The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 27, 1874, Image 3

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Point Perm In, Itffhl nation, remaratng
uiwfxpcmtod, is ii-iviy nitpproprlated.
To enable ill'1 Mxht-Houao Board to con
tinu its expcriinents i" volution to tog
bottf. or oilier signals, for tlu protection
of th"' cotnuierclal marine, Ave thousand
For l .Vuiir a relief llgnt snip for prctv
eral stv ioe, i:i ;t 1 lit in to lite amount
herti ofore appropriate!, Aftoen thousand
dollar-, or so iiiueta t hereof may be nec
essary -
AliMi Hi: S AMI AKi
For Rack U!a-nJ Arsenal, Sock Island,
l!Inov: To continue work oti the wood
wurkiiy iiii'! ;uu- a; i i iie shoo, for the
uHrriYTonc httndTuct and fifty thousand
For a new rolling mill and forcing shop
for the armory, utnety-dve thousand doi-
lalV .
rrltf rooft, floor-, doors, and windows,
and ol her work for completing t hs lhiish
inff rtnm, eighty thousand and live han
ded toUars.
For repairs and completion oj a stone
rcserCoir a follows: For a water-tigbt In
terior wall, floor, ami root", Bve thonsand
and one hunnrea dollars; for vrater-pipe,
and laying tne same, five thousand seven
nundreda"ud titty dollars; forKocfe Islam
wauT-twrr, five thousand un.l lour bun
Ore 1 dollars.
For Itoek Island bridtre: For alterations
and repairs And a 1 li: kmal machinery for
Urfftv of t he bridge andforeore and pres
rr::ion. Iwenty-jnree thou-and and four
hundred dollars; one-naif of wliSch ram
shall e rc-imbured to tlie 45ov-ernnent
ly tho Cliicwo, Rock Island and Pacillc
It; lit road Company.
F.r sewers, buildinj; new roads, care
and preson a ion i" water-power, paint ins
and tire and preservation of peanumenl
bnitdins and 1 trtdgen, bulhtlng lenre-.
and grading; groumla, and repairs and x
tensfon of tUe railroad, twenty thousand
For new mnfiv tum'v an 1 shou tl.xtuivsfor j
shop, fifteen tbotisan I (killars.
For feprtmrfield armory, Springfield,
Massaclmsetts: Fo: ru airs" an I prcservar j
lion oCgroimds, bitildinsand machinery, 1
t went 3 tuousand doUars.
For Denccta ar cnat, California.: For
hlttekvnill h shop, tliirtv-ilve thousand dol
lars; for trjxnsfeiTinir ma hmerv from t he
Mit dioo buildlna to tne new Bhop-
t honsand t hivsc Umtdred
and seventy-live dollars.
For repairing roils, buildings, tewers,
drains, and gra lii er grounds, ten thousand
For continuing the boring of an artesian
well, or, if artesian wat.u is procured for
patting down iron pipes and turbine
wheel, to be run by How of water, to pump
op water to the reservoir, live thousand
and tVuTy-seven dollars.
For machinery for simps, for fences, and
other similar necessaries, four thousand
ewht hundred and eighty-live dollars.
Foe repairs of arsenals; For repairs of
smaller arsenals, and to meet such unfore
seen expenditures at arsenals asaccidents
or otner eontfngtmcics during the year
may render necessary, fifty thousand dol
lurs. To enable the Secretary of War to pro
vide for constructing a military hridre
across the Xorth Platte Biver, at ornear
Fort Laramie, WYoralnsz Territorv, fifteen
treaty-stipulations, to hunt in Xebra&ka, !
twetify-ave t h on sand dollars.
Collection unci payment of honntv, prize
money, and other claims of colored sol
diers and sailors: salaries of agents and
clei ks, rent of office, fuel and lights, sta
tionery, and sofortli; oiliee-furiuture and
repairs; mileage an d transportation of offi
cers and agents: tek graphing and postage
ekthty-five thousand dollars.
For completing the medical and surgical
history of the war. the unexpended bal
ance of the appropriation ma Uj in the act
oi June eight h. eighteen hnndre I and sev- I
enty-two, is hereby continued and ren- 1
dered available. And the fturgeon-tcn-era!
Is hereby authoaized to continue on j
unty in lusonKvftiie acting assistant sur
geons how employe ! on said history dur
ing the next fiscal year.
For continuing the imbrication of the
twn bun
For re
and pre-
Tii'land fifty thousand dollars. building; and all nets and parts of acts pi
sursal the Vlinerent navy yards t consistent with the provisions hereof are
rvation ot toe same, nve nuu- ; uereDy reptaiieu.
f tin
1 1
- present shor
buildings, t
tlinlHllhl dollar-;
To enable the Secretary of War to pur
chase for the United States of the owners
thereof, tho lo. and buildings tliereon,
fuitnedtateiy west of Win tier's building,
od F street, Washington City, and the
house and lot in the rear of and immedi
ately adjoining tli ) .1 rmy Medina'. Mnsenm
on Tenth street, Washington ity, thirty
eight thousand five hundred dollars, or so
much thereof as may la necessary for the
purpose, Vrn ;-f .. That the cost of said
lot adjoining Winder's baS!ding shall not
t-eed thrrty-rtve thousand dollar-, and
the co- of said properly adjoining the
Army Mlical Museum shall no! exceed
three thousand five hundred dollars; and
that payment shall not be made for either
kr until .the thereto is perfect and te
property free of incumbrance.
It 14 hereby declared that the northern
part of Wood kind rxmwtery, in the cttyof
Klmi'.-a. in the State of Ntw Vorlc,oecupied
by soldiers graves shall ! deetued a na
tional cemetery so far only t hat the head
stone? of said soldiers gravea shall bere
newed and uoaintahsed, an 1 the graves
cared Rr, under the provisions of btwap
plieaibic to national cemeteries.
That section second of an act enliile l
.n act making appropriations for the
suitportof the Army lor the fiscal year
ending -June thirtietn, etghteen hnndre
anTseventy-five,"an i for other, purposes,
passed at the present session, shall be oou
at rn;d to direct fbe Thirl Auditor of the
Trejtsury I o certify to the Secretary of the
Trettsdrv the sun necessary in the settle
ment oiaccountsfnrsTeam'ioatsau I other j
vessels; pending in life office, undea the
Joint resolution approved iJw'omtJee twen-tv-tbird
ehrhteen hundred and sixty-nine, (
and Manh third eighteen hundred and
seventy -one, and said.suni so eertifled shal i
be exc ptcJ from tlie operation of the said
Heeori T -: ion: Rut not hfng lierein con- j
tain. 1 shall In- cms true l toeffinrt the pres- I
cut fnrisdiction of the S'jcoud t 'ompt toller !
of theTTCasnrv in this class of rases: Pn- !
nfft rf, Thar th" Secretary of War is author
ized to employ not cxbec lin: thirteeen
enlisted men for one year in the Irdnanee
To enable the Secreary of War to begin
the publication of a the official reeonls of
the wrrf tlj' rebellion, !! of the Union
an 1 OTthe Confederate armies, HieSumof
fifoeeo thousand dollars. And the Soc ro
tary of War is herebv directed to have
copied for I lie Public l'rinter all reports,
let ters teTeramsy an 1 ireucral orders not
beretofore copied or print e 1; an I properly
aonuiged in corouolo kai order.
