COIili. VAN OIjEVE. ... ALBANY; OREGON. TOLD AT NIGHTFALL. It was a stormy September evening. Ony Urquehart and my resDeeted self Charles Eupntone, painter were sit ting in the studio window of his de- A. 1 .-..1 - . aiguum uiuB vuua at f rascati, near Some, high over the rounded tops of woods now lurid in the red setting sun. Beneath a leaden sky the gloomy Cam- pagna stretched like a dead sea, and wiui its i air run cut tne disk, a porten tons blood-red ball, slowly, slowly sinking. . . Guy and I had been old friends and school-fellows in England. He was two or three years older than myself, but that had made his f rienship for me all the tenderer, and mine for him reveren tiaL Besides, I had looked on Guy as a kind of genial young saint. I had always felt rather wicked in his com' pan), because he really seemed, quite naturauy, never to ao anything wrong, or to have so much as a wrong thought. He would have chosen art as his pro fession, I knew, had he been allowed a voice in the arrangement of his own fu tore; but the bilious old father who ruled his destiny made a civil engineer of him, without the slightest reference to any possible fancy or protest of the lad s. Naturally, he did not take kind ly to his work, though he buckled to it conscientiously. When I came to Italy to study art- Guy and I kept up a pretty brisk cor respondence for about a twelvemonth. But in my second Italian summer his letters suddenly ceased to arrive. I wrote to him in vain hope of answer for- six mantnH) and then let the correspond ence go witn a sign. I easily ascertained that be was alive and well, but could find out nothing else about him that we s more reliable than the gossip retailed bv certain En' glish military men, who had flapped their lazy flight across the sea one win ter, and perched in Borne. " Got into a scrape about a woman, and didn't behave well to her, or something of the sort," drawled out one of these amiable gentlemen. And this was all I could discover about poor Urquehart. But at last I heard from Guy him self once more. Lo ! he had inherited a small fortune from a distant relation ; he had thrown civil engineering over board ; ne was coming to tiome iortn with. te study art in earnest at last ; and we must spend tne em.nn.c summer in "Villeggiatura together, eating figs at -LTiscumm. as the tune my stoy be gins, ne nad been about an weeks in Rome, and had already pa:nted oi.e or two capital little pictures . No village in the world drives such a roaring trade in scandal as grand ld XConie. lou nave seen now Urquehart s character went before him, as Sir Petei Teazle's stayed behind, .for the comfort of the community, and what mercy it met with. Now, when circumstances are served up in this mixed way, theie are generally certain tacts wmcn one may trace like pebbles through disturb ing waves. I felt convinced that I . Should do so in Urquehart's case, if ever it pleased him to give me his confi dence. But I could not try to thrust myself into any chamber of his past not freely opened to me. 1 could not nelp guess ing that there was a shut and looked door, behind which lurked the solution of a mystery. This mystery was the great and grievous change in my friend. not to be accounted for by the mere lapse of two or three years. And this change was all the more remarkable that it was not always obvious. No two men could be more unlike than Urquehart to Urquehart in different moods. It seemed to me as if much evil had flowed into his heart by some rent where much good had run out, but that the poison had never mixed with the healthy juice of his life.' . , On this September evening as we sat together, Guy had been muttering some very bad sentiments, which would have grieved me mere if I had not attributed them in part to some unripe peaches and the state of his stomach. "Guy." said X suddenly, "I've found a key to much that makes people - gasp and stare at yon.' " What do you mean 1" returned he, rather roughly. Most persons," I wens on, "are half-angel, half-devil, they say. But your angel and devil seem to share their lodging on the most curious terms of mutual foroearance. ' 'xney seem to ' take you turn and turn about, in watch' es. v a it were. Your angel never tor ments your devil, or interferes with his mode of en j eying himself, in his Walpur cris niglat with his man ; and your devil. with equal politeness, never intrudes himself on the angelic prayer-meetings, They could not possibly come in con' tact without disturbing the harmony of the system ; but they seem to agree to diner, like certain polite married couples.'--' '-i t..'. Urquehart took . his pipe from his mouth, and Hew out a long smoke wreath. Then he leaned head and " shoulders out of the window, and stared far away at the sun, now like a dot of .