f ? 4 fU nfltSHl'.O FVKUV FRIDAY. BY A COLIi. VAX fLEVK, of last June $4,000 worth of this , J, IN REGISTER BUHSniGS, ! " . j , . i AS rVBKBBKD EVEEV HUDAT. BY t'OLL. VA t'LEVH, REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corner Ferry and First Ulrt TKWMS-SS ADVANCE. One copy, one year -r 50 on1 copy, six months 1 .0 To club- of twenty, t-.v li copy 2 P0 Single copies Ten cents). FRIDAY, NOV KMUKlt 1 -7 A colore! girl lias been a!initte! to the II iirli t-'choolat Keokuk, Io wa, but it totik a mandamus from the Cirerfit Court to get her in. A Chicago "personal" announces that "Olive Logan's husband is at tlte Sherman House." It must lie- i very gtatifying to a man to le an- i nounceU in that way. An ex-confederate General O'Neal, who served under Stone wall Jackson, is shoveling "lis t on the Chicago, Liurlington and Quin cy railway tor 1 a day. An Indiana clergyman sued a newspaper and dropped dead within a week. The Detroit Vice tays these fellows will learn some thing; by and by. The Democratic State Committee of New Hampshire .have decided to "hold a Convention lor the uom ination of Governor, in Concord, January 5th. The lbel suit of Judge McC 'up. of lirookiin, agar st the New i'ork Tribune has been withdrawn, plaintiff's counsel saying that the Tribune has made a hill retraction. A Boston dispatch of November 13th says: Thirty-tour employes of the Boston Custom House will lie discharged to-day in accordance with Collector Simmou's plaii of re trenchment. Michael Raves, the princijial wit ness for the Government in the safe- burglary case now being "Washington, was arrestei jury on the 13th i,it.. on ot Whitley, one of the de ed at r per oafh lants. Gov. Botts, of Mi :..'.: a, is like Moses, of South Carolina, lie is not at all vindictive, and pardons out about two thirds of the persons put in tlie penitentia iy. The Flathead Indians are getting too "cussed" for the iiisoula coun ty people to tolerate moch longer. Their thefts and deprcdatioi s, cording to the local paper and tl r good authority, continue from week to week. Mr. James A. Karr, of C hehalis county, Vvr. T., i. elected Ivepreseu tative from Chehaiis ami Bacitic. lie had three competitors and dis tanced the Held. A herd of 200 buffaloes stam peded all the pack anima's belong ing to a company of the Eighth Cavalry, down in Colorado not long ago. It took two hours to secure the pack mules and restore order in the column. J. L. Briggs, ot Pekin, 111., and George B. Hickman, of Westclier ter, Pa., recently made the trip from Colorado Springs to the top of Pike's Peak and back in twelve Jionrs. The distance between the two points is thiity-tivc miles. A. O. "Wood, was run over by a loaded wagon in Clickitat valley, which crushed his breast badly. There are hopes, however, 'that the young man will recover. The wag on had on two 40 feet sticks of tim ber and a cord of wood at the time. The St. Louis Times "scooped" up all of its contemporaries in tiding out that "a new Territory, compos ed of Colorado, south of the Divide, and part of northern New Mexico, is talked of as not improbable. Northern Colorado will then absorb "Wyoming, and become a State. Judge Cutting, in discharging a coupje of ill-looking prisoners at Ellsworth, just tried and acquitted by the jury of a charge of stealing sheep, tersely said: "Young men, I should advise you logo home and steal no more sheep. A gentleman sat down at a table in an Oshkosh restaurant the other day and called for a "bill of par ticulars." "Brooklyn, by thunder!" roared the by-standers in a gust of moral indignation, as they shot him through the doorway with the ve locity of a remington ritlcball. A large piano manufactory in New Haven has been fitted out with a novel system of lire apara tus. In every twelve feet sqnare throughout the building is a projec ting water-spout with the end sol dered up. In case ot fire it is ex pected that the solder will be mel ted and thus a llood of water let on. Mr. W. Blackmore, ot England, who has been down the Kansas Pa cific, on a grand hunt is back again. He estimates the annual slaughter of buffalo on the Plains, at from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000. While we are incliued to think this esti mate exaggerated, there is no doubt that for two or three years past, the destruction of buffalo has been immense. Mr. Blackmore is of the opinion that there should be strict laws tor the preservation ot this no ble game. The Denver Neics has this anec dote of the Governor elect of the old Jiay State: "Gaston, Democratic Governor elect of Massachusetts, is in luck, not only politically, as the a-etnrns attest, but financially. Gov. Gaston, who visited the 'Cherry creek settlement' in early times to gether with the liev. Mr. Potter, who formerly dispensed good old Baptist gospel to this enlightened region, invested 84,000 in Denver real estate m 1804. All right. Now 'el's see what a decade will do iu this thin air, in the apprecia tion of town lots. I'p to the 23d of last June $4,000 worth of this property" had been donated for Bap tist church purposes. And at that time, just ten years afier Gaston and Better made their investment, Francis Gallup, l'.