"g0 if rVBLttHU (VERY FRIDAY, BY COLL, tASCLEVE, N KQISTEK BDILOIKOsi Corntr ferrg and J'iM S.'rart. TERMS-IN ADVANCE. One copy, ono year.. i....ss 50 Oiw cnnv, six months .......... 1 SO To clubs of twenty, each con v.. S3 00 ft', ntrle mlw... . . . Ten cents. Subscribers mirxhhj of Linn comity will lie chancer 90 icenta extra J 70 for the ear- as that is the amonnr of postage per annum which we are required to pay on each paper mailed by "a. POST OFFICE BtEfclSTEB. - H.A.HJ-, ARRIVE Z l From Railroad (north and south! daily at 11.10 p. x. Fmra Corvallls, dallv, at 10 80 a. h. From Lebanon, trt-weeWy, -(Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1 at 10.80 A. M. , , xaii.8 depart: -i , For Railroad (north and matt), daily, close prompt at 11.10A. X. For Oorvallta, dail v. at 1 M v.at. For Lebanon. trt-weekly, (Monday, Wed neaday and Friday) at 2 p. x, OfTk-e hour from T A. M. to 7 F. x. fnnday, from 14 x. to 3 P. M. Money order office hoor from 9 A. M. to P. X- P. IL RAYMOND, P. M. SERVICES SEXT 8V5DAT. BAPTIST riirKOH --rv1-e at 11 A.M. - and 7 P. M. S-nndny school at IS P. M. Rev. C. H.Mattoon, Pastor. W. K. CHURCH Services at 11 A. M. and , 7 P. M. Sundav School at-, P. M. Rev. Isaiah WUson, Pastor. WIT EH PRESBYTERIAN -Services at . 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Rimdav School at , a r. H. xev. 8. G. Irvine, Pastor. OOJWR EG ATION AL CHITRCH- Without a Pastor at present. Sunday School at - a s x-. -a, St. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Service In Con . re-attonal Church alternate Sundays. iht. joi. r.mery, raptor. .T FTtESBYTERIATT CHURCH Services at . Colter Charmel, alternate Pan'ths. at 11 A. M. and7 P. M- Sundav School at U H P.M. Rev. K. R. Ocary. D.D., Pastor. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1S75. The 'noble red man". I still making tt warm tor stage driver, teamsters and travelers in portions- of Arizona. Robert J. LarkL widely known In Oregon, died In Portland, on Wed nesday last, of consumption, aged 43 years. He .children. leaves a wile and four The Methodist Episcopal mission in Italy has been nnnsually prospetous, Though established out a lew years, it tms already enrolled 60u conimtinl cauts. : - 4 A -sewer e snow storm ami awfully ld weather prevailed throughout tlie Northwest last week, Hog- were fro zen to death In Chicago. Who would five in such a freezing-cold country, anyhow? On lastHSaturday. at Cheyenne, the" jtliermometer Indicated 33 degrees be low zero. On the same day a most violent snow storm swept over' the country between the Rocky Mountains jind the Mis3t6tpp1. The Iegifiatnres of Ohio. Virginia -and New York, and public meetings In several of the large cities, Imve tassed resolutions condemning; the in--terferenee of aite military In Louisiana .affairs. . While Oregwn is having the coldest pell of weather ever known, the vsl- liesot California are being refi-ieshed. Invigorated and vnade productive by unusually abwndant' rainfalls. In cou- quence CaHfini5 journals are pre dicting an unueaally heavy grain crop the coming season. Cold weather prevailed in Montana .last week. Mercury in small phials -froze; proof whisky also congealed in lialf an hour. Four Chinamen who left. Helena on the afternoon oftlte 12th, were found the next day but half a mile from town frozen to death. 'The whisky tliey had with them in .-small kegs was frozen solid. The great -bouanaa," a rich body -of ore recuntly discovered in the Con solidated Virginia' and California, Is raid to be worth 41,500.000,000. Mr. Flood,' one of the prluciial owners in the mines, said to a reporter when questioned on the subject, "I cannot say as to that. The mine is open to All, and people can go in and make their own estimates. There is room there tor 15,000 time? that amount of , llver." It is the largest and richest body ea slaver re ever struck on thi r any ether saast, and has already in creased tenant person s wealth by cniUiotis. -v"..-N-: ': The New York, Ovoid, wiiich has "been industriously hammering. away for more than a year at Getu Grant, in the attempt to force him to 'speak out on the enbiect of a third term, at last seems to have rur) out of JiitMp," o the third term idea at Jeast, and Ita's opened new batteries, ou the bead of the Chief Magistrate. It now says that he U a more dangerous man than even it (die Herald) bad been led to believe. With the cheek' for- which Chat journal Is so generously credited. ft now charges that Grant Is Incubat- ing a number of terrible .scliemes, He wishes to get up a war with Spain, In oruer that may get away with Cuba and regain Ids partially lost pop ularity with our people. He contem plates a row with Old England with a similar view. If this last prove too great an undertaking, he wlil fall on Mexico, and go through that de voted country like a dose ol salts! Or If all these fell, then he will fall on to some of the South Ameiicaii end thrash them into subjection. In any event he Is deter