The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 01, 1875, Image 1

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    Volume vii.
. L. ; ; .
NO. 16.
2 1 c
S- -f g
i 8
Forwarding & Comiiss'n Merchants.
Dealers tn ftferchandiso and Produce. A
good assortmenttif nil kinds of fioods al
ways in store at lowest market rates.
Agent for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac, Ac.
ii. j. Boicno., in. .,
, X Mettical Oolleire of New York, late
btcmner of Bellevien H-.Siital Medical Col
New York. Okrh-e-Iii A. CUrotliers
A Cat drag store, Albany, Oregon.
Attwaey aad rsaawlor Law,
of this State. Okfick In Fox's brick
(up stairs) First street. v7
Has just opened a fine stock of
Boots c&? Slioes
California made, to which he invites the
attention of the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity. gTUoods manufactured to order.
In latest styles, with best of stock. Store
corner Broadalliin and First streets, Clias.
MealevVj old stand. Call and exnmine ray
stock." lAjUIS RKHWALI).
Albany, Oct. 16, 137-t-ftv7
Ilalne's Holders, (Wood's improved.)
CoqaUlartr Indiana Farm Wroil.
The Kossel Had Vibrator Threshers,
(best machines on the coast.
Ktaiteanaaa Foreefeed Drill.
Ntar Plows, and other machines.
Call. see. and ref rrice and terms before
buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop,
corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany,
(food Broom ever ma le in Allmny,
has returned from California, and located
permanently in this city, where he lias
aim in commenced the manulacture of all
kinds of
Brooms, Brushes, Wisps,
Ac. at his taetory on First street, at John
Metasler old stand, east of Mn-'nolia Mills,
where he invites those wishimra tirst class
broom to call and secure it of him.
Albany, Oct. 1G, lS7t-jv
. sioirr aouk.
stock of
selected with care, and bought for coin at
Scuiidaiously Low Figure !
and as we bought low we can and will sell
them at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections of
lres floods,
Rrf I Mantes,
Ribbons, Collars, Collarettes,
Lace, &c, Ac,
for the ladles, and our complete lines of
Readymadc Clothing:,
S . Hosier ,
of all descriptions for men and boys. Also
mil tu-soriurciiLa ui
Groceries, Crccfcery & Glassware.
for everybody.
The best goods, at the la west rates every
time. fcjr"Come and see.
Lebanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874.
AH. BELL PARKER, late of Oregon
City, bejr leave to inform the pnblic
that they have purchased the entire stock
of drugs, medicines, Ac. formerly owned
by R. u. Hill A 6on. and that they design
continuing the business at the old stand,
where they pnrpose keeping in the furure
a full assortment of
I' ate nt Zfallctnes,
Toilet Articles,
- Perfumery,
and everything usually found in a first
class drug store.
While earnestly soliciting a continuance
of t he liberal patronage heretofore extend
ed to t lie old house, we hope at the same
time, by fair and liberal dealing, and care
ful attention to the wants of customers, to
merit the esteem of any SKW friends who
may favor us with their orders.
Particular attention will be given to the
compounding of physician's prescriptions
and family recipes, at all hours of the day
or nLjnt
Successors to R. C. HlU Sou.
Allmny, October 9, '74-nitf I
If you want nice Toilet Goods,
dont fail to call on .
Doc Frammer haa the nicest Stationery
in the city.
Doe Plnmmer keens A 1 CIGARS ASD
Doc Plnmmer has a nine varietv of goods
and la always glad to sea his friends.
Albany, Oct . S3. "7l-v7
Saml.E. 'Young's
You will find an immense stock of
Nev Winter
L at LOWER PRICES than ever.
The Largest Stock of Men's, Youths' and
Xnraiwliiner Goods
in tbe city, and CHEAPER than any other
A large assortment (latest styles of
Boots Shoes,
For Men, Youth and Boys, very cheap.
Wholesale and retail, very low.
Alo -
A new assortment of
Crockery and Glassware!
at lowest prices.
A good s toe It (Oyf Lnmpa, Lanterns,
and Lamp fixtures, at tbe LOWEST
In great variety, for the HOLIDAYS, and
very cheap.
COAL OIL and CANII.F., a large
MtoeK, m little lower.
A very tarjre stork of KOAP Sc WASII
UlU roWMMii, lur aale low.
