The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 13, 1874, Supplement, Image 12

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I URT.ISII E I EV I KV fkij a y , EV
Comer ferry and First Streets.
Qn-e copy, one year $-2 50
One copy, six mcntlsa I
To cjtttbs o twenty, eaelicopy 2
Single copies Xcn cents.
The Sonoma Democrat of the 17th
nit., says: W. s. Hall, who resides
on Russian river, about a mile from
Geyserville, started to Petaluma in :i
two horse wagon on Friday of last
week to procure a band tor the party
at Donson anil Sweeney's. He stop
ped at Mr. Low's for some one to join
him. While Hall sat in the wagon the
lightning; struck a tree near by. the
horses dropped dead, and Hail fell
from his scat stunned, and. for the
time, lifeless. He was not, however,
seriously hurt. The horses had been
newly shod with steel pointed shoes.
They were struck about the shoulders;
the lightning passed over them and ex
hausted it- force on a stump near by,
about the loot ot which some old iron
lav. The horses were valued at .s"2"iO.
A subscription was afterwards taken
up tor Mv. Hall's benefit.
I r seems to be eou-idered in Europe
or at least in England and Germ-airy,
that the late Democratic victories in
Ohio and Indiana mean repudiation. I
or that they indicate a popular leaning
in that direction. As a consequence
German and English capitalists appear !
to be getting alarmed in regard to their
investments Jta America n securities.
There is no just ground fa- this alarm,
for it is not at ail probable that the
people of any State will practically j
sanction either repudiation or semi-rc- i
pudiati in which wotdd be involved in
the refusal to pay the bonds in golfl.
At the same time it is not greatly to he j
wondered at that foreigners, not under- j
standing the intricacies of our polities '
or the mysteries of a ''platform-niak-ing,'"
-houlil become alarmed at certain i
of the
flanks" i:i western nlatforras.
and at the utterances of some of our
Democratic stump speakers.
A very interesting experiment was
lately made in England. In- which a
small yacht was propelled by the action
of wrought iron electro-magnets upon
cogged eastiron wheels attached to the
shaft of a screw propeller, and attached
by wires to a battery in the engine
room. Contact was made aud broken
by levers worked by cam-, which kept
the magnets alternately in vivid action
and reliction, by which the motion was
continuous. If one was to take a nod
many things for granted, it would bo
worth while speculating upon the
probable effect on the coal market
should this motor be utilized for ma
rine purposes: but until the experiment
get- fairly beyond the small yacht, pri
ces will prObably remain as they are.
A Decatur mechanic claim- in have
discovered the principal of perpetual
ipotion. The name of the mechanic i
;eo. E. Patterson, and the Magnet
and Tribune writes as follows concern
tug him and his maehhn : "When he
began hi- machine, he held no idea of
perpetual motion, but entertained the
idea of inventing an evener for a sew
ing machine something that would
work alike on thick and thin cloth.
After getting his machine to work, he
discovered that by a few changes the
motion would continue. All day he
worked busily at his trade, and in the
quiet hours of the night, he labored to
develop the idea. Success crowned
lnfe efforts. Perpetual motion was be
fore him in active play. In two month
he will give a public display of the mo
tion and its power. Mr. Patterson
says he is actually ashamed to show
the machine on account ol its simplic
ity. He says everybody will say :
"I'shav.-. why did'nt I think of that?
Irs power is immense, giving thirty
pounds to every ounce of friction, it
rill this is true. Mr. Patterson will
have the gratitude of an admiring
world .
They occasionally get hold of the
wrong man in Kansas when they are
hunting tor a horse thief, but they do
the fair thing with the widow. They
give her a lot in the graveyard, buy the
coffin, and march in procession, sing
ing ''John Brown's body." After
that they make up a purse, buy her a
shot-gun and two dogs for her to make
a. living with.
A Minnesota paper says a great
many farmers in Bridge water county
have been obliged to dispose of their
flocks of sheep, the wolves becoming
so plentiful that sheep-raising cannot
be carried oti successfully. Sheep hus
bandry had been a very extensive and
profitable industry in that section till
this unaccountable increase of wolves.
A young lady of Chicago says there
is no woman living who could interest
her with a lecture on "'kisses." She
says she could get more satisfaction
from the lips of a young man on a
moonlight night than a woman could
tell in a thousand years.
TheJRepresentatives inTllinoLs were
chosen by a plan of commolative vot
ing, three iu each district.