-q., Trustee, sold the remainder of their property here for the suns sum of 109,300. l'oor Bolter is dead ai d gone to iiea v en. and Gaston is Governor, and dreaming ot the Presidency., i The coos Bay .V. iat tells this sto ry: A certain clerical gentleman went down from Koscburg to New port. When about to h ave there it rained very hard, so Air. r iapa gan loaned him a suit ofoil clothes. Now it happens there is an old !i.-h-crman named Nicholas, who lives at Ilocky Point and sells fish about the Bav. Aathe pries was ridin bv the the ime house ot one oi-1 tscotcn day ot his departure, saw nothing but his and mistook his Ilev u!d Nick." "Ha' ve lady on the old d oiled c'l.ithcs erer.ee for "( ony ttoo tjuired. in s, gndemoi priest stari woman, I I se m 2onv T d e my g of any de then, oot hoomlioos;, sold a' yor and noo vc O II n ei ;p tiaiig awa , for an ould ime; "ye ha' ( uok hoose doon t' Km- Uic it t! jan may pire and speii1 the siller for whu? It;s Beverance tells tuejoki imself. on dieal r fettf correspoml r on noses. nt Hi ,i tares vi:h is a s in says -VIII- 'and 5 liv n by tlia a ; tie CtlV SV! the eh imetii t mes fact, a that th metre i 1 V fttrf peri r a Oin nan t! over t! fptirre, narturt n ,n which the from matbe Qiitate. lie il vuraev i ; not ; ve; tlie anatomical explanation fact as follows : i nose a a feature dej in its configuration e eu- a th t'.ie tx lies l leied. d cartila; The stn snjierficia is ei edi th ft si. and if. yi ben no injury iation from the lace in the cai irefuilv el ve. v de- d. Oiily takes portion ef IW1V i, caVled i plow- 1. :t lucre occurs rom its likei ;- t h plays a vei ing the tormat great n u t m and eon- t the -itiojj i se. In tnith it is tlie th; ; bone which deter- les t'ne question at Issue, ft has an ichment to the bones of the nose I face very similar to that of tin ier to a ship, and ii so situated over a clcies or snt in tlie etliuioiu a .".-; or snt m - of the internal ttosi to seek attachment t of tin- lit. 'fills l as of ueces- one or other hone, tiiere lightly on one the face, and ot tlie sejftum lor -id is, or ought tr he, of tlie mesial line ;hi:r. as it does, na form vvbie satiiG divides tlie nostrils, and at the time torming a middle or central i t and IJpint .-! attachuient to the cartilage, it must of necessity the -oft part of the nOSe to that no to v. bieii it lueiuies. It wili thus appear that, hi an anat omical point of view, the nose Isab- ROM al hich evenly occupies the and less nini.b'" tine that the orj biased fron In ehildr or only ver r .,,.- itsell of the countenance, an which is more or the center 4s correct, u fids character is ah slightly apparent, a is nut rudimentary s in it- struct lire till tlie and tlie cai tilagiuoiis age of pnberi y is past. Nevertheless, youth, if unattended to, an injury in y might and does id to in alter year-. I bav..- not observed to which side, as a rule, in tlie majority of cases, the nose inclines. All I can vouch for is my own special ease, wiiere the bia- is decidedly to the right. Leisure timer. DiAVi iioi s Kmuxu ok a Chaui VAiii. Quite a large party of the youth of South Jlend. Ind., who feel called upon to congregate before Hie abode of every newly -married pair and conduct themselves like a delegation direct from the internal regions, bad assembled before tin; residence of Mrs. William Dnfrees, on Wayne stivet, that city, a night or twoago. to 'bell" hor daugh ter and Marshall '. Crqnhart, who had just been married. The hideous serenade was at its wildest, when the crowd, intent on nothing but the busi ness in hand, was stauipecdcd by a tlc'ugc of water, poured in at short range from a hydrant less than a hnn drek feet away. They went down like a set of tenpins before a clean sweep. As fast as they could recover they tied down Wayne street, leaving their torturing musical instruments upon tin; field. But a second detaeh ment of hose boys had clapped a length of hose to the hydrant at Wayne and Franklin streets, and as the vanquished serenaders, soiled and .streaming from the fust on.-law, came up, they were again sent to tile grass by another waterspout. They escaped over fences and through the alleys, looking' more likei'roivued rats than human beings. Said one girl to another this morn ing, as they were going to school. "We're too early: we'll have to loaf around until the doors arc oien."' "Loaf around'' replied the other, 'that's not a pretty expression." "Well, I'd like to know," said the re proved girl, "how I am to learn to talk proper, when 1 have three big brothers harping about 'chin music,' 'cheese it,' 'whoop 'em up,' 'that is not your racket, ' and all that sort of taikail the time." A lawyer who was sometimes for getful, having been engaged to plead the cause of" an offeuder, began by say ing. "1 know the prisoner at the bar, arid he bears the name of being a most ooii-umin.itc scoundrel!" Here some body whispered to him that the prison erSvas his client, when he immediately continued, "But what great and good man ever lived who was not calumii ted by many of his contemporaries?" "You havn't put on a clean shirt to day," said a captain to his corporal; "you never saw me without a clean shirt on parade, when I was corporal." (lie loved to speak of the immense dif ference between his present situation as captain, and that from which he had risen as corporal.) " True, your honor; but then your honor's mother was a washerwoman. ' ' Death mowed down 50 of the Salt Lakers in October. The best paying mine in Montana is called the Pike's Peak. or i i .ii.. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. sscd at the l'irst Session of the torty- Third Congress AN ACT making appropriations for tlie repair, preservation, and com pletion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other pur loses. a )!" irrttff th ,S' note rtnrl ITo I Ih I 'iui.il Nud ' -'.in: r- 'Jtjnffrrsx tuat m&fcci, t the followina sums of money li: and are liereby, appropriated, to paid (-lit ot any money in the a-ury not otherwise appropriated, e expended under tlie direction of Secretary of War, for the, repair, serration, and completion of tlie owing public works hereinafter ill i"or continuing Hie improvement of the entrance; to the inner harbor of L)u I. nth, ten thousand dollars. . For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Ontonagon, twenty-three thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Manniette, fifteen thous and dollar-:. For continnuig t ho improvement of tiie Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, three hundred thousand dollar. Not ex ceeding twenty-five thousand dollars of the above may be used for the pur chase of such" real estate as may he re nuired for the rightot way. or for fiow- in Ihe completion of the Fox and i-i.i improvement. :ontinuing the improvement of bor at Green IJay, Wisconsin e- ind dollars. 1 the ten For eoutmumg tlie the harlxir at Mcnoi imrrovement ot iinee. Michigan O l-C' US'. ..-in, twenty live thousand For continuing the Improvement of the harbor of refuge at the. entrance of the Sturgeon Jiav (.'anal, ten thousand dollars. ' For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at ten thousand For contiu the harbor at ten thousand For cotitiu! the harbor at JfaidtO' .'OC, vi- onsm. dollars. uig the Improvement of Sliebovgaii, Wisconsin, dollar..' ing the improvement of Fort WastHngton, is- con-in, ten thou saw lollars. F( ir continuing the improvement of the harbor at Kacine, Wisconsin, ten tlKuisanu dollars. For continuing the Improvement of the harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Chicago, seventy -live thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of tarr Caltwnet, llli lots, wen- ive thousisud dollar-. or eontinuing the improvement of harborat lichingau Citv, Indiana, the fifty thousand dollars. For1 continuing the improvement of the harbor at Frankfor. Michigan, ten tliousand dollar-. For contiuiijng tte Improvement of the h uborat, Mani-tee, Michigan, ten thousand dol'.i rS. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at I.ndiiigtou. Micliigtii. twenty thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at U bite Itiver, Michigan, ten thou-and dollar-. For contiuuin ; the harbor at ten thou-and dn For conti;iu3n the harbor at i.. imniovoment of llnskegou, Michigan, lars. ; the improvement of nid Haven, Michigan, fifty thou-and dollar-. I For continuing the improvement of tlie harbor at Black Lake, .Michigan, fifteen thou-and dollars. ' For continuing the improvement of ! the harborat Saugatuck, Michigan, ten i thousand dollars." For continuing the Improvement of the harbor at South Haven, Michigan, 1 ten thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Saint Joseph, Michigan, : two thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of" i Saint Mary's Itiver and Siirit Mary's Falls Canal, two hundred thousand j dollars. For continuing the improvement of : the harbor at Cheboygan, Michigan, i fifteen thou-and dollars.- For continuing the improvement of i the Saint Clair itiver at the mouth of Black Itiver, fifteen thousand dollars, i For continuing the improvement of I the harbor of refuge. Lake Huron, I seventy-five thou-and dollar-. For continuing tlie improvement of j the liarbor at Monroe, Michigan, ten 1 thousand dollars. For remaviug bowlders and rock 1 from the Detroit River, partly in Cau ! adian waters, twenty-five 'thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Toledo, Ohio, seventy five thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvenit of the harborat SanduskyCity, Ohio, twenty five, thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement ot the harborat Huron, Ohio, one thous sand five hundred dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Vermillion, Ohio, three thousand dollar-. