tJ mm j r v r . X Mt ' VOLUME VII. ALBANY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 20, 1874. JSO. 10. 3 s e-f- 3 C S3 CD CD to 3 3 CD a CD OB CD a P- a 55 D5 rs 2 CD X CD P cd' S' a CD CD CD a o o cs p p 3g CD P CD a CD "-a S3 a CD CO a co CD CD 3 OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE DNITED STATES. : PASSED AT Til!: FIRST SESSION OF TXIK j FOBTY-TItlll i (WIIBE AN ACT making apropriations for the cur- I mnt nnrl eoHiingent expenses of the In- 1 dian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian I tribe, for the year ending June thirti- eth, eighteen liunrtredand seventy-five, i and for other purposes, i Be it enacted bu the Senate and ITmitr rf 1 Rrprem-nttttivrs cf ttie United State jimer ; iVvi in Congress wisciribted, That tlte following sums beand are here by, apuropriated out of any money in the' treasury not otherwise appropriated, tor tiie purpose; ot" paying the current ami contingent expenses of the Indian Dt'iiuri- ' niciil, and fulfilling treaty stipulation i with tiie various Indian tribes: For nay of (wo superintendents of In . j ctian affairs tor the Central and Northern j superintendencies. two thousand dollars ! each. F'or pay of sixty-nine agents of Indian ! affairs, at one thousand live hundred dol l lar each, except the one at Iowa; namely : ix lor the tribes m Oregon, linmelv. 4 Warm Spring. Klamath, Grand Ronde; oi-i in ih, iui'i .'i,oiit-ui agencies: Five lor the trllies in Washington Terri tory, namely, Xcah Bay, Yakama, Colvil, Nisqually, Fnyallup, and otlier tribes, and S'Kokomish agencies; Tluee for t he tribes in California, name ly, Ilooia Valley, Konnd Valley, anil Title River agencies: Two for tiie tribes in Nevada, namely Pi-Uteand Walker River, and Pyramid Lake agencies; two for the tribes in Idaho, namely, Ncz Perce and Fort Hall agencies; Four for the tribes in Montana, namely Flathead. Itluekfoot. ltrow. and Milk Klver I or Fort Peek agencies. Ten for the tribes In Dakota, namelv. Red ( loud, Whetstone. Yankton. Ponca. Upper Missouri. Grand River, Cheyenne River. Fori Bertbold, sisseton, and Devil's Lake, agencies; One for t lie t ribes in Wyoming, namely, Shoshone agenev; One for the t ribes in Utah, namely. Uin tah alley agency; Five for 1 he tribes in New Mexico, name ly, Pueblo, Abiquin, Navajo, Mescalero Apache, an l Southern Apache agencies; Two for ihe tribes in Colorado, namely, Lo- Pinosand White River agencies; Six for the tribes in Nebraska, namelv. Great Nemaha, Omaha, Winnebabo, Paw nee, Oioe, and Santee agencies; One for 1 lie tribes in Kansas; Eight for the tribes in the Indian Terri tory, namely. Kaw or Kansas and Kieka poo. Sac and Fox, (jnapaw, Neosho, Kiowa ami t o ;i:inehi-. I imct Arkansas, and Wi- ebita agencies; and one tor t be t'bei-okees. Creeks- Choc'aws and Chickasaw and Semi noles; one tor the tribes in Minnesota, liameiv. at the White Earth agency: One for the trilM's. in Iowa, namelv. at the Sac and Fox of Iowa asrenev. tlve liun- i drcd dollars; and twelve hundred dollars to build a schoolhouse: Providr-d. That no salary be to the agent unless be lives near enough to the agency to teach and cstre for tlu- tribe everv iIhv ; Two tor the trities in Wisconsin .namely. at ihetirecu Bilv and I. a Point agencies; One for the tribes in Michigan, namelv. at the Mackinac agenev; One for the New l oru Indian, namelv. at tlta New York agency: Dven for Hk- tribes in Arizona, namelv. Colorado ttiver, Papago, I'inui and M:ti- st. t hiricahtii. San 'a-tlos. Canin Anache and Mo.i.iis Pueblo agencies, in all one hundred and two thousand five hundred dollars: Pn eulcd. That it shall be t he dm v of the President to dispense with the ser vices of such Indian agents herein men tioned a may be pinct icable; and where it ts practicable lie snail reiiuire the same person io perlorm the uuiicsot two agen cies for one salary) For pay of sjiecial nscMts, one for the Cbippewas at lied Lak, one for the Pillager--tit I. each Lake, Mtnnesota;onefor the Mission Indians in California: one for the Assinalioiiies and G;xs Ventres til Fort Ittdknap. Montana; one for the tribes in Oregon, namely, Alsea, and two for the tritws in Witsiiington Territory, namely, TuJatip and Qninat-elt, at one thonsarid live hundred dollars each, ten thousand tlve hundred dollars. For pay of one chief clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; and one copyist, six hundred dollars, for the i Central superintendoncy, three thousand i four bundled dollars. i For pay of clerk for the Northern super i iu'endency, one thousand two hundred i dollars. I For pay of seventy-six Interpreters, as ! follows: Seven for the tribes in. Oregon, ; namely, one for the Klamath agency, and . one each forlhe Grand Ronde, Siletss Cma- ;i!7:. Warm Spring, ami Matheiirand Alsea ' sab agencies, at five hundred dollars jier i annum each. Six interpreters for the Iribcs in W"a-b-; ington Territory, to be assigned to such : agencies as the Secretary of the Interior i may dirt,, at live bundle. I dollars each J per annum. Two for t he i ribes in Idaho, namely. Nez iVr w-nn.l Fort flail ageneies. at live linn ! dre I doitars per annum each. Three for the f ribes In Nevada, namely, . Pi-Cie, Walker River, and Pyramid I-ike ' agencies, at live hundred dollars each. Five for the tribes in Montana, namely, i Flatheads, Rlaekfeet, ( row ami Milk River or Fort Peck agem ies, and Fort Belknap 1 special agency, at four hundred dollars each. Ten for ! lied Clou tribes in Dakota, namely, letstone, Yankton. Ponca, i. Grand River. hevenne ! ITpper Miss, mi ; River, Fort , Lakeagenci . annum each i t hold. Sisseton.and DevU'S at lour hundred dollars per One for the tribes in Wyoming, at the ! Shoshone agenev, at tlve hundred dollars. One for the tribes in Utah, at tlve hnn i med dollars per annuui. Seven for the tribes in New Mexico, I I namely, two for tin- Navajo agenev, and i one each for t lie Abiqniu, Cimmaron. Mes : ca'cro Ajnwhe, SSoulhern Apache, and Pu eblo agencies, at five hundred dollars I ea-h per annum: JVortffcd, That the Ab I niniu agency shall be aholfshed after j leceniler, eighteen hundred and seventy four. i Two for the trl'Kss in Colorado, namely, Eos Pinos and White; River agencies, at ve bnndred dollars per annum each. Seven for the t cities in Nebraska, to lie assigned to such agencies a- the Secretary of die Interior may direct, at four hundred dollar per annnm each. Two for the tribes in Kansas, namely, Pottawatomie and Kickapoo ageneies, at four hundred dollars each. Eight for the tribes in the Indian Terri tory, to Ik; assigned as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, at four hundred dol lars per annum each: and six hundred dol lars, or so much thereof as mtv he nnmo. sary, to enable tin; Secretary of the Interi or to supply temporary Interpreters for III," st'llo-Cl, III.CU I I IOCS. I hree lor the tribes m Wisconsin ntimo. I v. Green Ray, Lac Court oieilles' and Ea PoiniC agencies, at four hundred, dollars each. Four for the t rities hi Minnesota, name ly, Boise, Forte, Cbippewas, White Earl h, Iltd Eake and Pillager agencies, at four hundreil dollars each. Two for the italics in Michigan, namelv. Mackinac agency, at four hundred dollars each. Six for the tribes in Arizona, namely. Colorado River, Pima and 'Maricopa, Mo- ouis Pueblo. Chiraeahui. sail Carlos, ami CampApaehe agencies, at four hundred dollars each; twenty-nine interpreters, at. rive, bum red i n bus each: ami six Hun dred dollars for leni norarv interoreters: in ah, thiriy-three thousand nine hundred