The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 13, 1874, Supplement, Image 10

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    ALB AX Y REG 1 ST K R .
V. S. OUicInl Paper rr Oregon.
Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1S7-I.
Judge Jacobs is
lroin Washington
elected Delegate
Territory by 900
Sol. Kuhn, a resident of Eugene,
and dealer in fancy goods and tobacco,
committed suicide 6y cutting his throat
Thursday night of last week. He was
evidently crazy.
The last Legislature, in the way of
per diem and mileage of members,
clerks, and other incidental expenses,
cost the taxpayers, about $10,000 more
than any previous meeting of that
It is announced that lion. .Tcseph
Medill, of Chicago, whose name has
been mentioned in connection with the
Presidency, was born in British North
America, and therefore is not eligible
lor the posish. Medill is a good man.
nevertheless. 1 Ee is chief owner of the
Iiicago Trilmne.
The late Oregon Legislature will lie
remembered as the most extravagant
and utterly reckless in its printing bills,
ordering work done that was of no
earthly use or interest to the general
taxpayer or any one else. A saving of
thousands of dollars might have been
effected in this matter, without preju
dicing the interests of anyone.
Dallas, Folk county, is now incor
porated. The first municipal election
was held Tuesday of last week, and
resulted in the election of B. F. Nich
ols, President; W. W. Conkey. T. J.
I.ovedale and J. G. Bolter. Trustees;
L. Vineyard. Recorder; T. M. Thomp
The PHwknee Indians have agreed
to remove from their reservation in
Eastern Nebraska to one selected for
them in the Indian Territory. The
reservation covers an area of nearly
500 square miles, and is first class land.
It will be put upon the market and
sold for the benefit of the Pawknees.
Judge J. N. Dolph has commenced
suit against W. II. Watkinds for libel,
laying his damages at S10,()00. The
alleged libel is the statement of Wat
kinds, in his answer to the report of
the Penitentiary Investigating Com
mittee, charging the firm of Mitchell
& Dolph with receiving money for
putting a certain measure through the
State Senate in 1872, While Dolph was
a member of that bod v.
A measure was introduced in the
.State Senate at its last session, look
ing to a reduction in the ratio of repre
sentation in the Senate and House
to the number iu the two bodies in
The pas-age of this bill would j
have been a true measure of retrench
ment, reducing the expense of the
next Legislature several thousand dol
lars. The representation in 1872 was
large enough, and if that representation
were sun iurtner reauceu it wotuu not
only be a saving of thousands of dollars
to the State treasury, but doubtless be
productive of better legislation. "Too
many cooks spoil the broth," is as true
ol law-making as of cooking.
Once more the question ot removal
of the National Capitol further west
has been revived. Chicago and St.
Louis each claims the proud position
of "the metropolis of the West, "and
each aspires to be the National Capitol
for the future. The removal of the
Capitol, the Patent Office, the Smith
sonian Institute and other great na
tionsl institutions nt Washington to
either ot these ambitious Western cities
would certainly involve a large amount
of trouble aud expense it appears to
us a larger amount than ought to be
incurred, ilnview of the limited pros
pective advantages that would result
from the transfer.
The Mitsdktser Of a leper Ex
ecuted. New Yerk, October 20. A
Bathurst (New Brunswick) special
says: Oliver Gal lion was yesterday
executed for killing Xavier Paulin.
The murdered man was a leper, and a
priest had ordered a practical divorce
between him and his wife. Illicit re
lations sprung up between her and
Oallion. and uiey plotted the murder
of Paulin. GaUlon killed bim with
An ax, and afterward confessed bis
crime at the inquest. The woman is
toid a accessor.
The 1 (emocrats claim 12,000 major
ity in Alabama. They have a ma
jority of 29 in the Legislature.
In Florida the Republicans elect the
Congressman. The Democrats will
have a majority of 20 in the Legisia- i
The Illinois Legislature stand-: a
follows: In the House Republicans,
7 ; Democrats, tit; Independents,
22. Senate Republicans, 25 ; Demo
crats, 23; Independents. 3.
The Louisiana Committee of Severity
ask the people of the State to "meet at
their respective places of worship on
Thursday, November 19th, to return
thanks to Almighty God for their de-live-ance
from political bondage."
