0 X Vagrant. BV lOtEPHlSE rOLXARD. 1 :.iijof check fuy thoii jiit these day, v, ..en inoen.-e luifirrs in the air, ; tuvreariej wing it strays, I i.i'.ow not or where. j . .: not where the blossoms hide That throw their hires acroiw its flight: How ptara can tling their gates ao wide, To pive my thought delight. Tli. re is no door close barred and sealed Where cowers Buffering or sin, But will to touch or whiwper yield. And let this vagrant in. It baars no pansrxirt, no parole, But free, aud earelesH aa tbe air, My thought deapisea all control, Aud wanderu everywhere. Its warrant from the throne of thrones; It duty to the King of kings; Through height, aud depths, aud circling zones, It oars on seraph wings. What caut thou bring from yon fair height. What bring me from the deepening ea ? What gather for tny own delight That i not wealth to me. , Hcribtier's for Uio'infjer. THE' (JKEAT LAKES. A Complete l.it of the DuxuitrtK Iuriu the Pant Year, together with the I.owt of I.ile, and Other InforniHlion. From the columns of the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin, which payer fur nishes annually a resume of the disas ters occurring on the great inland lakes, wc condense the following valuable in formation: The record shows 1,251 disasters of all kinds, major and minor, against 1,318 last year. The estimated damage to property foots up $3,031, 700, against 3,976,000 in 1873, a falling off of 8944,300. This, in view of the fact that the tonnage afloat in 1874 was greater than in 1873, might appear surprising were it not for the fact that the past season was one of the dullest ever ex perienced in the history of lake naviga tion. and that in consequence a large amount of tonnage was laid up during t!e two most disastrous months, Octo ber and N'ovemlier. Last year the losses in October footed up nearly twice the amount of any other mouth of the sea sou, .tdz: $1,407,000. This year Novem ber snakes the largest showing, viz: S9t8,0tX), and had it not been tliat-so many vessels were in winter ter quarters there is no telling what point the figures would have reach e J. -In the estimation the marine editor of tha, " Wisconsin, no more boisteroBS month has been experienced since the memorable November of 1869, when the shores of Lakes Huron and Michi gan were fairly lined with vessels and valuable cargoes, and insurance com panies staggered to the verge of ruin Tinder the burden of their losses. An enumeration of the loss of life dur ing the year shows the number to have have been 243; against 221 in 1873, and 219 111.1872. In this respect the recoro, very unfortunately, is against 1874. The number of vessels of all descrip tions, steam and sail, that nave gone out of existence during the vear is bo, or two less than in 1873. The tonnage of these vessels foots up 15,915, against 19,914 tons in 1873 a difference of nearlv 4.000 tons in favor of 1873. As the number lost in both seasons is near lv eoual, it will be seen that the vessels which have srone out of. existence this year were chiefly of a small and inferior - class, although several oi the larges and finest vessels on the lakes are. m . braced in the liat. 'Recapitulation. 1 he - following recapitulation gives the number of disasters in each month, together with an estimate of the damage involved, and a comparison with the disasters during the same time in 1873 1874. Damage. 1873. " No. So. Damage. December 10 January. . 15 February. 14 March.,; 20 April,.... 131 May...... 170 June...... 152 Julv..... Ill August. '.. 100 September 154 44.000 82,000 18.5O0 15.0O0 92,000 231,200 125,900 208,100 654.900 96. 000 50,000 2 12 2 7 50 115 97 134 114 235 291 211 48 $13,000 15,000 1.000 7.000 41.000 242.000 299,000 177.0 4) '203.000 731.000 1,407.000 709.000 131.000 October-. r November December 145 221 8 1,251 " f 3,031,700 1,318 3, 976, 000 Tesaeb Totally IrfMt. THe following vessels have gone out of existence during the past season, through shipwreck, fire, and explo sion. - The valuation is fixed in each case according to the underwriters' reg ister: . . STEAMEBS. Name. International . ; ,. . Forest Queen . . . Wave York::'.. L t; Xitimard Tonnage. . . 1,135 ... 210 ... 200 .. 496 . 200 Bate. CI Valne. $15,000 10 000 10.000 Bl 22 ooo 10,0ih) 2,231 67.000 1 PE'JPELLEBB. Nape. Tonnage. SanT .: 787 Citr of London . . . .'. . 307 Bate. CI A3 A2 A2 CI Value. $7,000 ! 23.GO0 I Di.-pai (tm s'd bge) 1,500 12.000 20,000 5,400 1 68, 900 Value. $4,500 10,000 6,000 8,000 4,500 Frankfort 155 466 771 Brooklyn . Neptune.. 2,486 rcos. Tonnage. .. 24 , .. "88 " .. 60 .- 43 .. 24 Name. I'JaHLee.... Tawas Carlton Yonn Lion.. i F Eehn Bate. A2 Bl" Bl Bl A2 239 BASKS. Name. Tonnage. Chic. Board of Trade. 423 Monarch 314 Fannv Campbell... . 354 33,000 Value. $18,000 10,000 16,000 11,000 Bate. Bl Bl A2 Bl Sardinia 323 1,414 CHOOS2B8. Tonnage.' Bate. 55,000 Value. 9 2.000 4,500 3,000 3,000 12.000 9.000 3,008 12,000 1,200 30,000 1,200 4,000 9.000 24,000 15,000 36.000 18.000 900 4,000 32.000 4.000 14 500 4.O0 i'-'joo : OO0 1J.0-J0 13,000 7,500 Name Meteor 61 Bl 119 Bl 135 CI 100 . . 350 . . : 204 ' Bl 152 B2 826 Bl 58 B2 601 A2 87 CI 232 CI 292 Bl 317 Al 841 A2 659 : Al 369 A2 89 . CI 166 Bl 655 A3 230 B2 249 M 110 Jii 116 ... Bl 146 .. IP- 236 Al 337 Bl 184 Bl St. Peter Octavia. ..T. . Alice (est) . Phebe Catherine Melrose. ..... .... ... E V Kverse ..... ThosSMott Ferrett City of Painenville, . . Centurion. . ......... DiMpatch Exchange.... ...... Atlanta Ja Piatt Nimrod. F Morell Charm ... Preble,.....'