o- HOW THE mM WENT DOWK MAN IIIATTAM lOWX.OCT. 4, lH74k. BY JOHN VANCE CHENEY. Tbs records of time are lull Of the wondrous, tlninrtercms bull ; A hero in haniepa, the boast of the ring, lit - metiiuefl a pod, and often a king. Othe bull, The bellowine bull ! The Golden Bull, the bulls of Baflhan, Bulls of the Pope and the Irish nation. Hulls of sidereal calculation. Bulls of every tall and station. Bulls on Jewish altars slain. Bulls of the mouuUiu and bulls of the plain. Jtil iter's self turned bull again ; Th- ruminant race since Adam" fail ; The whole cud-kiud what arc they all To the Texan horde -That bellowed and bored As they drove down Manhattan town ? How the frisky brutes made merry i roju Central Bark to Hamilton Feny ; Kvery alley and every street Oared aud scoured by their cloven feet SuortiuR and snoring, ranting and roaring, ButtiM and horiutf. gashing and goring O, the unkindly kine ! How they leaped from line to Hue ! I-oppiiiiT aud limbing, toeing and trimming The lace and the Unn of men and women, Over and under, and into the air, 11 re fcnd there and everywhere ! O. the bttlta, The bellowing bulls ! The poller marched out, and the boys in bine, lctorw of drugs and divinity, too ; But what could their bludgeons and sabers do ; The bullets and balls of the buttoned crew ? They aimed at the bulls and maimed the men ; They tired and loaded, and fired again. But the shot rolled off like drops of rain From the mailed boct of the Texiu plain. The bull u was abroad," And life was a fraud. And he drove like a demon down Manhattan town ! Bos, bovis, bovi , bovem, Gemini, Jerusalem ! How Taurus stamped in his shaggy glee As the bovine swept to his bloody spree. Hoofs and hide to bis revelry! Not a second to breathe, for he shook his mane. And oh : how the bulls buckled to it again ! Heap on heap, ten at a leap, Wide and deep, ten at a sweep Swell sport the powers ne'er before saw go Since the heel of the heifer kicked over Chicago ! How many a man and many a maid Brayed then that never before had prayed ! How many a man ana many a maiden Caught their tirst glimpse of the distant Aiden ! If they'd fastened horns on the judgment day, But antlers on Hades, and brought it to bay, There couldn't have been a worse dismay TLan followed the people all the way tVhen the world was wild and the sky was lowery. And the Texan bulls went down the Bowery ! O, the bulls. The terrible bulls : The bison-bnll and the buffalo, The bulls above and the bulls below But the lords of the Texan plain, When shall we see their like again? Vroru 'Frisco round to the Bay of Fundy, From sea to sea, from pole to pole. As long as there's fear in the human sou, It will be told how there came on a Sunday Four-footed disaster. Fiercer and fiercer, faster and faster, Snorting and snoring, ranting and roaring. Butting and boring, gashing and goring How the bulls went down Manhattan town I Xew York Hveniiuj uk?. SPANISH BULL FIGHTS The civil war, the atrocities of the Carlists, their amlacity, the inertness . of Marshal Zabala, his resignation, his probable successor, the ministerial crisis from which we have just emerged, and every other topic are entirely lost sight of, and are as things of nanght before the inauguration of the nation's delight, the new " Plaza de Toros." The new " Plaza "is of Moorish archi tecture. The monotony of its indis pensable circular shape is broken by the polygonal form of its sixty sides, and opportunity is given for relief in the ornamentation of its numerous win dows and doors. Upward of 12,000 people plainly see every act in its wide area, the light iron pillars which sup port its tiers of galleries not in the least impeding the view. Eighty thou sand pounds sterling han been expended upon it, and the outbuildings for the reception of the bulls connected with it. JfThe exterior is built of brick, well demented, thus giving good scope for the rich- and elegant designs of the Moorish style. The thousands of seats in the vast amphitheatre are of granite, and the facades of the boxes are formed of the most delicate ironwork. Immediately on my arrival I was hur ried off by an obliging official to witness a sight only next in interest to the " corrida " itself namely, that of un carting the bulls on being brought di rect from their pastures fresh and wild into the corral of the new Plaza. Two of their constant companions (bullocks who are trained to act as a species of keepers of those untamed brute?, and of whose sagacity marvelous stories are told) had been placed there previously, and their presence tranquilly feeding at the well-filled stalls had a soothing in fluence on the excited beasts being un carted into the yard. Were it not for the adoption of this plan, the bulls, in their fury, would in all probability hurt themselves and each other in their un wonted confinement. As it was, the greatest precautions were taken that every one should ba kept out of sight in order not to provoke them by the mere presence of strangers. Two which were brought in were magnificent ani mals, and their appearance to the ini tiated augured well for the day's 'sport." The highest ladies in the land make it a matter of pride to pre sent them to the people. On this oc casion the Duehess of Fernan Nunez heads the list, followed by the " Ladies of Honor and Merit," a society whose appearance on such an occasion set ms somewhat incongruous. The descend ant of Columbus also figures in the list, his pastures of Yeragua being, perhaps, the finest training ground in Spain. Thanks to the numerous entrances, no difficulty was experienced in taking seats. When once within the vast space, filled with human beings, one's first feelings were much the same as the bulls upon their being suddenly thrust into an arena. The sight of such a multitude, every one ereatlv excited, is so different from what is to be met with under any other circumstances as to be positively bewildering, and it takes several