J. lie Tea-table, covered witn snowy
linn; stood invitingly arrayed, directly
. nndea. the vine-covered window, whose
brandies shaded- the room, and cast a
refreshing coolness, while the fragrance
of the honeysuckle stole in the room
with ..every passing breeze. The sup
per, simple as it was, might tempt the
appetite, of an epicure. Fresh, deli
cious cakes of Indian corn, luscious,
ripe blackberries, rich, golden cream.
and new butter, while two large pitch
ers were placed at the head of the table,
the one filled with fresh milk, the other
with pure, sparkling spring water. A
better meal no one could desire, and all
tne product of the little farm, tilled in
the leisure hours of the widow's son.
The mother glanced complacently at
the tea-table, then going to the cup
board, - took down her little black
earthen, lea-pot. Now if the widow
had a weakness, it was for a good cup
of teaA nice cup of "Young Hyson '
was her daily ' solace. This night her
tea canister was empty 1 But then,
Item? Bale ar was coming home, and he
would be sure to bring her some. She
was save of this, for he never neglected
anything that would contribute to her
comfort.' ...
She glanced wishfully down the road.
Sure enough there he was just coming
round-the hilL Her eye brightened
and she looked lovingly at him, and
well she might, for he was a son of
whonfany mother might well be proud,
a nble specimen of a brave New
England bey. Tall, well-formed, with
a bright, manly look, and frank, open
brow. Now, he drives up the cottage
lane aapidly as his horse can go, for
it is nw blooded, nag, and the vehicle
from which he dismounts is a peddler's
cart I . .
Home again, dear mother !"
" Yon my son. I have been waiting a
long time for yon, and I most feared
you was not coming to-night."
" I 7 as detained at the village, moth
er. I stopped at the store to get you
some tea
Re nasal ear stopped suddenly, and his
mother -perceived, for the first time,
that heEfcoy looked pala and care-worn.
" Wast is the matter what ails you,
my son f" said she.
"Nothing, nothing mother dear,"
said he evasively. "We will sup,
now."" " , ,
" Look at that sunset, mother dear,
said the youth. "Look at the chan
ging, glowing hues !" -
After a pause, he continued :
" Nature is grand and lovely beyond
expression. She is prodigal in her
good gifts, while man alone, is nig
gard !"
Tbe dying rays of the sun lit up the
couple with a blase of light and radi
ance, and gleamed as a glory round the
head of the aged -dame as she looked
admiringly on her stalwart son.
Carl, the , noble Newfoundland,
wagged his tail approvingly, and
glanced from one to the other, as much
as to say : , .
Change the subject ; I'm ready for
supper l" . ' ' , -
They entered the humble abode, and
silently seated themselves at the table,
and Benssalear reverently invoked a
blessing on the evening repast. .
"Mother," said the-youth, after a
short silence, " mother, I have not been
very successful this trip, and aa I was
coming home, I called into Squire
Nubil's store, and asked him to trust
me for a little tea and sugar for yon ;
and," continued Benssalear, his fine
face flashing, " he refused to trust me,
and not only that, but he drove me
from the store, with harsh, contemptu- j
ous epithets. All this, too, in the ?z
ence of his daughter, Miss Clara, and I
do assure you, mother, her proud -lip
curled with intense scorn as she looked
at me, while ber father called me a
poor, low peddler. Mother, his gy
hairs only prevented me from telling
him just what I thought of him ; but I
resisted the temptation, and left the
store in silenoe, vowing some time to
be even with Squire Nohil I So, mother,
you must do without your tea for a
while longer."
Benssalear rose, and strode nervously
to the door, and stood gazing out on
the few sterile acres of land his scanty ,
patrimony and sighed bitterly as he
thought of his past life and future
Hard fate and iron fortune stern
poverty's lot had always kept him
down. For years he had labored hard
to provide for the wants of an &ged
mother, and do what he could he never
could get fore-handed as many other
boys of his age had. So, people, disre
garding his stern honesty, his industri
ous habits, his loving devotion to hiB
mother, had begun to say, "Well,
Benssalear is a very fine young man,
but he will never be very well off ; he
is only a peddler ! Only a peddler !
They forgot that one the merchant
prince of America was only a peddler!
Constable & Arnold, one of the
largest firms in New York city, were
once .poor peddlers who came into
that city years ago, with packs on
their backs ; but ah ! the pack has
grown and expanded into the richer,
fuller proportions of a splendid marble
palace, filled with rare laces and rus
tling silks.
So, in their early youth came the
famous and honored Lawrence Brothers
and commenced business with a stock
in trade no larger than many a peddler
a little thread-and-needle store, in an
obscure portion of the city.
" Honor and shame from no condition rise."
The widow had cleared away the tea
table and was seated in her rocking
chair quietly knitting.
" Never mind, Benssalear ; never
mind for the tea," said she, looking np
affectionately to her son. " God has
sent us a better beverage ; clear,
healthy, pure water, gushing from the
hill-side spring. He will provide for
us, if we trust him."