.'.."."!!" 88 Osborne Uncle Tom Miami ....!!!! Wanderer 1 W Langmuir. Sardinia Star ".'.".'.".".'.".".'.'. Wm Sanderson. Augustus Ford.' I 6,851 CAXAL. BOATS. Tonnage. Bate. $286,100 Value. $1,500 Name. E J Vickery. $1,500 Probably total. SOWS. 'lViinauo. Rate. 72 lit In lla 7 152 . 70 IV2 t;n B2 . . SI B2 2it 70 152 513 barges. Tonnage. Rate . . 17 152 . . 2K2 152 .. 217 CI . . 427 B2 Xame. Lily tirey Anton Industry Dan Baker Rough and Heaily Pearl ". . HuiTUii 13ov SU.w Value. 2,500 2.KK 1.200 1,MIM 1.000 1. HIMI 500 1.200 &12.000 Value. ei.5oo 5.5MI 1,400 y.ooo 2, (MH 4.000 3,500 Name . T M livan T H Orto.i Detroit N McGilverv Clifton 139 Gen Sherman ltifi J S Newhouso 381 David 2.031 34,900 COMPARATIVE RECAPITULATION. - 1874. Ton. 1S73. No. 6 6 5 4 2 H 8 Value. No. Tons. Value. Steamers. . . Proieilers.. Thks Barks Schooners.. Swwfl ...... Bar:' Canal Boat 2,331 $ 67.10 2,46 2 14 5 '2 33 4 7 Ml $ 48.0(10 8,513 4fi9,0 33,IU M.UU0 12,(lOo' S4,!XI0 l.Suu 273 696 fi,'276 365 3.240 3-2,lH 30,000 20.IHI 10,100 67,OU 1,414 6,8M 513 2,031 150 1 55 15,915 $558.4110 67 ltf.914 J1W6.700 The following is a summarized state- I ment of the lossof life on the lakes in 1874, ascomparcJ with 1873 and 1872. It will be seen that the number is greater tins year than in either of the preceding two years. Ill is is principally une to tne fearfid squall which passed over the west coast of Lake Michigan early in April, whereby 24 fishermen, six off Kenosha and eighteen oft south Chica go, were nurriea into eteriuty aimosr without a moment's warning: Comparative Recapitulation. YEAR. CI B2 CI 1874. 1873 1872. . . 3 8 " .. ..! 1 3 34 5 7 25 12 8 15 13 8 31 18 11 17 22 20 5 51 70 .45 33 18 56 45 77 22 243 221 219 December January . . February , March . . Aprd May June JulT August December Death of Dickens' " Lascar Sal." From the Ixmdou Echo. There have been many women for whom a stanza of a poet has been a brevet of perpetual fame, and some times, as in the case of Mrs. Black, of Athens, a provision of a more substan tial kind from the pocket of the poet's admirers, lhe same can hardly be said of the personages who sat for their pic tures to our great novelist, Dickens, who often thought fit to reverse the principle of "nihil ietigit quod non ornavit," and "touched nothing" with out making it more grotesque. Among the' characters whom he appears to have drawn truly enough, albeit in most repulsive colors, was the wretched creature called " Lascar Sal," described in "Edwin Drood" as the female pur veyor of opium, and herself a smoker of the drug. This miserable Woman, it appears, died recently of scarlet fever, in a frightful condition of neglect and destitution, in a court in Uluegate Fields, in St. George's-iu the-East. Naturally the vice to which she had ad dicted herself, and the effects of which, the L-ancet remarks, are frequently seen in all their hideousness by medical practitioners in the East End, left her in a state of low vitality unfit to con tend with the disease to which she im mediately ' succumbed. In her filthy and miserable room we are informed that white mice were found running about to the number of "several hun dred." Making allowance for exagger ation, and supposing the poor woman to have fed some dozens of the little an imals in her extreme poverty, we have a curious and not unaffecting picture of a human being ruined by a soul-and-body-destroying propensity, yet retain ing so much of gentleness in her isola tion and degradation as to care for these minute friends possibly the only crea tures in the world who did not shrink from ' Lascar SaL" A Man of Few Words. ""Waiter?" Sir," replied the waiter. .""Waiter, I am a man of few words, and I don't like to be continually ring ing the bell and disturbing the house. I thank you to rniy attention to what I say, and to remember that, although there are three ways of doing things, I only like one way in those who have subordinate stations and minds. In the first laee. brine me a glass of brand v and (cold) water, a little sugar, and also a teaspoon; wipe down this i table, throw some coals on the fire, and sweep down the hearth; bring me m a j couple of candles, pen, ink and paper, :' some -wafers and a little sealing wax; I tell the hostler to take care ot my I horse, dress him well, stop his feet, 1 and let me know when he is ready to j feed; order the chambermaid to pre- pare me a good bed. take care that the sheets are well aired, and a glass of water in the room : send the boots with j a pair of slippers that I can walk to the stable in: tell him I must have my boots cleaned and brought into tne room to-niaht. and that I shall want to be called at five o'clock in the morning; ask your mistress what I can1 have for suBoer: tell her I should like roast duck or something of that r " desire your master to slep in; I want to ask him a few Questions: send me the di rectory; chancre this five dollars' worth of stamps into bills, none of them worn ; when does the mail arrive with the letters, and what time it is by the clock on the landing, and leave the room." This portrait is from life. The Housewife's Table. The following is a very valuable housewife's table, by which persons not having scales and weights - at hand may readily measure the article wanted to form any recipe without the trouble of weighing, allowance" to be made for an extraordinary dryness or moisture of me article weighed pr measured. : Wheat flour. 