FOflrcoutinnlngCxpertttiertts with breech-lo-.i
ling cannon, under he direction of the
Secretary of War, the sura often thousand
dollars is hereby appropriated
F:r the purpose of testinst Mr. T.ce's
breech loadukg gnu, under the direction
f! the Secretary of War; the sum of ten
th insnn 1 ilollara is hereby nnptmpriated.
To enable the SKretar' of War to alter
ecrtaln Ptoue buildings and make the
pri per walls and const ructions around the
snm t rir jtfaem for a military prison, at
Fori Leavenworth, Kansas, the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars.
Observation and report of storms; For j
expenses of the obserVat ion and impost of I
storms'by telegraph and signals, for the
u-netlt of eomraoree and asrrlcurtme i
medleitl and surgical history
ie distributed as t'omitess may direct,
sixty thousand dollars: to be tiscal in the
pre pa rat ton of tllnst rat ions for a new ell
tion of live thousand copies of entire work
J'..ri'f'tf. That the necessary engraving
aud lithographing for those i luhlieat ions
may be executed under the directions of
the Secretary of War, without advertise
ment .
For completing the medical ftatistks off
the Provost-MarslmJ-4 SeneralSi ilnreau, t he
unexpeude 1 haTanee of the ion
made by Fie act oi July twenty-eighth,
eigbtetm hundred ami sixty-six, is hereby
com Inued and marie avalkv io.
For encraving and printing the plates
tllnstrating the report off the frcographical
and geological explorations and snrveys
wct off the one hundredth meridian, t
he pubtiished in cimtrto form, tlte prin ting
a it 'l lui'T to ixMHmcjpf lti5ovemment
Printing Office, iwcntjtlve Ihousund dol
lar. Tliat the SecjetacF of the Treasury be,
aud Is berebv, autmin ixel and directed to
pay the latenrsfl off lenpsev an l OTooIe
as ln-'enmity for loss sustalne I by them
by annulment of a con ' rat-: with the l 'ost
Office ffeprt men for furnishing stamped
en ve4opCS and news mpetvwrapot'r, the
sum of twantv nine thousand four hnn
dre 1 and thirtj -threedcllars: I'rorkl
j That previous to the payment of the smu
before mentioned, the said ivtupsoyand
f Toole shall deMver up, to the -at isfia 1 km
of the Posfmaster-titMiernl, all dies and
! dandv-rolls by them used and provided for
the mauufaeture of the envelopes atore
sald: AnAtarrMcHA furih That the sum
aforesaid Shall be recefvel in lull satisfac
tion for ait claims and deman'N of i be Htiid
Itempsev aud Oroole for or by reason of
tho annnlinent of said con! met
For iwyment off costs and
State penitentiaries for the car
maiutenani' and m Ileal at
Unitexl States military con vie
In then, sixtv-flve tltotvind d
To indemntfv tlf Suttes for
furred by them in cnroirtnjr,
' and transporting troop- for !
! of the United States during t h
taction, two bundled ana a?
To provi le for th - payment
I In? lav. s f.r Iiorses and oth
j lost or ilcipivct in ttie I
! of th.- 1'niic IS ate-, fifty t
For a re survey of the Vi sa'-le River,
j Michiirau, and establishing tkJcfc-ines, not
exeecdiiut one thousand dollar-, tohepai I
for from uiiexpende I ini'a:u-4-oi "appnpi Isv
! tion heretofore run lefortla improvement
i off said river
l thousand dollars: frurirfcei that the i
SreretarN ot ttio av no, ami ne is ncreoy
autuorlzed and directed t make, out of
anv niouey at his disposal available for
that purpose, sufficient and appropriate j
compensation and acknowledgement to i
the owners, offic:rs, and sailors tit" the ftrit
isli whahng and sealing steamers which '
fnitribued i t he rescue of the survivors
of tho Pclaris, for such rescue, and an y ;
I loss sustained by reason thereof, ami fsr
their humane and nosnitable reception, i
enterlainment, and transportation until j
they were all anally and lar.ded m
Sewfoun l:an 1 and S -ot'an 1 : ihsi?iti ft ,- ,
ft"r, That the Seerefary of t be Navy lie au
tlunrized to use, durlig.the ensuing fiscal !
yt-ar, the balance of appropriation he.iett
forc mivloto tin Navy l Hr part men t Tor the
construction of a flosvting iron dock, re
maining unexpended, for the purpose off
complei iu the the reoair- onfU h douWe-turriei-
i monitors as die Secretary f the
Xavy may deem neees-ary for the public
I ElA UTM KKT OF At 1RH 1'I.Tl "II B- -Improvement
of grounds. Department
of-Agriculture: For la'or eiglit thousand
dollars; for repairing concrete roads and
w alks, five hnntlred dollars; for tools, wag
ons, law n mowers, carts and trem ;al re
pairs of t he same six hu:vlre I dollars; for
im oro iirr new grounds gained by fliiing
canal, draining surfaein r. so mi mc and for
two eart-hor-cs, seven tlmusnnd dollar-;
in alt) sixteen tmosand one hundred doi-
For ili i.-nair and preservation oi all
tlie public buliuings under thecontrolof
the Trestsnry litjrlment, two -hundred
thousand dollajrs. .
Foreontinuation of construction of the
building for the Rate, War and Navy
lepart meats, -even hundred thousand
For furniture for the new building to be
occupied by the state Popartuient, seven-ty-uve
thou.s9d dollars; to be available
immediately. .
For furnituire, au-1 repairs of the same,
and for (tarpetp, for public buildunfannaer
thecontrol of Uie- Treasury Uepartment,
one him. ire land titty thousand dollars,
of this amount, twenty thousand dollars
sliall le avai:ahie Immediately.
For fu. l. liirht. and water, aud miscel
laneous items rehuired by janitors and
lirernen in the pfoper '-are ofthepuhUc
buildings nadir tjhe control oi the I reas
ury Ueirtrocf, two hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars.
' For h'a: in ' apjarat us for public build
ings under tht control ''- the Treasury
Uetxirtmeut. two hundred thocsand dol-
ot 1 :
For tie1
;xpen le
1 1 .) er
tl iiil'.'.-t ton ot i';
nun ire l dollara.
For l be purchase of Dubys erypto
herlmTidm, as mneh a- may in nec
not exeeeflinsj one thousand dollars.
