Hundred awl tiflv thousand dollars, to be rrnid as annuity, n -r eighth article treiitv ot August sevtjntetsnfu, eighteen huiiilreil and tifty-six, twelve thousand Ave hundred dohais. For interest on two hundred ami nfly thousand doilurs, at ttve per centum, to be iiuid n- annultv, (they having Joined their brethren west per eighth article Treaty ot August seventh, eighteen hundred and ilttv-six, twelve thousand five hundred 'i'orlntercst on Ufty thousand dollars at ttic rate ol ttve per centum )er annum, to four, lour thousand live hundred dollars. SIOUX OK DU'FKUENT TRIBES. INOI,lTING "SAXTKE SIOUX IX THE STATE OF' NEBRAS KA. For fifth of thirty instalments, to j purchase clothing for males over four- j teen years of age; for flannel, hose, j and calico, ami domestics reauired-for te paid annually tor the sunnort of schools i fenwles over twelve years' of age: and ueieen hundd "aime! and cotton goods as tlnmsumil live imii'll-ctl Hollais. Km- Interest on twenty thousand dollars at tbe rate ol live per centum per annutu i to lie paid anmutUy, for Ihe support of the ' Seminole government, iw per third article i treaty of March twenty-ltrst, eighteen ! hundred and sixty-alx, oue thousand doi- bus. SKNKCAS. For permanent annuity, in specied, icr fourth article treaty of Soptemher twenty ninth, eighteen hundred and seventeen, live hundred dollars. Kit permanent annuity, in specie per fourth art tele treaty ot September seven teenth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, five hundred dollars. For blacksmith and assistant, shops and tools, iron and steel, to lie applied as stip ulated in the seventh article treaty of Feb ruary twenty-third, eighteen hundred anil sixty-seven, one thousand and sixty dol lars. For miller, during the pleasure of the I'reslddnt, six hundred dollars. SKXEUA8 0F N KW YORK. For permanent annuity, in lieu of in terest on stoek, icr aet o't" Kel irnary nine teenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thousundiollai-s. For interesf", in lieu of investment, on scvents-tlve ihousoud dollars, at five per centum, per net of dune twenty-seventh eighteen hundred and forty-six. three thousand se.ven hundred and iifty dollars. For interest, at live per centum, on forty-three thousand and Iifty dollars, transferred from the Ontario Bank to the I'liited States Treasury, tier aet of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-! x, tw o thousand one hundred and Ufly-swo dollars and iifty cents. SEN Et'AS AN 1 SHAWNEES. For permanent annuity, in speeie, per fourth article treaty of September seven-, twnth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one thousand dollars. For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, iron and steel, per fourth article of treaty of July twentieth, eighteen hun dred and thirty-one and tinh article of treaty of February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and si.xi y-seven, one thousand and sixty dollars. SKNKCAS, MIAWSF.KS. (JC.U'AWs. PE- OIEIAS. KASKASKIAS. OTTAWAS, WY- A N I HOTS, A X 1 ) OT 1 1 K IS S. For last of six instalments, for pay of blacksmith and for necessary iron, steel, and tools, for Pcorias, Kaskaskias. Wens, and i'hinA-esiaws, per twenty-seventh article treat.v of February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand one hundred ami twenty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents. SllYNKKS. For permanent annuity, for educational purposes, ix fourth article tn-atv of August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-live, and third article treaty ot May tenth, eighteen hundred and lil'ty fonr, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, in specie, for educational purposes, per fourth article treaty of 6eptemher twenty-ninth: eight -en hundred and fifty-four, two thousand l liars. For Interest, at five per cent tun, on forty liiousanu dollars, lor educational purposes per third article treaty of May lentil, eighteen hundred and' fifty-four, two thousand dollars. SliOSHONKS. KA.STKUX B.MS. For eleventh of twenty Instalments, to he expended, under the direction of the President , in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per fifth article treaty of Julv second, eighteen hundred and. sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. WESTEHX DAMS. For eleventh of twelve instalments, to lie expended, under the dir,ction of the President, in the purchase of such article as he may deem suitable to their wants, eit her as hunters or herdsmen, per seven Ill article treaty of (fetoher first, eighteen hundred and "sixty-three, live thousand dollars. J.oitTIlWKSTKRN" BANK. For eleventh of twenty instalments, to he expended under the direction of ihe President, in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as 'hunters or herdsmen, per third article treaty of July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixt-three, five thousand dol lars. cosine bask eleventh of twenty instalments, to le expfcimded under the direction of ilie President in the purchase c such articles including cattle for herding or other pur poses, as he shall suitable their wants and condition as hunters or herdsmen, per may be needed to make suits tor boys ami girls, per tenth article treaty ot" Aprii twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, one hundred ami fifty utile thousand four hundred dollars. For fifth ot thirty instalments, to purchase such articles as may he eon- j sidered proper by the Secretary of the I Interior for persons roaming and for persons engaged in agriculture, two hundred thousand dollars. For pay of blacksmith, and fnrnish irotl, steel, and other materia!, per eighth article treaty of April twenty- j ninth, eighteen hundred and .sixty eight, two thousand dollar?. For this amount, to lie expended in the purchase or beef, flour, liaeon. and sugar, in proportionate quantities, for thirty thousand persons; and for sub sistence of the Yankton Sioux and Poneas; and tor purposes of civiliza tion, one million one hundred thou sand dollars Prordfid. That the President may withhold the said sup plies from said Indians, or any band thereof, until they shall consent to re main north of the Niobrara and out , side of Wyoming, if lie deems il ex pedient