. -ALSO-
WAtO. PUtWS, and all Tslnda or
Ajfrleu.tural linpleiuenta.
Agent for the NEW WILSON Sewing Ma
euuie ine eueapesi m ine country.
t.r All of the above goods will be sold
exceedingly clieiip lur CAari or PKOOCCE
SA311CL E. YOl.G.
Retrenchment I
I r
Has just received a new stock of all tut
latest styles of
And Is selling so cheap that all can buy.
Tbe goods were
Bought for Cash,
and are being sold for the same commodi
ty. The secret of selling goods is in
33-UT3rxis Rlglat I
Having selected our roods In daylight, we
court the most
Cli cable's Brick. First street, Albany.
Bath nous? & Barber Shop
rrHE trXDERSIGXED would respectfully
A 1 hank the citistena of Albany and vi
cinity for tbe liberal patronage bestowed
on htm for the past seven years, and hopes
for the future a continuation of their fa
vors. Fortheaocommodationof transient
customers, and friends in the upper part
of town, he bus opened a neat little shop
next door to Taylor A M ontfromery's Sa
loon, where a good workman will always
be in attendanee to wait upon lrons.
loc. U, 187.- JOE WEBBER.
Large Time at Lebanon. The
citizens ot Lebanon had a grand time
Christmas eve. Two large trees were
erected in the auditorium of the Sa
tiam Academy, on tlie branches of
which were lmng one thousand pres
ents, valued at $1,200. Through the
exertions of ilrs. W. S. Elkins and
Mrs. J. Jlouck. a sum of money was
raised, with which an elegant watch
was purchased and hung on one of the
trees, as a present to Kev. C. A.
Wortltyl pastor ot the C. P. Church
of Lebanon. A good choir was In at
tendance, and, aided by the Lebanon
Brass Band, which also kindly volun
teered its services, furnished the best
of music. The room was crowded to
iwutmost'eapacity, and the audience
were treated to declamations, re cita
tions, etc., by ladles and gentleman of
tbe village. C. B. Montague, Esq..
wag especially happy in his recitation,
and brought down the house in a
whirlpool of applause. Among the
presents on the Christmas trees, was a
splendid silver horn, presented by the
Lebanon Brass Band to Prot. A.
Com p ton, as a testimonial of the high
regard and esteem in which he is held
by the members of the Band, of which
he is leader. A gorgeous tin horn,
capable of holding "the full of a halt
bushel," was placed upon one of the
trees, labeled to J. L. Cowen, leader
of the "Hoodlum Band," and was a
present to be proud of in after years.
Tiie entertainment and distribution at
gifts was not concluded till near mid
night, and was wound np by a grand
"shake np." by the "Hoodlum Band,"
composed of J. L. Cowen. Esq.,
leader, Dr. Ballard, J. TV. Bell, J.
TV. Giimore, and others. The per
formance given by this band of artists
was unique and unapproachable,
eclipsing anything ever before offered
in Lebanon, and was greeted by a
perfect hurricane of cheers and ap
plause. It was a memorable night iu
the history of Lebanon, and will not
be forgotten for many long years to
come ; but the incidents of that night
will be reitearsed around the fireside
with pleasure, and the festive actors
kindly spoken of long after they have
passed into the Better Land. '
Vick's Floral Gcide .For Janu
ary, 1875, is a magnillcent number,
and as a specimen of typography can
hardly be excelled. It i iued quar
terly, . by James Vick. Esq., of -Ro-iliestw.
V. V.. at tlie low rrlr eif
25c per annum. The number before
us contains over 100 pages, 500 en
gravings, and descriptions of more
than 500 of our best flowers and vege
tables, with directions for culture. Sc.
-tlie most useful and elegant work ot
the kind in the world. Mr. Vick
authorizes the officers of every ngri
inltural society in the United States
and the Provinces ot Canada, to offer
from him the following premiums :
For the best collection of cut llowers.
f 20 ; second best, $ 10 ; third best, 5 ;
F fourth best, a floral chromo. He also
proposes to receive and forward sub
scriptions in aid ol the starving people
of Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota and
Iowa, and to tidd, out of his own ex
chequer, $500 to the donations; and
with returning' spring, when the suf
ferers by famine in those States will
need seeds and grain, to give $500 more
in such seeds and grain as may be most
needed by them. This is liberal, and
shows Vick to be the possessor of a
warm heart that feels for tbe woes of
his fellow men.