3fl0 1) uluaht
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Breslau was deprived of his income by
the Emperor of Germany . The tax
lttfil lectors, however, demanded from
him his usual income tax. which he
declined to pay because he had no in
come. TheGerman Minister, to whom
the matter was referred, rendered this
decision: That the Archbishop of
Breslau tool charged on the books of
the Treasury with so much salary:
that if it had been witlilield by 'the;
Minister of Public Worship, the act'
was in the nature of a penalty; tiiat
constructively the salary lias been paid,
and the usual income lax must be !
levied. And levied it was, and paid
Mark Twain Las resolved not to ,
"jgftd around" any more, and talk sense '
and nonsense from lecture platforms. 1
In a letter to Mr. Uedpath he -ays:
'VoUr offer of $30,000 to lecture lilty
nights does not tempt me. 1 mean
to live and die at home now. ifl starve
at it. I love you, but cannot lecture
any more."
A Yankee poet thus breaks forth:
Ojh! the snore the beautiful suore. till
ing the chamber from ceiling to floor'
over the coverlet, iwder the sheet, from
her wee dimpled chin to her pretty feet!
Xow rising alofr like a bee' in June; '
now flute-like subsiding, then rising
again, is the beautiful snore of Eliza
beth Jane.
General Howard. Military Commair
dferoftbe Department of the Columbia,
is now on aii i
ur ot the !
accompanied by Colonel Green, a et
cran officer.
Every act passed by the recent Leg
islature has been signed by the Gover
nor and filed with the Secretary of
Mr. Christian K. Ross, father of the
abducted child. Charlie Ross, is re
ported to be in a living condition.
1c is said that for several days past his
reason ha- beet: growing fainter.
V;U'iiy Slop or sB
The Allien Fruit Drying Company,
of Salem, has purcliased 15,000 bush
els of apples to start on.
The regular meeting of the Board
of School Land Commissioners i- post
poned until Wednesday, the 25th List.
A well known Salem jeweler has in
vented a new water wheel to run his
machinery used in his business. The
wheel only requires a -treamone-eighth
of an inch in diameter.
A (ood Templar-' Lodge in Polk
county was dismissed summarily by a
Storm which shook the building -o iu
which ih i body was sitting that the
members left without the benediction.
The late rains have raised the Yam
hill river ahont four feet, aud cleared
j out the 'trig from the effects of blast
' ing, so that boat- can now go up to
j the warehouse at Lafayette.
I At a party in the Grubby-End" of
Chehalem. recently, there were two
; knockdowns. Top much bad "tar
antula juice3 appears to have been the
I cause.
Lewis county is reported to have
' given lacobs about 23 majority, and
i to have elected nearly or quite all of
I the Republican ticket.
I With the last week's issue of the
Vancouver A': ..'. r. the connection of
Mr. I". E. Hick- with tiiat paper
iva-ed. Mr. Hicks goes to California
! b reside permanently. His successor
is not yet announced.
I 'fbe total vote in Thurston county
I by precincts was .as follows, at tile late
j election:' Olympia, 391; Tumwater, 7s:
Coal Bank. 6S; Grand Mound, 3ft;
; Yehn. 32; I'nion. 15: Black River, 1 1.
; and Chambers Prairie, I !. Total. 651.
An immigrant family has arrived in
j Seattle over the mountain-, via the
I Sheqnalmie Pass, whose mule team
j gate out. ami being destitute, as-i-t-i
ane liad to be sent to them. Mr. John
I Baker collected $S0, sent a team with
, -uj plies, and brought them iu safe.
i A short time since, a farmer in
j Thurston county, desiring to sell bis
place, advertised it in a New York pa
! per. A gentleman living iu Pennsyl
vania saw 1 he advertisement, corres
I ponded with the farmer, and eventu
! ally purchased the place, and is now
! living on this farm. His coming has
j induced a number of gentlemen in his
vicinity to come to fuget Sound.
On Monday night .of last week a
messenger arrived in Baker City from
Rye valley to procure a physician to
go to Rye valley and dress ihe wound
of Wm. Blane, who bait been -hot by
a man by the name of Scott. The on
ly particulars that we have heard are
that Scott, who was somewhat under
I the influence of liquor, was put out of
the house by .Mr. JJIane. and that he
drew his revolver and shot Blane, the
ball taking effect in the lower portion
of t he bowels. Scott was arrested.
The Olympia Transcript says: 'In
dian Harry, the savage that killed one
of his tribe about a year ago. got on a
big drunk on Tuesday night, and se
verely injured, by beating about the
head, an old Indian called one eyed
Bob. Marshal Mossman arrested him
and put him in jail. The next morn
ing he was taken before Judge Elder
and fined $65 and costs and sent to jail
until paid."