For nublishini; the report of lihe
misshmer of Agriculture fo
cUrbtcen hnndre 1 and sevei
eighteen hun lr- land seven!
thousand dollars. i;: n.i-iNi.- I'SBi
post Of5ee and snbtreasurv,
Mis..,dniK.;: "For vompietlou
ing, t Itree hundred and fiffty-f wo
and t"eity-seven deliari
Custom bouse, Boston, Masse
For i omplet ina altera! ion
1 artt
War, and Navy 1.
sund live bunJred (
For vaults, af -buildings
nmer tli
urv liriuuiim nt.
For nhotographing
i print
hdttinz the south
itlimz for i lie stater.
nine thou-
trt licit!
and locks for public
control of the Treas-iventy-five
enscnivinsr, and
n iiiw i Hiblic buildings umh-r t he
t the Treasury Department, live
thousad dollars. -
For pay oi custodSnus and janitors of
initio m rs mt u-r inu nmumvini
I e
charges of
C, :t i j ir,
tendanre of
rs ennOncd
xienses in
etfuiimins, he ilefense
bte insur
v thousand
under exist-
ments, iweniy-nvc tnousmiu uoiiara.
Custom boose, tTnirksston, SouthlCaro
1 i iu : For completif a of building?, ap-pi-:
icicbes prradinjc, teneim, and inlying,
one hundred thoniand dollars.
L'astoui house mid subi reasury, Chieao
llliiuHSC For continuation of building.
urv fierartmcnr, one i
t went yrflve ihoutnd dollars.
Mint of the Foiled state- at i 'arson:
w a ires of workmen and adjusters, twenty
thousand dblljirs; for incidental and eon
t indent expense twenty thousand d!
lars. Ami so piUcli of the amounts here
by a pprpriateO for tin- mint at i 'ar-n a
xnny in necssnrJ is matle available for tla
e.jieu !i:ure during the current tiea
New York assav offiee- Fcr incidentaV
expenses off tlie "New York assay office,
twt ntv-ftve tmrasnnd dollars.
m tjic rede.miujon or ort eoppir
1 1
I fifty thousand
nat : i, dtio: Fo!
-Tfc hundred th
entire cost of ;
eost of site, Slial
five hundred th
S' ut h Catt riiiw
in;. one Iramlr
Hjinl hundred
and seven y-tivt
i e.s'.om nous
otUeo buildin;
and post ofhec, Cincin
i ml iuuat ion of building
lusaml dol !ars. And the
id huildinir, exclusH'e of
not exceed three million
t.l post ofuce,i Columbia,
For completion oflmiUl
1 and tifty-six thousand
and ninety-nine dollars
. court la u-e. and post
F aa- die. Indiana:
ni (iRnrxhs
FN 1 WLjSlUNliTl
cment an 1 care of pu
tre. and imm-ovon'.
1 V
in is, ten tliou-
on two
!: ween Tio r 1 and
excavaf :n.v v.aiK:
I'uil lin-j:-. Kixmnds ami wovks m tne ins
triet of t 'o.uni!':a. under diieelion of the
t had of bnsrineers:
For g-ronnd's -iui h of Execul i
ten tuousanu uoitars.
For the Smithsonian i
saud dollars.
For .rawrv Suare, inclosins
1 sides wit h posts an! chain, and fo
' walks live thousand de
For four reservatiom
I irraveumr and a-pliall for same, and iuelo
ins, five thousand dollar-.
For Inclosing lancxrin Spiare and for
; pmxrhasc of trees and scat ii e thousand
! For Improving the portion of Franklin j
J S piare, cut KT street Utel a l le i to those j
I ivtuiinN. an 1 forrra tiu and completing
c U'tsot walks, an I tor prranite eopins for
fountain-ijowi, and piantms trees, tnrcc i
tbousan I dollars.
For a pe le-:al for IkUFs Iuou:-:c statute of
l.iaeoap, to be pSaceJ in Lincoln s ptare
three thousand dollars.
For coul lnrin$f imnrovemcnf of Jmleiary
piare : pnrchase off seat t ares and ever
greens; an 1 for foontain, ten thousand
i doliars;and the jail-building sitna eJ on
sai l -una re siiuil soi a - -
r work on nutclmz, uitv ihoa-an l dol-
Ears: rmrjd rf , Thai ihe said buildin;
nuly he built off stone, and it- cost, exelu
&jve ot the cost of site, shall not exceed
two hundred tlioasand dollars.
Custom bouse and kiM office, Hartford,
ftoanecf icut: For contiuuaiion of build-in'..-,
one hundred and rilty thou-and dollar-.
And th. en i i;V cost of said boildins
-ilvid not exceed four hnudred thousand
Custom house, eouci liouse, and post
ofttce, Mi'inphi-. TenueseeC : l or work on
building, iifty i iiou-an 1 dollars.
Custom boos at X w Oiteaus, l.out-i-aa:
For completion of luiildlntr. one hun
dred and ninety-one Ihousund dollar-; for
payatcnt for a, ynsted accounts Cor granite
work, forty-three thousand three hundred
and twenty-seven dollars land cdjfhty-ftve
Post ofhee an 1 court house at New
York, New York; For completing huild
inir, sewn hundred and ninety-four thou
sand two hundred aad seven dollars and
eiB ty-t wo ee n t -: f . r pavi ng-, scradi n jr.
lH-inkr Ihe dinVrenec between the
nominal vafl ue off i i:-: old copper cents and
the value of the same as metal, seven
thousand live hundred dollar-.
That all balances in the Trnsury re
maining dftexjtended on the rtrst day of
Jnlj-, eihtlein hundred aad seventy-four,
of appropiffations hiwelofore made for
buildings and sites of bund ings named in
this act, and jail 1 taiances of appropria! ions
herettU a'e tuade, and Slimeient for the
com le I ion f build iugrs under the npcr
vising Arehiteet of t he Trea-ury not
named in tis act, during the next fiscal
year. 1 o, aud t bey are hereby, made a mail
able for the fiscal year ending June thirt
ieth, eight tn hundred and sevent v-tive.
?5etr. :i. Thai life Se -relary of t lie Treas
ury Is-hereliy dircscted to impure into the
amounts of liabilit ies due from ! lie Choc
taw tribe of Indians to Individuals, as re
ferred to in an k-!es i w el ve and thirteen of
thetreutv ot June twentj-second, eight
een hcndivd and tlfty-tlvc, between the
I'nite 1 iaiesand the Clioetak and 'hiek-usawtrihe-
of Indians, red to report the
same totlietiexl st?ssion of Conres, with
a-view ' ascertaining what amounts, if
any, should be deducted from t he sum
due l com tn Failed States to saidi'hoe
taw tri!e, for the fwirposi of enabling ihe
saiiltri ieto pay it- liabilities, and there
i y'to enatile i nisress ii prov ide a fund to
he held i"or educational and other pur
! poses for said tribe, as pr i led for in
: art iele thirteen of t he treat y aforesaid.
sec 4. That flic claase in the act cn-
title! An act making appropriations for
nulrv ei vil expenses of the fioveniment
; tor the fiscal year ending June thirtieth,
! eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and
; for other nnrptses, arniroved March
: i hfnl, eijclirjeen hundred and se enty
three, wha h provides that -il' Sec ret urv
oi tlui Treasury lie, an 1 he i- hereby, dl
j reete 1 to pay to the eeesns-tafcers of e"ig:ht
, een hundred and sixty, or their assigns,
sums Sel to tneir eredit now m tne
the various members to represent the
Rev. Thomas Condon, Geological
and Mineralogieal.