"You are right, dear mother ; and I
freely confess to you that I have had
bitter, revengeful feelings, for the
hasty words of Squire Nnhil angered
and annoyed me. But mother, God is
over all. I have youth, am rich in
health and hopes, and I shall succeed
and yet triumph over all my enemies 1"
His noble form dilated, his dark
eyes flashed as he emphatically uttered
bis heart feelings, and, turning with his
mother, passed into the cottage, where
they engaged in their evening devo
tions, as was their nightly custom ere
they retired to rest ; and as they sang.
in conclusion, time-honored " Old
Dundee," the sweet, tremulous tones of
the widow blended with the rich, manly
voice oi tne son, and every word of tne
good old psalm' sank deep into liens
salear's heart.
" Let not despair, nor fell revenge,
Be to my bosom known ;
O give ma tears for others' woes,
And patience for my own T"
Ten years had passed away, and the
little weather-stained cottage in the
shadow of Kirby Mountain was silent
and deserted. The good widow slept
her long sleep in a corner of the village
church-yard, and her boy bad lelt ins
native town and sought the city, the
distant city of Boston, where, carrying
with him the same frugal habits, the
same integrity and honesty, ne entered
into business and succeeded. Succeed
ed even beyond his most ardent,
youthful expectations. In n elegant
mansion in the lovely suburbs of B ,
he lived, surrounded by an interest
ing and nappy family, and honored
and esteemed by all around him.
In his splendid and capacious abode.
all was beauty and refinement. No
touch of grim - poverty lingered there ;
no siffns of the hardships which clouded
the early life of Benssalear. His young
wife, quiet, re lined and beautuui,
and two children a boy and a girl
made this life and his home a para
dise !
His daughters-called after her grand
ma, tne sweet name oi mary was
a fair, winning child, with curly,
golden locks, a bright smile and rejoic
ing laugh.
.Evidence of the taste of the owner
was manifested in the ad ornments ox
the house ; the paintings, the observa
tory, and the well-stocked library,
while many a dainty article, fashioned
by the snowy fingers of his wife, adorned
and beautified the home.
One pleasant morning in early J one.
as he was driving into the city with his
young son, he observed at a little dis
tance down the street, a lady and
gentleman walking toward him, and
whose appearance he thought was fa
miliar. They were both clad poorly and
seemed to be in deep trouble, and the
lady, who was some years younger, was
crying most bitterly.
On nearer approaching ne recognized
them as Squire Nohil and his daughter
Clara ! His old enemy stood before
him, and in distress !
The old Bq jire. once pompous and
portly, was sadly withered, and meager,
and wrra&iea ; and nis aaugnter, tne
haughty Clara, was sad, and down
hearted, and poorly attired.
Benssalear gazed at them in silenoe,
as his life rose np before him. He saw
a slight youth, clad in home-spun gar
ments, journeying along over those
nursed and rocky hill-sides with his
poor peddler's cart and broken-down
horse, striving to earn an honest liveli
hood, an humble support for the old
acre of a beloved mother. Again ne saw
the pompous form, and heard the hard,
insulting voice of the Squire, and the
mocking, derisive laugh ef the proud
daughter, as he was driven, a poor ped
dler, from the door I
His resolution was soon formed.
Irmtantlv eheckinsr his horse he sa
luted the astonished couple.
A few words explained their trouble.
The Squire had lost all in a foo'ish
speculation, and thinking he and his
daughter might open a little millinery
store, they had come to Boston to get
the goods, the Squire thinking he could
obtain credit from his old business
friends in the city. So they had se
lected and ordered eight hundred dol
lars' worth of goods ; bnt the firm had
refused to give the goods without tne
ready cash. Leaving the store in de
spair, they were about to depart for
their distant home, when they met Mr.
' Please steo into my carnage ! "
cried the cheery tones of Benssalear.
They obeyed silently, and he drove
to the store where the goods had been
"Squire Nnhil," said itenssaiear,
some vears aero a little scene occurred
at your old store which caused me many
unpleasant feelings. I said then I
would be revenged on you, and I shall,"
he added firmly. . , ,
Entering the warorooms, he called
for their bill of goods, quietly paid the
amount and presented the paper to the
astonished pair, entered the carriage
and drove aFiy before they could re
cover from the shame and confusion
his noble act occasioned I
And thus Bensie Tutes had ms re
venge ; a revenge worthy oi a greas ana
good heart, worthy of a (jnnstian ana
a gentleman ! ...... . . .
And. I would add. this is no ianouui
sketch, everv word being strictly true,
and every incident occurring exactly as
The Old Home.
An out-dror quiet held the earth
Beneath the winter moon,
The cricket chirped in cosy mirth,
And the kettle crooned, upon tbe hearth,
A sweet, old-fashioned tune.
The old clock ticked, a drowsy race,
With the clicking of the cricket.
And red coals in tbe chimney-plaoe
Peeped out with many a rose face,
Like berries in a thicket.