-. blood ill the livid horizon, till even that crimson speck was absorbed. Then he brought himself back to his former TVMiitLon in a corner of the rickety old sofa, and from that dusky comer "You hooked a fine fat fish there, ro-r voung friendj with - your moral critical line. Your sagacity really de serves twittintr for having snapped up such a good head of game.: Still you don't know how the devil got into me ; how should yon? He had hardly set claw on vonr friend when we were boys . together, and I rather the better boy f the two." " You may well say that, old fellow I At that time (and what a little time ago it is after all f) you really seemed inca pable of evil, or even of comprehend ing it. You trusted everybody implicit ly, because you yourself were " " An ass ! roared Urquehart. " And ; now listen."?- So. as the mcht fell, ana " the case. inept Slowly grew apiTnwwlTyTTayf, in the blackness, ; TJrcuehart'a tale was told.--:-m-,iS - - " Fourteen months ago, : I was lodg ing for the summer in a farm-house in a village, no matter where. The only ouse there belonging te gentlefolks, ept the wretched; old parsonage, was Squire Bingwood's. It was a big, stupid-looking mansion, on a hili, staring down overbearingly at the poor little tenements huddled together be low ; and the burly Squire himself was for all the world like his house, as he sat on his tall horse, and looked down pompously over his vast waist coat at a frightened crew of village children. The Squire had an ugly, sickly wife and daughter, and they had an humble companion that was an angel of beauty. I fell in love with her at church. Oh, the little church in the west conn trie, hid in the bowery orchard noiiow i Oh, the sadden delicious gust that littered the graves with blossoms ! your mother's grave, Charley ; has the dear woman the violets I planted there ? or did they die like the faith and nope sne set in me ? X fell in love with Fanny Vale before I knew her name ; I learned that from the farm-house folk with whom I lodged. ; They told me. moreover, that she was a young widow, and still in weeds when she came to lodge very humbly in the village six months before ; that the Squire s wife and daughter had taken a fancy to her, and had adopted her into their family. as a ama oi reaaer ana companion of all work. I made her acquaintance by a note which I threw at her feet over a hedge the first time I spied her walking - V -m . m i. aione. i neea not swear to vou tnat 1 never had an evil wish or thought about ner. xo ma a woman was a nolv thing. desecrated by no lowness of condition. deserving of any gentleman's love and reverence, if endowed with certain qualities. These qualities I now took on trust, and, being enchanted by her beauty, saw also the perfection of moral loveliness in her face. Such an angelic face, Charley I There she sat in the Squire's pew, beside her ugly patron esses, with such intelligence m her melancholy blue eye and fair half -moon ox orw, suon a Dreaming sensiouity in her silence ; and when I came to know her, what sympathy in her smile. what silken manners, so soft, graceful. caressing, yet modest and full of suave dignity I one did not answer my note : but when I went to the copse behind Bingwood house, where I had implored ner to meet me, sne was there, tone came, sne said, jniy to beg me to come, and write no more. : She was a poor dependent, and the least suspicion falling on her would cast ner homeless and friendless on the world. I will not dwell on this stale love story ; it was perfectly commonplace of its kind, ex cept that the dupe was not, tor once, the humble beauty, but the gentleman from London. She consented to be my wife : and at the summer's end, without asking her a tingle question as to her past, without knowing more of it than the farm folk had volunteered to tell me the first day I saw her, I brought this girl to London and married her. That's what came of being too good for this world, incapable of evil, or the compre hension of it. x nad written to tell m; father of my intended marriage to ( frankly confessed) a perfectly obscure and penniless young woman, that had. of course, everything but position and wealth to recommend her. I wrote a respectful letter which I received back in a blank cover. Yet my heart yearned to the cross-grained old man, and from the glory and joy of my fool s paradise. I emerged voluntarily, before the hon eymoon was over, to seek a reconciliation with my father. " When I got to his door, he drove me away li&e a beggar, luce a strange dog, with bis lifted stick, with his mouth full of curses. This is the last I ever saw of him. He died six months after, implacable. "I hurried back to town, to be com forted by the angel m my house. returned sooner than I was looked for, I opened the door by a latch-key. and went softly up-stairs to surprise my wife. It was about Z in sne afternoon. Our little drawing-room had folding doors, which were now sjar. JNo one was in the front room, but X heard I heard my wife's voice in the other. heard her voice and a man's. I had but to step forward, and I saw- It was quite dar& by this time, and here the voice that had come out of Urquehart's black corner suddenly broke into an awful sob. "Don't go on, said I, much dis tressed. " Let me alone, gasped Urquehart. In less than a minute he resumed, , " I saw my wife with her arms round a man's neck. She was passionately entreating him not to leave her ; he was trying to release himself. The next moment they saw me, and started