ALBANY REGISTER. l'OVI OFFICE REGISTER. MAILS AltltlVK: From BaWroad north :iml south! daily aA tt.l 1 r. w. Frmn Corvallis. daily, at lo.:tn A. M. ":. :ii l!Kinon. tri-wcekly. Monday, We hies i: and Friday) ;it lo.:u .. m. M A I J.- 111 I(T : for Kr.nroad north and Tsti), daily, prompt at 11.1" . M. F(ir'irvailis. 1.50 i M. For Li lanoa.tri-wcehlv. Monday, Wed- j - !. and Friday :i; -1 p. m. 4 :; from 7 A. m. to T p. M. snntiiiy. from li M. to -2 p. i. order onicv hoars from. 9 A. M.toi v. i.. ' I', f - UAVMuMi, 1'. M. J n; iTi:ns. A eottdn mill in Chcsror county, ; England, was burned oa the 28th of October, together with ton operatives. Baltimore citv election, October 2Sth, was carried majority. Hartford, wirii :: pate! no stuner" .In;. Sc'.K juarty nun: Portland. This from Santa Rosa, California, October 2Wth : This morning at 5 A. .. Win. Lee, engineer in the Forest ville Chair Factory, shot and killed 1 lis wife instantly. His eldest son was at the- stable attending to some horses when he heard the pistol shot. He y the 1 eiiiO(erat-i by 1,000 Conn., is much pleased ballot, deposited o that ' can -o!! ti:e voter-, i :, lei is the name of the a dancing school at W hy not in dancing as well as anything else ? The Jaw repealing the litigant act took eftect from and after the Sth oft last October; Litigants now can in-j sert their advertisements when; they jhoo-e. Tlie gradi;ig of tlie fifst 20 nii!c of the I'tali Western Ivailroad is nearly! finished. Hie iron f r it is now on the way. TIkj track laying will com-j mence immediately on its arrival. A fire in iireenc:stte, Ind.. on the; evening ol October 2Sth, destroyed . four - in ire- the east side ot Indiana street, except the First Xational Bank buiMiug. !.--. over 100,000. A -on of p. K. Si, inner. Treasurer of the I'nitcd states, got broke" re-j eently at Tesarkana, Arkansas, and went to work in a hotel as i waiter. A check irom the old man relieved him. Caris had a marriage the otlier day of the Tom Thumb and Minnie War ren class, but with more drollery i t it. The husband i- i dwarC forty inches in beigbth, and the wile a giantess of -ix: feet she. The marble statue of the late Sena tor Baker, ol i Iregon, killed in leading the forlorn hope at the disastrous lield ofjiil's BIutE Oct. 12, 1S61, to be executed by Horatio Stone, by order of Congress, i- -...a ekpected to ar rive from Italy. A young man lias been arrested in Xew York for sleeping In a standing position. lie would stand on the street tor hours at a stretch, with his eye- dosed, and not move a muscle. It is hereditary. His father was a policeman. The scamlaloos Washington ChronS rje says : "When Mary Walker reaches Turkey we hope the Sultan, that abso lute monarch of all he surveys, w ill make her take her breeches olf." Mary won't listen to any inSnltan proposi tion. She isn't that kind. In accordance with the act passed by the late Legislature erecting Commis sioners of Emigration, Gov. G rover lias appointed the following named gentlemen as such Commissioners : W. S. I.add, B. Goldsmith, II. W. Corbett, Win. Hied and C. Linenweb ber, all residents of Portland except the last named, who i; a resident of Astoria. The bark Abbey Bacon, from Malaga, arrived at Xew York October 23th. Iiaving on board Captain Leary, wife and child, and crew comprising seven men. of the schooner DminHesx, which left St. Thomas October 3d for I.uen berg. X. S.. and went down in a gale on the night of October -J2d. The res cued person were four days in an open boat, living on one-half a biscuit and, a little water each day. The Governor having signed the bill creating the new county of Lake, has appointed the following named per sons to till the county offices: EH C. Mason, County Judge; W'm. Hobert-, Clerk : Thomas Mulbolland, Sheriff; Henry Fuller and A. J. SneWng, Commissioners; .J. J. P. smith. As sessor; Wm. 1!. .Tones, School .Super intendent; Geo. Xonrse, Treasurer; Oilv.