1HK OKVIIBUNG PEASANTS. A Roman Tale. BT JOHH O. BASS. One rammer's day the tale 1 tola An honest peasant, poor and old Worked In the meadow with his wife, When thus she spoke : " Well, on my life ! 'r precious hard that yon and I Must sweat beneath the corning sky, Like irailey slaves, for paltry pay. And all because alas, the day ! Of Adam's fail I but for his sin EveV, how happy we had been !" ?7U ''' ld the Pnt ; I believe. Had I been Adam you been Eve No foolish fancies would have come To drive us from our Eden-home ; But all the race, this very day, Had in the garden been at ply 1 . The Count, their master, Mainline near, (Though quite unuotioed) chanoed to hear Their discourse ; and, laughing, said : W my d friends, suppose, instead Of paradise, my mansion there Were yours to-day ; with princely fare For food to eat and wine to drink, Would that content ye, do you tbink I" " Ah I that were paradise indeed ! What more," they cried, " could mortals need V neu we snau see," tne uount replied : " But that you virtue may be tried, Kemember, on the table, served With many a diab, there's one reserved ; Partake of every one you see Save that, wliich (like the Fatal Tree) Just in the center I will place. Beware of that ! lest Adam's case Should be your own, and straight you so Back to your sickle, rake and hoe !" Boon to the castle they were led, And by a tab'e richly spread, Aa for a bacohanal carouse, UeUold the peasant and bis spouse I " See !" said the woman, " what a treat I Far more, I 'm sure, than we can eat ; With such exoees we well may spare The dish that's in the center there !" " Who cares for that t the peasant said ; (While eagerly the couple fed From all the plates that round them lay ) "My dear ! I wouldn't look that way 1" 44 TSo harm In looking I" said the wife ; I wouldn't touch it for my life." But in their minds, at length, there grew A strong desire for something new ; Whereat the woman said, I wish I knew what's hidden in that dish" And, to be sure," the man repMed, Merely to look was not denied !" And even Umcking it," said she. Were no great harm, it seems to me ; Of course, I will not lift the lid ; Atpi ieho mmld tame it if I dia t" She snits the action to the word. It hen from the dish a little bird (The Count had alyly hidden there) Came rushing forth Into the air, And through toe open window flew ; Andso it was the master knew What they had done. away 1" he said ; v v iuw "' in uu cun unr oreaa As you were wont and ne'er complain Of Adam and of Eve again I" MES. DEWSF0K1VS DAUGHTER. Mrs. Dewsford sat in her own room, assiduously employed in fastening dried butterflies on a piece of pasteboard, with an " Encyclopedia of Etymology " lying on the table beside her, and a magnifying glass affixed in some mys terious manner to her nose. She was a spare, prim, hard-featured matron, was MrsI Dewsford one who believed in Woman's Rights, and thought woman generally a much abnsed personage, deposed from her proper sphere and trampled on by the tyrant Man ! , Mrs. Dewsford came very near being a man herself -what with a deep voice and a bearded chin, and a figure quite innocent of all superfluous curves or graces. Really, if one had changed her skirt and body to trowsers and coat, she would have passed for one of the contemned sex without much diffi culty. Cat Lizzie Dewsford was quite differ ent Lizzie Dewsford, who stood be side her mother with cheeks round and ripe as a peach, deep blue eyes made mystio and shady by their long lashes, and brown hair wound round and round her pretty head in shining coils. You wondered, as you gazed at her, how thev could both be women, and yet so unlike. " Nonsense, child ! ' said Mrs. Dewsford, critically examining a but terfly with pale, yellow wings, sprin kled with carmine. "But mamma," pleaded Lizzy, "it isn't nonsense. He really does want to marry me." - " Marriage is all a mistake. Eliza beth," said Mrs. Dewsford, laying down ner magnifying glass. 1 don t mean you shall marry at all." . "Mamma!" "A woman who marries," went on me strong-minded matron, is a woman enslaved. If I had known as much about life when I was eighteen as I do now, I would never have . married. From the standpoint of a grand mis take commuted in my own hie, X can rectify yours, Elizabeth." - But, mamma ! " cried poor Lizzy, "whatsAaKIdo?" "Do, child! do!" ejaculated the mother. " That is a pretty question for my daughter to ask ! V hy, read study improve your mind. Devote all the energies of your nature to the solving of the great social problems that surround you." "I don't care a fig for the social problems, mamma," remonstrated Lizzy. "I like Charley Everett, and I'm going to marry him ! " " Never, with my consent." . "Oh, mamma," ciiedLizzy, aghast, surely you would not " " Elizabeth," said Mrs. Dewsford, in a tone of judicial calmness, " don't you see what a con fusion you are ere' ating among these insects which I have so carefully classified? I beg you will interrupt my studies no longer. Go and finish reading that Report of the English Convention for tbe Ameliora tion of Womankind. What are you errinc for ? ' A well-regulated woman never cries. : " I wish I wasn't a woman ! " sobbed Door Lizzy. "X wish X waan t some thing that had to be elevated, and im proved, and cultivated. Oh, mamma. darling, you weren't in earnest when you said yon wouldn't consent to my marrying Charley! We shall be so happy together ; and he says he will be miserable .without me, and "Elizabeth, I am astonished at you Of course, I was in earnest ! I have neither gold nor jewels to lay on the shrine of the cause : but I have a daugh ter, and I intend to show the world what a