The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 22, 1875, Image 2

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    mumn btveet fktdat bt
ROMANCE of a chorus-singer.
It is stated that a former valet of the
Ringing inthe chorus of the Italian
opera tronpe in New York. His name
is Antonio v ennsoo. Me is an Italian,
and belonged to the4 Society of Carbon
ari. He left Italy and wen to Paris to
seek his fortune. ; " Drifting , with ! the
tide he finally lodged vin the imperial
household and became the valet of the
young Prinoe. He -watched the boy at
play, kept in sight of him in his walks,'
and slept at his door in the palace..
"Napoleon, III. often'' questioned aim
beat Italy. , One day Yenusoof return
ing from a walk with the Prince, was
met at the gate of the Tnileries by a
beggar. The mendicant was one of the
Carbonari, and made a sign which
Yenusco would , not . recognize. The
beggar told him that all the Carbonari
knew where he was, and suspected him
as a traitor to the order. His death
was resolved upon if he did not enter
into a plot that was almost hatched. It
was to assassinate the Emperor. Ye
nusoo was horrified at the part he was
expected to play in the bloody drama,
but he could not help himself, and
agreed to the terms. Then the beggar
left him to return to the palace, and go
on with, ins Unties as usual. The lat
ter stipulation was an important part of
the plot,- and it troubled Venasoo; who
did not wish to play the traitor to his
imperial patron.' The Emperor dis
covered ' that there was something the
matter with ' the . Prince's attendant,
questioned him, and Yennsco unfolded
the whole plot,' ; reserving only the
names.' The Oroini'conspiraey failed,
Yenusco was, by some of his . accom
plices, implicated in this plot, and was
of course thrown into prison.! He knew
it could not be the Emperor who had
thus repaid him for his loyalty. One
sight the door of his ' cell' was opened.
A masked man entered, blindfolded,
and bade him follow. , He went on a
journey in a carriage and on a railway.
He traveled for hours in darkness. At
length he found himself on the water,
as he knew by the roll of the vessel, and
was. told to remove the bandage from
his eyes. He was in' the" cabin alone.
The steward came , and handed him a
package. Opening it, he found it con
tained five thousand francs in gold. He
knew that this was the Emperor who
had repaid him for his loyalty. He was
in England before night, out of the
Teach of the Carbonari and the police
authorities of France. ' ' '
Hjbbm is a question in ethics which
somebody will please arise and answer.
CaptCautneld was appointed tiger-slayer
to the, Madras government. He hap
pened to be staying with a clergyman
in Coimbatoire, at the foot of the Neil
gherry Hills, at a time when, a man-eating
tiger was: ravaging ' the neighbor
hood and reducing the population of
the Presidency ' by two .daily. At the
head of a larjre body" of hunters the
tiger-slayer started out lb pursuit of the
dreadful monster. ' .Coming to dt village
near sunset they saw a strange picture.'
The women and children of . the village
were wailing,' and clamoring, while in
the shadow of the jungle an enormous
tigress could be dimly discerned devour
ing a ' poor herdsman whom he . had
just slain. , As the, hunters approached
her the animal fled into the jungle,
leaving them uncertain whether to pur
sue her in the darkness. Capt. Caul
field decided not te do so. He preferred
a surer and safer way of dispatching the
animal. Saturating the mangled body
of the dead herdsman with; poison, the
party retreated, aid next morning found
the tigress dead , and the herdsman
-vanished. ; The clergyman reproved the
tiger-slayer for using a human ", body
as bait for' , an animal,! and many will
agree ' with, him.;'-: The,, poor ! natives
thanked him -vociferously for saving
their lives,' even at the expense ef their
dead companion' integrity of corpus.
By reversing the situations of clergy
men and 'natives, .It"is barely, possible
that the foron , wouhl .have been less
squeamish a ( to the rmainner of "his
preservation than tie poor wretctes of
darker hue.', , It is' matter of taste,
iowever. .-: .. &--U ' ,
... i '-:
It would have - beea unfortunate for
the Empress of Busaia had she left hei;
pockeibook at ;home , when - she paid
-visit to her daughter at that interesting
period when maternal encouragement
is indiapensaole. It appears that Queen
Yictoria secluded herself at Balmoral as
soon as the Empress of Russia arrived at
BuckiDgham,Palace.i(Italled there, the
visiting Empress was : compelled to pay
ner way just as if she were boarding at
a hotel. " It might ' be'ged ttj he
Duke of Edinburgh should nave, entew j
tainedhis imperial moth er-inaW lrut
those who know hint best ! declare" that
extravagance jia not jtus , failing, and the
support of a mother-in-law is a luxury 1
he coold not afford. Hence the, lady
was compelled to; satisfy" her J butcher i
and baker, and candlestick-maker from i
her own purse. This may be court etU
quetfe; but the ' hospitable American 1
cannot "help thinking it somewhat pe
culiar. ...