In Minnesota the Republican State
tick?t is elected by over 1.000 majority.
Twi Republican Congressmen are
elected, while the election in the 2d
district is in doubt. The Legislature
is Republican by 27 majority,
Osborn's majority for Governor of
Kaisas will be near 15,000.
Large amounts of wheat, stored by
Carpers in the different warehouses
alo3r the line of the O. & C. Railroad,
no! a bushel of which has been sold by
tht farmers, we are informed, has
beui shipped to Portland by the ware
housemen. It is said that some of the
v:rehoues have shipped every bushel
sbred with them. Suppose, the above
statement being true, farmers who
sttred wheat in some of these now
empty warehouses, should demand
tbtir wheat ! It might worry the boys
tothrow in in sight. We understand
tlat prominent grain dealers in Port
laid have boasted that they can get
al the wheat they want without pay
ing out a dollar. The party iu Port
laid who wishes to secure a certain
anount of grain with which to load a
vGsel. simply sends to one or more
warehouses in the interior, and bur
roes the amount. Attempts were
undo during the season to borrow from
tie warehouses in this city, but it
filed not a bushel could lie obtained
oi such a layout. We are assured that
mt a bushel of grain lias been shipped
tcm this city that had not been bought
aid paid for before it was loaded on
ti the cars or boats. Therefore if any
vronjr has been done, the skirts of our
vtarehouscmen and millers are clear.
It is conceded that the Democrats
vill have a lare majority in the next j
Hou-e of 'ongrcss. Democrats claim
;! majority of seventy-three a fair j
forking majority, to be sure. At all I
events the subject, ol the Speaker-hip is .
X'ceiving attention, and the chances
or promotion of the different a-pir-aits
canvassed. General Banks, Fer
lando Wood, S. S. Cox and cx-tJov. !
iValker, are the mo-t prominent.
While it is understood that the ma-
ioritv would nrefer a straight out I em-
om as se.iker. vet it is thousht that
a compromise may be made whereby
1 lemocrats and Conservatives can unite
on Gen. Banks, and place him in the
Chair. Banks was elected Speaker of
the House in 1854, when he proved
j himselr a goK, parliamentarian and a
j faU. and imparl ial offieer-
An interesting communication from
"Northwest." Sard is, Miss., received
just as we were going to press, will
appear in our next issue.
The steamer King Leopold foun
dered at sea recently. Twenty per
sons drowned.
For Delegate to Congress from Ar
izona there were but seven candi
dates each on his own hook.
A Columbia clergyman, who. while
preaching a sermon on Sunday evening
perceived a man and woman under
the gallery m the act of kissing each
other behind a hymnbook, did not lose
his temper. No! he remained calm.
He beamed mildly at the ollenders ov
er his spectacles, and when the young
man kissed her the fifteenth time, he
merely broke his sermon short off in
the middle ot "thirdly," and offered a
fervent prayer in behalf of "the youne
man in the pink necktie and the maid
en In the blue bonnet and grey shawl,
who were profaning the sanctuary by
kissing one another in pew 78." And
the congregation said ' 'Amen . ' ' Then
the woman pulled her veil down and
the young man mt there and swore
softly to himself. He does not go SO
church as much now as he dtd.
Democratic Financial IMuttorm.
Free trade, hard money, home rule.
Neva York Democrat.
W e demand an immediate increase
of greenbank currency. Democracy of
We demand an immediate resump
tion of a metallic currency. Democra
cy of Mai if.
The' true remedy is to moderately in
crease the greenbank currency at once,
and let further increase follow. Gen
eral Ktfht'j's ( 'til'tmt'tis speech.
You send these notes out into the
world stamped with irredeemability;
you put on them the mark of Cain,
and. like Cain, tbey will go forth to the
vagabonds and fugitives on the earth.
PemUeton "it greenback iu 1X12.
Greenback currency the best the
world has ever seen. Din Voorhees,
of Indiana.
We lt !";( the repeal of the legal
tender act. to lake effect no later than
.Inly 1. 177'!. and a specie basis and
lice banks with secured currency.
