The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 06, 1874, Supplement, Image 10

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I', s. Official Paper for Oregon.
The citizens of twenty-two States,
ti Tuesday, quarreled, fought, swal
lowed heaps of tangleleg in feet, en
joyed the fullest rights accorded
American Freemen on election day.
We go to press too early to give any
definite results. Nevada is claimed by
both parties, fn Louisiana tlie Dem
ocrats claim the election by from 3.000
tn 5,000, while the Republicans claim
it by 10.000. New Orleans has gone
Conservative by probably 13,000. In
the State the Conservatives claim four
Congressmen, but the Republicans do
not admit the loss of but one. The
C-onservatives claim 10 of the IS State
Senators, and at least CO members of
the House, they electing 23 members
in New Orleans alone. In a row at
the polls in New York. John Mc
Kenna, a partisan -of Coroner Croker.
was shot and killed by the friends of
.lames O'Brien. Croker was a Tam
many leader, and O'Brien an outside
candidate for Congress, endorsed by
the Republicans. Democrats claim
that the elections give them a majority
of the members in Congress, and we
should not be surprised if it should so
turn out.
Wm. 11. Watkinds. Superintendent
of the penitentiary, has advertised for
proposals to lease the labor of the con- j
viets in said prison. The bids must be i
lor the labor of not less than ten men.
for a term not exceeding four years, j
No bids lor a less sum than fifty cents
per day per man. will be considered.
Bonds in double the amount of money i
involved in the Proposal will be re-
quired of each bidder, as a guarantee
ot the fulfillment of the contract should j
it lie accepted.
Transfusion of blood, for the cure of
consumption, has been successfully ac- ;
eomplished in the case ot Hermon Du
boise, at Fall river. About six ounces i
ol the blood of a living lamb were
transferred to the veins ot the consump- j
tive patient, in the space ot one minute
and thirty-three seconds, and up to j
last accounts, with marked beneficial
Prominent business men of Port- j
land have tiled articles incorporating
'The North Pacific Mutual Life In- '
surance Co.," with principal office at I
Portland. The Company will enter at j
once upon the business of life insur
ance, and we predict will he a success j
from the start.
Occident was the winner of the
$.'i.i00 trotting match at Bay District
Fair track, San Francisco, last Satur
day, beating Fullerton. Time, 2:1S
and 2:22.
The Emperor of Brazil proposes to
he one of the Nation's guests at the
coming Centennial, provided begets
permission from the Brazilian Parlia
ment. Kullman, for the attempt he recent
ly made to assassinate Prince Bis mark,
has been tried and. found guilty, sen
tenced to 14 years in the House of Cor
rection, 10 years suspension of his
civil rights, and police surveillance for
Gov. Dix announces himself as op
posed to a thin! term, and says he does
not believe Grant desires a re-election.
The New York Tii:, also, opposes
the third term idea.
A Xorweigian, a Mexican, and two
Indians had a misunderstanding in
Montana, and after the Norwegian
had killed the Indians he in turn was
killed bv the Mexican.
The Congress of the Argentine Con
federation has declared the republic in
a state of seige, and voted the neccssa
ry cash to crush the insurrection.
Hon. J. H. Mitchell and wife have
returned to Washington, after a two
week's visit at the old homestead in
Butler county, Penn.
The relief societies of Omaha are in
receipt of large supplies tor the grass
hopper sufferers, which they are judic
iously distributing.
Election Sews.
In Michigan the new Constitution
and the Woman Suffrage amendment
are overwhelmingly defeated. The
Democrats claim two Congressmen
the balance are Republican. The
Democrats possibly have a majority
of the Legislature.
Pennsylvania State ticket is claimed
for the Republicans by 15,000. Dem
ocrats claim 12 of the 27 Congressmen.
Rhode Island sends Ames and Ballon,
Republicans, to Congress.
The Democrats get away with the
six Congressmen in Texas.
Indications are that the ten Con
gressmen from Kentucky are Demo
crats. Vermont elects Denison over Poland
to Congress by a large majority.
In Wisconsin the Republicans claim
six Congressmen, leaving two for the
Democrats, and a majority of 20 in the
In Minnesota the Republicans claim
the Legislature.