apart. Then, instantly, my wife, that tender angel, flung herself at me like a wild cat. She did not scream, but through her shut teeth she said, I'll kill you. Til kill you, if you touch him !' Her blue eyes glared much like yonder blue lightning tnat keeps flashing out there, and something glittered close to my face, ne nad snatched up ner scis sors and I verily believe . would have aug them into my temple if the man her lover, had not come and pulled down her hand. She was going to fall into his arms again, 1 but he put her from him, not very gently, and told her to sit down. She obeyed him instant ly. I cannot in the least describe my state of mind all this . time, which was only a minute or two, I suppose. My impression is that I had ceased to feel ; that, if my brain and heart had been scooped out, I could not have been emptier of emotion and thought ; that I was not conscious of any vindictive rage, or any transport of despair. Some peo ple may think I ought to have kicked that man down -stair a, I neither did so, nor felt any desire to hurt him. It was, he who took the initiative, and made me a sign to go into the front room with him, which I did. Then, when I stood there face so face with him. I said suddenly, and, as it were, invol untarily : .,v., "Who are you? 1 " ' I am sorry for you,' said he, in gentle drawl, looking at me quite com passionately ; ' this woman has treated you very badly. Still, you know, you have only yourself to thank, xeur con duct has been quite inconceivably rash, you snow K.r ? --;--' " ' Who are you? I repeated, staring at him bluntly. - t r "I am Caps. Edward Bingwood. This woman is - an actress, whom I be came acquainted with about s year or two before you first saw her. I assure yon I knew nothing about your love affairs or proposed marriage. If I had known in time, I should certainly have condsidered it my duty to warn you of the awful blunder you were making. When I went abroad with my regiment, is seems she chose to go down and wrig gle herself into my family. What her motive was. I can t imagine." ' She is a most artfuL dangerous person, that is clear. She saw my return to England in the papers yesterday, and sent me note inviting me to come and see her at this address, which I did. I give you my word of honor I had not been here ten minutes when you made your ap pearanoe. She had just told me she was married, and this was your heuse ; upon which I got up and wished her good-day. "By this time I had found myself unable to stand, and was sitting on the sofa with my head between my hands. WhenCapt. Bingwood left off speaking, I looked up, meaning to say something, but forgot what it was, and only stared at him silently. " He was a fair,' slight young man, about 80, with handsome,thin features, and large, light-brown whiskers. He stood there looking at me with the same good-natured concern in his face that he had expressed in words, in his fash ionable, affected way. " At last I recollected what 1 had been going to say, and told him I wished to be left alone. He silently took out his card, laid it on the chimney-piece, and went out. "I don t know how many hours I re mained lying on the sofa, with my eyes shut, in that strange torpor; but it was night when I opened them, and found my wife standing by me. She had lighted the candles on the chimney piece, and was stooping down over me. She started upright as my eyes opened, but she did not avoid them. , She con fronted me, arching back her nymph like figure, and leaning one hand on a table behind her. I felt no emotion at sight of her, but looked at her as if she had been a picture. Her beauty was splendid. All her fair golden hair was turned off her white face in a sort of gUttering aureola. Her great turquoise- biue eyes flared under slightly con tracted brows ; the nostrils of her deli cate, straight nose and her infantine mouth expressed rage and pain. " I am glad you are awake.' said she ; ' I want you to hear me say I hate you I I don't care, said I, wearily. Go away. ' lier face named out with the fury that was burning her heart. " JBut you do care I she cried ; "you shall care 1 I tell you I always laughed at you and despised you. I only mar ried you from pique because he left me. X got into his family and toadied them, and made myself their servant,. only to bear of him, and to feel nearer him, and be where ne nad Deen x love him so! I love no one else in the world I never did. I would kill you, and a dozen like you, to save him from a nngerache. x would rather a thou sand times have a blow from him than a kiss from you a hundred million times ! When I think of you, and that you are between us, 1 hate you I ab lior you ! How dare you smile at me? X 11 kill you r. " I was quite unconscious of smiling: but she darted at me, and Btruck at my throat. I caught her hand ; thi3 time she had a penknife in it, and I felt that she had pricked me. That instinctive act of self-defense roused me, and probably saved my wits as well as my life. When I had mastered her and thrown the knife away, I held her hands in mine till she put down her face and bit them . savagely. X tied her wrists with my pocket