mmeam Albany KEeiSTEH. IS PUBLISHKB KVKKY FRIDAY, BY COLL. .VAX CLETE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, (Jwnrr F-Trji and First Street. TERMS IV AIVAVCK. One copy, one year $"2 50 one copy, six months ' 50 TO chilis of twenty, each copy On S:nj?lc copies Ton cents. FBIDW xoVEMBVR 20 15574. 1 ' cltrafMimn from Mii.iii. j Sakbis JlisT" Oct 9 1874 , ' ' s- JLL i small b ' decrees and beautifullv ! . , i ;ss," while the corn is alarmingly I less, ' while the cor short and these are tiie staple crops of the country. W hen 1 left here for the Pacific coast on the 23d ot July, there was perhaps as tine a prosjiect for good crops es- ' - . ". known smce the war. Jiut the cot- . ton and corn both reqnire rain, and none fell till too late to secure the fulfillment of the promise which the fields held out. Instead of "corn to sell," there will be "corn to buy" in this section, and that (the supply of meat being inadequate also), is distressing, when, notwithstanding the short crop, the price of cotton is '' 1 town as low as at present Since the war there has been verv little wheat sown in the eoun- try; and it was only during the few vears Vhcn there was no market j " for cotton, that wheat was sown to j any extent at all. Now, however,, T , , , e i wisdom has come to the aid of the farmers, and I find that many are sowing Met JassUfe bread for their tamil,es, 1 . .1. nt- 1 , i n . t anl some to spaie. The Grangers are endeavoring to secure the adoption of this plan, and also tojrectify and systematize the labor question. Lards have drop- lied down very low, and it is the 1 3 ' , . , finest tune one could desire to buy, tor au investment, and ot course) per contra, the poorest time to sell. There is little or no money in the -country, and what little there is, or that may be brought for cotton, will be "gobbled up" by the mer chants and money-lenders; and the former of these must, ex. necessitate transmit what little they can eti their hands on to their r.asiem creditors and so we go. There is, unquestionably, a strong ; j ant. emigration feeling here, upon j q( j the part ot those fhn ran f net ... , . ,. , 1 was like steam from a furnace, and aira, and those who hare not the . , , . . " , avoided with as much eagerness as j energy to no if theu cotiM : and i ,. . , . the latter would have been, this teehng of opposition shows it- ! self very ' plainly sometimes, but The journey to Oregon is a se there is, notwithstanding, quite an I nos un.lertaking. The expense is extensive feeling the other wav, and j no ma11 suitor, and then the dis ifanv means eonld Ix- devised bv tanee, which Young or Thompson which lands here could be'swopped" fr lands in Oregon, you would find the population of your noble St.Ue v vv materiallv increased within the next twelve months. Or, if r al estate could be converted into I money here, I believe a considerable j emigration to the Pacific States would be the result. As matters now stand, I fear many who desire 'to take a "Westward, ho," will be disappointed, on account of the en- tire want of money consequent upon an inability to Fell real estate at al! Xo man wants to give away what he has here, especially in view of the serious expense of a trip across the continent, and the stiff !rice of lands after he gets there. You will observe I use the word stiff in stead of high. Ko matter which word is used it amounts to the same thing in the result, for, if the large land owners in Oregon do s CNiis- sissippians of the rame class once J whistling through the mountain j of the Treasurer ot the Union Pa llid, they will simply continue to i gorges and canons! Will it ever be? i cific llailroad rive percent of the own the lands and keep oft the ! I trust so, but nous v err oris, j net earnings of the road from No population. True, a man can rentl Notwithstanding the rumors by ! vember, 18G9, to October 31st, land reasonably enough in Oregon. ! mail and telegraph ot disturbance-! 