-r .Applegate. Surveyor. They will hold the offices until the general election in 1S7G. Mr. Justice Miller, of the United State Supreme Court, is engaged in editing a digest of the reports of the Supreme Court from the 18th Howard to the 18th Wallace, or from 1855, where Curtis' digest clones, to the present (late. The first volume will .eoon bo ready- went to tin' house immediately and the children came running out and in formed him that their lather had killed theft- mother. The murderer escaped, and has not been heard from yet. Family trouble seemed to be the cause nf it. The folio wing dispatch from Wichita Agency. Indian Territory, was dated October 29th : The Indian war in this section is rapidly collapsing. Genera Davidson reports through scouts this evening that Major Scolield. with his column, has captured, on Elk Creek, R9 V Oconee warrior- and 2,000 ponies. I bis parte is of the worst character. and is accompanied by families. I met i aptaii: t 'arpenter with his column to-day in hoi pursuit of a large party of Kiowas. trying to get to Port Sill j to surrender before he can overtake them. He had then been in pursuit j two days. The parly is thought to be J Lone Wolfs. Washington dispatch October 16th ' to the .' .".' i furni-hes this incident: To-day. while a case was being beard i before Mr. Justice Humphrey-, in the j Criminal Court, one ol the jurors I passed a side remark that displeased the Court, whereupon the Judge stated Chat he would give a recess, remark ing that he had been informed that one of the jurors. Mr. S. T. Tune, was in the habit .of getting drunk at recess,' and that he did not want it to occur again. Just here Mr. Tune put hi with. '! often hear of your getting drunk, your Honor, but I don't be lieve a damned word of it."' The up shot of all this was the discharge of Mr. Tune as a juror. In a ease which came before the Marine ourt recently, it was a-ked that an order sliould be issued com pelling a judgment debtor to give up his watch to the receiver. It was anfted by the defendant's counsel that the defendant was keeping boarders for a living, and for the support of his family, and wa- therefore entitled to keep his watch. Judge ( rross remarked thereupon that a watch miirht almost lie considered a necessity, even for a I student or mechanic, and that unless j the law Conflicted with such action, he ' should allow the defendant to keep his timepiece. Because a man lias the j misfortune to be a judgment debtor is ijo good reason why his creditors l should not give him ''time." Savs a Xew York paper of Oct. 17th: "The challenge of O. W.Mealley. j of Ito-tou. to low any man in the i Catted State, except Kvan Morris, ot j Pittsburg, or Geo. Brown, of Halifax, j a live-mile race at Springfield, Mass.. tor $1,000 a side, was to-day accepte.' by John Biglin, of thi- city, who j agrees to row Mealley at Springfield next mouth. A letter from Vechigo. Japan, dated Anetist 20th, states that a whale was caught at Immaehi in which, when it j was cut up to boil down the blubber, a hide bag was found, which turned ont to contain, in gold and silver coin ' of every kind, upward of 10,000 yen. The Walla Walla Union has seen I some good specimens of cotton raised on Snake river, at the month of Almota j creek, by II. H. Spaulding. from seed j sent him by the Agricultural Depart- i nient. A Salt Lake man placed some pois- oned meat on a fence, intending the fatal lunch tor a neighbor's dog. In- I stead of the pestiferous cur his own 1 pet chilil found the meat and licked it. The child died. Col. W. G. Bullock, of Fort Lara- ! mie. beine a pioneer of 25 vears stand- I ing. is considered pretty good authority ' on Western resources, and he insists j that there arc oceans of gold" in the ! Black Hills. In the Xewark ;X. J.l city election. October 1 oth, the Democrats recovered entire control of the olfices. except A uditor and Controller; A ewark gave Grant 3,684 majority in ls72. Leroy Foote. employed about the ranch of P. L. Martin, near Colorado Springs, swallowed a dose of corrosive sublimate, when he meant to take something else, and crossed over to the other side. 