handkerchief, and she sank panting on a chair. All of a sud den the unhappy creature burst out crying as if her heart was broken as it wall might be. Probably Bingwood's cool treatment of her throughout the interview recently was at the bottom of that frenzy of vituperation, that des perate behavior toward me. She did not hate me, but was simply mad with pain, and raved and struck out in her delirium. I think she really liked me when she married me, notwithstanding her assertion to the contrary, and meant and wished to lead a new life; but the sight of xungwood s name in the papers, and the knowledge of his nearness, in my absence, revived her passion for him, in which her good resolutions burnt like straw. I released her hands, and brought water and put it to her lips ; and when she was quiet through exhaustion, X advised her to lie down, and hoped she would goto sleep. As I was leaving the room she called me back, m a low, broken voice, and when X stood beside the sofa on which she lay, she joined her hands, and asked me, with streaming eyes, to forgive her. I did so, freely. Of course, Bingwood was right. I had no one but myself to thank. My infatua tion had been so monstrous that X could "no more complain of the conse quence than a man, sober, can com plain of the consequences of some drunken folly. ; " In the morning I took Fanny away to a farm-house in Kent, a place she knew of, and chose herself for a retreat. She was quiet and humble, and appar ently broken-spirited. But she did not remain there a month ; nor do I know whither she went, or where she has been ever since. Before she left she wrote me a long letter expressing her remorse at her behavior toward" me ; 'bad as I am,' ended she, I will never trouble you more. I do implore you to be sure of that, and to forget me, or think of me as dead.' " I am afraid to think of her at all. I made every possible effort to trace her, quite in vain ; and I hardly know where would be the good if I suc ceeded. " That's all," added Urquehart, after a moments pause; "and there s the history of your friend and the wife of his bosom ; and if you still wonder how or when my devil got into me, I don't. I believe you love me enough to think he is not so black a devil as he is painted. I am not the kind of man in whose heart such a gash could be made, and heal, and leave no mark. For a long while this world seemed, and often does seem, really an Inferno ; nothing but plunging and breaking one's heart in a swamp of suffering, with intervals of quiet from mere exhaustion and de spair. Ah, Charlev I how I wished your mother had been alive I I wanted some kind woman, that was honest and pure, about me; we men all do in our dark hour. , Basta I let us go down to the drawing-room, and your friends, and the lamp. By Jove, what a flash! There's a mighty storm brewing, young fellow." -. A Good Patent Medicine Story. "Lives there a man with soul so dead " as never to have heard of Prof. Benton's " Holloway pills " and oint ment ? These curative medicines have been constantly advertised for the last twenty years in every newspaper in the world, the result of its publicity being that the Professor has realized an enor moua fortune. He and his wife are now well stricken in years, and they have no children. So he is spending his money in benefioence. r Believing possibly from the large sale of Lis quack medi cines that most - people are mad, he has built an asylum for the insane at Virginia Water, near Windsor, at a cost of jeiuuuuo, and he is now about to erect at Egham a university for ladies. on an estate which he has just bought for 25.000. The best professors will be engaged to give the highest educa tion pot sibly to women, and the scheme will cost 150,000. This Mr. Holloway once asked Dickens to write one page of matter, mentioning in some way or other Hollowav'a Dills. In the envelone eontaining this request was a check for 1,000. Dickens, who was greatly an noyed, put envelope and contents into another, loose, and returned them by the messenger, saying there was no an swer. I had this story from Dickens own lipBr. London Correspondence, jxew ryfc Jtleraia. Tub highest prize in a Chinese lottery is 29 cents, and? the man who draws it has his name in the papers, and is looked npon as s heap of a fellow. STEEL. How It la Blade Its Manufacture Always K.ep a Mystery, which is Transmitted Verbally from father to Son Interest ing Ifacta. Gen. F. A. Starring, in his report to the Treasury Department upon the steel question, gives an interesting chapter upon the manufacture of steel. He says: :.. Xae manufacture of steel has always been kept a sort of mystery. The proc ess mostly followed is what is known Huntsman a process, discovered or most successfully worked and brought into operation in 1780 by Ben jamin Huntsman. Steel bearing bis name is universally known. The process with its subsequent im provements is very, complicated. The special method of manufacture adopted by each firm is a jealousy-guarded se cret handed down by verbal lormuia, etc., from father to son, through suc cessive generations. Each maker has bis peculiar mode of manufacture, and does