The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 06, 1874, Image 8

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    iTBi.isHF.n F.vr.nY raiMT, by
Corner Ferry and First Street.
Orn ennv, 0110 year 9"- '0
One rimv, sis months 1 -"0
To chilis of twenty, eawhewy 2 00
Single copies Ten itnts.
shull be transferred to snil rvl Norte laivl
office when notified by.t lie officers of the
opening thereof.
Approved, June 20, 1874.
V. S. KVWK Continued from 1st iiage.
urt, to In' cxpumlftd under the direction of
the President, pursuant to the third sec
tion of the net of on;m of May first,
eighteen hundred and ten, entitled '-Ait
act flxitiji tlu; compensation of ministers
taul consuls rcsidin;r on the const of Itar
lrv, and for other purposes,1 twenty
tno'nsand dollars.
i?oraiiiuwl projiorlion of the expenses of
(tape .-jijtrr?Hirlit. on the coast of Morocco,
two huniln-dund eighty-five dollars.
Kor allowance to widows or heirs of d-
oi-nsed diplotiiutk and consular ofllcein for
the time flint would le necessarily occu
pied In, making the transit from the post
of dutv of Ft He deceased to his residence in
the Unitod States, Ave thousand dollars.
Kor rent of court house and jail, with
grounds appurtenant, in Yeddo, or such
other place as the I nited States mlnistcf
in Jiquui may designate, five thousand
To pay tite sums awarded to Tlrltlsh sub
jects for such claims as are enumerated In
article twelve of the treaty of May eighth,
eighteen hundred ami seventy-one, which
lnvf lnvn allowed by the commifoion ap
pointed under that article in the manner
prescrilx-d by the following articles to the
seventeenth inclusive, one million nine
hundred nd twenty-nine thousand eight
hundred and nineteen dollars.
Approved, June 11, 1S71.
AS ACT'to create the Bowman land dis
trict in tlto Territory of montann.
Re it enacted by the Senate and House of
U'7Jrrwna uniutl Of -inter
tort in Ctra&ress mi((l.
That idl ttat portion of the Territory of
.MPTHiuian tii eusi i i ne range line ie
tween ranges two and three west of the
principal meridian and south of the first
standard parallel north of the base line, of
the public land surveys of said Territory-,
shall be constituted a separate land dis
trict, be known as the Bozeman land dis
trict, the office of which shad lie located at
Bozeman, but may be changed from time
f the United States, as the Interests of
tne puouc service mav renulre
Sec. 2. That the President shall appoint,
ny ami witn me consent ot the. senate, a
register and a receiver of the public tnon
ys of the United States for said district;
anu sum omcere snail reside in the place
where the land office is located, and they
shall have the same powers and receive
the same emoluments as are or mav be
prescribed bv law in relation to land
officers of the United States mother Ter
ra orit s.
Approved, June 20, 1874
AN AtTT to prevlde for the apportionment
oi tne Territory ot Wyoming lor legisla
tive purposes.
Beit enacted by the Senate and House of
jc-presemeanres of the united males of Anu-r-
ten en i-nngress assi tntnea.
That the apportionment of the Territory
f Wyoming for the election of members
of the next legislative assembly of said
Territory shall he made by the Governor
thereof, In accordance with the provisions
of an act of Congress entitled "An act to
provide a temporary government for the
Territory of Wyoming," approved July
iweniy-nitn, eigutcen nunurea and sixty
eight : Provided, That for the purpose of
sncn apportionment it snail not oe neces
sary to take a new or additional census or
enumeration of said Territory : -tntf pro-
rtaea ntnrur, ltiat tne power ucreny con.
ferred upon the governor shall lie contm
tied In full force until an apportionment
shall lie made bv the legislative sssemblv
f said Territory, under the provisionr of
i ne organic acT tnereoi.
Approved, June 20, 1874,
AN ACT to encourage the establishment
ot public marine schools,
Be U enacted by the Senate and House of
jt -presentfutves of the v mua alias of -.inter'
ten in congress assemotea.
That the Secretary ot the Navy, to pro
moto nautical education. is herebv author
ized and empowered to furnish, upon the
application in writing of the Governor of
i ne state, a suitaoie vessel oi tne javy,
with all her apparel, charts, books, and in
struments of navigation, provided the
same can be spared without detriment to
tne naval service, to oeusetl lor the benefit
of any nautical school, or school or college
having a nautical branch, established at
each or anv of the ports of New York, Bos
ton, Philadelphia, Bolttmore, Norfolk, and
Francisco, upon the condition that there
shall be maintained, at such port, a school
or branch of a school for the instruction of
youths in navigation) seamanship, marine
Miginery and all matters pertaining to the
proper construction, equipment and sail
ing of vessels or any particular branch
thereof: And the President of the United
states fs herebv authorized, when in his
opinion the same can be done without det
riment to the public service, to detail
proper offlcors of the Navy as superintend
ents oi. or instructors in, such schools
Jrovided- That if any such school shall be
discontinued, or the good of the naval ser
vice shall require, such vessel shall lie im
mediately restored to the Secretary of the
Navy, and the officers so detailed recalled:
And jtroviderl further. That no person shall
be sentenced to, or received at, snch
sc hools as a punishment or commutation
ox pumsnment tor crime.