mined to have a war of sufficient mag nitude to bring the leading lighting talent of the country to the front once more, and restore tl ascendancy of the military over the civil power of the country. And expwA to see the lesser Bourbon Journal, all over the country take up this new refrain, and fume, and sweat, and tear t!lr hair, in vain endeavor to get sen- alble people to belleve uch bakler- e. Phil. KkcrMwt Beporf. It would seem from Gen. Sheridan's recent report of the condition ot affairs in Louisiana, and especially with re lation to the part taken In tlie organi zation of the Legislative Assembly of that State by the military authorities tin-re. tiuu tlie whole truth had not been told, either by tlie telegrams or corres)oiideuce furnished the Eastern Journals. The charges of military usurpation and overriding the rights ot a Statu are shown hy this rebort to be utterly groundless. It is a plain provision of Constitutional law that the military sliall be subordinate to the civil authority ; and that the U. S. military forces in Louisiana kept with in the pale of this provision of the Constitution during tlie recent troubles In Louisiana is clearly and undeniably proven by Gen. SeridanV report. That this" provision of the Constitution was' violated in Louisiana, was, upon the Imperfect Information at first re ceived, assumed by every person and journal in the Union antagonistic to the present Administration 5 and the hope that Grant had at last . been guilty of an act that would entirely and completely wreck his administra tion and the party that placed him in power, added additional -inspiration" to the speeches from the rostrum and the columns of denunciation that came teeming from tlie press. But this re port clears a, way the charge of un warranted military Interference, and how conclusively that It only acted as requested by the proper -civil au thority. Gen. DeTrobriand used his troop not only at tlie Instance of the civil authorities, but at the request of tlie. Democratic portion of the Legisla tive Assembly. A resolution was passed by tltat body, asking tlie Gen eral to preserve the peace, ; and five Democrats were appointed as a com mittee to wait upon . him and make known the action of the Assembly. When Gen. DeTrobriand made his appearance in the House, he was greeted with loud applause from the Democratic side of the House. He then asked the Speaker (Wiltz). if he could not maintain order without ap pealing to the U. S. army officers, ami tlie Speaker declared hat he could not. The General then proceeded to the lobby, made a brief speech, and or!er was restored. Then, on motion ot Mr. Dupree (a Democrat), tlie Spea ker tlianked tlie General tor his prompt action In behalf of law and order, and the General withdrew. From - this simple narration of facts, so far at least, the assertion that the military had usurped antliority and overridden civil law is false and without a shadow of truth to relieve its brazen effrontery. But now the affair assumes another slutpe. and Gen. DeTrobriand is again called upon to exercise his authority. Tlie first call came from a Democratic minority, of the Legislature, acting witlsottt any authority of law, but de termined to force an illegal organiza tion. The second call -comes from fiftv-two regularly elected members ot tlie Legislature, whose certificates of election had been regularly made out by tlie Returning Board, who, under the sanction of tlie Governor of the State and the Secretary the legally authorized organizers of the Legisla ting asked the Interference of the military Xo secure a legal -and lawful organization of that body. The Gen eral, as in duty bound, did so inter fere, and the legally elected members, under a legally elected Governor, were thus enabled to complete an or ganization. Ami this waif simply an act of the military in subordination to legally constituted authority. Gen. Sheridan, upon wliom the fiercest invectives have been hurled by the Democratic press all over the coun try, was not in command of the mili tary forces of Louisiana at tlie time, but with the fearlessness that has al ways cliaracterized tlie man and sol dier he endorses the action of Gen. DeTrobriand. He says that the very.alr of New Orleaps Was filled with threats of murder and assassination, and that U.' S. troops were only used to pre vent violence and the shedding of blood. The city was actually in a state of revolution ; the Metropolitan police were powerless, and the State Militia would have disregarded the call of the Governor, and the Federal antliority was tlie only force that would be respected or prove effectual in averting a reign of terror and blood shed at that time. - And tins seems to have been precisely the view taken bv the Democratic side of the House when the motion was made, and car ried to call on the military authorities, When the military' interfered at the call of the Democracy, in tlse person of Gen. DeTrobriand, it was applauded and cheered by tlie" Democracy ; but when the military bull gored the Dem ocratic ox, a fearful bellowing is heard from one end of the continent to the other.'