not know what particular propor tions of irons, etc., are adopted by his colleagues in mixing their steeL Cast steel is made from various mate rials. The most inferior quality is English cast steel, viz., that made from English iron or scraps. This is the kind from which English spring-steel is made, the price being about 25 per ton. English cast steel is adapted only for piston-rods, springs for wagons, etc., rope-wire, and for purposes where a cutting edge is not required. This class of steel does not come under the designation of best cast steel, although its appearance is very similar. For the best qualities of cast steel good Swed ish iron must be used. There is a proverb among steel-melt-ers that if you would have good steel you must put good irons of uniform quality into the melting pot. This is the case, as it concerns the consumer or person who uses the steel, although the brands of the iron are melted and lost to view. The Swedish iron is delivered to the manufacturer in the form of bars, which have been hammered to the necessary dimensions, viz. : about nine inches wide, one-half inch thick, and from six to twelve feet long. The first process of manufacture is that of conversion. The converting furnaces are of different sizes, some capable of containing twenty-six tons of iron, some forty tons. They contain two stone-converting pots, each about four feet in width and depth, and twelve feet in length. These pots are placed side by side, and when in opera tion the heat from the fire below is con ducted around each pot by means of flues. The heat is prevented from es caping by means of a brick dome in closing the whole. The iron bars are placed in layers in the converting-pots, the spaces between the layers being filled up with charcoal broken into small pieces. When the converting furnace is filled, it is hermetically sealed with " wheel swarf," a substance accu mulating at the trough of the grinding- wheel, and capable of resisting long exposure to heat. The fire is then lighted, and is allowed to burn from twelve to sixteen days, the time de pending upon the amount of carboniza tion required. It is then left to die out, and the converting furnace and metal, having been raised to a great heat, take about the same length of time to cool as for the heating. When the metel is removed it is covered witk blisters, from which it gets a name of "blister steeL Xt is as brittle as glass, and can be broken by a slight blow of the hammer. After the metal has been weighed, it is taken to a melting furnace, and con veyed into small fire-clay pots about eight inches in diameter, and sixteen to twenty inches high, covered with closely-fitting lids, and previously raised o a white heat. A hey are allowed to remain in the furnace, surrounded by a strong nre, lor several noun, aunng which the metal is, frequently stirred, so that it may be thoroughly mixed. After it has been thoroughly melted and mixed, it is run into a metal mold of the required form. When the bars are cooled, a piece is broken off at each end -this inspection of the fractures being for the purpose of ascertaining whether the metals have been thoroughly mixed more than to determine whether the quality of the steel is equal to any par ticular standard. This completes the process ; and the steel is sent to the mill to be rolled or hammered into its ultimate shape of square, triangular, octagon, round, or flat. Without entering into an analysis of the many different ways in which oast steel or best cast steel is made, it is sufficient to state that there are several hundred varieties, varying in temper and quality. The best oast steel of one manufacturer, may be totally different from that of another firm. It is. of course, well known that noth ing can be told by the outside surface of the Dars, dus is is neveruieiess true that the value can be determined by the grain, as exhibited upon fracture. If the grain is fine, the steel is supposed to be valuable ; if coarse, not so. This is altogether an error. The grain of the steel depends npon the temper the harder the steel is, the finer it is in the grain. The commonest quality looks just as fine as the best ; and many of the low-priced samples forwarded here with present a considerably finer grain than the steel worth $4 or 5 more per hundredweight. ' Taxes In Different States. 4 A table recently prepared from offi cial statements for 1873 and 1874 gives the taxable valuations and the rates of taxation in the several, States The rates vary all the way from 10 cents on the 8100 in Connecticut, to the enor mous sum of on . tne kiuu in Louisiana. The rate is 60 cents in Alabama. Arkansas. California, Maine, Minnesota. Texas -and 'Virginia; 40 cents in Georgia. Kansas, Ohio and Tennessee : 70 cents in Florida : 10 cents in Connecticut : 24 cents in Illi nois ; 15 cents in Indiana ; 17 cents in Maryland : 22 cents ; in- Michigan M. 124 in Nevada: 72 cents in New York ; 15 cents in Oregon ; 20 eents in Bhode Island, and 70 oents in South Carolina. The great difference in the rates ia remarkable. Indiana and Mis souri have about equal populations, but the Indiana rate (15 cents) is