The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 22, 1875, Image 1

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NO. 19.
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S3 ; 5
1 1 'J , :-:
a. wheelek. c. p.rcrsa.
Forwariins&Cosiiss'n Merchants.
Dealers In Merchandise and Produce. A
irood assortment of all kinds of Goods al
ways in tore at lowest market rat cs.
Agents for aale of Wagons, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns. Ac- c.
Medical Col!e;re of York, late
memlwrof Bellevieu II epital MedicuH'ol
Vr", New York. omcx-In A. Cui-o:hers
A Co.'a drug store, Albany, Oregon.
' GEO. H. HELM, .-.
At racy hj4 Mnsaea?r -a Law,
pfthtsS-ate, Okkicjs in Foxw brick
tup stairs) First street.
Has Juat opened a fine at ock of
California made, to wkicb. he Invites the
attention of t he chosen of Albany and l
uiniry. t?Uoods manufactured toorder.
In huest styles, with best of stock. Store
corner Bros lalbin and First st reelo. Clias.
Meaeys old stand. Call and exn mine mi
AUmay, Oct. 18, 187-jv7 ,
r Haiaev HMdm, (Wod's improved.)
; CWajIUamla l.ln Farm Wsgoo
Tike Kuaaei mid Vibrator Tbresbera,
(best machines on the coast.
MutnsiiMi Forcefeo Drill. '
Mar Plswi, and other machines.
Call, see, and set price and terms before
baytnjr elsewhere, at nv Blacksmith Shop,
coraerfieomdand EUswartli sts., Albany,
Kood BmocM ever ma te in Albnnv,
liasretnrned Iron California, and loca'eVl
Permanently In tin citv, wltere he ha
axain mmiuencad tbe laaastavture of all
Brooms, Brashes, Wisps. Bistsetnrj: on First street, at John
Metsier'sold staa l.east of MnnoUn HiIIh.
where lie Invites those wishnnr n ttrst clas
broom to call and secnre it of h i m.
Allsuijr, Oct. 16, 1874-5v7
Bear. M'CALKY.
stock of
selected witii care, and bomht for coin at
ScaiMlaloualy- Low Fi;jure !
and as we Imasht low we can and will sell
tlteui at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and aee our selections of
lren Goods,
Ribbon, Collar, Collarettes,
laees, &c.t
for the ladles, andour eorapleto lines of
Readymade Clothing,
r.Msdin .
. a Wtoe,
of all desertr ions Snr oten-an d boys. Also
full amwrtmenta of
Groceries, Croctey & Glassware.
for everybody.
The bet aoo-Is, at nte lawest rates every
time. CXome and see.
Lebaaoa. Oregon. OCBObsr 30, Ia74.
AH. HELL PARKER, late of Omron
City, Mat leave to Inform the public
4bat thry liave purehaMed the entire stock
of drotts. tne'licines, Ac., formerly owned
by R. C. Rill Son.aind aa they deshrn
eontinninir the baMiwMat the old stand,
where they pnrrxwe keenisur In the forare
a fall assortment at
P'ttent Mstltet, -
ToiM Article,
and erwytlilnir usually found In a first
Class drojc store.
Whlk) earnestly soltotrlnp A continuance
of the liberal patroimve heretofore extentl
ed to the cxd honie, we bope at the same
tliae, by fairand hlienal deulinKi and aw
ful attention to the want of customers, to
merit the esteem of any xmr friends who
may ftvor ns with thetrorders.
Pari Icnlar attention will be jriven to the
otnnonndtng of physician's prft-criptions
and finally recipes, at all hoars of the day
n. beilaparher.
f" flaeceHKor to R. C. HILL SOK.
Albany, uctouer 9, V Vnlf
(So. St Montgomery Block.)
" ' -.O:
and Commander of the Grand Army
of the Repabiio In California and Nevada,
will prive prompt attention to the collec
tion of Additional Travel Pay, now dne
California and Nevnria Volnnteers dis
charged more than three hundred miles
from home. Soldiers can depend on fair
dentin. Information given free of chance.