Michigan Democrat ic platform.
We are in favor of such an increase
in the circulating medium greenbacks
as the business interests of the country
may from time to time require. Ohio
Ih mocratic ptalftrrm.
Speedy resumption of specie pay
ments i- alike demanded by honor and
recommended by all civilized nations of
the world as the only sound and healthy
basis of currency. Massucli usetts Dem
ocratic iilai farm.
I u it Itodivivos.
ivilizations perish, empires decay,
old powers decline and pass away,
while new ones arise and push them
selves to the front. Greece, once the
foremost power of the world in tu ts
and arms and civilization, i- of no ac
count at all iu the computation of liv
ing forces. Greece is "living Greece
no more." and Rome, once the mistress
of the world, is but a memory and a
name. When Home was in her glory,
Britain was inhabited by uncouth sav
ages, without a literature or the first
elements ot civilization. Egypt has for
centuries been a power of no political
significance, but she is now furnishing
indications that she possesses inherent
recuperative forces, and that she has a
future before her. Mehemkt A LI, an
able and sagacious ruler, was the first
to introduce European and American
ideas into the country. By the aid of
roving and adventurous spirits from
the Lnited States and the continent of
Europe, he armed and disciplined a
large native force in the European
manner and created a very respectable
navy. Manufactures were introduced
and fostered ; commerce was revived,
and Alexandria became once more a
port of considerable consequence. Had
it not been for the intervention of the
European Powers it is probable that
Me heme t Ali. after his successes aganst
Turkey in Syria aud Asia Minor,
would actually have made himself mas
ter of Constantinople and placed Egypt
in the tanks of the great powers of the
world. The present Khedive inherits a
hu ge share of the genius and audacity
of iiis illustrious predecessor. He lias
manifested a strong disposition to en
list foreign talent to aid him in the de
velopment of the resources of the coun
try and the organization of bis army
and navy. In calling iu this sort of
assistance he seems to have been influ
enced by a very decided partiality for
Americans. General stone, who fig
ured somewhat prominently in the
eat Iter years of the civil war. occupies
a high position under the present (gov
ernment, and Sparrow Prndy of this
city, the son of ex-I.eitit.- 'ovcrnor
Prudy, is an especial favorite at the
court of the Khedive. Under the in
spiration of his American advisers, the
Khedive has become an eminently pro
gressive ruler. The Upper Egypt rail
way runs without interruption down
the bank otthe Nile, with another line
from Cairo to Alexandria. Moreover,
this Egyptian ruler is entitled to the
credit of having constructed the finest
sugar mills iu the world. Agricultural
railways are also being built to facili
tate the transportation of cane to the
mills, and numerous other undertak
ings inspired by the spirit of modern
thought anil modern progress, are un
der consideration. Upon the whole,
the present Khedive is manifesting a
spirit which promises to bring the an
cient country of the Pharaoh's and the
Ptolemies into the ranks of the leading
civilized powers ot modern times. &.
i- Chronicle.
The Ohio State Journal says : There
certainly never was, in all litera
ture such a wellspring of gush and swill
opened up as all the correspondents of
till parties in the Brooklyn Pilgrim's
Progress. Such sweet, pretty terms
of endearment such slobberlngs ot er
otic joy chirographic gum sucking,
ara enough to leave one with a bud
taste In the mouth for tin age. They
are perpetually d earing and darllnging
each other, and gushig about their blos
soms of the heart, their ideal homes,
their white souls, and all that, till one
longs to brain the whole batch of them
with a rotten watermelon, and jump
up and down on the sloppy remains.
Asblaad cast $S votes at her first mu nicipal
Oldest House
i:rrvi 5 1 .ih 1 1 1: i
J. a. stock, written wilt be found, as usual, to contain iue.oei gooasai ux io si i"
T specefy. If you don't see what you want, ask for it ; and if WO don't have the.
dentinal article cnile ' for, the chances arc that we have something wit! do you '
Come and, at u, aud bring along your Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Iriod Fmlt
tlling tliat ha- a market value, and we will give you a lair swap ; and it yon
greenbacks, gold note-, or even gold coin, we would take yliai nit her than spoil a ,
First and Cfetreets, rilit opposite the .Saddle Butte, .-licdd, Oregon.
i. WHEELER &f CO.,
Paints & Oils, Hats & laps, Groceries, Wagons,
Farming Implements, Machinery,
&C, &c, cic, &C,, Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc.