Approved. June 20. 1874,
AN ACT to create two additional land dis
tricts in the state of Kansas.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House ot
R-presentatives o f the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled,
That all the western portion of the State
of Kansas, included as follows, to-wit, com
mencing at the northeast corner of town
ship ten of range sixteen, and running
thence west to the western boundary of
the State ; thence south along, said boun
dary line, to the fourth standard parallel ;
thence east, along said parallel line, to the
southeast corner of Rush County; thence
north to the place of beginning, be, and
hereby is. constituted a new land-district,
to lie (ailed the western land district.
Sec. 2. Tliat all the western portion of
the State of Kansas, included as follows,
to-wit, commencing at the northeast cor
ner of ISarton county, and running thence
west to the northwest corner of said conn
tv ; thence south to the southwest corner
or said county; thence west along the
fourth standard parallel line to the wes
tern boundary of the State; thence south
along said lioundary-Une to the southeast
corner of Barliour county ; thence north to
the place of beginning, be, and hereby is,
constituted a new land-district, to lie
called the Arkansas Valley land-district ;
and shall, ill addition, include in the dis
trict the lands lying in Bice and Ben coun
ties. Sec. S. That the President, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, is
hereby authorized to appoint a register
and a receiver for each of said districts
who shall discharge like and similar duties
and receive the same amount of compen
sation allowed to other officers discuargliw
like duties in the other land offices of said
Approved, June 20, 1874,
AN ACT to create an additional land dis
trict la th Territory of Colorado.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Hove of
wprexcniat voes oj ine unuea ovale of Amer
ica in Congress assembled.
That all that part of the Territory of
Colorado commencing at a point on the
oatti boundary line of Colorado Territory
between ranges sixty-nine and seventy
west of the sixth principal meridian ;
thenoe running north, to the northern
boundary of township twenty eight south:
thence west, on a line between townships
twenty-seven and twenty-eight south, to
the western boundary of range seventy
three west; thence north, on said boundary
of range seventy-three west, to a point
where the line between townships forty
eight and forty-nine north, New Mexico
meridian, will intersect the same ; thence
west, between said townships forty-eight
and forty-nine north, to the western boun
dary of the Territory ; thence south, with
said boundary line, to the southwest cor
ner of the Territory ; thenoe east, on the
line of the southern boundary of the Ter
ritory, to the place of beginning, shall con
stitute a separate land district, to be called
Del Norte land district, the office of which
shall be located at Del Norte, in Conejos
County? Provided, That the President of
the Ualted States may change the location
of said land office from time to time, as the
public interest mayrequlre.
See.. That the President shall appoint,
by and with the advice and consent of the
Seriate a register and a receiver of public
moneys for said district; and said officers
shall reside in the place where said land
office is located, and shall have the same
powers and shall receive the same fees and
emoluments as the like officer, now re
ceive in the other land districts In said
T8eLt8!T That aU persons in said district
who, prior to the opening of said Del Norte
lond office, shall have fifed their declara-
rnake proofs and entries t said Del Norte
land office ; and all unfinished hnslhess in
anv other land office relwttog fv&
to lands Xa said Del Nori land district
AX ACT fixing the amount ofl'idted
States notes, providing for :i re-distribution
of the national-bank cur
rency, and for other purposes.
He ft enacted by the. Senate (mil Homse
"f Representatives of the United States of
-America in Congmatt assembled.
That the act entitled "An act to pro
vide a national currency secured bv a
pledge of United States bonds, and to
provide for the circulation ami redemp
tion thereof,' approved June third,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall
hereafter lie known as "the national
bank act'
Sec. 2. That section thirty-one of
"the national-bank act" lie so amended
that the several associations therein
provided for shall not hereafter be re
uired to keep on hand any amount
of money whateverl by reason of the
amount of their respective circulations;
nut tne moneys required by saul sec
tion to ye kept at all times on hand
shall be determined by the amount of
deposits in all respects, as provided for
tn tne said section.
Sec. 3. That every association or
ganized, or to be organized, under the
provisions of the said act. and of the
several acts amendatory thereof, shall
at all times keep and have on deposit
m the treasury ot the L nitetl States, a
sum equal to "five per centum of its cir
culation, to be held and used for the
redemption of such circulation; which
sum shall be counted as a part of its
lawful reserve, as provided in section
two of this act; and when the circulat
ing notes of anv such associations, as
sorted or unassorted, shall be present
ed for redemption, in sums of one
thousand dollars, or any multiple
thereof, to the Treasurer of the t nited
States, the same shall be redeemed in
United States notes. All notes so re
deemed shall be charged by the Treas
urer ot the united States to the respec
tive associations issuing the same, and
he shall notify them severally, on the
first day ot each month, or ottener, at
his discretion, of the amount of such
redemptions ; and whenever such re
demptions for any association shall
amount to the sum of five hundred
dollars, sueh association so notified
shall forthwith deposit with the Treas
urer of the United States a sum in
United States notes equal to the
amount of its circulating-notes so re
deemed. And all notes of national
banks worn, defaced, mutilated, or
otherwise unfit for circulation shall.
when received by any assistant treas
urer, or at any designated depository
of the United States, he forwarded to
the Treasurer of the United States for
redemption as provided herein. And
snch redemptions tiave been so re-im-
tmrsed, the circulating-notes so re
deemed shall be forwarded to the re
spective associations by which they
were isssued; nut it any ot such notes
are worn, mutilated, defaced, or ren
dered otherwise unfit for use, they
shall be forwanled to the Comptroller
of the Currency ai.d destroyed and re
placed as now provided by law : pro
vided. That each of said associations
shall re-imburse ot the Treasury the
charges for transportation, anil the
costs for assorting such notes ; and the
associations hereafter organized shall
aU also severally re-iinburse to the
Treasury the cost of engraving such
plr.tes as shall be ordered bv each as
sociation respectively; and the amount
assessed npon each association shall be
in proportion to the circulation re
deemed, and be charged to the fund
on deposit with the Treasurer : And
provided further, That so much of sec
tion thirty-two of said national-bank
act requiring or permitting the re
demption of its oircula ting-notes else
where than at its own counter, except
as provided for in this section, is here
by repealed.