minutes before the scene can be realized to its full extent. In the pro iecting central and royal box is the Duke de la Torre, surrounded by the newlv reconstructed homogeneous Min istry, all of whom are to-day (whatever thev may be to-morrow) of one opinion, namely, that the state may take care of itself for the time being, and they mean to nirr the bull-light. The whole As wmhlv thoroughly agrees with them for once, and the ceremony begins, Unlike any other Spanish institution, rmnnt.nn.Htv is observed to the letter, In this case delay would be doubly for it so happens that no less than ten bulls are to be sacrificed. if time permits, but only eight, if it does aot. Consequently not a moment is lost- indeed, the usual slate pro cession of the entire company of actors ( bull excepted) is hurried over, and the Alcade of Madrid, the Marquis of Sar doai, wastes no time in flinging into the hat of the mounted alguazil beneath him the key of the portal from which the hn 1 ! emerge. The ' ' toreros " hav inc tnkfln no their accustomed posi tiocH th door opens without delay, and an enraged beast plunges out and pauses thunderstruck, as it were, by such a strange scene. He is a magni ficent animal, black and white in color. the cif t of the Duchess of Fernan Nunez Rarridly recovering himself. he mshea at the first object which catches his eye, and an unfortunate horse is instantly lifted np with its rider clean into the air, horribly gored by the animal's sharp horns. The ''picador" falls off, the bull's atten tion is adroitly diverted by the vigilant " chulos," while the man, incumbered with his species of armor as he is, is picked up. He has sustained so little injury that he immediately remounts his wretched and half-dead s'teed, which is trembling from the shock, and the blood of which is oozing from its fright ful wound. Meanwhile the bull con tinues its mad career, and scatters its tormentors in all directions with mar velous rapidity. Another picador en gages his attention, but only for a mo ment, and the animal, even when pricked by the lance, declines the at tack. A third horse is next encoun tered, and at one rush the bull's horn reached the heart, instant death kindly relieving the animal from further mis ery. A turn of the " banderilleros" now comes. Theirs is the dangerous duty of transfixing pairs of barbed arrows into the hide of the already infuriated animal, but too well do they succeed, as the roars of the brute testify. After this treatment has lasted sufficiently long, a signal is given, and forward ad vances the celebrated "Espada," " Bo cauegra," (appropriately nicknamed from his swarthy bull-dog mouth), and craves permission to give the death stroke to the bull. This is readily granted, and with the accustomed cere mony the man begins to give proof of his skill. The art is to seize the proper moment when the animal is face to face with his persecutor, one false step of whom is almost certain death. After several passes and nimble leaps aside, the sword is thrust into the animal's shoulders half-way to the hilt. The brute thus rendered ter ribly furious, rushes wildly about, evi dently suffering torment at every in stant by each fresh movement of the sword in its body. Suddenly enraged to madness, it tears wildly to the wood en barrier, inside which several of its active adversaries have leaped, and are quietly looking on. To their intense surprise and the fright of the spectators, whose excitement is at its highest pitch, he clears the barrier, the sword still in his carcass, and over it he is. A clear course is left for him, but, quick as lightning, a door, hanging flat back against the sides of the narrow passage along which he is running, is flung across his path and bars his way, while at the same moment another door ad joining opens directly into the ring, and through it he turns. He is in his prop er place again, and all danger is over. Another sword is handed to the "matador," and, the bull being after his adventure somewhat exhausted, as well he may be, a better opportunity is afforded. The thrust this time goes to vital part ; the blood pours out from his mouth, and he drops dead. The mob is not altogether satisfied with ' ' Bo canegra's " skill. He is not a native of Madrid. The favorite "rrascuelo is, and the applause of his fellow-citizens was withheld for him. This he subse quently received, amid torrents or ci gars and numberless hats, which latter, happily for the owners, are promptly returned. The next bull was not dis posed of so well as the last ; but one in cident relating to it I must recount, though I only do so with extreme dis gust. My object is to present a truth ful picture of what really occurs at these spectacles, leaving it to your readers to pass over the subject if they prefer not to become acquainted with it. That to which I allude was the case of a poor horse. After being ripped open, a large portion of its entrails protruded, and the animal, in its agony, galloped wildly about, treading upon them, and at each step drawing out still more. At length it madly dashed itself against the barrier and dropped dead. This is too common an occurrence to give con cern to any one. Even the ladies who crowd the boxes do not turn aside their fans. One scene reflected credit upon some Englishmen who were witnesses of it. A wretched horse had been badly gored in the fore leg at o previous en counter so lame was it that it could scarcely reach the gate, and go out to be killed as was naturally expected. Not so, however, for, to the astonish ment of all, the animal reappeared in the following corrida, holding up its leg as would a wounded dog, and yet a monster in the shape of a picador was mounted upon the miserable creature, and spurring it forward. This was too much for Ecglishmen to endure. A shout arose of "Fuera," "Out with it." Even the Spaniards joined, and the ruffian dismounted, and the poor animal was sent to the stable to