woman, unshackled and unfet tered, can be capable of ? You, Eliza hath, should elorv in becoming an But Lizzy, apparently unappreciative of the great lot in store for her, cried more piteously man ever. "Taam will not melt me." said Mrs. Dewsford, calmly resuming the Ency-irmn- I onlv regret to be the wi defittnerate a daughter I1 " Mamma, ventured poor Lizzy, Tf rTrnr Chariev to ride out il:. .m. i. wiia nun wus wiuyu . . .. "Yon must cive him no. i&uzaDetn. Upon such a subject I can accept no compromise 1" Tin f T nrnmiaml. mamma ! Mrs. Dewsferd gravely rubbed the end of her nose. " a promise is a promise, Elizabeth wit nria.ll T rennirft of vou to break it. . (Tfe-ra TCtixartAth visiblv brightened.) " But I shall accompany you I" (The .pretty face became clouded and over cast once more) '"Where are you going?" the woods bevond the glen, mamta. Charley is going to get some wood aOrrel for mv herbarium. - " Not will the expedition be unprofit able o me," said Mrs. Dewsford, 0Tsvn1v TKra a. mariT choice Varie ties of Adiantum and Asplenium to bo found in those woods, and my oolleo- tion of v-.lafA native ferns is as yet ineom- f .WOT. And Lizzy went awav in err eat con sternation not to read reports, nor to study paleontology, but to slip out in the garden, where a great rose-tree car peted the velvet grass with showers of soft pink petals at' every nassinc breath of air. and where Charley Ev erett was busied in cutting out sticks for carnations. Oh, Charley Charley! I am so miserable !" " Lizzy, what is the matter ?" He dropped knife, sticks, and all. in dismay at her woful countenance ; and Lizzy told him to the best of her ability wnas "tne matter - was. " Is that all ?" he asked auietlv. when the recital was concluded. "Isn't that enough?" she rejoined. piteously. "When we were going to have such a nice drive all by ourselves, and then come home . by moonlight, and " " Don't fret, cara mia: it will be all right ! So she won't consent to our marriage, eh V She says most positively that she will not." "What shall we do, Lizzy? Shall we elope quietly ?" Oh, Charley, you Know 1 would never marry without her consent !" "And are two lives to be made misera ble just because she thinks matrimony a mistake ?" he asked, gravely. " I suppose so, Charley." Lizzy Dewsford's pretty head drooped like a rose in the rain. Charley watched her quivering lip and tear-wet eye lashes, and said no more. Mrs. Dewsford was ready, with a preposterous green umbrella to keep off the sun, a tin case to put ferns in, and an extra pair of boots, in the event of swampy walking, when Mr. Everett's little fight phaeton drove up to the door. The springs creaked ominously as she stepped in : and Lizzy, meekly following; was nearly overwhelmed by ner motner s voluminous draperies, "I had better sit in the middle it preserves the equilibrium of the vehicle better, said Mrs. XJewsford, wedging Herself in between Lizzy and Mr. Everett with a smile of great compla cency. And she immediately began discours ing on the properties and habits of the tern, with unpausing volubility, while Lizzy, perched on the extreme outer edge of the seat, had all she could do to keep in the vehicle, and Mr. Everett's eyes were in extreme danger with the points of the green umbrella, which veered to and fro like a ship in a storm- as Mrs. Dewsford's tale waxed in in terest. Suddenly she checked herself, as (her eyes canght a cluster of green waving vegetation on the crest-like point of a rock which overhung the road. " Charles ! Charles I she cried, stop a minute ! Can't you reach that Asplenium Ebenum ? " Is this it, ma am ? said Mr. Ever ett, making a dive at a tall Btalk of something. Ho, no : not that the little green thing with the black stem I " This, ma am e hazarded Charley, clutching at a fat-leaved cluster of weedv crrowth. " Oh, dear, dear Uharles; how stupid vou are !" sighed Mrs. Dewsford. " I'll jump out and get it myself 1" " Mamma ! remonstrated Lizzy, " Oh. I'll help her !" nodded Charley. springing nimbly on the cliff, and pull ing Mrs. Dewsford by main force up the steep side of the rock. " Here you are, ma am ! "Yes," panted Mrs. Dewsford; but but it was very steep. I really think women should devote more atten tion to gymnastics. Oh, here's the Asplenium very choice specimens, too, Charles, where are you going? or Mr. Everett had sprung back into the phaeton. Only for a little turn, ma am. while you are collecting your botanical treas ures. "Yes, but, Charles " Mrs. XJewsford a words of remon- stranoe were drowned in the rattle of the wheels, as Mr. Everett drove briskly away, with Lizzy nestling up to his side. One long, lingering glance she gave after the departing pair, and then returned to her tan case and umbrella. "They'll be back presently." Bhe said." But the afternoon sunlight faded off from the cliff, and the red orb of day sank majestically down behind the evergreen glens that beunded the west ern horizon, and Mrs. Dewsford grew tired, and cross, and rheumatic and still, like the character of romance. they came not, "Something has happened !" cried the prophetic soul of Mrs. Dewsford. It can t be possible that X shall have to stay here all night ! She looked nervously round. Jt was a tall, steep cliff whereon she stood. cut off from the woods beyond by the rush and roar of a wide and by no means shallow stream on one side : while on the other three it was almost perpendicular, rising some twenty feet up from the road. Mrs. Dewsford be gan to feel, as she surveyed it, very mucn like c aimon cttyutes onxus column in the wilderness. If they shouldn t oome I ' she thought. But at tne same instant a welcome rumbling of wheels broke