The annual meeting of the stock- I
holders ot the railroad company, was j
held at their office, in Olympia, on Mon- ;
day, .Nov. 2d. There were 2.'U shares
of stock represented. It was decided;
to re' uce the number ot trustees to
five. The meeting Mas ad journed to j
the 12th of December, when, if noth
ing definite is known respecting the
negotiations pending for the budding
of the road, the trustees will be chos-
Some time back one of the chiefs on I
Xeah Bay Reservation got drunk and j
became very obstreperous. The agent
thereupon put him ir. irons ami locked j
him no in Port Town-end. thereto
hold him until he re tiered his case to su- j
;erior authority. When Geu. How-:
aid visited that place the other day the
imprisoned Indian was very penitent; ;
a nd on promise of future good behavior I
h; was released from close custody and j
se tt back to the Reservation.
The Dalles Mountaineer says: "A,
snaV.e was killed one day last week 01Y
the farm of Mr. Horace Bice, on Fit- I
teen-mile C reek, in this county, that
had it- i ead eneased in the shell of the
egg fron which it was hatched. The I
snake was about two years old. The I
question for naturalists todetermine is,
How did his -uakeship grow and fat-I
ten?" WV gness he hadn't had that I
shell on hi- head all that time it is j
too thin.
The Postmaster nt Pendleton has re- j
eeived a letter fi 0111 Chico, CaL. dated j
October 25th, winch says: "Did u hand j
of horses leave your place for here?
There has been a parly murdered in j
the mountains bv Indians, and they j
Were from Umatilla county. Let lis
know and we can give you more infor
mation. One of th' men was here
three weeks ago. and went back to j
meet his train. A large party have I
gone to look for them." Mr. Benin- I
mill Despain left Pendleton last Aug.
witn a nauii ot goou lie in
tended to go through California in the
neighborhood of Chico, and it is quite
probable that he and his men and hor
ses are tho-e referred to in the letter.
The Salem Statesman of Saturday
say-: "The usual quiet of Eugene C ity
was disturbed on Thursday evening
by a fracas in which a well-known cit
izen of that county, named AL Hem
brie, received an injury, from the ef
fects of which he has since died. He
was in the city, and had. we are in
formed, been drinking some. While
Standing in front of a saloon, another
party named ('hit Bnmdt. who claim
ed that Hembrie owed him a small
debt, came along aud without the least
warning, struck him a powerful blow
with his clenched fist just below the
right ear. Hembrie at first paid no at
tention to it. lie was leaning aganst
the building at the t ime, and gradually
slid down until he reached the side
walk. After considerable delay he
was taken into the saloon, where restor
atives w re applied, and he recovered
sufficiently to mount his wagon and
drive home, a distance ot four miles.
The spectators gave it no furtbur
thought until yesterday, when news
reached the city of Mi-. Hembrie's
death shortly after his arrival home."
ThcEngene On '.''give- the follow
ing particulars ot Sol. Kuhn, who com
mitted suicide at that place on Thurs
day night of last week. Mr. Jones,
who was assisting deceased in hi- store,
came down on Friday morning un
locked the -tore, went in and was pre
paring to open up when Mr. Bettman
came iu anil asked where Kuhn was.
in company they preceded to his sleep
ing rooui, in the rear of the store, and
011 opening the door were horror-stricken
at. the sight. Everything was cov
ered with blood. He had been troub
led with bleeding at the nose at night,
and it was at first supposed this was
the cause of his death. An examina
tion, however, revealed the true state
. ('affairs. His throat had been cut,
leaving a most ghastly wound, which
commenced near th" left ear and ex
tended to a point about midway be
tween the windpipe and the right ear,
everything being cut to the neck bone.
There was found in or near his bed a
bowie-knife about a foot in length, a
small dagger and two razors, all more
or less besmeared w ith blood. From
the bed to the show-case in the trout
room were traces Of blood and also in
the show-case, and it would seem that
he first attempted to take his life with
the dagger, then went to the show-case
and got the razors.
The Statesman is informed that the
Harvest Feast and Ball of the Butte
ville Grange, advertised to come off at
that place to-morrow evening, has
been postponed until Friday, Decem
ber 1th. owing to the recent death ot
a member of the Grange.
Charity Grange No 76. WiHamett
Forks, Lane county, has a new hall
w hich will be completed and dedicated
November 20th. exercises to com
mence at. 10 o'clock A. M. The
Grange is in a prosperous condition
and will be very comfortably fixed
when the new hall is ready for use.