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Black River, Ohio, twenty tliousand dollars. For continuing tlie improvement of the harbor at Cleveland, Ohio, thirty thousand five hundred dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Grand Itiver, Ohio, twenty thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of (lie liarbor at Ashtabula, Ohio, thirty live tliousand dollars. For continuing the improvenmt of the harbor at Conneaut, Ohio, one thousand live hundred dollars. For preserving and continniugthe work upon the pier at Rocky Itiver, Ohio, ten thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the h.irbor at Dunkirk, Xew York, thirty-five tliousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Erie, Pennsylvania, twenty thous and dollars, For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Buffalo, New York, seventy-five thousand dollars; and the Secretary ot War is authorized to re move and prevent accumulations of sand at the entrance to said harbor, provided the same can he done without expense or liability against the United States. , For continuing the improvement of the liarbor at Olcott, New York, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Oak Orchard, Xew York, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Pint neyviUe, New York, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the Improvement of the harbor at Great Sod us Bay, New York, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Little Sod us Ba-, New York, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the liarbor at Oswego, New York, seventy-five thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the liarbor at Wadd'mgton, New York, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the liarbor at Ogdensburg, New York, six thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement ol the harbor at Platt-burg," New York, live thou and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Burlington, Vermont, twenty-five thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harborat Swanton, Vermont, eight thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Falls of Saint Anthony, and for the improvement of tlie Mississippi river above the fail of Saint Anthony, 'Min nesota, one hundred and fifty thou-and dollar-: and tWenty-ftVc thousand dol lars of gstid amount shall be expended lor the improvement ol tlie Mississippi river aboye tlie tall- t Saint Anthony. For tlie survey or improvenieot of the Minnesota river, ten thousand dol lars. For continuing the improvement of tlie Upper Mi ippi river, twenty-five thou-and dollars. For continuing the Improvement of the Illinois river, seventy-five thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the lies Moines Ilapids, Mississippi river, lour bundrcd thousand dollars. For continuing tlie improvement of tlie Rock Island Kapids, Mississippi rifer, titty thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas river--, one hundred thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of White liver above Jaeksonport, fifty thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Osage river,' Missouri, twenty-five thousand dollars. For continuing tlie improvement of the Mississippi river between the month-; of the Ohio anH minis river-, two hundred thousand dollars ; and fifteen thou-and dollars of said amount shall he expended between the mouths of the Missouri and Illinois rivers. For continuing tin; improvement of the Ohio river, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; one-half of which shall be expended above and the other half below the Suspension Bridge be tween CiucUui2tl, Ohio, and Coving ton. Kentucky; forty thou-and dollars of the above amount that is to bo ex pended above the Suspension Bridge may, it approval by the Chief of En gineers, be expended in a permanent improvement of navigation at Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania. l or eon! inning the improvement of the Wabash river, twenty-live thous and dollar- : Provided. That a por- tioa of thi ing nine th by the Seel appropriate not cxeeed- usaiHl doll etary of W; rs, may lie used r, at his discre hment of any tian, tor the extin right, title or claim of the Wabash Navigation Company iu tlie lock and dm at Grand Rapids, on said river, ami other property said company may claim on said river, and fir the ex tinguishment of any right said compa ny may have to affect or interfere in any way with the navigation of said river; but no part of this appropria tion shall be expended until said navi gation company -ball have relmiuished all right to control or otherwise in any manner interfere with or affect the free navigation of -aid river. For continuing the improvement of tin- Upper Moiiongahela river near Morgantown, West Virginia, twenty live thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Great Kanawha river. West Vir ginia, twentv-five thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Tennessee river above Chattanoo ga, twenty-five thousand dollars ; and below Cliattanooga, including Muscle Shoals, one hundred thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi river.one hundred and thirty 'thousand dollars. For removing the raft in lied river, Loui-iana, titty