In Missouri and Kansas returns too
meagre to give results.
New Jersey elects a Democratic
Governor, and four Democrats to three
Republicans to Congress. No change
in State Senate, but the House is over
whelmingly Democratic.
Mississippi and Delaware elect Dem
ocratic Governors. There is a clean
sweep of Congressional delegations in
Delaware, Alabama, Georgia, Mary
land, Texas, Virginia and Tennessee,
and tive out of six Democratic Con
gressmen in Louisiana.
Alabama has gone Democratic by
0,000 to 10.000. They elect 5 Con
gressmen, and possibly 2 others. They
also have a majority in the Legisla
ture. In Massachusetts Gaston. Democrat,
is elected Governor by a plurality ot
7. 1ST balance ot State ticket Republi
can. In New York, Tilden, Democrat, is
elected Governor, and the Assembly is
Virginia elects five Conservatives
and three Republicans to Congress,
with one district in doubt.
The Georgia Congressional delega
tion is probably Democratic.
The Republicans elect their State
ticket in Illinois.
The Cincinnati Ohio (rosette brings
forward the name of Hon. Joseph
Medill. of Chicago, as a proper man
for President ot the United States.
The Gazette's argument is : As Medill
was the choice of both parties for the
otlice of Mayor of Chicago when that
city was suffering from the great tire,
her business prostrated, her govern
ment demoralized, and an honest,
capable man was needed to keep the
municipal thieves in check, and when
elected he proved to be the right man
in the right place, therefore he would
make a good l'resident of these United
States. Gen. Sherman has also been
mentioned in connection the ollice, as
well as Win. Orton. present President
of the Western Union Telegraph Co.
A circular from the office of the
Cousul-General of Chile, informs ns
that the Second International Imposi
tion of Chile will open at Santiago on
the 10th of September, 1875. Exhibi
tors must make application before the
16th of Xoveinlier, and those w ishing
to become exhibitors can obtain blank
applications for space, as also rules,
programmes, and other information
relating to the exposition by address
ing Francisco 2d Casanueva, Consul-
General of Chile. San Francisco, Cali
fornia. It is hoped that Oregon will
be fully represented in tlie Exposition.
Philip D. Moore has been awarded
the contract for carrying the mail dur
ing three and a halt years from Janu
ary 1st, 1S75. between Taeoma, Wash
ington Territory, and Victoria. British
Columbia, at !f20,SiiO per annum.
Hon. George F. Edmunds lias been
re-elected United States Senator fioiu
Vermont from the 4th of March next.
Mr. Edmunds has been a member of
the Senate since 1S66.
B. J. Pengra has gone to Wash
ington City in the interest of the Win
nemucca Railroad. He is an indefat
igable worker, and it is to be hoped
will accomplish much for the road.
It is reported that Don Alfonso and
wife have returned to France.
A certain bill, allowing a majority
of the directors of a railway company
to reside out of the State, it is charged
by the Oregonian, was passed by both
Houses of the Oregon Legislature, re
ceived the signature of the Speaker of
the House, and was by him forwarded
to the President of the Senate, with a
message saying that he had so signed
it. the bill and message reaching the
President's desk before the adjourn
ment of said Senate ; but that in the
face ot these facts, and the further fact
that when it was observed that he was
about to adjourn the Senate without
allixing his signature to the bill, a
Senator arose at his desk and called his
attention to the fact that ihe bill was
awaiting his signature, and requesting
him to affix such signature before ad
journing the Senate, the Senate." was
adjourned by the President without
such signature being affixed. The
question is not. as to the importance of
the bill ; if the bill was duly passed by
both Houses, and properly enrolled
it was the plain duty of Col. Cornelius,
the President of the Senate, to sign it
the moment it was presented to him
in the open Senate he had no choice
in the matter. If the OreyoiiitM .sstate-
ments are true, then Col. Cornelius
I deserves the severest condemnation at
' the hands of honest men of all parties.
All charges against Secretary Strnve.
of Washington Territory, were dis
missed at Washington on the 20th ult..
; and he was directed to return to his
post of duty.
John Laird, the great ship builder,
died in London on the 29th ult.