die in peace. But enough of such horses. Worse, far worse, than I have attempt ed to relate occurred on this day, and yet nothing to what is too frequently the case. X wo of the bulls were evi dently more fit for the pasture than the ring, and terribly they had to pay lor it. The cry of " Fuego " for the fiery banderilleros was twice raised, and was readily complied with, to the delight of the mob, who enjoyed to the full the in tensified agony of the bull upon whose hide exploded the detonating balls. Four of these fearful fire-works were at the same moment going off with reports which louldly echoed in the vast arena against one of the unfortunate animals, and yet after they had ceased he would not face his tormentors. He fell an easy sacrifice to the matador's sword. One redeeming feature was, however, presented. The custom is for the streaming colors of the ladies by whom the bulla are presented to be affixed to the animals shoulders. On one occa sion a horse was attacked, and the bull got entangled in the reins ; the horse was unhurt, the picador bravely kept his seat, and during the struggle liter ally " grasped the nettle danger," drew out his guerdon off the bull's back, ex tricated his horse, and galloped off with the well won prize to opposite the Duchess de la Torre's box, presented the ribbons to her, and received a complimentary acknowledgment. In the days of royalty a purse of gold was thrown down to the fortunate individu al, but those days, alas ! for him, are passed, at all events for the present. The only palliation for these exhibi tions is that the proceeds, which are de voted to charitable purposes, are a modicum of good to a power of evil. On the present- occasion, the Hospital of Madrid derives the benefit. The genera opinion prevails that the bulls. the full number ten of whom were killed were not sufficiently savage to suit the popular taste. Madrid reverses the proverb, and does look a gift (bull) in tiie mouth. On Sunday the bulls are to be paid for, and thus everybody ought to be satisfied. Madrid Letter Sharp-Edged. A good story is told of Fenimore Cooper, who rather prided himself on a certain native wine manu factored from his own grapes. One day, when he was dining with a witty guest, Cooper poured out a glass of wine, and looking at it with pnue, remarked, " Now, I call this good, honest wine. " Yes, Mr. Cooper, I agree with you It is honest wine poor, but honest.' Ne response from Mr. Cooper. A TEXAS VESDETTA. During the past ten years Northern journals have at intervals published ac counts of the Taylor-Sutton imbroglio, but so meager have been the reports that the public have invariably lost track of the affair altogether until some new horror connected with it refreshed their memories. At no time have the full facts been published, and the pub lic can have no idea of the magnitude it has assumed or of the number of lives lost. It is understood that the trouble originated in Alabama, near twenty years ago, when one of the Taylors killed a Sutton in a drunken affray, the particulars of which I have been unable to learn. Two years later the Taylors moved to Texas and settled in DeWitt or Goliad county. The But tons followed soon after, and settled in the same neighborhood, where they lived in peace until the close of the late war, each party being in ignorance of the proximity of the other. The stealing of a horse by young William Taylor and a companion named Jim Sharp, from a neighbor of Sutton's, was the immediate cause of the resump tion, of hostilities. The stealing took placein the fall of '65, and a number of citizens, inoluding old William Sutton, pursued the thieves into Bastrop county, where they were overtaken and killed. From that time until the pres ent there has been open warfare be tween the two families, and gradually the neighbors for miles around, have been drawn into the quarrel, until the principals and their adherents number some twelve or fifteen hundred persons. It is said that near fifty men have been killed since the war in the frequent col lisions which have taken place, but the following is a list of all the deaths of which I could get any reliable informa tion : In November, 1865, Buck Taylor, uncle of William Taylor, and John Chisholm were killed by the Suttons in Wilson county for strongly denouncing the killing of Taylor and Sharp. (I have no record of those killed during succeeding five years. ) In 1871, C. S. Bell, a State police man and a Sutton man, killed Hays Taylor in Goliad county. In 1872 Dobey Taylor was killed in Kerr county bv a Sutton man whose name I have been unable to learn. In the same year Messrs. Cox and Dayton, both Sutton men, were am bushed and killed by a gang of Taylor men near Helena, Jvarnes county. Shortly afterwards, Jack Helm, a no torious desperado, a Sutton man, of State police notoriety, killed Mark Taylor near Yorktown, DeWitt county, and was himself killed two weeks after by the Taylors in Atascosa county. It is safe to say that Helm killed ten or fifteen ni n in 1871-72 under the pro tection of his position as Lieutenant of State police. In the spring of this year both parties collected their adherents and took the field with the intention of settling the matter by exterminating each other. It very soon became apparent that the Suttons were largely in the majority, and the Taylors being unable to openly cope with them, resorted to a guerrilla mode of warfare. After much maneuv ering and little fighting, the Suttons succeeded in completely surrounding the Taylors, and but for the interfer ence of friends of both parties, there would not have been a Taylor left to tell the story. After some parley, old William Sutton was induced to agree to a conference in which it was decided that they should go to the county seat (court being in session) and get the District Judge to draw up articles of agreement, which were to be signed and sworn to by all concerned. With out delay