so to do. j For pay of physician, live teachers eer. one fanner, and one blaeksirrltli per thirteenth article treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen bundled and sixty-eight, ten thousand lour liuti drpd dollar. For second of three instalment-, for the purchase of seeds and agricultural implements, to be furnished to beads ot families or bulges who -ball engage in farming, as per eighth article treaty of April twenty-nhith. eighteen Iimii dred and sixty-eighth, fifteen thou sand dollars. For industrial school at the Sautec Sioux agency, three thousand dollars. For transportation, and the neces sary expenses of delivering god, to lie purchased tor the different bands of the Sioux Indians, under treaty of , April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred I and sixty-eighth, seventy-five thou sand dollars. SIOUX. SISSKTON AXI) W.UIP ETOX, AND SAXTEK SIOUX OK LAKE TUAVEllsE AND DKNII. S LAKE. Fortius amount, being the second often instalmenes of tlie sum of eight hundred thousand dollars named in a certain agreement, which agreement is hereby confirmed, made by tiie commissioners appointed by the See rctry of the Interior, under the pro visions of tlie act of June seventh, third article of freatv of Octolx-r t weltt h. eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one Jbousand dollars. 3IIOSJIOXKS VXD BAXXtX'KS. SHOSIIO.VK.S. For fifth of thirty instalments, to pur chase eight hundred suits of clothing for males over fourteen years of age, the flan nel, hose, calico, and domestics for eight hundred females over the age of twelve years, and such gods as may In-needed in make suits for eight hundred Iwiys and frirls. under the ages named, thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars. For fourth of ten instalments for the purchase of such articles as may tie con sidered proper by the Secreiary of the In terior for persons engaged in agriculture, at twenty dollars each, twenty-live thou sand dollars. For pay of a physician, teacher,, carpen ter, miller, engineer, farmer, and black smith, as per tenth article treaty ef July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight three thousand dollars. For second of three instalments, for the purchase of seeds and fanning imple Ijuent. as per eighth article treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight , one thousand dollars. For ciy of second blacksmith, and such iron, steel, and other materials as may le required, per eighth article treaty, one ' thousand dollars. BANNOCKS. For fifth of thirty instalments, to pur chase four hundred suits ot clot hing for j males over fourteen years of age; the nan- j net, hose, calico, and domestics for four I hundred femals over twelve years of age; j .and such flannel and cetton goods as may lie needed to make suits for lour hundred I boys und girls under the ages name 1. six thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven I dollars. For fifth often instalments, for the pur- I chase of such articles as may be consider ed proper by the Secretary of the Interior, for eight hundred persons roaming, at ten dollars each, and feur hundred persons j ngagep in agriculture, at twenty dollars . ach, fourteen thousand dollars. For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article treaty of July third. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, three thousand dollars. For first of three instalments, for the purchase of seeds and farming implments, is per eighth article same treaty, eight hundred dollars. For transportation of goods that may lie purchased for the ilannucks, four thon waad dollars. For this amount lMiinir the first of five Instalments of the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars named in a certain ftgneeraeiit dated September twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-t wo, which agreement Is hereby confirmed, made un der the provisions of the act of June first. ighteen hhndred and seventy-two, by F. K. lluruot, president of the Hoard ot In dian Commissioners, with the Shoshone tribe of Indians, for the relinquishment by said Indians of certain lauds within the limits of t he reservation ceded to saad Indians by the treaty made with them July tnird, eighteen huudred and sfxty eignt, the scm to be expended, uudcr tlie direction of the President, in the pur chase of stock-cattle; five thousand dot Jars; to be available immediately upon the passage of this act. Ferthis amount, beina the first of five. instalment, to Ik paid to Wash-a-kie, chief ot tlie snosiiones, as per saiu agreement ol September twenty-sixth, eighteen hun dred and seventy-two, five hundred dol lars; to be available immediately upon the passage of this act. SHOSHOXKS. BA3TNACKS. AXD OTHKIS BANDS OF IXI1IAXS IX 1 1 AIIO AXD iSOUTHE ASTERN OBECJON. For this amount, to Ixs expended by di rections of the President, in assisting the roving bands of Indians in Southern Ida ho to remove to and locate on the Fort Ball reservation in Idaho Territory', and to assist them in education and agricul tural pursuits on said reservation, ten thousand dollars. For tills amount, to be exnenden uv di rections of the President in assisting the roving bands of Indians in Southeastern Oregon to mave and locate on some prop er Indian reservation in Oregon, and to amt them in agricultural pursuits thereon ten thousand dollars. SEX NATIOX8 OP NEW YORK. eighteen hundred and seventy-two, with the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux Indians for the relin quishment by said Indians of their claim to or interest in the lands de scribed in the second article of the treaty made, with them February nineteenth, eighteen hundred ami sixty-seven, the same to be expended, under the direction of tlie President for the tyenefit of said Indians, in the manner prescribed in said treaty ot eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, as amended by the Senate, said amend ment as amended having been ratified by the Indians, as provided by act of February fourteenth, eighteen hun dred and seventy-three, eighty thou sand dollars. YANKTON' Till HE OF SHU X. For sixtn often instalments, (second series, to he paid to them or exenil ed for their benefit, commencing with the year in