Sec. 4. That any association organ
ized under this act. or any of the acts
of which this is an amendment, desir
ing to withdraw its circulating notes,
in whole or in part, may. upon the de
posit of lawful money with the Treas
urer of the United States in sums of
not less than nine thousand dollars,
take up the bonds which said associa
tion has on deposit with the'Treasurer
for the security of such circulating
notes ; which bonds shall be assigned
to the bank in the manner specified in
the nineteenth section of the national
bank act ; and the outstanding notes of
said association, to an amount equal
to the legal-tender notes deposited,
shall be redeemed at the Treasury ot
United States, and destroyed as now
provided by law : Provided, That the
amount ot the bonds on deposit lor cir
culation shall not be reduced below
fifty thousand dollars.
Sec. 5. That the Comptroller of the
Currency shall, under such rules and
regulations as the Secretary of the
Treasury may prescribe, cause the
charter-numbers of the association to
be printed upon all national-bank
notes which may be hereafter issued
by him.
Sec 6. That the amount of United
States notes outstanding and to be
used as a part of the circulating-medium,
shall not exceed the sum of three
hundred and eighty-two million dol
lars, which said sum shall appear in
each monthly statement of the public
debt, and no part thereof shall be held
or used as a reserve.
See. 7. That so much of the act
entitled "An act to provide tor the re
demption oi the three per centum tem
porary loan certificates, and for an in
crease of national bank notes,''' as pro
vides that no circulation shall be with
drawn under the provisions of section
six of said act, until after the fifty
four millions granted in section one of
said act shall nave been taken up. Is
hereby repealed ; and it shall be tne
duty of the Comptroller of the Curren
cy, under the direction of the Secretary
of the Treasury, to proceed forthwith,
and he is lie re by authorized and re
quired, front time to time, as applica
tions shall be duly made therefor, and
until the full amount of fifty-five mill
ion dollars shall be withdrawn, to
make requisitions upon each of the
national banks described In said sec
tion, and In the manner therein pro
vided, organized in States having an
excess ot circulation, to withdraw and
return so much of tiielr circulation as
by said act may be apportioned to be
witlKlrawn from them or In lieu there
of to Deposit In the Treasury of the
United States lawful money sufficient
to redeem snch circulation, and upon
the return of the circulation required,
or the deposit of lawful money, as
herein provided, a proportionate
amount ot the bonds held to secure the
circulation of such association as shall
make such return or deposit shall be
surrendered to it.
Sec. 8. That upon the failure of the
national banks upon which requisition
for circulation shall be made, or of any
of them, to return the amount re
quired, or to deposit in tlie Treasury
lawful money to redeem the circula
tion required, within thirty days, the
Comptroller of the Currency shall at
once sell, as provided in section forty
nine of the national-currency act ap
proved June third, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, bonds held to secure
the redemption, of the circulation ot
the association or associations which
shall so fall to aa amount sufficient to
redeem the circHlation required ot such
association or associations, and with
the proceeds, which shall be deposited
in tbe Trssury oi the XJnited States,
so much of the circulation ot such as
sociation or associations sliall be re
deemed as will equal the amount re
quired and not returned and if there
be any excess of proceeds over the
amount required for sueh redemption,
it shall be returned to the association
or associations whose bonds shall have
been sold. And It shall be the duty of
the Treasurer, assistant treasurers, "des
ignated depositaries, and national
bank depositaries of the United States,
who shall be kept informed by the
Comptroller of the Currency ot such
associations as shall fail to return cir
culation as required, to assort and re
turn to the Treasury for redemption
the notes ot such associations as sliall
come into their hands until the amount
required sliall lie redeemed, and in like
manner to assort and return to the
Treasury, for redemption, the netes of
such national banks as have failed, or
gone Into voluntary liquidation for the
purpose of winding up their affairs,
and of such as shall hereafter so fail or
go into liquidation.
Sec. 9. That from and after the
passage of this act it shall be lawful
tor the Comptroller of the Currency,
and he is hereby required, to issue circulating-notes
without delay, as appli
cations therefor are made, not to ex
ceed the sum of fitty-five million dol
lars, to associations organized, or to .
be organized, in those States and Ter
ritories having less than their propor
tion of circulation, under an apportion
ment made on the basis of population
and of wealth, as shown by the returns
of the census of eighteen hundred and
seventy; and every association hereaf
ter organized shall be subject to, and
be governed by, the rules, restrictions,
and limitations, and possess the rights,
privileges, and franchises now, or here
after to be prescribed by law as to na
tional banking associations with the
same power to amend, alter, and re
peal provided by "the national bank
act:'' Provided, That the whole
amount of circulation withdrawn and
redeemed from banks transacting,
business shall not exceed fitty-five mill
ion dollars, and that such circulation
shall be withdrawn and redeemed as
it shall be necessary to snpply the cir
culation previously Issued to the banks
In those States having less than their
apportionment: And provided further,
That no more than thirty million dol
lars shall be withdrawn and redeemed
as herein contemplated during the fis
cal year ending June thirtieth, eigh
teen hundred and seventy-five.