thou-and dollars. For removing obstructions iu the Choctav. atchie river. Alabama and Florida, live thou-and dollars. For continuing tiie improvement of the harbor at Mobile, Alabama, one hundred thousand dollars. lor continuing tlie improv rement of ! the harbor at Savannah, Georgia, fifty tliousand dollar-. For the improvement of the bafta hobchee and Flint rivers, Georgia, twenty-fine thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement at the mouth ot the Saint John'- river, Florida, or may be 'used for dredging out the inside passage between tlie Saint John's and Nassau inlet, ten thousand dollars. For the improvement of the Apnla chicola river, Florida, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement ot the harbor at Baltimore, Maryland, seventy-five thou-and dollars. For the improvement of Chester river at Kent Island Narrows, Maryland, five thousand dollars. for continuing the improvement ol" the Wiconioco river, Maryland, five thousand dollars. For the improvement of Flk river, Maryland, live thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement at the mouth ol the Oceoqnan river, Vir ginia, live thousand dollars. For Continuing the improvement at the month of Nomoni creek, Virginia, six thousand dollars. For continnuig the improvement of the Rappahannock river, Virginia, sev en thou-and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the .Tames river, Virginia, fifty thous and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Appomattox river, Virginia, thirty thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the south branch of Elizabeth river, Virginia, fn thousand dollars. For continuing the imferovement of the Nansemond river Virginia, ten thou-and dollars. 1 For continuing the. inipVovonient of the Roanoke river, North Carolina, five thousand dollars. For continnuig the impaovement of the Cape Fear river. North Carolina, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the D fa ware River and channel at Fort Mifflin Bar, fifty thousand dol lars. For continuing the improvement of the Delaware River between Trenton and Bordentown, ten thousand dol lars. For the removal of obstructions iu the harbor and the construction of a pier at New Castle, Delaware, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Wilmington, Delaware, -ix thou-and dollars. For continuing United States pier in Delaware Bay near Lewes, Dela ware, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Schuylkill River, twenty thousand dollars. For eontivuing the improvement of the Hudson River, New York, forty thousand dollars; and out of this ap propriation the sum of seven thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars mav be paid by the Chief ot Engineers to Emory R. Seward, in full payment for work done bv him in removing the overslaugh roek in the Hudson River, under his contract made in eighteen hundred and seventy. For continuing the Improvement of the Passaic Itiver, New Jersey, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement by removing obstructions in the East and Harlem rivers at or near Hell Gate, two hundred and twenty-live thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harborat Wareham, Massachusetts, ten thou-and dollars. For continuing the Improvement ot the harborat Hyannis, Massachusetts, live thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of th Taunton Itiver, Massachusetts, ten thousand dollars. For l be improvement of the harbor at Fall River, Massachusetts, ten thous and dollar-. For continuing the improvement of the breakwater at Block Island, twenty thousand dollars. For outinumg the improvement ot t be liarbor at N ewport Bhodu l-!and. ten thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement at the harborat Wickford, Rhode Island, live thou and dollars. For continuing the improvement of the Fa weal nek' river, Rhode Island and Connecticut, ten thousand dollars. For cont inning the improvement of the harbor at Stonington, Connecticut, twenty thousand dollars. For com inning the improvement of the Connecticut river, below Hartford, Connecticut, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of tiie llousatonic liiver, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the Improvement of tin; harbor at Bridgeport, Connecti cut, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of ; the liarbor at N'orwalk, Connecticut, i ten thousand dollars, i For the improvement of the harbor at Milford, Connecticut, live thou-and dollars. That tin; sum of fifty thousand dol , Lars is appropriated lor the opening : and improving of tlie channel between , Sbiten island and New Jersey. For continuing the improvement of the Saint Croix Itiver, Maine, ten : thou-and dollars. ! For continuing the improvement of . the Machias river, Maine, ten thous and dollars. i 1 or Continuing the improvement ot Maine, twenty the Pel thou-.!'