Managers of Fanners' Union Warehouse, and Commission Merchants in
SiiLDD, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 25, 1871.
doc i'i,i iin;u.
It you want nice Toilet Goods,
COM Us'.
pehfumery, I
dont f;iil to eall on
! I'l.i .ie-ii i:it.
Doc Plumraer has the nicest stationery
in t tie city.
Doc Plammer keeps A 1 CIGARS AND ;
1 oc rtnnuuer hag a niee variety of oods )
iw is always glad to 900 hi fsleuds.
Albany, Oct. S3, 74-6v7
1I. BEET, & PARKER, lateof Oregon
t'ity.besj leave toi inform the jullie
t hat 'they have pnrcfaascd tlie entire sioek ;
ot 6rngs, raedncines, Ac, formerly owned
by R. C. Hill &j Soil, and that they design
continuing tne .business at the old stand, !
where they ptw-pose keeping In tlie furore I
a t'lill as-ortinent of
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Article,
and everything usually found in a lirst
elass 'truir store.
White earnest ly soliciting a continuance
of tlie liberal patronage heretofore extend
ed to the oux house, we hope at the same
time, by fair and liberal dealing, and eare
ful at tent ion to t lie wants ot en stonier.-, to
merit the esteem of any NKW friends who
may favor us with their orders.
Particular attention wlllifoc given to the
compounding of physician's prescriptions
and family recipes, at all Injurs of the day
or night.
Successors to H. C. II ill, a Sox.
Aibanv, October it, 74-nltf
For Uinety Days
Goods, for the next NINETY DAYS,
and no humbug. Call and convince your-
Cor. First and Washington st s. ,
Albany, Oregon,
e Cash paid for Hitfes, Furs and Elk
Horns. - n8v7
Aibapf, Novarnbar 8, 187,
in tlao Trade.
- -
Ormtiiientul, Aluiiiiiiou
Plastering Paper Board.
taking the place of Lumber and Piaster
in ceiling.
For cheapness, durability, comfort and
health, we recommend It.
It coMs less than one-fourth the cost of
Wall Paper, Plastering or ieillng.
li is a perfect non-conductor, keeping
heat Oct in bummer and insriiE in Winter,
sa iter in 1 net, in one year,! be cost oi paper.
It is not :-o easily injured by knocks as
plastering : doe- not slirink.admltsuocold
winds, and is vermin proof.
Tarred Nlieittliiii;;.
This is a hard, compact. Straw Hoard,
sat u lilted with tar and other substances t (
render it WATER, HAT and VERMIN
PROOF. It Is used under siding on outside
of studding. It is impervious to dani)
ness, cold and heat: and is very much
cheaper and better than brick ulling or
board lining.
Koofiii$r Felt,
Made from woolen rags, and thorouehlv
saturated with tar is adapted to all kind's
of roof- diM-s not swell or shrink, thereby
cracking tile covering; and will not mkik
water if exposed. Weliavealsoalighl Felt
for use under slate, shingles or tin.
Carpet Lining,
Will save one-half the wear of a Carpet
warranted moth proof: can be used for
years, and is very cheap.
Send for circular.
W. H. It F. AIX,
First-Sf., bet. Icrrv .v. llroailnlliln
albany, Oregon, October IB, is74-0 7
ell .vs. IS. MONTAGUE.
stock of
Belected with caret and bought for cola ta
seuiKiiiioiiNiy L.ov Figures
and as we lxughr)low We can and will sell
them tit prices that w ill
Astonish Everybody.
Conic and see our selections ot
Dress .wds.
ISril I laill t s,
c llnrseilles,
Ribbons, Collar, Collarette,
Lacei, Sec., &v
for the ladies, and our complete lines of
Readymade Clothing.
of oil descriptions for mon and ton. Alao
full assortments of '
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware.
J tor everybody.
tin?.8 omt'aBntdt,SeUWe8t
Lebanon, Oregon, October Orjg