they rode in a body to the county town (to the terror of the citi zens thereof and the Judge and officers of the court, who thought that the demonstration was being made against them), entered the Court-House, and called on the Judge to suspend the bus iness of the court and draw up the nec essary agreement. The Judge was de lighted to oblige the gentlemen, and at tended to the matter at once ; names were signed, oaths taken, and the best of feeling seemed to prevail. The citi zens of Goliad and DeWitt counties were wild with joy ; great was the handshaking, and numerous were the toasts drank to the permanency of the compact. For a time all went well ; both parties seemed in earnest and moved about freely, without feir of being waylaid and murdered, a blessing they had not enjoyed for nearly ten years. In the following month (March) old William Sutton, the veteran actor in this great tragedy, accompanied by a friend named Slaughter, went to In dianola and took passage on the steam ship Clinton for Galveston. While sit ting in conversation on tha deck of the steamer, young William Taylor, aged 20 years, stepped up and shot them both dead. Taylor escaped to the wharf, mounted his horse, and rode through the town whooping and yelling like a madman. He was afterward ar rested in Northwestern Texas, taken to Indianola, and afterwavd sent to Gal veston for safe keeping, as the authori ties feared that he would be either re leased or lynched if kept there. On the 25th of last month (September) he was sent to Indianala for trial, under guard of the Iione Star Rifles and Washing ton Guards, of Galveston, but got a continuance until next term of court. He was remanded to Galveston jail, where he now lies. About a month after the killing of Sutton young Scrap Taylor, the only brother of Will iam, was arrested and put in jail m Oe Witt county on a charge of cattle-stealing, and was taken out in the night by a mob and shot. William Taylor would certainly have shared the same fate but for the action of the authorities in send ing him to Galveston. Capt. McNally, of State police fame, has been at the scene of action with a body of militia, assist ing the impotent Sheriffs of the several counties to execute the laws, it is probable that this tei rible vendetta is at an ena. xne rayiors (what few are left) are scattered over the frontiers of this State and Kansas, and it is not likely that they will ever get together again in sufficient numbers to dare to return to their old haunts ; and the de cisive, though tardy, action of the State authorities in sending a body of armed men to aid the county officers has ef fectually put an end to present difficul ties. Mr. Charles O 'Conor and Mr. Rev erdy Johnson have published letters in which opposing views are taken as to the President's powers in the matter of the recognition of State governments Mr. Johnson took the ground that the President's judgment in such a case is final ; that though the President made a sad mistake in his first recognition of Kellogg, haying done so, the act was irrevocable. Mr. O' Conor claims that when the President had discovered his mistake he had the power, and it was his duty, to recall the first action and make such new decision as full informa tion of all the facts warranted. A Relic of Daniel Boone. A correspondent of the Nashville Union and American writes from Washington county, Tenn. : Near Mr. Faw's farm, on the lands of S. E. Ed wards, is the famous Boone tree which contains the earliest record of civiliza tion in Tennessee. It stands on the northwestern slope of a hill which rises up from Sinking creek, near the Blountsville and Jonesboro stage road. The hill is thickly set with beech, ma ple and oak, and the whole earth is ramified with gnarled roots, which cover the surface like an inextricable mat. The dense woods, the roar of the littie creek as it leaps in cascades over the tinted limestone, and the deep gloom of the forest gave a wildness to the surrounding not unlike what one may imagine it was 114 years ago, when Daniel Boone, the bold pioneer, resting his rifle against the tree, carved in indelible characters the result of the day's work in this way : D. Boon A BAH Cilled in THE YEAH On Tree 17C0. At that time he was 26 years of age, and doubtless was more than 100 miles from any human habitation, relying alone upon his own brave heart, strong arm and trusty rifle. The tree is just two feet in diameter and leans about three degrees from perpendicularity. It has been greatly defaced by seekers after immortality, who have inscribed heir names, otherwise unknown, all over it, for ten feet, or nearly so, above the surface of the ground. For several hundred yards southwest, and imme diately around the tree, is a large num ber of mounds, with corresponding de pressions, which have led many to be lieve that it was originally a mining region of the Indians, and some have been led to think that beds of pure sil ver, as rich as those of Potosi, might be found by digging. But I am satisfied j that the mounds have been produced ', bv uprooted trees, whose roots decaying i have left the cherty beds high above the i general surface. Supposed Suicide. The other day a compositor in this office got hold of a part of a page of the j chirography bf M. D. Bloss, editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer. It isn't writ- i ing at all, but Bloss seems to kick the ink bottle at a sheet of paper and then sends the paper down to the compositors as editorial. This part of a page was used as the foundation of a plot to delib erately destroy a human life. A line or i two was written above it, Bloss' page marked " solid," and it was handed out to a "jour," who had just struck the; office. He claimed to be "lightning" on the " set " and on reading manuscript, i and he set up the introductory line like ! a whirlwind. When he came down to Bloss he grabbed for a cap "A," held ; it a second and then dove into