Approved, June 20, 1874.
AX ACT for the better government of
the Xavy of the United States.
Be it enacted hy the Senate ang House
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled,
That on and after tlie passage of
tlrisjaet, any officer of the Xavy who
may be promoted in course to till a
vacancy In the next higher grade shall
be entitled to tlie pay of the grade to
which promoted from the date he takes
rank therein, if it tx. subsequent to the
vacancy he is appointed to fill.
Sec. 2. That t he accounting officers
of the Treasury be, and are hereby,
prohibited from making any allowance
to any officer of the Xavy who has
been, or may hereafter be, dismissed
from the service and restored to the
same under the provisions of the
-twelfth section of the act of March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five
entitled "An act to amend the several
acts heretofore passed to provide for
the enrolling and calling out tlie na
tional lorces, and for other purposes,"
to exceed more than pay as on leave
for six months from the date of dis
missal, unless it shall appear that the
officer demanded in writing, addressed
to the Secretary of the Xavy, and con
tinued to demandtfts often as once in
six months, a trial as provided tor in
said act.
Sec. 3. That so much of the act
entitled "An act to authorize the Sec
retary of the Xavy to provide for the
education of naval constructors and
steam-engineers, and for other pur
poses." approved J uly fourth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, " as provides
that cadet engineers, not to exceed
fifty in number, shall be appointed by
the Secretary ot jhe ruavy, Is hereby
repealed; and cadet-engineers shall
hereafter be appointed annually by
the Secretary ot the Xavy, and the
number appointed each year shall not
exceed twenty-five; and that all acts or
parts of acts inconsistent with the pro
visions of this act be, and the same are
hereby repealed.
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT to amend an act antitled
"An act to provide for the payment
of horses and other property lost or
destroyed in the military service of
the United States." approved March
third, egbteen hundred and forty
nine. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Howe
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,
That the first section ot the act of
March third, eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, providing for the payment
for horses and equipments iost by offi
cers or enlisted men in the military
service sliall not be construed to deny
payment to such officers or enlisted
men tor horses which may have been
purchased by them in States in insur
rection ; and payment in any case shall
not be refused whhre the loss resulted
from any exigency or necessity ot the
military service, unless it was caused
by the fault or negligence of such offi
cers or enlisted men.
Sec. 2. That no clatms under said
section or this amendment tbhreto
sliall be considered unless presented
prior to the first day of January, eigh
teen hundred and seventy-six.
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT to amend the act entitled
"An act to establish a western judi
cial district of Xorth Carolina."
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled.
That section eight ot the act of June
fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy
two entitled. "An act to establish a
western judicial disstrict of Xorth Car
olina," be amended by adding thereto
the following : "There shall also be
appointed a marshal of the United
States for said western district of Xorth
Carolina, who shall be entitled to a
salasy of two hundred dollars per an
num ; payment to ne made quarterly
out of the Treasury of tlie United
States, and in addition thereto the fees
of office affixed by law."
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT making appropriations for
the payment of invalid and other
pensions of the United States for tlie
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and seventy-five.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled.
That the following sums be, -and the
same are hereby, appropriated, out of
any money in the treasury not other
wise appropriated, tor the payment of
pensions ror the nscal year ending
the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred
and seveney-five :
For army pensions to Invalids, wid
ows, and dependent relatives, revo
lutionary pensions, and pensions to
soldiers of the war of eighteen hun
dred and twelve, and ror furnishing
artificial limbs or apparatus for resec
tion, with transportation or commuta
tion tiwicftn tfo fpr Qompeusation
to pension agents, and the expenses of
the several agencies, and for fees for
preparing vouchers and administering
oaths, as provided for by the acts of
April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred
and sixteen; July fourth, eighteen
hundred and thirty-six; May thir
teenth, eighteen hundred and forty
six; February twentieth, eighteen
hundred and forty-seven; February
second, eighteen hundred and forty
eight; July twenty-first, eighteen hun
dred and forty eight; July twenty
ninth, eighteen hundred and forty
eight; February third, eighteen hun
dred and fifty-three; June third, eight
een hundred and fifty-eight; July
fourteenth and seventeenth, eighteen
hundred and sfxty-two; June thirtieth
eighteen hundred and sixty-four; June
sixth and July twenty-fifth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-six; July twenty
seventh, eighteen hundred and slxty
elght; June seventeenth and July
eighth and eleventh, eighteen hundred
and seventy; February lourtgenth and
June eighth, eighteen hundred and
seventy-one; February twentieth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two;
and Marcli third, eighteen hundred
and seventy-three; and all other pen
sions provided by law. twenty-nine
million five hundred thousand dollars.