Albany S. S. Union. The Albany
Sunday School Union will hold its
next regular monthly meeting in the
Baptist Church of this city, on next
Monday evening, January 4th, 1875,
commencing at 7 o'cock. This being
the time usually set apart by the
Christian world as a week ol prayer,
the Committee on this occasion re
solved unanimously to hold a union
prayer-meeting. Subject chosen for
meditation and prayer: "The conver
sion of the young." Services will be
opened by Dr. K. C. Hill, after which
volunteer remarks and prayers will be
asked for. Good .music may be ex
pected during the services. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Hurt. A little six-year old
daughter of Mrs TVorth, who resides
a sliort distance from Halsey, on Sat
urday last was struck by the hind foot
oa horse, in the forehead, and severe
ly injured. It seems the horse was
running, and the little girl being in
tbe way, the animal attempted to
jump over her. but struck her in pass
ing with one of his hind feet. It was
at first feared Uiat tbe hurt .would
prove fatal to the little girl, but after
careful examination and due attention
to the wound, on Tuesday she was
pronounced out of danger.
The Masonic Installation Last
Saturday night, closed with a collation
and dance, which was participated in
by a large number of the fraternity
andtiieir friends. Upon the invita
tion of Mr. Biles, Agent O. S. S. Co.,
a number ot those 'present went on
board the steamer. E. iV. Cooke, the
next morning, and excurshed to Cor
vallis, returning in the evening of the
same day. The excursion was thor
oughly enjoyed by the participants.
A Teacher in Trouble On Mon
day last, as related to us. at Rock Hill
School-noiise. orl the road between
Lebanon and Brownsville, occurred a
difficulty between the teacher, Don
Byland, and one of his pupils, aged
about eighteen, named Fj-ank Richard
son, in which the pupil seems to have
got the worst of It. The pupil was
unruly, and after the teacher had ex
hausted his patience In attempting to
make the pupil comply with the rnles
of the school in vain, he ordered him
to leave the school-room. This tiie
refractory young man flatly refused to
do. but upon the teacher's approach,
seized a stick and menaced the teacher
therewith. There and then ensued a
tussle, In which the teacher succeeded
In getting possession of the stick, and,
knocking the obstreperous youth down
with it,' drew him out of the house Into
the wood-shed and left him. Shortly
after, the young man came to tlte
school-house door and begged to come
in, saying he was sick. The teacher
told him to come in ; and after sitting
by the stove for awhile, and getting
worse, l.e was conveyed to his home,
and at last accounts he was thought to
be dangerously sick. Byland was ar
rested and bound over in $500 to an
swer. We give the facts as they
were related to us, without any color
ing whatever, as we do not wish to
prejudice the matter either way.
"The Massacre of Glencoe."
Calvin B. McDonald, Esq., editor of
the Salem Statesman, has been secured
by the LndieV Benevolent Society of
this city, to deliver his famous lecture,
entitled as above. He has recently
delivered this lecture to large and ap
preciative audiences in Salem and
Portland, snti press and people nnite
in pronouncing it a masterpiece of.
eloquence. The Society is fortunate
indeed in having secured this talented
gentleman. The lecture will be de
livered at the Court House, on New
Years' evening. The admission fee
will be 50c. The county autliorities
have generously consented to the nse
of the Court House for the purpose, as
the proceeds of the lecture are to be
given to the Ladies' Benevolent So
ciety, and will be expended in alleviat
ing distress. As no one will care to
miss hearing this master production of
a literary genius, the Court Honse
will doubtless be crowded with citizens,
and a large sum will thus be seenred
for tlie poor and needy.
Went Through a Glass Door.
The other morning as TV. II. Dodd
was .proceeaiiig to ms piace or ocm
ness. he observed a shephered dog ly
ing beside the walk, poor and thin,
and shivering with cold. This seemed
to be a real case of distress, and ap
pealed at once to the sympathies of
Dodd, who spoke kindly to him. got a
piece of meat from the butchers's,
called him into the Express office, and
was proceeding to make him com
fortable near tlie stove on some sacks,
when the canine suddenly became
"scart," and made a bolt for the front
doors. Tlie doors were closed, but
tliat doggon dog never stopped to cal
culate the chances but went through
one of those three foot panes of glass
in the door like a shot. And now
Dodd is two or three dollars worse off
for his sympathy for a forlorn-looking
Three Linkers. On Wednesday
evening, an election for officers of
Albany Lodge No. 4, I.O.O.F., to
serve the ensuing term, was held, with
the following result: Past Grand,
Walter Ketchum. N. G.; P. II. Ray
mand, V. G.; Ed. R. M. Carter, S. ;
James Ellison, P. S.; C. D. Burk
bart. Treasurer: Past Grands, J. F.