the hushed stillness. or the seldom traveled moun tain road, and Mrs. Dewsford's strained eyes caught sight of Mr. Everett's spirited gray, aasmng rouna tne curve of the hill. "Well!" she cried, "I never was more thankful for anything in my life ! I'm tired to death waiting." . " Are yeu? said Charles Everett, as he checked the horse in the middle of the road.: Yes. . Why uon t you drive closer ?" sharply demanded Mrs. Dewsford. " un, oia you wane to anve come with us?" " Whv." of course X did ! Xd have been home long ago if I could have got off this place' v - ; .... " Weil, ma am, saia unauey, in ac cents of the coolest deliberation, while Lizzy clung, frightened and yet smiling, help you off the cliff on one condition. to his Side, - A wiui w very nappy so I nonditiont unanes Everett v ex I . . , xi oi i ciaimea mo uiui6ujui I matron ; " what do you mean Y flimolv this, Mrs. Dewsford. I want to marry your aaugnter. jtjut Lizzy like a too autiiui cniia, wiu not vnrttn mv wife without your consent." Which she shall never have 1" said Mrs. Dewsford, emphatically. . "Very well, . ma ami Gee up, i "and he shook the reins. " You're not going to leave me heret shrieked Mrs. xewsiora, in a panic oi i Tjniess you comply with my condi tion, ma'am, X moss cenauuy Biiaii. 7at,a that condition is " "Your consent to my marriage with jour daughter. Elizabeth! cried Mrs. Dewsford. w!ii .vou : be a witness to this this atrocious conduct, and not interfere?' ' Charley won't let me have a voice in the matter, mamma, at all, said Lizzy, demurely." " He says he don't believe in woman s rights ! Mrs. uewsford save a hollow groan. Mr. Everett touched his horse Slightly with the whip. " Stop ! cried Mrs. Dewsford. "I consent but it is under protest !" iou can protest ail you use, saia Mr. Everett, driving closer to the iock, and standing up to assist his mothei-in-law elect into the phaeton. Silently Mrs. Dewsford entered the vehicle silently she rode home silent ly she crossed the threshold of her house, as became a conquered party ! To think," she said in a noiiow voice, as she sat down to dinner, mat after all mv precepts and example, Elizabeth should end her career by get ting married I" Mamma, said Lizzy, timidly, x don't think it's bo very terrible, after all r " To think," sighed Mrs. Dewsford, paying no attention to her daughter s reply, " that you should meet tne fate of any ordinary woman !" ' But. mamma. I never bad any am bition to be an extraordinary woman 1" And so was brought to a termination the plots and plans for a "model ex istence" which had been formed for Mrs. Dewsford's daughter ! About Livers Whisky Livers In Par ticular. The liver under consideration was that of an old whisky drinker a regular soaker, too had not " drawn a 60ber breath," in all probability, for six or eight years. And yet it was not a very aggravated case. Tbe liver had been taken fresh from the body that is, be fore decomposition set in, and it was placed in alcohol to preserve it for scientific examination. The livers of drinkers present differ ent appearances, according to the habits of the victims and to the character of their potations. A great deal of in formation has been accumulated by medical men upon this subject. One eminent physician, after an examina tion of seventy livers of drinkers, says that "in moderate drinkers the liver i generally found to be somewhat larger than usual, its texture softened, and its outer surface spotted, with patches of fatty infiltration extending two or three lines into the tissue of the gland, the rest of the vise us retaining its natural color, and its edges their normal sharpness. In those who had been more addicted te the use of spirits the liver was still larger, its edges were more obtuse, and the patches of the fat on its surface were larger and more numerous. In old drunkards the liver was very large, weighing at least six or eignt pounds, often from ten to twelve ; the edges were very thick and much rounded; the tissue or substance of the gland almost white with fat, soft, fragile, and the peritoneal covering could be torn off with ease." ' A healthy liver should show no trace of fat ; when that sets in, it means slow but certain death. The liver of our de parted friend, the old soaker, was enormous in size, and had undergone a thorough fatty degeneration. Too mucn fat is the result of disease, anyhow, but when it accumulates in or around the internal organs, such as the heart, liver or kidneys, it is time to send for the undertaker. The observations cited above were of cases in England, where the "hob-nailed" liver is not so com mon as in this country, owing to the fact that our drunkards kill themselves mostly with rum, brandy and whisky, which produce the false membranes, adhesions, puckerings, etc, noticeable in post-mortem examinations of drink ers' livers. Persons addicted to drink usually, become fat, corpulent, even, and give indications of unusual energy and strength, but these are very falla cious, and soon pass away, to be suc ceeded by fiabbiness, languor, and fre quently to excessive leanness, except of the abdomen, which retains its protu berance, in consequence of the deposi tion of fat in the fatty membrane cov ering the bowels in fiont, or "bay i . winaow. It is quite safe to say that there is not a single spirit drinker whose liver is not more or less affected by his in dulgence, whether it is occasional only or 01 continuous repetition, xt is un possible for the liver to escape, for while the fumes of drink are carried directly into the brain, every drop of liquor that is swallowed passes through the liver and acts upon its tissues. The best illustration of