When writ Ins: enclose stamp for reply and
state company -"d regiment, and whether
yon have a discharge. Consrreas has ex
tended th tinte.for film, claims for Ad
ditional Bonnry under Act of Julv 8, 1S
to January 187,, so all swh claims must be
made before thfit titne. Original Bonnty
of S100 has been allowed all volunteers who
enlisted before July ssd, ISfll for three
years, if no' paid the same when dtschanr
ed. iJlnd Warnants tan can he obtained
for service rendered Imfnru H bnt not
for services in the late war. Pensions for
late war and- wnr of iris obtained and
increased ww r insn iw
ability warmnta, but no pensions are al-
State of Teaas haapranted Pensions to snr-
VI V IffM . ,7 1 (7 I ((.fV.r. ' - - ..(! It'll.
Orleans and Mobi-Prize Money is now
aue ana wHa . ac mm
toads to Ganera) Law nu4Hectvn Busi-
Bm ,,; t-
Here's the Place I
lbs received and is offerinK for sale a wel
seiectoa stocK oi
Which he is determined to sell
Casli, or MsrchantaWe Proancs !
Please give me a call, and examine ..
Goods and Irioes.
Lebanon, Or. - 13v7
further notice, freight from
All down freight will be delivered at
Free of Drayage and Wlmrf
age, At Reduced Rates.
Boats will leave ALBANY for CORVAL
ery Day.
For farther particulars, apply to
Albany, Nov. 2 J, '74-12 . Ajreuts
New Elevator !
tion of wheat and outs. We call t he at
tention of faruiers to the fact that we have
erected the finest wnrehmtse in the Sfate.
at a uirste exnense. and are In position to
handle satisfactorily an immense quan
tity of larrain. Our house has a capacity for
200.000 bushels of Wheat
at one time, and Is located on the mat-grin
of the Willamette River, and provided with
a side track lrotu the O. A C. R. R., so that
shipments may be ma le dally by rail. and
asof'en a;eratKwtjnjjfHcl;"itiesoner.
We have two m suction lan, in addi
tion to other fiius, attached to the house,
run by water power, and are thus pre
pared to
o jlm 33 jQl. uar
aP the wheat received. Can take in and
clean ln.ooohtiahelspcrdav. Cleaned wheat
is worth much more in ali foreign markets
than font wlu-at. and none should lie ship
ped without cleaning. Our charges will le
five cents a bushel on wheat, and four
cents on oats. We have
to furnish those sforintr wheat with us,
tree to those whose wheat we purchase,
and at the lowest cash price to tiiose who
sell their wheat from our house to other
buyers. Persons slorlna with us are at
literty to sell to whom thev please. Those
who reside on the west sife of the river
will have ferriage free. Will lie in the
market as buyers, and expect to be able to
pay the highest possible price. Having
pivrnred ourselves to do a larjre bnsiness,
we hope for our alia re of the public pat
1uly31n47- Albany, Oregon.
From this date until further notice, I will
. sella
Stoyes & Eanges
' , W. H. MtFAKi.ANO.
Albany, Dec 10, 1874-13 . . 1 ; r
Bath Hons? & Barber Shop
riHE UNDERSIGNED wonld respectfully
X I hank the citizens of Allmny and vi
cinity for the liberal patronaire bestowed
on hfm for the past seven years, and hopes
for the future a contlnnulion of their fa
vors.. For t he arcoimnoilat Ion of transient
customers, and friends in the upin-r part
of town, he has opened a neat little shop
next door to Taylor A MontRomery's Sa
loon, where a good workman will always
be In attendance to wait upon pat rons.
Deo. 11. 1874. JOE WEBBER.
- Silvcr-Piated Ware !
fj of Ksffcrs' Mlver-llaed Ware,
MlTer Mseel utlcry. etc, direct from
the Factory. We will sell Table Spoons at
3 per set, and Teaspoons at SI SO, and oth
er goods proportionately low.
jES&'t&'y Orsans.
Parsonage, AHwny.on the most lavor
able terms. The ESTEY ORGAN has been
pronounced the best by t ha most compe
tent Judges. - Dot.'t buy any other until
you have seen and heard these beautiful
Tnsuinents. . . L WILSON.
.r. i,v FOR .
- j -Neatly executed,
f all at the Register Office
VrT" -:-V -1 i i ja'Sriaiaai
Heme Eat west
Fire. The residence of Mr. ,Wm.