O.OUU1 s. For buildings at agencies, and repairs ot the sanu;. ten thousand dollars. For vaccine matter and vaccination or Indians, two thousand dollaas. For presents to and provisions for In dians, rtvn thousand dollars. For contingencies, including traveling, incidental, current, and contingent ex penses of superintendents and agents, and of their offices, thirty thousand dol lars. APACHES, KIOWAS, AND COMA NCIIE9. For seventh of thirty instalments, as provided to be expended under the tenth article treaty of Octolior twenty-first, eigh teen hundred am! sixty-soven, concluded at ai'Iieiiic Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kiowas and Comanches, and under the third article treaty of the same date with the Apaches thirty thousand dollars. For purchase of clothing, as provided in the saute treating, twenty-six thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith miller, and engineer, five thousand two hundred dollars. Pof pay of physician and teacher, two thousand five hhndred dollars. For transportation of goods, four thou sand dollars: J'riAiklett, That the foregoing stated appropriations for the Apaches, Ki owas, Comanches, shall bo expended only jn behalfof those Indians who go and re main upon reservations and refrain from hostilities. ARKKAREES, GROS VENTRES, AND MANDANS. For this amount to be ex)iended in such goods, provisions, Jnd otberartieles as the President may from time te time, deter mine, including transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural and mechani cal pursuits, in providing employees, edu cating children procuring medicine and medical attendance, can; lor and supnort of the aged, siek. and infirm, for the help less, orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization comfort, and improvement, Including pay of one physician, one thousand live hundred dollars; one farmer, one carpen ter, one engineer, and one blacksmith, at nine hundred dollars each: also, one team ster and one herder, at seven hundred dollar- each peraimuui,' eighty-five tnousand dollars. APACHES. For this amount, to subsist and properly care for the Apache Indians in Arizona and New Mexico who have been or may be collected on reserval ion in New Mexico and Arizona, namely, for those in Arizona three hundred ami scventv-live thousand dollars: and for those in Sew Mexico, one hundred and twenty-live t housand dollars: ?!. f'lt. That this aimronrial ion s'uill lie expended only in behalf of those Indians j w ho go and remain upon said reserval ions and refrain from hostilities. AE APA1IOF.S, CHE YEN N ES; KIOWAS, APACHES, COMANCHES, AND WI- CHITAS. For subsistence of the Arapahoe, Chey enne, Apache; Kiowa, Comaneh.i, mid Wichita Indians,) who have been collected upon the reservations set aart for their use and occupation, in the Indian Terri tory three hundred thousand dollars: J'ro- ctHtrrt, 1 hat this appropriation shall he ex peiuieu otitv on t.,il' rf l,-.w., tn,iu-c . . ".A. ' :.V1.?.to..-t'V, who go and remain upon said reservations anil refrain from hostilities: -4nd provided io-.Vicj-, That no troops shall be kept sta tioned on the reservation on which In dians are locutcd,4lnit the northern line of Texas shall be guarded, so fur us possible so as to prevent the Indians from roaming into fhat State or the whites from intrud ing on the Indian reservations, except such troops as may be necessary to pre serve order. ASSTNaBI hnes. For this amount, to be expended in sneh goods, provisions, and other articles as the President may, from time to time, de termine, including transportation thereof in instructing in agricultural and mechan ical pursuits, in providing employees, ed ucating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, tare for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for lha help less orpans of said Indians, and in any Oilier respect to promote their comfort, civilization, and improvement, including pay of one detective, nine hundred dollars; one cook, four hundred and eight v dollars; and two laborers, at six hundred dollars each,' thirty thousand dollars. BLACKFEET, BLOODS, AND PIEGANS. For this amount, to lie expended in such goods, provisions, and otberartieles as t lie President may, from time to time, deter mine: including transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural anil mechani cal pur-nit, in pro, i ling employee, edu cating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care tor and support of the aged, siek" and infirm, for the help less orphans of feaid Indians, and in every ot her respect to promote t heir ci ilizat ion comfort, and improvement, (including pay id" one blacksmith, one farmer, one carpen ter, one teacher and one det eel i ve. at nine hundred dollar each per annum: and one assistant teacher, at six hundred dollars per aunum. fifty thousand dollars. CALAPOOIAS, MOLaLLAS, ANDCLACK- AMAS OF WILLA3IETTE YALLEY. For lat of live instalments of the fourth series of annuity, for beneficial objects, per t reat y of January twenty-fifth eighteen hundred and sixty-five, tenth article, tlve thousand five hundred dollars. CHE Y ENN ES AND A R A PAHOES. For seventh of thirty instalments pro- ided to la expended finder tenth article treaty' of October twehfy-eighlli, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twenty thou sand dollars. For purchase of clothing, a for same article, fourteen thousand live hundred dollars. For pay ofphysieian and teacher, a per thirteenth article same treaty, two thou sand live hundrc 1 dollars. For pay of cariieuter, farmer, blaek smit. miller, and engineer, a per s.lnie article, tlve thousand two hundred dollars. For transportation id" goods lor the ( heveuncs and Arapahoes, live thousand dollars. CHICKASAW S. For permanent annuity in goods, per first article treaiyof Felnaiary twenty-fifth seven teemhundrbd and ninety-nine, and tenth ariiele I reaty of A pril t weiitv-eight h; eighteen hundred and sixty-six, three thousand dollars. BOISE FORTE BAND CF C1IIPPKWAS F'or ninth of twenty instalments; for Ihe support of one blacksmith and assistant, and for tools, iron, and steel, and oilier art teles necessary for the blacksmith shop, as per t bird article t reaty of April seventn, eighteen Hundred and sixty-Six, one thou sand live bnndred dollars. For ninth of twenty instalments, for the Support of one school teacher,'" and for the necessary books and stationery", as per third article treasy id" April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, eight hun dred dollars. For ninth of twenty instalments of an nuity in money, to !n paid per capita, a per third article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, three; thousand tlve hundred dollars. For ninth eif twenty instalments of an nuity, in provisions, ammunition, and to bacco, as per third article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, one thousand dollars. Foriuthof twenty instalments of an nuity, in goods and other articles, as per third article treaty of April seventh, eigh teen hundred and' sixty-six, six thousand five hundred dollars. For transportation and ncce-sary t-ost of delivery of annuity goods, and provis ions, per sixt h article treaty of April semv enth, eighteen hundred anil sixty-six, one thousand dollars. CHIPPEWA OF LAKE SUPERIOR. For lust ef twenty instalments in coin, per fo il-in article treaty of September thirti' Hi. eighteen hundred and fifty-four five Uieosatid dollars. For last oftwenty instalments, in goods, household furniture, ami cooking utensils per fourth article treaty