The crane's arm empty, stuck out stiff,
And tinware on the shelves
Twinkled and winked at every gliff,
In the flickering fire-light, as if
They whispered to themselves.
The good dame, in her ruffled cap,
Counted ber stitches slowly,
And the old man, with full many a gap,
Head from tbe Big Book on his lap
The good words, wise and holy.
The old clock clicked ; the old man read,
His deep voice pausing, lowering ;
The good wife nodded, dropped her head
The lids of both were heavy as lead
They were sound asleep and snoring.
Oh, hale old couple I sweet each dream,
While all the milk pans tilting
Puss paints her whiskers iu the cream,
Till John snd the belated team
Bring Maggie from the quilting.
May Time, I pray, when falling years
Make thiu my voice and thrapple,
Find my last days of life like theirs.
As sweet with children's lovs and prayers,
And like a winter apple.
Set ibner's Monthly.
Cark of Implements. Every farmer
should keep a good wrench which can
be adjusted to fit a nut of any size,
that may be employed on wagons or
farm implements. The wood-work of
implements and carriages frequently
ah rings so that cups, bolts and braces
have an opportunity to work: if the
nuts are sot tightened, the parts com
mence wearing or the nuts soon work
off the bolts. The same is true of rivets,
when they pass through wood-work.
They often need to be drawn up tight
with a riveting hammer. j
Testisg Seeds. In a portion of Den
mark, where one-fifth of the land is cul
tivated to clover the vitality of the seed
is tested by placing a quantity on a
knife blade, and heating it over a light
ed candle. The good seed will pop
opeu and pop off, while the worthless
remains and carbonizes on the blade.
Mr. Christian Bagge, of Oakland, re
minds us of this fact in response to an
inquiry for practical tests for seeds.
Indiana Farmer. j
Winter Treatment of Stock. Lib ;
eral feeding is now needed. No stock
should be allowed to lose now what
they have made in the summer. On
the contrary, they should be kept
growing. And they may be, by proper
feeding. " He beoometh .poor that
dealeth with a slack hand," is very true
in this respect. There must be close
attention to this matter, or money is
lost in feed and in- weight of stock.
Don't trust too much to hired men or
boys. Have exact measurements for
the feed. A box to hold three quarts
should be in every feed bin. This
makes a fair allowance for one ox or horse,
or for two cows, or four calves at each
feed. A bushel basket of fine cut hay
is an average for one horse or cow or
two calves at each feed. There should
be no waste, but as much feed given as
will be eaten up clean. Give salt regu
larly, in small quantities, or have it ac
cessible to the animals. American
Nonsense About Farming. The
German town Telegraph remarks thus
sharply about errors that creep into ag
ricultural literature : We find more
errors and nonsense about farming,
etc., in the publio prints, even in those
devoted to agriculture and its kindred
branches, than would take all the time
of one well-informed person to cerrect
from week to week. But we are glad
to know that the reading farmer has one
sure protection against the injury that
would be inflicted upon him in this way,
and that is his own good common sense.
In connection with this, our eyes have
J'nst lit upon a statement given in a
eading agricultural journal in the
Southwest, as to the proper allowance
of hay for one horse. T-is is set down
at 3. 08 pounds per day for every hundred
pounds weight of the animal. Now, if
we estimate the average weight at 850
pounds, and the quantity fed at three
pounds, it would make the animal's al
lowance 25 J pounds per day, 178 pounds
per week, or about 10.3UO pounds ; per
year I This would be over five tons
per horse, just twice the quantity fed
in these parts I
Fat Cattle. As the ! question of
pure blood, good handling, und the
points of' a good animal, all finally cul
minate in the fat steer, from which a
large part of the real wealth of Iowa is
derived, why does not this animal take
a more prominent position at our fairs,
in our periodicals, and on our fancy
farms. Fat cows and noble bulls have
their places and rightly, but while there
are hundreds of the latter on exhibition
the fat steer is seldom een. There were
two at our late State Fair.' They were
noble specimens, but why so few, and
why do they occupy so diminutive a
position on our list of prizes? The
cows and the bulls are only the means
by which the animal of utility is pro
duced. Why is the animal neglected
which fills our pockets, and whose jucy
steaks maketh richer than the wine of
the valleys of Burgundy ? ! If they can
not have a more prominent place at our
county fairs, there should be a fat cattle
show of itself. It would tend greatly
to induce our people to put their corn
and grass in a shape which will com
mand a better price than in any other
form. Fat cattle are not the farmer's
character for a bank, but they are the
cash in the vaults. They are not what
the agriculturist expects at some future
day, but they are the present realization
of his hopes and labor. They are not
what visionary men dream about,' but
the practical man's present joy. Let
us, therefore, have more specimens of
the real fruits of the improvement of
the stock of the country at the places
where wa exhibit our idols. Des Moines
Recipes, etc.
Bouoe fob Cleaning: Silver Plate.