I. I, lv --
Hn went out between the acts and re
turned vigorously chewing a clove." His
wife asked hM where he had beeni and
he said " to see a friend.' ,She calmly
replied that she thought his friend must
be dead, as shq feuld smell his'blerL' V
The man who has not anything to
boast -of but hialllnstrioua ancestors 4s
like a potato plant the only good "be
Jonging to him is under ground.
In the north of Eurone there is a
large tract aoou&try"eryj thinly tnhab
ited by Swedes, Norwegians, inland.
era ana ,Juaps, , its coast , is indented
with fiords of great teauty, the sea be
ing of great depth, and windingltsway
.inland, often in the midst of stupendous
scenery. These fiords were due out of the
the solid rock by glaciers on their way
toward the sea. The sreoloerical feat-
with the great and constant changes
that 1 have t taken place,' 'or. are taking
place. ' The rocks - are' granite, gneiss
and mica schist. . As one studies, the
coast line the eyes, rest continually on
ov ui terraces one over, tne outer,
perfect in shape,, almost jall situated at
me entrances ol valleys,,,, .These ter
races show, distinctly, by their rounded
ipies the rising of the land above the
water, this .slow, and almost impercepti
ble rising, stjjl taking place in our time.
This country was once under the influ
ence of a much milder, climate, as genial
as that of England now. We must con
clude, from inferences that the icy pe
riod . is again making its atroearanoe.
and that the impenetrable belt of , ice
which seems to bar the way to the north
pole, . and which , our distinguished
friend, Dr. . Hayes, has partly ex
plored,' T was onoe anpensea. In the
interior ; of . the country inhabited by
Laps, one meets everywhere positive
proofs of the rising of the land. Shells
are found- several hundred feet above
the present 'level of the lakes ; moun
tains have been polished as smooth as
glass by the action' of the ice';' bowlders
of all sizes have been scattered over the
land by the glaciers. Advancing gla
ciers are demolishing to this day, and
breaking the granite hills which oppose
their i march,' while the . retiring ones
leave behind them : bowlders, - sand,
graveL etc', etc. : ! ' "
"There are sea Iiaps, forest and river
jiaps, and nomadic laps. I can
now only speak of, the nomadic Laps.
The ' whole population of . Lapland
amounts to about 30,000, the nomadic
Laplanders numbering about 25,000,
and possessing about ' 500,000 reindeer.
Their herds vary from fifty to five
thousand. " There have been Lapland
era possessing even ten thousand rein
deer. A ,man possessing from five
hundred to a thousand reindeer is con
sidered rich. , Those who possess only
fifty to one hundred , are poor. The
reindeer 4? everything to the Laplander,
With, its skin, he makes his clothing,
shoes, j gloves ; with j its sinews ' his
thread, -. He feeds on its flesh, and the
animal , is his beast of burden. ' ' The
value of ; ; the reindeer, varies according
to , the i country.. Driving reindeer;
broken S , to - the ' harness, are not very
plentiful, ' and cost - from $10 to $15
each ; a . common one from $4 to i
The most intelligent Tiaps are the
Swedish and Norwegian, compulsory
education having reached that distant
region.' They all know how to read.
Every one is or must be confirmed, this
ceremony being part of the Lutheran
creed : hence all ' must be able to read
the Bible and know their catechism,
Churches- are scattered here and there
in the desolate regions, and the church.
going Laps come into them on Sundays
from every side. Paul du Chaillu.
Robert Bonner owns $250,000 worth
of equine property ; spends five or six
hours out of every twenty-four in his
stables or ,on the road. He loves
horses, thicks horses, talks horses,
Nevertheless, if . he wants to drive to a
neighbor's house, or io. a -distant part
of . the city in the evening,' he always
hires a carriage from a lrverv stable.
Dexter and the other noble steeds' are
altogether too fine for ordinary employ
ment. Bonner's bill at livery is said to
be some $1,500 a year, while the inter
est on. the value -of his horses at the
legal rate is $17,500 per annum. He
paid $25,000 for. Dexter, and he is pro
nounced profoundly . foolish therefor.
He could have sold him again for
$50,000, although ' he L; would not take
$100,000. It is one of his idiosyncracies
that he never sells anything. - He is
only a buyer. Of all the real estate he
has purchased he has never disposed of
a single foot.,-He keepe whatever he
gets, and "gets more. ! . It is said he has
made, up hs mind, , to own ' Goldsmith ,
Maid ; aact , doubtless he will do so if
the mare can be had for money. : : Bon
ner can 'afford to , be extravagant. His
entire property to-day cannot be worth
less than $5,000,000 ; and yet it is only
a few years ' since that he was a toiling
printer,' delighted to earn $30 a week.
New JTork Letter: u"
1 tbe james; an j xouhqeh , rois.
-, A St. Louis. letter says : It is an
assured fact that' a new feature in legis
lation will be attempted , when 'tho Mis
souri Assembly meets this winter,' in the
shape of an amnesty bill in behalf of
the i James .'a.Tounge? boya. The; bill
will be brought, before the Legislature
early in the session,'' and "will undoubt
edly Receive, a' support t least .'numeri
cally respectable -By way of argument.;
for the measure it is claimed that if the
inenbi of outlawry is' lift' from these
men, and they are allowed to return home
and go to work,, all the lawlessness now:
being ' enacted in 'I the State in their
name.wf9'reesi' bediuse ' Jtf jwill lack
thcloak which , iS now enjoys J that if
these men once come home and identify
themselves with" a community, ind snould
enagein facts' pf crime, Jjhey could then
be more easily detected i and punished".
