X o 2 c 35 S3 23 GO s I ST 25 ST 5 i5 c 3 or CD O C rt 25 25 25 or? S3 25 CO S8 See. 11. That there is hereby ftp- ,..4. ... ... i preprinted, out of any money in the treasury ot the United States not oth- erwise appropriated, the stun of twelve i thousand dollars' for the support and j relief of the Otoe and Miseouria tribe of Indians, to he available iuamediate lv: this amount to he used, under the direction of tlie Secretary of the Inte rior, in rebuilding agency-btiiidiiigs in place of those recently destroyed by fire, and for the support of the desti tute Indians ot said tribe: I'meid&l, That the nionoA hereby appropriated shall 1h; repaid to the Treasury of the United States from the proceeds of tin sale of the lands of said Indians, here tofore authorized by act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act for the relief of cer tain tribes ot Indians in tlie Nortliern sttperinteiHlency," which repayment the Secretary ol the Interior shall cause to be made as soon as the money arising from such sale shall be avail able. See. 12. That the Secretary of the Interior cause to be prepared and de livered to the Public Printer by. the first day of November, eighteen litis-- ured and seventy-four, a tabular state ment of the items paid out of the ap propriations made for the Indian De partment for the year ending June thirtieth eighteen hundred and seventy-four, each item biting placed un der the appropriation trom which it was paid, in such manner as U show the disposition made of each appropri ation and the .amount Unexpended of each; also an itemized statement ol the salaries and incidental expenses paid at each agency lor the said year, and the appropriations out of which paid, and the number of Indians at each agency; and that the same be laid be fore Congress on the first day of the next session; and that the report ol'flie Commissioner ot Indian Affairs, with tlie reports of asrents. be printed and laid before Congress on the first day of the next ses-ion. Approved, .lime "22, 1S74. AX ACT to provide lor Ihe stamping of unstamped instrument:, docu ments or papers. Ilv U i n tetai hg the Si ante awt UotOfe nf ttejtpexeMtatit1 "f the I '' d Sinteso Anm ir.i i Vimytes OMetuUett, That all iustrrmeiits. docttments, and papers heretofore made, signed or issued, and subject to a -lamp duty or tax under any law heretofore existing and remaining unstamped, may be stamped by any person having an in terest therein, or. where tlie original i- lost, a copy thereof', at any time prior to the first d January, eighteen hundred anil seventy-six. And said instrument-, documents, ami papers and any record thereof, shall he as vaiid. to all intents and iurposes. as it stamped when made, signed or i-sed. but no right acquired in good faith shall in any manner le effected by -ncli stamping as aforesaid. Prorideil, That to render such stamping valid, the person desiring to stamp the same shall appear with tlie instrument, doc ; unielit. or rRiper. or copy thereof, be ' fore some judge or clerk of a court of ; rei ord. and before litin affix tlie proper stamp; and the said judge or clerk shall indorse ou such writing or copy i ceniticate. under his hand, when made by said judge, and under bis hand and seal, when made by said clerk, setting forth the date at which, and tlie place where-, the stamp was so a Mixed, the name of the person pre-. : senting said writing or copy, the tact that it was thus affixed, and that the stamp was duly cancelled in bis pres- ctn-e. See. -2. That all laws or parts of ; laws in conflict with the above, are I hereby repealed. Approved, June 2.!. 171. AN ( T for Hie creation of a cor! ir .Ik1 ,f 1 n anti duqHsitioti oi i-ertain iiv(l into tin Trpairy nn r ma'lv by the tribunal of const ii DtcU by virt iiiv oi ; , ,. il Uhi tr:itV eoneiu led ::t n ilit? eigtitUof Mav. anno 'liicen bnnln-l ami icv?titv- , I"' artiitmtl W;t-.lillJ I yniini nn', I -.'! wci.'ii tli'1 l?nftol fta!col A;i:t i it a an-1 i he Qotsen l ; real Britain. n ff vnvt'tl bt( the 8t nuie mxf ffi.tis o Ji r x wVr.'r .v of th i'fihtl .V att a of .1.-.' - i t in i ' inf-V:-' tt9tf. nth!- , Thatlfte rrc i lent ot :1k T'ni'- l States an 1 In is hereby antliortxcJ to notttl ua'e, n'rl by :ui l w iili the a'ivu- anl cfn-si-nt of ihi' N'imtr. itppoitit live snitable i r ;. w ho Rhal constitute a ctirt, i r I- m-iiu ii ;h tin. . urt of '( fin in i-s'n -rs oi .Vtabjiftta Claims." Ka-b of tle jurlties an nihi'roffircrs ot rsai 1 eonrt shall lake tin- oatl nt office presi I ll law ti all oiiici-rs ot itlent shall d.-s a- of the ?aid dge of the the I 1 1 1 : The Pn meat, t sidini; i iv a; i p ml ftes to i.e p re fold all vai-au-said court by n it : in li iua n-a-Hiot tiraTh, i-ii:nat ion. or inatuity, , OT rvfus1 or n.'irh'et of any or either if ii I j:i'!" to rli- lwarjrf tlie pntlesof his , IM-ii inn. -ha!l be title-I in tlsesauie inan ner as vacancies ocenrin; in oftiees umlcr j the i on- i;nuonof the CnltCil siatcs are tllle !. See. 2. That ihe saM jiifljros shall raect an-l onraniz: saiU court in the cily of Washintotu w befff the sai'l court siia I! lioj.l its -inintrs. Three .hi lire- of sai I , court shall nm-iituie a quorum lor tin transaction of ln-ine--. an l the agree ment of three slmll be neeesarv to tlcuxilc I any fwstn arisfon lx;lre saXtl eonrt. Be. 3. Thai the suil otmrt he, and ir is . hereliv. anthorizod to publish notice of its Rcse-4ons.an 1 to make all netvlfnl rules and the'! n'.a'io'is not eontraveninsr Mie laws of . 1 Stales or tin orov iions of tliis act, for reguUttin tin1 forma and mode of proeedun hefore the said eonrt, and for ; tTirryin-z into full and coninh-tc effect the prmisions of this af. Snch rules and no le of proeedurc shall eonform, as far as practicabte. to tin- mode of proeedun- and ; practice of the circuit courts of the L'ni; d States; and th said court is hereby v4-:- i with the same Miw-.