Backensto.and Fred. Graf, and Geo.
F. Simpson, Trustees. Installation
next Wednesday evening. On mo
tion, it was ordered that the editor of
the Register be requested to give no
tice that all Odd Fellows in good
standing, with their families, are in
vited to attend the installation cere
monies, and no others.
For the Interest of all Parties;
There can now be no doubt of the
wisdom of the course pursued by Gov
ernor Bramlette, with reference to the
last Grand Gift Concert of the Ken
tucky Library. Tbe short postpone
ment to February 27th will insure the
sale of every ticket, which will be
more satisfactory to every ticket-
holder, and more for the Interest of
the Library, and that there may be no
doubt of its coming off this time, the
Governor proposes to return every
ticket-holder's money in case of fail
ure. i Masonic The following named
gentlemen were elected and installed
as officers of Bayley Chapter No. 8,
of this city, last week: Geo. R. Helm,
H. P. ; Dr. D. B, Rice, K.; D. Fro
man. S.; Mart. V. Brown, C. of H.;
L. Kline, P. 8.; A. B. Paxton, R.
A. C. ; X. B. Humphrey, M. 3d V.;
Ed. R. M. Carter, M. 2d V. ; Leon
Senders, M. 1st V. ; P. C. Harper,
Treas. ; M. M. Hart, ; Sec ; Geo.
Humphrey, Sentinel. ,
At the College Christmas eve,
A tree was erected by the young people,
and among its branches clustered some
seventy-five presents, of the aggregate
value ot $250 or $300. 'After the dis
tribution came music and tun, the
large number present enjoying a very
pleasant time.
The Sociable Ani Fair. At the
Opera House, on last Friday evening,
was largely attended and hugely en
joyed. The Committees to whom
were entrusted the success of the en
terprise, acquitted themselves with
credit, and deserve praise for" their
energy and faithfulness in the prem
ises. The performances, Tasting un
til 9 d'dock, were excellent, their con
clusion leaving the audience in a
frame of mind best calculated to in
sure a pleasant evening. It was an
agreeable, social gathering, thoroughly
enjoyed by all present. The net pro
ceeds of the evening toot up $150,
which Will be placed in the treasury
of the Benevolent Sochsty, to be drawn
out whenever needed to aid the poor
or destitute.
- REMEMBERS!. We are under obli
gations to the officers of the Ladies'
Benevolent Society for the present of
a huge three-story cake, on Saturday
last. It was gorgeous In appearance,
and tasted as well as It looked. We
earnestly wifh the ladles the fullest
success in their endeavor ta Alleviate
the sufferings of their fellow creatures.
To Messrs. A. Carotbers & Co. we
are indebted for full Christmas favors,
among other things a box of splendid
Havai:us the clear quill. . Many
thanks for the kind remembrance, gen
tlemen. A new silk bat (stovepipe) is what's
the matter of us, as also an elegant
pair of slippers. Who wouldn't be
an editor.
Masonic On last Saturday night
Lebanon Lodgo No. 44, A. F. and
A. M., held an election for officers for
the new year, with tlie following re
sult : R. Cbeadle, TV. M.; E. Kib
ler, S. TV. ; R. McCauley, J. TV. ; J.
L. Cowen, Treas.; C. B. Montague.
Sec. ; M. Snyder, Tyler. Installation
will transpire at the next regular com
munication, and will be pnblic, Rev.
I. D. Driver delivering the oration on
the occasion. A grand supper will be
given during the evening, and a pleas
ant time may be expected.
Officers Elect. At the regular
meting of Orgeana Encampment No.
5, I.O.O.F., of this city, lield at the
lodge room on Friday night last, tbe
following Patriarchs were honored
with offices: W. Tally, C. P.; N.
Baum, H. P.; Coll. VanCleve, S.
TV.; P. H. Raymond. Scribe; C.