Whether it be withha the constitutional
power of the Legialature tq pass such a
law of course is quite d problematical
question; .but'the, proposition ''inter
esting from its novelty and from the im-
portant mission which it offers to accom-.
plish in ridding MissdiiriHf 'its famous
rough-riders, free-booters, and murder
ers." -
A .pleasing writer in Cincinnati pa-
pftj-lteifpnjttie ,ever4nteresting
themeof Ihe derivation and meaning of
names foi girls and women. Bridget is
a name which is fast becoming obsolete
beyond the region of the " kitchen cab
inet. " Yet, this writerreminds us all,
flfecalJipjas, olIrelaadridgeU
was the Ersa Goddess of Song and yet J
later tne pupil of St. i'atncK, ana one
oi.tha patran lainta of IrelandOlane-
ing at the lore of ? tnat ancient isle in
the days when the foot of the Saxon in
vader had not yet trampled upon her
shores, we find that Erin is tne Father
land pf the Fairies, and Martha was the
Lnsh Queen, who led the ancestors of
the , Culprit ,Eay,". in merry dances
under the light . of the. moon, .over the
green grass and the. yellow buttercups
and the innocent, hearts of the daisies.
Hannah is a , homely, name, but from it
is derived the goodly progeny of .Anna,
Nancy, ..Nan, " Annette, Aniti, Antoin
ette and Nina all signifying " grace."
Jane, - together with John, signify
" grace of the Lord," and from J ane we
derive Jennv. Juana and Janet, and
also that sweet Scotch name, Jessie.
Miriam, is sweeter in sound, tnan in
significance,' as it means, "bitter," or
as some writers have it "myrrh o the
sea."' Isabel,' Beatrice, Blanche and
Constance are provincial names, brought
into favor by the songs of tne trouba
dours, ' while ' Bertha, Ethel, Mildred,
Edith,: and Ermangarde' are of German
Origin, and English literature identifies
Henry, Hugh, Gilbert and Robert with
the Norman era. ; Some names are as
sad as others are comical in their sig
nification. ' For instance, una signifies
" alone ;" Tobias, " child of tears;'
and Benoni, ' son' of my sorrow,'
while Portia recommenda itself to all
dealers in Bwine who have a daughter
to name, as it ' signifies " of the pigs,
Ruth, in the Hebrew tongue, signifies
" beauty, and we may thereby reason
ably conclude that the heroine in the
Scriptures, who,1 by devotion to her
mother-in-law, secured a second hus
band, was fair to look upon. Agnes
sismifies M pure." and from a character
of that' name in the Romish Church we
derive Keats' beautiful legend of St
Agnes eve. while all lovers of Dickens
will associate the name with that Agnes
Wickfield, upon whose shoulders poor,
weak, - incompetent little Dora leaned
her . weary. ; - head and died. Modern
nomenclature nas given us no more
pleasing names than those old-fashioned
gemsef the fireside, such as Mary, Lucy,
Amy. Ida, Alice and Anne." Harriet
signifies ''heme ruler," while Saxon
Maud, which we associate with some
dainty maiden who might tremble at' a
mouse, and faint if brought into too in
timate contact with a spider, in reality
means "strength," and from. it is de
rived Matilda, or " battle : maid
Evaneeiine sicmifies " brineiner glad
ness," bu all ' who have read Longfel
low's poem of the Acadian maiden will
remember the name in his latest " Sum
mer of AH Saints," only to associate it
with sad, sad eyes, and a weary quest,
ending in tears and death."
, The editor of the St. Louis Republi
can notes the resumption of the ancient
and annual quarrel between the papers
of Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville
as to the, relative beauty of : their
women. , Lamenting upon the fact that
the controversy has taken the form of
raillery on the part of each participant
at the nn comeliness of the gentler sex
of the other ' two cities, he continues :
"We rejoice that St. Louis has been
spared participation in this unseemly
joust. " We should have been. unequal
to the emergency if we had been drawn
into the lists ; for there is no journalist
in our midst capable of such rudeness
as railling at the defects of alady or any
number of .ladies, whether those defects
be in the nature of the facial ugliness
proverbial of .Chicago, the awkward
ness of gait peculiar to Cincinnati, or the
shocking bad taste in dress and general
style traditional '-of Louisville. Least
of all could any St. Louis journalist so
depress his intellectual range as to dis
cuss the sizeor shapeliness of the feet
of the ladies of a neighboring city."
a ursa t german p ublishing
. house. ' !