which tlie shall remove to and settle and reside upon their reser vation, per fourth article treaty of April ninetecn-h. eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, forty thousand dollar-. For transportation of goods, one thousand two hundred dollais. SIOt'X AT TIIK FOKT PEC AG F.XCV. For thi amount, to be expended in such goods, provisions, out! other u-e-ful articles as the President may. from time to time, determine, including transportation, in instructing in agri cultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating chil dren, procuring medicines and medi cal attendance, care for and support of theaged. sick and infirm, for tile help less orilians ot said Indians, and in any respect to promote their civiliza tion, comfort, and improvement in cluding storekeeper., blacksmith, and corpenter, at nine hundred dollars each per annum; assistant storekeeper and one cook, at six hundred dollars each per annum; and three laborers, at six hundred dollars each per an num) one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; but this appropriation shall be expended for the benefit of such por trans of said hands only and lor such time as they maintain friendly rela- j tions with the I'nited States. W A LL-P A H-PE E TKLBE OF SNAKE INDIAN'S. For third of ten instalments, to be expnded under the direction of the President, as per seventh .article treaty of August twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, one thousand two hun dred dollars. SKLAT.T.AMS. For fifteenth of twenty instalments on sixty thousand dollars .being the last of the fifth series, to be applied J to the use and benefit of said Indians. I under the direction ot the President, per filth article treaty of -January twenty-sixth, eighteen" hundred anil fifty-five, two thousand four hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments. for tlie support of an agricultural and industrial school, and lor pay lor suit able teachers, per eleventh article treaty of January twenty sixth, eight een hundred and fifty-five, two thou sand nve hundred dollars. tor htteenth of twentv instalments. for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a physician (who shall hirnish medicine for the sick) per eleventh article ol" treaty of January twenty-sixth, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five; four thousand six hundred dollars. For support ot a smith and carpen ter shop, and to provide the nscessary tools therefor, per same article of same treaty, five hundred dollars. TABEGXTACHE BAND OF UTAH INDIANS. For pay of blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, seven hundred and twenty dollars. TABEGUACIIE. MTACHE, CA POTE. WEKMIXUCHK. YAM PA, GRAND RIVER AND UIN TAH BANDS OF UTES. For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and one black smith, as per fifteenth article of treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand dollars. For pay of two teachers, as oer same article, of same treaty, one tliou- one lam per For permanent aunuit, in clothing and other useful articles, per sixth article treaty of November seven teenth, seventeeh hundred and ninety sand eight hundred dollars For the purchase- of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars. For sixth of thirty instalments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, ! blankets and such other articles as he may think proper and necessary, tin- der eleventh article of same treaty, twenty-live thousand dollars. For transportation ot such goods as map be purchased for said Indians, live thousand dollars. I MPQl AS AXI) ( AI.APOOIAS OF I MPQl' A VALLEY, ORE GON. For last of twenty instalments . of annuity, tor beneficial objects, to be expended as directed by the President per third article Meaty of November twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fitty-four, one dollars. For last of twenty instalments, for the pay of a teacher and purchase of lKoks and stationery, per sixth article ; of treaty of November twenty-ninth I eighteen hundred and fifty-tour, one thousand four hundred and fifty dol lars. WALLA WALLA. CAYI'SE AND ! UMATILLA TRIBES. For fifteenth of tw enty instalments, being the last of the third series, lo be expended under Hie direction of tlie President, per second article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-live, four t.housa"hd dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the purchase of all necessary iiirll lixt ores and mechanical tools, medi cines itnd hospital stores, books .and ! stationery tor schools, repairs ol , school building and furniture, and for employees, three thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, lor the ay and subsistence of one ; superintendent of farming operations, j one farmer, two miilers, cue black-; smith, one wagon and plow maker, : one carpenter and joiner, one physi- : cian, and two teachers, per fourth article treaty of .lure nincth, eighteen hundred and fiftv-five, nine thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, j for tlie pay of each of the head chiefs of tlie Walla Walla. Cayuse, and; Umatilla bands, the sum of live bun died dollars per annum, per fifth i article treaty of .rune ninth, eighteen hundred and filty-five, one thousand : fiv chuudred dollars. FOR COLONIZING AXI) SUP PORTING THE WICHITAS, 1 AND OTHER FILIATED BUNDS. For ,fliis amount, to expended in ' such goods, provisions, and other 1 article's a- the President may. from ; lime to time, determine, including i transportation tlmreof, in instructing j in agricultural and mechanical pur suits, in providing employees, edu j eating ehildrcd, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, ajid infirjni, for the helpless orphan- ot said In dians, anil in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and impsovement including pay ot physician and clerk, twelve hundred dollars each, blacksmith, carpenter, sawyer, and head farmer, .at nine hun dred dollars each per annum: and two assistant fanners, one matou. one mason, two teachers, at six hundred dollars each per annum: one enghij er, -ix hundred anil sixty dollar-: and seamstress, two cooks, ami one dress, -ix hundreil dollars each annum fifty thousand dollars! W IN NEBAGOES. For interest on hundred and eighty six thousand nine huudred and nine dollais and seventeen cents, .