1874, amounting to one million In fact the rents there are lower : and trouble in different portions of i forty thousand and fifty-six dollars, than they are here "; but when you I the South, we are all quiet in this j to 1m; paid within sixty days. The talk about the lee simple, 31issis- ' section, and a stranger passing : directors express great surprise at sippi yields. Feeling more inter- j eed Oregon than I do in Missis- j sippi for I expect and intend, if I I can sell even a part of what 1 have ; bore to trBnster n,y iomiciI to the ! former within a year I trust I '"ay !1f b t1oeme(l Suilty of indeli-; between the white and black races j eacy or meddlesomeness if I ven- may come on sometime in the fu- ' J , . .1, J , . L , .. . T lure io suggest to ine large l.tnu : owners that it is possible, not to. say quite probable, they could add i materially to the prosperity of Oregon, as well as their own indi- j vidually, it they would soli off one- half or two-thirds of their lands at I , . lopei uiuuii loivei piKKaa they are now asking. Population is necessary to the development of . blacks entirely, thus separating the p) 20-28. Gamier wins the see the State, and this is what Oregon fire from the tow if anybody can ! ond, and Joseph Dion the third needs most, if not indeed the only j say which is which and which is j pri.e. thing she does need. j 'tother. Perhapsan exchange might A tel coram h nmn mviunl K I confess, when I first reached j uroiiesnyiusuH, i ;.. t T ...... 1 .1 isQiitu lintod and nossihlv home . " sickness followed as a consequence I had often been longer from the ! loved ones at home, but never sol fur, and never so entirely "a stran-1 ger in a strange land." These cir- j cumstances, and finding that lands ( were held at prices about double I . and often thribble what similar pro- ductive lands could be bought tor I here, so disappointed and depressed j I me that I thought for some weeks , U wwM my last vi6it to the State. It was not long, how ; ever, before many, very many, of i the ei-cwhile strangers, became my i friends, and their smiles and words i nrnlrtAiiin nnrl onorilllO rrnmOlit ills. iersed the clouds ot disappointment 1 . , anu uiscouitii;einent men n.. gathered over me, and only the presence of the "lights that make home cheerful" were needed to make me feel perfectly at home. About this time I was luxuriating in your charming and bracing cli mate, and sleeping nightly under l.'anL-.ds while here the folks were i breathin2 aod sweltering with the ; thermometer at ninety-tour at day- ; hronk. and above, one hundred in ! savs "lends enchantment to the view," is so great as to deter many from going who really desire to do so. Put ti e greatest obstacle to emigration to Oregon is, no doubt the want of railroad connection all the way. I tried both the overland and ; (ceantrip between' Portland and San Francisco, and enjoyed both, barring the dust between Redding j and Rosebutg. Lint there arc those j here, and csjiccially among the la- ! dies who are divided lie tween the J two, and are very decided in their views. Some have unconquerable antipathy to the sea, and others to the stage route, while all would j unite harmoniously on a railway. What a mortal pity that the two hundred and seventy-five mile gap between Redding and Koseburg cannot be filled up, and t he iron hse permitted to go bl:ti,g ntwl throngh or sojourning in this part of the great southwest, would natu- rally suppose that he was in the j midst of one of the most peaceable j and orderly communities to be found anywhere. But a bloody conflict I Mire, or ue tin wisely auu ioonsniy forced on by wicked and head- j st rong men ot both races. I trust such a dire catastrophe may be! warded off, yet if it doesjeome it : will be terrible indeed. I believe j the Government could prevent it: . . . . . uy ua:itiiMi uvu ui unuu cuiibiinii j States, and selling tliem off" to the ' be made of vacant Government l 1 . f... t 1.. r l . - . lauus .o. tne .anus o. toe owners