1 DOundis 1 auart. - Indian meal, 1 pound 2 ounces are 1 quart. ., .. :1 Butter, when soft, 1 pound is 1 quart. xjoai Bugar, Droicen, l pounu is quart. White sugar, powdered, 1 pound ounce are 1 auart. : I Best brown sugar, 1 pound 2 ounces are x quart. Ten eggs are one pound. Flour, 4 pecks are 1 bushel. . ! Sixteen large teaspoonfuLt are 1 pint. rjgm large teanspoonfuls are x gm- Four large teaspoonfuls are gill- j Two Halls are I pint. . Two pints are 1 quart. Four quarts are 1 gallon. A common-sized tumbler hold J a pint. . ' A common-sized wine-glass is i a gilL- A teacup is 1 gill. A large wine-glass is 1 gilt s .',!'' A tablespoonful is ounce. Forty drops are equal to 1 teaspoonf uL Four teaspoonfuls are equal to 1 ta blespoonfuL The shirt which buttons behind has reached Japan. THE MEXICAN EARTHQUAKE. People Killed and Cliuri-iirit Tbroti n Down I.uft." of lroprrtv on tlie Omul. From the New Orh'mii Picayune. Throusrh Mr. Cieorae H. Clardner, of , purser of '; L.t from t?f irthcr par- Puebla, and Mr. A. K. Coney, tie steamship Cuba, dire th "MVvirein rnrt,s we have further par of the 'jirthouake which visited the coast on the nioriiinar of November 13. by which it appears quite a number i.r. vU .b.th ntion i 13, tJ 11 vt'M cre huu tuc j of property much more severe man wa j at rirst reixrted. Mr. George H. Gard- : - -r. . . . . i a: .,,..1 ner, who was in I'uenia at uie ntuc i shock m twill vftft ftmiEmm iv a which threw, him out of his bed. He jumped to hie feet and was again thrown down, but he, there be ing no more shocks, immediately after gained the street, where was an immense crowd of people. Fearing another shock, no one, however, entered their houses until morning, when the majority of the buildings were found to be safe, though some dwelling houses were much shaken. In Guanajuato, Puebla, Tux pan, Oaxaca, Tehuacan, San Andres, Tuxtla, Cosamuloapan, Cuernavaoca and Michoacan the shock was also severely felt, showing that it extended along the seacoast and not any distance into Uieiuterior,. though a slight shock was felt at the City of Mexico. At Aberrade the church and the convent were much shattered, and a portion of the tower fell, burying, it is supposed, several priests who were preparing for matins. In Tuxtla the shock was very great, prostrating several houses and killing and wounding a number of peo ple. In Vera Cruz, however, it appears the principal damage ' was done to houses. Mr. Coney, of the Cuba, re ports that he was asleep in the hacienda, and was awakened by the first shock; rushing to the street, he was again prostrated. The first shock was a wave and the second oscillating. Immedi ately after his reaching the street there was a terrible crash, and the cry was raised that the old church, now used as a library, and wjbere the niece of Her nando Cortez is buried, was falling; but fortunately only a portion of the tower gave way. About the same time the walls of the old cathedral, which are very solid, cracked open, striking a panic into the people who had sought shelter near the sanctuary, lhe. light house was aho much cracked, and the keeper was thrown down the steps, bruising hmi severely. About a third of the buildings in Vera Cruz were in the same way cracked or broken, aud there was also considerable damage in the suburbs. The course of the earthquake was from northeast to southwest, and it lasted ten seconds. The change in the thermometer and barometerwere barely perceptible. It was not felt, singular to say, in the harbor, though there was a large number of ships at anchor there. African and Scottish Cruelty. From the Pall Mall Gazette. Among the unpleasant facts observed by Sir Samuel Baker in his wanderings on the shores of the White Nile was one similar to that recorded by the African traveler Bruce, who declared to an un- benevmg public that the Abvssimans cut beefsteaks from living cattle. He found that it is the practice in a certain district to renWve the humps of, the native buffaloes while the animals are alive, and that, the meat thus obtained being much yalued, this horrible opera tion is repeated several times during tne lives ol tne miserable creatures. This is disgusting enough, and the peo ple guilty of such methods of increas nig tne meat supply are, no uoubt. steeped in cruelty and bloodshed; but a traveler from Lnvoro might, had he been in Glasgow the other day, have turned the tables on white critics, and pointed to as ugly a sight in Christian and civilized England. Here a charge was lately proved against an engineer of having cruelly tortured a dog by put ting it into a pot over the fire, filled or partly filled with boiling water, and al lowing the animal to remain there howl ing -and barking until the hair, skin, and nesn were about to separate from its bones, when it died. It was also stated by witnesses that they found the defendant standing looking on at the poor brute struggling in the pot, and asking it to give an account of itself now. "We could wish in the case of its trial that the venue had been changed to Africa, where, if the law had taken cog nizance of the offense at all, its majesty would have been vindicated with a hip popotamus whip instead of a twenty-one shillings or fourteen days imprison' ment. A Homesick Indian. The Oxford (Penn.) Press says: "One of the Indians who recently came to Lincoln University to receive an educa tion, left about two weeks ago for his home in Utah valley, having become home ick. He was the nephew of