-it live, per centum, per fourth article treat.v ot November first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and joint resolution ot and sixtv-two, fortv-tonr thou -and three hundred and forty-live dollars ami torty-six cents. For error in appropriation tor in terest on the above named principal for last fiscal year, live thousand dol lars. For twenty-eighth of thirty instal ments of interest on seventy-live thou sand three hundred and eighy-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents, at live per centum, per fourth article treaty it October thirteenth, eiteen hundred and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-six ! cents. For interest on seventy-eight thou sand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-one cents, at five per centum ; to be expended, under the direction of tlie Secretary of the Interior, for the erection ot houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, agricultural implements, s'-eds, i and other beneficial purposes, three: j thousand nine hundred and seventeen j dolars and two cents. For this amount, or so much there- as may be necessary, to defray the I expenses of breaking and forcing I eight hundreil acres of land for the j i Winnebago Indians, on their resprva-I tion in the' State of Nebraska, in ac- ! j cordanee with the provisions of the i ; third article of the treaty with said : j tribe, concluded March eighth, eight een hundred and sixty-live, which I j shall available immediately upon the j ' passage of this act, three thousand i ! four hundred dollars. For this amount or so much thereof j ; as may be necessary, to purchase from the Omaha Indians in Nebraska such ! i quantity of land, not exceeding twen- '( ty sections, as may be required tor the ' use of the Winnebago Indians in Wis ! cousin, and for the improvements on j their reservation, to lie appropriated I from the residue cf the one million I one hundred thousand dollars provided ! to be set apart for the Winiiobagoos ; by the fourth article of the treaty with fho-c Indians, November first, eight een hundred and thirty-seven: J'r - ridt-il. That such amount as may be j paid to the Omahas for the lands re ! quired sliftll be applied for their tio. miller the direction ot the Secretary ot the Interior, for generol purposes of civilization, eighty-two thousand dol lars: Pror.itleii, That said Winue bagoos shall consent to said purchase. For transportation of goods, two thousand dollars. YAKAMA NATION. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, being the last of the third series, for beneficial objects, to be expended un der the direction of the President, per fourth article of treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six j thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twentv instalments. for the support of two schools, one of winch is to be an agricultural and in dustrial school, keeping in repair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and station ery, per fifth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twentv instalments for the emplopmcut of one superin tendent oi teacning anu two teactiers, per fifth article treaty ot" June ninth. eighteen hundred and fifty-live three thousand two hundred dollar For fifteenth of twenty instalments for the employment of one superin tendent of farming and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmith, one tin ner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, ner fifth article of treaty of Juno ninth, eicht- een nuuureu anu niiy-nve eleven thou sand four hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twentv instalments. for keeping in repair saw and flouring imiis, iiim lor liiniisiimg me necessary tools and fixtures, por fifth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicines, and fixtures therefor, per fifth article of treaty of. lime ninth, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three hundred dol lars. , For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair blacksmith, tin smith, gunsmith, carpenter and wag on and plow maker shops, and tor providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty ol June ninth, eighteen hundred and lilty-five five hundred dollars. For fifteenth Of twenty instalments, for the pay of a physician per fifth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two hundred dollars. For fifteenth ot twenty instalments, for keeping in repair the htiilings re quired for the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty ot j June ninth, eighteen hundred and j fifty-live, three hundred dollars. ' For Htteenth of twenty instalments. ; for the salary of such person as the ; said confederated tribes and bands of , Indians may select to lie their bead ; chief, per gfth article treaty of June j ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy i five, five hundreil dollars. ENERAL IXCIDIiNTAL KX- PKNSES OF Till: INDIAN SERVICE. Altl.ONA. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in the Terri tory of Arizona, presents ot good-, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sus tain themselves by the pursuits ot civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, sixty-live thousand dollars. l'rtri'h'J, Thai three thousand dollars of said simi is hereby set apart for the support of the school for the Phuas and Marieopas, and the same amount for the support of the School for the Papagoes. CAI.IFOKNIA. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in I alifornia, pay of omplovaos. presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sus tain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction ot the Secretary of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy thousand dollars. COI.l IKAWO TElSISrrOKT. For the general incidental expenses ot the Indian service in Colorade Ter ritory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful article-, and to assist them to locate in perma nent abode- and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life to 'e ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, live thou sand dollars; , I as may be necessary, to defray the ex penses of Italian delegations who may visit Washington on business connect ed v.ilh their respective tribes, five thousand dollars: Proeidetl, That no money shall lie paid from any other fund lor expenses of Indian delega tions visiting Washing except from the Contingent fund of the Depart ment. Civilization an 1 subsistence of In dians on the Malheur reservation: For this amount, cr so much thereof as may be necessary, in the purchase of goods, subsistence, stores, and -o forth, for the Indians collected on the Mal heur reservation, Oregon, anil in in them ill agricultural 'and mechanical pursuits, providing employees, educat ing children, procuring medicines and' medical attendance, care for and sup port of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, or in any other respect to promote their eiviiizatio, comfort, and improve ment, fTiirty-five thousand dollars; to be available immediately. For ibis amount, or so much there of as may be necessary, to carry out the work of aiding and instructing the Indians of the Central snperhitciideticy in the arts of civilization, in providing clothing, food, and lodging for the children attending school, ht caring for the orphans, the sick, and tlie-helpless and in assisting die Indians generally lo locale tliemselves in permanent homes, and sustain themselves by the ofeiuiiized life, ten thousand pursuit- dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be required, for Ihe creel ion of suitable buildings, to be nsed lor the j purpose of an industrial school for the Otoe anp Missouri.-! tribe of Indians, i on the Otoe reservation, in the State j id' Nebraska, live thousand dollars: and for the establishment and support ; of said school, eight thousand dollars; said amounts to be refunded out of tin: proceeds from the sale of lands of said j Indians prouidi'd for by the third sec tion of the aet of June tenth eighteen bundled and seventy-two, entitled ; "An ;u t for the relict ol certain Lubes of Indians in the Northern superin- tendency. " For tlil- amount, or so much thereof : as may be neeessary. to defray the ex- peuses ul a genera! council ot certai immediately.' For this amount, to enable the Sec retary of the Interior to carry out tlie provisions of the fourth section of the .act entitled "An aet lor the relief of the Stockbcidge and Munsoe tribe of Indians in tlhe State of Wisconsin," approved February sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. by causing to he credited to said trine the esti mated value, tit sixty cents an acre, of eleven thousand eight hundred and ' three acres of laud remaining unsold of the two townships referred to hi said act: Procidecl, Thai the expenses of enrollment and payment required by the provisions of said act shall be defrayed from the amount hereby ap propriated, seven thousand and eighty one dollars and eighty cents. Pay and expenses of three eommis siouere to make appraisements: For this amount, or so much thereof as may he necessary, for the purpose of di .fraytng the expenses of a commis sion provided for by section two of the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, to make an examination of the country pro posed for tin: location of the Round s Valley reservation, and to make tin appraisement of all improvements of while persons north of said boundary of the reservation, fjur thousand dol lars. Pav and expenses of live Indian in spectors: For pay of five Indian inspec tors at tSrec thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof . as may be neces-aj-y to defray the nec essary traveling expenses of five In i dian inspectors provided fi r by section -ix of the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expen ; ses of the Indian Departuieut for the fiscal pear eighteen hundred and sev j enty-four, seven thousand live hundred INTEREST IT FUND Indians in the Indian provided by tiie twelfth treaty with the ('her. nineteenth, eighteen sixty-six, the seventh treaty with the Semiui t went v-first, eighteen rhth Te art rritory; as icle of the kees of July hundred and article of" the li s of March hundred and article of the ud Chickasaws eighteen bun eveu thousand DAKOTA 1 For the genera! of ihe service in presents ol goods, KK151T1 UY. ncidcutal expenses I tokota Territory! agricultural imple ment-, and other u-eiiu articles, ami to assist them to locale in permanent abodes and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expeutt I ed under the direction of the Secretary I of the Interior, twenty thousand dol j bus. 11 All" I TEltKTTOHV. For the general incidental expenses ! of the Indian service in Idaho Terri j tore, to be expended subject to llieap- ! '..-., l ..I'll.r. Si r,V til.. I I iti'l-l. 11' July seventeenth, eighteen hundred j . '. ,H,,t interest (',t ne Indians in said Territory, to assist them to locate on reservations and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, ami lo promote friendly relation- between the I'nited States Government and the said Indians, ten thousand dollars. M INT AN A TERRITORY. For the general incidental expenses ot the Indian service in Montana Ter ritory, presents of goods, agricultural implements and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in perma nent abodes, and to Sustain theinselvf-s by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary ol the Interior, twenty thou sand dollars. NEVADA. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Nevada, pres ents ot goode. agricultural implements and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized lite, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. NEW MEXICO.. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultural imple ments, and oilier useful articles and to asse-t them to locale in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be exnend- d under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, forty thousand dollars. OREGON. For the general incidental expenses j of the Indian service in Oregon, m ! eluding transportation of annuity i goods and presents (where no special provision therefor is made by treaties and for paying the expenses of the ; removal and subsistence of Indians in Oregon, not parties to any treaty and for pay for necessary employees, forty thousand dollars. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. For the general incidental expenses of" the Indian service in Washington Territory, including transportation of annuity goods and present!, (where no special provision is made therefor by treaties.' and for defraying the ex penses ot removal and subsistence of Indians, and for pay of necessary em ployees, twenty-five thousand dollars, three tl ton sand dollars of which shall lie for the support of schools on the Colville and Chehalis agencies. UTAH TERRITORY. For the general incidental expenses ot the Indian service in Utah Territo ry, presents of goods, agricultural im plements, ami other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in perma nent aliodes. and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, includ ing transportation and necessary ex penses of delivering provisions to the Indians within the Utah snperintpnd eney, and for subsistence and clothing for Indians located in the Uintah Val ley reservation, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, thirty thousand dollars. "WYOMING TERRITORY. For the general incidental expenses of t he Indian service in Wyoming Ter ritory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to lie expend ed under the direction of the Secretary ol the Interior, five thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. For insurance and transportation ot annuities, and the necessary expenses of the delivery of the annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Min nesota and Michigan, four thousand dollars. For tiiis amount or so much tliercof sixty-six. and the ci treaty with ( hoetaw -of April tvventy-eightl dred and sixty-six, dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to subsist and properly care for the Kansas Indians, including agricultural assistance, pay ! of employees, and the erection of a 1 mill on their new reservation in the Indian Territory, said amount to he 1 refunded to the United Slait-s from I Ihe proceeds of the sale of tin ir laud- ! in Kansas, thirty thousand dollars. For Ibis amount, or bo much thereof as may be necessary, for the erection i ot necessary agency-buildings on the i new reservation of -aid Indian- in the Indian Territory said amount lo be re- imbur-i d to the United State- from the j proceeds of ihe sale of their lands in i Kansas, leu thousand dollars. For this amount, or -o tmich tbero ofas may be necessary, to provide. ', under tlie direction ot the Secretary of j the Interior, settlements, clothing. ' food, agricultural implements, and ! seeds, for the Modoc Indians that have 1 been removed to and arc now residing ) within the Territory, ten thousand ; dollars. That the Secretary of the Interior1 be, and is hereby, authorized to nay i the sum ot one hundred thousand doi- i I lars from the proceeds ot the sales of S J land known as the Cherokee strip in Kansas to llie treasurer of the ( hero-1' ' kee Nation, to In- used for the payment I ot outstanding claims against the na- ; lion and for the erection ot suitable j buildings tor n penitentiary. For the. second of ten instalments, to be paid, under direction of the Pres- j ideiit. to the Flathead Indians removed from the Hitter Root Valley to the Jodko reservation, in the Territory of 1 Montana, five thousand dollars : pro- j ZftJaf, That t he proceeds of the sales j of land in Hitter Root Valley. Men- tana Territory, referred to in the set- j ond seel ion of the act of Congress ap- i proved June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to provide for the removal of the Flat I icad and other Indians from the Bitter Root Valley, in the Territory of Mon tana." shall be paid into tlie Treasury of the United Stales; in the same man ner that other moneys derived from the sale of other public lands are now paid in: And provided ftirtlier That in lieu of Ihe amount provided tube set apart therefrom by the act of Congress ot June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. hereinbefore referred to there shall be annually appropriated. j out ot any money in the Treasury of I the United Stales not, otherwise appro priated, the sum of live .thousand dol lars, tor the period of ten years, to he expended, under the direction of the President, in the manner deemed for the best good of the Indians w ho have been removed from Bitter Root Val ley: An providpi further, 'That no part ot said sum shall be paid to any Indian of said tribe who shall not have settled upon the Jocko reservation. For wagon road Iron i ihe Northern Pacific Railway to (he agency for Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi: For this amount, or so much thereof as may he necessary, for the construc tion of a wagon-road from Red Lake agency. .Minnesota, try which supplies may he transported from such point on the railroad as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, ten thou sand dollars; to be available immedi ately. Settlement of the Otter-Tail Pilla gers: For this amount or so much thereof as may be necessary, for sub sisting and establishing the Otter-Tail Pillager baud upon the While Earth reservation. Minnesota, in accordance with the act approved March third eighteen 'hundred and seventy-three, by which the right of said Indians has been secured to one township of land for reservation purposes, lifteen thou sand dollars; to be available immedi ately. For this amount, being flic unex pended balance of sums due lo the Mississippi (,'hippewas, and to the Pil lager band at Leech Lake, under treaty stipulations, to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior for the civili zation and benefit of said Indians, twenty-three thousand and ninety-six dollars and twenty-three cents. Seltlement of Pembina band ot Chippewas on White Earth reserva tion, Minnesota: For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the removal and establish mment of the Pembina band of Chippewa In dians npon the White Earth "reserva tion. Minnesota, in accordance with the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-tlu-ee, fifteen thousand dollars; to be available im mediately. For this amount, or so much thereof asanay be necessary, to relieve the ne cessities of the Chippewa Indians at tached to the Red Cliff