of September thir tieth, eighteen hundred ami fifty-four, eight thousand dollars. For last of twenty instalments, for agri cultural implements, and cattle, e-ai'iien-tcrs1 and other tools, and building mate rials, per fourth article treaty of Septem ber thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty four, three thousand elollars. For last of twenty installments, for mor al and educational purposes, three hun dred dollars of which are to lie paid to the Grand Portagtfdiand yearly to enable them to maintain a school at their village; per fourth article treaty of Scutemlicr thirti eth, eighteen hundred anef fifty-four three thousand dollars. For last of twenty instalments, for six Smiths and assistants, per secondand fifth art icles t reaty of Sept eml er t h i it iet h , eigh teen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand and leirt v dollars. - For last of twenty instalments, for the support of six sniiths.shops, per se-cond and tilth articles treaty of Septcmlier thir tieth, eighteen hundred and tlfly-lbur, one thousand three hundred and twenty dol lars. For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for the seventh .smith and assistant, and support of shops, jer second and tilth ar ticles treaty of September thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars. For support of smith and shop, tluring the pleasure of the President, as per sev enth and twelfth articles treaty of April seventh eighteen hundred and sixty-six, six hundred dollars. For the support, of two farmers, during the pleasure of the President, ns per twelfth article treaty of September thirti eth, eighteen hundred and fiftyrfour, and DAvniilh wi'ttele of trentv ot" iivtl sovenlb. eighteen hundred anil sixty-six; twelve hundred dollars. For transportation and necessary cost of delivery of annuity and provisions for Cbippewas of Lake Superior, two thousand dollars, CHIPPEWA9 OF THE MISSISSIPPI For eight of ton instalments of tho sec ond series, in money, per fourth article treaty of Oetoberfourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of Septcmlier thirtieth, eighteeu hundred and fifty-four, and third articlo treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, four thousand one hundred andsixty six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For eighth often instalments of the sec ond series for the pay of two carpenters, ! per fourth article treai of October fourth, I eighteen hundred and forty-two, and 1 eighth article treat v of September thirl i , elh, eighteen hundred and fifty-four; and third article treaty of Mnv seventh, eigh i teen h imdred and sixty-four, four hundred , uouars. j For eighth of sen instalments of the sec I ond series, in goods, jx-r fourth article treaty of Octolicr fourth, eighteen liun ' dred and forty-two, and esghth article troity of September thirtieth eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ami third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand fle Iran i dred dollars. For eighth ot ten instalments of the sec ond series for support-of schools, per fourth 1 article treaty of October fourth, eighteen i hundred and forty-two, and eighth art a le ! treaty of September thirtieth eighteen : hundred and fifty-four: and third article treaty of May seventh eighteen hundred i and sixty four, six hundred and sixty-six i dollars and sixty-seven cents, j For eighth of ten instalments of second : series, for the purchase of provisions and tobacco, per fourth article treaty of Oc- toiler fourth, eighteen hundred and forty i two, and eighth article treaty of Septem ber thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ftftv- ! four; and third article trentv of May sev j enth. eighteen hundred and sixtv-fo'ur, six i hundred and sixty-seven dollars and sixty ttecven cents. For eighth of ten instalments of the sec ond scries, for t he support of two smith shops, including the pay of two smiths and assistants, and furnishing iron and steel, per fourth irtiele treaty of October fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September thirtieth: eighteen bnndred and tiftv-four and third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six hun dred an-' sixty-seven dollars and sixlv scven cents. For eighth of ten instalments of the see- win. ies, ioi- imy oi cwo lai niers per : thvrd article treaty of Mav seventh, eigli- teen hundred and sixtv-four, three hun ! dred and thirty-three dollars and thirty i three cents. I For last of twenty instalments of annu ity, in money, per third article treaty of ' February twenty-second, eighteen hun dred ami lift y-rivc, twenty thousand dol lars. For twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth of forty-six instalments, to be paid to the ' Cbippewas of the; Mississippi, ier third . article treaty of August second, eighteen ; hundred and sixt v-seven, two ibousand dollars. For seventh of ten instalments, for the support of a school or schools unon said reservation, in accordance with thirdnrti- cle treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen irandred and sixty-seven, four thousand j dollars. For seventh of ten instalments to be ex- pende i in promoting the Progress ot the I : people in agriculture, and assisting them ! to tiecome self-sustaining, in accordance ! with third article treaty of March nine i teenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven j six thousand dollars. For seventh of ten instalments, for tho j support of a physician, in accordance wit h ; third article treaty of March nineteenth, I eighteen hundred and sixtv-seven, one I thousand two hundred dollars. For seventh of ten instalments, for the purchase of necessary medicines, in accor dance with third article treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty seven, three hundred dollars. For tr3nsnr,rt! ion nnrl iifriNnnrv i-nst of delivery of annuities and provisions for I j theChippewas of Mississippi, in accoiil- j anee with sixth article treaty ol March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty ! seven, two thousand dollars. CH1PPKWAS, PILLAGER, AND EAKE WINXEBAGOSHISH BAN ES. For twentieth of thirty instalments of annuity, in money, per third art ielc treaty ed February twenty-second, eighteen hun dred and tif'ty-Iivo ten thousand six hun dred and sixty-six dollars ami sixty-six cents. For t wen tleth of thirty instalments of annuity, in good, per t bird art icles treaty of February twenty-second, eighteen hun dred and lifty-tive' eight thousand dollars. For twentieth of thirty instalment, for purposes of utiUty, per third art iele treat y of February twenty-second, eighteen hun dred and afty -five, four tnousand dollars. For last of "twemty instalments, for pur poses of educat ion, per third art iclo treat y of February twenty-second, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. CHIPPEWASOF RE! LAKE AND PEM BINA TRIBE OFCIHPPEWAS. For this amount, as annuity, to be paid per capita to the Re-3 Lake- band of Chi ,x;was, during the pleasure of the Presi dent, per third article treaty of Oetotier second, eighteen hundred and sixty-thr e and second article supplementary" treaty of April twelfth, eighteen bnndred anil sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For this amount, to Ihe' Pembina bund of Cbippewas, during the pleasure of the President, per same treaty, live thousand j dohars. For eleventh of fifteen installments, for j the' purpose id supplying the Red Lake j liand of t bippewa wiili gilling-t wine, e-o' -I ton maiire, calico, linsey, blankets, sheet