-rs iviw jiosse-ed by I lie circuit and district court 3 of trie L'nited "states to compel tin attendanec ! mxtu testimony of parties. -laitnants. and ; witnesses, to preserve order, an l to pun- I ish for contempts; and in all claims v. hieh : shall be presented before said court tin- i H-r-ou fr persona proseeutm; such claim ; shall ! dH-med the complainant and the i'nited States shall he deemed the re- ' spondent. An l said court shajl have iov er to coinfM-l tne production of anv books i or papers deemed material to the eon si d- : eration of any claim or matter pending therein. See.. 4- That each of the said judtres i shall bo rmid monthly, at the rate of six ' thousand dollars per annum; and they shall have a clerk, who shall be appointed I by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to lie paid at j the rate of three thousand dollars per annum; and the said court, shall have authority to appoint one short-hand re pert er, to paid monthly, at the rale of two thousand live hundred "dollars per annum; and said court -hall be further allowed the necessary actual ex.Mnses of olheo-rent, furniture, fuel, stntionerv, and printing, and other necessary incidental expenses, to 1m; certified by the presiding judre. of said court, and to In, audited and paid on vouchers under the direction of the Secre tary of State. See. 5, That the President may desig nate a eoun-elior-at-law. admitted' to prac tice ih the Supreme Court of The rnited States to appear a counsel on behatfof the United States, and represent t h-e interest of the -Government in said suit, and in all claims tiled for indemnity for losses, as provided by this aet, subject to the super vision and control of the Attorney-General. Such counsel shall receive for his services and expenses such reasonable al lowance in each claim as mav Ik1 approved by the court, to be apportioned in each ciaim adjudicated, and paid from said award upon the certilicate of one of the judges. Sec. . That the marshal of the l'nited states for the District of Columbia, or his deputies, shall serve all proeess issued by said court, preserve order In the place of sitting, an 1 execute the orders of the said court. Sec. 7. Tliat the said court shall proceed immcdia-elv after its first meeting In the lty of Washington, with all convenient dispatch, to arrange and docket the sever al claims anmissible under this act. and to consider the evidence which shall have been or which may be offered by the re spective claimants, and in opposition thereto, allowing such further time for the production of such fuuther evidence as mav be required and as it shall think reasonable and just, and shall thereupon proceed to determine and award upon each of said claims according to the pro vision of thi act Sec. 8. TXiat the judges of the court created hy this act seal! convene in the ot Washington as soon as convenicnt- lv mav lie utter their appoint tni-ni ; ana rftesoid eonrt shall twist one year from the date of first conveniiiKandorganizinK; ana snouiu it ic iouiui impracticnoie to complete the work of the said court before the expiration of tlie said one year, the said one year, the President mayl hy proc lamation, extend the time of the d it rat ion tliei'eof to a period not more than six months beyond the expiration of the said one year; and in snch casea all tlie pro visions of this act shall he taken and held to Im- tin- same as though the continuance of t he said eonrt had been originally fixed by tliis aet at the limit, to w hich it may lie l hus extended. Sec. ft. That all record.-:, documents. or oilier papers which nou or hereafter, due ins the continuance d the court, may come into Kseesioa of the Department ot State, in relation to sueh claims, and which -hall In- found necessary tn the ear aininafion and ttdjti li.ation t tlie same, sliaU, upon the order or requisition ot of nid court, Ik delivered t the court for that purpose, and to tie piven such wci . ht as ex Ulenee a tne cmiri shall I iiinl, just. Sec. la. Thai each oi t lie said judges shall have authority to a luiinister oaths and afllrnial ions, and to take the deposi l ions of claimants, pail ies. an I wit nes-es. in all mal ters n. r. iiininir to t lie pre-, n la- t ii hi i any l .-wi-ai t ion : m mat : in d claim and if l -ou shall km ( -r a llirm lalse r deposStion f ial to the m .-- x an. sllcll u-iilfnlly aiuina- ! ter or fael mat ichiniz wlui h su.-.i is ex. inline or if any person, wh-iu-ss. siiaii so swear o contents ot ony affl tnvit, deiifisition, tatning any matter o exaniinat ion ol any r ll 11 lo the 1 1 ! tin I1IILT lietore t id i-. it. suau, : oratl mi- in su earing ii, affidavit. it 1 : or oilier pap ire aiiv Mill- l a- a til i n officer an I hor tai.e sitci' tcs-ia'.-clv to anv ized n administer t im nun ,V-l ! r same as if such faNc oil lucl heeu taken in a jadi any of ih.- courts oi t alel slmll la- liable to ill' in the district or circ fniteel stales lor.tlie such perjury shall linvi or in the liroper COUt siaies for the Territorj lumliia in v. liu-li such heeii commilted. and s lion, suffer such puni Me I by the laws of tin that offense, sec. II. That it shall th oi .-ial p la- I iit-1 an uit i di-tri ii ' ,i. - of the rnited orl Ustrict oi ( d-rinr- -hull have all. upon c. n le nient as is pro t' nil i-l state- tot diall he the duly of.-: in i examine ad cia.ii this act that may lirectly resulting in i lie so-calicd ill suril: ni-i admissil presclltc !e und. l I to ir. damage caused Ir erui -ers A la' -aiiia ers. and al-o all t his act dir-ct ly i-aus, .1, by tlie so 1- lorfla i their tei laims a I result inL u: da Kent el arluie d SiXf ; nt an-l" Bill lty ia- Is) nd ats d the -laims liss t. merits of shall be v and till- I i next afie: provi.'