Ralston, corner of Biker and FJrst
streets, caught fire about eight o'clock
on Friday night of last week. A lire
had been left burning in a box-stove
up stair., which stood in close prox
imity to a partition. Between the par
tition and stove set a box containing
kindlings. It is supposed this box of
dry material tvaa Ignited by tlie Iieat
from the stove; the kindyng set Are
to the partition, and when the fire was
discovered it had reached the veiling
ul was just ready to burst out at the
roof, in which event the building
would most probably have been des
troyed, and doubtless property, adja
cent. By great exertions the 3 re was
subdued without calling , Jnto eijul$i
tou the Are engine. The tkinaga re-
jralthlitvl!T probably not ainQTtut to
over $100. ' The effects of .the excite
ment Upon Mrs.1 Rulston were very
severe, and for a time her life was
dspaired 6t The- carelul attention
of friends eventually revived her, but
tlie eflects ot the severe nervous pros
tration which she sufferetl, will re
quire time to entirely eradicate. The
fire boys were on hand promptly, not
withstanding the severe (for Oregon)
weather, ready to render any and all
assistance in their power. Theie isn't
any discount on our Are boys.
Thief Ji:ggf.d. We gave an ac
count last week of a robbery coin
initted at the f irm ot Chas. Bourgar
des, a short distance from this city.
A man employed by Mr. B. to work
on the farm, left during the absence of
Peters, a German also in Mr. B.'s
employ, taking with hi in $-53 of
Peter's money, a revolver, undercloth
ing, etc. Information of the theft,
and a discrlption of the thief, was left
at' the Sheriff's office, and Deputy
Sheriff Qtieener immediately started
on the scent, and snee;eded in arrest
ing his man atGervais, Marion county,
early on Friday morning last, tlie
theft having been committed the Sun
day previous. The accused gave hi
name as Andrew Dougherty, and is
quite a good looking man. When ar
rested, he was well dressed, and on his
person was found some gambling
traps, and two hit In' money. A re
volver was also found on Ills erson.
which Peter Peters swore was the
Identical weapon stolen from him.
Dougherty was broght to this city,
and orf Saturday,' t.-iken before. Justice
Iiannon. .The Justice deeming the
evidence sufficient, bound him over In
$-200, which, failing to give, hewasin
carcerated in t he. county jail.
Weather. The weather moderated
somewhat on Saturday, the wind get
ting around In the southwest, but dur
ing tlie night it got around in the
north again, and on Sunday morning
thfe thermometer indicated twelve de
grees below zero. The coldest weather
experienced in this part ot the Wil
lamette Valley in the last twenty-two
'years, the thermometer indicated but
eight degrees below zero. Consid
erable snow fell on Friday iHght,
which, added to the snow already on
the ground, made pretty good sleigh
ing, which was improved on Saturday
and Sunday, all the sleiglis to be had
being brought into requisition. .
It is seldom that we xct ck anything
in the medical line, nor would we now,
unless Me could be convinced that we are
notdoin'ronr duty as a journalist in re
commenilinjf to the pnblic t bo celebrated
liotanical prepara'ioiis of Dr. Homy.
Whoever Induces the victim of Scrotula ru
nny other disease of the blood, to use Dr.
Henry's Extract of trnrai1ln. has hexnn
a icood work. There can Is noqm-stion as
to the result of this medicine If persevered
in. It is a sum cure for Scrofnin. Rheuma
tism, Salt Rheum, and indeed all eorn-
filaints arising from viiatel or iinoura
lood.. It is just what a Rood physician
wonld prescribe for these complaints, and
we eontldentlv recommend it as belnir the
best article now in use. Dr. Henry's
Cough Balsam isthe most effective remedy
for any affection of the Throat or I.unKS
that we have ever known. It contains no
deleterious drnjts, and can be taken with
impunity and certainty of relief. For J he
cure of Cornells, Colds, Sore Throat, etc., it
stands w ithout a rival. Ir. Henry's Lini
ment as an alieviatorof pain, is unrivalled
by any preparation lieforethe public: the
most skeptical will be convinced by a
single trial. It will prove itself a "f,-iend
in need" which no family should be with
out. Success to Gekics. Mr. James
Slierrill. 'of Ilarrisburg, called on Mon
day. His cultivator and seed sower
is meeting a splendid reception, and
he has orders for seventy of them al
ready on his books, which will keep
him busy to fill in time for spring
M'ork. Mr.-Slierrill, while busily en
gaged in turning out cultivators, has
had time to Invent a new' machine,
that will work wonders in aiding to
expedite blacksmithing and machine
work. Mr.' S. Is a genius and Is us
ing his great gift to benefit his fellow
men. Success to him. '
BrBLE Depository. The Bible
Society has recently met a want of
Linn county,' by establishing a Bible
Depository at Pltuniner's Drug Store,
where bibles and testaments can be
obtained at prices within tlie reach of
all. Persons holding membership in
either the American or Oregon State
Bible Society, should call at once for
their yearly allowance for gratuitous
distribution. -; r '
Ice. Messrs. A. Carolhers & Co.
had men latsily at work during the
first part of the week securing ice.
which they put up in their large ice-
home on Second street. Th ice wag
taken from the Calipoola, and was
frorfl two to six inches in thickness.