ing, flannels, provisions, farming tools, and for sum other useful articles and for such other useful purposes as may be deemed for f heir best interests, iter t hir l article supplementary lrcalv of Anvil twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, eight thousand dollai-s. For eleventh of fifteen instalment, for same oojects, for Pembina band of Cbip pewas, per same treaty, four thousand dollars. I For eleventh of fifteen instalment, for pay of one baeksmith, erne phy sician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, and one farmer. )icr fourth article of same treaty, three thousand nine hun dred dollar. " For eleventh of fifteen Instalments, for the purchase of iron and steed and oilier article's for blae-ksmithing purposes, per same treaty n- above, one thousand five hundred dollars. For eleventh of fifteen instalments, to bjeexpendeil fi" earnentering and other purposes, per same treaty, one thousand dollars. For transportation of annuits goods and provisions, ami iron and steel for black smiths, for the Ghippewas of Red Eake and Pembina tribe, two thousand dollars. CHOCTAWS. For permanent annuity, )ier second arti cle treaty of November sixteenth, eigh teen hundred and five, and thirteenth article treatv of June t wenly-second, eigh teen hundred and tifty-tive, three thou sand dollars. For permanent annuity, for support of light horse'incn, per thirteenth article treatv of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thirteenth arti cle treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundredanel fifty-six; six hundred dollars. For permanent annuity, for support of blacksmith, per sixth article treaty of Oc tober eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth article treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and thirteenth article treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars. For ptmnanent annuity, for education, per second article treaty of January twen tieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty of June twenty-sei-ond, eighteen hundred and fifty-live, six thousand dollars. For neimanent annuity, for iron and steel, per ninth articlo treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and thirteenth article treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and twenty elol lars. For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents, at five per centum per annum, for education, support of the government, and otlier lienelicial purposes, under the direetidii of the gen eral coniK'il of the Choctaws, in conform ity with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth artsclca; treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty.flve, and treaty of June twenty second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five nine! eon thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine cents. CONFEDERATE TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. For tho Isst of five Instalments, third series, for Ixmcficial objects per second ar ticle treatv of June twenty-flfrh, eighteen hundreil and fifty-five, four thousand dol lars. For last of fifteen Instalments, for pay and subsistence of one farmer, one black smith, and one wagon and plow maker, er foil it li article treaty of June twenty fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand five hunelred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for nav and subsistonce of one physician, one sawyer, one miller, one superintendent of tarin i ng o jicrat ions, an u one senopirtejic tier per fourth article treaty of Juno twenty, fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five thousand one hundred dollars. For ttlteenth of t wenty instalments, for salary of the head chief of said confeder ated bands, per foujth article treaty of June twenty-flflh, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollar. CHEEKS. For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article treaty of August seventh, seventeen hundred and ninet y, and fifth article; treaty of Augut seventh, eighteen 'hundred and titty-six, one thousand live hundred dollars. For permanent annuity in mnnev, per second article treaty ol .nine sixticnth. eighteen hundredfold two, and fifth arti cle treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three thousand dol lars. cor educational purposes, per fifth arti cle treaty of February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and tlfty-six, three thousand dol lars. For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty ol' January twi nty fourth eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty of August seventh, eighteeu hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for blacksmith and assiaf ant and for shop and tool, per eighth article treaty of January twenty fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hun dred and forty dollnr. For permanent annuity, for iron and steel for shop, per eighth article trcaly of January twenty-fourth, eghtee-n hundred and twenty-six. and fifth article treaty of August seventh, eifihteen hundred and fifty-six, two hundred andseventy dollars, For permanent annuity, for Ihe pay of a wheelright, pea eighth article treaty of January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six", and llflh article treaty of August so'venth, eighteen hundred and fifty-Six, six hundred dollars. For live per cent um interest on two hun dred thousand dollars, for purposes of ed ucation, per sixth article 1 1 eaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. Fer interest em six hundred and sevent y live Ibousand one hundred-and sixty-eight j dollars, at the rate of five per centum per i annum to be expended under the direc- j 1 ion of the Secretary of t he Interior, under provisions of third ariiele treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- j sixi thirty-three thousand seven hundrtd j and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents. CROWS. Ptorsixthof thirty instalments, to sup-I vlv male persens, six hundred in numlier over fourteen years ot age, with a sui ' 1 good subs'.aul iai wool'-n eiothmg, consist ingof a coat, hat. pantaloon, llanel shirt, ! an woolen socks, a jn'i ninth article I treaty of May .venl h, eighteen hundred ; and sixty-eight, eight thousand fourhtiu- j urea dollars. Vjor sixth of thirty Instalments, tei sup ply each female seven hundred in number, over twelve years of age. wiih a flannel shirt , or t he goons nooos-ary to make the same a pair of woolen hose, twelve yards of calico, and twelve yards of cotton do mestic, as pel same article, eight thousand tour hundred dollars. For sixth of thirty instalments to sap ply three hundred ami titty boys and three bnndred and titty girls, under the ages named, such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed lo make each a suit as aforesaid, together with fl pair of woolen hose for each; per same article, five thou sand nine hundred and twenty-three elol lars. 1'or sixth of ten instalment: to be used by i he Secretary of the interior in the pur chase of such articles as from tiuteto lime, their condition anel necessities may indi cate to he proper, t he sum of ten dollars forjeacb Indian roaming, as per same arti cle, a sum not exceeding ten thousand elol lars. For pay of a physician, per tenth ariiele same treaty, one Uiousund four hundred dollar. For fifth of twenty instalment s, for paj of teacher and furnishing ueciissary book it nd slat ion!",', under seventh an tele same treaty; t wo thousand dollars. For pny of second blacksmith, ami iron