.: For c ib-cot river, dollars. ntit!uing the improve ment of the harbor thousand dc For co it: : the harbor : at auKleii, Mam, ten airs. uitig t lie improvement ot , Maine, twenty i tlani thousand dollar-. I For continuing th inipn nent of . the oc.iceo i ten thou sam For eontii j the Mcrriai; I ten thousaut river. .New Ilampslure, dollars. u i tig the improveiii nt of ek livi Massachusetts, dollars. ! For contiuuin the entrance ot I the deni improvement of Harbor, Massa- I cimsetts, ten thou-and dollar-. For continuing the improvement of I the harbor at Boston Massachusetts, I one hundred, thou-and dollars. For continuing tlie improvement of ; the harb.n- at Plymouth, M.issaehn setts, and for dredging, five tlioasand j dollars. i For continuing the improvement of" ! the harbor at Froviucetow n, Massa- cliusetts, -ix thou-and dollars. J For continuing the improvement of ! the Lower Willamette and Columbia rivers, from Portland, Oregon, to the i sea. twenty thou-and dollars. : For continuing the improvement of tlie Upper Willamette river. Oregon, ! seven thousand live hundred dollars. For continuing the improvement of i the Upper Columbia river, twenty I tboti-and dollar-. j For continuing the improvement of ; tlie harbor at Galveston, Texas, sixty thou-and dollar-. For removing wrecks and rocks off the harbor of San Francisco, California, I twenty-lire thou -and dollars. For the improvement ot Oakland j Harbor, one hundred thor.-and dol lars. For continuing tlie improvement ot I the harbor at Milwaukee. Wisconsin, I ten thou-and dollar-, j For continuing the improvement of Saginaw river, Michingau, fifteen thou-and dollars. That the appropriation under the :.ct Of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, for tlie improvement of the harbors of Washington and leorgis towii be made to apply to dredging the Virginia or Georgetown chama-1 of i!i.- Potomac river above and below Long Bridge, and that tiie earth ex cavated therefrom be deposited so a to carry out as far as practicable the plan tor improving the harbor- of Washington and Georgetown, in ac cordance with, the recommendation made, to Congress December seven teenth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, by a board of survey created by act of Congress approved March fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy two. For surveys and estimates for the improvements recommended by the Senate Select Committee on Trans-portation-Routes to tin- Seaboard, upon the four routes indicated in the report of -aid committee, and also upon a route from the mouth of the Youijiiog beny river, to continue the slack-water navigation up said river to its head waters at the loot of the Alleghany Mountains, thence by canal to Cum berland, intersecting there the Chesa peake and Ohio Canal, two hundred thousand dollar-, or to much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of tlie Secretary of War in such manner as, in his judg ment, w ill secure the greatest amount ot exact information for each of said routes. l or the improvement of the harbor at Charleston. South Carolina, eighteen thousand dollars. For examinations and surveys of rivers and harbors, and for incidental repairs at harbors tor which there is no special appropriation, seventy-live tliousand dollars. Sec "2. That the Secretary of War is hereby directed to cause examination- or surveys, or both, to bo made at the following points, namely: Harbor of New Bedford, Massachu setts. Cascades and Dalles of the Columbia river, Oregon, and Washington Terri tories, for the purpose of ascertaining the practicability and cost of construct ing canals and locks at such points. Skaget river, for removing jams, Washington Territory. Yam Hill river, Oregon, for remov ing rocks and sand-bars. Snohomish river. 4'ov removing Jams, Washington Territory. Tennessee r iver, above the mouth of Holston rivei to the Chilhowec Moun tains, Tennessee. Hiawassee river, below Benton, Tennessee. Urbaima Creek, Virginia, below Urban i la. Black Warrior river, below tile mouth or Locust Fork, Alabama. Cahaba river, below Cjentrevllle, Alabama. Nantucket Harbor Bar, Massachu setts. Lamprey river, below Newmarket, New Hampshire. Ester river, below Exeter, New Hampshire. Minnesota fiver, for further exami nation lor improvement by canals, locks and dams. Oconee river, from the Oemulgee to Milledgeville, Georgia. CbicKahomiiiy river, Virginit;. Hampton river, Virginia. Wolf Lake Cut, Indiana. Snake' river, Idaho, from Shoshonee Falls to Lewiston, examination and estimates for removing bowlders and other obstructions. Sacramento river, below Tehama, California. Feather river, below Marysville, Cal ifornia. Lake Winnipiseogee, for placing buoys on obstructions, New Hamp shire Smutty Nose Island, as to repair breakwater. Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. Pagan Creek. Mirginia. New river, from the lead mines iu Wythe county, Virginia, to the "Mouth of W ilson" iu Grayson county, Vir ginia. The Little Kanawha river, below Bull Town. Chippewa river, below Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Dakota river, between Soul hern Da kota Railroad and Northern Pacific Railroad, Dakota Territory. Tombigbej river, by way of Uig Bear Creek, to the Tennessee, to con nect water communication. Estuary in Santa Barbara Channel, about two mili s north ol Point Muger, California. Cleveland breakwater, new estimate for four fathoms water. Ohio. Kan Joaquin river, below Stockton, California. Cuvandotte river, below Logan Court House, West Virginia. Cedar Bayou Bar ; and ten thou-and dollars are hereby appropriated for the improvement of lied Fish Bar. in Gal veston May. Texas. Withlacooche river, from mouth of Ocopilico river, Georgia. Oclialochnce river, below Atlantic & Gulf tiailroan, Georgia. Fed river, at Alexandria. Louisiana Harlem river, from Jlaudall's Island, by way of Spuyten Dnvvil creek, to Hudson river, New York. Blackvvater river, Virginia. Mouth of Kennebiink river. Maine. Brazos river, below Waco, including tiie bar at its mouth. Gaudalupe river, below Gonzales. Texas. St. Croix river, below St. Croix falls in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The l'ev River of the North from i isrecKcm 'l'"-"" '"1 i - r t . ..... 1 Fig untPy I'lV holi;w PiljoD, Kentucky. Twelve Pole river, below Wayne Court House, West Virginia. liarbor of il Ingham. Massachusetts, with reference to removal of obstruc tions. ' Sebawaing river. Michigan, for en trance, with l ight feet water. .Mouth of Saginaw river, Michigan. French Broad river. North Carolina from Brevard to Buncombe county line. Big Sandy river, from it- mouth to Piketon, and to Wartield, in Kentucky. Kock Castle river, Kentucky, from the foot ol tlie narrows at. Graham's Mills to its mouth Smith's Shoals, i:i the Cumberland river, Kentucky. Inside passage, between Fernandhia and St. John's river, known as Nassau river, Florida. Grand Marias Harbor, Lake Superi or. Minnesota. Pamtinkey river. Virginia. Mataponi rluer, Virginia. Totnskee river, Virginia, below the bridge. Survey of Harbor of Crisflekl, Som erset county, Maryland, with a view if remi iving obstructions. Harbor ot L dtow ii, Brit ton Bay, Potomoe liver, Maryland, with a view to remove obstructions. Harbor of Norfolk, Virginia See. li. That a board of engineers, to be composed of three from tlie Army one from ti e Coast Survey, and three from civil life, be appointed by the President; which said board shall make a survey of" the month ot the Mississippi riijer, with a view to de termine the best method of" obtaining and maintaining a depth of water S lt ficient for the purposes of commerce, either by a canal from said river to the waters of the Gnlt, or by deepening one or more of ibe natural outlets of --aid river: and said board shall make a full and detailed estimate and state ment ot the cost of each of said plan-, and shall report the same, together wiih their opinion thereon, showing which of ail -aid plans they deem preferable, giving tbyir reasons there tor, to the Secretary of War, to be presented at the commencement of the second session i.f tlie Forty-third Con gress ; and that the sum of twenty-five thou-and dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appro priated, our of anp fund- in the Treas ury not otherwise appropriated, to de fray the cost of said survey. Approved June 23, 1S71. The Assessoi of Yamhill county re turns the following as the statistical condition of his bailiwick: No. acres or improved land, 63,100; No. acres unimproved laud, 25ti,030; the total amount of land-, 31.1,130. Value of town lots, ."!l. u.j.l: improvements, $333,473; merchandise and improve ments, 227.025; money, notes, shares Of stock, $573,2S1; household furniture, carriages and watches, etc., $121,900. o. horses and mules 3,075, value $155,450; No. cattle 8,631. value $100, 8 No. sheep 20.714, value $30,704; Xo. swine 6.252, value $3,973. Gross value of all property, $2,831,433; indebtedness, $650,S33 ; exemption, $253,235, Total taxable property, $1,- '.100.157. No. of polls, 835. Average value of land per acre, L The Brooklin Argus sys that Luke Poland's life is at pre-eut, uneventful. He is writing a volume entitled "The Mistakes of a Life-time," hut occasion ally drops his pen to drive a pig out of the garden, or wollop a neighbor's boy for getting too close to his pear trees. Sometimes strangers come to the gate and want to know if "Old Gag Law'' lives there, but when they see Luke coming round the corner of the house with a shot-gun in his hands they 'move on"' epiite rapidly. Mix white loaf sugar and fresh eggs and place where the vermin can get at it. Kats, mice, roaches, croton hugs, etc., will devour it with avidity. Keep feeding them regularly, and by and by they will get so fond ol the mixture that they won't eat anything else. They will starve first. Then let them starve. Whenever a polygamous wife wants to locate a homestead, she calls herself a "widow". Uncle Sam has been swindled out of thousands of acres of land in Utah by this widow dodge. Schuyler Colfax won't attend a cir cus, but he takes the children and pa ces slowly around the canvas that they may hear the songs of the clown and the glad voice of the trick nmle. C. M. Bradshaw, Esq.. ol Port Townsend, is elected Councilman from the district of JefTersbu, Island and Clallam and San Juan, by a majority ofl3. A . child lor adoption, to be born in November, is advertised iu a New York newspaper. Sex not stated. Such enterprise "can go no father."'