The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 20, 1874, Image 5

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    A IjBA X V REGl ST ER.
r. p. rr;3n.
Rood assort meat of kinds of tionds al
ways in store til lowest market rates.
Ascents for s;vie of Wagons, (; rain Drills.
Cider Mil's. Churns, He. -te.
BUTTER, I...... and POULTRY.
EI. .8. BOlTIIT., S. .,
M.- licnl 'reHegc
ocmher f Bel
lege. Now Y ui
w o.'- drug -t
evien H spilal AledienlUal
. OiTii K A.i 'urothei'S
tt, A V tan y, Oregon.
Attorney nnd C'wmsrlor ill,
W'll.l. PRArTICK IV ALL THE Courts
" ofthi- ate. office In Fox's brick
stair- First street. Gv7
Has just ojiened a line stock ol
Coots efc Slxoes
CAftltfornln m:i'lt to which hetnvttesfhe
at tent ion of t In- eit izens of Albany and i
ehrity. s.viitin l manniaet nro-l towlpr,
in laics stvle. w 'uli best of stock, store
-orncr llroivhtihiii mvl Kirst street. I has.
Hcalcy's old stand. t3ll nnd examine my
Albany, Oct. 18, 1S74-5V-7
;t it t
Ta i lor
IV i
lid is. and the best d nuestle prodnc
i ions. Reasonable prices, una swttsfnetton
iruiinint,!"!. Iv7lni
lhy;iaii Mini Surgeons,
Itesi lenee of Dr. Harris Four1h-st..fbnr
blocks wi st of the Court House. Residence
if Iir. Bonmon Opposite ir. taiv, on
J'lurd st reel
110 v 1 1'Ta
TsTKY ( H.'i, ANs f
Par-oitae. .Vltiany.on themost favor
uhle tenns. The KSTKYoliH AN ha- been
pronoun el the lust by t ha most compe
tent ju-l'-fes. iioi.'t buv any other until
von have i and heard tht:se "beautiful
instruments. I. WILSON .
Siiver-Pliited Ware!
of Itoirer?.' Mlver-llntel Wme.
Mlver-SI.-el ntlery. etc., direct from
I lie Kactoiv. We will sell Table Spoonsnt
per -et. and Teaspoousat 1 5R, and ot !i
r propoi i ionai i-5n" low.
Hiae'N Header, Wood's improved.)
folIllnrr Indiana Farm Wnon.
The RUMCl nud Tibralor Threshers,
.ljcst machines on the coast.
Mntcsman Forcefei'ii Drill.
Hlnr Plows, and other machines.
fall see. and vet price and terms before
buying erscwhere,at my Blacksmith shop,
corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Alliany,
-N.T irPtTTTTJ f M I AVf'l'.
. Y-- .
Fifth assist iiiU Concert
Public Library ; Kentucky
;r.twiiiH Certain at that Date.
LIS!' OK ;il'TS
One tirainl ':h il't
One UrUHi Cnt.ll Hit .
One Unujd "asS iirt
One umtl osii tan
One Urmiii asii
.-i -n5l tiil'li. 820,00'J ea 100,000
10 f.litH, ci.OO e:i Mll.lHlil
,.-'.lsll tiil'ls. lO.OOOen 1.10,000
IH'a.ltJilts, .l.OOOen 100.000
25"ntl WlftM, 4-OOOea IOO.OOO
.tOaili;iltH, 3.oao oo.OOO
K .sbt;tltH, a.OOOea 100.000
10!)'.sli;il(s. 1,000 e; 100,000
sl'iilirtK, 5ooe. iso.o:
.linCh iil'tt, looeii .1.ok
IO,oaOCli Uil'ttt, 5en ! o
r"nl total'sliirts 2,Sm,ooo
I'HICK or tmki:ti.
-Whole Tieltetw H '"'"
Halves t2.1.4
Teat, or eneli euimn ..oo
1 Whole 'lieUett lor .!oo.oo
22 'i TiehetM lor l,ooo.ot
FOr tickets and In format ion.
Asrent. anil Himnrer.
Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky
Neatlv executed,
f4ill at the Kcsisler Offices
Fifth and Last
The management have determined
to have the drawing of the Fifth and j
last Gift Concert oft lie Public 1 Jbrary
of Kuutiiuky. o:i the SOt'i day of Nov. j
next. We believe now that all the :
ticket- will lie sold, and that the draw
ing w ill he a full one. hut whether all
are sold or not the drawing w ill never- .
then'" come oil" on tile day appointed.
The sjieeial object of this card is to .
call a meeting of the ticket-holders at
Public Library Hall, on the 20th !' j
November, to make arrangements in
connection with the committee appoin
ted by the Trustees to superintend the
! counting of the tags represent nig the I
numbers ol tickets sold. While there I
is no actual necessity for the presence ot 1
tieket-ho'ders. as tinder our arrange- :
ments the interests of all are equally '
cared for, yet at the same time 1 would
greatly prefer that as many of those j
interested as can. would -attend this I
un i ting, and sic each for himself how I
perfectly lair and impartial the distri-
' Lint ion must Ik;.
Every arrangement has been made j
tor the drawing, hut little more than a
mouth remains for the sale of the re- ;
maiuder of the tickets and whatever is
(.lone must lie done promptly.
Tnos. K. Brami.ette,
Agent and manager.
Louisville. If v., Oct. 2.,ls74-
L tion In Id at the ("unit House in the
' city of Alhnnv, in l.itm county. Orciron. on
Monday, the itli day of Ducenitoer, 1874, for
l he elect ion of the following city officer,
to .i fvi. the ensuinix otlicial year, to-wit :
1 One Mnvoi one Kwtinlcr. one Marshal,
one Tretisnrer. and -'x Conncilmn. The
polls w ill hi: open from nine o'clock in the
I morniiiK until six o'clock in the evening,
hut t he indsnw tnav. tor the purpose of re-i-eivins
all the votes, keep the polls open
until seven o'clock in the eveninu.
.1. It. HKUKEV.
Nov. 13. 1ST4. City Recorder.
the undersigned, sole refer.'c. by
virtue f a commission i--neil out of the
CilVuit Court ol the Stale of ( Ireon to- the
comity of Linn, and to me directed and
ileliveVcl. on a decree, rendered in -nid
court at the October term thereof. 1S74, in
a certain suit for the partition of real
nroperfv, wherein .leiemiah l)riiri and
Eliza H." Drhttrs, h's wife, were plaint ill'-,
ami Eii Carter and .lane E. Carter, his
wife, and Edward R. M. cartel , w ere de
fendants, will, on
Mnntlai. the 7th tin; of 7).ww.Vr. 1S74.
between the hours of 0 o'clock in the fore
noon and four o'clock in (he afternoon of
said dav. to w it : at I he hour of one o'clock
e. M., at ihe( unit Mouse door in the City
of Albany, in Linn county, and State of
i, ....-., li.u ut ituiilie nwlkin to tie-
biaiiest" bidder, nil the riKbf. title, interest
nun esia.e, uowei hum ..........
the above named parties, piaintitis anu
detemlants m -aid suit. ot. in ano to in,
1 to t he
tollowiiur described premises, to wit :
The N. W. corner lot. '. feet by IPO
feet of Block MX), being the lot on which
the steam Planing Mill, formerly known
as Com lev .S. Montnomcrv's Planins Mill,
now known as Drljyrirs farter's Planing
Mill, stands. Also, the N. W. corner lot of
Block 101. snvhijj and exeephtf n strip of
said last mentioned lot, ::; lei t wide off of
tlie South side of the same, all of said
premises lymsr and Ijeing in Hackleman's
addition In the City of Albany, in Linn
county. Oregon, together with tin- Plan
ins Mill, steam-engine and boiler, and all
the niai liii'erv attached to. or belonging
lo-aid Planing MUL Also, the following
described premises, to-wit :
coiini, l ining at a point 14; fee from
where the Ent line of Mill street now
Xiontgomerv street - intersects the North
Hue of First street, in Albany. Oregon,
and running thence East to the line .livid
ins the dentition land claim of Thomas
Monteith and Ahratn Haekleman. thence.
along sai l line Noilherly to 1 he corner of :
' the real nroncrtv owned rev J. 15. ( om
: hi thr vnr 1S. tliiticc West to tie- East
of Mill street now .Montgomery
stive! thence along East side 01 -net street
to the place of beginning, together with
all tin- tenements, hereditaments and to
purteiiiiiHis therennto belonging or in
:m-w ise apiiertnining.
said 1 -.remises to be sold altogether and
possession to be riven lothe ourcliaseron
the 'Jilth (lay of December. H7I.