A. cable dispatch announces the death
of the ' celebrated publisher, Henry
Brockhaus, of Leipsio, Germany. . The
publishing establishment over which he
presided during his life has by its Varied
facilities for conducting the many
branches of " book-making and the
energy and 'foresight exercised in its
difficult management,' come into world
wide repuation, it being, without doubt,
the greatest establishment ' of its kind
that has ever existed. It was estab
shed in 1805 by the father of . the late
rjossessor,' and is no left in the hands
of two sons, solid , men and capable of
carrying rJ forward - the work inherited
from their father. v ; The proportions of
the establishment' are immense, and a
thousand men are , employed. Every
thing, that a pubUshex needs, with the
exception of paper ,and the heaviest ma
chisery4 is made in the one great build
ing and under the: personal inspection
fo the men most interested in their' use.
4;Jfw Bkotobd clergyman amazed
his congregation last Sunday . by sud
denly Jleaving his pulpit, ticotting down
the aisle, and striding off toward home.
.The. choir sang, and then .there was an
awkward, fidgefty waiting.; Soon the
pastor shot into' the churoti agaia, sop
ping perspiration !from 1 his' forehead
with his handkerchief, and ' read his
sermon withoutexplanatidn. 4 ' ;
, f AjfBTi, bytithe viamej.of - Stephen
Pearl Andrews finds about 35 sounds in.
each ot the 2,000 dialects," more or
less, which make up the talk of the hu
man family.
Reverend Brooke Lambert in a letter
to the London Times, says i v
The registers s of the parish of Tarn-
worth contains some k interesting par
ticulars as to local usage. The registers
date back from the reign of Philip and
Mary, 1556. The ..first ,tiUe given in
th'enVnio a" clergyman' is the old title
Bit;" with, .which Shakespeare has
made us familiar. In May, 1567, we
have an entry "Sir Peter Stringar,
curater The "clergyman who succeeded
him ia called Sir Richard Walker,"
but there are other cotemporaneous en
tries, such as "sacerdee," "rclericus,"
' preacher," 'and "verbi minisier."
These latter seem to have obtained till,
in King James' reign, we havo the pre
fix "master," which, as we know, was
applied to ' the great divine, Master
Hooker, and this practice seems by our
registers to have been continued through
the Commonwealth, though " Minister
of the Gospel " is sometimes added,
t We have, however, in 1657, the first
use of the word " reverend," evidently
in this case as a special mark of re
spect, not as a formal title. On "11
June, , 1657, was buried our Reverend
Pastor Master Thomas Blake, Minister
of Tamwortb.". In .1633 we have a
a clergyman, by .name Samuel Collins.
1 had noticed with curiosity an erasure
before his name in each of the causali
ties, baptism or funeral, recorded in our
register., , , . , . ! '
, . In 1701 1 was lucky enough to find an
erased entry, and it appears that the
obnoxious word was the title " Revd."
(so written) prefixed to his Mr. How
ever, be seems not to have been able to
hold this title. One of his children,
baptized in 1706, is baptized as the
child of plain Samuel Collin f, minister ;
and when he died, in ,1706, he was
buried without the title " reverend "
as Mr. (i. e,. Master) Samuel Collins,
Minister of Tarn worth. Henceforward
the same address is used till November,
1727, when 'we have ' the baptism of
Annie, daughter of "ye1 Reverend
Robert Wilson, Minister of Tarn worth,"
and after that date the prefix "rever
end" never seems to have been
omitted. ''
I am thankful, for the honor of my
parish, to say that it was not withheld
even in a case which reminds one of
the matter discussed at -the Camborne
Conference. It fell to the lot of one of
my predecessors to bury a Nonconform
ist. The entry of the burial is as fol
lows, 1836-37 : ".10 March, buried ye
Reverend Thomas Worthington, a' non
juror, of Tamworth." In this he only
followed ' the example of an earlier
vicar, who, when ; " Thomas Flavell,
Presbyterian teacher of Tamworth,"
died, allowed him the prefix of Mr.
(Master), a prefix used with great
parsimony in those days.
. At present the chief exports are cod
fish, salmon, and wool. While the cul
tivation of these industries does not
create any large degree of individual
wealth, they are productive of general
competency. I found the necessaries
of life possessed everywhere in abun
dance; luxuries were not uncommon, and
the ' people were happy and content.
The school system is most admirable,
and the Icelanders show a remarkable
greed for learning. In the humblest
peasant' hut' you always find books.
Some of our English classics are trans
lated and published in Reykjavik, and
are greatly in demand. The bookstore
was crowded when I visited it. Crime
is almost unknown, the common jail not
having ' had an 'occupant, except the
jailer and his family, these twenty years
past i hot indeed until this last summer,
when the king's staff used it as head
quarters. ' Reykjavik contains about
17,000 inhabitants, and is mainly com
posed of comfortable frame houses,
roofed with slate, and surrounded by
little gardens in . which are cultivated
potatoes, cabbage and other common
garden vegetables. None of the cereals,
not even barley and oats, will ripen,
though it is said they were grown there
in former, times. . Tn.e fruits mentioned
in the ancient Sagas have wholly disap
peared, if we exoept the low-stunted
birch, and . willow . bushes, which, how
ever, are not found near the coast. The
timber needed, even for the small farm
houses of the interior, is brought from
Norway. .! Yet the bush supplies a suffi
ciency of fuel in - those places, while
near the ooast, as at Reykjavik, peat
alone, 'of which there are exhaustless
beds, is the only fuel; except occasional
supplies of English coal. ; The present
aspect of the island is ' that of a forest
less girdle of green, inclosing a volcan
ic desert,' and inhabited . by about 70,
000 people. This girdle is in places
but a few miles .wide, but in others it
extends for : a considerable . distance up
the valleys, such as those, for instance,
through which flow the Heita (white)
and Thorso rivers. In the valley of the
former are' found the geysers, , long
famed as the most remarkable spouting
springs known in the world, until Prof.