'Commodore Ferguson, of the Schuyl kill Navy Club, reports that riming his visit to Europe, many of the lead ing boat clubs promised to send repre- I sen tat ires to the Centennial regatta. i K. II. Stoddard, the journalist, hav- j ing lo-t the use of his right hand from ; rheumatism, is learning to write with j the other, and in consequence tnrns i out manuscript nearly as legible as the late Horace reeley." Hon. H. G. Strove, of Olympia, was admitted to practice at the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Washington, on the 12th inst. Xew Mexico has just organized her first "Industrial Association," and next year the products of that prolific region will be represented tor the first I I Mrs. Abraham Li neon is in "Wiscon sin, and in poor health. The young daughter of Secretary Bristow will be a debutante in Wash ington society this winter. It is announced that Hoyt, Sprague & Co. will pay their creditor- fifty pet cent, and that their liabilities arc 000,01 K). The latest literary sensation is Holland's "Abridgment of the History of France." endiritr with "Xaiioicou Retrenchment I IAK 12 MONEY SAVING MONEY! in Hell.' The latest society rumor is that Mr. James Gordon Bennett bus been fasci nated and engaged by a well-known I Washington belle, the daughter of a distinguished naval officer. The late proprietor of ilie Seattle i .-,. '.;-,, r. S. L. Maxwell, has old ; that paper to David Higgius, Esj. One less horse thief in X4.,- Mexico. 1 His name was Martinez, Mexican, and the tree to which he- was bung , -lands near Bed river. XEW TO-DAY. ua.'a? cost : For ninety Days IWTI.L SKL"L MY EXTTKE ! iaoods, fur the next N1NKXY Samuel E.Young (Successor to Blain, Young ft Co.,; Wliolesale and Retail Deale In STAPLE and FANCY Has just rec ived u new stocrk atest s1! vK'fl ol of all tbt MEATS' A. BOYS' CLOTHING! I 2C - fcJD S - rr. e And Ilinjr so elienp that all can tray. The ifoots were i i 1 K f , Bought for Cash, i ! CO CD cc. C3 5 v C5 X 2 S and are heinir soM The secret for the same if selling goo comtnotii- aml no bnmbus self. C'er. l-'ir-l Call and 3. isa.n tuvnuv 5 our- and Wasl All rtoii -!-., y, Ircgon. lla inir seh uurt i mis in most laylisrht, ALSO, WAGONS, PLOWS anil all kinds of- r- Hern Albanv t'tisli paid for Iliiles, l'urs Xovember t;. I7t. m.l Elk m i:. At.n any. Ireiron, ictolior -2:!. Isti. My w ile Mrs. M.VKY It. HKXIEUSJS, having It-l't iii- hfMi-e without my consent, therct'm-e I :!n arsons not to trust her en my account. ii7 7 " W. B. HENDERSON'. G, ESROO.n FACTORY W. D. BEL D S N j .lTIIu HAXlTACTfREn THE FIRST t good Broom ever male n Albany, has returned from California, and li u-ati-d I perxnanently in thi city, where he ha i again commenced the num-uiacturti of all I kinds ot Brooms, Brushes, Wisps, critical, j:asixathw. I SELL ALL ;i(Us AT GRANGER PRICES! FI LL LINES I ir OK Y UOODK, ;i; i iiiks. HARDWARE, floors ,v siioi s. NO I JONS, KIT., ETC Farming Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sewing Machine, Guaranteed to lo equal p any and lrom fio to $15 less than other lirst class machines. TERiTIS CASH. GOODS LOW. at his tactorv broom to Alban v. Oct. l: on First street, at r Of M:i-,'iiti;i Mi hosti wishing a lirst el N.vmv it it him. V. 1. 