jptann agistor. PUIU.ISIIEU EVERY FRIDAY BY COLL. VAX CLKVE, ALBANY 0KE002F. SUBSCRIPTION IN AO VANCE: One eoiy Me j'W 2 Twenty ropii's, one year -iO OO Special Inducements offered to bctsom desirous of canvassing Cor subscriptions to the Register FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1S74. Iloiistan v:is inaugurate (iovor nor of Alabama on the 24th inst. Circuit Court in session over Polk during this week. in The people in the vicinity of Drain Station, Douglas county, loudly call for a flouring mill. Twenty-three bodies had been recovered, up to the 24th, from the wreck ot the steamer Empire, at ?ev Orleans. Ex-Congressman Elliot has been elected speaker ot the South Caro lina Legislature, which met at Co lumbia on the 24th inst. "London dates to the 24th inst., say there has been a general conti nental advance of the shilling on wheat, which will 1x3 good news so tar as it goes. Oliver Charlick, the Police Com missioner of New York City, over whom the papers of that city fought so fiercely a few months ago, is ly ins; dangerously ill at Long Branch. Marion county's new Court House leaks so badly that the coun ty officials are raising Xed about it. This is worse than our ten thous and dollar jail. A party ot Spanish soldiers, twenty-five in number, that deserted Fort St. Itilairo, Central Depart ment, Cuba, have licen captured, eleven of them shot and the balance emprisoneJ. A number of railroad accidents am reported in England, canscu by the extremely heavy fogs which have prevailed tliere of late, ren dering travel by land cr water haz ardous. Heavy storms were reported, on the 23d, in New York, New Jer sey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Rumor has it that forty persons were killed by the wrecking of a train at a bridge on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. G. B. Frink, editor ot the Truc Icee Republican, was shot and in stantly killed on Monday night, at Truckee, Nevada, lie was sup posed to be a member of the vigil ance committee recently organized there, and it is supposed was shot by one of the Vigilantes through mistake or accident. On the 22d, Tuscumbia, Ala bama, was visited with a severe tor nado that destroyed one-third of the residences in the place, includ ing nearly every brick building there, destroying the Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad bridge over Spring Creek, and precipitating a freight train into the Creek and do ing other damage. Twelve per sons were killed. At Monte va Ho, Alabama, the same storm killed two persons, wounded many others, and destroyed a large amount ot property. EromPort Col born, Ontario, No vember 24th, we have this: The water in the iWelland Canal has reached the level of Lake Erie and the lock gates have been thrown open by back water. This never has happened before. The water in this harbor has risen six or seven feet. The storm of last night was one of the most severe ever experi enced here. The water dashed over the piers with sueh force that it was impossible to see the lighthouse. The keepers found it impossible to get out to light the lamps. Much dam age was done to shipping and build ings in course ot erection. That important personage, Su pervising Architect Mullet, in con versation with Secretary Bristow oh Saturday, was not over choice iu his language, and although he made due apology and doubtless was extremely sorry, immediately thereafter, the Secretary insisted on receiving his resignation. Mul lett, with the greatest reluctance, after using all his own and his friends' influence with President Grant to induce him. to interfere nd save his head, without avail, tendered his resignation on the 24th. The name, Mullett, was suf ficient to damn any man, but he had become so insuti'erabtly import ant and high-toned there was pos itively no living with him at all at all. Yaquiiin Bay road. In "an appeal to the farmers ot Polk, Marion, Linn, Lane and Ben ton counties," in favor of aid in building the Yaquina Railroad, Mr. B. W. Wilson, President of the Company, gives some data from which the value ot the improve ment, when completed, to the farm ers and others in the counties men tioned, may be judged. He asserts that it the Iiailroad were now in operation, farmers would bo able to sell every bushel of surplus wheat for 78 cents per bushel, coin, in stead of 5560 cents, the present price. Placing the aggregate amount of wheat