the effect of spirits upon the raw tissues of the human body may be had by holding a quantity of whisky, brandy, rum, gin, etc, in the mouth for a few moments and then spitting it out. The mouth and gums will be found parboiled and puckered in a very unpleasant and uncomfortable manner. The same effect is produced internally, and a thousand times repeat ed in the drunkard, until at last the vitals 'are burned out and death the most loathsome claims its horrid, poor, despised and irreclaimable victim. Cincinnati Commercial. , - Merrie England. A copy of the London Timea ct Oct. 3, 1798, contains the following pro gramme of sports to be participated in on the anniversary of the birth of her xwyal XHghness the Duchess of Wur- temburg: j: " All persons of lovial, friendly and loyal dispositions are invited to be present at and partake of the under mentioned country sports, which, with others to be declared on the ground, are intended, if the weather is fine, : to be exhibited at Marden Castle, near Dor chester, this day, at ll o'clock, in the honor of the birthday of her Royal Highness the xmchess of wurtem- burg : -..:!, -.; . .- w, To be played for at cricket, around of beef, each man of the winning set to have a rib band. . i " A cheese to be rolled down the hill prize to whoever steps it. A silver cup to be run for py ponies the best three heats. A pound of tobacco to be grinned tor. r - .... c "A barrel of beer to be rolled down hill prize to whoever stops it. " A Michaelmas Dav -goose to be dived for.;--i- -j " A good hat to be cudgeled for. - " naif a sruinea for the best ass in three heats. j ' ' A handseme hat for the boy most expert in catching a roll dipped in treacle, and suspended by a string. - a leg ot mutton and callon of por ter to the winner of a race of 100 yards " A good hat to be wrestled for. . " Half a guinea to the rider of the ass wno wins the best three - heats by com ing in last. i - " A pig prize to whoever catches him py tne tail." i Wa should manage our fortune like our constitution ; enjoy it only when goou. nave patience when . bad, ana never apply violent remedies but in cases of necessity, i AU Sorts. They are eating green peas, fresh from the garden, in Savannah. !' Mb. Beecheb is no longer a con tributor to Bonner's New York Ledger. A polite way of putting it Troubled with a chronic indisposition to exer tion. Thb suttan of Zanzibar, who is to visit England next spring, will also go to Paris and Vienna. Cleveland has a new church" so finished in front with bronze statuary that it looks like a temple erected to Thespis. Over sixty nations now use Pennsyl vania peti oleum, and full that number of fatal deaths by explosions occur each day. A New York firm has manufactured 23,000 children's sleds this year, but there has been scarcely any use for them so far. A sneak-thief is obtaining access to houses in Newark by representing that he is sent to tune the piano. He must be one of the forte thieves. Capt. Charles Parker, well known at all ports from Montreal to Chicacro. died, December 29, at his residence in Oswego, N. Y. He was a commander and veasel-ewner. Mhe. Jenny Lras Goldschmtdt and her husband will permanently reside in Wiesbaden, having accepted the posts of leading professors at the Rhenish Academy of Music. Sewasd is about the only man of much, consequence whose grave is not neglected. A monument with " He was faithful " on it marks the place where he lies in the cemetery at Auburn. Gebbtt Smith's last letter was written to Prof. John M. Langs ton, of Howard University, and bears date December 23, 1874. It was an inquiry as td the probable fate of the Civil Rights bill. The burglar Moshr, killed at Bay Xtidge, was a man of striking appear ance, and seems to have been well edu cated. He never used intoxicating liquors nor tobacco, and, according to his sister-in-law, was very pure in his speech. His only fault was desire of ill-gotten gain. The census of the Delaware Indians, now in the Indian Nation, has just been taken, and the tribe numbers but 758 persons, all told. Five years ago, when the Delawares moved to tbe Nation. their number was 985, a decrease of 27. At this rate it will not take many years for the tribe to become extinct. J aola .Kan.) opirtt. One of the oddest sensations is said to be that of being lowered fifteen hun dred feet into a mine. The great length of cable allows a spring of a foot or more upon the slightest movement in the basket, and W. J. Florence, the actor, who has just had the experience in Nevada, says it feels like being a ball at the end of a rubber string. . The Hawkes family, of North Saugns, Mass., still occupy the farm owned by their ancestors in 1630, the j ear of the settlement of Xiynn. caiem and Jtsoston. The house was erected in 1665. Adam Hawkes owned the iron mine which sup plied ore to the first foundry established m the country. Another homestead. over 200 years old, two miles from this one, is still held by a branch of the same family. Treatment ot Diphtheria. The following rules for the preven tion or extirpation of diphtheria form the concluding sentences of a report submitted recently by Dr. Stephen Smith, of the lioard of Health : precautions : The dwelling or apartment Cleanli ness in and around the dwelling, and pure air in living and sleeping-rooms, are of the utmost importance wherever any contagious disease is prevailing, as cleanliness tends both to nrevent and mitigate it. Every kind and source of filth around and in the house should be thoroughly removed : cellars, and foul areas should be cleaned and disinfected ; drams should be put in perfect repair ; dirty walls and ceilings should be lime