Ktefer, Treasurer ; A. N. Arnold. J.
TV. Installation on the evening ot
January, Sth, 1375. ' J
At Knox Butte. The residents in
the vicinity of "Knox Butte met at
Trinity M. E. Church on Christmas
eve, where a Christmas tree had been
erected, and passed two or three hours
very pleasantly. A large nrmber of
presents were taken from the tree and
distributed among the audience which
filled the ample church. The young
folks especially enjoyed themselves,
and time passed merrily.
S. S. Exhibition. 'lite Sunday
school exhibition at the M. E. Church
Wednesday evening was well attended,
and gave general satisfaction, we are
informed. As the admission fee was
but twenty-five cents, the receipts were
not large, being some twenty-five dol
lars. The Sunday-school scholars were
admitted free. From those in attend
ance we learn that all partaking in the
exhibition did well, covering them
selves all over with glory.
At Sitedd On Christmas eve, the
union Christmas tree 'was a perfect
success. There were seventy-five
presents on the tree, and the hearts of
many of the little ones were made
glad. Some of tbe older ones, too,
received valuable tokens. It was a
delightful occasion, and our informant
spoke of it in the most glowing terms.
At the Baptist Church A tree
was erected Christmas eve, on the
boughs ot which a large number of
presents, some of them very valuable,
were hung. The church was well
filled with people, and all seemed to
enjoy the occasion, especially those
who were remembered on the tree.
Miss Lizzie E. Smith, daughter of
tlie late Hon. Delazon Smith, arrived
at her brother-in-law's, Mr. C. P. Har
per's, on Saturday evening last, after
an absence of nearly four years, the
larger portion of which time she has
spent in Arkansas. Welcome home..
Change of Office Hours. Ow
and after January 1st, 1875, the office
hours of the TV. U. T. Co. will be
from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m., instead of 9
P. M. Sundays as heretofore, 9 to 11
A. M., 6 to 8 p. v.! .
Change or Teachers Prof. Ab-
ernethy, of Albany Collegiate Insti
tute, bas resigned his position in that
Institution. . Prof. Sox will fill the
position for the present.
J"Tbey cure." What cure ? Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for a cough. Ayer's
Pills for a purgative, and Ayer's Sar
saparilla for the complaints that re
quire an alterative medicine. .
The stage running from this city to
Lebanon, Arrives and departs on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday ot each
week, carrying mails and Dassensers.
. : z , "
H. H. Gilfrey, Esq., ot Salem, came
up yesterday. He is on his way South.
1875. v
Roads muddy.
Weather pleasant.
Holidays about over. ,
Business continues fair. "
There's no luck like p-lnck.
A nice little runaway occurred in
this this city On Monday.
A large crowd was in attendance at
the Onester's ball last night.
A fifty dollar draft was forwarded
from this city recently, to be invested
in the Kentucky Library scheme.
Ok-tlsh-u! Ch-ch-tish-u ! is what's
the matter with lots of folks herea
bouts. ,
The latest product of joumalistlo in
dustry Is a live frog from f a growing
turnup. '
Our old friend Acker, of Portland.
was with us two or three days during
urn wees. - ;
Tlie latest marriage (no cards) is
that of Miss Bacon to Mr. Beans.
We suppose she knew Beans or else
she would hot have married.
It is commonly believed that when
a roan proves himself unfit for any
thing else, he's about right to sit on a
A fight ocenrred at Lebanon on
Christmas between Messrs. Barker
and Shirts, in which one of the parties
was pretty severely bandied.
Mr. J. E. Bentley offers his large
farm of 547 acres, on the Santlam,
adjacent to Waterloo, for sale on easy
Ottr boy John recently purchased a
pair of nice bay horses, and now he
informs ns that a few days later the
pair caught tbe distemper' and died,
and he is a broken teamster.
No ice to speak of so far this winter.
Mr. De Lashmut, broker, of Fort
land, and family, spent two or three
days in this city, visiting relatives.
They returned on Monday.
The officers elect for the new term,
of Albany Lodge No. 4. I.O.O.F.,
will be installed next Wednesday
night, at their Hall. All Odd Fellows
in good standing are invited to be on
. The Scarlet fever, in its most ma
lignant form, is raging in Buena Vista
and Independence. In the former
place and immediate neighborhood
several deaths have occurred among
Mrs. C. C. English, milliner, next
door to the City Drug Store, has been
very ill during the week, but was re
ported better yesterday. -
Don't forget the great lecture at the
Court House" fhtS evening, by Calvin
B. McDonald, and don't fail to be
I?ev. TV. R. Stewart, of Salem,
preached in the Congregational Church
last Sunday morning.