cmei, ana thought lie did not receive the homage which should be paid to so distinguished a personage. Xliis was shown by him more particularly toward Bichard Komas and the other Indian at the university. A few days before he left he became so indi ?nant that he dressed himself in all his Indian tog gery; put on war paint, and with knife and revolver in his belt appeared in the presence of the faculty of the univer sity, declaring his intention of setting oft on foot lor his home in the West. The ' officers of the institution seeing that he was , determined to go, prevailed upon him " to wait until the next morning, when they would send him by railroad. . Accord ingly, the next morning, Messrs. John B. liandall and Fid ward X. Bingham. two of the teachers, accompanied him to Philadelphia, and placed him aboard the train for Omaha, in special charge of the conductor. He had been given a new name at the university, that of John J. Patterson. , He was quite an apt scholar, and showed remarkable quick ness of perception, having mastered the alphabet in a short time, and could un derstand many English words. He was always respectful to the officers of the institution, and only got upon his dig nity because . bis Indian companion had imbibed too much of our Democratic notions, thereby failing to show him the deference the kinsman of the chief was entitled to, Important to Railroad en. Professor Barker, of Yale College formerly, and now of Philadelphia, has j recently made a discovery of great value to railroad men. iiua metallic paint, intended for application to "journal boxes on railroad care. The paint, when heated to about 100 ' degrees Fahrenheit, turns irom . its original color, which is a .deep, clear red, . to pure black; and immediately on cool ing it resumes its reddish hue.' The journal boxes being covered with the metallic paint, train hands may detect at a glance whether a journal has heat ed or is heating. Their knowledge at present is only gained when the wood work has ignited and the damage has already been done. . Uarscm s excuse for marrying again i i that he had no one to get up mornings and light his hre. Hursting of a Halanc The New York Evening day has the following: Wheel. ost of Fri- ' Clark's thread works in Newark, in i which upward of 1,000 me and women f a,.e employed, was the scehe yesterday j 'frAndfelli8 t.8ecul' ,um1, a large h are of .. t morkable accidnf AV tUo lPachug year H buainefH.that they have l0?1 rV,re1f'!fX? , JLtnoTHl,oftkrfatKtram presses of MeCaUa K,,n -Vlok the couplings of th ' sani,. ,hk1...i.. .!.. about 730 o'clock the con main shaft broke, relievin. from the 900 horse-power tne machinery, and increasing its mo-: j .,k o .IcrrrA tHiat it titoo i , llir-ii tlllli w ouu - o L m j a fevr minutes torn waroniB. ine large fly-wheel in the engine house, which - . . . . A. J L . 1 . weignea aooul iwexity hum, itiu ill innumerable rragmenis. ine nyuig pieces of the broken machinery tore down the walls of the engine-room, completely demolishing that part of the extensive works. A two of the cog-wheel shot up n fragment ty feet into the air. It crushed th: mgh a foot- bridee connecting two tions of the buildinsrs one hundred fi wiu then imbedded itself in th earth, oth- er pieces of the wheel striuek the will of the main building, making large holes in two places. The loss, which will have to be borne by t tie company, estimated at upwards of 820,000. Wonderful to say, no one Was hurt, but many narrow escapes are reported. The IiATEST Triumph of1 emperance, We congratulate the I Temperance world on the success everywhere at tending the use of Vinegab Bitteks, Certainly no preparation containing al cohol has accomplished puch cures as malarious fever, biliousness, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lung complaints, constipa tion, and general debility, j as we hear of from all quarters, as the results of this famous vegetable specific Jo true phi lanthropist will regret to (see spirituous liquors expelled from medical use, if they can be safely dispensed with; and that they are not necessary in any case of sickness, whatever its character, ap pears at last to have been demonstrated. If public opinion is capable of making any impression upon the minds of the J? acuity, thev will ere long introduce the most popular of modern medicines into the hospitals, and prescribe it in their practice. The millipns have given the article a fair trial; it hjas more than answered their expectations, and no the oretical opposition can shake their faith iu it. com. A Walking Advertisement. IilMKSTON-E SrpTKGS, S. C. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Si I am a walking advertisement for vonr tiolden Medical uieeovery, nirgative ellets and Ir. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy, thev having cured me of Catarrh of nine years' standing, which was so bad that it disfigured my uot-e. and while curing it, your medicines alHO cured me of Asthma in its worst and most aggravated form. Before using your medi cines I had become reduce d in flesh from one hundred and fifty-five to one hundred aud fif teen pounds, alid I- now weigh one hundred and sixty-two pounds, and am in better health than I have enjoyed for twenty years. lours truly, J. ai. Lumuden. The above is but a fair sample of hundreds of leters which are received by Dr. Pierce, and in the face of such evidence who can longer doubt that the Doctor a medicines cure the worst cases o' Chronic Catarrh i THE GREAT FAVORITE WITH THE XADIES. Wm. Forsyth Bvnum 4 Son, druggists, of Live Oak, Fla., write.Sept. 16, 1874 as follows: Dr. It. V. Pierce, tfnfralo, . xour Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pel lets sell very largely and give complete satis faction, as numbers or our customers ana friends testify with pleasure. Your Favor ite Prescription is indeed the great Favorite with the ladies, and numbers can say with joy that it has saved them from eking out a miser able life or meeting with permature death, and restored tnem to tie<ii ana nappiuese. 