washed : and every occupied room should be thoroughly ventilated. Apartments which have been occupied by persons sick with diphtheria should be cleansed with disinfectants, ceilings lime-washed and woodwork painted, the carpets, bed-clothes, upnol stored furniture, .etc., exposed many days to fresh air and the sunlight. All articles which may be boiled or sub jected to high degrees of heat should be thus diBinf ected. such rooms should be exposed to currents of fresh air for at least one week before reoccupation. " " WEIjIi CHTIiDBBN. , When diohtheria is PrevMlinsr. no child should be allowed to kiiiNstrange children, nor those Buffering from sore throat (the digusting custom of com pelling children to kiss every visitor is a well-contrived method of propagating other grave diseases than diphtheria), nor should it sleep with or be confined to rooms occupied by, or use articles as toys taken in tne moutn, nan a Ker chiefs, etc) belonging to, children hav ing sore throat, croup or catarrh. If the weather is cold, the child should be warmly clad with flannels. WHEH DIPHTHERIA IS TS THE FAMILY. The well children should be scrupu lously kept apart from the sick, in dry, well-aired rooms, and every possible source of infection, through the air, by personal contact with the sick, and by articles need about them or in their rooms,' should be rigidly guarded. Every attack of sore throat, croup, or catarrh should be at once attended to. The feeble should have invigorating food and treatment. - . 8ICK CHILDREN. The sick should be rigidly isolated in aired (the air being entirely changed at lease nouny), unughted rooms, the out flow of air being, as far as possible, through the external windows, by de pressing the upper and elevating the lower sash, or a chimney heated by a fire in an open fire-place ; all discharges from the mouth and nose should be re ceived into vessels containing disin fectants, such as solutions of carbolic acid or sulphate of zinc, or upon oloths which are immediately burned, or (if not burned). thoroughly boiled or placed under a disinfecting fluid. A Remarkable Dog Story. Some years aero, while Mr Hamilton was flailing near the lower rapids of the Mississippi. iust above the a-bokuk, ne observed below f"n a man bailing a canoe, preparatory to taking himself. wife, and babv across the river. At the same time Mr. H. saw that his New foundland dog was watching - the pro ceeding of the oartv. Seeming to com prehend their intention, the dog uttered a peculiar howL and, passing . rapidly up the river for some distance, plunged into the water and swam diagonally down and landed en a large rock stand ing out of the water about midway the stream. After shaking the water from his shaggy coat, he again watched the party, who, in the meantime,' had em barked in the canoe. Jnst as the little boat passed the rock, it was caught in the rapidly descending current and in stantly capsized. The woman, in fall ing into the water, loosed her hold on the child, which floated down the stream. The man caught his wife and waded with her to the rock. The in stant the child fell into the water, the dosr leaped in, and in a short time was seen in the still water below swimming with the child in his mouth, which he carried in safety to the shore. Frank lin(Ky.) Patriot. A STOEY WITH AMORAL. Old McStinger'B Kngagemeut with the Roefttfng-ClMilr. Old McStluKer was going to bed a little wavy the other night, and not wishing to disturb Mrs. McStinger, who has a tongue like a rat-tail hie, he thought it just as well not to turn on the gas. He got along very well until he reached the door of the chamber where his pa tient wife lay sleeping. Here he paused a moment, balancing on his heels like a pole on a juggler's nose. Then he made a dash for it, in order to make a bee line across the floor. Mrs. McStinger. with her usual exemplary fortitude, had placed tne rockmg-cbair with such gifted skill that no man could come into the room without running over it ; so the first thing he knew McStinger stubbed his toe-nail, off againnt the rocker, which knocked the seat against the crazy bone of his knee, and made one of the long arm? prod him m the stomach. Simul taneously he fell over the chair cross wise, and it kicked him behind his back before he could get up from the flor as he stood on all fours. The engagement was now fully opened. When a man begins falling over a rocking-chair in a dark room he ought always to have three days' rations and forty rounds. Before McStinger could get up straight his knee came down on one of the long rockers behind, and the back of the chair came down on his head with a whack that laid him out flat on the floor ; and, before he could move, the chair kicked him three times in the tenderest part of his ribs, with the sharp end of ti.e rocker. This made him perfectly furious, and he scrambled up and made a blind rush at the chair, determined to blow up the i enemy's works. He ran square against the back and it rocked forward with him, turning a complete somersault over the handles, throwing McStinger half - way across the room and landing on top of him, digging into his abdomen like a bull's horns, as he lay spread out on the under side. It would have been a good ' thing for McStinger if he bad laid still then and let the chair have its own way. It lay flat on his back, with the long points of the rockers embracing his abdomen, and didn't seem to want to do anything active just then. But McStinger couldn't make up his mind to give it up yet. He rolled over sideways and up set the chair. It fell with a crash on its side, giving him a furious dig in the liver, which made him straighten out his legs