For ten days past we have had a re
markably cold spell of weather in the
Willamette valley, last Sabbath being
the coldest dayJbr at least 22 years.
The 17th day of January. 1857. In the
morning, the mercury only got down
to three degrees below zero, with two
feet of sitow on the ground. Never
since that time. In this parttif Oregon,
has the merenry been so'; low till last
Sabbath, wiien it went down to 7 de
grees below zero, with four Inches of
snow on the ground. If this had con
tinued tor a week or two longer, I
think tlie most of farmers wonld have
seen the necessity of stacking tlielr
straw instead , of burning it. - We
might expect and look for such a spell
everjr winter ; and a stock of good
straw would be a welcome? gtiest to a
band of starring cattle, with their backs
humped like dr0foetlys." There
fri now a great detnaiid for straw and
-Tittle in the marked Emigrants will
now see that Oregon Is not all sun
shine; that there is snow given like
wool, and frost scattered ' broadcast
over the earth like ashes. Job says,
by the breath of God frost is given;
therefore we may look for it in its
proper season, although it is a very
cold kind of breath. ' There are many
poor cattle in Oregon that would be
willing to say, Lord, please hold thy
breath a little. It Is seldom in this
.valley that the merenry gets below the
freezing point, and wlien it gets down
to eight or ten degrees above zero it
continues but a very few days. It is
very different from the Eastern ice
bound States, where they have their
two and three months' frost and snow,
while here these cold spells' only last
a few days. We were glad this after
noon to see tlie heavens covered with
clouds and tlie rain descending to make
the grass grow for the cattle and the
herb for ihe service of man.' We pre
fer the rain. . J. FINLAYSOX.
Jan. 19th, 1S75.
Gone East. Col. A. B. Meacham,
of Salem, . called on Monday. On
Tuesday noon, tlie Col., 'accompanied
by George Harney, wife and ' child,
took tlie southern bound train for
Washington City. George Harney is
a Ilogue River Chief, as fine a speci
men ot the child of tlie forest, as can
be found on the coast, tall and straight
as an arrow, about twenty-eight years
old, and weighs 163 pounds. He Is
said by those wlm know him. to be. to
use a western expression, as smart as
a steel trap, and will greatly aid Col.'
Meacha m itr giving the people of the
Easta clear and intelligent understand
ing of the capacity and intelligence of
the Indians of tins North Pacific. Col.
Meacham will also be accompanied in
his tour through the Eastern States by
David Hill, a Klamath Chief, and
Tccuinseli.. a sub-Chief of the same
tribe; Natchez, a Piute, and nepliew
of the ok! Chief.- Winneraiusea ; Scar
faced Cliarley anJ Shack-Nasty Jim,
Modoc Chiefs and members of the
late Capt. Jack's band, now located
on a reservation in the Indian Terri
tory. In addition to , these noted red
men. the Government of the United
States is using every means to secure
the release of the great war Chief.
Saianta. of Texas, now incarcerated
in the State. Prison of that common
wealth, charged with breaking his
prole given last spring to the Gover
nor of that State. .; It' is believed that
satisfactory evidence can be given the
Governor that Satanta did not break
his parole, and that he will be released
from durance vile, when he will join
Col. Meacham. Capt. Oliver Ap
plegate. of tills State, will also accom
pany Col. Meacham, as assistant and
interpreter, the " Capt. speaking flu
ently several Indian dialects. James
Red path, of Boston, one of the most
noted literary characters of the East,
will have the general management,
which alone secures the fullest success
to the enterprise. . In this enterprise
Col. Meatiliam seems not only to have
the best wishes of the General Govern
ment, bnt the ardent support of the
leading philanthropists of the East.
We hope that the undertaking may
not only prove a financial success, but
that It may liave a large share in solv
ing tlie great Indian problem which
has so long vexed the greatest minds
of tlie nation. '
. Temperance. On the evening ot
the 19th. notwithstanding the inclem
ency of the weatlier, a large number
of the citizens of this city assembled
at the Court House to listen to a tem
perance lecture from W. R. Dunbar,
of Salem, G. W. C. T. of Oregon.