the " Y " , box. He then threw that back and picked out a dollar mark. No sentence can commence with a dollar mark, and the typo paused, spit on his hands and j rested one foot on the cross-bar of his rack. After a moment he grabbed a j " ffi," but slowly replaced it and toyed ; with an italic "Z." Then he spit on j his hands some more, corrugated his brow, and hauled the manuscript under his eyes. It was no go. He held the page further off, close to his nose. slanting to the right and square before the window, but ne cotuan t start it, i and he knew in his soul that no other human compositor outside of the En quirer could Ao it. As afternoon faded into twilight he laid the page aside, set up two or three lines out of his head, and then slipped into his coat, said he'd got to go to the depot to see a friend, and he was gone. In the stick he had set up the words : " Tell my mother that I will meet her on the other shore." He probably will. He was seen at the foot of Grisword street, heard to ask if death by drowning wasn't easier than hanging, and it is probable that his marble form now lies at the bottom of the cold, green river, while Bloss is a murderer. Detroit Free Press. A Heroine of the Commune. The following was related to me yes terday of a noble woman whose name should live in history. She, together with her lover, a young surgeon, had taken care of the wounded Communists during the days and nights of their fierce lighting with the Versailles troops. L pon the entry of the latter into the city, when excitement was at its height, and when every one suspected of com plicity with the Commune was shot al most without a question being asked, the surgeon was arrested and brought before the drum-head tribunal, in the Place du Chatelet. His life trembled for the moment in the balance, but was finally saved by the intercession of one of the Judges present, who was an in timate mind of the accused, as the latter was being led from the room, he met the woman whom he loved, who had helped him in his care of the wounded, and who was now accused of the same crime as he himself had been. Good God, Marie !" he exclaimed, " are you here too ?" The woman took the whole scene in at a glance, saw the danger into which she would plunge her lover should she recognize him, ana drew herself up coldly, saying : "You are mistaken, sir ; je ne vous connais pas!" A few moments afterward sb was taken out and shot I is not tnac a story worthy of the old guillotine days ? Paris letter. Life Under Glass. The author of "Life Under Glass" sends to the Boston Transcript a letter, giving some curious results of his ex perience in the use of colored glass as a medium for the transmission oi tne sun's rays in the treatment of lung dis ease. The writer of the communication being himself a victim to weak lungs, gave special attention to the subject from personal as well as proiessionai interest. His attention was directed to the matter by an incident in his own experience. During the autumn of 1863 he was at home in Boston on " sick leave" from the army, and was in the habit of frequenting the photograph gallery of a friend. The operating room of the gallery was lighted by a large skylight of light blue glass, and the walls were tinted of the same color. He soon noticed that he invariably felt bet ter after an hour or two passed in this gallery, and was finally convinced that the beneficial effect was largely due to the blue light. After the war he began a series of experiments among his pa tients by using blue glass. As the light from purely blue glass is not entirely agreeable to tha eye, he alternated the panes with clear glass. This was an improvement, and he went on with his experiment until he attained the highest sanitary power in a purple or light vio let color, the red in the staining making the light pleasant to bear. The best way for a man to acquire a fine flow of language is to stub his toe against a raised brick. A New Way to Die. Human ingenuity has been much ex ercised in devising new ways to live, but scant attention has been paid to the discovery of original methods of death. People have shuffled off this mortal coil in distressingly similar ways. It has been reserved for Miss Boomershine, of Phillips county, Kan sas, to crown her sex with fresh glory by inventing a brand-new, first-class way of traveling to that bourne, etc. Miss B. had acquired, in her native village in Georgia, the usual accomplishments of the belles of that neighborhood. She dipped snuff with the utmost dexterity, and she saved her parents much need less expense by cultivating a keen ap petite for clay. It is said that in three weeks she ate up a small hill which was in the way of a projected railway, and thus saved the company the cost of ex cavation. Her rivals affirm, however, that the time spent was four weeks, in stead of three. However this may be, there can be no doubt that the busy Miss B. was emphatically made of clay. Eve could not have surpassed her in tliat respect. In an unlucky hour the Boomershines moved into the grasshop per lands of Kansas. A distressing phenomenon followed. The daughter began to dislike her staple diet before half of the clay-bank opposite the house was consumed. This would not have been half so bad in itself, had she not developed at the same time an alarm ing fondness for all green things. What the grasshoppers had left she de voured. One night she swept the corn field bare. Her angry father sought her in vain the next morning. She came home in the evening, after an all day lunch on two acres of potato-vines. When other resources failed, she joined the family cow in the pasture-lot and played Nebuchadnezzar with such dex terity that the poor thing died three days thereafter from lack of food. From time to time she said she felt as if she could "take wings and flyaway." ! A doctor dosed her in vain. She grew worse sions rapidly. Her predatory excur into the neighbors' fields