1'kums i.k 1'or gold coin of the L".
S.. one-fourth of the purchase price to be,
pai 1 in hand at the time of the said 'ale,
and one half nt'the balance in six months
from the date of the sale, with interest at
tin- rate of ten percent, perannum.iii like
gold coin, from the dale of the sale, and
i the balance in tw elve months from the
I date of the said sale, with interest at the
rate of ten per iiut. perannum.iii like
gold coin, from the date of said sale, to In
j seemed by good and sullk-ient security,
other Uiati the said property sold.
' Nov. 0. 1874s7nSw4 sole ltcferec.
V troublesome complaint cannot be
cured, w hen so many evidences of success
might be placed before yon every day -eures
of supposed hoiu-less cases? A our
physician informs v ou that the hingeryou
allow the complaint to exist, you lessen
your chances for relief. Mxperienee has
ouriht thin in all coxes.
A. CarotliciH A 0.'m Pile rOb and
are all thev are recommended to lie. w ill
cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding 1 ilea in
u very short time, and are eanvenientto uxr.
This preimnition is sent by mall or ex
press to any point within the L nited states
at $1 so rer package.
Address, A. CAROTHERS CO.,
27v5 Box 33, Albany, Oregon.
, .
ranienumfs3 for a' graiVuXat
tTn .... r -1 .... im, q JVM.
One copy, one year 8 SO
Twenty copse, one year 40 OO
Sveeial inducenieuts offered to per-ons
'le-irous of canvassing for suhseriptiona
i the Register.
. J . ' JK
XIOIJ10 Sows,
f round frozen.
Eggs 40c jier dozen.
Wheat COe tcr bushel.
Get your skates ready.
Christmas approacheth.
Butter 3Q&3ZKc per pound.
Layton BLain is an insurance agent.
Belding's brooms go like hot cakes.
The new millinery shop looks gay.
Abe Uackleman has gone to Oehoeo.
Xext Thursday is Thanksgiving day.
Weed and Sehmeer intend to be sup
plied witn t.nrisnnas. ,
John Clay pool has gone to Ocboco (
via the Dalles. j
Union thanksgiving services at the'
Methodist church on the 26th.
union there is strength.
Kelickah Lodge Saturday night
tun attendance requested. ;
Dr. Tate and family returned from '
an extended visit in California on last ;
Wednesday. 1
Ben Simpson, of Eugene, came down i
on Wednesday.
Jay Blain is housed up with an at
tack of fever.
John Uackleman and family have '
moved to Salem. t
There has been more or less delay !
in the southern mails during the week.
Mr. Rehwald went to Portland, on
j Monday, to purchase more goods.
. ...
Barr returned troni Rosebur"
from Roseburg
the first ot the week.
scarcer, scarcest.
Lew Stimpson is now- running a job
and express wagon.
The Bay Team is always on hand,
vou bet. and ready for biz.
Business has been quite lively dur- j
ing the week.
Ol. Tompkins, of ITarrisburg. was I
in the city on Tuesday. j
Don't forget the entertainment at1
the College this evening.
The Estev ore-an is meetino' with
crood sale hereabouts.
More new buildings going up me
chanics busy as liees.
Potatoes are 50
a bushel in this
Dr. Haskell and troupe went to
Harrishurg on Wednesday.
Col. H. C. Paige. Superintendent for
Well. Fargo ct Co.. was in the city
part of Wednesday and Thursday.
A nice lot of onions in sacks sold at
."0c per bushel, last Week, delivered tit
the depot.
The "hog killing" season is fairly
unoii us. anil spare-rms auu uacK-oones
are the principal fodder.
High Thanksgiving turkey.. At
least we havn't found any that roosted
low enough for us to reach.