spasmodically, barking one shin from the instep to the knee on the rocker which hung in the air, and setting the chair on its feet again, where it stood rocking backward and forward at him, like a wary old ram making feints of butting its adversary, in order to throw him off his guard. J. he blow m the side nearly finished McStinger. and while lying there rubbing his wind back again, he was just beginning to reflect whether his honor required him to pro ceed any further in the affair, when Mrs. McStinger suddenly began screaming all the names in the crimes act, under the impression that the Charley Ross ab ductors were trying to commit a burg lary, bigamy, robbery, and everything else on her. Up to this time she had been speechless with terror, and had lain there trembling, Bhedding perspir ation and accumulating shrlekingpower. until she had gained the screaming ca pacity of a camel-back engine. She had just reached her third tforzando fortis simo accelerando, and was beginning to wonder whether there was a God in Israel, when old Mcaunger suc ceeded in getting to his feet once more and became dimly visible' to Mrs. Mc Stinger. With one last wild parting shriek she sprang from the bed and made a Jash for the door, near which the rocking-chair still storvd menacing the whole universe with a butting motion. Mrs. McStinger had no time for investigation iust then, and she pitched into and over the rocking-chair and clear on down stairs, the chair after her, turning over and over, and kicking Mrs. McStinger every bump until they both landed in the hall below. where the chair broke all to atoms. This ended the fight. If wives will learn from this sad story not to leave rocking-chairs standing around the middle of the room for their. poor husbands to fall over, we shall not have written m vain. Columbus Jour nal. A Human Vampire. A very curious illustration of the power of imagination occurred here within the week, recalling the weird horror of Sclavonic legends. A grand seigneur Serbe. the Prinoe Nicholas Borolajovak, came to Paris to live be cause he found it impossible to remain in his own country on account of an absurd superstition current in regard to him. It was that he belonged to a family of vampires, and that in this family the eldest son of every third generation returned after death to suck the blood of the living !, Notwithstand ing the fact that Prince Borolajovak had been educated at Paris and was a cultivated, intelligent man, he was unable to rid himself - of the horrible idea, and requested his landlord, a short time before his death, to have bis heart taken from his body before it should be buried. He was ill but three days, falling so the evening after making the strange request. fans jetter. - , sSouthern Claims. ... The following are the awards -of the the Southern Claims Commission for . current year : j ' Alabama............ Arkansas ........... ......... w........ Florida Georgia............ LouUlan. $ 72,709 . 95,559 113,375 41,954 96,737 142,837 . 35,625 5,933 ,139,698 1,300 , 138,351 Mieslsslppl... ......... North Carolina . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia , Wait Virginia Making a total sward of $791)58 The award was made for 1,100 differ ent cases. Thb King of tbe Belgians, out of his own private purse, has founded an an nual prize of 2o,uuuf., to be awarded for the best historical, commercial or artistic book published in Belgium. The prize is, as a rule, restricted to na tive authors ; but every four years for eigners wul be admitted to compete, ana iorein jurum wui oe allowed to act as judges. Bjubx money system -Iran, nr het done. A MODEL MURDER TRIAL. How Thing sure Managed In the Orient. A sincnlar trial for murder has taken place at Missivria, says a correspondent of the Levant Herald, and has ended in the acquittal of the prisoners twe brothers who were accused of the mur der of their unole, a rich old Odessa merchant. The old man, having re tired from active life andj wound up his Business, returned - from j Odessa some years ago and Bettled down in Missivria, his native town. Here he gave much in charity to the poor, land behaved handsomely to his nephews, with whom he lived, and whom he helped out of poverty into a respectable ' position in ocal trade. Three years ago tire oid in suddenly disaDtieared. No seri ous inquiry, however, was made to as certain what had become of him. His nephews made liberal donations to the churches, and inherited, or rather ap propriated, tbe old man's wealth. Prob ably they would have been left entirely undisturbed in the enjoyment of their riches but for a circumstance which, for a time, must have caused some trouble and anxiety. On a certain day in the early part of this year an old woman asked for an audience with the Cadi, and, on being admitted, made a deposition which has been repeated to me as follows : " It was a dark, stormy night," the old woman said, " the wind , had several times blown in my window- sash, putting out my lamp, and causing the embers of my fire to fly about the room. Suddenly, amidst the howl ing of the storm, I heard a a shriek, then a moan. Strange sounds followed, which seemed to come irom the house of my neighbor,, the Odessa merchant. I crossed myself and drank a little raki to keep up my courage, and then I remembered that there was a crack in the wall of my closet, through ! which I could see into the house of my j neighbor, the merchant. l hither X went, and applied my eye to the crevice in the mud wall, and this is what I saw : Two men were pressing down a pillow upon the face of another man, whom they kept prostrate, and a woman was holding a light. The old man-I recog