and ftad River reservations in the State ot Wisconsin, two thousand dollars; to be available OX TRl STOCKS. For payment of" interest on certain abstoaeted and non-paying State stocks belonging to various Indian tribes, and held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, namely : For interest on theCherokee nation al fund, twenty-live thousand four huudred dollars. For interest on the Cherokee school fund, two thousand two hundred and ninety dollars. For interest on the Chickasaw tional fund, twenty-five thousand hundred and twenty dollars. For interest on the Chickasaw in competents' fund, one hundred dol lars. For interest on the Choctaw general fund, twenty-seven thousand dollars. na tw o c orpnan- and forty-eigltt For interest on I hi fund, four thou sa nil dollars. For interest on the Delawai fund, eight thousand nine and thirty dollars. For this amount, to enable retary of the Interior to pay to tin children of the Delaware. Indians w in became citizens of tlie United State under the provisions of tlie ninth ar:i c!e of ihe Delaware treaty ot Jnh fourth, eighteen hundred and six! y-six i gener: bundle the Sci and the children ot Betsey Ziigler. who died before completing her citizen-hip under the provisions ot sai l cle. their proportionate share of the money and stocks held in trust by ihe ( "nil e'd states for tin- Delaware tribe ot Indians, fifty-four thousand five bundle. 1 and fourteen dollars and twenty-three cents, of w hich twenty one thousand four hundred and fbrty etght dollars and seven cents shall be dethibterl from lie money -credits of said tribe, and thirty-three thousand and sixty-six dollars and sixteen cents to be taken equitably from their eral kinds of stock, shall be transferred to the Secretary of (be Treasury and become the properly ot the United Slates; Provided, That if tlie Secretary of tlie Interior shall s., determine, the whole amount hereby appropriated shall be taken from Ihe money-credit s of the tribe, the Secretary of the In terior to designate the funds from which sud amounts shall be taken: Provided, 'That in Ihe case of deceased persons, tlie Secretary of the Interior shall make payment to their legal rep resentatives ; and said Delaware chil deen are hereby declared to tie citizens of t he I'nited State-, with all the rights privileges, and immunities of such: and the Secretary ot the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause patents to jssiie in fee-simple to i said persons for the lauds allotted to j theni: and in case of the decease of any '. of said bersons, the said patents -hall issue in the names ot such deceased persons including the said Betsey j Zeiglcr, and the title to the lands ties- j igi.alcd in such patents shall inure to I and become vestsd in the heirs, devi- -ces. or assignees of said deceased pat- i entei's. as if t h" patent had issued to t be deceased person during life; and i tin; Secretary of the Interior shall cause patents to be issued in fee-simple in 1 ! names of Barbara Zeigldr. Martha j X. iglor. Samuel Ketchiun, Nathan S. i i 'iihlow. and Francis 1 1 . Qrintyr. who j I belonged to the families of the citizen class, and w ho died prior to the census , ol said Indians made by the agent un- i i dor the provisions of the treaty of July 1 fourth, eighteen huudred and sixty-six, i 1 for ihe lands allotted lo them; and the lands designated in such patents shall j j inure to and become vested in the j I heirs, devisees, or assignees of said I j deceased patentees, as if the patent ; had issued to the deceased person dtir I ing life. ' For interest on the forms' fund, two thousand nine hundred and eighty dol lars. For interest on the Kaskaskias, Weas, Peorias. aial Piankeshaws' fund, three thousand nine hundred and one dollars. For interest on the Kaskaskias, Wca, Peoria, and Phtrtkocliwwa1 school-fund one thousand four hundred and forty nine dollars. For interest on the Menomonees lieid. nine hundred and fifty dollars. For interest on the Otto was and Chippewas' fund, two hundred and thirty dollars. For interest on the Pottawatomies" educational fund, three, thousand three hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That the sum of oue thousand live hundred dollars ot above amount may he expended, w ith the consent of said Indians, for a physician, who shall furnish medicines. For contingent expenses of trust funds, one thousand live hundred doi. lars. INVESTIGATION OF ALLEGED FRATDS IX PAYING BOUN TIES TO INDIANS. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to meet expenses incurred by the Department of the In terior in investigating alleged frauds in the payment of bounties to members of the First, Second, and Third Regi ments of Indian Home-i nerds during the years eighteen hundred and seventy-one and eighteen hundred and seventy-two. two thousand eight hun dred and thirty-lour dollars and fifteen cents. See. 2. That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the ex penses of the commission of citizens serving without com ensa tion, ap pointed by the President under the provisions ot the fourth section ot the act oi April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, is hereby appropri ated; and said Board ot Indian Com missioners is hereby continued with all the powers and duties conferred and imposed by existing laws. But nothing herein provided shall be con strued to supersede or interfere with the duty heretofore imposed upon said board ol coinniissioners to visit Indian agencies and inspect the vouchers, books and papers thereof. Sue. 3. That for the purpose of in ducing Indians to labor and become self-supporting, it is hereby provided that in distributing the same shall re quire all able-bodied male Indians, be tween the ages of eighteen and forty five to perform service upon the reser vation, for the benefit of themselves, or ot tlie tribe, at a reasonable rate, to be fixed by the agent in charge, and to an amount eipial in value to the supplies to be delivered. And the al lowances provided for such Indians shall be distributed to them only upon condition of the. performance of such labor, under such rules and regulations as the agent 111113' prescribe: Provided, 'That the Secretary of the Interior may, by written order, except any particu lar tribe from the ' operation of this provision w here he deems it proper and expedient. Sec. I. 