An immense number of plows have
been disposed of during the week to
our farmers.
Mr. J. B. Hughes, Postmaster at
Sweet Home, gave us a call on Tues
day. I .Til.-. . . . itiiiii. v. . ......v...., . n
S a' V" ln city, visiting her
Mrs. B. F. Availing, of Lincoln, is
, jurcnw. -
Mrs. S. M. Penningtou started for i
her liouie in Umatilla county on j
C, P. Harper, of C. P. Harper & i
Co., went below on Tuesday for new
How would you like to be abase j
bailer, on a salary of $2,200 per year? i
i tnat.s wnar, u.tvy r.ggier, oi me ;
i Athletics, is to receive.
At the meeting of the Linn Countv j
Council. P. of II., last week, it was I
' decided to continue the organization, i
third Monday in December next.
For the present of a basket of large
ripe apples, embracing several vari-
: etles. our boys return their best thanks I
, to Mr. Owen, of Millers Station.
Charley Wilson has a supply of ven-
ison hams, nicely dried, to tempt the
appetite of the epicure. A e are un- j
tier special omig-uions to mm .or one ,
ot the best in the shop.
At last accounts Crill Burkhart was I
at San Jose, California, where he;
went in search of that greatest ot
boons, health.
Read the interesting letter from
'Southwest"' in this issue. We are
; promised a series of letters from his
j pen. and we know they will be read
: with pleasure by our readers.
Abe Uackleman proposes to return
to Ocboco valley by way of the Dalles,
in a few days, to look after his stock
interests out Here.
The coming winter promises to be
a lively one. in the way of amuse-
....... . a'i,nii'ti. iu.....,
" "7 " i
! anil money-making talked of are car
ried out.
I We have received a photo of the late
: Thos. .1. Watson, who suicided at
Sale m some weeks ago, taken as he
lay shortly after the discovery was
made that he had committed the deed.
It was taken by F. A. Smith, artist,
of Salem, and is a good likeness.
Dr. Ceo. W. Gray keeps adding to j struck in the b-readbasket with a hard
the comfort and attractions ot his den- rail. For a staid, temperance commit
tal rooms in the Parrish brick. By the ! nity like ours, we never saw so many
way, the Dr. has had scarcely an idle ! red noses, or so many huge icicles pen-
day the past year, so rapidly have or-
,iers poured in on him for his superior
dental work.
The Elkins Bros., of Lebanon, are
paving the highest price for pork in
cash. The nearest way. probably, for
i oni' larmers to secure i per otisnei
, f. . .i . f tv,a!
hogs, and then sell the hogs. How's
Xew and rich quartz diseoyeries
have been made in Sitka, which assay
from SLoOU to 2.000 per ton. But.
as the snow is some thirty or forty feet
deep thereabouts, our readers musn't
think of starting for that country to
secure claims before the middle of next
Late advices from Mr. A. Cowan
ami famllv and Mr. Andrew Hill and
family, now in Southern California,
i five flattering reports as refrards the
health of Mrs. Cowen. ellected by the
change of climate. But. we are sorry
to add. the change, so tar. had not 1
proved equally beneficial to Mrs. Hill.
AVe learn that party lines are to be must go over to the neighbor's to bor
drawn as tight as possible in the com- j row a Inciter! He then essays to put
ing city election, by our Democratic j 011 i,',s pants; gets one leg In all right,
friends, or at least by the leaders ot , teeth chattering the w hite like a planer
that party. f They will hold a convert- j jn a machine shop, but in attempting
tion and put a straight ticket in the ; to stand on one leg, like a goose in th 5
'field, and elect it if possible. TheRe- bam lot, mail as a wet hen all the
publicans w ill probably do the same j time i,1It speechless from cold, he loses
thing; and it the best men of both par-
ties are put forwanl for the offices, we
shall have a spicy little election.
j ... s ... Bnn , t. . .