- - - ' ' . A recent telegram received from Gen. Slierklan says thai; more than twelve hundred murtlers have been committed in Louisiana; and he gives the number slain in each parish, show ing that lynching and assassinations have been of dally and almost hourly occurrence for years, and that tlie fiendish perpetrators yet go nnwhlp- ped of Justice. ; And when this long list ot assassinations and lynehhigs are ftlveri. with all the details of time and place, it may appear even to the most nrelndlced mind that there is an or- ranized banditti In the South that ought to be suppressed" an organiza tion Huuv if the civil power Is in- snfScient to suppress, must be put down by the military power of the Govern ment. - : Rev W. II. Wilbur, agent at Vaekima Reservation, has gone to Washington. . .". s The Coos County Record of the llth, comes to us printed on tinted paper. In tlie Tilton-Beecber trial at Brook lyn. Judge Morris, on thelitis at 11 :15 A. M., opened for the plaintiff. He continued hi argument through the day. At 11 A. M. ou the 12th, he resumed his argument. In tlie course of whkh he introduced a letter written by Beecher resigning tlie pastorate of Plymouth Church, not heretofore published. Following Is a copy of the letter of resignation: May 13th, 1S73. To the Trustees of Plymouth Church: I tender lierevvith my resignation of the sacred ministry of Plymouth Church. For two years l have stood with great sorrow among, in order to shield troui shame, a certain household, hut a recent publication makes this no longer possible. I resign my ministry. Henry Waiu Beecher. The reading ot the letter created a sensation, as it was Hew evidence. Morris conttnued, saying It was now too late for Beeclier to play the role of defendant of "Mrs. Tilton's honor. He read numerous extracts from let ters of Beeclier and otliers in tlie case. all .of which, he - claimed, showed Beeclier clearly to be a guilty man, and that he luid seduced a member of his church, and debanchet1 the wife of his bosom friend. He said the prosecution did not intend going out ot Court until Tiltou was vindicated. Morris was to conclude his speach on the following day. The unreconstructed, Old-fashioned Bourbon press just now are amazingly unanimous on one subject, and that is ou the proposition that the army ought to be reduced. They have suddenly discovered that It is a terrible sin and waste of the public funds to clothe and feed such an immense number of the "boys In blue." If through their in sane bowlings and great display of virtuous indignation at tlie enormous cost of keeping up such a fearful large army in a time of eace, they could succeed in reducing the standing army to a mere nothing, how happy and contented they would be. With no boys hi blue to molest or make them afraid, the White Leaguers and other troublous spirits in tlie South might goon without fear uf molestation and work out their own sweet will. Jackson and Josephine counties are at present attracting a large share of public attention. New machinery to be used in crushing quartz on the lode of BucWinan & Co., near tlie mouth of Applegate, was put In a few' days ago. More tlian one hundred tons of ore are on the dump, which it is calculated will yield fully $25 per ton. Some ot it tested in tlie mill, realized as high as $40 per ton. Says tlie Sentinel : Every day adds additional proof of the fart that the country around us is rilled with ledges of gold and silver-bearing quartz and more cinnabar than any otlier known locality of tlie same di mensions. Some ot; these ledges are known to be of . exceeding richi-e&s. On the id Inst., at Washington, the contract toefrry the mails between Kelton, Utah, and Dalles, Oregon, was let . to A. F. Bradbury, for the sum of $134,700 per annnm a saving of $90, 000 per annum over the price paH for the preceding four years. The contract was awarded to Wm. DeLacy, at $64,000, for carrying this mail at the regular mail letting last Spring, and DeLacy began service on the 1st of July last, and performed It until a short time since, when he failed. Capt. Henry, who it will be remem bered was sent out with a troop to drive the miners from the Black Hills a few weeks since, has been heatd from. On the 15th. Gen. Ord received a dispatch from Capt. Henry, who stated that his command had been driven into Cnmp Bobbins, Dec. ISth. with all the officers and men badly frozen. Tlie command found no trace of miners. Tlie thermometer was forty degrees below zero. One wagon was lost. A dispatch from Penang. receded in London on the 14th. says the DJtrch troops in Acheen have made a general assault on the works of the Aehliiee. carrying nine forts, with a loss pf 21 killed and 65 wounded. The A Chinese lost 271 killed and a . large number wounded. On tlie evening of the 16th, the Democratic Senatorial