Take equal parts of precipitated sub
carbonate of iron and prepared chalk,
powdered. Mix well. j
Lamb Chops. Fry them a light
brown in butter : then add a little
water, flour, salt, and a duet of pepper
to the gravy. Let it brown, and pour
over the chops. j-
White Cake. Two cues of sugar.
one-half cup of butter, the whites of
five eggs, one cup of water, and two
teaspoonfuls of bakincr powder. This
is an excellent cake.' .j
Death to Eabth Wobmb. To keep
earth worms from flower pots, a cor
respondent gives .the following rerr
edy: "I put ten drops of carbolic
acid in a pint of water, and poured that
on the earth in the pots, and it acted
like a charm, killed all the worms, and
the plants improved at once. It has
been three weeks since it was applied,
and they are all in a nice growing con
dition, and I think it is time enough to
show what it will do." Will our lady
readers bear this in mind, and when
earth worms become troublesome in
their flower pots, procure at a drug
store some carbolic acid and test the
When Is a Man Old!
When may we be said to have made
or to be making "old bones?" On
this point Dr. Gardner is a most exhil
arating informant. He allows, indeed,
that the period cannot " be strictly de
fined by years." Some human beings,
like some race horses which are " run
off their legs " at two years of age, are
too early exposed to the effects of wear
and tear, and necessarily, instead of
being strengthened by what might oth
erwise have been a severe, perhaps, but
an invigorating and a hardening disci
pline, break down and fall into prema
ture decay. Then the phrase " fast
living " is full of meaning. It implies
a crowding of pleasures or sufferings
into a shorter compass than natural ;
and, if we burn a candle at both ends,
we cannot take the time in which it is
consumed as a fair criterion of the last
ing powers of candles in general, rea
sonably treated. Let us, however, put
our human candle in a proper candle
stick, and burn it moderately and snuff
it and trim it carefully, and it will last
so long that, as Dr. Gardner says,
"observation has convinced me that 63
is an age at which the majority of per
sons may be termed old ; and, as a rule,
we may adopt it as the epoch of the
commencing decline of life." This is
calculated to cheer the spirits of those
who have been told that " man is old
at 45 ; " but it will, on the other hand,
prove a "damper" to those who "have
considered 70 the normal standard."
Let not the latter, however, be unduly
discouraged, for the Doctor, adopting,
with certain modifications, the views
of M. Flourens, would bring the natural
life of a man to be from 90 to 105
years, and would, therefore, draw the
satisfactory, or, from another point of
view, unsatisfactory, inference, "that
all persons who die under 80 years of
age, many who die under 90, some who
die under 100, or even 105, die prema
turely." And that more persons live
to the age of 100 than were dreamed of
in the philosophy of the late Sir George
Cornwall .Lie wis is conclusively proved,
contrary, one would say, to the very
candid author s own bias and expecta
tions in that most laborious, sagacious.
instructive and entertaining work called
"Human Longevity, its facts and its
Fictions," by W. J. Thomas, the
learned and honored late editor of
Notes and Queries. It may be ad vis
able to remark in passing for the bene
fit of those who are not familiar with
the views alluded to above of M. Flour-
ens, that he. " taking his observations
from the group Mammalia, of the class
Yertebrata, as having the closest resem
blance to man, . found that
their natural life extends exactly to five
times the penod of their growth ; and,
applying the rule thus obtained to
human life, and taking the age when
the body is fully matured to be 28
yearn, he concludes the natural dura
tion of the life of man to be 100 years."
it does not appear, unfortunately, that
M. Flourens made an allowance for the
fuss, worry, nagging and aggravation
irom which ail mammals except man
appear to be tolerably exempt, which
every human being has to endure more
or less, and which is as fatal to sensi
tive natures as disease or privation
tend to materially shorten existence. -Chambers'
The TIlton-Beecher Trial.
The opening speech of Judge Morris,
counsel for Til ton in the great Bcandal
suit at New York, occupied three days
in its delivery, and is described as a
powerful forensic effort. There were,
says a report of the trial, many strong
passages of assault and denunciation.
He spoke of Beecher as the " seducer"
and " paramour" of Mrs. Til ton, turn
ing toward the defenant while Beecher
and his wife and Mrs. Tilton looked
steadily into his face. He closed with
a sympathetic appeal to the jury,
describing on the one hand, Beecher's
lofty genius, eminent position, great
power and boundless resources, and on
the other hand Tilton's poverty and
comparative helplessness, but demand
ing that they should, nevertheless, vin
dicate eternal justice in the case. When
Morris described Tilton's domestic vir
tues Mrs. Beecher smiled, as she. also
did when he launched his objurgations
against her husband ; but during the
closing passages of his speech it was
evident that only her self-command
enabled her to suppress her feelings.
At the damnatory passages, Mrs. Tilton
fanned herself vigorously with a large
fan, and it was interesting at such times
to notice her retiring figure, shrinking
almost Within itself under his vociferous
vehemence. When he read a highly
colored and Becheresque extract from
one of Beecher's old sermons, giving a
lurid picture of the seducer and a har
rowing sketch of the wretched victim
of seduction, Beecher smiled all over,
perhaps at the roaring way it was de
livered, so different from Beecher's own
method of delivery. When near the
close Morris roared out, " Death and
destruction to the seducer, Beecher's
massive face confronted him, Tilton
looked excited, but Mrs. Tilton seemed
unperturbed. The flourishes of Morris
at the close were tumultuous.