The meeting was called to order by J.
A. Warner. District Deputy for Hun
county, ami on motion Jas. Hannon,
Esq., was elected Chairman. After
being introduced to the audience by
the Chairman, the sneaker proceeded.
In his usual argumentative and, fervid
style, to deliver one of the best lectures
ever delivered Itere on the subject ot
temperance. Space does not permit
to speak further of the lecture ; suffice
U to say that tlie order are fortunate
in their choice of an able and effective
standard-bearer. The Good Templar
lodge of this city Is exceedingly pros
perous, numbering about 120 1 mem
bers, and is considered tlie banner
lodge of the State.
We are indebted to friends $n dif
ferent portion of the county Joi fa
vors, . " ' . .. . .
A 'Rogue Biter Chief. One of
the finest looking Indian Chiefs we
have seen for ninny a day, strode Into
our sanctum on Monday, and an
nounced himself as George Harney, a
Rogue River Chief. He stands about
six feet In his moccasins, is twenty
eight years old, is a model of strength,
has regular, clean cot features, with
an eye like the lordly eagle, with hair
straight and as black as a raven's wing.
Chief Harney was about to leave for
a long tour through the Eastern States,
with Col. Meacham, he Informed ns,
and be did not wish to leave bis native
hills. It may he forever, without rear
ing some- mark of his high regard and
esteem .lbr the Government Agent at
Sletz;Mr. Falrebtfd. He pronounced,
in fair- English,-, eulogy upon the
Siletz Indian Agent that was flattering
iwke& HU uniform kindling, un
varying Uirathfuiooes, and cSarfty Jpr
the shortcoostogt ct anyrpd brothers,
has secured their lew and esteem, and 1
they wonkl lay 'down their- lives for
Mm." We suspect that , the Asjent at.
SileU ls tlie right man in the right
place, and wish him the greatest suc
cess In his mission. . I " ". . """
TO be Remembered. We have
been notified by the, agent at this city,
Wr. Wyatt, that Wellav Fargo &
Co.'s express Co. proposes to carry all
exchanges between the different papers
on this coast tree of charge, thus
cutting down quite a bill of expense
for the newspaper proprietors, as all
papers going into the U. S. mail from
publication offices, since the first of
January, must be prepaid. This gen
erous offer of Wells, Fargo A Co.
saves the prepayment of postage on
exchanges at least, which is quite a
little sum in the course of a year.
This favor will be remembered.
The Yaqnlna Railroad project is
steadily advancing In public favor in
Benton county, says the Gazette. A
recent survey made by" competent
gentlemen sets at rest all doubts as to
the practicability of its construction.
A much nearer and better route than
the one hitherto calculated upon lias
been discovered, the only serious ob
ject being the necessity of tunneling
about three hundred feet at one place :
A series ot meetings are contemplated
in Benton county, calculated to more
thoroughly awaken and arouse public
sentiment in tliat and adjoining coun
ties. There is now a strong feeling In
portions at least &- Ltnn county. In
favor of the . construction of the road;
and we are Inclined to believe a liberal
amount of aid could be secured from
our citizens. It properly approached.
The ice la the river gorged just
below this city early on Wednesday,
ami remained so until sometime in the
night.- In the meantime the water, in
tlie Willamette raised some eighteen
or twenty inches. Mr. Backus who
crossed the river on the Ice said it was
perfectly soliiC and did not give or
tremble nnder his weight. In some
places where the Ice had been forced
one piece upon another, and tlien fro
zen together, the Ice was fully three
feet thick. These immense masses ot
ice will doubtless do a deal of damage
as they go crushing and tearing down
the river on their way to the ocean.
. Such Fun ! We hear ot a gay and
festive con pie who embarked In a
gaudy sleigh, with spirited match hor
ses ornamented with sleigh bells, for
a high toned ride. They had not pro
ceeded far when tlie animals got the
best of the gay yonng man, ran away,
upset the sleigh, throwing tlie occu
pants out in a most undesirable spot,
and there leaving them. They hoofed
it home. We scorn to mention names.
Wheat 66c.
Mrs. Loony Bond left this city on
Tuesday for Salem.
Tlie C S. mall from. Lebanon, on
Tuesday, came in on a bob-sled.
Markets extremely dull, with no
change of note in prices.