Hod. C 1. Burkhart, Agricultural
Hon. 91. Wilkins, Textiles and
Fabrics. t
Hon. S. (i. Reetl, domestic aud na
tive animals, public works and trans
portation. W, L. Ilalsey, Esq., machinery,
metals, native woods aud their manu
factories. Rev. K. li. Geary, religious, edu
cational and scientific histories.
lion. M. P. Deatly. history ot the
progress of the &tnti and her various i
The report, also recommendetl that
Messrs. Dttfttr, Geary and Condon be
appointed as a committee to canvass
the State to solicit articles tor exhi- !
bit ton.
The report was, on motion, accepted,
and the committee discharged.
Resolutions w ere passeil calling Ihe
atteiKion of the Oregon press to the !
importance of the enterprise, and so
liciting its hearty co-operation. Also
a resolution reijitestiBg the vatious
transpOrtat ion companies to extend
eourtesis of their routes to the Board
iu view of tlie fact that their labor is
gratuitous, and their aim to advance
the interests of tlie State at large.
( Juarterly meetings of the B art1
were agreed upon, to take place on :
tlie first Tuesdays iu January, April,
duly and October.
The press throughout the State were
requested t publish the proCeetHngs ot
t)e Board, and render all the assi -
tance iu their power in furthering the
actions ot the same.
The duties of the Board, as set forth
by instruction - by the Director Gen
era, are as follows:
I. To disseminate information re
garding the Kxliibition.
'2. To secure the co-operation of
industrial, scientific, agricultural and
other associations, in their districts.
o. To appoint co-operative local
committees representing the tlillerent
industries of their districts.
4. To stimulate local action on all
measures ititentletl to render tne i-x-hibition
successful, and a worthy rep
resentation ot the industries of the
count ry.
r. To encourage the producttVnof
articles suitable for exhibition.
6. To ilistrihute documents issued
by the Commission among tlie manufacturer-and
others in their districts
interested in the Exhibition,
7. To render assistance in further
ing the financial and other interests of
the Exhibition, and to furnish in for
mat lot i to the Commission on subjects
that may Ih referred to them.
The Board then adjonrne! to meet
in this city on ihe . first Tuesday in
January, 175.
A". R.
C. P.
A. WiIKj:i.E 4: CO.,
Forwarains& Gominiss!tt Merchants.
pood assortment t" sl 1 kinds Of
ways in store :it lovc -! 111:11'
Aircnts tor sate f Was
Cller Mills, Clvrams, .Ve.. .Ve.
S!T inuil for S IIKA I . OATS, POKK,
9, 1; 1:1111 Dri
iS and l'ODITEY.
ee ! :x new stock of all tic
test stvles of
11. j;. B!.'iaiTs"
: A 1)1? ATI? F TIIS:
Xivai ( Olloe "t
itxrr at Betlcvien H 1
New Vork. rm i:
itr York. l:(te
it;l! Mi 'lMill n!
In A. Carotucrs
ft fo.'s drug stir, Albany, pregon.
ca-;. SS. HELM,
Attorney aii5 4 im- i;r at I:"
?I 0 :? A i
PBA i i ; ;
! Tin;
.1. Tin-: Cotiris
In Fox's brit-k
ids uiaiiiitaeti
Willi I lest of
ml vl,
0. i, e)ie:i t lint nil can buj-.
The goods were
USoni-lit lii Cash,
afid .in' lieinst sold for lh s.mie eomn:odi
iv. TUe secret of selling goodu Is In
r II
i v. Oet. Ifi, 1
md Firs; street-. ijas.
Call and examine my
1 11 !- EiiHWTAlJ'.
ted en: p;oo'ts in daylight, we
court the most
lions. Rauua1
11 1
: t,
cm dCK
I r5 ; C A L, E X A SI S A A T I tlX.
T a i
i .v.:
KL.h Al.I. t;K)l)s AT
T. W. 1! AH
A 1 . 1 ! N V,
ICE ivi:!: A
! Surgeon,
i;i-:t; in.
MtOTllBS .V Coi
ff i.i. i.iNi:
Third si r-i
v 1"."7:
r-nin: l'!:'..K
Tlaini' EIad?rS) Wood's uniirm-i;
CoqiiillartT. Suclilion Farm 1",'ei
The ISis'.cl ami Vrator Tlirestiei
boots i. siios:-,
ktc., irrc,
S. Tilt hs.
etrra'li-;V BrUrk. I irsi street AUiaiiy.
lit e
.1 in.-
exist i
lite-1 Stat.-. :
laws to tin
is heix'by n
te as cm n it-
my pro--.m:
-enact ou
l to IlilV
cat He,
sliail b
it ,.; th
twenty 1-1
Iso moil
lett I In tie
ind for the
n as -
aitiel tli
nry to 111
t liTsanu 1 wo Im
and eigltytwo
altettatisui iii tne
sliail be ma le in
ifit .011:11 uii'l roi
more ihati the su
iars; vvlm ii suooi
. lixturis.
Ire-1 tboo
stim of
l-f, IMial
" lmildtni
n-i- of n"t
ii.-aeel dol-
c pstid, both lnai-. ha! and
-l:als employed In taking
lltonsoad dollars.
rpMlrof Hie varWwwfcnn tains in the
pn 1 ilie jnTtmi' !. one t honsand dollars.
For otilinafy re)irs of nptigiiiiiu
housc and extension ot tho same, three
thninsand dollars.
l-'or or litiry can' :md protection of l.a
favctie 3 111:'..-.'. two t lionsnTi d dollars.
Ksr aim
uiirt .
id :
; fc
Hand, Or
assistant 111:11
sav.l eensttsi
s r. 5, That seetion six of the act en
, title I -An ael makin appropriations for
, the consular ar.. diplomat ie service Of the
tmovemuiept for the year ending .lime
thirtieth, hteen hnudred and. seventy
five, and fur otlier purpose..." approved
I Jane eleven) h, eiguteen hundred and
sirventy-fewr, be amended by striking nut
, the tallowing words, vix: Cotlngen1
cxfienses of foreign inlerconrso nroper,
; and of all ini--i(nis;i1ir.:i-'. .-iteli 11s".