and steel, as par eighth article of the; same resiity, two thousand dollars. Fjor fifth of ten instalments, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in the pur chase of such aii iele, as from time to time t he coil lit Ion and necessities of tin' In dian may indicate to lie proper, the sum oftwenty dollar foi'i;.h Indian engage 1 in agriculture; as per ninth ariiele of the same treaty not exoeeding twenty thou sa nd dollH rs. ftor this amount, or so much thereof as may Ih accessary, to furnish Hour and meat, one hundred thousand dollar. l'or pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, am I b'm kstmt h. as per tenth an i cleitreaty Of May seventh, eighfeer. hun dred and :t- "ight lour thousand live hundred dollars. For las of throe Instalments, for the purchase of seeds and agricuit oral imple nejuts for such Indiana as shall farm, inie thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For transportation of goods" live thou sand dollars. DELAWARE. For Interest on thirty-Seven thousand atid ninely-five dollars and twenty-five cents, at five per ei'ii tarn, being t lie value. in part, of thirty-six sections ol miij set anart bv 1 rent y of bun Ire' 1 l went v-mnc lot ! ion. per Senate; res- in: ion ol June t h ;rti hm dred anil thirty-ttea-v of May si: line . h liteet hundred ami ntt v-lour.ono housand di' ami filly four dollar I cents. D'VVAMISH AND OTHER ALLIED TRIBES IN WASHINGTON TERRI TORY. Ifor fifteenth eif twenty instalments on one. hundred and liny thousand dollars, under the direction of the President, per sixth article treaty of January twenty seeoml. eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty Instalment, for (be esta'iliiliment and support of an agri cultural and Industrial school, and to pro vide said school with a suitable insf motor or instructors, per foartecutii article treaty of January twenty-second, eight een linn drcd and fifty-five, three thousand "dollars. For fifteehth or twenty instalments, for 1 he support of a smith aud curpen U;r shop and furnishing it. with neeesSsary tools, flvte hundred dollar. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for tbfi employment of a blacksmith, carpen ter, farmer, and physician, -who si all fur nish medicines for t he sick, per fourteenth article treaty of January twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thou sand two hundred dollars. FLATHEADS AND OTHER CONFEDER ATED TRIBES. For fifteenth if twenty insttsiments, for the support of an agricultural and indus trial school, keeping in repair the build ings, and providing suitable' furniture, books, and stationery, per tilth article treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for providing suitable instructors therefor, one thou-and eight hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenly insti lments, lor keeping In repair blacksmith, lin and gun smith, carpenter, and wagon and plow maker shops, ami providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, live hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for l lie; e;m pioy mi;n l oi iwu liinmri.,, mn hiiu ers, one blacksmith, one t inner, one gun smith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, per fifth crtlelc treaty of of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, seven thousand four hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair saw add flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty ot July sxtecnth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, live hundred dollar. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair the hospital, and pro viding the necessary medicines and furni ture thereto, per fifth, reticle treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hnndrad and fifty-live, three hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty Instalments, for nay Of a physician, )er fifth article treaty nF-fntv sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-live, one thousand four hundred dol- '"por fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair tho builelings rexuired for the various employees, and furnishing the necessary furniture thereof, por fifth article treatv of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and lift y-five, three hundred dol lars. F'or fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the pay of each of the bead chief of Hie Flathead, Kootenay, and Upper Pend d'Oreille trilics, per fifteenth article treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen" hundred ami fifty-five, one thousand live hundred elol lars. For first of five instalments, (fourth gefles.) for beneficial objects, to be exjieiid ed under the direction of the President, per fourth articlo treaty of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five three thousand dollars. For transjiortation ofann-iity goods and ! provisions to said Indians, per fifth article i .Inly sixteenth, eighteen, hundred and fifty-five; one thousand five hundred dollars. GROS VENTRES. For this amount, to be expended in such gooes provisions, ami other articles as the President mav, from time, to time, dnter uiine, including transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural and mechan ical pursuit, in providing employees, ed ucat in" children, procuring medicine anil medical attendance, care for and support of tin- aged. siek. and infirm, for the liedp less oi-phan of said Indsans, and in any other respect to promote their civilization ami e;omfort. improvement, thirty-five thousand dollars. IOWAS. For interest, in lieu of investment, on fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollrrs, to July first. eighteen hundred and seventy-four, at live per centum per annnm, foretluca tion or other beneficial purposes, under the; direction of the President, per ninth a it iele of t reaty of May srvenfeenth, eight een bnndred ami flfty-fbnr: two thousand eight hundred and seveetr-live. dollars. KANSAS. For interest in Men of investment on two hundred thousand dollars, at tlve per centum per annum, per second article treaty of January fotll'te'enth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dol lars. KICK A POOS. For interest em ninety-five thousand nine hundred and forty-live elollars and ninety-five cents, at. live per centum per annum," for educational and other lieneli cial purposes, per treaty of May eight eentb, eighteen hundred ami fifty-four, four thousand seven hundred anil ninety seven dnllarsand twenty-nine cents. For settlement, support-, and civilization of Kickapoo Indians in Indian Territory-, lately removed from Mexie-o, and such aa may" be removed nereafter, twenty-five thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, to complete the remov al of the remaining Kickapoo mid other American Indian tribes roving on the; borde.' of Texas and Mexico, to reserva tions within the Indian Territory, not to exceed sixttive thousand dollars: and this sum to li' made available for said pur pose from and after the passage of tblsaet li v.i'.vtef. That no liability shall be incurr ed .or said removal for any sum in excess oi me amount Herein appropriate: j'ro rided further. That the expense of remov ing said Indians shall not exceed ninety dollars for each Indian removed to the reservation, and no liabilities shaH be in curred or paymen'is made for a greater amount; but this provision shall not lie so construed as to prevent the', payment of the salary of the commissioners apiKiinted to remove them, and their le'gitimate and proper trave'ling and persona expenses; and not