Hayden's recent discoveries in the Yel
lowstone1 region.--.Dn Hayes. '
,j; . : A,t RESER VED , SEA T. ....
The advantage,, that a married man
has, over.'., a . bachelor, is illustrated by
this little story. which, the Newport (R.
L) ew tells i j)," A married lady went
to the Opera-House last Thursday even
ing, as soon, aa the dopra were opened,
and took with her ; an old , hat of her
husband. , . Selecting two of the best
seats , in ;. the bouse; she put herself in
one. of . them and , the hat in the other,
and waited for her husband. Of course
everybody thought,1 that the seat had
been regularly' taken and vacated for a
moment,,, s v they: let it; and the hat
alone,. About 8 o'clock the fortunate
husband of the patient and' enterpris
ing wife came in and took the seat that
had been kept for him."
The Topeka (Kan.) correspondent of
the New York Tribune writes : "Bone
picking," as we term it out here on the
selvage of civilization, is a regular in
dustrial pursuit, involving the collec
tion, assortment and sale of the skele
tons of defunct buffaloes. These skele
tons are plentifully ' scattered over the
uncultivated western art a of Kansas,
and parties of half a dozen or more,
with wagons, go in search of them and
bring them ia to the railroad stations
for shipment East. These skeleton
searching parties are called " outfits,"
and henoe the phrase " bone-picking
outfit." The extent , of this singular
pursuit is really surprising There are
hundreds of men engaged in it, and all
the border railroad towns have bone
middlemen who make a business of
buying and shipping the gatherings of
the "pickers." You would hardly be
lieve it, but the books of the Atchison,
Topeka and Santa Pe railroad show it
to be a stubborn fact, , that ton to i
twenty tons of buffala bones are ship
ped over that line alone every day. The
bones are worth, delivered at the rail
way station, . an average of $5 a ton.
The bulk of them is sold for fertilizing
purposes in the soil-enfeebled districts c f
the Eastern and Middle States, Phila
delphia being the principal point of
consignment. Certain portions of. the
buffalo skeleton, however, are adapted
to nobler uses than the invigoration of
worn-out earth, and are sold at a hand
some price to the manufacturers of but
tons, combs, and knife-handles. At al
most every frontier railroad 'depot one
can see great piles of these queer re
mains of the bounding bison awaiting
shipment; and the variations of the
value of bones are of more interest to
the people than the fluctuations of the
grain markets. In assorting for market,
strange discoveries are sometimes made.
It is no uncommon thing, for instance,
to find Indian skulls, legs and arms ;
and in some cases the skulls and verte
bras of women and children have been
picked up. These latter are usually
tossed aside in a rude sort of reverence
for the helpless and innocent ; but no
such respect is paid to the bones of the
Indian. An T"'t" skull is said to be
worth a dollar and a quarter for combs,
and the Indian thigh makes knife-
1 -11 - AT i 1 X T 1 1 Ji ti
nantues ulluu are ueuutuui uj ueuuiu.
The Commissioner of Customs, in his
report to the Seoretary of the Treasury,
presents some figures regarding the
amount of goods brought into this
country by tourists without payment of
duty. The Commissioner says : "It is
estimated the American tourists return
ing from Europe during the year ending
June 30, 1873, numbered 36,830, and
each person brought on an average seven
trunks filled with dutiable goods, claim
ed to be persona), baggage, not dutiable.
We have thus an average of 257,810
trunks filled with articles claimed as
duty free, representing, on a valuation
of $500 on each trunk, - the enormous
sum of $128,905,000." Much of this
merchandise, it is further said, is in re
ality intended to be put upon the market
as merchandise, and still other portions
of it are brought over for third parties,
who have remained at home. This abuse
the mildest wod which can be used
with reference to it has sprung up, it
would appear from the report, both
from a defect of the law and from a
axity on the part of the customs officers.
The Commissioner suggests that many
of the difficulties with respect to pas
sengers' baggage might be avoided by
the passage of a law limiting the value to
be brought in by any one person to a
specified sum.
a England
Gypsies first appeared
near the end of the fifteenth century,
roaming about in bands, and encamp
ing by roadsides and in lonely places.
The women told fortunes, as they do
now; and as they are now, the men were
tinkers, basket-makers and braziers.