1 uousands of women bless tne day on wmcn Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was first made known to them. A single bottle often gives delicate and suffering; women more relief than months of treatment from then family physician. In all thoee derangements causing back-ache, dragging down sensations, nervous and general debility, it is a sovereign remedy. Its soothing and healing properties render it of the utmost value to ladies Buffer ing from internal fever, congestion, inflamma tion or ulceration, and its strengthening effects tend to correct displacements of internal parts, the result of weakness of natural supports. It is sold by all druggists. UK. 1'ierce s pamphlet on Diseases peculiar to Women will be sent to any address on re ceipt of two stamps. Address as above. Com. Prince & Co.'s Organs. Five octaves, two full sets of reeds. Solid walnut cases, elegant bronze finish. Price, with six stops, ?125: eight stops, $180. Address Iteed'e Temple of Music. Chicago, Com. - Now is the time to buy presents for Christmas. Combine beauty and utility, and give your gentleman friend a carton contain ing oue hundred Elmwood Collars. Thev will last him some time, and he will think of you witn pleasure every time he puts on one. Com. Columbus discovered America, but it has been found that the oulv economical Shoes for children are the celebrated Silveb Tipped. ev-er wear out at the toe. and are worth two pairs without Tips. All Dealers sell them. Com. The Sherman House, Chicago, recog- mzmor the necessity for retrenchment these cj&se times, has made a material reduction in its rates. But there has been no reduction in its merits as a first class hotel. Com. Always whispering in companv- -for- est leaves. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK. Beef Cattlb Fair to prime $ 8 00 (A13 SO I 7 75 a e as MOOS Jul ve. Sheep Fair to prime Cottojc Middling Ftocti Spring Extra Wheat No. a Milwaukee Spring Cobs Western Hew Oats Western.. Ryb Western.. 6 95 50 4 iw a a m 88 O 91 ' 70 96 iA 98 Baiut State 1 30 1 as vtai oo Poke Mess.. - CHICAGO. Cattlk Choice to extra prime. . 6 00 4 75 3 SO 6 80 3 SO 87 M 6 SO a 60 6 SO C4 S 00 4 00 1 86 60 s as 4 .37 00 6 28 as 94 Medium to cnolce Common to fair Hoos Live Sheep Live, Rood to choice butteb Choice Koofl Fresh... Fixiub White winter extra Spring extra Whbat Spring, No. 1 Spring, No. 3 COM-'Iew... ........a.. Oats a...... ... ... Rru No. 2 Bablavt No. 3 Pom Mesa, new 91 67 m 94 i as IS IS CINCINNATI. Bekt Cattli Hons Live $ S SO 7 00 3 78 4 79 1 01 66 1 29 5 00 (4 7 60 0 8 00 1 12 a 70 a 1 08 1 32 (320 50 SHsatr Live... . Fixma Family..; , Wheat Cob New Oatb. j. Ryb """""."." Barlet ' Pork Mem Laso i 18X, 14 ST. 1XUIS Bkkf Cattuc Choice t 00 Good to prime. ... 3 00 9 75 8 75 a 7 so a 4 60 a so a i oo a 68 Boss Uts. .... a 90 Msir uooa to choice 4 00 4 2 1 08 67 M 1 35 20 00 Fxir Spring XX , Wheat No. 2 Fall . .... Cobsj New. Oats Bn Barley No. 2 Pork Mesa Lard, a ' 55 a w a i &2U 0O 13,' 14 MrLWATTKFW. Cams Choice to extra prime... 4 25 a SO Medium to choice 4 00 a 30 CJonuiiontofair..,.".. '.2 75 a 3 75 Hooe Live. 5 80 a 7 35 SHEEr Live, good to choice 3 60 a 00 Butter Choice.. 27 81 Eooa Freeh 23 9 " 25 Floub White winter extra. 5 60 (4 6 00 Spring extra 4 25 a 6 25 Wheat Spring, No. 1 a Spring, No. 2 a 89 CORK MO. 2 Old a 73 Oats No. 2. . . a 64 Rye No. 1 a 86 Barley No. 2 a 1 32 I'ORX. Mess. a21 00 1-AJLO . jseed House of David Landreth & Son. 1 pleasant to note the flAurixhiiiK fall j trade doing by this long eHtablinlieil nrui. in i tllfe midHt nf rllllt tinMi In thtu Dr .'nleilt "tagnatiou, enterprise hat the field aim ost without eimpetitor. So determined are the uwtjB oi me j fc Stawly, diligently at work, printing their the engine ! Rural Register" for 1875. This hao never be esistance of 1 12 . occurred it- the hietorv of their house. ' -"""J' J'ter' u Jmhed without Jar8.0 to who Qtte Laudreths' seeds and WHO (lO not? Phil -Philadelphia Commercial ' List. Women, on account of the greater delicacy of their organization and other special causes, are more subject to fits of despondency Uian men. and they will find in RUmeutr's Cali fornia Wine Bitters a wholesome and pleasant remedy for the diseased fancies and disheart ening feelings which sometimes overcome them. Com. , Even clergymen are not proof against it. One of them knew thn riirht rnril. and a California monte sharp put 450 m ins pocKet, tlierelor. MUSICAL GIFT BOOKS ! A very acceptable ard permanently uneful pre.fiit I? a"",-' "'enil urill be one of the foOuu-mr, Me Works for sale at all Jiuu; Stores, or tcill' be sent by mailt post paid, for retail price. JXTST ITJBX PIANO AT HOMK 2h0 large pages, fiUnd -with the best P iauo Duets. 14-haud pieces, furnishing an unfailing fund of Lom.6 entertainment OKUAJi AT HOME. For Beed Organs. 