Tlie Willamette full, of floating Ice
on Tuesday.. . i- - t
Tlie insinuating Chinook zephyrs
melted the snow rapidly on Tuesday.
Business has been quite dull during
tlie week. . ..... ...-a ...., '' .
A. Wheeler, Esq., of Shedd, paid
us a pleasant visit on Wednesday. .
Rebekah meeting to-morrow night..
Don't fall to be on hand.
Rev. I. D. Driver favored us with
a call on Wednesday."
A furlons 'storm' of 'wind and rain
raged furiously almost all day yester
day. Thurston Hackleman Is thought to
be out ot danger and slowly recovering
from typlwld fever.
G. W. C. T., W. R. Dunbar, called
a few moments on Monday. He Is
iabdriug most efficiently to the tem
perance cause. '.'-"
Communication 1ro,m "Athol re
ceived j-esterthty rpreSf day. ' Will
receive dueatteu'tion pexj week. " Do
it more..,'.;,. V
; Purge out the Morbid Humors of
the Blood, by a dose of two of Oyer's
Pills, and yoq will bar clearer heads
as well a bodies. ; v : i
W. R. Dunbar, of-Salem.: lectured
at the Court House, qji temperance,
on Tuesday evening. He was to lec
ture at Corvallls on Wednesday, Har
risburg on Thursday and at Mnddjr
ou Friday. l
The ice' blockade at Portland on
Wednesday prevented the crossing of
the Willamette ;in consequence we
bad no mair. t
The Willamette . at this place
was" blocked up with Ice on Wednes
day, tlie mail from Corvallis failed to
connect. ':'
Work suspended on the Greenbofn
Ditch, owing to the extreme cold
weather in the' mountains, to, be re
sumed as soon as the weather will permit.'-'
T tj-- :-' "Cv "; ' y-f l." ;
" - Col. A . B. Meacham. of Salem,
called on Monday, Tlie Col. took
tlie southern bound train on Tuesday,
en route for San Francisco and the
East. ' , -
j-On the morning of the 17th a Are
broke out In the residence of Andy
Americ Corvallis, .but was soon ex
ttngnlshed with snowDamage slight
- Jlm'ath bleat :41L pnt ahead
en yoti," said itftlexfrAsnla to eom
pankwi t Yost try IVrvras the reply.
od yoar mother 's monkey. jrUi be a
cberab in ten seeonds.r i z
. OMng to the ice blockade, there
were bnt few ministers in attendance
at the Drstrlroeetirtg announced, to
be held in the M.,E. Church, oom
menclng on !fiiesday. end the meeting
was postponed indefinitely.
W. R. , Dunbar, ., Esq., Grand
Worthy Chief Templar of Oregon,'
while riding on horseback to one of
his appointments oii Wednesday of
last week, had his hanwS and ears badly
frost bitten. . ., '
. Mr. Lamb, . the successor of Dr.
Plummer In the superintendeocy of
the "W. IT. Telergaph Co.'s line on
the North Pacific, was in the city
part of Tuesday and Wednesday. .
Wm. Tally will close up his billiard
saloon in a few weeks, to engage in
the more profitable and healthy em
ployment of a shepherd.' He expects
to locate In Southern Oregon.
We omitted to mention last week,
that at the meeting of Orgeana En
campment No. 5. I.O.O.F., of this
dty held on the evening of the 8th,
Past Chief Patriarch Backensto in
stalled the officers elect for the current
term, as follows s Wm. Tally, CP.;
N. Baum. II. P. ; Coll. Van Cleve,
8. W. ; P. H. Raymond, S. ; C.
Kiefer, T. ; A. N. Arnold. J. W. I
Live quails at the Beehive store.
It Is rumored that the O. & C.
Railroad track from Eugene to Rose
burg will be . taken up during the
coming summer. We put no confi
dence in the rumor, but stranger
things have happened. , "
Books anal Bralas.
For the compreliensive study of any
cri veil Bilhiect. fiiHn v hooka ara cuvn.
tbil, yet few can afford the luxury of
a large private library. To those of
us who liave vliosen our homes on the
PaclAc slope, no study possesses deeper
Interest than that of our portion of
the continent. Its people, , history,
geography, climate, and resources.
As our country is still railed a new
one. of whicli we all may term our
selves the early settlers, and as making
books is not ordinarily the first care
of pioneers, It would not seem, at first
thought, a difficult -or impracticable
task to bring together the few books
which would tell the whole story.