nized him was very strong, for he over threw his nephews, althougn ms tnroac s cut and blood guaned irom tne wound. He would have escaped, but the woman struck him in the face with a chair. His head was bent backward, as though he could not keep it in its place on account of the gasn across nis throat. Still his eyes flashed life ; he staggered toward the window, but there he was again struck down byhisnepnew. Then they sawed away at his throat till the head was separated from the trunk. " The accuser went on to' say that she threatened the murderers with a disclosure of the crime which she had witnessed, but that they promised her " hush money ;" that, as she was poor, she agreed, in consideration thereof, to hold her tongue, and that she washed the blood from the floor of the room where the old man had been put to death. The " hush money" ; had not been paid, and as she was starving, she determined to make known her story. The story was told in March or April, but no proceedings were taken until August. The accused parties were then arrested and confined in the Zaptieh Oda." The old woman, too, was put in prison and was hogged and half- smothered between mattresses night after night until the trial ended,- and the persons whom the vox pornilx still stigmatizeas murderer's were declared innocent. ALASKA. The .Exaggerated Report Concerning Osr Nortliwestero, Territory. Henry W. Elliott, Special Agent of the Treasury Department, has sub mitted to the Secretary of the Treasury his report upon the condition and im portance of the fur trade in the Terri tory of Alaska, the condition of the natives, and the revenues and resources of the island. The extravagant state ments which have been made m regard to the revenues of this Territory, which, if true, would either prove its fitness for the future reception of a highly-civilized population, or show it to be a land of utter desolation, and the $7,000,000 purchase money a total loss to the general government, have caused Mr. Elliott to pay great" atten tion to the subject ; and in his report he has endeavored to give a concise description of the agricultural charac ter of " the Territory as he has seen it This, he says, might be truthfully summed up in saying that there are more acres of better land now lying a wilderness and jungle in sight of the car windows of the Pennsylvania rail road while crossing the Alleghenies, than can be found in all Alaska ; " and when it is remembered," jhe. says, "that this Pennsylvania land, in the heart of one of our oldest and most thickly-populated States, will remain as it now is, cheap and undisturbed for an indefinite time, in spite of its close proximity to the homes of millions of energetic and enterprising men. it is not difficult to estimate the value of the Alaska acres, remote as they are and barred out by a most disagreeable seacoast climate, leaving out altogether the great West and vast agricultural regions of British America. But then, directly to the contrary, it would be wrong to hint by this statement, true as it is, that the country is worthless ; for in the Sea Islands alone the govern ment possesses property which would not remain in the market many days unsold were it offered for seven mill ions, and from which the annual reve nue is doubly sufficient . to meet all ex penditures for the proper government of the whole Territory if the matter were correctly adjusted." I Moreover, beyond a few outcrops of tertiary coal, and small leads near Sitka of gold and Bilver, with reports . of native copper in situ, nothing is known of the mineral wealth of the Territory so far as Mr. Elliott could learn, but he has reason to think that it will develop into some value. .! The, value and probable yield of the cod banks of Alaska have . been Kreatlv overrated. but he thinks it may be reasonably an ticipated that the Buocess attending the canning of- salmon on the j Columbia river will stimulate tha - prosecution of this industry at the mouths of all the large streams and rivers of the Terri tory. It is safe to assert, he remarks, that no other almost unknown section of the . world was ever brought into notice suddenly about which more has been most emphatically and positively written, based quite entirely upon the whims and caprices of the authors. than about Alaska ; and, therefore, it will be Burp rising, if the truth in regard to the Territory does not , frequently oome into conflict with many erroneous pojjolar opinions, r - t ! Ttrai THnrirfa House of Represents- tivAo wViinh has been evenly divided, has finally organized by the choice of & TWnnfimtiA Sneaker, and it is ex- pooted that James Ij. Requa, formerly of New York, will succeed Mr. Gilbert as Senator from that State. The Fair Mexicans. A writer in lAmAn&iU's ays : Ths. UfATimin women look their best in a ball room. Their black eyes, blade hair, and white teeth glisten in the light ; they are dressed in the gayest of gay colors; ponderous ornaments of' gold, strongly relieved, by their dusky - complexions, shed around them a ncm barbaric lustre, ino inai uey escuew adventitious means to blanch their sun- shadowed tints. For days some of the senoras or senoritas have worn a mask; of a white clayey mixture to give them an ephemeral whiteness for this occa . sion. Those who could procure nothing else have worn a pasty vizard? kneaded of common clay to enect inn. some degree a like result by protecting: their faces from the sun and wind. Should you visit New Mexico, and a you ride along slowly in the heat of midday meet a senorita wno gazes you with a pair of jet-black eyes through a hideous, ghsstly mask of mud and mortar, do not be frightened from your