The PostofHee Department is out ot
stamped envelopes, and likely to re
main in that rather unlucky condition
for some time. The contract for furnish
ing stamped envelopes was recently let.
but the contractors have uot yet had
time to provide the machinery for their
manufacture, and in the meantime the
government has sold out. A circular
to postmasters has been issued reciting
these facts, and those of the public
who desire to buy envelopes will know,
after reading this paragraph, the rea
son why they cannot lie had at present.
Walla Walla charges peddlers one
dollar per day for license, no license
to run for less than ten days.
Major Church Howe, formerly U.
S. Marshal of Wyoming, has been
elected a member of the Nebraska
The case of t he State of Oregon vs.
Oscar Clark, for incest, was tried at
Pendleton last week, and the jury re
turned a verdict of '-not guilty."
m:' to-day.
J- the undersigned, sole referee, by
virtue of a commission' issued out of the
Circuit i 'onri ot the suite of I Iregon for t he
j county of I.iun, and lo me directed and
! delivered, on a decree rendered in said
j court at tlie October term thereof, IH74, in
ja certain suit for tlie partition of real
' property, wherein .Icremiah liritrirs anil
I Eliza H. Driggs, his wife, were plaintiff,
and Eli Carter ami Jane E. Carter, his
! wife, and Edward It. Si. Carter, were de
I fen dan ts, will, on
Monday, the 7th dag of December, 1S74.
between tlie hours of ! o'clock in the fore
noon and four o'clock in the afternoon of
slid day, to wit : at the hour of one o'clock
I', sr., at the COurt House door in the City
of Albany, in Linn county, and state of
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, all the right, title, interest
ana estate, dower and right of dower of
the abo,-e named parties, plaintiffs and
defendants in said suit, of, in anil to the.
following described premises, to wit :
The X. W. corner lot. 66 feet by 10(1
feet of Black; 100, being the lot on which
the steam Planing Mill, formerly known
asComleyft Montgomery's Planing Mill,
now known as Driggs ft Carter's Planing
Mill, stands. Also, the X. Y . corner lot of
Block lni. saving and excepting a strip of
said last mentioned lot, 36 feet wide oir of
the South Fide of the. same, all of said
premises lying and being in Ilackleinan's
addition to the city of Albany, in Linn
county, Oregon, together with the Plan
ing Mill, steam engine and boiler, and all
the machinery attached to, or belonging
to said Planing Mill. Also, the following
described premises, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 146 feet from
where the Kast line of Mill street now
Montgomery street -intersects the North
line of First street, in Albany, Oregon,
and. running thence East to the'line divid
ing t he donation land claim of Thomas
Monteith and Abram Hackleman. Thence
talong said line Northerly to ihe corner of
tin? real property owneti by .1. It. Comlev
in the year 1865, thence West to the East
side of Mill street now Montgomery
st reel -thence along Kast side of said street
to the place of beginning, together with
all the tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining.
Said premises to he sold altogether and
possession to lie given to the purchaser on
the 36th day of December. 1874.
Terms of Bale.- For gold coin of t lie TT.
S.. one-fourth of the purchase price to he
paid in hand at the time of the said sale,
and one-half of the balance in six mont hs
from the date of the sale, with interest at
t he rati' of ten per cent, per annum, in like
gold coin, from the date of the sale, anil
the balance in twelve months from the
date of the said sale, with interest at ihe
rate of ten per cent, per annum, in like
gold coin, from tlie date of said sale, to lie
secured by good and sufficient security,
other than the said property sold.
Nov. 6, ISTtTnSwl Sole Referee.
Old ost House
stock, which will be found, us usual, to contain t be best goods :il the low i si price-.
To specefy. 1 1" you don't see what yon want, ask for it ; and if we don't have the
dentical article called for, the chances are
tome and see us, and bring along your
thing thai lias n market value, and we
srreenbacks, tro
cks. troM not,--., or even irold coin,
First and c
is, right opposite the saddle Butte, Sbcdd, Oregt
Paints & Oils, Hals & taps, Groceries, Wagons,
Farming Implements, Machinery,
&e., &e., Vc. Ac,, Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.
Managers of Farmers' Union Warehouse, and Commission Merchants i::
SliKDD, Linn county. Oregon, Sept. 25, ls7i.
ioc in nutiix.