one-third ss large as the Missouri rate (45 oents); this is partially explained, however, by the fact that the Indiana valuation ($950,500,000) is neatly twice as great as that of our state ioo,oo,uuu. XL Louis Republican. Pcsoh has the following on the abo lition of second-class carriages : " Are there any second-class carriages on this line, Eogersf" :"o, my lord." "Ah, then take two first-class tickets and two third." "Beg pardon; my lord, but is me and Mrs. marker expected so go third-class ?' " Gracious . heavens ! No, Rogers, not for the world ! The third-class tickets are for my lady and me!" Boom Enough. A few facts touching population will reassure those who suppose that this country is getting to be so densely pop ulated that it will not offer inducements to European immigrants very much longer. The islands of Great Britain and Ireland, with an area of about 21, 600 square miles, contain forty-two cities with a population of 21,000 and upward, their aggregate, population be ing 8,012,200. Of these cities twenty- six have a population of JXJ.UUS and up ward, the total being 7,469,000, and the average 466,800. 1 or comparison take the mew En gland States, with New York and New Jersey. These States, exceeding Great Britain and Ireland in area by 4,000 square miles, contain only twenty-nine cities with a population of 21,000 and upward, the total being 2,746,800. Of these only ten contain 50,000 inhabitants and upward, the total being 2,152,000, and the average 215,250, or less than half that of the twenty-six British cities. If we include all the towns and cities in New England, New York, and New Jersey, with 7,000 inhabitants and upward, we find seventy-one of them in all. with a population 3.174.900. The number 7,000 is chosen as being one third of the lowest number of inhabit ants in any of the British cities re ferred to. To narrow the comparison: England proper, with an area of about 51.UOO square miles, has no, less than twenty eight cities containing 21,000 inhabitants and upward, the total being b,322,DUU, and sixteen of these cities contain 50,000 in habitants each and upward ; the States of New York and Massachusetts, with an area exceeding that of England by 3,800 square miles, only nineteen cities containing zti.uuu inhabitants and up ward, the total being2,269,500 and only six of these cities contain 50,000 and upward each. To go one step further : England has 421 inhabitants to the square mile, while New xork and Mas sachusetts have only 106 to the square mile, or only about one-fourth as many. From these facts it is safe to conclude that we still have room for more even in the most densely settled of our States. England, however, is not the most densely populated country in the world. Xiittie Xieigium, which is about the size of the State of Maryland, has 442 inhabitants to the square mile. or more than six times as many in all as Maryland. . With an equal density of population Illinois would contain no less than 24,491,000 inhabitants, or more than Hrussia, and nearly as many as England and Scotland combined : and the United States as densely settled would contain a population 'of 1,600, 000,000 or 300,000,000 more than the entire population of the globe at the present time. xt is true, of course, that a large part of the territory comprised within the United States is incapable of support ing a dense population. There are great ranges of mountains which will never be good for much except to afford coverts for game, and so modify the climate, and there are vast acres of arid plains which will remain sterile so long as the mountains stand as a barrier be yond which the clouds from the ocean cannot pass. But notwithstanding all that, there is no danger of our crowd ing one another very hard for some centuries to come unless the Chinese should pour their millions into our midst ; and if five ships, with 800 China-, men each, should arrive on the Pacific coast every day in the year, they would bring less than a million and half of the almond-eyed emigrants annually. vmcago Times. Western Progress. The New York papers and the East ern papers generally are waking up, latterly more than ever before, to the fact that the West is growing in business and manufactures, as well as in population. The' New York Com mercial A.dverto8er, in a recent issue, has a very interesting article in admis sion of this. It remarks that the East ern reader has so long regarded the New England and Middle States as hav ing the sole right to manufacture for the rest of the united states, that it seems to him manifestly improper that Western capitalists should engage in any other business than packing hogs or shipping grain. Then it proceeds to summarize some of the statistics in the census of 1870. At that time the State of New York had 35,693 manufactories in its borders. The six New EoglaBd States had 32,005 viz., 5,462 in Maine, 3,296 in New Hampshire, 8,194 in Ver mont, ld,12o in Massachusetts, 1,813 in Bhode Tsland, and 5,082 in Connecticut. Once these States controlled the manu factures of the Union. But if we turn to the West we shall find some figures, says the Advertiser, that " will startle us by their suggestive comparisons. In 1860, Ohio had 22,254 manufactories; Illinois had 12,491 ; Indiana, 11,622 ; Michigan, 9,264 ; Wisconsin, b,915 ; Iowa, 6.566. This gives a total of 69.