in those States, but it would ! have to be done on the advalorem ; principle, tor none other would be equitable or just. I doubt if this idea will ever be adopted and car- ricd out by "the powers that be,' but 1 believe it could ho done, to the saving of much blood, and suf- fering, and treasure. Since I reached here (3d inst.), we have had two or three light frosts, but not enough to entirely kell vegetation, and the tempera- ture is not as cooling and bracing as it was in Oregon in August, es pecially in the middle of the day; and the streets and roads are just j about as dusty as they were with I you when I was up there. It is j very, very diy, and drinking water is becoming unpleasantly scarce j with those who rely entirely upon j cisterns. Kain and cool weather j are both needed.and very much dc- ' sired. How happens it that but one j copy of the Register has entered mv domicile this month? I hoiie you will have me more in mind m future. As occasion and circumstances mav suggest, I will follow this with other letters from the far off SOUTHWEST. MEWS ITEMS. From San Jose, California, under date of November 14th, we have this: This morning the proprietor ot Blackberry farm, George MeCau- lov wns accidental lv killed liv I lie ... . ... I7 . . ilt is probable that V. V. Smith discharge ot Ins gun. lie climbed i 1 . ,. - , i will lie recognized as Governor and the fence near Ins house and was ' , ,, Garland lie required to turn the ljuttincr tlie mm through with tne 1 muzzle towards him, when it was! I discharged, the load entering his right side just below the heart, re- ! wWlw" in instant deatl The surveys making ot the upper Hudson are believed to be to ascer- tain the feasibility and probable ex- ptnseof a sc.heme to connect the great west with the Atlantic by the pro - posed Champlain shipcanal, by ma- i king the river navigable from Troy i to Fort Kdwaids by rfiips drawing! fourteen feet, and deepening wood CVCek, between Ft. Edwards and J.ake Champlain at white-hall. j The outlet from the latter to the ! gt. Lawrence is proposed to be by j the proposed Caughuawanga Canal. j The Solicitor of the U. S. Tress nry on the 13th instant demanded the demand, which implies a rejec- J tion by the Government of the recent commissioners' report. At the billiard tournament in New Y,rk on the 13th, Dailv beat Daniels 300 to 188. Ubassv won ti,e next game by 300 to Slosson's 197 Vinaux beat Cvrille Dion v vimil i-non tQ 273. The resjilt makes Vignaux winner of the tournament and champion of America at the ' 3-ball game. Joseph Dion imme- ! d lately challenged him lor a match i fbr the chamnionsliiti and $1 000 1 C stride won the tl.irtv.sivth md J . i jast game, ueleatlllg .iOSCpil J JlOll : 300 to 233. The winners' average I the Prasident figpea a the . . - " Hfflcers of Arkansas elected at thr same time as Lieut. Gov. Smith, who now claims to be Governor, stating that they recognize Smith as the legitimate Governor, Baxter having retired. The point made by the gentlemen herein in the in-. terest of Smith is that the new con stitution is not in effect, not hav ing been adopted in accordance with the required toims, and therefore Garland, assuming to be elected n,icr jt bas -io ri norship.' right to the Gover- r A Washington special to the i Post and Mail has the following with regard to the new complica tions in Arkansas: Gov. Baxter and Lieutenant-Governor V. V. Smith were elected to serve four j years, or from January 1st, 1877. j In the case of a vacancy in the office j of Governor the Lieutenant-Go ver- j nor is required by the Constitution i to discharge the duties of Governor, j Such a vacancy lias occurred by ' the abdication of (iovernor Baxter, j who has turned over the State ar- j chives to one A. II. Garland, claim- j ing to hold the office ot Lieutenant- j (iovernor by special election under j the new Constitution on the 13th of last month, Lieutenant-Governor j V. V. Smith who has, since 1872, i been recognized as such and