For Xavy pensions to invalids, wid
ows and dependent relatives, and pen
sions to sailors of the war of eighteen
hundred and twelve, and for furnish
ing artificial limbs or apparatus for
resection, with transportation or com
mutation therefor; compensation to
pension agents, expenses of agencies,
and fees for preparing vouchers and
administering oaths, as provided by
the acts of April twenty-third, eight
een hundred; February twentieth,
eighteen hundred and forty-seven:
August eleventh, eighteen hundred
and forty-eight; July fourteenth and
and seventeenth, eighteen bundled
and sixty-two; June thirtieth, eight
een hundred and sixty-todr; June fixth
and July twenty-fifth, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-six; March second,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven;
July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight; June seventeenth and
July eighth and eleventh, eighteen
hundred and seventy; June eighth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-one;
February twentieth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two; and March third,
eighteen hundred and sevent-thrce;
and all other pensions provided by
law, four hundred and eighty thousand
dollars : Prodded, That the appro
priation aforesaid for Xavy pensions,
and the otlier expenditures under that
head, shall be paid from the income of
the Xavy pension fund, so tar as the
same may be sufficient for that pur
pose: Provided further. That the fees
lor preparing vouchers and administer
ing oaths, which are nsw by law thii
ty cents in each case, shall hereafter be
twenty-five cents for tlie same and no
Approved, June 20, 1874.
AX ACT prohibiting the publication
of the Revised Statutes of the United
States in the newspapers at the ex
pense of the United States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and limine
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled,
That the revised Statutes of the United
States and no part thereof shall be
published in the newspapers at the ex
pense of the United States.
Approved, June 20, 1873.
AX ACT to fix the time for the elec
tion of Representatives in the Fortv-
fourth Congress from the State of
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
Representatives of the United States of
America in Uongress assembled,
That the election tor Representatives
in the Forty-fourth Congress, from the
State of Mississippi, shall be holden on
the first Tuesday after the first Mon
day in Xovember, eighteen hundred
ami seventv-rive, anything in the con
stitution or laws of said State to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Approved, J une 20, 1874.
AX ACT tor the relief of sayings in
stitntions having no capital stock.
and doing business solely for the
benefit of depositors.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
B-vvesentalhvs of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled,
That no farther collection of internal
revenue taxes sliall be made on the
earnings of savings banks or institu
tions for savings, having no capital
stock and doing no other business than
receiving deposits to be loaned or in
vested tor the sole benefit of the par
ties making such deposits, without
profit or compensation to the associa
tion or company, whether the earnings
of the same have been or may hereaf
ter be divided annually, semi-annually
or at other periods.
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT explanatory of the act of
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled.
That all deposits made in institutions
now existing which do business only
as savings-banks, and are recognized
as such by the laws of their respective
States, or bv Congress, are hereby de
clared to exempt from taxation the
same as deposits in savings institutions
having no capital although they have
a capital stock or bond for the addi
tional security ot their depositors, and
pay dividends thereon ; and no tax
shall be assessed upon the deposit-
made in such institutions, or collected
of them on said deposits, otherwise
than as herein provided : Provided,
That all the profits of such savings
banks, less the aforementioned divi
dends on stock not exceeding at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum are
divided among the depositors, and that
the capital stock is invested only in
the same class of securities as is used
for investing the deposits, arid that in
terest at the rate ot not less than tour
and one-half per cent, be paid in all
cases to their depositors, to be made
good if necessary from the capital
S maker of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate pro tempore.
iteceived by the President nme o
State. Tlie foregoing act having been
presented to the President of the
United States for his approval, and
not having been returned by him t6
.the house of Congress in which it orig
inates within the time prescnoeu Dy
tne uonstitutlon of the V nitea states,
has become a law without bis approv
al .j
AX ACT to amend the act entitled an
act transferring the control of cer
tain Territorial penitentiaries to the
several Territories In which the same
are located," approved January
twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress asiembted.
That the act entitled "An act arans-
ferring the control of certain lerrito-
nai penitentiaries to the several tern
tones in which tne same are located.
approved January twenty-fourth, eigh
teen, hundred and seventy-three, be.
and the same Is hereby, amended by
striking out the words Montana, Ida
ho, and Wyoming wherever the same
'.ccur in said act, and the said act shall
hereafter have no applicability to the
Territories of Montana, Idaho, and
Sec. 2. That the penitentiaries in
the Territories of Montana, Idaho, and
Wyoming, shall continue under the
care and control of the marshal of the
United States for said Territories, un
der and pursuant to the provisions ot
the act entitled "An act in relation to
certain territorial penitentiaries," ap
proved January tenth, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-one ; which said last
mentioned act is hereby revived and
re-enacted so far as the same applies to
tlie Territories of Montana, Idaho, and
Approved, June 20, 1S74.
AX ACT to provide for tlie establish
ment of life-saving stations and
houses of refuge Upon the sea and
lake coasts of the United States, and
to promote the efficiency ot the life
saving service.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United Slates
of Xmerrca in Congress assembled,
That the Secretary of the Treasury is
hereby authorized to establish life
saving stations, life-boat stations, and
houses of refuge, for the better preser
vation of life and property from ship
wreck, at or in the vicinity oi tne ioi-
lowlng named points upon the sea and
lake coasts of tlie United States, name
ly :
Cape Heulopen, a complete life-
saving station; Indian River a com
plete life-saving station.
Green Run Inlet, a complete life
saving station.
Chincoteague, a complete life saving
station; Watehapreague Inlet, a com
plete lite saving station; Hog island.
a complete life saving station; Sandy
Shoal Island, a complete life saving
station; Smith's Island, a complete
life saving station.
About eighteen miles north of In
dian River Inlet, a house of refuge;
Gilbert's liar, a house of refuge; near
Orange Grove, a house of refuge; be
tween Hillsborough and Xew River
Inlet, a house of rettige; about ten
miles south of New River Inlet, a
house of refuge.