A Wonderful Flower.
One of the most exquisite wonders of
the sea is tbe opelet, a flower resem
bling very much the German China
aster. It has the appearance of a
large double aster, with a quantity of
petals of a light green color, glossy as
siiK, each petal tipped with rose-color.
These lovely petals are never still, but
wave about in the water, while the
flower clings to the rock. So innocent
and lovely-looking, no one could sus
pect it of eating anything ; certainly if
it did, only a bit of rainbow or a drop
of dew. But those beautiful waving
petals have other and more material
work to do to provide food for a large
mouth, which is cunningly hid deep
down among them. They do their duty
famously ; for, as soon as a silly little
fish comes in contact with those rosy
tips, he is struck with a poison fatal
and quick as lightning. He dies in
stantly, and the beautiful arms wrap
themselves about him and drag him
nto the greedy month. Then those
lovely petals J unclose and float inno
cently on the water, just like our
water-lily. This .. flower ' was long ago
talked of, but its existence doubted
until the last century Now the
opelet is known to be a thing that really
exists. . .... -
The Senate of Virginia has pased a
law so sweeping in its operations in
prohibition of lottery enterprises that
even ladies' fairs for - the benefit of
chnroh and other organizations are pro-
niDitea ana pamsned. - -
Joseph Harper, a centenarian, died
at Georgetown, D. C, at the age of
108 years, on the 5th inst. Deceased
had been blind for nearly eighty years.
Stop at the Sherman House when in
Chicago. With its superior advantages
and recent reduction of rates, its claims
for public favor are unequaled.
A Leavenwobth man told a lie", and
then said : " I hope to be struck dead
if 1 have not told the truth 1 " He had
scarcely ceased speaking when he fell
to the floor a man having knocked
him down.
A Beautiful Woman. The percept
ive faculty of womec is usually keener
than the same phrenological organ in
men. Woman knows that beauty rath
er than genius is worshiped by the
sterner sex. A man may talk with his
lips of the latter to his ladylove, but
tne Keenness of the woman knows that he
is thinking of the former in his heart. All
women have an innate desire to please
ineir oeaux. They are fond of admira
tion, hence one of their longings is to
be beautiful. The grand secret of fe
male beauty is health the secret of
health is the power to eat, digest and
assimilate a proper quantity of whole
some food. Take Vinegar Hitters.
It will cleanse the stomach, tone the
vital organ 8, give a perfect digestion.
purify the blood, clear up the complex
ion and produce a state of mental and
physical electricity which gives symme
try of form, bright eyes, white skin,
glossy hair and a genuine tjpe of fe
male loveliness which no cosmetic can
compare with. 19.
. Modern Women.
It is a sad commentary upon our boasted
civilization that the women of our times have
degenerated in health and physique until they
are literally a race of invalids pale, nervous,
feeble and back-achy, with only here and there
a few noble exceptions in the persons of the
roDusc, oaxom laaies Characteristic oi tne sex
in aays gone by. By a very large experience.
covering a period of years, and embracing
the treatment of many thousands of cases of
tnosa ailments peculiar to women. i-r. Pierce,
of the World's DisDensarv. Buffalo. N. Y.. has
perfected, by the combination of certain vege
table extracts, a natural specific, which he
does not extol as a cure-all, but one which
admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose,
being a most positive and reliable remedy for
tnose weasneeses ana complaints toat amict
the women of the present day. This natural
specific compound is called Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite .Prescription. The following are among
these diseases in which this wonderful medi
cine has worked cures aa if bv magic and with
a certainty never before attained by any medi
cines: Weak back, nervous and general de
bility, falling and other displacements of in
ternal organs, resulting from debility and lack
of strength in natural supports, internal fever,
congestion, inflammation and ulceration and
very many other chroma diseases incident to
women, not proper to mention here, in which.
aa well as in the oases that have been enumera
ted, the Favorite Prescription effects cures
the marvel of the world. It will not do harm
in any state or condition of the system, and by
auopang its use me invalid iauy may avoid tnat
severest of ordeals the consulting of a
family physician. Favorite Prescription is
old by dealers in medicines generally.
WhiHoft's Fever and Ague Tonic -
A'nis medicine is used by construction com
panies for the benefit of their employes, when
engaged in malarial districts. The highest
testimonials have been given by contractors
uu uj wib x-re8iaenia or some or tne leading
railroads in the South and West. When men
are congregated in large numbers in the
neighborhood of swamps and rivers, Wilhoft'e
Tonic will prove a valuable addition to the
stock of medicines, and will amply reward the
xiuiiwiij in tne saving or time, labor and
money. We recommend it to all. Wheelock.
Finlay fc Co., Proprietors, New Orleans.
For sale by all druggists.