1JKLDIN 1874-5V tin IN. A y e r n C I a e r ry 52 v ( rti S , tr 3isene 1 I lie I liroitt nitt.1 Hiieli ns 4 on lis. olU, Astli:nas ;uil - vnsiim;f i . n. a lie lew compo sitions, m h i U hav won tlveeon fldenee of man kind and become household words, among not only nit' ! 'u many na tion?, mns1 have extraordinary ir-rin-s. Perh:tps no one ever securest si wide a repota. t ion. or maintain ed it lon" as AY KItS ClXEItUY Petto rax.. It has been known to he pub lic for about forty years, by a long -(,n-tinned series of" marvellous cures, that have won tor it a confidence in it virtues, never equalled by any ot her medicine, li still make- the" most effectual cures of t.'tihs, CV?rf, f''ii'iijtff'-fK that can !) made by medical skill. lie feed t heCu kkby PkctobaTj has really robted these danger ous diseases of their terrors, to a great ex tent, and given a feeling of immunitv from their fat ui etTects, thai is well founded, irtlie remedy ie. taken in season. Kvery family should have ir in their closet for the ready and prompt relief of its mem bers. Siekness, suffering, and even lite is saved by this i imcly protection. The pru dent should not neglect it, and the wise w ill not. Keep it hy you for the protect ion ii affbrds by its timely use in sudden at tacks KREI'ARKD BY Jr. J. C. A VJ-Ilt A 4 A.m l.oivell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. &i-sold by all Druggists and Dealears in Medicine. Wv7y Cheadlc's Brick, First tiprl'71- si reet, Albany. ATTENTION. Call and See. Al Old Stand, First Street, fcl12-74 AI.II.VXy", OBEUOSi. PARKER & MORRIS' ITew Elevator IS SOW READY FOR TIIK IIW El' Hon of w heat and oats. We call the at tention of farmers to the fact that we have erected the finest warehouse in the suite, at a large expense, and are in position to handle Katisfeietorily an immense tpaan i ity tf grain. Our house has a capacity for 200,000 bushels of Wheat T i WJOMBOQAKT V-PH. BURNETT I- cornerjrine&oansomc&rrceis, i SanFranciscoCalifomiaj 1 time at a borne lair. Ajrer'a Hsiir Viaror, For Jtentoriiig (ini.v Hair to iIm Nat ural Vitality and ol ;r. A d v anevng years, sickness, -a re, d i sap pointment, and hereditary pre disposition, all turn the hair gray.andeilher 4ii i hem incline it to shed prematurely. AVER'S IlATU Vtuolt, by long and extensive use, has proven that it stops the tailing of the often renews the surely restores its 'ray. It stimulates to heal ty activity, hair and its beauty. su-klv hair becomes glossy, pliahlc and strengthened; lost hair regrowH with lively expression; tailing hair is checked and "stablisheU; thin hair thickens ; and faded or gray hair resume t heir original color. Its operation is sure and harmless. It enres dandruff, heals all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and soft under which condit ions, diseases Of the scalp arc impossible. As a dressing for ladies1 hair, the V icton Is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre i and richness of tone it impart s. PREPARED 11V Dr. J. C AYKR V 0., i.on ell, Nrhn., I'ractiwu ani Analytical unemtsrs. Cirsoid by all Druggists and Jeulei-s in Medicine. 8v7y at one time, and is located on the margin of the Willamette Rtver, and provided with a side track from the . & U. K., so that shipmeuts may be made daily by rail, and as often by water as boating facilities onVr. We have two large suction fans, in addi tion to other fans, attached to the house, run by water power, and arc thus pre pared to OLE AKT Jill ttie wlioat received. Pan itxko in chtm 10,W(0hnslel9perclay. 1-anetl wlioat is worth much niorvin :ili foreign markets than foul wUeat,ancI none should bewhtjv pi ll without clcaniiu;. ourehargeswillpe tive .-'ut a bushel m wheat, aiul four i::r,ls till outs. We llltvc SI XXV THOVSAKD SACKS to furnish those storing wlient with us, tree to those whose wheat we purchase, t 1 1... Ii-.v'it ("isii li-i.