in the five coun ties produced annually at 2,500,000 bushels, and computing the difler encc in price at twenty-three cents, producers lose, by the non-completion of this highway, 750,000 or more than enough to construct the entire line, as the highest estimate for such purpose that has been made is but 8500,000. He argues that the road will pay from the start, as the freight charges, at 5c nor bushel, for moving the 2,500, bushels of wheat, will amount to 8125,000, while the other freights and passengers over the line would swell the receipts to but little if any less than 8200,000, or 40 per cent, of its entire eost. Shares ot stock are but 8100 each, which can be paid in labor, land, or any kind of marketable produce at its cash value. The road has the right ot way, 30 feet wide, is exempt from taxation for twenty years, and in addition is entitled to all the tide and swamp lands in Benton county. The road is certainly a necessity to Benton county, and would undoubt edly be a great convenience to all the counties adjacent, and we hope to see it completed and ready for business by the next harvest. Orj the 25th the Earl of Dura ven, Dr. Kingsley. Texas Jack and party, were passengers upon the coach from Missoula destined tor Corinne. These gentlemen state that they were delighted with the scenery of Wonderland, and that thousands would visit the Territory if the means ot conveyance were more convenient. The -Massachusetts Sexator SHTF. The general impression is that the Legislature is a sensible, independent body, and that it will avoid the tedious and discreditable scenes that took place in connection with the election of Mr. Washburn. The Transcript says: "We have no doubt that the Republicans will take the United States Senator from their own ranks, but no timor ous politician, whoso chief fear has been the frown of the now prostrate back-pay champion nesd apply." y. T. Times. Busted Yuiia I).r The tele graph announces that the Yuba dam at Marysville California, broke on the morning of the 2 -4th deluding the low lands on tho west side of the city a large amount of property property was destroyed. The "Willamette Woolen Mills are running on two-thirds time, em ployes commencing work at 7 a. sr. and knocking off at 4 p. sr. They will run on full time again after January 1st. Monroe, Black and Hackney, all three of the American Express rob bers at Cincinnati, have made con fessions that they committed the robbery. The safe has been recov ered with a few valuables and $21, 000 in money, leavirg about 25, still missing. Lawlessness in the Pennsylvania coal regions continually increases, and the outlaws go unpunished. At Caroondale, on Saturday night or Sunday morning last, two men were murdered, and three severely assaulted, one ot whom will prob ably die. Other brutal murders have been perpetrated recently. Mrs. Flanagan, of Philadelphia, who is a daughter of Judge Strong of the United States Supreme Court, is said to have received the most valuable wedding presents of all the brides this season. Among her gifts was a 10,000 set of silver and gold, a $5,000 pair of diamond earrings, a $5,000 set of pearl, and four India shawls. Joseph Arch is said to be seri ously ill. He has excused himself from attending several recent meet ings in England at which he was announced to be present. His med ical advisers hope that a few weeks rest will restore his health. The President has ordered the removal of the Surveyor General's office from EugeDe City to Portland. At the late election in New York, certain amendments to the Consti tution were submitted for ratifica tion, and it is believed the most ot them were adopted. One of these amendments extends the term of the Governor for two years, and increas es his salary to 10,000 per annum. Another limits the Legislative term to 100 days and fixes the compen sation, at Sl,500. A Paris letter says that not long ago a gentleman on coming home from the theater was surprised at the hubbub in the porter's lodge, lie soon learned the cause his mother-in-law had suddenly expir ed, lie invited the persons present to note that he had just returned from the theater, as he wished to be in position to establish an alabi. The close votes in recent elections will make a curious record, when the record is made up. The closest district appears to be the Fifth New Jersey, giving Cutler 4 majority over Phelps; the next closest is