- 102 for the six States, or more than double the number of the New England States. Umo and Illinois together had as many manufactories as New York, and more than all New England. Com menting upon this, the Advertiser adds: " True, msny of these branches of basin ass are small, bat they are the seed of great ac tivity ia the future. When it ia known that Missouri has as many branches of dud f actnres as Maaeschusetta. and that Tennessee bas more than Connecticut, it mnat be evi dent that Ben Butler spoke words of sound wisdom to his constituents when he bade them remember that the scepter of power had passed to tbe country west of the Middle States. It is vain to abut oar eyes to this fact. Baltimore has been prompt to reoog nize it by extending ber groat railroad artery to Chicago, ana ty ragging the west to make it seaboard port In Maryland. It is time tbat the people of Nev York also waked to a knowledge of the faot that the West ia not only a producing country, rich in all re sources of the soil, and boundless tn its ca pacity for its production, but that there has ceased to be any obstacle to the extension of its manufactures. It has all the facilities that the East can boast. Cheap transporta tion has made machinery and the raw ma terial everywhere available, and tbe Western manufacturer naa his customers at his doors. The next decade is destined to see steady Ijrawiu ui mauuiactures at (ne west, ana I competition in sales for which Eastern manu facturers must be prepared." Freaen Politeness. - A Frenchman -was about to be hanged for a criminal offense ; aa there was no professional executioner available for the occasion, the painful duty of carry. ing put the sentence devolved upon an amateur, who apologized for possible shortcomings to the person principally I m hope you will pardon me," said he, "if I put you to any unnecessary inconvenience ; but the faot is, I have never nangea any one before." Pray do not mention it," replied kue oiiier, witn tne greatest sancTroia ; " for that matter, I have never been hanged before. We must each do our best."5 . , . Silk culture in California seems to be considered a failure. The idea prevails tnat tne cumate is in fault. Mulberry trees thrive, but silk-worms perish be- xore maturing tne oo coons. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, an In iie AND- Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREGON. Deposits received subject to cheek at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange oa Portland, San Francisco and New York for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. . Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Idd. Btnking hours from 8 a. m. to 4 p. ni. Albany, Feb. L, 1874. 22v6 P. M. JONES. J. IilSeEY HILL. JONES & HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Albany, Obeoon. 37v0 . J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will practice in all the Conrts in the eond, Third and Fourth Judicial Districts, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in the U. S. District and Circuit Conrts. Office in Parriah brick (up-stsl), in office occu pied by the late N. H. Orsnor, First street, Albany, Oregon. to!6v6 D. B. BICE, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office, First-st., Between Ferry and Wanhington. Residence, Third street, two blocks below or east of Methodist Church, Albany, Oregon. v5n40 J. C. POWBIili. I. POWELL & FLYNN, Attorneys anil Counselors at Law, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, L. Flinn, Notary Public), Albany, Oregon. Collec tions and conveyances promptly attended to. 1 Albany Book Store. JNO. FOSHAY, Dealer in Miscellaneous Books, Scliool Books, Blank Books, Stationery, fancy Articles, tc. Books imported to order at shortest possible no ice. - v6n'J0 DB. GEO. W. GRAY, I s D 35 IN" T T Albany, (5beook. Office in Parriah Brick Block, corner First and Ferry streets. Residence, corner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hoars from 8 to 13 o'clock s. m. and 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. 18v6 Epizootics Distanced, THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES, And is flourishing like a green bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continu ance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always be resdy, and easily found, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. r Delivery or goods a specialty. 