Ok the death of one of England's
most eminent physicians, all his effects were
sold by auction, and among other things was
a sealed packed, marked ' Advice to Physi
cians, " which brought a great price. The
purchaser on opening the nacket. read as fol
lows : " Keep tbe head coo, the bowels opea
ana tne leet warm. 11 pnysic is neceaeary.
use Parsons' Purgative Pills ; they are the
most scientifically prepared pill that has ap
peared in tne last nunurea years.
The most stylish collar that is worn
now is the Improved Warwick. It fits better
than any other on a low-cut shirt. All the
edges being folded, and tbe surface looking
so much like linen, we recommend all to try
it. Ark your gents' furnisher for the Im
proved Warwick.
Wb received a verv pleasant letter of
tnanas irom our old friend Kendall, since his
return home, for a bottle of Johnson's Ano
dyne Liniment which we gave him, and which
ne says nas entirely cured mm or the trouble
some and dangerous cough be had when here.
The Northwestern Hobsb-Naii. Co. 'a
' Finished " Nail is the heet in the world.
R O Of! per day at hoiue. Terms free. Address
WUHULU Geo. Stinsok ft Co., Portland, Maine.
flS f fa month to agent everywhere.
fiyUU IiCELiiot M'r'a Co., Buchati
Buchanan, Mich.
MnWCV mf? rapxdU with stencil A Key-Ciieck
mUlltl Outfits. Catalofruen. samples A full par
ticular sree. 8. M. Speuoer, 117 Hanover -St., Bos ton.
Kfl Dally to Atrents feS new articles and the
ilftJ best Family Panr In America, with a as AM. M'P'O CO., 300 Broadway, N. V.
dA Afin year. Salary and expenses paid. Ont
tpiptvVS at free. A valuable package sent for 16c
xeturn postage. O.H.Gumey WateiboroCentre.Me
sR PKH DAY Commission or f3U a weak
tjP- Salary, and expenses. We offer it and will
pay tt. Apply now. O.Webber . Co..Marlon,0
SO MKT HI Sit FOH lOf.-Send stamp and
get it. Free to all. Address
flUBBi a CO., ? Hassan street, Haw York.
Wanted to canvass for Pictures to
copy and enlarge. Address, with stamp,
H. NABON, at A 214 State St., Chicago.
male. 30 a week injured. No capital required.
Particulars and valuable sample free. Address,
with so return stamp, C. Boss, Williams b lrgh, N.x.
4 DVEBTI8EB8 1 Bend ! eents to OKO. P. ROW
A. ELL CO., 41 Park Bow, New York, for their
Pamphlet of 100 pags, containing lists of 3000 news
papers and estimates showing cost of advertising.
A MONTH Agents wanted every
where. Busloess honorable and
first-class. Particolars sent free.
Address Woeth A Co , St. Louis, Mo
A MTm AOENT8 far the " Life and
W A ri X tl O Ei nlorattnns of DU.
LIVINOSTONE." Complete, authentic; a
fresh book. Price suited to the times. Address
B. B. RU88KL.L., Publisher, Boston, Hass.
THIS naper is printed with Ink furnished by
Charles Eneu Johns n A Co.. 60s South 10th St.,
Philadelphia, and 60 Gold St., New York. For sale
In 10 and 25-pound cans by
TMj HWBrAr4li UNION, Chicago, 111.
B t rilTO Ml I UTCn ! the fastest selling
book ever published,
8enil for specimen
ages and our extra teYms to Agents. NATIONAL
DBLISHINO CO., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis Mo.
, , ,
A. Jlmwn' of Dr. Donai O.UI Ijrm V-nww .uiml fa M.
wuf t Th. Dr. wm tKWinf fwrtMi fee tpil mpUai who bd bm mV
jMt to . d lira, tar ytm. Tfc v.fl.tabl. MBMdjM MMrlM for tb.
MfpQ tt mtrliic tot rtteltBtaff th. finm, mot mif evrad tfa. afftotioa,
Mt tltt tht httr. Thtfc dnwuhuH M miWi tt WBWfcMBUL tte
IB U 7ui, umlus ie thu liwr pwnM
rjre'.Mss mure?
Ml t M .
eessrol rem edy of the present day,
on Opium Bating. P. O. Box 4.15,
Send for Pane?
Of nvsndevarvklntL Send stamp
. f.-.-t iMiaM.iWMi
uirbWWMiu, riritaiiBsa, a-a.
QQ3C AGENTS ft" f?:,'
"Cyclopedia of Tilings Worth Kaew.
r.orXMVs Wants Supplied." Th. King
of Beceipt Books. 16-colnr euro mo ire. CO-P-
BBATIVB PUBLISHING CO., Muscatine, lew a. .
WTio dcslrt to reach eonntrv readers can da an 4n
best and cheapest manner bv asin&r one or mora hm.
tions of Tax U ilk at Nkwspapks a jxiliakt Lists.
Apply to E. I. PUATT, 7& Jackson-at,. Chicago.