, see. ii. i'n enable ihe secretary of War
' to carr' ini the provisions of tlieaot.ap
; prove f April twenty-third, eighteen hun
! lre 1 and wctii y-folar, ent itled An act to
pr fvide for tla relief of the persons suffer
ing from tthe overflow of the Lower Mis-
For manure an-1 Uu-e of Horses ntnd
ir lianliii;4 th t -arne, ei-.cbt tliou.-.tie
- tnun house and p
thou- I phia. Pennsylvania:
1 11 eon-tine. 1011 01
-ippi Iliv.
lurion autla
Aruiv ratio
pa 1
! ing iron 1.
ices, fi
md i-epair of se:it-
tlironghotrt the United states; for lnanu- dollars.
laetare, pins-lias,', or rejniroi moreoroiast
ical an-1 ithir ui'.oiry instrument-; for
telegraphing reports; forex jienscs of storm
s:.-T!ia'-. annoiinclrrg proliable apprmaen
and foreeof storm-: for contiimf ng tfte es
ta' '-whm'iit an-1 eonneetlon of stations at
Siwin.ststion9 and listht-lionses; for in
strumeni si Kilters; for hire, furniture, and
exiwawns of ofBees maintained for public
use in cities or iMirts receivtng reports; tor
river l-.-nii-;.: for mans and bulletins to 1m-
displayed in chambers of commerce and
boar li-of-tru le rooms and for disti ibut ion;
fi-r hooks and tationery: and for teeWcn
lal expenses not otherwise provble 1 lor,
ihi-.-e hundred and Bfty-tlvO thousand
throa bandred and twentv-tlve dollurs.
l o enable the Secretary of War to extend
the line of military telegraph from Prea
e lit to Camp Verfc ami liitnii Apache in
Arizona four thousand dollars: J'rwirt if
That th2 Secretary of War be. and he is
hereby, authorize 1 to pay the expenses of
operating and keeping in repair the tete-raitb-Unes
eonstriK-tel and operated by
th War Efepartment in stiid Territory out
of any moneys receive 1 for disiutches sent
over s:ml lines; anv balance remaining
after the payment of such expenses to lie
red Into the Treasury as a niiscellane-
oqs ti-eeipt; the moneys received in any
one fiscal year to be used only In payment
for the expenses of I hat year. And a full
report of the receipts and. expenditures in
connection with the said tclearmph lines
shall lie ma le quarterly to ihe Secretary
of War through tne Chief Signal Officer.
And the Chief Signal Officer shall have Ihe
charge and control of said linos of tole
graph in the construction, repair, and oj
eratleai of the same.
For this amount, or so much thereof as
mav be necessary, for the erection of wins
tcr'ijuarters for froopt Stationed near the
jte 1 t lou 1 aud Whetstone Indian agencies
thirty thousind dollars.
Fii- pnrel
thousumj ttoiiars.
I'or pnrchase and repair of tools, two
thiHi-aud iloiiars.
For lives, tree-boxes, lime, aud white
washing, tive thousand dollars.
For flowers, flower-pots, twine, w ire and
glasses, one tbousan 1 dollars;
For removing siiii-.v and i-t, om; thou
sand dollars.
Pnrpnrehase of young trees and ptanfs
lor nursery, two thousand dollars.
For tree-markers and marking 1 nss, nun
hundred dollar-: for making ragt"! anil
lioxei for spai--.-iws, two hundred and fifty
dollars; for abating nuisances, 0:1c thou
sand dollars; for a ftmnfain
and for aspliatl in the circle at the inter1
section of Vermont and Kbode Island av
enues, tive tbon-au 1 dollars; for im-b .-.n-r
and improving the 1 riangnlar reser-af ion
fin l''tins;,'lvania avenue and Twiurfy-firsf
street, two thonitand dollars.
Foi' continuintx th-r improvcmenl of re--
rvation numlxrcl Ihree, ten thousand
aan 1 1
t .v ent
of bet
w ;
I b
sliail not exeeeit four n
11 bon
. I post
in. for ci
a hundred
fifty lii
1 tor.
nd do
aapai-at u-
elghty i
a:i--h in
tetu 111:
-I 1
at building
For a ; ipn a'-
. and iri-olll
-t wi
Foreontinuation of tlie survey of north
ern and north western lakes, one hundred
mid seventy-five thousand dollars: anil the
unexpended hahincesof appropriations for
surveys for military defenses"7 existing
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three,
he, and the same are hereby,
continued and rendered available for the
si'rvlci; of the fiscal year emling June thir
tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-live.
Bupport of Freed man's Hospital and Asy
lum at Washington, District of Columbia;
fay Hi mulieal otneecs aau atiemlauts;
me ltaine-i. medical supplies, and rations;
clothing; rent of hoapttaWralldlngs; fuel
mid lights; tvpalrs and ti-ansprrtatiou,
lift v tliousand dollars: Provtrtxl, That af
fer June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, the Freedmen's Hospital in
tin'. District of Columbia shall, until other
wise ordered by Congress, lie continued
under the direction ot the Secretary of the
Interior, who shall make all estimates and
pass ais account, and shall be accountable
to th Truttstiry of the United Suites for all
exixSaitures; and all property, including
hospital aad quartermaster's stores, be
longing to said hospital, and new in charge
oftha War Department, be also transferred
to tllJiterior Department.
Foi oneclfcrk of the first-class, to keep
the accounts of the Congressional Kecord,
as required by joint resolution of Con-
U ; For' the Xatlonal Asociation for the Re
lief of tha Colored Women and Children of
the District of Columbia, ten thousand
For this araonnt, or so much thereof as
m ay be necessary', lor presents to the smiix
ol t he lied Ciouff and Whetstone or Spot
t e 1 Tail agencies, on condition that sain
I'idians shall relinquish their right, under
For improving the grounds of the old
canal, ten thousand dollars.
Uepalrsand fuel forth. Kxecufive Man
sion: For annual repairs of the Executive
Mansion, ten thousand dollars; for care of
and refurnishing, the Executive Mansion,
ley thousand dollars; or fuel for the Ex
ecutive Mansion and grecn-liouses, five
five thousand dollars; and for care of, nnd
necessary repairs to, the green-bouse, Ihe
unexpended balance of apiiropriat ion
heretofore ma le. i.-, hereby rendered avail
able. For lighting the Cajufol and Kxecufive
Mansion as follows: For ga--. tbirtv-Jive
tliousand dollars: for pay of tamp-hghters,
nas titiitvg. plumbing, lamps, lamp-posts,
and fur repairs of all sort-, fifteen thou
sand dollars; for fuel for watchmen's
lo Iges and for the green -lion ss at the
propagai lag gardens, one thousand ilol
lais. For annual repairs at the navy-yard and
upper brelgcs. seven thousand dollars;
for repairing and extending waterpipes,
purchase of apparatus fo clean them, and
for cleaning the spring- for supplying the
Capitol, the Executive Mansion and War
an I Navy Departments, ten thousand dol
lars. Feff additional work and ma'crinls for
completing supers! met 11 re of i ha in liri ige
including railing, lighting, and painting,
four thousand nine hundred and eighty
Washington aqueduct: For engineering,
maintenance, and general repairs, fifteen
thousand dollars; for building a wooden
fence around Oovernment land at the
Creat Falls, one tliousand live hundicH
dollars: for building dwelling and otltee at
Creat Falls, three thousand dollars: for
-paving the roadway over Griffith Parle
bridge and over Cabin John bridge -with
asphalt pavement, five thousand eight
hundred dollars; for furnishing and setting
four magneto-dial instruments in connec
tion with the telegraph line from Creat
Falls 1o Georgetown, one thousand one
hundred dollars.