accustomed propriety. The senorita is preparing her toilette de bal. The New Mexican cannot be. considered pretty, generally speaking. In artistic symmetry of feature, in purity of complexion, they are not to- be compared with our country-women. These can bear the searching light of day, when delicacy of detail can be dis tinguished and appreciated. - Those look their best in the artificial light of the ball room. There the blue-blacks, hair, the brilliant black eyes, tbe well traced eye brows, the magnificentlyy white and regular teeth, the richly developed forms, produce a general i effect before which our blonde andl delicate beauties seem pale and Jadess. lint tne -Mexican s coarser ekus berr teint basane is too plainly visible im the light of the sun ; you should see her only by the light of the lamps. It". is aouDties rather from an . instinct oft coquetry than from any other feeling . that in the daytime the Mexican women i shroud their dusky traits in the folda of their robosas, leaving only one pilot, eye to look upon the outer world." A Facetious English, Sheriff.. It is now more than half -a century since there resided in a large and papui lous seaport town in the north of En gland a much-respected and eminent attorney, who was ever on the qui viveu for fun and good humor. His ioketc were frequent, and he was noted all over town for his eccentricities andt habitual pleasantry. Being a wealthy? man, he frequently contributed to pub lic and private charities, and was a wel come visitor to the abodes of the poor as well as the rich. I well remember the time when this facetious gentleman filled the office of Sheriff, and when he indulged his pen chant for the humorous by the sum moning of four remarkably queer juries -to " well and truly try '-.persons at the-, court of quarter sessions for the town ., and county in which he then resided.. At first, at the spring term, our face- - tious Sheriff summoned ' a fat jury twelve of the most portly, ponderous men he could find and when they were-? called on by the clerk of the court to take their seats in a jury-box, it was t found almost impossible to cram them - - A 1 - I 1 Jl ( uw ii. ojxu wueii, aiir mocu xiasu -iuiTAKin0 anil 0rinnino. thnv vdra ftVmf . up in the box, they became literally a--v packed iurv and no mistake. The second jury summoned by this droll official was the very reverse of his - hrst panel twelve of the leanest and -lankest men he could find all over town ; v men with long legs and long faces, who- seemed as though they had been fed on i water gruel, ana never tasted roast beef ' in the course of their lives. The third ; jury summoned by our facetious Sheriff, for the September." term, consisted of twelve barbers, . whose shaving shops were near the Court-House ; and in so placing those barbers on the jury all the barrister, who attended court that day appeared ' with their wigs undressed and un combed a funny spectacle for the of ficers of the court, the learned Re- - corder, and all others who happened to be present on that memorable occasion.- Xtut m his selection of a iurv. for the - December term of the court of quarter ;" sessions, onr good-humored Sheriff' capped the climax of his official drollery " by summoning twelve men who squinted so awfully at the learned Recorder" when he attempted to make the first- charge to them, that the learnecLJudge-- couid not belp joining in the general laugh, and exclaiming, in- seemingv, anger: This is. indeed, too bad. XTr' Sheriff." - . But the latter only remarked, in a. very serious and amusing tone : xweive good and lawful men, your Honor." - - And here let me add. that I never serv heard of " the facetious Sheriff" ing longer than one year. City Criminal Statistics. The annual report of the Police Jus tices makes a terrible showing for ourr morals, if left without a word of ex planation. The total number of per sons arraigned is reported at 84.821 which would be one in twelve of the entire population. - But it must be re membered that 40,777 of these were ar rested for intoxication ; 18,261 for dis orderly conduct, generally produced by- lntoxicaticn, and a.ioy were arresteox for vagrancy. This total of 62,180 ar rests for minor offenses, that cannot her called crime, takes the edge off tbe re port, and it is further softened by the fact that many of tbe arrests were or brought before the magistrates for in toxication, from five to twenty time each during the course of the year. The Justices have done well in colleeV mg and paying over wi.Wil.zo irons tines. Utie ltoiu looms up sadly aur through the list, and that is in relation to the arrests of women. There wercn. 13,574 females arrested for intoxication-,. for vsgraney. v Despite the law,, despite reiormatory institutions, respite sne preachers and, the-churches, a great army of women are slipping down to death in the midst ef our life-pavingr ppj I an ceo. nunwuien-unijri jaim. the Police Magistrates tell us "iNeur York Commercial Advertiser. iiti . .1.- m t : ' A man from the States opened a drink--ing saloon in Victoria, - Vancouver's Island, and his first hour's experience was lively. Six Indians filed in withv ..nt nMvil - flnanf tharvi tstrtlr ft nnat- tion at the right of the proprietor, be hind the bar, with an uplifted scalping: knife, and another stood at his left with a musket. A third poured six tumblers;, full of whisky, and the fluid was silent ly run down six throats. Then the sol emn customers filed out without a word,, leaving the man prejudiced against a rusn of xnoian patronage. Thb Orange county man who upset: his. wife's freshest pail of cream, sub sequently admitted he had been dairy, licked, ' . -.-