Xeah Bay, a life boat station; Shoal
water Bay. a life boat station; Cape
Disappointment, a lite boat station
Cape Argo. a life boat stition.
Humboldt Bay. a life boat station;
Point Reyes, a life boat station: be
tween Point Lobos and Point San
Pedro, a life boat station; Point Con
eepcion, near the light house, a liie
boat station.
Mexico Bay about seven miles west
ward ot Stony Point, a complete life
saving station; Mexico Bay. about
seven Jmiles eastward of Xine Mile
Point, a complete life saving station:
Oswego, a life boat station; Charlotte,
a life boat station.
Buffalo a life boat station; Psquaee
Isle, a complete lite saving station
Fairport, a life boat station; Cleve
land, alife boat station; Marblehead
Sandusky.) a life boat station.
Point aux Barques, a complete life
saving station; la was, a complete lite
saving station; Sturgeon Point, a com
plete life saving station; Xorth Point.
Tunder Bay. a life boat station; Fort'
Mile Point, a complete life saving sta
tion. on the coast of lake Michigan.
Beaver Island, a life boat station;
Xorth Maniton Island, a life boat sta
tion; Point aux Bee Soies. a complete
life saving station. Grand Haven, a
lite boat station; Saint Joseph's a life
boat station; Chicago, a life boat sta
tion; Grosse Point, a complete life
saving station; Racine, a life boat sta
tion; Milwaukee, a life boat station;
Sliebyogan, a life boat station; Twin
Rivers Point, a life boat station.
ON THE coast of lake SUPERIOR.
Between White Fish Point and
Point an Sauble, four complete life
saving stations.
Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the
Treasury Is hereby authorized, when
ever, in his opinlont it may become
lecessary for the proper administra
tion of the life saving service, and the
protection of the public property at
in authorized to be established, to ap
point one superintendent for the coasts
eiaware and v lrglnia, one ior tne
coast of Florida, one for the coasts of
Lakes Erie and Ontario, one for the
coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior,
and one for the coast of Iake Michi
gan, and also a keeper sor eoch of said
stations ami houses ot refuge; and the
said superintendents shall have the
powers and perform the duties of in
spectors of customs.
sec. a. mat the compensation oi
each of tlie superintendents, to be ap
pointed under the provisions ot the
preceding section, shall not exceed
one thousand dollars per annum; and
the compensation ot the keepers shall
not exceed two thousand dollars per
annum, except that those employed at
the houses ot refuge on the Florida
coast shall reside In said houses and
receive a compensation at the rate of
forty dollars per month.
Sec. 4. That tha Secretary of the
Treasury is hereby authorized to ap
point an assistant to the superintend
ent of the coast of Long Island and
Rhode Island, who shall perform the
duties required of the superintendent
at the life saving stations within the
State of Rhode Island, and reside on
Block Island, and for his services he
shall receive an annual salary of five
hundred dollars.
Sec. 5. That tlie Secretary of the
Treasure is hereby authorized to em
ploy crews of experienced surfmen at
such of the stations herein denomina-.
ted complete stations and at such of
the life boat stations on the Pacific
coast as he may deem necessary and
proper, for such periods, and at such
compensation, not to exceed forty dol
lars per month, as he may deem nec
essary and reasonable.
Sec 6. That the Secretary of the
Treasury may accept the services ot
volunteer crews ot any of the life boat
stations herein authorized, who shall
be subject to the rules and regulations
governing the life saving service; and
a list of the names ot eacli crew shall
be kept In the office of the Secretary
of the Treasury. Such volunteers sliall
receive no compensation except a sum
of not more than ten dollars each for
every occasion upon which they shall
have beefl instrumental in saving hu
man life, and such of the medals here
in authorized as they may be entitled
to under the provisions hereinafter
made: Provided, That no payment
shall be made to any person who shall
not have actually participated in the
efforts to save the life or lives rescued.
Sec. 7. That the Secretary of the
Treasury is hereby directed to cause to
be prepared uicuais ot honor, with
suitable devices, to be distinguished as
life saving medals ot the first and
second class, which sliall be bestowed
upon any persons who shall hereafter
endanger tlieir own lives in saving, or
endeavoring to save lives from perils
of the sea, within the United States or
upon any Amorican vessel . Provided,
That the medals of the first class shall
be confined to cases of extreme and
heoric daring; and that the medal of
the second class shall be given in cases
not sufficiently distinguished to de
serve tlie medal of the first c'.rss : Pro
vided, also. That no award of either
medal shall be made to any person un
til sufficient evidence of his deserving
shall have been filed with the Secreta-
of the Treasury and entered upon
the recods of the Department.
oce. s. mat the Secretary of the
f neasury is hereby authorized to make
all necessary regulations for the gov
ernment of the life saving service not
inconsistent with law.