em- broiled the whole vicinity. When the away, the grasshoppers began to fly end came. Miss B. watched them from the window. Suddenly she rushed from the house. Her anxious friends followed just in time to see the hope of Boomershines play boomerang by flap ping her arms as if they were wings, - . -t - . , - - rising ten ieet in me air, ana iainng back into her tracks dead. A post mortem examination revealed the mys tery. The clay the girl had consumed in Kansas was covered with grasshop per eggs. These had hatched out in side. She "was literally swarming with grasshoppers." Their influence had led to her vegetable-eating, and their desire to go with their comrades had finally caused her death. The dis covery of this new way to die belongs to Kansas ; we are but the humble agency to give it a wider notoriety. Chicago Tribune. The Xew Bessemer Steamship. The successful launch of the steamer Bessemer, constructed for passenger transportation across the British Chan nel, is an event in naval architecture of no little interest. The construction of the vessel is upon entirely new princi ples, and its success may at no distant date revolutionize the present system of building passenger vessels. The most important feature of this vessel, and that which will interest the general public, is the mechanical arrangement to prevent sea-sickness. This is to be reached in two ways. First, by reduc ing the motion of the vessel to a mini mum, and by reducing what remains by mechanical means. The former is ef fected by the peculiar build of the ves sel, the latter by the swinging-saloon on the Bessemer pivotal system. This saloon is 70 feet long, 35 feet wide, and 25 feet high, with a deck above it. To prevent seasickness, it is necessary to keep the floor of the saloon horizontal the whole time, as is done with the compass and binnacle lights of all ves sels. The swing of the saloon itself would be inadequate to this end, and hydraulic power is introduced to cor rect the motion of the vessel by swing ing the saloon in the opposite direc tion. This force is not altogether auto matically applied. It is reduced to the j control of a man who, with a spirit- level before him and a lever in hand, directs the machinery. This is but one feature of this remarkable vessel. Its J engines are of enormous power ; it has a double set of side-wheels ; is built of two vessels held together by massive girders ; its draught of water is very light and both ends are built alike, to avoid the necessity of attempting to turn in French harbors. It is hoped that the Bessemer with all its weight and breadth of beam will be able to make the enormous speed of twenty miles an hour. The trial trip will not be made for two months yet, for there is much to be done. The Bessemer will by that time have to steam from the North of England to the Thames in about the roughest time of the year. which will test Mr. Bessemer's patent and Mr. Keed s construction very se verely Chinese Mandarins. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writing from up the xang-tse-Kiang, says : "The mandarin in charge at Tankan was a first-rate fellow. He came on board to visit the ship, and as everything was veiy strange to him he evinced great interest in all that he saw I gave him a cigar, und after showing him how to light it he commenced pull ing at it. After he had taken five or six whiffs he handed it to one of his ser vants, who passed it to the rest of his fellows, each in his turn taking five or six whiffs. They all seemed to enjoy it exceedingl v. When they smoke they have pipes that hold a very small quan tity of tobacco ; after taking a couple of whiffs the tobacco is exhausted ; they then knock out the ashes and fill up again. Their tobacco is very mild, and one could smoke it ail day without feel ing any bad effects. Before he left, the mandarin very kindly asked us to come and see him aboard of one or nis gun hoats. so one evening some of us went. He was waiting for us, and had the tea all reuov Whenever vou go to see Chinaman, whether on business or not, he always insists on your taking a cup to Tfc, oIro treated us to some distilled from rice, rather pleasant to tne taste reu-""u sherry bui one has to take great care will find - himself under the t0w i hA oltl fellow had not much to show' us, but he did all in his power to w.i, riit a oleasant one. His men-of-war (?) consisted of two junks a .moll trail about two or three- nnnnrW on the bow and stern of each. Vhooa onns are used when boats pass ing down the river will not stop and pay the 'squeeze,' or show their passes. The way the mandarins get their money iu Yvc establishing in their several dis tricts stations where everything passing has to pay a small toll. Some of the hunts coming down the river have to stop fifty or sixty times." The Great Salt Lake. A Salt Lake City correspondent of the Chicago Inter -Ocean says: "There seems to be a general impression among strangers that the city of Salt Lake is located on the margin of the great Salt I-iake, and the tourist on his arrival here is surprised and disappointed to find that it is not. The popular visiting place on the lake is what is called Black Bock, lying directly west, twenty miles distant from this city, on the old over land mail road going toward California. It is a most interesting spot to visit, and it is very strange that out of the many who travel across the continent, desirous of seeing everything of interest, there are so few who will take thA .im o,i trouble to see this most wonderful and 1 ueaumui sneet of water. The size of the lake is about eighty miles from east to west, and about one hundred miles from north to south. It is the great reservoir for all the waters that empty into the surrounding valleys, without any known outlet except what the gentle rays of the summer sun draws up to the cloudy strata of the heavens. The water is exceedingly salty, more so than any body of water in