the Second Illinois, giving Harrison 7 over Ward. The Erie (Pa.) Dis trict elects Egbert by 1 1 over Cur tis. These are official counts. There are several other districts still waiting for the official. Of the membership of the next Congress, the following were mem bers of the Confederate States Gov ernment, or Congress, at Richmond: Alexander II. Stephens, Julian Ilartridge and Wm. E. Smith, of Georgia; The. S. Ashe, of North Carolina; John II. Rhegan, of Tex as. On Friday evening ot last week a bad accident occurred at Oak land. Mrs. James IT. Mahonev ! was sitting before the fire, with a babe in her arms, when her clothing caught fire and the blaze burned her very seriously. She had the pres ence of mind to toss the child on a bed before it was injured. The Boston Traveler, we aie pleased to see, is giving evidences of the most extreme piety, as thus: "Now no chastening for the present seemeth joyons but grievous; never theless afterward it yieldeth the pcacable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." The Charley lioss business is pretty nearly run into the ground. Every other town, almost, in the U. S. and Canada is announcing that the great lost has been found within its precincts. (Jive usa rest in this Charlie Kos business. The Baptist church in (Jallatin, Tenn., has dscided that a Granger can not lie a member of that church and at the same time remain a mem ber ot the Patrons of Husbandry, because it is a secret organization! News readied here last night tliat late that afternoon a fire oc curred on Second or Third street, Portland, by which Trinity Church, and prohably other property, was destroyed. Bishop William II. Dame, Colo nel in command ot the Mountain Meadow massacre, was arrested at I'arowan, Utah, on the 13th. Col. Thos. A. Scott, of Pennsyl vania, proposes to ask aid of the next Congress for his Tex as Pacitic road to the tune $70,000,000. An investigation into the accounts of the Proohlin (X. Y.) Charity Commissioners shows a deficiency of nearly 8100,000. It is announced that two Irish memhers of the British Parliament liave fought a duel, in which one was severely wounded. . Governor Leslie, of Kentucky, in a recent proclamation speaks of a "female colored girl". . On the 22d, at Como, Nevada, a man named George Walton was burned to death in his cabin. The Record says 600 letters were dispatched from the Salem Postoffice Tuesday morning. A number of carpenters have gone down to Utsaldy, to engage in the refitting of the steamer Eavorite. This boat has been secured by Mr. Moore, the new mad contiactor, and will perform the service on tho Tacoma and Victoria route from and after the 1st ot January. i . Tho. Salt Lake Tribune says: "Hrigham, with his rhuroatiz, cat eater, and bodyguard of lick-spittles, landed in St. George on Wednesday afternoon. He is happiest when he reflects that three hundred miles ars between him and the Third Dis trict Court." NEW TO-LAY. ANXOrXCEMEXT. Citizkns of Albany : I should be pleased to serve you in the capacity of -ity Kecorder for ttie year iso, pro vided you desire my services. Please indicate your wishes by your votes at our approaching city election, regard less of patty affiliations. Bid CAKTKR. Xov. lltb. 1874. New To-Day, AUCTION. Tliere will be sold at the Opera House. on Saturday, Dee. 19, 1874, AT AUCTION, General Merchandise, Pars, Cloaks, Dry Goods, Groceries, Wagons, Etc., Etc, Consignments of &c, solicited. W. Horses; Cattle. II. DODD, At ca n neeb. DOC PLUMMER'S DRUG STORE! oi; YOUR FRESH MEDICINES, in to IMM 1'S.l ! l !t If yon want nice Toilet Goods, SHUSHES, ( m;x. cosmetics, SOAPS, OILS. PEItF UMEIt 1 don't fail to call on Clnnmier ha the ni st Stationer in the cil v. Toe I!nniiiicr TOKACCO. eeps A 1 CIGARS AND Doe Plnuimer has a nice variety of good: and La alw ays uSAd to see his friends. Al!any, Oct. 23, "-Kiv7 NOTICE. A i n n v. ve-on. October 2:. "7l. Mv wile Mrs. MARY !'