Soon it was observed that the presence
of a gypsy tribe caused a murrain
among pigs; the poultry-yards were
thinned, horses disappeared, and after
the fortune-teller had left the house
small articles of value were apt to be
missed. It was suspected, too, in" the
time of Elizabeth, that they harbored
Roman Catholic priests, and for. some
years a great and terrible persecution
was carried on against them. The per
secution has long ceased, but the man
ners of the people have hot changed ;
they roam still from place to place, they
live in , tents, .they , speak their own
tongue, they obey no laws, the women
still tell fortunes, the men still make
baskets. They ae harmless and gentle
enough as a rule ; they do not inter
marry with the- outer world, and they
scorn to be confounded with vagabonds
and hawkers, whose , evil doings have
been but too often set down to their ac
count. '
Lo is brought under review by Secre
tary Delano in his annual report, and
classified as follows: ....,.-...,,
Untamed savages, one-third ; contem
plating civilization, but not undertaking
it, one-quarter ; in possession of allotted
lands, and fully on the road to civiliz
ation, three-eighths ; mere . vagrants,
one-twentieth. ';
"' Out of 26O,00Ox Indians, but 10,000
are now considered as hostile. The pow
er of these has' been so! completely bro
ken that the Secretary expresses a doubt
as to any portion of .them ever again
taking the war-path. "The campaign of
the past summer has been the most vig
orous and successful :ever prosecuted
against the men of hair by the govern
ment. . ; , . v. . -
' Thk Mennonites in Kansas have dis
covered a deposit of coal on their land,
fifteen feet below the surface.
Foreign Demand for American Ma-
jf--... ,.fS.. ;A chiflery. '
if The improvement in American ma
chinery within the past few years has
been so great that large quantities of it
have been exported to foreign countries.
This is true chiefly of machines adapted
to the reproduction of certain forms ;
automatic machines which are intended
to make interchangeable work, as in
sewing machines, pistols, guns, and
similar articles. The American milling
machines, and the . system of nulling
metals into shape, are now used in all
great foreign armories and workshops,
and it needs nothing but acquaintance
with the excellence of these engines oi
industrv to account for the fact.
We do not refer to tne exportation oi
mowing macBines, steam engines ana
boilers,- or any article wnion we nave
soecial facilities to make, but particu
larly to tools which have a national
reputation, and which are known in the
markets of the world as American tools.
Of these the universal scroll chuck, is a
familiar example. This is an apparatus
for holding a round object in a lathe
exactly central with the spindle, so that
it is adjusted at once without loss of
time. This tool is indispensable in
every machine shop, and is largely
manufactured in this country and much
appreciated abroad.
Tbe twist drill is anotner purely
American tool. It is simply a round
steel bar, cut like a common auger,
with edges suitable for boring metals.
It ranges in size from a fine needle to
three inches in diameter. One establish
ment in this country has ' gradually absorbed-
the. entire interest of 'others.
and has a steady foreign demand for all
its wares. A machine firm in Connect
icut, which, from very modest begin
nings ten or twelve years since, has
built up an enormous trade, nas . ex
ported in tbe last three years over
$1,250,000 worth of gun, pistol, and
sewing maonine tools. . These men nave
stocked several foreign armories with
automatic machines on the American
principle, and they are as well known
in European markets as they are at
home. We might point also to the
locomotive engine makers at Paterson
and Philadelphia, whose reputation is
world-wide. The performance of Amer
ican engines abroad has been so satis
factory, compared with those of local
builders, as to Be cure large contracts,
and an order for locomotives to burn
anthracite coal, is now being filled at
Paterson for the Russian government.
The demand for American machines in
foreign markets has been created solely
by reason of the intrinsic merit of the
articles. New York Sun.
An Elegant Apartment.
A San Francisco paper, describing
the recent sharon-Newlands Wedding.
gives the following picture of the bridal
chamber in the Sharon mansion: " The
bridal chamber is one ' of the cosiest
and sunniest in the entire mansion,
From the windows, the Potrero. the
bay as far as Alviso, and the green hills
beyond Oakland above which 'towers
the blue summit of Mount Diablo are
distinctly visible. A light-hued mo
quette carpet, of fanciful pattern, with
a still more fanciful border, covers the
floor. ' The curtains are of delicate
drab satin, lined with blue, and, have a
broad brocade border brightened by
garlands of many-colored flowers.
Every important piece of furniture in
the room is of white holly an English
wood rarely found in America trim
med -. with mahogany and relieved by
flowers in sprigs and loops, the colors
of which are laid on with j the finest
artistic skill. The lounge and chairs
are of solid rose-wood, upholstered in
drab satin. A fire place, with mantel
of tbe purest statue marble, surmount
ed by a gilded mirror reaching to the
ceiling, gives an appearance at once
homelike and elegant. The ornaments
of the bedstead are extremely elaborate.
Besides the sprays, festoons, knots and
bouquets of flowers which would almost
deceive the eye of the casual observer
as to their reality, there are pieces of
costly carvings. A Sorrento work-table,
Eainted and inlaid, and having drawers
alf way down curiously ornamented
with silk fringe and tassels, is one of
the most remarkable objects. A carved
Christ upon the rood indicates the per
vading presence of a fair devotee.