Sec. 9. That the Secretary of the
Treasury is hereby authorized to dis
pose of, to the best advantage, after
due condemnation by board of survey,
sncn articles or materials belonging to
,V. 11' 1 ! "
mc jiii; giving service as may, iroin
long continued use or other cause, be
come unserviceable and the proceeds
of such sale shall be covered into tlie
Sec. 10. That from and after the
first day ot July, eighteen hundred
and seventy-four, whenever any vessel
of the United States has sustained or
caused any accident involving the loss
ot life, the material loss of property.
or any serious injury to an' person, or
has received any material damage af
fecting her seaworthiness or her effi
ciency, the managing owner, agent, or
master ot such vessel shall, within nve
days after tlie happening of such acci
dent or damage, or as soon thereafter
as possible, send, by letter to the col
lector of customs of the district where
in such vessel belongs or of that within
which such accident or damage oc
curred, a report thereof, signed by
such owner, agent, or masfer, stating
the name and official number (if any)
of tlie vessel, the port to which she be
longs, the place where she was, tlie
nature and probable occasion of the
casualty, the number and names of
those lost and the estimated amount
of loss ov damage to the vessel or
cargoe; and shall furnish, upon the
request of either of such collectors of
customs,such otlier information con
cerning the vessel, her cargo, and the
casualty ai may be called for; and If
he negiect or refuse to comply with
the foregoing requirements after a
rersonable time, he shall incur a
penalty of one hundred dollars.
Sec. II. That whenever the man
aging owner or agent of any vessel of
the United States has reason, owing to
the non appearance of such vessel, or
to any otlier circumstance, to appre
hend that such vessel has been lost, he
shall, as soon as conveniently may be,
send notice, in writing, to the collect
or of customs of the port to which said
vessel belonged, of snch loss, and the
probable occasion thereof stating the
name and the official number (if any)
of the vessel, and the names of all per
sons on board, so far as the same can
be ascertained, and shall furnish, npon
request of the collector of such port,
such anditional Information as he may
be able; and If lie neglect to comply
with the above requirements within a
reasonable time, lie slis.ll incur a
nenalty of one hundred dollars.
Sec. 12. That it shall be the duty
of the collectors of customs to immedi
ately transmit to the Secretary of tlie
Treasury such reports and information
as they may receive under the pro
visions of tlie two preceding sections,
and they shall also report to the Sec
retary of the Treasury any neglect or
refusal on the part ot the managing
owner, agent, or master of any vessel
ol the United Stateu to comply witli
the requirements thereof.
Sec. 13. That the Secretary ot tne
Treasury may, upon application there
for, remit or mitigate any penalty
provided for in this act. or discontinue
any prosecution to recover the same,
upon such terms as he, in bis discre
tion, shall think proper, and shall have
authority to ascertain the facts upon
all such applications in such manner
and under such regulations as he may
think proper; all penalties hereinbe
fore provided shall be prosecuted by
indictment, or information before the
proper district court for the use of the
L. nited States.
Approved, June20 , 1874.
AX ACT to repeal so much of the act
approved May eighth, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-two. entitled "An
act making appropriations for the
legislative, executive and judicial
expenses of tlie Government for the
vear endhisr June thirty, eighteen
hundred and sevenly-three, and for
other purposes," as provides lor tne
employment of persons to assist the
proper officers of the Government in
discovering and collecting moneys
withheld and for otlier purposes
Be it enacted bp the Senate and House
of Representat ives of tlie United States of
America m Congress assemmed,
That so much of the act entitled "An
act making appropriations tor the
legislative, executive, and judicial ex
penses of the Government tor the year
ending . I une thirtieth, eighteen nun
dred and seventy-three and for otlier
purposes," approved may eighth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, as
provides for the emplopment by the
Secretary of the Treasurv, of not more
than three persons to assist the proper
officers of the Government in discover
ing and collecting any money belong
ing to tlie United States when the
same shall be withheld by any person
or corporation, be. and the same is
hereby, repealed; and the Secretary of
the Treasury is hereby directed to re
voke and annul al contracts lor the
collection of such taxes made under
and br the authority of said act
Sec. 2. Tliat tlie Court of Claims
shall have no authority to consider or
decide upon any claims for damages
bv the reason or the discontinuance oi
the contrrcts aforesaid, or any profits
or per centages under them
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT to legalize entries of public
lands utuler the homestead laws in
certain cases.
Be U enacted by the Senate and House of
Jtejrresenatives or me unmea states of aukt-
tcel m vonffress axse-motea,
Tliat in all cases of entries of public
right of Congress to protect the claims
or rights of homestead settlers upon
lands within the limits of grants ot
lands to any railroad company mav
have been reserved in the acts making
suui grants aim ue now jawiuuy exist
ing- . . ,
Approved, jane zz, dH?4.
AX ACT conferring jurisdiction npon
tne criminal cuiirt oi tne uistrict oi
Columbia, and for otlier purposes.
Br it. enacted by the Semite and House of
Representatives of the unaea aiaies of Amer
ica tn tjimgress assenwxea,
That the criminal court of the District
of Columbia shall have jurisdiction of
all crimes and misdemeanors com mi t-
torl in eairl 1 lUtrirf. not lawfully
triable in any other court, and which
are required by law to be prosecuted
by Indictment or information.
Sec. 2. That the provisions oi tne
thirty-third section of the judiciary act
of seventeen hundred and eighty-nine
shall annlv to courts created bv act of
. i . . . .- . i
Congress in the District ot Columbia.
Approved, June '22, 1874.
AX ACT to provide for the election
of congressmen at large tor the sraie
of Alabama.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled,
That the two additional Represen
tatives to Congress allowed to the State
of Alabama, according to tne appor
tionment under the ninth census may
be elected by the State at large, and
the other Representatives to which the
Suite is entitled by thedlstricts as now
prescribed by law" in said State ; unless
the general assembly of Alabama shall
otherwise provide before the time fixed
by law for the election for Representa
tives to Congress from said State.
Approved, June 20, 1874.