.. If EMIKINIX, having left my boase without my consent, therefore I warn all persons not to trust her on my account. u7 7 W. B. HEXDERSOX. -Z3L.T' COST ! For Ninety Days WILT. rood: ELX. MY ENTIRE S rK (if for the next NINETY DAYS, and no humbug. Cull and convince your- .1. I2LOOJI, Cor. First and Washington sts.. Albany, Oregon. Zif Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Elk Horns. nSv7 Albanv, November 6, 1874. HFI KItKIX SALE. ToTlCE is IIEBEBY GIVEN THAT I. Xl the undersigned, solo referee, bv virtue of & commission issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of OreLtou for t he county of Linn, tind to me directed and delivered, on a decree rendered in said court at the (kaolier term thereof, 1874. in a certain suit for the partition of real property, wherein Jeremiah Drigxs anil Eliza H. DrR8, his wife, were plaintitfs, and Ell Carter and Jane K. Carter, his wife, and Edward K. M. Carter, were de fendants, will, on Momlfiy, tlie 7th dt of December, 1S74, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the fore noon and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to wit : at the hour of one o'clock p. M., at the Court House door in the City of Albany, in Einn county, and state of Oregon, sen ai puono auction to the hiKhesi bidder, all the riirht, title. Interest and estate, dower and right of dower of the above named parties, plain; ill's and defendants in said suit, of, in and to the following described premises, to wit : The N. W. corner lot, mi feet 113- 100 feet of Block 100, In-insr the lot on which the Steam Planing Mill, formerly known asComley& Montgomery's Planing Mill, now known as Driggs & Carter's Planing Mill, stands. Also, the N. W corner lot of Block 101, saviiif? and excepting a strip of said last mentioned lot, feet wide off of tlu South ride of the same, all of said premises lying and being In Hackleman's addition lo the City of Albany, in I. inn county, Oreston, together with" the Plan ing Mill, nteam engine and boiler, and all the machinery attached to, or belonging to said Planing Mill. Also, the following described premises, to-wit : Commencing at a point 14 feet from where tlie Eat line of Mill street now Montgomery street intersects the North line of First street, in Albany, Oregon, and running thence East to the line divid ing the donation land claim of Thomas Monteithand Abraui Hacklcman, thence along said line Northerly to the corner of the real property owned bv J. B. Comley in the year 19B5, thence West to the East side of Mill street now Montgomery street t Hence along Jiast side of said street to the place of beginning, together with afl the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto Ixdonging or in anywise apiertaining. snld premises to be sold altogether and ssossion to lie given to the purchaser on the 36th day of Deceinlier, 1H74. Tekms i- Sale. -For gold coin of thoTT. s., one-fourth of the purchase price to be paid in hand at the lime of tlie said sale, and one-half of the balance in six months from the date of the sale, with interest at tlie rate often per cent, perannum, in like gold coin, from the date of the sale, and the balance in twelve months from the date of the said sale, with interest at the rate of ten per eent. per annum, in like gold coin, from the date of said sale, to be secured by good and sufficient security, othe,r than the said property sold. A. B. MORRIS, Nov. fi, I.s74-7n8w4 Sole Referee. Olcaest House ESTABOSHKD ANNO 8IIEDD 1. A RK ON HAN'T) FOR THE FAI.I, CASPAIUS, WITH A CAREFULLY SELECTED J. stock, which will be found, as usual, to contain the bestgootlsatthelowestpricts. IT'S JSTO TTSS3Z2 To speeefy. If you don't see what you want, ask for it ; and if we don't have tho deiitieal article called for, ihc cliances are that we have something will do you better. Come and see us, and bring along your Chickens. Mutter. Bgge, Dried rrait any time' tbat has a market value, and we will give you a fair swop ; and it you have greenbacks, gold notes, or even gold coin, we would take that rut her t lain spoila trade. First and C streets, right opposite the Saddle Ibitte, Snedd, Oregon. A. WHEELER DEALERS DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints & Oils, Hats & Caps, Groceries, Wagons, Farming Implements, Machinery, &c, &c, Managers of Farmers'' GK.UX, LUMBER, etc Shedd,, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. Aycr's SarssipssriUn, For lariSinjr Mie Itloofl. i in 1 compound ot tl'e vegetable alteratives, Sar- ' fiapariiift, i.'ock. ,stillmgia and -Mandrake with 't li e Iodides o f -Potassium a n d jtron makes a ;m o s t effeetnal core of a series of eo in pi a i n t s which, are very prevalent and af- Bictins. tt nu rifles the blood, parses oat the lurking humors in the system. undermine health and settle into trouble some disordeis. Kruntions of the skin are the appearance on i be surface of hu mors that should lie expelled from the h'.ood. Internal 'leranemet s are the de ter min at ion of these same humors to some internal organ, or oi-iians, whose action they derange, ami whose snbstanee tliey disease and destroy. Avru's Sai.saiw iiti.i.A expels these humors from the blood. When they are gone, the disorders they prodnes disppear, such as I'h- ri- ti,,t mh'IIi. " I,- NtflMMMtJh. Will.,",,. l.t'lUi. Erupt funs and EmpUvc Dt cues the &fcfn, .V. Anthunii's fir: Rose nr KryxfpetaM, I Pimples, 'tixtnt,. BMeJtem, BaBs, Tumttra, J ''If r tititr r. t:i li-tr itjn, n".1"! 