Glove, handkerchief and jewel boxes,
in box-plaited blue satin and rare mate
rials, and perfumery bottles of cut glass
clear as crystal, lie in confusion about
the dressing glass. The bureau' and
commode are topped with malachite
and lined with polished zebra wood.
Something of the expense of furnish
ing so elegant an apartment as this
may be inferred by the reader when he
is informed that a single" yard of the
brocade border of the priceless curtains
cost twenty dollars."
w Marriage Statistics. .
' According to the last census of the
population of England and Wales, out
of nearly , 23, 000, 000 about 13,500,060
are single, the number, of unmarried
males and females being almost equal ;
but of these, 8,000,000, or more than
two-thirds, are under 15 : lor. if the pe
riod is extended to 20 years, another 2,
000,000 are added, leaving the number
unmarried above 20 years of age at only
three millions and a half, or scarcely
one-seventh of the whole population.
The remainder of the population have
been married, and are either husbands
and wives Or widowers and widows. At
the taking of the census there were
3,883,363 husbands ' and 3,948,527
wives : the! difference between the fig
ures being caused by the absence from
tne country oi 65.000 of , the husbands.
Of the husbands 5,951 were under 20
years of age (including also those un
der 15) ; 219,197 bet w sen 20 and 25 ;
502,846 between 25 and 30 ; 559,537 be
tween SO 'and 85; 524,427 between 35
and 40 : 492,120 between 40 and 45 ;
426,872 between 45 and 50. The num
bers then gradually decrease, until be
tween 80 and 85, there are only 14,392.
In the next five years the number is
3,318, but between 90 and 95 there are
50 in the next period 86, and above a
hundred 5 are returned. The ages of
the wives form a striking contrast. In
the first period, between 15 and 20,
there are s 84573, nearly six; times the
number of husbands at that period of
age ; in the next period, 20 to 25, there
are about 140,000 more wives than hus
bands, after which the figures approach
each other gradually, the last period at
which the wives are in excess of the
husbands being 25 to 40, where
they are 12,000 above. In the next pe
riod the " results are different and , the
husbands of 40 to 45 are 7,000 in excess
of the wives. The proportion increases
with age, and from 80 and upwards, the
number of husbands is double that of
the wives. '.-, '
A bonnet to match the dress is bo
universal, that a costume seems inoom-
Elete and ineffective without it. Seal
rown and invisible green are the colors
milliners have most call for ; tnere are
also stone grays, plum-color, grayish
blue and pure dark blue without any
purple in it.
Physique of the Royalty of Europe.
By all the laws of the physiologists
the royal caste, which intermarries
much, which is bred unavoidably in
luxury, and which is at least as disso
lute as an aristocratic group, ought to-
be losing its physical vitality, but it is
not losing it at all. rne sovereigns
actual or potential6LJEai would
make a formidable squadron of dra
goons. The 'EmporrW JGermanyie
perhaps "the finest "man physically who
has reigned wteee'OnartemagneT' Any
(Joionel in the guards would accept ms
son as a most hopeful recruit. His
nephew, the Red Prinoe, is as formida
ble a hussar as ever rode. The Em
peror of Austria is as stately of presence
as an ideal king. The eldest Wittle
bach is a wild riaer, who delights in
furious midnight galloping. The
Prince ef Waleswhose pedigree
stretches, if not to Odin, far past Egbert,
rides as straight touLounds as a profes
sional whip.! The-King of Italy, the
coronet of whose ancestors was closed
before Charlemagne died, is a success
ful chamois hunter, a good cavalry
officer, and a man for whom danger has
an actual charm. Bis eldest son is as
strong as himself ; and his younger son,
Amadeo, a man of reckless personal gal
lantry, r The eldest Romanoff is almost
gigantic, and endures uncomplainingly
fatigues which trythe constitutions of
his aids-de-camp. .The Bourbons seem
more worn, but one "of them, the Due
d'Aumale, is the very type of the culti
vated out oversteriMUlenerai : Don Car
los' soldier brotherfs a Murat ; a third,
the Comte d'Eu, is. believed in Brazil to
be a General of unusual capacity ; and
a fourth servedr with distinction
throughout the Fraaco-German war.
a ' Rats on Beard of Ship.
"Rats crreatlv infant shins, and are bv
them carried to evay part of the world.
So industriously do- they jmake homes
for themselves in tbe nuarmons cran
nies and corners in- the hall of a ship
that it is almost impossible to get rid
oi mem. omps ia&& out rats as well as
passengers and cago every voyage;
whether the formerremam m the ship
when in port is best known to them
selves. When the East India Company
had ships of their .own theyemployed a
rat-catcher, who sometimes captured
five hundred rats ii one ship just re
turned from Calcutta. Thesbip rat is
often -the black species. Sometimes
black and brown inhabit the same ves
sel, and, unless theyarryjp perpetual
hostilities, the one part will keep to th
head of the vessel and the ether to the
stern. The ship-rat is very aaxious that
his supply of freshwater shall not fail";,
he will come on decjc when itrains, and.
climb up the wet sails to ? suck them.