For eonfinutlfg macadamizing of eon-dult-road,
live thousand dollars.
For widening embankments along the
line of the Washington Aqueduct, five
thousand dollars.
For continuing the work on the new jail
in the District of Columbia, fifty thousand
To enable Ihe Joint Committee on the
Library of Congress to procure plans for
the: accommodation of the Library, two
thousand dollars.
For bounty to seamen, to pay certificate
issued t.i State of New Hampshire; seven
hundred and thirty-nine dollars and fifty
For the navv-yard at League Island:
For the continuation of work and removal
of property from the Philadelphia navy
yard, three hundred thousand dollars.
For the naval station at New London:
For labor, materials, and erections, fifty
thousand dollars.
For the navy-yard at Pensacola, Florida:
For commencing the rebuilding of the re
1 airing dock, two hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars.
For the nary-yard at Norfolk, Virginia:
For iron-plating shops, fifty thousand dol
lars. For tlie removal of powder magazine
from Norfolk, Virginia, to lie expended
under the direction of the Secretary of the
Navy, nnd to provide for the construction
of a magazine at a more suitable place near
Norfolk, forty thousand dollars.
For the navy-yard at Mare Island, Cali
fornia; For continuation of begun work,
tht.U'a l -i In
! dhtrs and eight ;
counters, cases,
and mats, fort y
dred and Hilrty
hundre 1 and eigl
hnndre 1 and fori
two cents.
Tor machinery
new iitiul building
eighteen thousand rti
immediately; and for
iu -aid mint, t lin t v
hundred dollars.
For this amount, or
may- Ih necessary, for
ting up f be old 1 irancb
Cisco lor su
t Washington;
or annual repairs,
ur-: for remodeling
in sooth and east
lousand three hnn-
1 thirty-one dollars
it San Francisco,
ies. paving, grad
ds, one hundred
! and sixty-two dollars;
ent Hating, tw enty-flve
Ir. d and forty-seven
two cents; for furniture
flass-fixiures, carpets,
ine thousajnti six liim-ir.-i'
dolkws; in all. one
v-three tlKwisand three
nil efglil y-
an 1
Pars, to
tilting 1
four th
a refinery
Usui 1 five
si much thereof as
repairing nnd tiit
mint at San Fran-
md other Got crn- also ot (be joint reso
ng tlie P:;c-ideiit to issue
md elothing to destitute
romlnglice. Warrior, ami
s, aimroved Mae awenty
n hundred and sevehty-
iim of lour hundred thousand
dollars i- hereby appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not ot herwise ap
propriately for ilit. purpose of purchasing
-upp.ies of too 1 to be Issued anderhisdi
rection tofiny and all etasses of destitute
or heiu.s persons living on or near the
l.ov. er Mt-i. ippi, Tombigbee, Warrior,
and Alabama Rivers, who have been ren
dered so by reason ! the recent overflow;
and that ihe Secretary of War make tie
tailed retMuis to t Tie tfbrigress of Iheex
lwitiliture under this act, and of the act
and joint resolution aloresahl : ProrflWf,
That the (authority liereby conferred upon
I be Seerctai y War shall u the
first da- of September, eighteen humlrcd
ti a-! -.-vent y-fonr; and none of I he nitmevs
hereby or formerlv appropriated -hail Ih'
expended except in eases where Ihe Secre
larv of War -bail if satisfied that there is
an actnal apd pressing case of destituf ion,
and that sm-li destitution is directlv
caused by said overflow: ProvM rtrtft
' Thai any 1-alanbes remaining nnex
nended frotn ihe approtiriatiiin provided
for in t hi- net of the t went v-t bird of April,
eighteen hundred ami 8eventy-Kwir,afore- 1
said, inav Ih- used for the puno-es ex
pressed in la: in r said act or -aid ioint
olntmn; Ann proviaca-fur&hr Thai the
Secretary Off War may use any of tint mon
ey hereby or formerly appropriated for
t he relief of t he destitute people np-m the River when satisfied thai iheir
necessftieSfarisc from the recent overflow
'Otic "o rtiein teller-,"" rcnitirkctl
Bijali, as lie hatifleil out Totii LtitMng
ton. a yoiiiij' man cliargeil with va
grancy. "So yoH haveSnotlihig to Ha, eh'?""
asked I lie 'otirt.
Xoiliiiig."" mournfully answered
the prisoner.
'Out ol work -no home,
cnsli -r short tlial you could
a woman's rights Convei
eoitttuiiei? ! lis I (onor.
"Yotl'vc sfrtick ir. inntuer.""
iwt-nil the prisoner with :t snrile.
'Yes, and now ill strike you,
Ludiiigtoii. I'm down on loafers
'vat's, ami I'm sroins tor boost von
a sixty it' it tears tlie ties
You'll have something to do uj there
besnles sitting on a box iu an alley
ami whistling ('onie. Love, Cotne.'
And when thiy fades into night, and
the renin ind.-r of the world retires to
rest, votril have a bed aud some cov
ert tig. 'l'liey'll hire .ine one to hoe
that dirt off ofyon. cut your hair, dig
out your nails, and when yon come
out you will be so disgnised that your
yonr own mother will Ihink you are
some Knglisli Duke, over here to hunt
dueks and bay gis stock."
Tlie prisoner -aid he was willing to
go up. and if the institution plea-ed
Itirn as well as he thought it would he
miithr eonte hack for a longer sentence.
jt'tn-i't Free Press.
ttie-t mac 11
rifintr-;mnn Force
Star S'lotts. and u 1
; j.
: AN K Wi
Successor to Blain, Young I: Co.
an-1 your
t"t get it 1 1 "
tion, eh ?
t'i r
Neatly executed.
Call at the Register Office.
I! V SAY Till
trottbtesonie c
1. when So iikoii
t'.nro'ltrrs V t o.
iill! IK
all He y are i omt
re i.' liliti 1 an
! -i
at 8 1 !