caucus of IndJ-t ana, nominated Joseph E. McDonald as candidate to represent Indiana in the U. S. Senate. McDonald beat llohnan eleven votes. In San Mateo, California, according to the , Tim, there are fifteen men whose aggregate wealth fbotsjipf250, 000,000, rWhoap-ee! . The New. York Democratic Lecisla tlve caucus, on the 16th. nominated Francis Klernan to succeed Feuton in tne uv u. senate. V A glycerine factor on an artificial island in North River. New York blew up on the 16th, killing four men : Gladstone has resigned the leader ship of tlie Liberal party, Brlstow has a fine, perception of journalistic usefulness. A nietnoer on the ways and means committee was recently suggesting to him the advisa bility -of sett hie government detectives to work up the facts in the illicit dis- triDntinn put the secret service on tlie track?" 'Secret service, h II," an swered the stalwart secretary. "If yon want the corrupt members fer reted out, go over to Newspaper row and give your, leading facts and sus picions to the1 correspondents. They win nave an yonr scalawags bunted uowii lnstue a weea." .- - - ! In England there are reports that Dr. Dollinger Inspired " Gladstone's pamphlet. The London .Telegraph denies this; but the popular belief is that Gladstone, together with Lord Acton, contemplate) tlie organization or au English Old Catholic party. Tlie ritualists would ultimately ad here to this party. T,he rumor gained credence from the faci that last week Gladstone sojourned with Lord Acton. The latter was educated at Munich, UtKicr Lr, ioijiiiger. South Mountain, an Idaho mining camp. Is now attracting a good deal ot attention. Tames L. Johnson has lust comple ted, at Santa Fe, the finest block in .New Mexico: . The prospectors flatter themselves that tliey have struck au El Dorado on Laramie river. Canvoti City. Colorado, did a driving holiday trade with tlie Utes, who came Into town Iy hundreds. During the past year the sum of $7s,900 was exiiended in new b Hid ings in Cheyenne. So says the Leilyer. A wholesale erocerv flitn in Santa Fe sold $t0.000 worth of goods during the last two weeks in Ileceinber. Joe Whl tie v has been found dead. south of Trinidad, southern Colorado. Murder or suicide not certain wliicii. The Denver iVetPssavs: The money onler business otthe' Colorsipo Springs liostofnee for the past year amounted to $31,549.12.- The Mountaineer thinks the pros pects for a long freeze up very flatter ing. A Silver City young man received a letter from his ladv love, in which she called him by the lucioiis epithet oi"Jiine treacoes." Tb Chevenne papers don't attempt to disguise the tact that a well known citizen died of too much whisky. His name was Hawkins. Slnce the prohibition measure was carried hi Colorada Springs.'; only two first class cases of delirmn tremens have been reported, - according to the Mtttntaineer. Dr. Hunt, of Cheyenne, will hence forth, we suppose, celebrate New Year's Evo as the anniversary of a fight in which he lost a finger, shot off bv one Frank Hunter. TheO. S. NVCo.l? steamer. Idaho is laid tip at the mouth ot Chenaneth Creek, and the Teaser at the moitfh of Three Mile Greek. Malcolm Moody, of the Dalles, while skating on the reservoir at that place. . hroke through the ice and narrowly escaped drowning. , The young ladies ofSilverCitv have inaugurated the custom of taking cake and other refreshments with them when they ' make an evening call on their lady friends. The stages of the Northwestern Stage Company leave the Da Ilea every otlier morning for Boise City, and way points, during the suspension of navirr gation upon the Upper Columbia. tt A dispatch from Nevada dated Friday, said that a terrific snow-storm was raging there, and extending a long distance east and west. The snow at Virginia City was three feet deep. Another snow blockade of the Central Paei tie is looked for. ' An Ottotva dispatch to the Colonist s;iy: "jitce! rails tor the Vancouver Island imrtiou of the Pacific railroad have been pureliased in England, and will be slnnneu bv the manufacturers next month to Esqulmalt, Nanalmo and Cowiclian." Au Indian chief who; exhibited great bravery hi resetting the- captain and crew of tlie bark Eyrin. wrecked off the west coast of Vancouver Island, has been presented with a i!ver med-il by the authorities at Victoria. Who said there was no good in Injuns? At the mines on Lightning creek. week before '"' lat. Van Winkle Co. washed tip 200 oz., and 245 oz. on Frldty, last week. Victoria Co. had 2.10 oz. and 240 oz. ou Friday. Van couver Co. 193 oz. latwcefc, and 2s0 oz. on Fridav.- Vtiltsm Co.. 65 oz. last week, and 45 oz. on Fridiy. Tlie wife of Roliert Cmnmings. living on the Wnllula road, just below the month of the lonelier, was stricken bynpoplexv. Tnesday of lnweek and remains with her whole Ictt side par- alavzed. Mr. Cnmuiing has alwars been a stout heart v woman, and is the mother .f seven children. The small amount of rainfall at Port Townsend is remarkable when compared with that of uearly nil other places on the Sound. According to the Argus the total fall from Jan. 1, to Dee. 31. 