20v5 A. N. ARNOLD, Proprietor. W. C. TWEEDALE, Dealer in Groceries, ProTisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Cutlery. Crockery, and Wood and Willow Ware. Albany, Oregon. W Call and see him. 2v5 The Metzler Chair! Can be had at the following places : Harrisbnrg Sam May Junction City Smith h Brastteld Brownsville Kirk & Hume Halsey J. M. Mosgaa Bcio 3.3. Brown Albany Graf & Collar A full supply can also be obtained at my old shop on First street, Albsny, Oregon. j. m. ait izutK Piles !Piles! Whv say this damaging and troublesome com plaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success might be placed before yoo. every day cures of suDDOsed hopeless cases T Your physician informs you that the longer you allow the complaint to exist, yon lessen your ensnces zor reiiei. jxe- ptrienee has taught this in all easfs. A. Carotliers & Co.'s Pile Pills & Ointment Are all they are recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in a very short time, snd are convenient to e. This preparation ia sent by mail or express to any point within the JJuited States at $1.50 per package. Aaureas A. lawj ihim , 27 v5 Box 33. AUbany. Oregon, JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN Groceries and ProTisions, ALBANY, OREGON, Has just opened his new grocery establishment, on Corner of Ellsworth and First Streets, With s fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies. vuar, xodbcco. c, to wmcn ne invites tne stten. tlon of our citizens. - In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh tsreea. uncaere, etc as call ana see me. JOHN fcCHMF.ER. February 16. aiv4 The Old Stove Depot John Briggs, Dealer in Cook, Parlor anil Bbi StoTes ! OF THE BEST PATTERNS. . ; A. X. 8 O . Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware And the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods to I oe oouunea in s Tin mors. . Bepsirs neatly and promntly executed on reason. auia terms. Short Beekonlagg Make Long Friend. Front Stbebt, Aljiant. Dec 8, 1874. Every thing New. (GRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturers and Dealers in FUBNIT XT IR IE OF JJJ KINDS. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Lounges ' Sofas, Spring Beds, Chairs, Etc., Always on band or made to order on ths shortest notice. Furniture repaired expeditiously and at fair rates. slarsm axel VMtory na , "trat atrset, aasav soaaiwr'a mv-jt -' Albany, Fsb. 38, 187-a5. GRAF COLLAR FURNITURE v A. W. GAMBLE, M. D 7 PHYSICIAN,' SURGEON, Etc. Office on First AY., over Weed's Grocery Store' Residence opposite late residence of John C. Men den hall, near the Foundry, First street, Albany. October 21. 1878. Webfoot M arketr CHARLES WILSON Having leased tbe Webfoot Market, on First street, adjoining Orsdwohl's, respectfully asks a "bare or the public patronsge. The market will be kept con stantly supplied with aU kinds of fresh meats. Calk and see. ttr- me highest cash price paid for Hides. CHA8LES WlISOX. Albany, August 14, 1874. . W. H. HlcFarland, (Late M. M. Harvey ft Co.,) . Next Door to Conner's Bank, ALBANY, OREGON. STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, Lead and Iron Pipe, Hollow Ware, House Furnishing Hardware, Tin, Copper I Sheet Iron Ware. LARGEST STOCK IN THE VALLEY LOWEST PRICES EVERT TIME. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. June 11, 1874. ALBANY Fonnflr? end MacMie A. F. CHERRY, Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines Flour and Saw Mill Machinery, Wool-Worlting & Aricnltnral MacMnery. And all kinds of j Iron and Brass Castings. Particular attention .'lid to repairing all kinds of " machinery. 41v3 A. CAROTHERS & C(W DEALERS IK Drugs, Chemicals Oils, Paints, Dyes, Class, Lamps, Etc.. AU the popular PATENT MEDICINES, JBU-N1S UUTXiEttr, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, And TOILET GOODS- Particular care and promptness aiven physicians' prescriptions and family recipe. A. SS UM. Albany, Oreson. 4vB GQ.TO THE BEE-HIVE STORll -TO BUY - Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &c.f &c, Cheap for Cash. r Donntry Produce of All Kinds Bonjtbf: For Merchandise or Cash. This is the p'ac to get the Best Bargains Erer Offered In Albany. Parties will always do well to call and sre for them selves. H. WEED. First Street, Albany, 82v0 Oregon. V tDflLJID MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Was first known in America. Its aoerlts are now . well known throughout the habitable world. It has ths oldest and best record of any Liniment In tbe , world. From the millions upon millions of bottles sold not a single complaint bas ever rsaoosd us. As . a ueaung ana rain-Buuamng Linimout it bas no equal. It ia alike BENEFICIAL TO MAX AND BEAST. Sold by all Druggist. S.T.--I Y" OLD Homestead Tonic: Plantation Bitters Is Preparation, composed of " Calisava Bark, Boom, tierus sua rrani, imuui iS,iK -ni he found BarssparUlian, Dandelion, Wild Cberry"bssssfras, Tansy, Osntlsn, Bwsst Msg, etc.; also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes snd Juniper Berries, sreservedin a Vufflcisn quantity (only) of thsspirit offmsar Cans to keep in say elimsto. Tbey In vari- . n.v- ud cure ths following complaints nvanmaia Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Loss of aXoeUte Heedsche, Bilious Attack., Fever and Summer Complaints, Hour Stomach. Palplta- ttZn of ths Heart, Uenerai ueoiniy. eio. especially adapted sa a remedy for the They are diseases to WOMEN Are subtected ; and as a tonic for tbe Aged. Feeble and Debilitated, have no equal. They are strictly in tended as a Tempsrsnos Tonic or Bitters, to be M a medicine only, and always aooording to direoilons. Sold by all Fib st-C lass Dkcooists