.cd i no claim 1:1c sue hie or ; r I'.ania anv in we 1 tor i im,-an . all t ii Kfc i ami iii u V Jaiiiaufi' n:iv li- ma case -ha!! allowed for or Irei -hl. eroa profits, frei cnts, frr '.viui-! of ilii t inn 1 hail 'it in:x-np of ri vo 1 rci rains Aim no shall he a luus- etf by sai t coi ; iu-nraiu ' coiitj it or hi- ovn oi Iicrw i n pa ri insured i ant Aha!! -lmw ! CiTirt that iln snin of it- or ; i his war-risk. . his premimn--I resct ii -iu ans smn ata areater t Ima i claim slmll ! j said eonrt ar 1 comi-aity no ot the loV ill I tin UsOf I ' n !nii--i(b;c i in in favor ' ' the tini'- of I the ITnile-i i ; ai-i-i'.rjr in fai a: all times c t me atlecHin j ve. 13L Ti: j -at ion to c'al . e l. at the a j annum neon ; ihiniii.'i' whit ' case lo have : da'" as tlie ci te ilia; th. wa: ill P I" ins tl to Hie I' ii it e I iu cs; iniii: inir :iit, interest s of tour per C amount of: ll -I 1 he aseerfa sustained MutJI, in can auto taut nil c v sm I rmenl u. hut in eai-h c: t of such intei 1 ot lie- court, ? if i lie inflgmcn ot it. That 1 he sai v!;ii' nf S:a: which basin u-ion of tin . by by him In f i h' Treasuri I in sue t he it n;i utter as iu laments, rate of foi amount yi-ertrned, prj ter tM da. mil fa 1 1 wl d n 1 d: . That U re I sental i" m tu it i-fa id in i i ii if t lie su bv the ftall exi th l 1 th tint e 1 ? nto l he a in. bv avvarrt, "y -hall anions tr- shall rep- Tn a si of the virt in then ; rv ot tin im to be at 11 r Of the said dei it Secretary the T' distriintte, in ratable prop i he i art iesin whose favor i liave Ixsen rendered, or t heir li resentatives, such monej'S as received into the Trea-ury. a the proportions wis ich t heir ju laments sliall bear to the wl received injo the Treasury a which Ttnyments shall be in J iien anp disci uirge of snch cordriug to re-'wci yu ole iunoun 4 aforesrid, ill satislhe' ciaitua and judsments. See. 1". That i-lte 5ectrtar of theTreas tiry i - hereby authorized and rfquiril to pay The said respective jud-iinents of said court, cut oi any such money in theTreas urv not otherwise appropriated; and lor t hit purpose he is hereby authorized when necessain- to ine and sell at public sale, after ten days' not ice of t he time and place oi sale. at. not less than par in coin, a sufficient amount of coupon or registered bond- of the I nifed States, tn such form OS he may prescribe, of denouiinationsof fifty dollars, or some mult ipkj of that sum, redeemable in coin ofthe ireseti.l standard value, at the pleasure ff the l'nited States after ten years from the date of their issue and bearing in. crest quarterly in such coin at. the. rate of live per centum per annum; and upon the payment, from time to time, of the said respective judg ments of said court as before provided, the bond?- of t in Cnited Statics meal Soned in the act approved March third, eight een hundred and seventy-three, entitled "An act for the creation of a court for the adjudication and tiisixsition of certain money received into the Treasury under an award made by t lie tribunal of'arbirra t ion constituted by virtue of the first article ofthe treaty concluded at Wash ington the eighth of May, anno Domini eighteen hundred and soventty-one, be tween the Cnited Slates of Amcriei and Queen of Great Urihiin." shall be. canceled and extinguished to the amount of such payments; and v. hen all such payments shall have been made, any such bond- re mahiint shall be also canceled and extin guished; and after the payment of the said judgments, ami the re-imbursement of the e xi tenses as herein provide:!, if there shall remain any part of the -aid money, the Same shall be and remain a fund from which Congress may hereafter authorized the payment of other claims thereon. And the moneys noco---ary lor the payment ofthe salaries of -tlie judges and other officers authorized by this act, and of the expenses of the saut court as bereinbetore mentioned, are hereby njv propriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 16. Tliat as soon as the business of snid court shall be executed end complet ed, the records, documents, and all other papers in 1 he possession of the ofthe court or its officers, shall be deposited in the office ofthe Secretary of State. See. 17. In ascertaining the amount of such lostjes, the memorials, affidavits, dep ositions, and any other papers in the sev eral cases of losses claimed respectively, now tiled in the State Department, or offi cial copies thereof, may be read in evi dence; ProviiMy That no affidavit shall be read except where it appears to the satisfaction of the tribunal that the affiant cannot be produced before it as a w itness or his testimony tslceii by a commission upon interrogatories; and in the bearing of tlu- cause, iuiv parly claiming shall pro duce all hook s, "paper-, letters, and docu ments that may tie called for by a general description thereof hy an opposing party, or satisfactorily account for then- lessor non-production, or suffer such judgment as is preserilied in section tlfteen of llieael entitled "An act to establish thejnUicial courts of the United States," unproved Scpiemher twentytiitnlb, seente. u huu drefl and eightynhw; an 1 on the hearing of t he cause, aiiv competent evidence mav l- prodttceii ty eilher l'arty, eithe vtva voce or by deposition taU'-a iikii inter roiratories; and for this purpose depost- t ions mi bene, or her e it witness illation - he Ink en ny eiiner parry ue the court may admil aftHlavftH is sal islrtctorily suown tiiattln Hill! in 1 1 I hi- ri- ud SS CX' am in I ion JS. I 1 in any judgment is for indemnify for t--tn- mi-ill kined - at the lime of nnent, the iniu-i ri 1 anv Toss or airainst the I" Ihe giving ol shall. Upon li counsel for tla t!- jm llioil O t-laimaii t '. rtomey or out of the reasonable !