the world, and its buoyancy is fully 100 per cent, more than that of the ocean. In the crudest manner the Mormons make a pail of salt from three pails of water, and the buoyancy is very perceptible in bath ing, when the ordinary swimmer finds he can float as easily and securely as walking on the ' sure and firm-set earth.' Sinking is impossible. The water in the lake is gradually rising, and some estimates have put it at ten inches each year ; but no means have been taken to measure it until about two months since, when a granite mon ument was erected at Black Rock, a short distance from the shore. The lake as a thing of beauty is almost un surpassed. The water at times is of the deepest green ; at others, of the purest blue ; and, varying from the shallow to the deep water, from the lightest to the darkest shades, and at all times like the grand old ocean. The seagull and the pelican scale just over head, riding gracefully the waves upon its smooth or rolling surface." Steam on Canals. The premium of $100,000 offered by the State of New York for the inventi of some method by which canals may be successfully and economically navigated by strain power, was a good invest ment. What is known as the Baxter boat has now complied with all the conditions required for securing the award, and it is evident that steam is to take the place of horse-power on all important canals. A steamer recently reached Buffalo from New York in six days and seventeen hours. Thirteen of these steamers are now launched, and ten others will be constructed at once, making twenty-three to ply on the Erie canal. With their towing capacity this will equal a great many horse boats, and must speedily result in the growth of grass upon the tow-path. The time is near when not a horse boat will be used on the Erie canal. This is not only an important result in consequence of the time saved, but its greatest ben efit arises from the fact that it will ma terially reduce freight rates. With the tolls on the Erie canal placed at reason able and just figures, every farmer in the West would derive some perceptible benefit from this new method of canal transportation. With the encouraging results attending the use of steam on the Erie canal, there is little reason to doubt the enlargement of the Wabash and Erie canal, and its extension to St. Louis. It is not possible to conceive the vast importance of such a line of transportation to the people of the West, insuring, as it would, the rapid and cheap transportation of their surplus products to the seaboard. A Widow's Witness. It was told of old that the cackle of a goose once saved Kome. It is now related that a swallow won a suit in court away down in Texas. A poor widow and her daughter had a suit for damages before a court in Houston. The counsel for the plamtifl introduced into his pleading the fable of the swal low that built her nest and reared her young under the eaves of the temple of justice. xne lawyer eniargeu upon tne swallow's trust in the protection of her home the place afforded, and very aptly made the application to the ease before the court. When the counsel was about finishing his illustration a swallow actu ally flew into the room and alighted upon the J ndge's desk. It then hopped away and found rest for the sole of its foot on the railing of the jury-box. In its circuit cf the court-room it halted for awhile on a pile of law books, then hovered a moment over the heads of the plaintiffs, and flew out of the window and away. The counsel concluded by saying: "Behold the witness," and as the witness could not be called back by the opposing counsel, the case was given to the jury pretty much as the Bwallow left it. The jury could not ig nore the bird's evidence, and gave a verdict for the widow. The story is a little birdy, but not in the least fishy. If it was a preconcerted plan of the law yer it was very happily arranged and nicely carried c.it, iud deserves a place among court reports and curious pleadings. Fashion Notes. Jet is still used everywhere. The Josephine waist is to be worn again. Double prices are charged all fashionable goods. Silk is rarely worn on the street in Paris this fall. Immense long black chains are worn around the neck. The polonaise will be worn with many winter costumes. To dress warmly and cheaply one must keep behind the fashion. Buy thick woolen goods, and cut as little as possible in making up. Dead white board is generally pre ferred for cards, though delicate tinting is allowable. . In New York, for the street, the skirt is of silk, rich and heavy, with rough r-ampl's hair fabric, pardessus. For ladies and gentlemen dressing in mourning, the card is edged with a band of black, broader or narrower in proportion to the depth of owner's weeds. For ladies the fashionable card is of the finest unglazed Bristol board, rath er louder than formerly, and tending to the oblong rather than the square in shape. Invitations to weddings are now usually issued upon a sheet of the finest, thickest, most highly finished note-paper about four inches wide and eight deep, so that when folded exactly across the middle it fits into a square envelope to correspond. Not long since, at Sunday school, the teacher, after trying hard to impress on the minds of a class of small boys the sin of Sabbath-breaking, asked, " Is Sunday better than any other day?" when the smallest boy in the class an swered : " You bet your boots it is V The Donkey. I hav watched the donkey with a grate deal ov pashunt anxiety. They are about three foot high, and. sumthing like three foot six inches lengthways. They hay a normal appetight, and will eat all the time, and more too. They aint partiklar about their vittles, . and will try hard to swallo a horse sha. but seldum suckoeed in doing it. They are mostly v a grizzly gray culler, and eat too mutch to ever git phatt. The donkey iz one oy natur's jokes, a sort ov pun, which I never could Bee--the point