11 oo, ittnf icmrm, tTFcenawd Sorts, Jih' ni!isin JVen mlffia, J'lthi in the Btmes, Side and if f'-huil- Weakness, SterHUp, . ti-rrhnti arising from internal mtetraiMm and tsaitne disease. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, tSataetaiion owl General VcbOity. with their departure health returns. PBEPABEB BY Dr.J.r.ATKB '.. Lowell. Mas., Practical and Analytical Chemists. -Soid by nil Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. vTnS Hall'M Vegetable Sicilian LI A I II R EN E W E II ! This standard :ni iHe is eompoudrtetJ with lhi !rn':it(st can1. 1;- irffocts niv us wonderful and sat isf.ic tory as ever. li rc"-Toiv-ij;m yor Ht'lc 1 Imirto Etsyowcl h fnl color. It removes all cTTjtinns, itctrfttg and damlrofT : and I lie scalp by Us uso boOQXiMS white and i-lcan. By its tonic properties it restores t ne capillary lami- to tbeirnoi nml viftor, pre vent imr BftUtnesa, and making the hair ITXOW thi-k and stronir. As a divs-in-r nothing; has been tvmnd so effectual, r desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Mass a chnsetis, says of it: "I consider it the be jtr parttUon tor its intended purposes.' Buckingham's Dy l ust Tin: witiK2:ics. This elegant preparation mav 1h- relied mi to chmige the color of the heard from gray or any other undesh-uble -hade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, being ia one p0y?nanrition ,an d ijuick ly and effectually produces aperraancnt color which will net tiler rub nor wash oil". MA N UP ACT CBEI1 ISY H. P. HALL & CO., as!i n, N. II. Sold by all Druggisisand liealci-s in Me licincs. ADniMSTRATOlTS SALE. "rOTICB IS HEREBY CIV EN THAT I$Y xl vi it ue of an order of the County Court in ami for I. inn county, Oregon, made at the November term thereof. 1874, In the matter of the estate of James P. Hogue, deceased, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, will, oil Satitrdap, iln 12A day of December, 1874, at thi' hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Conrl Housedoor in I. inn county, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, all the right, title and interest of the said James P. Hogue, deceased, at the lime of his death, in and to the follow ing described premises, to-wit : The fractional south half Of Section !. twenty-four, in township 12 south of range 4 west. In l.inn county, Oregon ; and also the fractional northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section c2:) twenty live, in township 1-2 south of range 4 west Of the Willamette meridian, in l.inn county Oregon, containing 134 acres, more or less. Tekms ok Sale. Gold coin, one-half cash in hand, the balance on a credit of si.': months, secured by mortgage 011 the premises. C. 1'. HOGUE, Administrator estate of J. P. Hogue, dee'd. November IS, !K74-4w7n8 ACARD. A.Hc, I1ET.E PAliKKE. late of Oreiron itv. heir leave to inform the nuhlic that they have purchased the entire stock of drugs, medicines, Ac., formerly owned hy If. C. Hill A Son. and that they design continuing the business at the old stand, where they purpose keeping in the furure a full assortment of Druijs, Chemical, Patent 3edicine3, Tuilct irtt'rlis. Perfumery. and everythinor usually found in a llrst clnss drag store. While earnestly soliciting a continuance ot the liberal patronage heretofore extend, ed to the oi.i house, we hope at the same time, by fair and liberal dealing, and care, fill attention to the wants of customers, to merit the esteem of anv new friends who way favor us with thefr orders. Particular attention will lc given to tho compounding of physician's prescriptions and family recipes, at all hours of the day or night A. II. IIF.LL A- PARKER, Successors to It, C. Hn.i. A Son. Albany, October , Tt-nltf 1 1 ixx tlio Tactdo. A 9 CO., IX &c, &c, Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. Onion Warehouse, and