The Marion county poor farm, .some
twelve or fifteen miles distant trom Sa
lem, having proven a bill ot expense
to the county authorities, the commiss
ioners recently sold it to N. llass, for
the sum of $1,920.
The November term of Court will
convene in Olympia Monday, 16th
Inst. 1
Tne total vote in Mason county, W.
T.. was Off. Sharpstein received a
majority of 34.
't he Right Rev. Bi-hop Lootcns, ot
Idaho, it is said, will be the successor
of the late Bi-hop O'Gormon, in Oma
ha. There are a good many persons sick !
with the scarlet fever iu Yamhill coun
ty at present.
More real estate changed hand- in
Marion county in hjtober than in any I
previous month during the year.
Mi-s Irene Smith is Presidentess of!
the excelsior Elocutionary Society of 1
t orvalhs. . Miss Lou Taylor is, Treas
urer. D. R. N. Blackburn. Es p. of Lane,
was last week admitted to practice
in the courts of the Second Judicial
The Marion connty Council of Pat
rons of Husbandry is called tonne; in
Salem on the third Friday of present
month. Delegates and Masters are re
quested to be present, as special busi
ness of importance is to be transacted.
The Yreka Journal savs several
teamsters from Oregon were in town
last Saturday with heavyoads of flour,
which they offered at'S2 25 per 100
pounds, by the quantity. Rogue river
flour, ot course.
Mr. Put Smith, of Walla Walla, late
ly pnrcha-cd in Umatilla a band of
1.500 head of sheep at an average of
!?2 per head. They will be brought
down the river and placi d onSauvie's
Island and fattened' for the Portland
It is reported that the Rogue River
Patrons ot Husbandry propose the con
struction of the proposed wagon road
from the head of Blinois valley to
Chetco harbor, on the coast, and that
the surveyors are now making out the
line ot the road.
A member of the Saginaw county
bar. was recently iu one of our thriving
interior towns on professional busi
ness. In the office of the hotel he was
accosted by a very agreeable gentle
man, evidently of ihe ijeuus drummer,
who wanted to know where he was
from." The legal gentleman not ex- 1
aetiyreiishing the stranger's familiar!- I
ty. answered shortly, "From Ietroit." ;
'I he next question was "For what
house are you trveling--' For my own.
Yon are! May I ask your name?" Von i
may.'" Pause enjoyable to the law
yer. embarrassing to the other. "Well j
desperately . What is your name:-'"
"Jones." "What line are you in.'" j
" don't undersrand you. sir." ,
What, are you selling?',' (impatiently).
"Brains," (cooly). The drummer stw
hi- opportunity" and looking at theoth- j
er from head to foot, he said slowly, i
W ei!, you appear to carry a deuced
small line of samples."' Blacks tone
says he owes that drummer one.
Tite Game of Dkaw Pokek. It
was Mr. Simmons" deal. ' was the
oldest inati. and the blind was three,
calls seven. Ike Ruggles saw it: then
it was risen by Jones to flftean for to
play. Brown came iu anil also the
dealer stayed. Then it took met welve
to make it good, which 1 put up, and
I remarked to the society that it would
cost only twenty-five more to draw.
Every last gentleman staved. hut it was
not risen any higher. Then the dealer
says to me, How many will you
take'"" Says f. "a card." I had aces
and kings, and got an ace in the draw.
Ike took three and Jones two. but
Brown had enough, and told the deal
er to help hisself, which he took only
live. There was now about 1?H) chips
on Ihe hoard. Ike bet one. Jones
went ten better, and Brown raised it to
twenty, because he stoid pat. The
dealer sad that his'll was valued at
twenty more. Then said I, "How
many does it take me?" Some one said
forty chips,"' which I invested like
wise, with sixty better. Then all
passed up to Brown, and I wanted him
bad to stay with his steal, hut his s;mii
gave out, and lie passed. Says the
dealer to me. 'How many did yon
draw:-' Says I. i card." '-Well,'1
savs he, "t don't want, to lav down
this hand: I will bet sixty more than
you!" Now the dealer was a stranger
like to our party. He was from the
country, and did not know much about
I). I. So I thought it was my charita
ble duty to let him down easy, audi
only call him. "What have you got:-"
said I. "-T wo pairs!" said Mr. Sim
mons. Then it was my turn to he sor- j
ry that I had an ace full on kings.
"But." said the genial Mr. Simmons,
"Mine is two pair of jacks!" Then I
said "O!" and put on my hat ami
went down on to the street to look for
Christmas. As I went out of the door. !