- counsel la i mailt or oiirt shall ile, as coiu idered the amount I hcri-'i tiv, c'Hiiisei ajttl attorn a nd atb nney empli claim rn t s respect I ' d"temiine is just ; 1 en-ation fi ir t lie caiimaiii in pros 1 1, such l.S-S tO t 1 try the , y as the icasoua1 an- ! it lid; ii suell C; pajatite lall be if said Hie; rn ior iiiuemmuci irans-1. or l-ot 1- a l.iu U-e l: from the Tren ti i-ii t the 'a ill- same shall shall i-suc ihe (lersoii lie ma le n t nil compel ne- tor pi other liens Old a war r.ry in la a! !i im a lice 1 o v, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Slu v. ll c!i -1 :i ii the SU -onset i ciaim; i ra ' -rs. t. r sci - ice neii huig n t is-ueil and voi 1 ciistoms- revenue i rep ' hi B That the thirl t! nu lin-j .la! i-l--ii h d 1 and --i : and 1 lie s. led "An a.-t t if the lll-'V-eed-.1 lire-, iiiem-rc ttu- customs, pproved Marc! ii of the act tlie disposi ualt ies, and laws rc'at- of i 1 in n h'.m- dr. he! the sau u" law i -a, p. usto; forfeit u laws, oi ir.ereol of ellsii Stales. : after tl; proceed ie.di-1-ha re 1 ai l ti ited and the and to ot 111 f .nt tot: ly him if Hi l it for l In is shall l' All .1 tla I for th ': lie V' ot the nt , under a whan lv, at its i "fen 'ant , invoice, nr to ite w? served eonrt a re served; and ; UimMi t ?-! tail fail or such book, invoice, or to such notice, the al- refuse Jo prod le:raions state I in tin be taken a- con fessc I i refusal to pro luce the p'aitM'd to i he .-aj t- fa And if produced, 1 he he ttermitteil, under t svtid motion sliall mless bis failure or ) same shall be ox it ion of tlte court. lie said attorney shall r the direction of the nl nation at which e. ndant or claimant, or court, to muk atuiira ion tin his au-ent. ma resettl e. or pat f such entries e.i s relate to ion aforesaid. or lend to i an 1 may ol bidialf of th same in evidence on d States. Km the own id papers, his agent or e, subject to the order nstojy if them excettt er of said IkjoBcs attorney, shall li f i he court, the ismdittg l heir exnu; ina t io court Aforcsaia- &e. That no iayment shall be made to any person furuishing inlormation in any case wh'-r-in jtidteial proceedings Shall have been injstituted, unless his claim to compensation shall have been estab Itshe l to the saiistaction of the court or judge hiiv.iitg corhizance of sudi procoed higs,auU the vajite of his services duly eeriiiiod by said court or judge for the m format krtiof t he Secretary of the Treasu ry: bnt no i erf i ,ical e of t he value of such Services shall bo conclusive of t he amount thereof. And when any fine, penalty, or forfeiture shall be collected without judi cial proceedings, the Secretary of the Treasury shall before directing payment to any person claiming such compensat ion, require satisfactory proof that such per son is7 justly entitled thereto. Sec. 7. That, except in caes'of smug gjfingas aforesaid, it shall not ie lawful for any olliccr oj l lie I nited states, under any pretense whatever, di reel ly or bidir rect ly. to receive, accept . or eont ract lor any portion ofthe money whteti may, un der any of the provisions of this oi any other aet, accrue to any such person fur nishing in format ion; and any such ontcer who shall so receive, accept or contract for any port Ion ofthe money that may accrue as aforesaid shall lo guilty of a misde meanor, and, on eon viei kijj t hcreot, shall be liable To a tine not exci din- lire t hou- snndfinliars or tuiiirisotiTuent for not more t nan one year, or both,m t he disc ret ion of the court, and slia'.l not lie thereafter eligi ble to4iny onlcefpf lionor, trust, oremolu uien. Auduii'l such iei"son so fnrnish inr information as aforesaid, who shall pay to any sncli officer ofthe United States Or to anv person for his u-i-, directly or indirectly, aaiy portion of sui-l money, or any other aiuablo tbiug, on ui i-oiuii of or because of such money, shall nave a rigbt of ai-tion agnin&t sncfaotficoror otln-i-person, and his Kkgal represeiita fives, to recovej back the stune, tr the value there of. See. s. That no officer, or other person entitled to or claiming compensation un der any provision of tins act, shall he thcreiiy disqualified from beconiing a it ness in any aciion. suit, or proceeditiir for the recovery, mitigation, or remission thereof, bnt shall be subject to examina tion and eross-examimit ion in like manner with other witnesses, without being there by deprived of any rifjht, title, share, or interest In any line, penalty, or forfeiture to which such examination may relate; and in every (snch ease the defendant or defendants may appear and testify and he examined and cross-examined iu like man ner. RSee. 0. That except in the ease of per sonal effects accompanying the passenger no importation exceeding one hunifrcd dollars in dutiable value shall be admitted to entry without the production of a dulv certified invoice thereof as required bv law, or of an affidavit made by the owner, Importer, or consignee, before any officer authorized to administer oaths, showin why it is impracticable to produce snch invoice. See. 10. That no entry, shall be made in the absence of a certified invoice, upon affidavit as aforesaid, unless such affidavit be accompanied by a statement, in the form of an invoice or otherwise, showing either the actual cost of the merchandise include I in such importation, or. to the best of the knowledge, information, and belief of the deponent, the foreign market value thereof: which statement shall be verilli'd by tin owner, importer, consig nee, or agent desiring to make enfrv of the merchandise, and which oath shad he a Imlnistcred by thje collector or his deputy. Site. 11. That before such oath is taken, it shall be lawful for the collector or dep uty administering the same to question the deponent touching tjhe sources of his knowledge, information ot4 belief in the promises, and to require him lo make oath to the .