More than the usual amount of holi
day goods were disposed of by our
merchants during the past. two weeks.
The dAver ot the Corvallis stage
was fined by the City Recorder, on
Tuesday, for stopping his team on the
crosswalk. .
Elkins Brothers, of Lebanon, have
shipped about 75,000 bushels of wheat
from that place to this city during the
winter, over that great thoroughfare,
the Albany & Santiam Canal.
We hope the stockholders in the
Home Manufacturing Company will
not forget the meeting for January
5th, in Salem, but all Hut in an ap
pearance. r
To-morrow night the Odd Fellows
Lodge at Lebanon Installs new officers'.
A number of members from this city
propose to be there,
We enjoyed a good dinner, with a
few lriends, on Christmas. Fortune,
for once, looked kindly upon ns.
The Register has been selected to
publish the acts, etc., of the second
session of the forty-third Congress.
Hope Grange of this city will install
tbe newly elected officers at tbe regu
lar meeting next Saturday.
The first day of the new year is a
splendid time to square up with the
Legal tenders 89390 in Portland ;
9191 )4 in San Francisco.
Llverpoolwheat quotations are:: Cal
ifornia cargoes on the spot, Ws 3di
Oregon do., 10s 8d. v
Portland wheat quotations, $1 S3
per cental witk some ppospt3 of an
advance daring the month. .
Wheat in quoted at 65 per bushel in
Salem. i
Wheat buyen feere o$er fife pe
San Fcancisco. prices- an same as
last quoted, $1 5081 S7 per cental.
Dec. 29th. lwiThV Bey- T?,
R. Gearv. Mr. L. Zuhlsdorf and I Miss
Bertha dhllng, eldest daughter of Mr.
Tanl Obling all of JUnn county,
Oregon. " ' '
Angelo G son of C. P. and Sarah
A. Chambers, of Benton county, Or
egon. December 25, 1874, aerallnger
t mr illness, from necrosis of the thigh
bone, aged 19 years, 9 months and $3
days. - ,"-'"'
Dec. 21st, 1874. in Lane county,
Oregon, Isaac Gager, of typhoid fever,
aged 30 years. -
California, on the 12th tilt. i
Hereafter Yeddo, Japan, will be
lighted by gas.
Hickbam Hoffman has been nomi
nated to succeed Ben. Moran as
secretary of Legation in London.
It is again reported that the Mor
mans ofthe United States propose to
form colonies In Mexico, with the
intention of emigrating en masse from
D. M. Davfe, who once ran the
Cornelius Progressionist, is now farm
ing in Missouri. He lately received
a legacy of $3,000.
The "King of the Sandwich Islands"
is having a rough time in the East
brought abont by the change of cli
mate. He had a severe attack of
bilious fever at Pittsburg, and is now
shivering with fear at the cold weather
er in New York, whither he is going.
One of the Black Hills miners, a
Mr. J. W. Bense. of Sioux Cltv. Iowa
t has returned from his search: after
gold. " He reports that there are sev
eral parties in the Hills who occupy
one camp, for protection. They have
found gold in paying quantities ana?
are very enthusiastic over the new
diggings. Bense proposes to go back
in the spring with a large party. Ho
says his fortune lies in the Black Hills.
A Fort Smith (Kansas) special states
that the notorious J. TV. Wilder, the
acknowledged leader of tbe gang that
robbed the Pacific Railroad train at
Gad's Hill (Mo.), and subsequently the
Hot Springs stage, has been arrested...
and is now confined tn the Fort Smltfa
jail. He says that Reed, who w as
killed by a detective m northern Texas
was one of his men. And had been witb
him in all his expeditions.
The Cologne Gazette says that on
th 11th inst.. tbe German brig
Onstav, from H'ew York, entered the
harbor of Gnctari. ten miles fro a
San Sebastian. - On reaching the shore
she was fire:?, upon by the Carlists, .
notwithstanding she hoisted the Ger -man
flag and hung out signals of dis
tress. Next day the brig stranded?
off San Ranc. 'when the crew were-
saved by Republican volunteers..