The American Newspaper Uiuoniiwnwn
uwf nno nansrs. tr;
. " ' a. - i.a. mA trm nf nH
address S. P. SANBOBN, 114 Monro St., Chicago.
LE I I r " UBD1U1 loevet
TJbKS or PAVERS aiway clean
and in alpbabatioal order, holds
4.O0O Letters, oan be used on a des
or hurts; to the wall. V7 prepay
I.rprefis ohsrrea. Bend for circular
and prioe liat with 1X00 refaraiuktia.
Address G, Ju OOOS. ft CO Chicago, Zil.
haT'W- V
$JbY TO S20 PER DAT easily made by
any one. We want men, women, boys and
Nfc girls all over the country to sell onr Fine
sV Steel Ea(rravinif, Cbromos, Or&yoa Iraw'
Intra, U lorn t nation , Photographs, etc. , etc
We now publish tbe nnestaasortment ever placed before
the public,. and owe prices are marked down so low aa to
defy all competition. Those who cannot rive the bnst
neaa their whole time, or ao far away from home, can add
a handsome little snm to their income by working for as
In their own localities darina; their spare time.
We nare many old affents at work for as who barv
made eanvmssins; for books, papers, etc, their business
for years, and they all report that they can make much
more money at work for us than at anything else. Onr
firioes are so low that all can afford to pnrchase,and
here tore the pictures sell at sight at almost every house.
New bcfrinnera do as well aa agents who have had large
experience, for onr beautiful subjects and low prices are
appreciated by alL To make large sales everywhere, ail
an agent has to do Is to show tbe pictures from house to
house jDon't look for work elsewhere until yon have
seen what great inducements we offer yon to make
money. We have not space to explain all here, bat send
ns your address and we will send full particulars, free,
by mail. Don't delay if yon want profitable work for your
leisure hours, or for your whole time Now ts the favor
able time to ensaae in this boaineea. Onr niotnrea are
the finest and most pleasing in this country, and are in
dorsed by all the leading papers. Including the New York
Her aid. Those who cannot give the business their entire
attention, can work up their own localities and make a
handsome sum without ever bainsr swat from home over
night. Let all who want pleasant, profitable employment,
without risking capital, send us their addressee at once,
and learn all about the business for themselves. Please
state what paper yon saw this advernsement in.
GEOJiUE STJTNHON ds CO.. Art Pablistorsv,
week or S100 forfeited. Thm secret free.
at ones to COWIK A CO.. 8th St.. New York.
This new Trnss is worn
with perfect comfort
night and day. Adapts
itself to every motion of
the body. retaining Bup-
ure under tne naraesi
exercise or severest
strain until permanent
ly cured. Sold cheap by
No. GH'.i Rronrlnriiv. w. V . Cit v. and sent bv
mail. Call or aenl for Circular, and be enred.
Marking Clothing, Books, Printing Envelopes,
Cards, Bags, Ac. Bankers Stamps a specialty.
gents Outfit. $2.00. Send Stamp for Circular
A Book exnosintr the mvstariea of ts s rt"
and how any one may operate sue- tf n LL0 I
ce, .fully with a capital of S50 or 01OOU. Com
plete instructions anfl illustrations to any ad
ore... TvnsHiiiuic cu., sunuin
Bbokkbs. i Wall Street. Kew Tork.
For 1875, or ;
Send your name to the largest
GEO. S. HASKELL ft CO., Bockford, III. '
THE BKST In tne World.
it niTei universal satisfaction.
wuniiKKfUL Econonv,
40 lbs. more Bread to brl. Flour.
1 year's savings will buv a cow.
Whiter, Hunter, sweeter, richer
KVKHVBOV Praises It.
The ladies are all in love with it.
Sm-LS like HOT V.tKKS.
VSend at once for Circular to
l-K.O. V. UANTZ St' Ci ,
lTSOnaneSt.tK.w York
to sen tne HimK SHUTTLE sKW 5 M-
-.-. Reader It you ran nink
money selling the "HO.n. SHUTIXK."
whether you are EXPKU1K CKU m the iusi-S?f.".'J10''--,,y:,a
w' tu buT 6EW1KO 1A
Cttl'.K for family n.e, our circular, will abow
you how to save money. Address
wti ai.. j AUU, Sb Jo CHXCAOO, lbk
nr tor the Great American Monthly, the Sta
WHY ?2 Now. ' fair of superb Prana
J,. ' Cnroni" (worth 2)and the paSer for 1W6,
11 sent free for a ikoi.b bouu ? this ts no luno
5ror!d there Is no realoninn.
WHY K BOW notfcs read by a million families.
BUVl. PoI!''o-wt.nB r1"1 charming reading
SiSJl. V. m'' Ac.Ao. and its mat sps-
rtaUy, the exposure of all Swindlers. Quack!. 2c.
Mf Uii w!" !. yesrljr by expom ng " aeuW:
WHY US W "SIS" It wl 1 save you money
and be a friend of th hmi.ii ...!'
iS.VV.Z"" llshed. For it tfves ele
SAihm.' ?k'' Ptorts;jeweiyc!"