-a me. and to produce anv letter or paper, in his possession or Ubder his con trol, which may assist the officers of the customs in ascertaining the dutiable ahie of tlte Intjstrtatlbn, or anv part thereof; end in default of such pro luc.ion. when -t re, (nested, such owner, importer, con signee, and agent shall Ik- thereafter de barred from producing anv such letter or paper for the purpose of avoiding anv pen alty or forfeiture incuriied under this act. mile.-,- he shall -how to t he satisfaction of the court that ii was not in his power to produce the same when so demanded. Sec. 12. '1 hat any owner, importer, con signee', agent, or other person who shall, with intent to defraud Ihe revenue, maki . or attempt to make, any en'trv of import ed m. rehnudisc, by means of any frauilu lent or false invoice, affidavit, letter, or paper, or by means of any false statement, written or verbal, or who shall be guilty of any willful act or ooiissfon "bv means whereof the United Slates shall be d ) ndved of the lawful dui ies, or any porl ion thereof, accruing upon the merchandise, or any portion thereof, embiaced r re ferred to in such invoice, affidavit, letter, Itaper, or statement, or affected by such act or omission, thall (breach offense. Iu fined in any sunt not exceeding five thou sand dollars nor less than fifty dollars, or 1k imprisone 1 for any t ime not exceeding two y ars, orboth;andiin addition to such flm. such ikierchan lis shall be forefted; w hich forleiture shall onlv apply to the Whole of the merchandise in the " case or package contain big the particular article or articles of nterebatiflise to which such fraud or alleged fraud relates; and any thing contained in any act which pro file tor ihe U r-rfeil ure or exwtfisjcatioti of an en tire invoice in eon-e ptetiee of any item or items eontaineil in the same being un dervalued, be, and the same ri hereby, re pealed. St.e. !:. That any merchandise entered by any person or pt.rsoits viobit mg any of tlie provisions of tin preceding section, but not subject to forfeiture under the same section, may while ou nod by him or them, or while in his or their possession, i to double the amount claimed, be taken by t he collector and fee Id as security for i the payment of any line or tines incurred as aforesaid, or may be levied upon and j sold on execution to satisfy any duitgmeni reeovered for inch flue or tines. Hut not h iug herein contained shall prevent any 1 o. Her or claimant froin obtaining a release . of such merchandise on giving a hotel. with -urel ies sal is factory to t he c- 1 lector, j or, in case of ju lie ial procec lings, sat isfae- I tav to the fxHirt, or tlie judge thereof, for i the pa;, men! ot any line or lines so itieurr e ! : hrovhi 'l, ftojrt r ., That such merchan- i (Use shall in no case he released until all j accrue I d nt ies t he.a ou shall have been ' paid or secured. s-.-. It. That when-ver any statute re- j tpiires that, to the cost or market-value of i anv goods, ware-, and merchandise tin- j ported into the United states, there shall j be a 1 led to the invoice thereof, or. upon 1 the entry of such goods, wan-, and mer- i ii:andi-e. cluirges for In land-traii sporta- j tion. commissions, wtrt-dnties, expehses j of shipping, exiHtri-dui ies, cost ofpact-lc-agts, boxes, or other articles containing such goods, wares, and merchuudi-e, or any oilier mcbleutm Expenses attemling the jtneking, shlpjting. or exportat ion thereof from the cottntry or place w here i purchased or man uiact u'red. the Amission, I without intent th'Teby todefr.ind the rev- ! enue, to add and Sato the same on snch invoice or entry shall not be cause of a I forfeit ure of such goods, wares, and mer chandise, or ofthe vntna thereof: but In all cases w here t he samje, or any part t hereof, are omitted, it -hall be t he duly of the col- j lector or appraiser to add the same, for t he purposes of duty, to such invoice or entry either in items or in gross, a such price or amount as he shall d-em just an 1 reas onable, which price or amount shall, iu ! the absence Of pro: est , be eote-hiM ve, a ud to int-oose and add there. the further sum of one hundred per centum ot the rite or amount so added; which addition shall con-t it ut e a part of the dutiable value of 5-nch -rood-, war-, and merchandise, and shall ie collectible aw provided by law in respect to duties on imporis. sec. 1". That it shall be the duty ofany Officer or person emnl d in the customs re venue service of t he i-nited states, upon detect km of any violation of the customs- :i us, fO till thwith to itiakc complaint t hereol :!e etor of t he district whose dtlty e promptly to report the same to rict attorney ot the district in uch frauds 'shall tie committed. itely nponj the receipt of such j it. if. in his judgment, it can be i d. it shall bethe duty of such tils- ! aney to cause investigation into ; to be made before a United States Ihe In commissioner iuw mg jurisdiction tliereoi, and to initiate proper pntceedi ngs to re cover the tines and penalties in the prem ises, and to prosecute the same with the utmost diligence to ftnat Judgment. See. hi. That In all actions, suits, and proceedings in any court Of t lie United States now tending or hereafter com menced or pro-e:-utcd toenfirc'or declare t he forfeit ure of any g h ds, wares or mer chandise, or to recover the value thereof, or any ot her sum alleged to be forfeite. I by rason of any violation of the provis ions ofthe cu-toms-revenue laws, or any ol such provisions, in whic h action suit or prucee ling an issue or issues of fact shall ha e been joined, it Shad be the duty of the court, on the trial tJtsreof, to submit to tin-jury, as a distinct an 1 separate prop osh ion, w hether tjieallegedacts were done with an actual intention to defraud the I'niteti Slates, anj to reqttire upon such proposit ion a special finding by smh jury; or. it such issues be tried by the court w it hou t a jury, it shall be the duty of t he court, to pass upon and decide such prop osition asa distinct and separatic finding ot laei ; and in such cases, unless intent to defraud shall be so found, no due. penalty, or forfeit are -lall beimrKtseu. See. 17. That w henever, for an alleged vioiat ion of t hecnstcnis-reveiiuo taws, any perst n wl'.n shall be charged with hav ing incurred any line, penalty, forfeiture, or dissibiiity relier than Imprisonment, or .