exceeding live thousand dollars maybe used for Ihe comiieusatlon of in terpreters, guides, and couriers, and such either expenditures as may lie deemed actually necessary, to contribute to snc s, in affecting said removal. KL. MATH AND MODOC INDIANS. I fourth of live instalments to be ap plied under direction of the' President, as persecoiid ariiele treaty of October four teenth, eighteen hundred ami sixty-four, tlve thousand dollars. For eighth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair one saw mill, one flour ing mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, ami wagon and plow-maker, t he manual labor schooi, and hospital, as per fourth article treaty of October four teenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For ninth oftwenty instalments, for the purchase of tools and material for saw and flour mills, carpenter, blacksmith, wagon and plow maker shops, ami books and tsta t ionery for t he manual labor school, as per fourt h article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred" and sixty-four, one thousand live; hundred dollars. For ninth of fifteen instalments, for pay aud subsistence of one superintendent of farming, one farmer, one hiacksmith, one sawyer, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, as per fifth article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-fotlr, six thousand dollars. For ninth of twenty instalments, to pay salary: and -subsistence of one physician, one miller, and two school teacher. asH'r flftharticle treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand six hundred dollars. MAE A It TRIBE. For fifth of ten instalments of thirty thousand dollar, dicing the fifth series, under direction of tin1' President, as per iiliii article treaty of January thirty-first, eighteen hundred and lifiy-fivc, one thou sand dollar. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for support of a smith and carpenter shop a:nl to provide; the necessary tools there for, per eleventh article treatv of Jan nary thirty-first, eighteen hundred anil fifty live, five hundred elollars. For gftoenth of twenty instalments, for the snpixirt of an agricultural andindas A rial school, and pay of teachers, per e'lev enfh ait iele of same treaty, two thousand five hundred dollars. For fifteenth of t wenly instalments, for tl:e employment of a blacksmith. carpen ter, farmer, and physician, wbe shall fur nish mediedne for the sick, four thousand six bundled dollars. MKNOMONEES. For Ihe ninth of fifteen instalments for annuity upon two hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-six dol lars tor cession of lands, per fourth article treaiyof May twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and Senate amendment thereto, sixteen thousand one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and six cents. MIAMI ES OF KANSAS. For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron ami steel tor shot), per fifth ariiele treaty of October sixth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and fourth article treaty of June fifth, eight een hundred and fifty-four, nme hundred I and fori v dolllars. For permanent, provision for miller, in lieu of gunsiuisii, per fifth article treaty of October sixth, eighteen hundred ami eighteen, lift li article treaty of October twenty-third, eighteen hunelred and thir t y-:iour, and fourth article treaty ot June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six nundrod dollars. Gor interest on fifty thousand dollars, at tiv.yper centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty of June tifih, eight een hundred and fifty-four, two thousantl ti'e hundred dollars." For fifteenth of twenty instalments up on one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, per third article treaty of June flfttl, eighteen hundred ami "fifly-four, seven thousand five hundred dollars. MI A MIES E EE RIVER, For permanent, annuity, in goods or otherwise, per fourth ariiele treaty of August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-five live hundred dollars. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per articles treaty of August twenty-first, eighteen hundred and five, two hundred and fifty dollars. r or fieniiaiient annuity, in goous en otherwise, tier third and separate articles treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred ami nine, three hundred and fifty dollars. NIAM1ES OF INDIANA. 'or interest on two hunelred and t wen- t VMr thousand two hundred mid niry- seven dollars and cigh-y-six cents, unin vested, at five per coiitum, ier Senate amendment to fourth article treatv of June fifth, eighteen hundred and My four, eseven thousand and sily-twO dol lars and eighty-nine cents. MOLELS. F'or pay of teachers and manual labor schools for all necessary materials there for, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per fourth article of treaty December twent v-first, eighteen hunelred and tifty tive, three thousand dollars. MINED SHOSHONES, BANNACKS, AND SII EEP-E ATERS. For this amount, to be expended under the direction of the President, in assist ing these Indians to move to locate on the Fort Hall reservation, in Idaho Territory, and to alsl them in educational ami agri cultural pursuits on said reservation, twenty niousand dollars. NAVAJOES. For sixlh of ten instalments, of such art iclcsof clothing, or raw nuiterial in lieu thereof, for nine thousantl one hundred ami forty-one Navajo Indians, not exceed ing five dollars per Indian, as per eighth articlo treaty of luno first, eighteen hun dred and sixty-eight, forty-five thousand seven hundred and five dollars. For "fifth of ten instalments, to lie used by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs m tho purchase of fueh articles as, from time to time, the condition and necessities of the Indians may intlicate to be proper; Hie sum of ten dollar to each person who engages in farming or mechanical pnx- ?o.tS' !!?'" to 08 three thoasand and i L ,Vdren?V P'rso"s-'thirty thousand four nti idled and seventy dollars. l..,ndradolH,S!C,U'! "C fl sandrdohaSX"',all0n f g0oas' lhree thou NE7. PERCE INDIANS. For the last of five instalments, third Hon" orho'".. '' V 11 ,.,'i"t-,s- atthc disc Don of the ''resident, per fourth artl. t.. treaty, ot June eleventh, etn-bteen lom and ty-five six InonlSdaSk l-or fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the support, of two schools, one. of which to lie an agricultural and industrial school keeping in repair school buildings and for providing suitable furaUnre, look and stationery, per fifth article treaty of Jnne eleventh, eighteen hundred and "fifty-five five hundred dollars. F'or fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the employment of one superintendent or teach tog and tv.