AX ACT tor the relief of Bottlers on
railroad lands.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of
jiepreseniaitre of the untlea stales of Amer
ica tn tjongress assemmea.
That in the adjustment of all railroad
land grants, whvtber made directty to
any railroad company or to any State
for railroad purposes, if any ol the
lands granted be found in the posses
sion of an actual settler whose entry or
filing lias been allowed under the pre
emption or homestead laws of the
United States subsequent to the time
at which, by the decision of the land-
. A , , . f ... 1 .1
oince, me rigni oi saiu roau was uj
dared to have attached to such lands,
the grantees, upon a proper relinquish
ment of the lands so entered or filed
for shall be entitled to select an equal
quantity of other lands in lieu thereof
from any of tlie public lands not min
eral and within the limits of the grant
not otherwise appropriated at the date
of selection, to which they sliall receive
title the same as though originally
granted. And any such entries or
tilings thus relieved from conflict may
be perfected into complete title as if
such lands had not been granted: Pro
vided, That nothing herein contained
shall in any manner be so construed as
to enlarge or extend any grant to any
such railroad or to extend to lands re
served in any land grant made for rail
road purposes : And proviped further.
That this act shall not be construed so
as in any manner to confirm or legal
ize any decision or ruilng ot the Inte
rior Department under which lands
have been certified to any railroad
company when such lands have been
entered by a pre-emption or home
stead settler after the location of the
line of the road and prior to the notice
to the local land-otnce or the with
drawal of such lands from market.
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT to prevent hazing at the
Xaval Academy.
Be it enected by the Senate and House of
jieprrsentaines of the t. nuea stales of Amer
ica tn congress assemoica.
That in all cases when it shall come to
the knowledge of the superintendent
of the Xaval Academy, at Annapolis,
that any cadet-midshipman or cadet-
engineer lias been guilty of the offense
commonly known as hazing, it snail
be the duty of the superintendent to
order a court martial, composed ot not
less than three commissioned officers.
who shall minutely examine into all
the facts and circumstances of the case
and make a finding thereon; and any
cadet-midshipman or cadet-engineer
lound guilty ot said ortense by said
court shall, upon recommendation of
said court be dismissed; and such find
ing, when epproved by said superin
tendent, shall be final; and the cadet
so dismissed from said Xaval Acad
emy shall be forever ineligible to re
appointment to said Xaval Academy.
Approved, June 2.5, 1S74.
AX ACT to admit, free ot duty mer
chandise sunK ior two years and
afterward recovered.
lie it enacted by the Settate and House of
MBS preseiwu-tves oj mc i. iuuta Quaes Of jvmeT
ica in Congress assembled,
That whenever my ship or vessel,
laden with merchaudife in whole or in
part subject to duty, shall have been
sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or
waters subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States and within its limits
and shall have remained so sunk for
the period of not less than two years,
anu snail De aoanuoneu oy tne owners
thereof, any person or persons, who
raise any portion of tlie cargo of such
ship or vessel, shall be permitted to
bsing the merchandise so recovered
into tne port nearest to the place
where such ship or vessel was so sunk
free from the payment of anv dutv
thereupon, and without being obliged
to enter the same at the custom house,
under such rules and regulations as
tne necretary oi tne treasury may
Approved, June 22, 1874.
AX ACT to amend the act entitled
"An act to recognize the courts in
the District of Columbia, and for
otlier pvrposes," approved March 3,
Convention for the surrender of criminals be-
lu rruiii: t iiwti males or America ana me
Republic of Salvador.
That the justice of the supreme court
of the District of Columbia, holding a
criminal term for said District, may,
when not engaged in the proper busi
ness of the criminal term, hold sittings
of the circuit court, and embloy the
petit juries drawn tor the criminal
term In the trial ot such cases depend
ing in saiu circuit court as the justice
presiding therein may assign to him
for that purpose: and tlie business
lands heretofore made under the act done at snch sittings shall be recorded
entitled "An act to secure homesteads
to actual settlers on the public do
main," approved may twentieth,
eisrhteen hundred and sixty-two.
where the affidavit required by section
two of said act was made before the
clerk ot the county of tlie residence ot
the person making the entry, without
liavine first made tlie settlement and
improvement required by the provis
ions ot section three oi tne act entiiieu
"An act amendatory of the homestead
law, and tor otlier purposes," approv
ed March twenty-first, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-four, said affidavits be,
and the same are hereby, legalized and
confirmed, so as to have the same
force and validity as it the provisions
of said last named act had been strict
ly complied with : Provided, That
nothing in this act shall have the ef
fect or be construed to impair the
valid and paramount adverse rights of
any person or corporation to any of
sucb .lands, except iu so lor as the
in the minutes ot the circuit court.
Approved, June 23, 1874.
AX ACT to constitute Mnntcomerv.
in ine acate or Alabama, a port oi
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Jtenreseniaitves of tlw Fr.r1 V, , or .lliui-
ca in Congress assembled.
mat Montimnwrv in the State oi
Alabama, shall be, and is hereby con
stituted a port of delivery, within the
collection district of Mobile; and there
shall lie annnint-jui .lomitv collecror
of customs, to reside at said port, who
shall receive a salary, to bedetcrrnin
ed by the Secretary of the Treasury,
not exceeding one thousand five hun
dred dollars per annum.
Approved, June 22, 1874.
The Indiana camped iu the immedi
ate neicrhhnrhrxvi nf The Dalles make
night htdeous with tlieir songs, beating
ot drums and war dances.
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