300 very popular easy pieces. Oenxs of German Song. YoeaL Vents of Sacred Song. tiems of Scottish Song. Gem of Strauss. Instrumental. . These books are truly caskets of "Gems of the kind indicated. The "Gems of Strauss7' consti tute the.most brilliant music ever publisned in oue volume. Wreath of Gems. Vocal. Operatic Pearls. " SSvcr Chord. " Shaver of ftarle. Vocal Dusts. : Admirable collection of Songs and Dusts. luteal Treasure. Vocal and Instrumental. Pianist's Album. Instrumental. Pianoforte Gems. -: " All the above splendid collections are uniform in style and binding, have 200 to 250 large pages each; ar filled with the most popular music, and cost in Boards, each iG0. In Cloth. $3.00. 3PuU Gilt, 84.00. Elegantly bound and most interesting bonks are also the Lives of Handel, Mozart, Weber, Beetho ven. Mendelssohn, etc., etc. Price from 81.55 to g00 per volume. OLIVER DITSON A CO., CHAS. H. DIT80N CO., Boston. 711 Br'dway, N. Y. hveut invai:ii'ji.it .i.v hksup- PZ.IIJI H'XIII JL JIJJLVIJj v J, 1L.I.U GS.ISY THJU JiBX&TOXJS URATIOX, A.XIt w;r.tl.V -V JtlJ sxiisTs. ton r i LT.Aii..s.vii lien i:s, Jt UHA.T JlOMi:, 1A.S TI Tl' J I. .s, HTV, TltJS Ms.KiST K A PPA.lt A Tlti At- t'OMt.S THK MttST PP:ltPl:t-T JU HAAS ov ii.r.uMixATiax yi:t j.ncoi i:r p:i. PA mp ii jli; i s a x t i v 1. 1, ja i o ic- MA TIOX O.V A1-P1.1VA TlttS. IxKV- STUAPJ HAPSTY 'IAS 3t AV11 1 X B VU.: .1 . n. wir.snx; pmks., t: n. hakisilsuc, 717 HAXSOM ST.. I'll 11. A I li I.P U I A: xio libukty s r., JVi ii' xouk. DR. WHITTIER No. 617 St Charles St, St Louis. Mo., eoattnoestobutftllrmsesof obvtaeiec to mT-r4xr Mood 1m puiUleS, every sllmeat or aiekartw which reaull from todi ndfa- crc-Una or imprudent?., with unparalleled urn Dr. W.'a e tabilahment is charterrd by U Lat of Miftaoort, wu founded aod baa twa eatabltaheti to Mrvrt muff, certain and rvliatle r Itei. Being- graduate of evrai medical colleffea, and bavinr Die experVnoe ot a long and anoreaaful life In hi pecialttea. be has nmrlected remedies that are effectual la all Uteee cases. His patients srs being treated by mall or express everywhere. No latler wlio falted, call or write. From the great number of sp- pUratloua )e Is miabU-d to keep nis charges low. PaGKti, gltintc full symptom, for two stamps. MARRIAGE GUIDE: 9e0pas, a popular book which eliould be read by everybody uisniw pair, or pernnna couu-m plating mairiaire, ran anurc to do without it. It contain tlie tmn oi medical literature etv tut Miij--ct. the tvanitaor Dr. W.'a long experience, aleo thr beat thtiujr'ita from late work 1b nrope and America. Sea ewaled, post aaid for &0 cents NEW MITXIt: BOOKS. THE MORNING STAR! For Choirs. Singing Schools, Conventions, etc. Bt J. P. HrcoEd and O. W- Fobtsb, An triors of tne ""Sacred Crown," etc. COMPRISING 1. Musical "Notation. 4. Hymn Tunes. 2. Vocal Cnltnre. 5. Anthems and Chants. 3. Four-Fart songs. 6. standard Tunes. Price $1.50. Sample copy sent postpaid on re- ceiptof $1.00. " A Needed Book In Kery Choir." THE ANTHEM OFFERING! Kaw Anthems. Sentences. Motets and Chants. For opening aud closing public worship. By D. F. HODOES. G. W. FOSTKB 8Ud J. H. TlBBKT. Frice $1.00. Sample copy sent postpaid on re ceipt of "Scents. 1 , 1. 1: siierAKii) ruDuaner. notion. STEENWAT Grant, Square and UprigM Pianos, Suverior to all others. Every Piano Warranted rated C a taio.ru ea. with for Five Years. Illustrated Catalogues, Price List, mailed free on application. 8TEINWAI HOiiB, Kos. 107, 109 and 111 Bast Uth Street, New York, Dunham Sl Sons, Manufacturers, Wa -'ooms. 18 East Uth Street. EstabUshoi 1834. NEW YORK. ' Snvifor Illustrated Cirsular and Price List. This PATENT CABINET or LETTER FILEtaMioemrr buBinoas man, tpkeep BTr.T..XJ.J. TBHd or PAPEH8 always clean and in alpnabetical erriori bolds jjoo Letters, can be used on a desk or liuusr to tbe wall. Wo prepay Ex- press charges. Send for circular and pnoo list with 1.0OO reforencaa. Address C. A. COOK. K UO.. duoaso. m. .-.cor 'i'r ic PoM. -. 1.' .V by It:, post W. C.U-CO. IWCCtBT, X, TUT UirriI V Cllll A large, eight-pae. Inu liLLIVLi OU3iilndpPeDdent'noiieBt and fearless newspaper, of 56 broad columns, es oeciallv designed for the farmer., the mechanic, the merchant and the professional man, and their wives ana emiaren. w e aim xo matte tne eeaiy Run ihe best family newspaper in the world, ft is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most cruDDloui aud delicate taste. Price. ftl.stO per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper pub lished. Try it. Address thb huh. New York City. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS AK ELEGANTLY BOUND CAWASSINO BOOK for the best and cheapest Family Btble ever pub lished, will be sent free of charge to any boot unnL It contains Over OOrloe Scrlntnre Illus trattons, and agents are meetinir with anprece- aentea snccess. ao reii, anting experience, etc , and we m-ill show you what oar airsuts are doingr, xia i luiAu x u jjutruiii w .v.. vucatrov AXt. ADVERTISERS hWho desire to reach country readers can do so la the Dt?Bi buu Luc-ircav mail ur-r uv UNinir nna. nw mnM - tlona of TmttMAT mr atu Acxjliakt Lists. MARRIAGE GUM a An mterestina; 11. strated work ol 260 nurai. contain. tne valuable Information for those who are mar. riea or contemplate marria . mrtoe oo cents b' mail. Address Dr. Botts' Dispksrast, It Sort BiKhtb street, Bt, Louis, Mo. Tiniilf 1RFNTS bt MSB hook and hast UUUiVKGiCn I O terms. Brsrybady'iAwa U PBtysletatBi, er bow to acquire and preserve neaitn, ay v. w. utliios, M. d. jisw crsrtnn, B(tea. jMMyu wmwi