Address BAKHEB UbLi!hnO c". HtoaS
rrL AST i cTvi
STYLES ud SELLS Patterns of them. Only fl.lO rer, wl&la
a apleitdld premium. M.
tliul OVERSKIRT with
mlnm, to tbe person who will
scnptioa to the B AZ AAR.
SmlthSa Instruction
lO Cent. Catalogue
u-JS.'VS P. O. Box 505S.
Ws are sellinz annually over One Minion
-j. 's-Z'".'-' MimrKYJr, .... ... a.1
Wholesale Prices, and for Cash, In anr quantity desired. We have the Largest House and the Largest
Stock of Goods of anr Arm in the United States devoted to SoFFLxISTG OBAnoEHS. .
Send Stamp for Printed Catalogue and Price List, HOW BEADY, sad save from 40 to 100 per
cent, oa your Winter parcnases. Address
ITos. 246 to 254 Kinzie-st., Chicago.
Dr. J. Walker's California Vin
egar Bitters are a purely Vcgctabls
preparation, m.ulo cbielly from tlio na
tive herbs found on the low er ranges ol
tLe Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal properties of which
are extracted therefrom without the use
of Alcohol. The question is almost
daily asked, 'What is the cause of the
unparalleled success of Vixegai: Bit
ters?" Our answer is, that they remove
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They nre the great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and invigorator
of the system. Never before in the
history of tho world bos a mcdicino been .
compounded possessing tho remarkaKie
qualities of Vis kcTa b Bitters in hcaiinpioe
sick of every disease man is heir to. They
aro a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonicv
relieving Congestion or Intianimation ofr
the Liver and Visceral Organs, iu Bilions
Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walker's
Tixbgar Bittkrs are Aperient. Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative. Diuretic,
Kedative, Coup!r-Isritant, Sudorific, Altera,
live, and Anti-Bilious.
it. h. Mcdonald & co.
Trnp(rtrta and Gen. Arta San Francisco. Califondav
and cor. of Wnetuntrton and Charlton Sta.. N . Y.
Bold bv 11 Drugg ista sad Dealers.
. IO,00.O0 Rlega.
Sv&OO Tease SoiaV
Beiieer. Dnkn 8.1 1 TbM.
Kinder f I, Ring. pr lOOUeU,
Tmrl,?,b7mml,po oai.
Chanter, Am. Arfdreu
B, W. Biix a Co. Diem, III,
The Onr Reliable 6tft Distribution In the Country!
To ba Drawn Blonds jr, Feb. 23, 1879.
Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to whom liberal
Premiums will be paid. 8inaie Tickets, SI ; Six '
Tickets, $5; Twelve Tickets, 810; Twenty-fire, si).
Circulars containing full information will be sens
to any one ordering them. Letters most be ad
dressed to
Office, Excelsior Building, L 0. SINE, Box 432,
Cor. Race A Lonawortn. CINCINNATI. O-
dr. whithee.
Ko. 617 St, Charles Street, St. Louis. Ko.
fxtnttnne to treat all tmmm of obstacles to marriare, otoorl
imparities, every ailment or rickoess which results from
iiKliscrction or imprudeoos, wILq bd paralleled saeoeass.
Ir. W.'s eetabtiBhateot Is chartered by the Htmte of .
mbH, era faMintled and has been established u aeeoas-
safe, eertain and reliable .relief. Beiac cradoator sc
several medical oolleges. and bavtac the experience- ef a
long and successful life In bis specialties he has perfect!
remedies that are efZctaal la ail these eases. Hlipatlent :
are being treated bf mail or express everywhere.. tm
Btirr who failed, call or write. Prom the great n am
ber ef applications ho is enabled to keep his ebsrsev
low. 36 pages ffiving fall symptoms, toe twe stsmps.
pages, eposlar hook which eheoM be read by erervr
bodr. No taarrled pair, or persons eomempistlog mar.
riaf t, eaa afford to do without it. It ooutain the cream of
nwoleai liters to re om this subject, the remits or Dr. W.'s
1oot experience ; also the beet tbmif ata from late work
m Kwrope and America Seat sealed, pout-paid for 5Q eta.
mmm mi-
trate! work oneta) pe
res. eoiitxltitne' vu
able Information ftr.-
Uiose who are married or contemplate mnrrlair.
Prioe Wets, by mail. Ad.lrem lr. Knits' lMspen.'
sarv. 12-North K.'utn telreeu 81. Louis. 3Io.
O. IT. U.
please say yoxt saw the) dertUmep
In tills paper.
Smith's Illustrated' Pattern Bazaar."
only IMKOHT8
B LEVATOR8, ami "e ot Uua bSaa.
Clotn moaei, wuiw rncc. urn a rre
CUT THIS OUT, anIfen 11 lu-
I " rer ssr rm. "uiiPWTOpy, i
Book, or Secrets or
mailed for one Stamp.
Address, very plain,
91 Broadway, Now York: City.
Dollars' worth of Goods direct to the Consumer, at