1S74, was only thirteen and three one-hundreth inches, anil there werel03 rainy days nut of the 365. The Salt Lake Tribune says: The insane man brought to the city from Provo the other day was not Brigham. although his name was Young. Brig bam is mad. but there, is method in his madness. ; The same insanity, however, in any other man won'ld have long since consigned him to the penitentiary instead , of an insane asylum." Mr. D. T. Parker, to whom has been awarded tlie mail contract on the trunk route between Cnrinne and He lena, is one of the member of the Northwest stage company, of which Mr. C. C. Huntly i the head. Tlie award, we understand, was made by Post-master-Oeneral Jewell, on the basis of $33,000 annual pay tor daily service. A son of J. N. Lawrence, of East Portland, met with a serious accident a few days since while handling a small pistol. He was nrvler the im pression tlwt it was not loaded, and carelessly let It drop to the floor, which caused It to discharge, the ball taking effect in his right band, break ing several bones. ; -' The following patents have recently been granted at Washington. D C: Alarm combination lock H. W. Dilg. Portland;. assignor to himself and William Zhnmermnn, same place; filed July 1. 1874; ' Hreps and bear ing for mifl spindle D. Martiew, Portland: filed Anfinist 15. 1S74. Smoke and gas consumers for engines David Mathew. Portland; filed Oct.; 10, 1874. - - The Htntetnnnn savss - The finest Ion of annexing Walla Walla valley to Oregon Is again lieing very generauy discussed and meets with much favor. In former times, the argument against annexation was mainly ffonflned to the fact that living under a State gov ernment was attended Dy a. ingner rate of fixation than in a Territory. This argument had its weight, but now after a trial ot from ten to twenty years, our people rind that It costs proportionately quite as miicn to run a Territory as 'a State, with the differ ence In favor of the latter and that tlie citizen ot a State lias many priv ileges accorded him that are denied tne resilient ot a Territory. On Saturday last at Portland, while Wllkie Dun i way and a couple of youthful companions were crossing the Willamette on the Ice. It suddenly gave wav under them and precipita ted tlie whole rjartv Into the water. Two of he bovs succeeded In getting tint without much difficulty, but every effort of Master ; Dttnlway seemed fruitless, as tlie edge of the ice gave under his weight, and benumlied and exnaustea he sank oeneatn tne nue, and would undoubtedly Imve been lost had it not been for aid which ar rived in the nick of time. A pole was iiHSsed to him hv the bystanders, anu taking hold of it with a firm grasp he was pulled out in a half frozen condition.. In conflagration, licked up $25,000 woi til ot property in Cheyenne In 1874. Joseph Easmar was found dead In his room at Victoria one morning last week. ; .;,.. Mr. John Brown.; while coming into Dallas from the country, liad one of his ears badly frozen. ' ThaPendleton Odd Fellows cleared $51.87 by tlie ball which they gave on Christmas. -. J. II. Bowman, former proprietor of the Idaho World, lias taken up his residence in Utah. ' Clevenger& Barlier have sold the Yankton Pre and Doknt.idn t Mr. Boweu. of Janesvllle, Wisconsin. Walla Walla papers of the 9th and Boise City of the 7th lust., all speak of intense cold. Tiiere are stock bnyers at Walla Walla who propose to pay -cash for what entile the cold snap leaves. ' On Monday morning of last week the wind was so severe at Seattle that small steamers could not leave that port. A disease similar to the epizootic, is going the rounds of the human family. It is prevalent in Salt Lake to a considerable extent. One hundred and sixty acres of land within two miles of the Walla Walla court house was recently sold at Sheriffs sale for $1 an acre. The Idaho Legislature has passed a resolution against taking up any more divorce Mils to the exclusion of other more iirsrtant business. Olympians have been visited by Jauk Frost as well as the rest of us. On last Thursday morning the mer cury got under zero two degrees. Samuel Greer has sued W. B.. Cam eron at Barkerville. Cariboo, to re cover $10,000 damages for seducing plaintiffs wife. Dr. Cook, an American gentleman visiting New Westminister, broke his leg on Front street, by falling over a defective sidewalk. A puplic meeting was held at the rapitol of Manitoba, on the 20th lilt.. the object of which was to have the Pacific Railway pass through tlie city. One hundred dollars was offered Saturday for any man to carry the mail to the-steamer, and return with the San Francisco mail, at Portland. This coltl weather is going to be hard on stock in polk county. There is but little preparation made for cold weather in the valley. Ir. Beckett, an old resident and County Treasurer elect, of Owyhee county, died on the 4th hist, at Silver City, of typhoid pneumonia. There is a fortune of 24.000 for W. II. A. McOnne. a locomotive en gineer on the Union Pacific Railroad. It w?is left by a deceased uncle iu Scotland. : Sheriff McCarthy and U. S. deputy marshal Miller, of Bismarck. Dakota, were drowned In the attempt to cross rhe Missouri river on the Ice on the 15th of last mouth. The Santiete valley rttifwiiv company have let contracts for nine miles of their road. This is over the worst grade, and the contract has been taken for 4.