Commission Merchants in 1874. BUSLD1NG PAPER! Ornamental. Alununou and Plastering Paper Board. IN 1 I FFKTI KNT, BKAtTTIFCX 1 KS ;N tak iiifjr t he place of Lumber and Piaster ln ceiling. for cheapness, durability, comfort and health, we reeoumn'iid it. It costs leas than one-fonrth the cost of Wall Paper, Plastering or e,Utnsr. It Iss u perleel non-conductor, keeping heal out In Summer and insiok in Winter, saving in i nei,in one year,the eost it paper. It i-i pot easily Injured by knocks a plastering ; does not sfirink,admitsuocold winds, and is vermin proof. Tarrel Sin a: 3s ins;. This is j( hard, compact, Straw Board, saturated "il luiar and rther substances to render ir WATKE, HAT and Vid.MiN i I m )F. It is nseU andersidinfron outside of siuddii'jr. It is Imper v ious to damv nesacold and Iieat; and is very mnch Cheaper and DetUsv than Dries liiling or f DOara lining. IJtvotiiiy; 1 It, Made from woolen rajrn, and thoronhlv sat lira! ed with Tar Is adapted to all kinds of roots does nt swell or shrink, th'iely eraekinir the covering: and will not soak water if exposed. Ve have i5soa light Felt tor use under slate, shingles or tin. Carpet JMiiinsf, WiH ave one-half the wear of a Carpet warranted moth prtMt"; can he used for yeai"s.and is very cheap. Semi for circolaa. W. K. ItffIX, First-st., bet. Ferry V Kroadaioin, Albany, Oregon, Oetotcr It;, !S74-5vX (HAS. r.. atONTAtiVE. I( ET. MCAU.EV. MOMUilE & 3WALLEY, 4KE NOW OPENING A MAGNIFICENT FALL & WISTER GOODS! selected with care, and bought for coin at Seatidal ouily Low FiureM ! and ns wo bought low we can and will sell them at prices that will Astonish Everybody. Come and see our stfNx-tions ot" lrcNN ooIm. JnmuteHe SIdiuIm, i:rti.'. ji t ( s, W; Htl KtUIii. Collar. ioIIaritK", LiU'Cs, AoM Ac, for the ladles, and our complete linesof Readymade Clothing, IfoMlery 'ot 1 01; ties, 4'nsNiiucrcs, 4 loltkk, Slioew, Hoots, 'Ht, irt, of all dc-senpt ions for men andhoy. Also full assortments of Groceries. Crockery & Glassware. for everybody. Tlie best goods, at the Invest rates every time. S-iT t'ome and see. Iehanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874. Cash' faWJ Pncs'r O.HBOQART VRH-BURNETT Corner&ine&Sansome Streets, SanFrancisco California J Capital(PailupinGol!i)$800,000 Surplus Fund (Mold) 206,110 Transact every kind of legitimate It 11 u 4 1 11 g Buniiit'M. B I VS AND EI,I,N r:fll.lCM on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. ISNI'KN fERTIFICATR OF UEPOMIT available at all couiuicruiul and financial points. Bl'VH AND SHI.I.S National. Stnto, t'itv and I'onntv Bonds. INVESTM EXTM MADE on orders (ailDAfll.VKK BILLION and LKALTKNDKRMiMiiiirlit anil sold. :; i:is: f AicotJir. kept in Gold, silver and Currency, and subject to clreck at pleasure. :vrEUENT PAID on Time Deposits. I'OI.I.KCriONl i.t'. in Man '' runrim-ii and vicinity without charge, aud at all ottier poiuts at cost, and proceeds remitted at current rates of Exchange. 0. H. BOG ART, PETER H. BURNETT, Cashier. President. FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and improved styles. Call at Ihc Register Office. JOB PRINTING. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE "WITH NEW AND FAST I"iYR. A?4"W E5A?; PRESSES, Latest anil most Desirable Styles of Printing IVZa-terial Is itiuloubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR Vlicn you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- But why parflctrtitrize, when if is (n erallv aeknowlecWil that we are Olff IT When it comes to Si and see specimens. -3 tefliflJarnieM LUB SCRIBE. ..FDR TUT STAH EETtLT OF TKS PACiflO COST. OP 3AS fiNCISC P 13 Tho Great I'ltner! tiie i arnier, Bluer, ::pc1uui$'s fcW Merchant. OCii BOYS AX GIMLSr HKPAJxT 3IEXV IS A IhlOarYliTilAtTll-M FEATURE. 1 s a Fiiis!de o Jipanloa r the Fan;H Cr. le tiie "KSekly" is Aequaled. EVERT GRJWGEll hoSl HAVE IT. cetup cnJjps. 4 rr,e f !', tvhocrer aettmp a Club 3 Cosidfc, One Yrar. - iV-O SO u Coxitis S8 OO lO Cecils 25 OO I':iv!ibiehi advnnen in ' o. noltnn , eipuvna nt in (urrep-3j A mniatent .MAP of the 1'atii.c (oast ire- nenitM vo every sabscril e-. CirJs. DE YOUXG it CO., Propri Htm FraiH'lWS. II Postmasters are authorized ivo subsciiitioD3. Specimen, Opies sc'ttrrre. bkiu ton oxb. Print ng P 5- O a o OP o r P es -a I CP Ssm OT3 as OP -s OP co OP ins CO fsm CO P- CS: co CO OP. P s CO s EH aC m CP, CO C3 CO co .s co C5 pq r EH p ; CZ pnm, fee g P CO O CO a cs m