Ai: rTIIKKfi
JJ r :
,.,r, ?e
Jay & S
x and C" "Z : ,
v. ; ' v
. wr.i --- ;.,
iles in OU -r w S
- . Ui - J
a. . ! C- 1 M zr
. ; O r et
1 L.uge.iie :
merit s for
on Christn
i hut the :wt nititlel "An nd for the I
erection of a rmblie baHdln? for tli xis ir" j
tilts L'iiiuh Sttsites iii Atlanta. Geotxia"
aprovet Feirtairy t wehi b, ei$cnt?t?fs hun-
tlriid ami sevcuty-tliHs, in, anil tltcsame :
j- fecivby, aiin'' l so that tli sum t' ;
tnotscy uiii !n rizi"! l( l.' exiioacled in tlxc
construction t IraiWrng is bcrety j
lixL'ii at tin sum ot" uun.livl and iii;y !
t !t u-:tn! dollars. W
t usnu hooae anl post otVu o, Port j
flnmit, Micliian: Kor continuing the I
bniUHnir, seventy-live lUoa and itoilars. 1
t'ostorn lionse, MUwankce, Wisconsin:
Kor repairs uiid and alterations of build- j
i:-., coal-vaults, aud paving iipproaehes, i
tUirty-eigUt tbonsond tmtr mmdred and '
fifty-t brec dollars and seventeen cents. t
Custom bouse, New Haven, Coniitrctl-
-ut: Voc reptkirs and alterations of tmlld- I
In??, t wenty i bonsand doliairs.
Cnstoin "hoase,' Iturlinton, Vermont; !
For pmding, curlnngr, paving1, and ap
proaches, Ave thousand nine hundred and
thirty-three dollars and sixty cents
Custom howc, Cnoxville, Tennessee; i
For furniture, counters, eases, jras-iixtmvs
carpets, and mats, twenty thousand tol-
To enable tlie Seeeetary of the Treasury
to pay the amount awarded by t he jury in ;
the case ot the condemnation of the lot
seletteJ by the Treasury Deimrtment for a '
build mg tor a custom Imuse, bonder war'
bouse, court bouse, and post ottice at
(i-rand Rapids, Michigan, and the attend
ant leial e-xpenscs, eventy thousand dol
lars. Custom bouse and post office, Albany,
New York: .For payiueut of the balance
due on the imrcliase (in part) of a site lor a !
building tor purposes ot the tieneral tiov- i
emmfntat Albany, New Vork, live thou- !
nand dollars.
That I lu
Vi mrt lm
llaleigh. North Carolina, contained In th
act of March third, eighteen hundred and
seventy-three, is hereby Increased to three
hundred and titty lliousstnd dollars, which
shail be the entire cost ol said building.
That Hie sum of one hundred thousand
dollars for the erection of a public build
ing far the use of the United States at
Covington, Kentucky, appropriated by an
act approved February seventeenth, eurht-
n hundreil and seventy-three, le, and
d, Jun
1'. Oflii'ltil J.-iiei- Tor flrrytou.
Tlie C'enteiiarj-.
Rentiers wlio ilesire tn niKleistfiiMl
French polities -will ilo well toeut ont
the following definition of French -litietxl
parties, nntl pt it in their poek-et-booli
for 1'titnre reference : The Kx
treme Ijeft are Radicals or ('ntntntm-i-ts;
the Left, Republicans ti prin
ciple, lel by Glambetta and .Tides Fn
vre: tlio Lt l't Center, Moderate Re
pnblicans, lm agree Ion republic :is
the best practical Ibnn ot govern meiit;
they are led by ii- n:nl (iisimir
Perior. The Rigiit Center. Conserva
tive Monarchists, who fiivor a consti
tutional monarchy : the Right, Abso
lutists, who fuvor Cliambfml ami tlie
divine tiijlit of Kings, The Botia
partists are generally classed with the
Risriit, bnt belong nowhere, anil casl
their votes in the way le-t fitted to
produce political distraction.
! I r 1 1J J V"
- titi-J nil binds of
T sx v mi n g1 Implemts
rfS1! 1
. i frGTfVP
fkt L 'j V sf W Ji
the celebrated
1 x
1 !
1 1 1 - of f
tt! anil o.e-.
tiers lo the j
est warehtii
T!e, :i:i 1 ;:.r
ictorily Hii
t Hit- bouse !
is: ?!::r: i'-
Kjnitl to
-s thiol
any, :nij
200,009 liiisiiey r Wheat
t ni
IV i i
Ail impectitiioni young man, lately
arrived in London. an7 askiil some
one to introduce him o fhe Prince of
Wales so tliat he might liuil out who
was the iiH-f liberal pawnbroker in
Harry, after looking on while his
new little sister cried at being washed
and dressed the other day, turnei
V lia
t itei 1 1
X It
i-;ii-.:t! inftieli
l e-s o:
in l
first class maebines.
and See.
At Ofil t;it;l, First Street,
f, I)li7f AU1AW, OKKGHKSf.
C 33
On Wednesday of last week, a meet
ing of the Hoard of Centennial Com
missioners was ?:eld at Salem, the ob
jeet of the meeting to take steps to
ward securing a proper representa
tion of the State ot Oregon at the na
tional exposition ,of 1876. Hon. A.
J. Dufttr had aeted ns sole Commis
sioner for the State up to May last,
when, at bis suggestion, it was in
creased bv the addition of Gov. G ro
ver. Rev. Dr. E R. Geary, C. P.
Btirkhart, M. AVilkinsand S. G. Reed.
At the meeting iu question, as we
learn from the Statesman, Gov. Gro-
' -n r-illcil tn the f'K'liv. .'lllfl S. A.
imitation on tlie cost of the ! " . .
m l liost ofliee buiitliiis tit (,'ltirke elected eeretarv. i he balance
of the report we give as we find it :
Mr. Dufur, in a plain comprehen
sive manner, set forth the exigencies
of the case and urged upon the Board
the need ot energetic action.
On motion, the following committee
was appointed on permanent organi
zation : Messrs. Dufur. (irarv and
the same Is hereby coittinuiij ami tlie j Btirkhart.
sum of intmcv authorize;! to lie exiieiiilctl i i ,i... , .n o
in the construction of sai.l bniiilimj is i 1 he Boanl then adjourned until 3
hereby tixe i at 1 wo bumfee I and llfjv ! O clock P. M., when the Committee
thousand dollars; ami till restrictions as to j made their reiiort Substiintiall v as t'ol
the materials m raid aet are hereby re- i .....
pealed; no sum of moiiev in exetss ol two ; I ' .
hundred and Hftv thousand dollars shall I 1 be Ceiitemiiar Board of Coninus
be e-Tpended in ihe construction of sa.d i slobera lor the State of Oresron shall
builtini; and all acts or narts of nets in- , iit ,.p . r. ,
consistent with the provisions bereofare i Jr"3 " ye eeuuve v.ommuiee ui
Llll-, V'0.tllljl IJ1 IIIJV, 1;. J! . TrlU"
away. saying, 'Ifshe screamed
that in heaven. I don't wonder
sent her off."
m aixl
eh an W.OOttlmshelsjxrday. t U aned w lcat
i worth much mpreiu alil4reiRn inarketa
titan Pout wheal, an 1 none s!wnld be shtjv
ped withnnt c(e;uinir. mr clr.irt.' wilt lie
live cents a bttshel on a' heat, and fonr
conts on oat& We have
. 3f
s A N
.linlee ITsher, attorney for the Kan
sas Pacific Company, is leading a
party of amateur sportsmen against
the buffaloes, out about Wallace.
at with
A neighborhood row is in progress
near Actinia, on the Denver and Rio
Grande road. It grew out of the kill
ing of a $400 bull.