-o teachers, per fifth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand seven hun dred elollars. F'or fifteenth oftwenty instalments, for the employment of one 'superintendent of farming, and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gun smith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plow maker, per fifth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and Mjti v-five, seen thousand dollars. For fifteenth ef twenty instalments, for pav of a physician, peir fifth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred anil fifty-five, one ibousand dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping ill repair the buildings for Hie various employees and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-live, three hundred dollars. Eor fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the salary of such pis-aon as the trilic may select to" be their head chief, per fifth article treaty of Jnne eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-live, five hundred dol lar. For salary of two subordinate chiefs, as per fifth article treatv of June ninth, eighteen hundred anil sixty-three, one thousand dollars. F'or ninth of sixteen instalments, for boarding and clothing the children who shall attend the schools, providing the schools and boarding houses with neces sary furniture, the purchase of necessary wagons, teams, agricultural implements, tools, and so forth, and for fencing of such lands as may be needed for gardeming and farming purposes for the schools, three thousand dollars. For salaries of two matrons to fake charge of the boarding schools, two assist ant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, and two millers, four thousand five hun dred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments, for keeping in repair tile hospital, and pro viding the necessary medicines, ahd (lie furniture therefor," three hundred dol lars. For repair of houses, mills, and neces sary materials, one thousand elollars. NISIfCAJ.LY, PCYALLCP, AND OTHER TRIBES AND RANDS OF INDIANS. F'or last of twenty i nsf al men ts, in part payment for relinquishment of title to lands, to bo applied lo lienelicial objects, per fourth article treaty of Decern tx-r 1 wenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty four, one; Ibousand dollar. For last of twenty instalments, foe pay off instructors, smith, carpenter, farmer, and physician, (who shall furnish medi cine to the sick) per tenth article treaty of December twenty-sixi h, eighteen hundred and fifly-four, six thousand seven hun dred elollars. For the last of twent instalments for the support of an agrienll oral and indus t rial school . and support of smith and car penter shop, and providing the necessary tools therefor, in conformity with the tenth article treaty of December twenty sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ne' thousand five hundred dollars. NORTHERN CHEYENEES AND ARA PAHOES. For sixth of thirty instalments, for pnr chac of clot hing as per sixth article treaty eif May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, twelve thousand dollars. For sixth of ten instalments, to lie ex pended by flu' Secretary of the.' Interior, ten dollars for each Indian roaming, in t be purchase of such articles as, from t ime to time, the condition and necessities of the Indians may indicate to Ik; proper, as as per frame treaty, eighteen thousand dollar-. For pay of physician, tese-hcr, carpenter, miller, farmer, blacksmith, ami engineer, per seventh article of treaty ej May tenth, eighteen bnndred and sixty-eight, six thousand seven hundred dollars. For last of four instalments, to furnish said Indians with flour tnd meat, per sixth article treaty of May tenth, eighti'on hundred and sixty-eight, forty-five thou sand dollars. For transportation of goods, two thou sand dollar : Pnxidcd, That said North ern I'heyennos and Arapahoe. shall re move to their reservation in the Indian Territory before t no deliver:.' of saiel sup plies appropriated for the foregoing clauses. OMAHAS. For seventh of fifteen instalments of ths amount, being third series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty of March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thousand dollars. For ninth of ten instalments, for keep ing in repair a grist and saw mill, and sup port of blacksmith shop, per eighth art iele treatv March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four ami third. article treaty of March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty five, three hundred dollars. For ninth of ten instalment., for pay of one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars. For ninth of ten instalments, for pay of one miller, per same treaties, nine hun dred dollars. For ninth of ten instalments, for pay of one farmer, per same - i real ies, nine hun dred dollars. For ninth of ten instalments, for pay of blacksmith shop, and supplying tools for the same, three hundred dollars l'or one matron, six hundred dollars. OSAUES. F'or interest on sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty dollars, at five per centum ier annum, being value of fifty lour sections of land set apart by treaty of June second, eighteen hundreil and twen-tv-tive. for educational purixises per Sen ate resolution of January ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand four hundred and tifty-six dollars. For intercs on three hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annuaiy, in money or such articles as the Secretary o.t the Interior mav direct, as per first article treaty of September twenty-ninth, eighteen hun dred aud sixty-five, fifteen thousand dol- For interest on sevon hnndred and twenty thousand seven hundred and forty-nine dollars, at five per centum per annum, to be used for such objects as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, as lM-r act of July fifteenth, eighteen hun dred and seventy, thiriy-six thousand and thirty-seven dollars and forty-five cents: rrrniklcfl. That the Secretary ofthe Interi or be, mid he is hereby, authorized to ex pend, from the proceeds of the sale of lands of the Great and Little Osage In dian provided to lie sold by section twelve of said act of Julv fifteenth, eighteen hun dred and seventy, the sum of two hundreil thousand dollars jxt annum for two years, or so much thereof as may be- necessary, for the purchase of stock and agricultural implements opening farms erect ion of nouses, aim lor me- e ivuiam iuu iinei ii liort of the Osages and of their tribal gov ernment. OTOES AND MISSOURI AS. For seventh of fifteen instalments, be ing the third series, m money or other wdse. per fourth article, treaty of March fiftceireh, eighteen hundred and fifty-four nine tnousanu uotiars. PAWNEES. For perpel nal annuity, at least, one-half ot which is to oe in goous ana such articles as may tie deemed necessary for them, per second article treaty of September twent y- lourtn, eignieen nunareu anei nity-seven, thirty thousand dollars. For suniKirt of two manual labor schools per third article t reaty of September twen-ty-fourth, eighteen hundred aud fifty- seven, ten thousand Hollars. F'or nav of two farmers, two black smiths and two apprentices, one miller and apprentice, two teachers, one shoe maker, and one carpenter, seven tnousanu tlve li n nil roil dollai'S. F'or ay of physician and purchase, of medicines, one tnousanu iei wui,v, For tpe purchase of iron add steel and otlier neeessaries lor me nuinroi..