iruf, son a ror cirouuaa. Oa-orsKATiTs Bibu s r Pva. Co., MuscaUn. Iowa. or FITS cured by the use of Rosa' Xpileptlc remedies. Trtalpackage I mi. For circulars, evidence ol success, etc,aaaress ituoa Uttus., aicsmona, lnd. 4 OKBTTS WAJTTKD. Men or women. tM . itm. wee ek. or SlOOforfettee. The cwet tree. Writ. at ones ncuwaR a vu.. cut strse flew zora. S25 PEK UAV Commission, or f)30 a week naiary ana expenses, we oner una wti i pay it. Apply now. u. wusiB s i0.,auuw, a, J (J COj per d"T made by our agents selling s . ' , . Buipi. .rucm u.qu in every xamny, Address 1ft MtUer A C0.46 Randolph St., Chicago "VlfATEU WI1EEI.S. If you want reliable y power buy the Bochester Turbine. Reduced price list sent ires, sox zve, Hocnester, H. X. C tfn per day at home. Terms frecAddress Wl V.W U0. BTHIOI 1 A Co., Portland, Maine C AT ARpu cubed" Tot full information, price-list, etc., address (with stamp) Ubt. a. r.Ltums, iroy, wnio. rtmr A WEEK. Affonts wanted everrwhere. For 5P 4 O outfit 2oc Fancu Walkza, Dayton. Ohio. $s .Ty v. S72 EACH WKKK. Agents wanted. Parti uiars free. Worth A Co., St. Louis, Mo. THE WEEKLY JiSCtKIS A Newspaper for the People, Unrivaled by Any Weekly Publication Northwest. $1.50 Per Afinum. The Weekly WtHcomHX has been received with such marked approval by its readers and the public, that the pnblihhern have determined to enlarge its scope and improve its character to an extent that shall give it rank with the great weekly journals of the country. A a means for introducing it to the attention of the people, we place it price of sub acription at about one-half the price charged for other newspapers of iu character. Our experit-uce has proven that a great newspaper can be furnished for 1.50 per annum. The experiment hu lieer tried and has been crowned with success. We now j c ucwriuiura to exiena its nem to tlie uttermost ; boundaries of the United States. While its scope and field will he nnti,,,,,,! . ii i take of the better cbaracterintirai mil e,,t..r, ,Huu t I the Great West. In addition to the many attraction of the Week ly Wuconhis, its proprietors will commence, on the flth of December, the publication of a charming serial novel entitled " The Story of a Fortune," which will run about three months. Back numbers will be furnished to those desR-ing them. TERMS OF THE WISCONSIN. EVEBTIHU WISCOKSIN. One copy one year, toy mail, . 1 0.OO Delivered n tne city, - . 14.00 SE.1II-WEEKLT WI8COJJ8IS. Oue copy one yestr, - - - - 03.no WEEKLY WISCONSIN. One copy on year. - - - - 91.50 CLUB RATE.H. S Copies, One Year, . - - MS.OOO 1! Copies, ... 1S.OO 3 Copies, " - - - S.SO Under the new postal law the postage must be paid in advance at the ofnze where the papers are mailed. This renders It necessary for all persons sending us subscriptions to send the money to pay povtage in addition to the subscription price. BATES OP PORTAttE UNDER THE NEW LAW. Weekly edition 15 cents per year. Semi-Weekly edition '. .30 cents per year. Daily edition SO cents per year. Canvaer wanted in ecery town in the 1'nitcd States, to whom liberal inducement are offered. Write for Circulars to Canvassers, giving full in formation of jreniiums, etc. Slecimen copies sent free on application. Ad- dre CEAMEE, ALKENS k CKAMEE, .Milwaukee, Wi. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial! Nature's Great Remedy FOR ALL Throat fe Lung Diseases. I For Sale by all Drug gists and Storekeepers r'OK NEAK1.Y XHIKTV YEARS THE RICHMOND PRINTS have been held in hish esteem by those who use a Calico. They are produced in all the novelties ot rhanirinfir fashions, and in conservative styles suited to ine wants oi many persona. au.uiiv me latter are tne STANDARD CRAY STYLES proper for the house or street beautiul in de- B1KU BI1U ltBllItS 111 UVJVllllkS. 44 CHOCOLATE STANDARD STYLES," In great variety, and widely kiiown as most ser viceable prints. Nothing better for daily wear. These goods bear ticket as quoted above. Your re tailer snouia nave mem, aua your examination ana approval wtti coinctue. Tho ninctnnisti WppIIv fitflp I Including postage and the finely-Illustrated Star Almaiiac. l per year. Anl i- oiiopoly Tle tjiranyer's lprr-contiiining large pager of excellent reading matter. The farmer, merchant and mechanic in any part of the country will find this the best or the weeklies, to say nothing of tne low price. Agents are offered Inducements su perl. r to any thin? heretofore attfmntd. Specimen cop es free, a jar ess "iub sxa.it." Cincinnati, unto. OPTIG SIIAGAZmE, 1S75 Vow la the time to Snracrt1 ! The 5ew Volnnio will contain New Stone by Oliver Optic, Elijah KelloKS and others, besides many new fea tures, all of which are duly set forth tn our Pros pectus. Terms, ifrS.OO per year In advance. Speci men numoer mat. en ireeon .ppucanon. IaKK AMIEPAUP, PnbUahcra, Boston. A Al MZi I I A I ke lATSeit l'sprr In tbe World is tlie TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE (Nasby's Paper). Enlarged to 72 coin mas same price as before. Sprcinidn 1'optea Free to any address. Send for ope. LCK'KU fe JUNES, Toledo, Ohio. "VNB agent fold in one month 501 coplea of which unfolds the ihrillinq experience of a vertta Ms Hero, ai3 the ctrioeili&9 of a wmderftd coon v r ine litre tir liif jAiiFTunt. try. more aKn.s wamea. Aaaieii ai v BTOKB PUBLISHERS, either at Cincinnati, De troit, Cntcatfo, Daveuport, or St. Louis. A ROI'MITHE E TBA TABLF." new sub a V pcription book, by Rev. T. DeWitt Talmaff j iu t hor of ,lCruimb Swtvt l 'v.n Ac. Asrents wanted i, Chlcaeo, 111. Jo a E. MiIaLJlb A Co., Publishers p ....rJJtJlIjfl i " " '-"""yj1. ... ' L"!I..Ji5!!I4"'5BaSl3aj!S . BOOTS SHOES, FARM WAGONS, And all otlser kind of Goods, at Wlmolesale prices, in a.ar cjuaUitltw desired. Bend stamp tor Printed Catalogue and Pries list, KOW BXADT, and save front 0 to 100 per cent, on your fall and winter purchases. Address 3VC03NPT GrOTVSZETIFtrsr wahod cs oo., 246 to 234 Kinzle Street, Chicago. Bimticir. 