'That none of the moneys appropriated in this act shall be used to pay salaries or allowances ot any kind "to employees at agencies except where it is expressly appropriated for I such purpose; excepting the contin i g.'iit fund and the incidental fund, and except in cases herein otherw ise pro i vided not. more than six thousand dol 1 lars shall be paid for the salaries rrf j employees at any oiie agency, in addi ! tion lo the salary of the agent ami in 1 t Tprcter. and not more at any agency i than is absolutely necessary: and 11 ; dian agents shall be required to state, under oath, upon rendering their ouar terly accounts, that the number oftm 1 ployees claimed for were actually and i bona tide employed at the agency and the salary claimed; and that such agent does not. directly or indirectly, receive any part of the compensation ' claime. for any other employee, or j any pecuniary benefit therefrom: Pro- vided, 'That where there is no offlcdr ; in the vicinity of an agency who is au- thorized to administer oaths, the Sec retary of the Interior may direct such I returns to be made under the certiti : cate of the agent. Sec. 5. 'That none of the appropri ations herein made shall be paid to any band of Indians while such baud is at. war with ihe United States or with the white citizens of any of the States or 'Territories. Sec. C. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior, and the officers charged by law with the distri bution of supplies to Ihe Indians, un der the appropriations provided for in this act, to distribute them and pay them out to tlie Indians entitled to them, in such proper proportions as that the amount ot appropriation shall not be expended before the end of the current year, so as to prevent deficien cies; and no expenditure -hall be made or liability incurred on the part of the Government on account of the Indian service lor Ihe fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-live, unless in compliance with ex isjing law. beyond Ihe amount of money previously appropriated for said service during said year: Provided, That hereafter all bidders under an3 advertisement published hv the Com missioner ot Indian Affairs tor pro-po-als tor goods, s ipplies, transporta tion, and so forth, for and on account of the Indian service, whenever the value of Ihe goods, supplies, and so forth, to he furnished, or tin; transpor tation to he performed, shall exceed the sum of live thousand dollar-, shall accompany their bids with a certified check or draft payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, upon some I'nited States depository or solvent national bank. -which check or draff -hall be five per ceiitnm on the a mount ol the goods, supplies, trans portation and s(, forth, as aforesaid; and in ease any such bidder, on being awarded a contract, shall fail to exe cute the same with good and sufficient sureties according to the terms on w hich such bill was made and accept : ed. such bidder shall forfeit the amount so so deposited to the United States. ; and the same shall forthwith be paid j into tiie Treasury of the United States: i hut if such contract shall be duly exe- foresaid, such draft or check d shall be returned to the ctited, as SO 1 lepo -bidder. Sec. 7. 'That for the purpose of properly distributing the supplies ap propriated tor in Ibis act, it is hereby made the duty of each agent in charge of Indians and having supplies to dis tribute, to make out rolls, ot the In dians entitled tosnpplies at the agency, with the names of the Indians anil of the heads of families or lodges, wit h the number in each family or lodge, and to give out supplies lo the heads of tribes or bands, anil not to give out supplies for a greater length of time than oue week in advance. Sec. s. That the sum of twenty focr thousand tour hundred and eighty dollars and eighty-six cents, lieing the unexpended balance of an appropria tion of "forty thousand dollars to carry on the work of aiding and instructing the Indians ot the Central superinten deiicy in the arts ot civilization, with a view o their self support-, made by act of March third eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby reappro priated, and may be expended for the purpose named, and shall be available immediately; anil the sum often thou sand dollars is appropriated for the support- of schools in the Central SU perintendency : And provided further. That the unexpended balance of the i appropriation made by act of July j eighteen hundred and seventy, for I edueationij purposes for the Indians, be. and the same is hereby, re-appropriated. Sec. '.). That the several appropria tions here made for teachers, millers, blacksmiths, engineers, carpenters, physicians, and other persons, and for various articles provided lor by treaty stipulations, may be diverted toother uses for the benefit of various Indian tribes, within the discretion of the President, and with the consent of said tribes expressed in the usual man lier; and that he cause icport to lie made to Congress, at the next session thereafter, of his action under this provision. Sec. 10. That no agent or employe of the United States Government, or of any of ihe Departments thereof, while in the service of the Govern ment, shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, contingent or absolute, near or remote, in any contract made, or under negotiation, with the Gov ernment, or with the Indians, for the purchase or transportation or delivery of goods or supplies for the Indians, or for the removal of the Indians: nor shall anv such agent or employee col lude with any person who may at tempt to obtain any such contraci for the purpose of Enabling such person to obtain the same. The violation of any of the provisions of this section shall lie a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, and by removal from office; and, in addition thereto the court shall, in its discretion, have the power to punish by imprisonment of not more than six months. 3 m s O pp 1 s S3 3 ST GO GC 0 CD P9 rs GC 3 rs - r GT- ss in rS s ST 2? is CD 3 td 015 GC ss CDr CD GC S