-hall be interested in any vessel or mer chandise seized or subject to seizure, w hen tie appraised value Ot such vessel or mer chan d ise is not less t ban one thousand dollars, shall present his petition to the judge of the district in which the alleged violation occurred, or iu which the prop erty N situate I, petting forth, truly and particularly, the facts, and eireum-Tances ofthe case, and praying fr relief, such judge shall, if thri ease, in bis judgment, requires, proceed to inquire ina summary manner into tlie cireum-lanee-1 of the case at such reasonable time as may be fixe i by him for that purpose of which the dis trict a'. torney, and the collector shall be notified by the petitioner, in order that they may attend and show cause w hy the ; petition should he refused. See. 18. That the summary invest iga tion herebv provided for may iKr held be fore the fudge to whom the petition is i presented, or, if be shall so direct, before 1 anv I'nited states commissioner lor such district, and the facts appearing thereon ' shall be Stated and annexed to the peti tion and, together wit't a certified copy j ofthe evidence. Transmitted to the Seerc ' fury ofthe Treasury, who shall thereupon ! haue power to mitigate or remit such fine, ! penalty or forfeiture, or remove such disu ; bility, or any part t hereol, if, in his opin- ion, the same shall have been incurred , without willful negligence or any inten tion offrauV! in the person or persons ln i curring the same, and to direct the prose j cm ion. if anv shall have been instituted for the recovety thereof, to cease and be discont inued "upon such terras or con ditionstis he may deem reasonable and just. I Sec. 19. That it shall not bo lawful for to in v odicer or tuheers t t ne inued Man com prom' se or abate any claim of the Cnited States to compromise or abate an v i claim of the .United stat es arising under ! tne customs laws, for any tine, penalty, or i forfeiture incurred by a violation thereof; ! and any olliceror person who shall soeom , promise or abate any such claim, or at ' sempt to make suSi compromise or abate ment, or in any manner relieve orattempt i to relieve Iron! such tine, penalty, or for i felt ure shall be deemed guilty of a felony, ; and, on conviction thereof, shall suffer '. imprisonment not exceeding ten years, , and lie lined not exceeding ten thousand dollars: Prfiid-t, ftonvtvr,. That the Sec I rctarv ofthe Treasury shall have power to 1 remit any fines, penaltiea, or forfeitures, I or to com promise the sumo, in accordance ; with existing law. Sec 20, That whenever anv application ; shall be made to the Secretary of the Treas- ury for the mitigation or remission of any 1 line, penalty, or forfeiture, or the refund ! of any duties, ill case theamount involved 1 i is tlinn one. tlionsniHil rtoti,.,- ,v.r. applicant shaii notify the district attornev and the cellector of customs ofthe district in which the duties, line, penalty, or for feiture accrued: and it shall be the duty of such collector and district attorney to fur nish to the. Secretary of the Treasury all practii-able information necessary to en able, bins to protect the interests cX the United States. See. 21. That, whenever any goods, wares, merchandise shall -have been en teje' and passed free of rtuts", and when ever, dnties upon my imported goods, waves, and merchandise shall have been liquidrted and paid, and snch goods, wares and merchandise shall have been deliv ered to the owner, importer, agent, or consignee, such entry and passage free of duty and such settlement of duties shall, after the expiration of one year from the time of entry, in the absence of fraud and in the absence of protest by the owner, importer, agent or consignee, be final and conclusive upon all parties. Sec. 22. That no suit oruction to recover any pecuniary JHsnalty or forfeiture of property accruing under the customs rev enue laws of the United States shall bp .in stituted unless such suit or act ion shall be commenced within three years after the time When such penalty or "forfeiture shall have accrued: Pr&rUlcth That the time of the absence from the United States ol the person subject to such penalty or forfeit ure, or of any concealment or absence of t he propert y", shall not bo reconed within this period of limitut ion, See. ';. That in lieu of the salaried, moieties, and peroulsites of whatever name or nature, and commissions on dis bursements, now juid to and received by the collectors, naval oflieers. and survev orsconm eted with the customs serviee in the severaJ collect ion districts of t he Unit ed 8taUs hereinafter named, there shall be paid, from and after the first day of duty, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, an annual salary, as follows: To the collector of the district of Now York, twelve thousand dollars. To the col lectors of the diriets of Knsfon and Chariest own, Massachusetts, and Phil adelphia. Pennsylvania, each eight thou sand dollars. To the collectors of the district of San Francisco, California; Ha'timore, Mary land, and New Orleans, Louisiana, each seven thousand dollars. To tlie collector of the district of Port land and Falmouth, Maine, six thousand dollars. To the naval officer for the district of New York, eight thousand dollars. To the naval officers yf the districts of Boston and Chariest own, Massachusetts; and San Francisco, California; and Phila delphia, Pennsylvania, each live thousand dollars. To the surveyor of the port of New York, eight thousand dollars. To the surveyors of the ports of