-. ,i .11... For Hie piwhaso of framing utensils and stock, one thousand two hundred dol- Vor repair of grist and saw mills, tlvreo hundred dollars. For transportation and necessary cost of delivery ot annuities for the t lie Pawnees, one thousand five hundred dollars. F'or this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for tlrS employment of one matron, three teachers, and two as sistant teachers, and provinig the school with fuel, books, and stationery, four thousand seven hundred dollars. That the Secretary of she Interior, be, and he hereby is. authorized to use, for puipose of civilization of tlW Pawnen Indians, ihe .inexpended balances from funds appropriated for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and former y ears, under the provisions of the treaty with sold tribes of Septcmlier twent y-foitrtli. eighteen hun dred and fifty-seven, for support of sc hools and mills, and for pav of employ ees and smiths; said balances" amounting to the sum of eight thousand live hundred and thirty elollars and one cent. PONCAS. For the first of fifteen instalments (third series ) to lie paid to them or expended for heir benefit, per second article of treaty ot March twelfth, eighteen hundred and. fifty-eight, eight thousand dollars. or this amount, to lie expended during the pleasure of the President, in furnish ing sued aid md assistance in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, including the working of the mill, ns provided bv sec ond article treaty of March twelfth, eight een hundred and fifty-eight, as the Secre tary ot the Interior uiov consider advnn ueous and necessary, five thousand dol- 'or, this amount, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, to be used at the dis cu .ion of Hie President, to carry on the woik oi aiding and instructing thcPoncas hi the arts of civilization, with a view to 1 heir self-support, and for subsistence, and clothing, five thousand dollars. POTT AAV ATOMIES. For permanent annuity, in sliver, per fourth article treoty of August third, sev enteen hundred nd ninctv-llve, thrco hundred and fifty-seven 'dollars and eighty t;cnls. For permanent annuity, in silver. in r t in rd art iele t reat y of September t hirtietb . eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred, and seventy-eight dollars und ninety cents. F'or permanent nnnuity, in silver, per third article treaty October second, eight een hunelred and eighteen, eight hundred and ninety-four dollass and fitly eents. F'or permanent annuity, in money, per secontl article treaty off September twen-. tielh, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, seven bundled and fifteen doilara and, sixty cenfs. F'or permanent annuity, in specie, per second article treaty of July tv unty-ninth. eightce hundred and twenty-nine, and second article treaty oi beptemoer 'wen- tieth. eighteen hundred and ..ahl. five thousand seven hundreil r.:: four dollars and seventy-seven f F'or educational purposes, lii e retoty- a and uouars. F'or permanent provision for ruyment of money, in lieu of fobaee-o, iron, steel, per second ariiele treaty of Sep; ember twentieth, eighteen hunelred and twenty eight, and tenth article treaties of .Tune flfihiind seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred and seven dol lars and thirty-four eents. F'or permanent provisions for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article treaty of Octolicr sixteenth, eighteen bun lied and twenty-six, second article treaty ot Scpteuilier twentieth, eighteen hundrc! ami twenty-eight, and second article treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen huedred and twenty-nine, one thousantl and eight dollars and ninety-nine cents. F'or pei-mnnent provision lor fifty bur rels of salt, per second ariiele treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one hundred and fifty -six dollars and fifty-four cents For interest on one hnndred and sixty eight 1 housand one hundred and twenty three elollars and eighty-five cents, at fiv.i per centum, in conformity with provis ions of article seventh of treaties of Jumi fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hnndred and forty-six, eleven thousand five bun, dred and three dollars anil twenty-one eents. POTTAAv' ATOMIES OF HttROX, For permanent annuity in. money or otherwise, per second article treaty of November seventeenth, eighteen hunelred and seven, four hundred dollars. QCAPAWS. For the education, during the pleasure of 1 lie President, per third art icio treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen hunelred and thirty-three, one thousand dollars. F'or blacksmith anil assistants, and tools anil iron, steel for blacksmith sUp, Per same article of suuic treaty, one thousand and sixty dollars. For one farmer during the pleasure of the President, par same treaty, six hun dred elollars. QI I-N AI-ELT AND QCIL-LEH-t. TE IN DIANS. F'or lat of five instalments on twentr five thousand dollars (being the first series,) for beneficial objects, under the di rection off the Presitlent, per fourth articlo treaty of July first, eighteen hundred anil fi fi r-iSc, one thousand dollars. F'or fifteenth twenty Instalments, for the support of an agricultural and indus trial school, and for pny of suitable In structors, per tenth article treaty of Jaly first, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, two thousand five hnndred dollars. - F'er fifteenth of twenty instalments, for support of smith and enrpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per tenth article treatv of July first, eight een hundred and fifty-five, five hen died dollars. F'or fifteenth of twenty instalments, for the employment of a blacksmith, carpen ter, and farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, per tenth article treaty of July first, eighteen iiumireu and niiy-nve, lour tiionsanu oi.o hundred dollars. RIVER-CROWS. For this amount, lo lie expended for such (foods provisions, and otberartieles as the President, from time to time, may determine, including transportation tbereoi, instructing in agricultural aim mechanical pursuits, in providing em ployees educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and Infirm, for the helpless orphans off saiel Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, tuiriy inousauu uouars- ROGUE RIVERS. For last ef five instalments, in blankets. clothing, farming utensils and stock, per fourth article treaty of September tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, three tnousanu aojiars SACS AND FOXES OF THE MISSISSIPPI. F'or permanent annuity. In isroods or otherwise, per third article treaty of No vem tier third, eifihteen hundred and four, one thousand dollars. For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second oil iele treaty of October twenty-first, ighleen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars. For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article treaty of Octolicr eleventh, eight een hundred and forty-two, forty thou sand dollars, off which sum one thousand nve nunurea uouars snail oe paid tor a physician for the agoncy, who eliall fur nish the necessary medicines; Mrmidid, That so much of the appropriation herein matte tor tne sacs anu r oxes on tne Mis sissippi as shall be deemed necessary by tne secretary oi tne interior, not exceea- lng niiy per ceniom tnc.reoi, may ne usee, under his direct ion, for ehe purpose of ed ucation ana civilization ; jruvuit, rurrnt-r That the Indians shall consent thereto. SACS AND FOXES OF MlSSOVlU. r or iiueresi on iiuiieireei uiiei in -s, . thousand four hundreil dollar, at five per ...... .1 . v. . . .. I . . . .. I'll-:. el li.liili, 1 1 1 1,1, 1 eiiv uiicviiuii . ' . ii- -T dent, per second article treaty ofOctober twenty-flrst, eighteen hundred and tlin tv seven, seven thousand eight humored nna seventy dollars , , - . For this amount, to lie expend.' 1 m t ho erection of a suitable school ho-s;. dwelling house for the -,,01t'Uhorfth0 the benefit of tho Sacs and F JM !iSit3rt- VlrldSi 1 Tliotso much off the appropria Siiinmlf for the Sacs and Foxed I.VTu? Melsou "1 as snail be deemed neces of SiTihe Secretary of tho Interior, not bth fifty p 1 centum thereof, may S ffl nds direction for thepur . ni fxbication and civilization: Jrf SdWb tho Indiana shall con sent thereto. SKMINOLES. j For five per centum interest on two t