3. T. Cobb, Sec. Mich, State Grange, Schuoicraft, Mtch.; N. W. Oarretson, Sec. Iowa State Graiie, Dcs Moines, Iowa. feU Dr. J. - Walker CiiTironiisi Vin- eir:ir Hitlers :in; :i i:uely ' VpjjPtiible 7,,n,!u;;iJioii. in:n!t cliF" live lu-rbs I'oiiinI '!! t:;r llv from the lia rs J. wr rrmirp.s f the HifiT.i Nv;nia lhe nie!W'in:i: v otr;icte! ;hi :f!!'.. 1; "il:cs o! uiiicll :. tt i: ilMl'.t tho USO cstiici i1? i(i:!iu.st ti 'i iMurs i:' tlio !. Vim:. a j; 15: r-:;.-,!t iii".v ruuovo .I i!;o if.tiifiit ro- ..!V a,so,".t:io urpac .Aii'Olicu. .c . i ::i:sf Our uiuiwr w liiC filll.'-0 ! ISS1H.; V.. ')VC"r.-l:iS ho:i idonU puMiicr ;tm i.-,' principle-, ui.il Ir.vijjuratcr l't'"ie iii the 1.-1 :i siKKticilio beoa of ; the 'system, i.isturv if the N p WV i, l utiiiwiniidpd ptMM;ss:::if the Krinarkable quaiitieH ol' Vinki;.k ili i TKiir. in li('itliii)f the sick of every ili.seiise is. a:, in liir to. Thoy are a geutie Purgative as wtl! a. a T-onic, relieving Congestion t, l::flan::imtiii. ol the Ltiver and Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Diseases. " ! The properties ot Dr. Walkbb's Vihegar U1TTKR8 are jCperieuU Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious. Laxative, Di luetic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. H. Mr DON A 1. 1 fit C.. Uruiprists and Oen. Arw.. Snn KrnnclKwi. CMnVrnla, and cor. of Washington and Ctiarlton Sts.. N. V. Sold by aUl Draagiatt and Dralcra. For ONE D0LLAB. we will fend, postage paid, THE WEEKLY WORLD, ONE .YEAR. All the newt of the past aevrn days is tfivari la the weekly edition at The World (Wednesdays), which contains, in addition to the newt, many special features prepared expressly fcr it. The Grange department (fiven each wsi-k the latest news of the rder and of the Patron. The agri cultural department presfitri the latest experi ments and experiences 01 practical culturiste, full ' reports of the Farmers1 Club of the American In stitute letters from practical farmers, and inter esting discussions ot profitable farming. The pair for thj family furnishes interest and umuicmcut for-the fireside dnrinff the lonpr winter evenings. Full and trustworthy lire stock, country produce and general produce market reports show the state of trade. , For TWO DOLLARS we will send, postage paid, The Semi-Weekly World, One Year. The Semi-Weekly contains (Tuesday and Friday) all the contents of the Weekly, one or two flrst rate Novels during the year, and all the cream of the Daily H'orld. "The World. In nolnt of ablMtv. enterorise. and influence, stands at the head of the Democratic press in this country." Aoaress, "imk wujtLiUf" 86 Park Bow, New York. IIICAGO THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. Sf.50 AriNur.i Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary r Publication; Ea8t or West. ' CANVASSERS WANTED IN EVEUY TOnS IN THE UNITE1' STATES. The most Liberal Premiums aud Clu to Bates evei offered by any newspaper. Writs for a Circular containing full information, etc Speclm.a capias furnished on application. Artriress THR T.KIHiRK COM HA N V. CHICAOO, U MANUFACTORY AMD SALESROOM, 23 & 25 BAITOOXJPXX BTCHIO&XH QC Xi.e BAttle Croelf. SELF- PATENT' FEED Wood Sawine; Machine Is calculated for two or more horsns. adapted to any power with belt or turn bit iti rod. LtHht draft and easily Landled. Capablo of i iittinv from : to O cords stoTA wond per day. Alto, Circular Wood Mills calculate 4 ftir lunc or .hurt wood. Both, mannfactnrea uTid r.ld with or withrnt powers by the BATTLE CHKEK MA( H1NKKY CO.. Battla Creek, Mich. Send fur Circtrtar and lric Lit. Fail j. WsMfcJi 1 Ht ""frf 'irinfi ivTni l The UveUfistof family rs TliB Detroit papera. f u.U ot intereatiiiaT news, uteratura. bumoroua akatnhss. ptcy panarapns. etc. Sample Oopias t ram. 0ub ortptloD AS A year, postpaid. Address . . tixsKi rsu ms3, Detroit. Mich. The American 1'e ws paper l:nlon numbers over 1,600 papers, separated into se.vcn subdivis-i iorts. For separate Huts and cost of advertising, address B. P. BA.XBO&X, U4 Jlonroa Bt-, chlcaro VbrfM, prHal, fcrT CUtlA.1 'y-wOTxl.J lATTs HW aWntt, b AS fagfa ta nfilMwl ib pub. and ifanrstM ttm ttwt I Is svwj- t mbww wtth ttwin ur.a.i-.T. I. In M. 8. Ikmol uf U- ISnutli Halsta-d he. ChisWfa. UL. tiMtftim sJI urb cttasta.. m4 tope tfc.f Uw plic ail Swat rvelt psu-tics m tht mo )Ulj Lrnrrt. M taTBvoh ot acjtf mmj hm wtSMvaj TKJ JU IU. A ES pi KTljp Uvaaa frw. JUST XII K BOOK MUSKV H IT 81BKI Just out. Useful, Handsome, Cheap. Bella everywhere. Pmi for pro.peutos to B. C. BR1DOMAN. 6 Barclay St., N. T., ..r 179 West 4th St.. Cincinnati. Ohio. ADVBBTI8BB9I Bend twenty-nve cents to OEO.P ROWKLL CO.,l Park K.wKw York.for thela Pamphlet of 100 paw, oootainio lists of 3000 news papers, and estimates showing-cos-t 'vrrtisinn m. n. a. tVUKN ..WttlTl.NtJ T- AIrK.. lUKttS please navy ."r t', Armm la this fsvm. t THB ORIGIN. IV "V7"aa.oXoss.1 o GRANGE SUPPLY HOUSE. GRANGERS, - " Z .ir FARMERS, , ;me.chanics. "rnaMurKT wrra . Dry GooL,.CluiAiis,H2is'Caiis. EDGER