to. They are az sett in their ways az a post, and are the only live th ing that is too mutch for a klub. They will stand more pounding thar.: a sheaf ov wet oats without shelling out. I hav seen them hitched up to a go kart, right away after brekfast, andi stay thare poshuntly untdll sunsett. They aie not hansum to behold, but,, az a cluss study, are az lull ov interest az a mile stone with the letterings alE worn off. The donkey haz two ears and only one tale, and their ears stand in the same relashun to tho rest ov their bod dys that a steeple duz to a church. Their tales don't seem tu be enny use only to frisk, and the whole kritter, from beginning to end, iz about az un called for in this climate az a pair ov twin mud-tui ties or a dozen ov snaiks eggs. 1 kant say that I hate the- ,1onlrA-p hnf if thare want but one in America, ami; tliat one waz stuffed nnn holono.,! Barnum, I should be the last man tc shed tears over the result. The donkey iz a sober and misteriouF i cuss. I luv all the dnm kritters. I luv to -ponder over them. I hav watched for hours the vagrant pissmire, the spotted tud and the vivacious hornet, and kar i see in them what I never could see in man, their needle allwuss points to the north pole. Farewell, yu sad and thinking kritteT ; I may never again wwte ynre memoirs, but whether I do or dont. I shall ali wuss respeckt yu az a donkey, anslX that's all. I forgot to state, in the hurry ov the moment, that a donkey will iiv forever, or thereabouts, and have the same in delible kast ov kountenanoe to the last Adiew, yu graven imnge ; yu solk I one, adiew ! Josh Hilting. Height of the Human Species. M. -Silberman shows the average height of the male and female popula tion of France, taken in a certain po sition which he names the "geometric" is 1.600040 meters, or two meters if in the same position the hands are com fortably extended over the head. Two individuals laid lengthwise with fingers touching would thus measure four meters, and this he terms the base of the harmonic proportions of the human race. Thus this harmonic base is four times one meter, just as the meridian is four times ten millions, and the rela tion of the two integers is as one to 10,000,000. From these considerations he draws proof of the equality of the sexes, as they exhibit woman not as a complement to the male portion of the race, but as constituting normally and I by right half of the human family. M. Silberman arrives at the conclusion, as the result of his various investigations and studies, that the average height of the human race has remained unchanged since the Chaldean epoch 4, 000 years ago. Among the recent physical problems is that suggested by the fact th at a ball or bar of solid iron will float upon a molten mass of the sasje metal. To account for this it has been argued that iron,- like water, expands on solidifying. . and hence that solid iron is specificallj lighter than when in a molten state, ". and that, this being the case, the iror floats just as ice does in water. Unfor- -tunately for the acceptance of thiE theory, it is stated by its opponents, and with good reason, that iron doe? not expand as described, and hence is -not subject to the law that governs ice. The second and apparently just theory to account for the phenomenon is that, when a ball of solid iron is brought ir. contact with the moiton metal, it does not sink, owing to a film of air adher ing to it, which repels the molten iron and prevents contact. This phenome non will be at ence recognized as kindred to that known ns the spheroidal state of liquids. Absurd Misuse of Exoush. A writer to the New York Evening Pott puts the following linguistic query : I should like to ask some one who xeowh why the party of IriBh gentlemen whrs were engaged in shooting a rifle match at Creedmoor, L. I., last week, are called the "Irish team." Webster says : " Team offspring, progeay, race of descendants, anytning following in a row, order or team " derived from certain words meaning " to bear, tc team." I suppose these gentlemen may possibly stand in " a row," and their shots may " follow in order," but cer tainly, for these reasons alone, " team '" is a very odd word to select out of on rich language to express a body of men ; associated for a definite purpose. Much Drinking. The St. Louis 7'imf,' contains an announcement which reads? like some legend of the Rhine or story of the Black Forest. At the wedding; of Herr Louis Grunsfelder and Fraulei Louise Neibert, daughter of John Nei bert, the butcher on Chouteau avenue, there were consDmed 700 bottles o$ Forster Kiesbing and champagne. As there could certainly not well have been more than 100 guests present, if as many, there would be, by this count, seven bottles to each guest. Iago tell. us that " Your Dane, your German, and) your sway-bellied Hollander drink, ho? are nothing to your English. " Thcs dramatist never visited St. Louis. Convention of the Humorous Para graphists. The New York Commer cial says : A convention of the humor ous paragraphists of the country is talked of, each delegate, of course, to nominate and elect himself. What a crowd there will be ! The Brooklyn Argus, Boston Post, Richmond En quirer, JJetroit jfree Press, ljoui6viile Courier-Journal, St. Louis Globe, and Danbury News will all be expected. We beg to suggest either the Bay of Fun dy or Laugh-a-yette as a proper point for the meeting. And why not call the assembled wits the National Board of Fnn-der-writers ? i Cheerful. Italy has an annual defi cit which has never been less than 200,000,0001. ; a public debt which has increased in thirteen years from 2,439, OOO.OOOf. to 9,757,000,000f. ; a forced paper currency of 840, OOO.OOOf., to gether with an entire disappearance of gold and silver ; exchange ranging be tween 8 and 16 per cent., and at times even 20 per cent against the country, and imports to a large amount in excess of the value of Italian productions exported. 1