Boston, Massachusetts; and San Francisco. Califor nia; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, each live thousand dollars. Sec. 11 That the Secretary of the Treas ury shall, from t hue to time, make such regulations as he may deem necessary lor the conduct and management of tlie bond ed warehouses, general order stores and other depositories ofthe imported mer chandise throiignout the United States; all regulations or onlers issued by collectors of customs in regard thereto shall besub ject to revision, alteration, or revocation by him; and no warehouse shall be bonded and no general-order store established Without bis aut horit v and approval. And il shall be the duty ofthe 8c crelary of the Treasury, in granting permits to be estab lish general-order warehouses, to require such warehouse or warehouses to be lo cated contiguous, or as near as may be, to the landing places of steamers and vessels from foreign ports: and tltat no officer of t he customs shall have any personal own ership of or interest iu, any bonded ware house or general-order store. see. '). That public cartage of merchan dise In the custody of the ciovermnent shall be let after not less than thirty days' notice of such letting to the lowest respon sible bidder giving security, and shall be subject to regnlatiiHis approved by the Secretary ofthe Treasury. Sec. :., That all acts and parts of acts Inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed; teat not hing here in contained shall arfeci exist ing rights of the United Si at es; and in all eases in w hieh pro-cent tons nave been act ually commenc ed for forfeit tin- incurred, the Secretary of the Treasury shall have power to make eonpM-nsal ton. as provided in the fourth sc. ; ion of this act, to the persons w ho would under former laws, have been en titled to share in the distributiod of such forfeitures. Approve 1. dune 2'2, I87t. I". S. Ollicinl liiMT Tor Orcgron. FRIDAY, XOVKMr.KK 20. lsTi. Lots of I" i n. The entertainment at the Opera House on Monthly ami Tuesday nights more than met the cxnect-itions of tlie lame audiences in attendance. The proprietor, Dr. Has kell, lias ac (iitred a great reputation as an orator, and dining the last tivq years has doubtless accomplished much good through his lectures on tern- perauce. But as there was absolutely no money in this free lecturing httsi ness, the Doctor soon found his ex chequer running loy. and to enable iiitn to do good and still not beggar himself, he gathered around him his present company of choice artists, each a host in his or her line, and while preaching against intemperance and kindred vices, endeavors to instruct and entertain tlie public in such a manner as will give the most perfect satisfaction, while' the financial aid tints obtained enables the Dr. to carry out his philanthropic schemes. Dr. Haskell is assisted by Prof. Steele, a magnificent vocalist, and one ot the best cornetists in the country; Mr. Hardinge, also n fine vocalist and eon ceitinist; Miss Clara Hardinge, the wonderful child pianist and spiritual istic phenomena ; and last, though by no means least, Zamloeh, the noted prestidigitnteur. But the mechanical automata, those wonderful miniature men and women, that leaped and danced and cut up all kinds of shindies, without any visible aid, captured the audience, and during their performance the said audience was in a perfect frenzy of delight. Not the least en tertaining part of the entertainment was the gifts distributed at the close. At the door each ticket-holder was presented with an envelope contain ing a number. At the close of the performances, a child was chosen trom the audience, taken upon the platform, where a hat was placed in his hands containing twenty-five slips of paper, upon each of which a number was written : the little fellow drew the slips from the hat one hy one, the first slip drawn taking the first prize, and so on. The first number drawn was 20. entitling the holder to $10 cash. V. It. Cannon was the lucky man. Claib Stewart drew a stick of rlonr, R. Cheadle a sack ot Salt, Harry Godley a bottle of ink, Mrs. Walter Monteith set glass tumblers, and then came a broom, can of honey, paper of coffee, pocket knife, set cups and saucers, har of soap, can of peaches, etc., drawn, by different persons in the audience. The entertainment was well received throughout, and the only draw back we heard mentioned was the lack of sufficient fire in the heating apparatus to keep the hall warm. The Olympia Courier of the 10th says: "It Is thought that a man named Charles Taylor and hi wife, who lived nefir Devil's Head, on te fciomid, were drowned some four weeks ago. They had been to Steilacoom and started home in a small rowboat, since which time the boat lias been found bottom up, and nothing has been heard of its occupantts." A eoloieil gentleman in Boise City was cleaning a loaded gun recently, when it went off and he could hardly be persuaded that his skull was tin in jured. Mr Eugene La Forest, of Orpgon City, contemplates visiting the Sand wich Islands shortly, with a view ot regaining his shattered health. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND- Exchange- Office, AI.HAXTf, OKEGOS. I K POSITS RECEIVED SUBJKCT To 1 check nt siirlit. Interest allowed on time deposits In eoin. Kxelmiiire on Portland, Sun Francisco, anil New York, for srtle tit lowest l-.ite.s. Collections made and promptly remitted. Ili-revs to II. W. Corbet t, Henry Fuilin, W. s. T.ivU. Ranking Itottrs from 8 X. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. l, I71--Jiv3 n. 11. Surgeon RICE, M. !., V Physic-Ian. I K1-"II !-: Fiist street, between Ferrv V. nml iiliil ibinston. Resbekck- Tliird itn-t-t. tnu liliR-ks In-low or mist of Metbo- ilist Cliureh, Albany, Oregon. ysnto J. C. HlWELt. L. KI.II.