Wonders will never tea-e. Del
Norte merchants have agreed to close
their stores on Sunday, and probably
so to church besides.
to ffcETlrfsll lllisr s!ir:lcr nil
tree to tho-e who-e wheat w t nuiX'lltlSe,
and til the lowest east) price to those who
still their wheat i'liun onrhoose to other
buyers. Persons BtortnjK Willi ns arc at
liberty to sell to w hoia tin v please. Those
ho r'.-siile on 1 he west Kide ot tlie river
will bar,- ferriage free. Will be In the
market a- liuver-. anil expeel to be ill ! to
lv the highest possible prfce-. Having
rirenaretl ot-.i seU es ti tlo a lin u'e business,
we h-.i'jH- for our shar
July 31n I7st
of the pu!
Alt.'iiiiy, Oregon
Wells, Fargo & Co. oiler $1,000 re
ward for the arrest of the highwaymen
who robbed the Salt Lake and Ham
ilton since.
The town of Sunshine contains .'100
inhabitants, and fifty new building are
in course of erection.
William Ray was stabbed to death
at Fort Laramie, Monday, by a des
perado named Titus.
Golden Colorado furnished 50,000
bricks for the Laramie rolling mills.
iJlsisoi.l J lo SOTICE.
1I the co-narltiei'ship heretofore existing
by and between J. D. Titus, Charles llpnr
pirdes and .1. B. Titos, antler the
name of Titos, BOurgardes ft ., is tlus
!..- ,ii 1 bv ni'.li ual "-ii- ii
UOurgarUes retirlAK l'rt
notes and accomits iiu-
I... ,.;.i ... t -l,..,-le- 1 1, i
, ., i,, ilu. Hnniw nntll next April. , All
iiecotiuts mast l-e paid
A Salt Lake lawyer has
to a fortune of $300,000.
fallen heir
the firm. Ad
ie late itriu li!l!i
inuary LSi , l t ).
.1 l TUTS.
I'll As. IwrKGABDES.
.1 II. Ti l l s.
, I leloher i.ili, Isi 1.
The nndersijrned desire t returii t heir
thanks to th.- citizens ..)' Albany and viein
... ...... iMioral n&MHiaife beret ofore ex-
t..",,,!e.t ti, t tic firm of Titus, II. .t Co.
..xless the hope thai the m-r
TitlM liliis.. w ho Will eolitlliu
the old place, win '
Albany, r
hereby reiKtaletl.
Tliat the act entitled "An act for the
erection of a public building for the use of
the Cubed States at Nashville, Tennes
see," approved January twenty-fourth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-three, lie,
and the same is liereby, amended so that
the sum of money authorized to lie ex
pendod in the erection of said building is
liereby fixed at three hundred and sevent
seven thousand dollars; and all restric
tions as to materials in said act are hereby
repealed; and no sum of money In excess
of the amount fixed by this act shall tie
j expended in the construction of said
ver, lion. A. .1. Dulur and Jauies
Virtue, together with an Advising
Committee of seven, as tollows: Dr.
K. R. Geary, Hon. C. P. Btirkhart,
Rev. Thos. Condon, Hon. S. G. Reed,
Hon. M. Wilkins, W." L. Jlalsey,
Kst.. and Hon. M. P. Deady.
With a view to facilitate future ac
tion, and that all branches of industry
might be fully represented, the various
departments, were assigned as follows,
There are eleven Bible Societies in
Castle Rock, Wyoming, has the
$50,000 hotel fever.
It is now quite certain that an Epis
copal church building will soon be con
structed, in Pendleton. Five hundred
dollars will be furnished out ot the
Cliurcb JiuuUing Fund as soon as a
continued cuuii donee.
firm of
ashless at
found wort by of their
fxecmosi xotice.
Montgomery ItloeU.l
FB AM ISl : ). CA u
1 I liliunall'ler ol the lOaiiil Army
ot the lii i ut ilie bi t 'all torn ia ami Nevada,
will give prompt attention to the collec
tion ol Additional Travel Pay, now doe
California and Nevada Volunteers dis
charged more than three hundred miles
frotn home. Soldiers can depend on fair
dealing, information given free of charge.
When writing enclose stamp for reply and
stati coiuMny and regiment, and whether
ion have a discharge. Congress has e.x
iended the time foi tiling claims for Ad
ditional Bounty under Act of .Inly 2S. I860,
lo Jannary Ist.S. so all such claims must 1
made before that time, original Bounty
i-t -I, to has been allow ed all volunteers who
enlisted before Jnlv -J-I: 01 for three
vears, Ifnol paid the same w hen discharg
ed. Land Warrants eati can be obtained
for services rendered before 1835, but not
for sei iee- in Hit lute war. Pensions fol
iate war and war of Isli obtained and
Increased when allowed for less than tlis
a .iiiiv warrant s, but no iiensions are al
lowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers.
State of Texas has gran ted Pensions to snr-
Ing vetei"ans ii Texas Revolution. New
Orleansanil Mobile Prize Money is now
due and being paid. W. H. Aiken also nt
tends to Genera! Law and Collection Busi
ness. - isswiin
1-t IB
Blank Mortgages,
J.aU'st im improved styles,
Call at tlie Register Office.
W. D. BEL D i N C ,
T good Broom ever made in Albany,
like amount shall be furnished by our ! bat the judges may, tor the purpos.
citizens. It affords us pleasure to state ! ot;
milKltK miXllK AN ANM'AL ELEf
X tion hell at the Court House in the I has returned from California, and located
city of Albany, In Linn county, Oregon, on , permanently in this city, where he has
Molltlav, 1 lit' lllitm i't eii-inii'-i i, i-i,nL
1 he election of the following city officers,
tn serve the ensuing official year, to-wit :
line Mayor, one Recorder, one Marshal, I
one 1 1 uiii ui , t,i i' i '.inn nun u, in.
polls will lie open from nine o'clock in the
mornimr until six o'clock in the evening.
ot reopen
that nearly $500 has been already
Nov. 13, 1-571.
City Recorder.
i " . . -"iiiiii"..t i iv luamiiaciure oi an
- kinds ot
Brooms, Brushes, Wisps,
Ac., at his factory on First street, at John
Metzler'sold stand, cost of Magnolia Mills,
where be invites those wishing a first class
broom to call and secure it of Kim
W. ii. KLLlUNw.
Albany, Oct. 16, 187t-5v7
mm Qjt
O 3
pq S