Hubert Bancroft, ot San Francisco,
was one ot the fenr who attempted to
form such a collection, and the only
one to persevere after realizing tlie
difficulties in his way. lie lias collec
ted nearly, twenty thousand volumes
on the western half of Nor;h America.
It lias taken fifteen years .hard search
to do It, and he la still hard at work.
This Is not an encouraging prospect
for men of literary tastes interested in
PaclAc Coast history, especially as
hundreds of the works in tlie Ban
croft collection are manuscripts, not
elsewhere to be found, and hundreds
more are of great rarity and of great
pecuniary as well as historic value.
But Mr. Bancroft has formed his grand
collection with no intention of hoard
ing his literary treasure. On the con
trary, his only aim is to save others
the labor and mony expended by him,
by giving to the public. In a compact,
accessible form, what each .reader
Should giean for himself only at the
expense of a fortune and a life-time of
research. He believes lie can satis
factorily condense into Afty volumes
all that Is valuble and Interesting in
his twenty thousand.' He begins
with the native races, the true Ameri
cans. Twelve hundred authors have
written on tlie subject. Few could or
would collect these books, fewer still
would have the : patience to search
their contents, yet all would gladly
possess and read what is known of
the aborigines. Mr. Bancroft has em
bodied in: Ave octavo volumes all that
the twelve hundred writers sav on
the subject; aud the first volume, con
taining more- than the equivalent of
one man a wotk tor ten. years, la now
oeiore cue puDiic, to De iQiiowea ty
the others In rapid successlpn.. Mr.
C. H. Mattoon, the agent fbr this
great work ' in this coiuruunity, de
serves a voraiai welcome ou the part
of our citizens. If Mr. Bancroft lives
to complete his gigantic task, tie will,
practically, put into the hands ofevery
reader on tlie coast a Pacific library.
equai in vaiue, inougn ma. Duiky,
than bis own. ' '
As a bridal party were leaving the
French cathedraL In Ouebac receutlr.
a heavy snow slide came from the roof
.l...t LI I . - . . I
" uieir vemcte, jytss, its iney were
starting for home, and, besides buryt
tug ne wnoie party, so filled tne
sleigh with snow that It bad. to be
turned upside down , to clear out lis
contents. . The tiniates suffered little
beyond a scare, i' ' ' ' ?
The Virginia Senate has passed a
bill to suppress grnes of chance, which
Is, perhaps, thehst sweeping ooeol
its kind on the statutes ot this ooautry.
Under it every species of lry. gift
enterprise or raffle Is torhldden, and
even the ladles are debarred from raf
fling articles of tlielr handiwork at the
fa It..
. . , . rAimse.
And nrost we part? Has fate decreed
That at no distant day
We two most tread divergent patbs,
i Nor meet mere Hfc way?
ahallnly tonH arm na-nrartwnid
Tlrjr yieldtraT waist lie tnreen.
Aad shall wry sr no tnoredrlak V
Thy softly morsstar tone t
Shan ny warm band, with prtsstwe light,
' If o more cteqi thy Sear 8frers t
Kor Hfrtooch HpwdtH fervent ktsa
That softly, sweetly Mners? .
SluOI nty eyes gar no more in? tiH
Whose liquid depths reveal .
As greet a wealth of tenderness-
Asfhoman heart can eef
Ah t no ; anotner arm than mlna -
Does bow thy form embrace ;
Ah I yes, another haod than mm
Doe thy snail fingers press.
Upon, another ear than miaa .
- Tby tones snail shortly iall ;
Another heart than mine shaH fteC
; Thine eyes' Uewltsbing thrall. ;
CrMad the aartsat etoad thateome. 4
; AndthraadaasMdepaieoav
f misaalsi ril iwiaii "TiinTrsariBia-r
The fbHowlnr ' shows the stat of
the weather on Thursday xl Uut week
at different points ,.. ; . -?
Oakland The weather i very-cold.
There is two inches of snow on the
ground, aud still Is falling. '
Junction Cltv We law'' wee
indies of snow on the ground, and It is
still falling. A strong north wind
blowing and very cold.
Weston. Umatilla County Weather
very cool, the tliermometer Indicating
SU degrees below zero. '-: -
Redding. CalifontUv The weather
Is not cold.- Raining very hard, with
no appearance of snow. ,
Yrefca. CallforniaA' Brht MioW
has been falling durirtg the day.- It
melted as fast as It feUL jind up to the
present time none lie s upon the ground.