If you want nice Toilet tioods,
don't fail to call on
Doe Plummer has the nicest Stationery j
in the city.
Doc Plummer keeps A 1 CIGARS AND '
1 toe Plummer has a nice variety of gom 3
and is always glad to see his friends,
Albany, Oct. 74-v7
VII. BELL & PARKER, late of Oregon
City, beg leave to inform the public
thai they have purchased the entire Mock
ot drugs, medicines. ftc, formerly owned
by R. C. Hill ft son. and that they design
continuing the business at the old stand,
where they purpose keeping in the furure
a full as-ortmeiu of
Patent MetlMnrs,
Toilet Articles,
and everything usually found in a first
class drug store.
While ea rnest ly soliciting a eoni in nance
of the libera) patronage heretofore extend
ed toxne old Douse, we nope at the same i
time, by fail' and liberal dealing, and care- '
fill attention to the wants of customers, to i
merit t lie esteem ot any NEW mends who
may favor v.s with t heir orders.
Particular attention will he given to the
compounding of physician's prescriptions
ami family recipes, at all hours of the day
or night.
J Successors to K. C. IIIL.L. a son.
Albany. October 9, T-n4tf
iliSMH.I TM'E.
the co-partnership heretofore existing
by and between .1. D. Titus, Charles llour
gardes anil .1. 1!. Titus, under the flrm
name of Titus. Bourgardcs & Co., is this
day dissolve 1 bv mutual consent. Charles
Bourgardes retiring from the flim. All
notes and accounts due t he late firm must
be paid to Charles llourgardes, who will
remain iti the House until next April. All
accoiuns must be paid bv January 1st, 1S75
J. 1). T1TCS.
.1 11. TlTCs.
Albany. Or., )ctober 6th, 1874.
The undersigned desire to return their
thanks to the citizens of Albany and vicin
ity for the liberal patronage heretofore ex
tended to the tirm of Titus, I!. & Co.. and
express the hope that the new linn of
Titus Bros., who will continue business at
the old place, will be found worthy of their
continued confidence.
in tlio Trade.
that we have something
Chickens, Butter, Eggs,
will give you a lair sw
io Volt 1)1
I Fruit-
I trie
to .' EM
H you
poil a t
we would take t hat ral hi
Oni.tuiciiittl. Alnminout
Plastering Paper Board.
taking the place of Lumber and Plaster
in cetlmg.
For cheapness, durability, comfort anil
heaith. we recommend it.
It cost-loss than one-fourth the cost of
Wall I'a per. Plastering or ( 'eiling.
If is a perfect non-conductor, keepiny
heat ot r in Suuiuiei and INSIDE in Winter,
saving in one year. the cost of paper.
It is not so easily injured by knocks as
plastering : does not shrink, ail mils no cold
winds, and is vermin proof.
Tarred Nheashlng.
This is a hard, compact, straw IkWEtl,
saturated with tar and other -ubstanei s to
render n WATER, HAT and VERMIN
PROOF. It is Usedundersidingon ontsido
of studding. It is impervious to damp
ness, colli ami heat: and is verv much
cheaper and better than brick tilling or
board lining.
Roofing; Fell,
Mad.- from woolen rags, and thoroughly
saturated with tar is adapted to all kind's
ofroofs does not swell or shrink, thereby
cracking the covering; and will not -oak
waterif exposed. We havealsoalight Felt
tor use under slate, shingles or tin.
Carpet Lining.
Will save one-half the wear of a Carpet -warranted
moth proof ; can be used, for
years, and i- very cheap.
Send for circular.
w. r. mm.
First-St., bet. Ferry ft Bronilalbin.
Albany, Iregon, October, 10, !S7t-5v7
selected with care, and lought for coin at
ScaiKliiltkiiNly Low FiureM !
and as we bought low we can and will s'll
them at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections of
Rress 4oo1m,
Ziril liantes,
KibiMMi, Collars, Collar ctten,
for the ladies, and our complete linesof
Readymade Clothing,
Of all descriptions for men and hoys. Also
full assortments of
Groceries. Crociery & Glassware.
for everybody.
Tlie best good, at the la west rates e en
time. fstT Come and see.
i-obanon , Oregon, October 30, 1874.