(M0 jK-r mile. Three railroads are now being built in Utah, and a fourth is being surveyed. More activity is mspiayeti there in railroad building thau in any other portion ot the union. The Aureola sailed Jan. I2lh for San Francisco, with some 1.000 tons of coal from the Seattle wines. The Loret Pevock sailed with 400 tons on the same voyage, Jan. Cth. The Seattle Coal Company met with some disaster Jan 12th. by tlie kss of is loaded cars wiiiie crossing Iake Washington. The gale capsized the scow, aiid cars and coal veiit iuto the lake. This from Polk: Some person on mischief bent undertook to set. tire to Mr. Cosper's smokehouse a few days isio. while he was absent for a short time. Fortunately lie returned sooner than was t oqiectcd. and discovered the fire before any damage was done. The Hev. Father Orth has removeo to Harney. For aliout a year .'past .lie has acted as missionary to the Indians ou tho Reservation. He learned their language hi about three months well enough to preach to them without an interpreter. The Colonist says: "Tlie Portland mail service is a delusion and a snore. Papers and letters are nearly always a week or a month behind time, and business men are talking of patroniz ing the express." In New Westminster, for tlie posi tion pf Mayor, there isa warm contest, the candidates being Wm. Clarfcson, Esq.. J. P.. and R. Dickinson. Eq.. retiring Mayor. It is bellteu tlie former will he elected. - The Victoria Cotovist of the Otli, says: 'The steamer Gem came dowu from Yale to Westminster ou Tuesday evening. The river was then clear of ice. Ou Wednesday night the ice be gan to form lu the river, and on Thurs day morning a sheet of ice cut theorem through. Lines were git out and she was liaulfd 'towards the beach where slie sank. At high tide the water Is over the guards. The Enterprise got np steam at 3 o'clock Thursday after noon n'id came to Ladner' landing, where she lay all night, and on yester day 'morning left for Victoria. Dur ing Thursday night the thermometer scored 20 oelow zero. Barnard's ex pressman (Bill Bristol) had to leave his canoe at Chilliwliack and came down over the wagon road." As the West Side train was going out Fourth street Portland, a sleigh filled with ladies came dowu at break ncck speed. As tliey appronelied tlie train the -driver, from some cause. concluded to pass in front of -It. 'He reiued the horses diagonally across the track. A the runner struck tlie rail it gave way, breaking the horses loose. The tlrirer clung to the lines, and was dragged over ihe dashboard. Meantime the train was thundering along, and had come within twenty yards Of the sleigh. The ladies, see ing their danger, sprang from tlie wreck, not a moment too soon, as tlie pilot ot the engine struck If, knocking it outside the track,- a worse wreck than ever. A eouple of men attempted to cross the river with their team near Weld- ler's sawmill Portland, last Saturday. Tliey liad gone some four hundred feet from the shore when the watch man at the mill espied them, and lie lost no time in warning them of tlie danger tlie v were in. A perfect panic seized them, and with undue haste thev turned tlieir horses' heads towards shore and drove like mad until their sleigh rested once more ou terra Anna. Upon examination yesterday morning it was found .that tlie horses hoofs had partially broken through in several places, and 'had they gone out fifty feet farther they would have struck a sheet of thin ice anu Deeit inevitably lost. i . Grand Duke Nicholas, s'.n of Grand Duke Constantino and nephew of the Emneror. lias been declared Insane. and'placed under tlie guardianship of his father. Mis insanity takes the form of a fondness for the society of handsome American women and diamonds, ... "Agin It." The new currency party, just organized at Indianapolis, proposes to go it ou the geuerai idea of an old Georgian of wliom General Robert Toombcs told the President last spring. During the hard times of 1S37, when money was scarce and the State Bank was at its wit's end, this astute financier of the rural districts came to Mtlledgevtlie and sought his representatives in tlie Legislature. "Mr. Toombs," says lie -we .must have more money. We're obleeged to have uiore money." "Well." says Tnniiih: in !- Itrllonlt Mt. hnW 111 .VIMIIV . 