-e To 1 lwist who sell their wheat froiu our honse to other buyers. Persons stt-.rin with us are at liberty to sell to whom they please. Those i who reside on the west sid"e of the river will have ferriage free. 'ill be in the market as hu vers, and expect to lie able to pay the inquest possuue price. navill prepared ourselves to do a lanre business, we liope for our share of the public pat ronage. PAJtlvKT! .c MORRIS, ulj-31n47-6 Albany, Oregon. hair immediately; growth, and always color, when fiElded or the nutritive organs and preserves both th 1 mis iiiiisny, weaK or N' til AKMIAi SAI.K. OTICE IS HEREBY OITTS THAT I!Y virtue ol a license aiel oriler ol sale. niiele hy t be ouul ' i onrl in aseo ciun ty, Oregon, I will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the follow ing described tract or parcel of land, be longing to the estate of John A. Uouthit.a in ihor, as follows : The undivided one-sixth part ol' the norrh-east quarter of section i::. township No. li south, range 3 west, containing about twenty-six and t wo-thiros 36 acres, and situate in l.inn counry, Oregon, said property will 1k sold at tneCourt House door, in" Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on Saturday, thr. 1th (lees of November, at tho hoar of I o'clock P. M. of said day. Tekms Gold coin, cash in hand. JAS. H. HOUTIHT, October 0, IsTtwtnt BLANK DEEDS, on hand latest low, at this office. MORTGAi i ES. ETC. , styles -and fo tale Capital(Failnpi!iGol!l)$800,000 Surplus Fund (in Gold) 206,110 Transact every kind of legitimate Bankiug IS 11 s i uci, s . BITS AIVB SELLS BXCItAITOK on the principal Cities of the United States nnd Knrope. ISSUES CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT available ut. all cutnmerciul and financial points. ZSCVS A I SELLS National, State, Citv and countv Bonds. I VEST.! EIVTS it! A iE on orders. CJOLU & SILVEK UI IJ.IO' and I. lit; A I.TE1Y DERS nought and sold. DEPOSIT ACCOIINTH keptintlukl. SUtrer and Currency, and subject to check at pleasure. INTEREST PAID nn Time Deposits. COLLECTIONS ItlADE in Snu I nun ixio ami vicinity without charge, and tit all other points at cost, and proceeds remitted at current rates of Exchange. 0. H. B0GART, PETER H. BURNETT, Cashier. President. SOLDIERS' WAR CLAIM AGEXCV. (No. .It Montgomery Block.) SAN VKAM'ISCO.CAE. W. H. AIKEN, ATTORXE Y-AT-L AW and !ominander of the (irand Army of the Hepulilic iii California find Nevada, will give, prompt attention to the collec tion of Additional Trave Pay, now due California uuil Nevada Volunteers dis charged more than three hundred miles from home. Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Informal ion given free of charge. When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment, and whether vou have a discharge. Congress has ex tended the time for tiling claims for Ad ditional Bounty under Act of July '-!S, ISflfi, to January ls7.", so all such claims musi be made before thai time. Original Bounty of $100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July -2'iil, lsiil for thrio years, if not paid the same when discharg ed. Land Warrants can can be obtained for services rendered before 1855, but not for services in the iate war. Pensions for late war and war of 1812 obtained and increased when allowed for less than dis ability warrants, but no pensions are al lowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas hasgranted Pensions to sur viving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orleans anil .Mobile Prize Money is now due and Ijeing paid. W. H. Aiken also at tends to General Law and Collection Busi ness. 4H-o-em FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and improved styles, Call at the Register Office.