Sometimes he mistalQBs a spirit cask for
a water cask, and gets drunk. . A cap
tain of an America, merchant ship ia
credited (or discredited) with an ingen
ious bit of sharp practice of a means of
clearing, his ship from rats. Having:
discharged cargo afa port in Holland,
he found ''his ship frr juxtaposition to
another which had st takeMtn a cargo
of Dutch cheeses. 31e laidj plank at
night from one vessel to the ether ; the
rats, tempted by the odor, trooped
along the plank, aiidbegan their feast.
He took care that thaplankahould not
be there to serve them as a pathway
back again ; and so- the eheese-laden
ship had a cruel addition to its outward
cargo. All the Year Hound.
Politics of Governors and Legislatures..
The asterisk () denotes Governors
and Legislatures elect Republicans in
roman, Democrats fJX BMAiia-CArs, and
Independents in itaiio. The Legisla
tures of California, Illinois and Oregon
are classed as Independent, because the
Independents hold in them a, controlling,
balance of power. t
State, Gmcmor. ' Leaixiature.
Alabama .......... .'Geo. 8, H(TOTOa . . . . . Bern.
Arkansas .....Aoa. H. 9akukil. . . .
California . '. Sewtoti Moolh. ... '.
. Ind.
Connecticut Char. BV4ngkxou.....
Delaware. ..... JL. .'John P. Cochu i. ...
Florida: ........ . . .Maroellus X. 8tearn. . . .
Georgia. ......... . . JamekJJSmith. 2i . . .
Illinois Junn 1 if-veridge . .
Indiana. Thob. a HendricCT. . . .
Iowa C7ra C. Warranter
t." -r- l. .... . T .
Maine. ....... ,
.1.11 r-Afl . . . . 1UU1UH A. UBUUril,
Pbkston H. Leu lie....
WlllianrPttt Keltefa..
JNelson Dmgiey, sv..
. .Rep.
. . Dem. '
Maryland. . ,
i. 5. James Bbooik..
Minnesota. . . .
....John J.BaRley..'V.... ,
.... Canhman- X. Davis
. . . . Adelbert Aciei......,,
. . ..'Chad. HHabdih.-i
.'.',. "Silas number
. . . .L. K. Bmmxt. .
Missouri-. j. . .
WeorasKa.'... .
New Hampshire.... James AWertoh.p...
New Jersey 'Joseph 1). BEDLE.Fr?.. .
New York SimoilJ. Tiijdejj. . .
North Carolina Curtis H. Eroeden ... .
Ohio...... WiLmii4LL!i
Oregon....... .-...Lataybsmj F. Groves...
Pennsylvania .. .... Jaua i-L.-iaartra.nft . .
Rhode Island " ' Rtnra Mm
Bhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia.
..wi'Daniel HV Chamberlain
. . . .'Jab. D. FtoKTEB. J. . . .
Aaahel recJL
... Dem
.' . . James L. Kempek. . .
...John J. Jacob
... W Uliam JR Taylor
Democrat ,
Independent.... .
I - Legislatures.
...lsjBefrablican. ..
...20 Democrat
.1. 3lBeMndenrV
Canine Sagacity.
' Michael Conley, the sewloontrac
tor, ia the possessor of four greyhounds,
which- were the othes morning the
means of saving a man's life, display
ing a remarkable degree" of sagacity in
the operation. Felix Prior and: James
Carroll were at work in an excavation
about seven feet deep ; but about 9:30
o'clock Carroll went a way fOtT some
thing, leaving Prior in the excavation
alone, and while the latter was at work .
the banks caved in, completely .cover
ing him up. The dogs happened to be
near by, and ail four of .them, taking in
the unfortunate, man's- situation, at
once began to scratchraway the dirt
from over his head viferously, at the
same time yelping to "attract the atten
tion of the neighbors,. Mr. Conley,
who was the first to arrive upon the
scene; drove his dogs -away, but they
returned and began to dig. and yelp
strain. He then began: 6. dip- also, as
did some of the neighbors who had
been attracted to the snet bv the cries
of the hounds, and it was not long be
fore the head of the buxied man, who
was standing up, was reached, and- he
was permitted once mojc&lo breathe the
air, which; had he been deprived of it
a few moments longer, be, never would
have breathed again. He was taken
from tne sewer unnarmets, rescued from
horrible fate thronghSthe - sagacity
of a quartet of doas.-East Green.
wich (R. J.) Ijetter.
The London .PublUJiera' Circular-
says : "aitors win is required to
be six men instead of fees soon, a kind
of double Cerberus. Here before us ia
an advertisement ior oneTwho is to be
thus gifted r 11 A thoroughly good
managing editor. 2. Avetbatim short
hand reporter. 3. A good descriptive
reporter. 4. A thoroughly sound ac
countant. : 5. An-i experienced sub-editor,
and, (6) we preauroof when things
are a little pushed, a ne$ compositor
and a vigorous pressman? If this gen
tleman is to be" met with, and is a -sound
classic and mathematician, and
knows several languages as well, he
must have made good use of his time.