-N POWELL & FUWW, Atlorneys null onsisi ioi s nt Ijtn VXD SDMCITORS IX CHANCERY (I.. Fliim notary public:, Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances pixtmptlv at tended to. " 1 A. W. GAMBLE, Ifl. !.. Pliysieuvn, Sm-ueoii, etc. OFFICE On First street, oyer Weed's grocery store. UksIXK2ck -Opposite late, residence of Jonn C. Meiuiciiliall, near tlie Foundry-, First street, Albany. October 2s, ln73y l. M. Jli.NKS. J. I.INSKV illl.l.. JOSIS & HILL., PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ALBANY, OREOOX. 37 V 4 J. W. TSAIDVI!V, Attorney iiikI 4'onnselor at I.nu , WILE PRACTICE IX ALL TDK Courts in the lid, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in thel.'.S. District and Circuit Courts. Oi kk k In Parrish brick, (np stairs), in ottice ocenpied by the late X. H. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. to!5vC W. C. TWEEDALE, DEiLn IN G pot oeiers. 1 i,o"i.-ioiis. Tobacco, Clear, t'ntlery ' Crock ery, iuid Wuod A" Willow Ware, ALBANY, OREGON. EgfOedlantZsee him, tilr-l WEBFOOT rflARKET CMIAKLKS WILSON IIAVINCi LEASED J the Wclif'oot Mnrket.on First street, adjoining (iradtrotaPs. respectfully asks a share of the public patronage. The mar ket will be kept constantly supplied with all kinds of fresh meats. Call and see. 3?Tnc highest cash price paid for hides CHARLES WILSON. Albany, August 11-71 Albany Book Store. JXO. 1 Of. IS AY, TAKAI.Kli IN MISCKLLAXKOl'SBOOK U School Books, Blaukl Books, Stationery r imcy Art icics. ,vc. Books imported to order,at shortest pos sible notice. v5n30 1K. .I O. W. CRAY, ALBANY, OREUON. OK KICK IS PARBISn BBICK BLOCK, corner First and Kerry streets. Residence- Corner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 1 to r o'clock p. m. lSvt i:iIOOTI('S D1STAXUED. Tin: ha v it: AM S I II. I LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING UKEA.OBEES -A bay tree. Thankful for pist favors, and wishing to merit Ihe continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always be ready, and easily found, to do any liaulmjj within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. &SD ellerj- of ;ikkIs n Specialty . A. N. ARNOLD. 2evn l'roorietor. JOHN SCHMEER, tICAl,Klt IX Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OKEGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies. Cigars, To bacco. Ac., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. Call and sec me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16-24 v 4 A. CAR0T11ERS & 0., Dealers in- CI1I3IK AI.S, OIIA, PATfjm, TOY EN CLASH, I.A3IPS, ETC., All the popular PATEXT JHEDICIXES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOTIOXS PEBnMERY, and Toilet! Hoods. Particular cure and promptness piven Physicians' preacriptlons and Family Roc A. CAROTlIEItS & CO. Albany, Orcgon-4v5 ALBANY FOUNDRY And 31 a c hin e Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON', Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill machin ery, WOOD "WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinos of IRON AND R.;a.S CASTIK4M. Partlcularattcntion paid toreiiairinB ail kinds of machinery. 41v3 CiO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO 11VX Groceries, Provisions, Notion &c., &e., &c, CHEAP FOR CASH J Couutry I'rohiec of AH Kinds r.ouoiiT ron merchaudisb or This is the place to set the BEST RAJK 1 JAINS ever offered in Alliany. Pnrtioi will always do well to call and see fortlteia. selves. II. WKKBL First street, Albany, Oregon. 32x5 E veiy tl liTitr; CRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturers and Dealers in FURITITUHE ! OF ALL KINDS, IIIREAIS, HE.STEAICt, T.tBU D)fM;KS, SOI' AS, SPRIXU BEDS, CHAIRS, ETC., Always on hand or made to order on the shortest notice. FL'RXITURE repaired espcillttonaly and at fair rates. Siilenroom nml Factory oil t"lri-Sv nenr NchuieerH Knit cry . UHAF A COLLAR. Albany, Feb. 28, Islt-tt OLD STOVE DEPOT-. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PABLOR A.XP BOX, S T O V JE Of the best pat tenia, ALSO : TIN, SHEET I BOX AXD COTP PEII WARE, And the usual assortment of furoiehiDft ds to be obtained in a tin store. ttepatrs neatly and promptly executed, n reasonable terms. Short reckoning; make lonjf h-lends FRONT STRE T, ALBANY. Dec. 5, 18SG-1 Metzler Cbaii Can be had at the following places S Ibirrisburtf .lunction City Brownsville Halsey Si-io Alliany Mini. Mav .Smith A Krasnclrt Kirk & tlu i ue J, M. Morgan ,.J. J- Blown, Graf ft CruKr. A full supply can also be obtained at mjr old shop on First street, Albnny. Oregon, J. 31. M1A M.EK. MEXICAN Mustang Limmen. was first known in AraerH Tt merit aft new habitable tild. Il well known th:o,-,!j;h'ut the Liniment il hai u j equa I t U..like, bcu-iiciai tei; MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL BRUCC-STS. SrT.-1860-X Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters Is a furrly 'egrtab!e Preparation, competed cf Calisnya Bark, Roots, Hrrbs ami Fruits, among which will ir fctind Sarsapariiam, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Sassaras, Tansy, Genitan, Street Piag; etc.; also Tamarinds, lfates. Prunes and lumper Berries, preserved im asujficient quantity (only) a the spirit ePSu gar Cane to keep in any climate. They tnv riatly relieve and cure the ollming com. plainif: Vyspcpsia, Jaundice, Liver Cansy plaints, i-osi cf Appetite, Headache, Bilieu Attacks, Fever andAgue, Summer, Complaints, Sour Stomach, palpitation. V me near,, gen eral Debility, etc, ey are especially m. ted, as a remedy fw the diseases ta which WOMEN arc subjected, and as a tonic far the Agrm FecMc and Debilitated, has no efmcl. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit. ters, to Se used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Soi.r bv Alt Fisst -class PfcVGGl5. I i,...- uav vuu, -nu u.-ii irimu ui any i.i-.:inieni in, I the world, !'krt,m the millions upon uiiiiious, ulr bottles sr, (iot a s:ncli complaint has evem, rcaihed us. As a tlralir.t: anil I'aiii-Subdiiinr m