Carlists on shore fired 'on the boat
that went to the fescne of the crew,,
and afterward seized the cargo of the
abamlonetf vessel. The German men-,
of-war. Albatross and Nautilus, have
been ordered to that pofnt to demand
satisfaction from the Caillsts for the
attack upon the brig.
Among the interesting fea hires of'
the Charley Ross abduction case, and .
t . .t. i:i l i.i r a
IIUtibllG iraisi' hj, nns bUC I1UVI JHIUIISIICU
by the Reading Pa.) Eagle charging
Mr. Ross witli bigamy, and alleging
that his former and only lawful wife
was the abductor of the child. A.
criminal suit was brought by Mr.
Ross against the Eagle, and Messrs..
Hawley and Ritter, proprietors, were
convicted. Judge Allison had decided
upon imprisoning both parties, but
reflecting that the information came
from a quarter supposed to be reliable,
mitigated the pnnishment by inflicting;
a fine of $1,000. The fine was paid
and thus ended the salt. '
The following colloquy, which toolc
place at the begiiinhiff of Dawes speech
will scarcely find piaee tn tbe Coo--
gressional record or the regular report:
of proceedings
Gen. Butler Yon misstate my
position. Mr. Dawes I state your position,
as I understand it in your speech,,
which hits been withheld- from t he
record. Gen. Bntlor It was withheld pe-.
cause I was absent 'in New York. -
Mr. Dawes I do not intend to.
misstate yotir position.
Gen. Botler The road to hell is.
paved with good intentions.
jvir. sLiawes ao one enouiu oe
better aware of that fact than your-,
self. Chicago Tribune's Washington,
A sad accident occurre yesterday after-,
noon Dec. 12th, at Godfrey, 111., result
ing iu the death of Charles H. Mason
one ofthe most prominent and respect
ed citizens of tlie village. The fatal
occurrence was as follows: Mr. Mason'a
hired man was cutting down a tree ia
ine yaru near ms residence, ana just
as the tree was aboat to fell, one of'
Mr. Mason's children ran out in the
direction the tree was falling. .. Mr..
Mason, seeing the. danger, sprang to
save it. caught the child, and threw ifr
far enough away to escape the falling;
tree, but in doing so was crushed down
by the tree himself and injured so
severly that he died last evening at 10.
o'clock. His sudden death bas oast a
gloom over , the entire community
where he lived.
Two sons of Jacob Herswlnder, who
lives 15 miles north of here, (Columbus,.
Ohio, Dec. 26th,) have been arrested
on a charge of murdering their father
and burning his body. They are 14
and 18 years old. The family have
deserted the house." The remains of
Mr. Herswinder have been found
among ashes in tbe fire place.
At the election Dec. 13th in Boston
tor members of tlie .Board of Educa-.
tion for that city, there were nine
women candidates, five of whom were
successful, named as ioiiows: juiua
Abby TV. May, of ward 8; Mrs. Lucia
Crocker, of ward 11; Miss Lacia W. -Peabody,
of ward 24; Mrs. Mary
Saftbrd Blaka, ot wd Gj and Misa.
,,.L of ward & Maes. Lucretia P.
Haie, of ward 4, W defeated, by a
vote? : ; ' -" . ' " -
The State Board of Examination,
consisting of the Board of-Education
and five practical iwcuers, uupet in
Salem, in semi-annual session net
Monday, January 4th, 1875. The
Board is composed of the Governor,
Secretary of btate, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, President T. M.
Oatdtv ofthe Willamette University,
President B. L. Arnold, of the Agt.
H cultural College. Professor J. W.
Johnson, ofthe Portland High school.
Prof. J. All! Marcum of Oregon
City, and Professor W. L. Worthing,
ton, ofthe Astoria Hig school.
The San Louis Obispo Tribune sava
that on the 6th Inst., & vaquere by
the name of Albert Pied re. lgsaoed
and killed a grizzly bear on the Ran
cbits, about eight miles from town
which weighed 700 pounds. Bruin
had been butchering fat calves and
cows for the Steele Brothers and other,
for some time past without ktny
any returns, which direllction of duty
cost him his life.
Tbe committees, appointed fr!K
greas to examine into the v
and Alabama matters, left W , '
on the "26th nit. Tbe comn,,,
look up the Orleans matter, were tOL
start on the 27th December,. w