Brown asked me how many ! took?" j
But Brown always was a person who t
will kick a man when he is down.
One of our Yankee cruisers, the
Asfm&ot, has sailed Up the Yang-tze
river, in China, over l.oOo miles, or!
more than miles above Hankow,
an considerably above the point hith- i
erto reached by foreign vessels. At i
one 9tage ol the steamer's progress the
assemblage along the. banks of the river
was computed at 50,000 to C0,000, im
mense numbers having repaired to
I chang from the districts around to see
the extraordinary visitor.
A C4KD-i,ooo SJnWAllSO.
Left to an-v one provfhfT thiil thelites of
lh SIXGEB do not exceed all others v
thoTsstuxis 11 Mm tiiotiKAmls. "While all i bo
01 her i!'l i:imniiV sates in lsT.i dein-ns-the
mnN.i:i; Increased wonderfully,
and keep al the head, where ii alwayx jr.
and should he.
Ti l l s BBQTIU3U8.
Albany, Or., Sept. 35, 1-7 1.
SoMlnjr DKacblne Kn!es r 1SS7:.
The tpble d Sewing Machine Saies for
l-7a siimv.i iliat onr sates lust year am
ounted to ti ll. ; 5 1 two hundred and
thirty two itumsund, four hundred ami
fori y-i'o'tr; Machines, hcinir a lunie ln
erease over the safes ol ihe previous yeai
The la'ili also shows that our sales fA
eet-l f ittse ol'oii.v olto-r omfKiliy for
1 tte levied minted. Iv I He rtniii!" !' oJ I I :f.
23 I Niwhiara, or ncarij doable these .i
any other Company
H may be further stared that the sale
of lsT.'l. as i-omi'ari I Hith iiio-e of J -7"i,
shown relatively tarter hieren-e. beyond
the sales of 01 her makers, than of' aii
other year.
ror instance in ls7J we sohl 45,000 moiv
Maehins than :iu otherCimpony,wlMjre-
i i3,3t ftclfiBftH in ll.xei-ss of onr
S? ilievl 'ieipi ! Itlir.
These figures are nil Hie more rcinari,
able, for the teason that the wiles of ibe
priiteip.ti ( '.inu'iini -s in 1-7:'. are I4.1M tEnia
their males in whereas. ;.s hiix
hien showjn, onr luii-es lame lorely
The oocount of sjlc- t rout jtwwn return
made to the owncrsof the Sci m. Mochixie
It witt hardly he denied, that tin- ntwri
ority of tlve i u iiin ks is tally
i':noiistnued 1 nil oven s thai tnefr
pojuilarity in the household is limine--t
Inert as
Name of No. So! 1. or
Mu'iiines. IS7-2 -7i Deerease
sinsrer Jlfsr Co 219,758-232,441 Iu. 12, lit-
RecorS.M.Co 311 S.4S0 S,l.
W.& W. .Ufir I o. . .17t.ii.-s 11J,UM I'.e..M.- -Domestic
. M. Co. . c.i.v.l -).'M!4 n.lii;
it Baker Co. S2.010 :i'..l7a " l.-.;i
i ed S. M. I o 42,441 21.70a " S0,(J75
Wilson S. M. Co 22.WM 21.S47 " 1,410
Mow Machine Co.. no reiurr.s.)
Wilcox AtiibhS Co. 22,r.W I5,SHI " 17.71s
American B. H Co. ix.'i.-ei it. 1-2 " .7f
Fiorunce s. M. Co.. r.7n;i MMO " c,..s:t::
Tin: sixiiKtt man; t ai rrmst; CO.,
:U t'nioii Sipiure, New- Yor.
AkiiiIh. Albnny, i iieun.
.T E W I : I, R Y ,
Silver & Plated Ware,
esjK'eiiiiiy for the I'm :lic t oust hy t hi
ot Elgin, Illinois, viz :
CairTorniitt and
!!tu rrnnriiico
WATCH, mid we most eonlidently roe
omrnend them to the pullic,a& poneeSiiig
more (;ood qnalities for Hie price than any
oilier Watch in the market.
We also keep all other-brands of ElKin.
Walt ham and SwU Wntebes, .loeks. Jew
elry, Silver ami Plated Ware,
ii!tols ttnd C-'arlrScSgcs.
Erif llopairing a Specialty.
S3FMH Work Donr nut doods Sold,
M'nrrauted to be oh K('irCHente!.
J. D. TITUS. J. n. T1TCS
Tint utret, ALB an "f , OUUXUI