whose term of office does not expire until 1877, claims the office of (iovernor, vacated by his superior, and this morning telegraphed to President i Grant asking to be recognized as j such. The subject is now engaging I the attention of the administration. State archives over to him The jury in the case of the State of Oregon vs Thos. G-errand, for the hilling of Hubbard, brought in a verdict, on the night of the loth, of guilty as charged in the indict- : ment. This is his second trial, and j there seems to be no hope but that ! he must sutler the extreme penalties ot the law. He will be sentenced j to-morrow. At Washington, Yolo county,! ! California, about half past ten o'clock cn the .night ot the 1:3th ! inst., Patrick Fay was shot by I ' Frank Yanguelder. The difficulty grew out ot a dispute over a rattle tor a cow. Fay was shot in the breast, and the wound may prove fatal. A 'ARII Sl.OOO RRAVARD, rpHE ABOVE I1KWAKD WILL, BE (ilVi JL en Iohiiv .me proving that the sales ,( the SIXGEft do not exceed nil others hy thousand upon thousand. While all the other old companies' sales in IsT.'i deer, us ed. Hie SINGER increased wondcrfulh , and keen at the head, where it always" I u:id should le. TITIS BEOTHEKS. Albany, Or.. Sept. i.l, IS7I. fcewiiiy: Vitelline MiIch of 1S73. The table ol Sewing Machine Sales r..i 1S7; shows: that our sales, last year ain minted n 2:3 4il (two hundred an! thirty two thousand, four hundred and forty-four) Machines, lieint larfie in crease ovi-r the sales of the previous year 11872J The taWc also shows that our sales Ex- I those ol'oiiy oilier t'otnimiij-. for the period named, hy the nutnUerol 113 -254 .vinelilovN. or nearly Uonbhs those ut uit v ol her Co mean v. It may lie further stated that the sale of ls7:i,as compared with those of- 17-. show a relatively larger injAM . . licvooal the sales of other makei lKp'. of an.r ot her vear. For instance in ls7i we sohl W.OOO more Machines than any ol her Company, wliero as, in ls'7:l, the sale- were 113,234 Mnebfttea in Kxeewt of onr Iligtiesl 'ii-c()tor. Those flgures tire all the more remark, anie, for the ten son that the sales of lhv prinefr'a Companies in ls7:i are Ichn llinti tlaclr wiles lo IHT2: whereas, as hap been shown, our Males linve inrgel.T llKTeilMf'tl. The ncroiint of sales is from tnearn rrtxtntx made to the owneisoflllc Sewing Machiini Patent $. It will hardlv lie rlenletl, that the nperi ority of the SINUEB MACIUNKS is fully d.-nionstrated at all eents that their popularity in the household la unuuea. tionahle. " InercaM Nftinr of Maeliines. Sing.r Mfir 'o Seeor s. M. Co W. & W. MtV'C... IXinieslieS. M.Co. No. Sold. or 1S72 1.S7S l)eTens ,dia.7ns-8M44 In. li.lfii. ill a.i;ii .174.CKK 11 !). I SMi lie. .It.M'.'S 11,44(1 15.831 20.I17H 1,4111 17.7S! 4,74; c,.s:js CO.. 4ll,.Vi4 111,114 " 53,010 :W.17'.I " 2i.7i i2.m "ll.i 17 ' no ix'Iuit.s.) S2,SI9 l"..ssi " 18,91 14,182 " (i roveil 4 Baker Co. Weed S. M. Co Wilson S. M. Co TIow Machine Co. . Wilcox A tMhlis 'o. American 15. II I 'o. Florence s. M. ( o. . a.. I5.7S3 s,(;a MAM'FACTrniNd TIIK srsuEi :i4 Cnion Square. New York. TITUS 15ROTIIKUS. Agents. Albany, Creou. apt 1171 TITIS BROTHERS, OKALKRS IX Vate&ies9 Slaeks, J E W E L Tl V , Silver & Plated Ware, imd- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MA X tT FACTUHEFt N! AlMTJRTEIi especially for trie Pacille Cousl b the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin. Illinois, i. : Pacific, Califorsiht :m Nun EVuncifcco WATCH, and we most confidently rvc otmnentl them to the MsscsSing more good qualifies for the prive Ihnuany oilier Watch in the market. We also Keep all ol her brands of Elgin. Walt ham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and ri.iled Ware, A US. I Pistols ami Cartridgea. EiS" Iopairinr a Specialty. jgg-AH Work Hone nml Sold, Warraatrti to lie aa ilepr. .entel. J. P. TITI S. J. B. TITl'a. (TIAS. BOVRQAUDKM. TITIS BROTHERS, AT TOHJC OANTEB'S OI.D STANT1, First atMM Af-UAN-Vs H-XTO?t