Jacksonville We have about tour
Incites of snow upon the ground. It
has been falling all - flay long. The
weather ts mouerauug consiueraDiy.
RofeebtirK Been snowing since noon..
About three and a-half Inches upon
the ground. The weather Is very cold.
Salem It commenced snowing at
an early Imnr this morning and con
tinued during tlie day, . with a high
wind from tlie nortii. and bitter cold.
The nlilest Inhabitant lias no lefeQec-
tlon of anything like it."; Snow Is now
six luches deep and still en awinA -
Water pipes were all frozen up this .
A SLT Pcssi-iA Bonnlar young lady
on West At la his street, who lias about .
forty young gentlemen, on the roll of ,
her personal friends, has entered Into'
a- speculation that promises -to way
better thaa a grain corner or a gambl
ing neu, wkh an tta cuy nmcuua icr,.
silent partners. Slie bonght the can
vas for fortv-oue rairs of simpers, alt ;
of a pattern, leased out the making of"
forty pairs of them, to an. ngetl colored
seamstress, and has kept t'(e lorty-nrnt
pair in the parlor, where she can ha ve
them on hand whenever one of her
lovers ealis. Of course the yonng ma n
asks for whom site Is working tltose
pretty -slippers, and she replies with
that bewitching dropping of ttweyellds
wnicnisone pare mouesty anu two .
parts wink: ), they're for a Christ,
mas nresent' for a vonnir gentleman
friend of mine." . Then the Infatuated
youth goes off and buys her a seal-akin
Jacket or a pair ot earrings, or an easy
chair, for His Christmas gift, blie will
bestow upon each of her adorers a
pair of slippers worked by the colored
seamstress and fitted by a Dutch shoe
maker with one eye, each costing on
an average $3 65, while stv estimates
that her presents will net 45 to the
adorer. The pair she Is working her
self will be ureseuted to a younirdry
goons eiern in Aurora, to wnom no
i . . . . . . i
was secretly marriea fast September. -
Chicago Tribune. .
Ah army officer relates this bneer
Incident: "Corpora! John Smith, with
four men,' were employed recently on
detail duty a few miles from Fort Sill.
Indian Territory. Thev were sur
rounded by a hundred Comanches
with hostile intentions.. Tlie soldiers
took to the only available shelter, an
old buffalo wallow, where in an un
comfortable position thev managed to
IsvtKt wieir mum anu seep ine 1 lau
ans at a distance for the dar and night.
The next morning, sufferine for food
and water. Something energetic had '
to be done. : Coruorai Sniith tore off a
piece or bis White shirt and wrote or
It a note describing tlielr situation.
He tied this to the neck-of a small. '
"haggy mongrel dog which had foU
ioweu tnem irom tne Tort ; rnen nat
tering np a canteen. he fastened It te
-w a sy aiioa ff v amass vf
kick,, started him off yelping. Tlie
corporal gays the dog Js$ ljinrppe4
himself. Tlie Indians, 4lilnklng'lt a
mere act of bra vsilo. rai.l na Brteni Ion
rrus) laisinuai nil arui avtavirbsw til m n
to tlie dog. Ylthln two hovrs he
reached the fort, and aid was Imme
diately sent to the besieged soldiers.
tm Indiana maKing on as tne nrsf
s.tght of the rescuing party."; -
St. Louis. Jan. 7. The Republican
has a special from Topeka. Ivan.,
stating that .Joseph B. Nortii. alias,
"Buffalo Joe," who murdered George
Jones on Christmas evening a j-enr
ago, was 1 winged to a telegraph pole
by a mob on the night ot December
Sfe,v at Wallace, Kansas. The knot
the rope with which he was hanged
caught nnder his chm and; did not
choke him: so he hnna for a long ttmo
In that position; talking to the mob.
Imploring them to release him, hut
received only Jeers h renrn. H
dld not die for over two hours, and
finally froze to death. The slieriffot
Ellis comity Is after the mob. and!
tlie leaders wilt soon be captured.
. j
: A man somewhat under the Influ
ence of Hqoor took another man who
sat next to him at the Theater in Troy. .
the other night. Info his confidence,
and told him all about his prepara-.
tlons to break open a safe, offering
him a shate In the job- The- second)
man was one of the city detect! r as v
and the generous tbtefsoon found, him
self In jail, i
fjotnehody has counter IJKft iran
er In Coloradj. . 5