.' Forty-six bushels of wheat to the acre were raised on Goose lake last summer. E. B. Scolield has been awarded a patent on a sun dial invented by him. A CARW-1,000 REWARD. THE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE Giv en to any one proving 1 1 .xit t lie yttloa of tlie SIXIJER lo not exceed all Others J thousands upon thousands. While i all tho other old companies' sales In 1873 leu ed, the SINKER Increased woiiderfulli, and keep at the head, where it always ia and should he. TITrf- jjROTHERS. Albany, Or., Sept. -', 1874. Sewin Slncliliie ol' laTS. The table of Sewinjr Machine Sales for i?;sl show's that our sales Inst year am ounted to a:W,4 (two hundred and thirtv two thousand, lour hundred ami oi-t v-Vour; fSIachlnes, hi-ins; a large in crease over tlie sales ol" Ihe previous yenr ( lSl-2.) . The table also sfttlWs that our sales E csed tbrne ofany other Company, fttf the period named, by the number of 1 18, 2."VS !?lll-tllllf H, or nearly double those of any other Company. It mav be further stotod that the stiles of (873, as compared n it li those "f I-7-J, -how a relatively larger Increase, beyttfta tla- sales of other niobem, than ol any ot her year. for Instance in IsTi we sold -Ti.dPO more Machines than any oi her Company, where as, iu 1ST.!, the sates were 113,264 HhcIiIiii'h in Kxee.ss of our Eiilx si CowmUtoT) These figures are all tin- more remark able, lor the leason that Ihe sales of the prhieipai 'omnanies in 1873 are (linn 'tnelr sales in 172: whereas, as lias been shown, our Bales Iiave largely Ijiorcns-' (!. The account of sales is from nvern returns made to the owncrsot the Sewing Machine 1( wit! hardlv 1" ority of ihe slN demons' mied at denied, that tho ranert EH MACHINES Is fully nil events that their household is unqnes- popularity in tiocablc. he Inmnw sold. or 1873 Iccr-so -333,144 In. 12,189 x mo 3,riu ii'.i.I'.hi ie.r)4.s;w Xaini; of Machines. Singer Ml V 'o Seeor S. M. Co. . No Js7-' 213 :; 1 W. .t W. MtV .. .171. Domestics. SI. Co.. It, (iroverA rfcikcrCo. Wee i S. M. CO t Wilson S. M. Co ... J'.'. Ilow Machine Co.. on Wilcox ,V- GlbbsCo. -il.' American ir. If Co. 18,1 Florence S. M. Co.. i'u THE sf.NCl.lt MAN! ol Union s oiart i.vt 4(1.1 M du 1.179 " II 21,7H9 " m 21.347 " ret urns.) 33 1S.S8I " :tu 14,182 ' :':i 8.;t)0 " FACTl ltIN( . New York. U.44Q I.-,SSI 3.75 1,410 17.7.VS 4.74S R,833 Co., A5?eii, .t.Utui.v, tiri'son. J E W E L It Y , Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MA N T FACTCUEl) AND AI-.Il'STKI osH'tiuil for t lu I'aciJic Coas1 ly tlie MAT1GNAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, v vc : E"aciJif, CUtliroruta :t:iI !:;ii E'rtiiiciNCO WATCH, and we most eonfldentlyi rje onma-n-1 them to the uihlic,aa poraHssSing more irfwi.l ifUHlitic for the piiee than any other Matel' in the market. We also Keep all other brands of Eltrin. Waltliaiu ana Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, !avcr and Plated Ware, Pistols unci Cart rtdjre. ; .:. A!f lVork llone nml ;o,K Kohl, VniTABtrd to lie as ltcprescii lel. J. II. TH I S. .T. II. TITCS CBA8. DOVHOARDKS. Ta rt s isROTiti:RS, ATJOHSOAXTEB'S (1LH STAND, First street ALBANY, OKEfTOS Silver-Plated Ware ! 1ST RECEIVED, A Fl'I.T. INVOK E of IIoki'm' Sllverlln-tl Mare, Sllver-Meol titlory, etc., direct trom ttfe Factory. We w ill sell Table Spoons at $.i per set, and Teaspoons at Jl ."0, and ot h er goods proportionately low. TITUS 11ROTIIEKS. ANOTHER CHANCE, rifth and lsfl Uift Concert IN All) OF THE Public Library ReiituekY POSTPONKD TO NOVEMBER 30f '74. Ilrnwlns 'ertniii at Mint Date. LIST OF GIFTS: One liraiMl ( Mh ailt .8li30.M . IwO.OOO 73,000 One Cranil asli ;il't On lirillld aslt filCC... One lirancl 'nh Uit't .. sloe ;ranl 4'asli tiil'l... so,ooo 25,000 5 i i! s. satl.CIIO en 100.000 lo'.isli ViUm, el,OUOen 110,000 I.4'ash(iil('t, IO.OOOea 130,000 3CMKbilfto, 5,000 en lOO.OOO ssa ivkii (.ins, o Cnk tai'tN, r.O asli eitts, 1004'nNliiii't.H, Jiorns'i Ulna, 3oo I ash i 1 l is, 19,0001'UMli VltlK, l.OOOea 100,000 :t,Mo en 00,000 2.IMM1 en 100,000 1,000 en 100,000 500 en 120,000 1 00 en 5o,oo So en 95o,ooo lir'nd total ao.oool'aNliUftH 2,000,000 PRICE III li ETK. Whole TieketH S 5o.no Halves 2.1.o Tenth, or eaeli eiinon 3.oo 11 Whole TirhclN lor 500.00 Tlcketn lor 1,000.00 J'Or tickets ami Information, Address, THOK. E. BKAM1.KTTE, Aiiont nml Mnnrnfer. Public iibriii:y llnildins, Louisville, hy 7nfiw Estey organs. ESTEY ORGANS SOLI AT THE M. I. Pai-sonaire, Allwiiv. on the most favor able terms. The ESTEY ORGAN has been pronounced the lest by the most compe tent, judges, llm.'t buy any other until von have seen and beard t hose lii.-liumcnts. 1- "1LSON. w 1 o 3tt -a. 09 CS P- CD a? S3 S5 CD 35 GC CD H sip mm. o o 5" CO T3 2 cd 09 mm 1. CD mk J. CD mmk. CD CD mmmi St & 99 S3 CD or? s IT s ST H CD CD mm tm O A