, ... ....
ll'.'. x.l........ . ..ill... ... Llin VWOOl.,t,
is acting Wovernor of Arkansas. A oJ
ney was elected Lieutenant Governor,
but, through the resignation of Gov
ernor Baxter, is now at the head ol the
State government. During the late
war, he served witl credit first as
Lieutenant, then as Captain, in the
Union army. At the conclusion
of the war, he resigned his position in
the army, and settled in Arkansas,
where he published a newspaper, was
elected a membei of the Legislature,
.....,... w ...v.i.uvi w. buo n ,1-i.iL 1 1 1 . -.
j and held other offices of honor and
We are compelled this week, to our
great annoyance, to issue the Reius'IEK
on a halt sheet, owing to the non arri-
val oti supply of frmr. The 6ud.le..
and severe cold snap ushered in the
; present week, reaclilng, as it seems to
! have done, every part of the country.
has '-set back" transportation lines
several days, and our freight lias been
delayed a weak over the usual tune m
getting here. We tlo the best we can
amler tllc circumstances, hoping to be
"b'e to resume the regular size next
week, and to he compelled to write no
0u r townsman, Orin Rubarts, who
returned from Washington City last
I week, was more successtul in the bu
mcss l"at to "lnl lo u,; "aLiou.n
cal'it:i1 tli:l hu sanguine expee-
tations had led him to anticipate, lie
obtalned a pntent for Wg rot;lrv stl,:llll
engine- covering more points than lie
naj intcadea to app,y for. Mis ap,m
for ft on a liro(M.i1.ioa,i,,g
gun was still undercousideration when
he lelt, and may or may not. he granted
chances about even, probably, either
way. Messrs. Rubarts & Paxton.
owners and patentees, think they have,
in their now patented rotary steam
engine, a power that is desrined to
supercede, to a great extent, all other
motors now in use. The advantages
they claim are that it is cheaper, eost-
inr less by half than anv other engine:
it's great simplicity; the perfect safetv
j witiV w hich it cm 'bethandled. and the
j s,na co,t Gf running them. They iu-
tem, plltting up an engine soon, so the
v public may see what it can do.
j Ugh 1 Winter is upon us in earnest.
This change in the almanac happened
on Tuesday, and on Tuesday night
' ivitoi- ill -li-illroi' noiwls I'flll (TrM l.. 1
the thickness of probably a quarter or
half an inch. Wednesday was a snor
ter, for this valley, clear as a bell, but
cold. People we met on the street
Wednesday morning were shrunk up
and doubled together as ifthevhad
j uant from said bugles. It was real
I trostv weather. Wednesday morning
was one of those mornings when the
air was "tresh in ttict too Iresli tor
j so short an acquaintance. One of
those mornings w hen the "head of the
family"' wished with till his soul that
I i- i i. ...i.i .. , ..
i ne nan na me -i nuuniu sieep on
fi,.. I,,,t sld : limn it 1
j been her duty to get up and make the
lire. It was an occasion when them
I blasted slippers couldn't be found
wheu that blasted purp had carried the
dr under-pants, we mean, into some
obsenre corner where they couldn't be
found; when the kindlings had been
tor-rotten : and then, when the old man
j m waded round in the wood-shed,
j barefooted, drawerless. and a shirt on
j open in the back, regardless of taste or
j expense, for half an hour, and his
whole body was red as a beet from
cold. Ins nngers numb, and a long
icicle hanging to his nose, ho once
aw SetsbRck into the house, only to
rind that tlie lasjt block of condemned
matches accidentally full into a basin
I 01 ":,rtr tneoay oeiore, auu now iney
won't go oil' worth a cent, and ho
! balance and tails back wards against;
and upsets the crib, scraping large and
i cheerful slices of skin off his' 1 ack.
, getting .a bump on the head that raises
a knot the size ot a walnut, making him
see sixty-three million stars, and so
confhsing him that he can't really tell
whether the honse has fallen in on him.
lie has been struck by lightning, or
has fallen heodforraost into the cellar.
One thing he soon becomes conscious
of, and that is, that he has been setting
on the floor for a few consecutive sec
onds, en dishabille, looking very un
dignified indeed for the "bead of the
family," while the whole atmosphere
Is full of the most ferocious, -vindictive
and scathing objurgations, hurled pro
miscuously through space at a malev
olent, 'thieving, lyu'gt shi-cirrsed
J, 111 . . .1 . .- .