'J - " - J T tlie h are vou going to. get Hi") cui oi tne Dai i"Mj" """ financier. But," says Toombs struck by tlie earnestness of his con stitnent, "how is the State Bank go ing to get It? "Stamp It." "A'ton-p it," roared Toombs, "and how in tlie h is It going to redeem the money it stamps?"' A glow suffused tlie face of tlie financier. "Why. Mr. Toombs.' says he. "that'sjust wlmt I'm a-comin to. You see. Mr. Toombs, ' wjain redemption t Louisville Courier-Journal. .. , , . m .. A Singular prison romance lias just been disclosed in the Canadian Peni tentiary, at Kingston, where Elizabeth Jones has for six years been confined for tlie murder of Iter cousin, sentence having been pronounced ou her own confession. Her father was executed tor the same crime, notwithstanding tlie declaration of the girl that slie alone had committed the deed, ami that lie was not guilty indeed knew nothing of the murder. She has now admitted what has always been gen erally believed by the public, but by herself strenuously denied that tier father was the murderer, and tliat she bad accused : herself of his crime to shield him. and at his desire. She took uo part iu the crime, and was not aware of its commission till her father told her he had done it and implored her to save him a task .which she devoutly attempted autfieralsted iu after it was hopeless. An i English writer says In his advice to young married women, that their mother Eve married a gardener. It might be added tliat tlie gardener, iu consequence of his match, -lost bis situation. - - Olive Logan is mentioned by an Iowa paper as a . 'limp kangarOoess." We scarcely know what that is; but does this paper mean to iushiuute that Olive is on her last legs? FINANCE AND COUMERCL Gold in New York 112j. Legal tenders 89S90.. Wheat market dull in Europe. Oregon cargoes for promt shipment are quoted In Liverpool at 43s per quarter, in Cork, 44s. . ' Nothing from San Erancisco. The ice blockade still prevails at Portland. Several vessels are reported at As toria, awaiting the removal of the ice blockade to receive cargoes. Should the stormy weather prevail ing as we go to press, continue, we may look for a flood similar to 1860-61. New . To-Day. iGjrc COS17 I For ITinety Days WILL SELL MT ENTIRE SOCK OF Goods, tor the next JS1SETT DAYS, and no bnmbn. Call and convince your- sen. J. BLOOM, Cor. First and Wash! jrton st., Albany, Oregon. tS2" Cash paid lor Hides. Fan and EEi Horn. mf'7 - Albany, Rovemwr 6, , . PLEASE CSB" WHAT U O, to DR. GEO. W.GRAY, Deo. 11, 74-3tn SOOV; Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, For ntaease - of the Tsuaut JLnnsx. nueh aa CsMtarks, lln, - Whooping oa-rti, HrnscbHai AtUuDita sinl VoBsnmpU a. The few conrrjo vitions - wblch have won tht-oon-fl-lenra of man kind and become household words. anions not only one bat many na- uonto, muai nave extraordinary ir tnes. Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a reputa tion, or maintain ed it so lonz as AVM CHERRY Pm tokai It has lit-en known to the nub. lio for about forty, years, by a km con tinued series of marvellous cures, tliat have won for it a eonnde-ice in Its n trtuex, never eonal led hy any other medicine. It still makes the most effectual enres of Coupe, Ciin. (JrnrvmplHm, that tan be made bv medical skill. Indeed IIwCrerrt PhctohaXj baa really roibod these danger ous diseases of tlieir terrors, to a ureal ex tent, and given a lecHn-r or immunity from their fatal effects, tliat is well founded, If tlie -remedy be taken in season. JCvei-v family should have it in their closet for the- reariv and n- omnt reiiel of Its meni- btfrst Sickness sutferin-c, and even life Is saved ly tilts timely protection. The pru dent should not no -fleet it, nnd the wise will not. Keep it by yon for the protection It affords by its tfmely nse in sudden at tnclCS - fKEPARKD BV 1st. J. C. AYEH "Uoweil. Maisk, Pmctlval and Analytical Chemists. KSTSol'i by all Druggists and Dealears ID iHWUIinv. - : . 6V7y Ayer'a Hair Vizor. For JUestoM-f njr, Vrajr Hair ty ! Nat- lu-ni lumji i M r. . Aavaneino; years, sickness, care, disap pointment and hereditary pre disposition, all turn the hair array, and ett her -s i i iiem incline It to shed pie ? maturely. X AYER'S HAIR i"i, iilTT . nnrl ntMMlva . iS5t!?' : tse, has proven it . L'-WAatLAl that it stops the hair - IlumjiliA-niv : ortAn miiAWft t m frrowlh, and always surely restores Its eoior, when te le I or rray. It stimulates tne nutritive orant to healty activity, and nreserves lioth tlie hnlranrl Its hctantv. Thus brnahy, weak or sk-kly hair becomes K lossy, p:ta(le and strengthened; lost hair rear rows with lively expressions fallinu nairiscnocketl and stab.ished; thin balr thickens ; and fa-led or gray hair resume t heir original color. Itsotwratlon is sure niui narmies. it cures uanitrunr, neais an hnmors. and keens the sraln cool, clean and soft under which conditions, diseases of the sealn are Impomlble. -Aa dressing- for ladies1 hair, the Vioom Is praised for its -rrateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for Ihe soft lustre ana richness or tone it imparts - PHKPARRU BY Br. JT. C AYCB 4-Ow Iwell, Haai Pranttm.1 and Analvtlnal Chemlsta. Kir-Sold hv all Drum? ists and Heater in I juxncine. . .. uffi'' ! l'Va f A CAR1-.$1,00 REWARD THE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE IVT . . e" " snv one proving; that the sales the 8IN,hft do not exceed all othera by 1 nOUSandS Unon thMwnfla VKIIa m "hj other jld mm-snh' sales in 1S7S deerrae- u. im wsiihR mcreased wonderfully. IS'diSM't"' where It always U '.. TITTS BROTHER. Albany, Or., Sept. SJ, 1874. ftbWiiitr SaaeUlne Hales or J7Z. The table ot Sewinjr Machine Sales for 1873 shows that our sales last year am ounted to .1.a 444 (two hundred and thirty two tlion-nd, four hundred and orty-foor) fMachhies, be-lns a lurxe In crense over the sales of the previous year (1S7-A1 - . ' The table also shovs that onr sales Ex eel Ibs-worsB-r other ' fHinjr, lor the period named, by Ihe nnrolx-r of 1 IS. StS4 Hsrhlnni, or nearly double those of any other Company. - It mav be further stated that the sales of 1373, a com-wred with those of 1873, show a relatively laiver Increase, be rmd the sales of other makers, than ot may other year. . - : For Instance in 1879 "we sold 4,000 more Machines than any or her Company, where as hi 1S73. t he salus were 113,3M MaelitMea In Eareaa t atar Ulft-beas rmanetltor. These figures are all the more rtmarfc able, for the t eaon that, the sales of the principal Companies In 1873 are least tba tlM-ir win In ltT2 whereas, as has Iwen shown, ear easea Imve tarn-ely iarttssi l. - The account of sokn Is fioin xirorn rium made io the owners of tlieScwln-f Machine Patents. - - - ... 1 . Tt. will hsriilv ra- rli-nfid. flint the nrwr- ortty of the SlNtiER MACHINES is fnlly deuionst rated at all events that tlieir popularity in the household is mqow tionable. Increase Name of ICO. Sold. -. " or Machines. 1S72 IH75 Uecresse Slnirer Mfte Co.....S19.7-8-83e,444 In. K,V Secor S. Hi. Co SI I ,4;w a,i W. & W. MfarCo...l7I.W 119.HKI Pe.M.80 lioinestJcS.M.Co.. 41.S.M 4a.ll " 9.440 firover ABukerCo. ft2,0I M.17 ,! Weed 8. M. Co 4i,444 8l.7ri IO.K71 Wilson S. M. Co ... 23,6611 21,247 " 1,419 How MucMne C.. mo retnrns.l Wilcox A4llnsCo. 22,3 liBl H.TSa American B. II t o. 18,!( 14.1t2 " ,74S Florences. M. Cn..' 1S.7U3 8,900 S THE SnCGER MANUFACTURING CO, 34 Union Square, Xew York. TITUS BROTHERS, Atfreata, Albany, Crceen. apr!174 TITIS KROTHERS, ' j DEAUSB H . J Watc&os.-CIacts, J E W ELRY, Silver & Plated Ware. ' .' " and- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. AXtrACTlBED AXIl APJUSTEli . espociaJi y lor tiw i-aciuc voat uy uia NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elfin, Illinois, via : paelRc, " caiuernia anu San Francisco WATTH, kml we most ennfldently r.c ommemff t hem te the pulic, us pnssnMSitk; sore irootl qnalities for t lie price than any other Watch in the market. We also Rsvp all ot her brands of Ebzln. Waltham and Swiss Watches. Clocks. Jew elry, SUverand Plated Warer Pistols and Ctertri4Sg-.es. ' Reps-frlngc a Stsrciaffy. j-fa Z3TJL.lt Wov-li Dense smd ctoesBi Kwft, War raj.se 41 to be n Kpreseatssl. J. . Trrvs. j. B. titcs TITUS BROTOER8, ' AT JOHN GAKTIOlS OI.D STAHTI, ' '' First street ; ALBANY, OREOOS t ANOTHER Opportunity, TO INVEST A FEW POLLARS WITH POSSIBLE RETURNS OK THOUSANDS IS OFFEUEU BY THK POSTIONEMKNT OK FUBLIU LIBHAU Y OF KY., TO THK 8th AND LAST CONCERT ANI IRAW- INO. THK MANAtiEMKNT ARE FLEH liEII Tt THK RKTI1IIN 1HK WtONKT IF THE PHAWINf SHUJ NOT COM4 OFF AT THK DAY NOW APPOINTED. sm UrsMHl Cash lft.. Oho Ursnd f-ash iin.. Oaie Ursuitl asl 4rt.. One Uraad 4Kh iirt.. sane.ooo , IMAM ..... 7S.O4 IKI (MW One urMd cttsn wirt a owe srs.h4-irts.Sxo Ooom too eoo ie4'ali 4-fts, e4,Aoa.40,ewO- lai'aatiVlita, It. ooom iw i ttOCnott fcill.o, SOOes lOO.sss S5'aah 4iifta, no 4'mh 4JI 1 1, BOCWafeiMHtat lOeCaalifMna, . 940'ah44li'ia, BosrtwiivirM, J,400 t-aata jUla, m wtMresi isp-vTO s soomi eeoe somm i4.eo l.eooe loo.tHM seoea ia ooo loaea Bo, o Oscs sswjSMsa Whale Ticketa Vo. Halves mVZZ. II WbelsTlehcIs sar. g SSX Tien." n .-..Mm-ww- F0r tickets and information, - Address, TIM. E. BRAStrm!, Afren 4UMl j-Uusairer. Louisville, Ky. - Ww4 etlee to Creditors. of L-tnn county, in o'aie 'i wrerton. term thereof. 187, tlie undersigned was duly appointed vimlnlstrator of the estate above named ; therefore U persons havlnar claims asalnst said estate are requested to present them, with the proper vouchers to ins utitTreTn, iiw rr-wmence in ah latny. OreKon, within six months from the .i.t. hAmof. - WALTER M. ICETCmTM, Albany. Jan. 8. 187a.nl8 Adm'r. ' FOR :. ... Dlank r.lortgageaf Latest and Improved stylos. Call at the Beglst?r l3fc. Ft THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF aige lAtatt, deceased Notice is hereby a-tven that, by oraeroi tne i onniy v.oun a 0 C5 s CO :0s ".S3 g If Q -. -v . 4r - t 3 CO C5 o GO -s 3J -s a ars GO 0 3 0d Cs u o ;'' sr Q S3' OO s 3 oo S-a GO CO (D .S' "35 a EH . . -- 0 to cs -ex CO o isw4 CsO. CO n ' . u O: