ALIiANY RE . IHTER l'l UI. -IIKH KVF.Ii COSJL. 1-3 IN KEGISTEB BHILBIKGS, Home Etfte-rs. Sew ami Tasty. Doc. Plummer lias opened tin- neatest little drugstore in the State, in liis new building on First street, where you can obtain i 4 I : everytliinf! in the line of perflimerv. i brushes, a smeties, combs, soaps oil luetics combs, soaps oils, , C-nt r 1 Firt Ulrerts. TERMS IN MiVANCK. DM mr, one vtur 2 50 i one. coy, -iv mouths 1 an i To clubs f lwenty,ili S3 1 , S. n ir 1 ' - Ten cents. FRIDAY, H f BKK 2$ 1-71. fresh drugs and medicine?, the very pjetc thai, in forn,er years, and the latest in stationery, and a thousand various specimens of needlework, em other things both useful and ornamen- broitJerj etC j couia scarcely he ex tal. Besides the Doc. keens A No. 1 j ,, ,tl ( eauulletl anvwherc. The" oil cigars and tobacco, and is one of the most clever. wholesouleJ, ripsnorters in WcbfooUlom in his own right. (Jo in and see for yourself, and if you can get ahead of Doc. on a joke, we want to know it. See new ad. in this morn ing's supplement. Special Hays of Prater. Xext Sunday, and Monday have been selec ted by the London S. S. Union as day- of special prayer for the salvation of the children and youth who attend the Sunday school. They invite all throughout th' world to unite with them. Special services will be held at the M. E. Church in this city. 15e tween 7 and S o'clock A. M. Sunday, the teachers arc leVniesterl to engage in private prayer for God's blessingon their labors. Preaching at 11 A.M. In the afternoon the ordinary routine will be varied, and the children will gather for singing and prayer. Ad dresses will he delivered. In the eve ning prayer will he continued, and ap propriate addresses delivered. The exerci-es for Monday will be an nounced Sunday evening. All are in vited to attend these meetings, es pecially the parents of the children. I. WILSON', Pastor. CtKCt'iT Court Has transacted the following business, since our last re port, up to yesterday : Andrew Wiley vs L. Elkins, to re cover n l oi i e y continued. State vs Win. Moore, selling liquor without licence verdict, guilty as charged in indictment. I State vs Geo. Barring verdict of guilty as charged in indictment. State vs Geo. Barring demurred" to by deft, contested by State ami cause dismissed. State vs John Woslev Fairchild distnissetl on motion of deft. State vs Win. Moore, selling liquor without license dismissed on motion j jltt as I said before, I will not tres ofdett. Three similar cases, again.-t pass upon your valuable space too same party, di-posed of in the same , ineh at this time, but close by saying way. I that the officers of the State Agricult- H. Weed vs Alonzo Grant, action j oral Association deserve the thanks of at law to recover money deft's mo- ; the people of Oregon for the excellent tion to dissolve attachment overruled. ! manner in which the State Fair for and judgment for plaintiff for want of 1 1S74 was gotten up and conducted answer. I throughout ; and we hope that the John I.ce vs L. Elkins, et al., nc- j future meetings ot the Society may be tion at law to recover moncv con- tinued. State vs Frank TJppi (Si wash), lar ceny pending. Medical Card See Dr. Houghton's card in this issue. The Dr. has gained an enviable reputation as a successful pnysiciau. auu me ...o.uc..-,. ... acquaintance the better he is liked, At present his office n at the City . Orug store. BEAD This. All persons knowing j themselves indebted by note or other- j wise to the late firm of Howell, Har per & Co., are earnestly requested to call at once and settle the same, as the money is now due, and we want it. "A word to the wise,"' &c. We also have a very fine stock of goods to sell, which we offer very low for cash or merchantable produce. Dan. Williams, an employe at the awmill. is laid up with a lame back, hurt on Tuesday, handling heavy lum ber. Mrs. M. H. Abbott, of Pendleton, who has been visiting her daughter in thisCity,startcd homeward on Monday. The little daughter of Mr. Arm strong, Gussie, is lying dangerously ill of lung fever. Nsil-;:a CorresnojiUeuec. Sai.i.m. Oct. 14. 1S71. 1 laving a leisure moment and a suitable opportunity, I drop you a line in relation to the State 1'air now progressing. I arrived on l he grounds on the morning Ot the 11th, found evervthins in rooil ruunins style, and thousands of people camped here, alii eager to witness the coin ing exhibition, while hundreds were hourly arriving, from all parts of the State, to increase the mighty throng of exhibitors and siffht-secrs. Mv lirst visit was to the Pavilion. It presented one of the grandest sights 1 ever witnessed at the Oregon State Fair, crowded full, as it was, with the best productions of the nt sa.,,., ; ,1,,. wav of frrain soil ot our Mate ill tlie .IJ oi gram, , fruits vegetables, tar excelling any . -, - .i.i i i- i ' I I'll (" I NUlllUlIt 1Mb i-t'iii,? ..,,, ft,iier aiui more oom- and water colored pictures and beaut i ful drawings, were elegant, and at- j tracted the approving gaze of thous- j ands during the continuance of the j Fair. But I will not trespass upon j your time and space by attempting to give a detailed description of all 1 saw ; in and about the Fair grounds. The showing of agricultural implements j was gootl ; the show ol blooded horses I was never so large ; the same might be said of cattle, sheep and hogs. In fact, the Oregon State Fair for 1S74 j was a grand success, showing as it did the vast improvements our people have made in every branch of industry i i in the past few years. Our farmers ! and mechanics have met together in social-converse, and each will carry ! home with him something of benefit, j To give your readers an idea of the money received by the State Agricult- ural Society during the Fair. I will give you the reported receipts for three j days. Monday, at railroad sate, $1,- 0.30; main entrance, $1,500; east gate, $2-20. Tuesday, railroad gate, $1,100; main entrance, $000 ; cast gate, $320. Wednesday, railroad gate, $1,300 ; main entrance, i?S0O ; east gate, $3S0. ! For licenses, on Monday there was j paid in $1,000 ; on Tuesday, $300 ; on I Wednesday. $200. The gate receipts on the fourth day were reported at $1,823, making a grand total of re ceipts for four days of $12,293. Mr. Keed, of Portland, had the fin est show of Durham cattle on the rrounds. Mr. Mver, of Jacksonville, hail his snlf-ndid Pereheron horses oil ! exhibition, attracting universal atten- tion, and getting away with the first premium. Clidesdale iretting the sec- , orK? anj England's (ilory the third as well conducted and as snccesstul as the one under consideration. Refobteb. Wheat in San Francisco, 1 50 per 100 lbs; in Portland. $1 .'!01 .15; in Liverpool, average 9slld103 6d, club, 10s 7d!4lls. Hamilton, of Corvalli made our city a flying Visit Wednesday riuer rneiieiJsou iiini jie l.u i jut I Chicago to-uiorro.v. lion voyage. The Republic The new organ of the Republican party of Xew York, has been received, it is an eightpage daily, neatly printed and well filled. Whether it will prove a power in the land remains to be seen. From its general appearance we judge it will prove a financial success. Latest dates give 14,733 as the Dem ocratic majority in Indiana. The State Senate has 23 Democrats, 24 Republi cans and 3 Independents. House 52 Democrats, 37 Republicans and 10 Independents. The first victim of the repeal of the Litigant Daw is the Portland Daily News, which will hereafter be issued as a weekly only. ATTENTION, PAU&EK & MORRIS' ITew Elevator ! TS OW READY FOR TOTS RECEI- X tion of h :U :t..'l out-. t all the ;.T-i-u : ion of fanners to tlw f;ut tinxt we have erected the fine! waivtionse in the State, at a i: 1 1' exTXHis, aiitl Jive in position to h;m 1 ! satisfactorily an immense j nan -tity of grain. Our Uousc has a capacity for 200,000 fcllSllClS Of WllCQt at one tinio. and is, located on the margin of t lie WillametteRivBr, and provided with . . , . 4, & ,. so tllut shipments may be made daily by rail, and as otten oy water us poannsiacuiiiraoucr. 1:IV two larsrc suction tans, in a-tdi- tion to oilier lans, iiiiaeiieii to uie House, run ly water power, and are thus pre pared to 0 Xj 33 -A. 3M all the -wheat received. Can take in mid clean 10,000 bushels per day. Cleaned win -at is wort li much more in all foreign markets than foul wheat, and none should he shi pe t without cleaning. Our charges will be live cents a bushel on wheat, and four cents on oats. We have SIXTY THOUSAND SACKS to furnish those storing wheat with us, tree to those whose wheat we purchase, and at the lowest cash price to those who sell their wheat from our house to other buyers. Persons storing with us are at iibertv to sell to whom they please. Those who reside on the w est side of the river will have ferriage free., Will he in the market as hovers, and expect to he able to puv the highest possible price. Having prepared ourselves to do a large business, we hope for our share of the public pat ronage. PARKER MORRIS, Albany, Oregon. jUiyin47-o (HAS. Ii. MOXTACUE. ItOllT. M'1'AI.l.KY. fflOXTAGUE & McCALLEY, . SESOW OPENING A MAGIOFICF.NT 9oek of SPRING GOODS ! consisting in part of elegant ' LuslrfH, Poplin, Marseilles, llrilliantcs, liquos. Mum In, Japanese IM-CSS tiOOllM, and an endless variety of Ribbons, Collars, Collarettes, Laces, &e for the ladies, and a One assortment of j Readvmade ClOthinST. Cups, Boots, Slioes, Cloths, ClU'llllH IIS Cotloii.'Klcs, and Hosiery, Of an descriptions for men andboys. Also full assortments of ; GrOCCTieS. CfOCry & GlaSSWafB. fir everybbdv. The Roods wi're selected with care , and purchased at very low prices. A look tlirongh our stock and our mark ed prices thereon, will satisfy all that we are determined to place ou r goods at prieea that will warrant sutisi'action to the pur chaser. Lebanon, Oregon, April 35, 1S74. KOLRIERS" WAR CLAI1I ACiGXCY. (No. 31 Montgomery Block.) SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. :: r. H. AIKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW it and Commander of the Grand Army ot 1 he Republic in California and Nevada, willgive prompt attention to the collec tion of Additional Travel Fay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers dis charged more than three hundred miles froan home. Soldiers can defend on lair dealing. Informal ion given free of charge. "When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment, and whether you huvea discharge. Congress has ex tended the time for filing claims for Ad ditional Bounty under Act of July s, ls'iti, to January 1875, so all sneh claims must bo made before that time. Original Bonnty of f 100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before Jnly 22d, 1861 for three years, if not paid the same when discharg ed. Land Warrants can can be obtained for services rendered before 1855, but not for services in tne late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1812 obtained and Increased when allowed tor less than dis ability warrants, but no pensions are al lowed to Mexican and Florida warsuWliers. state of Texas nasgranted Pensions to sur viving veterans of Texas Revolution. New t Irleans find Mobile PriUM Miiiicv is now j due and being paid. W. H. Aiken also at ! tends to General Law and Collection Busi ness. 4s-t;-r,ut Id AlllliA sale:. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of a license and order of sale, made by the County Court of Wasco coun ty, Oregon, I will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the follow ing descrilied tract or parcel of land, be lonirinft to the estate of John A. Oouthit.a minor, as follows: The undivided one-sixth part or the norrh-oast quarter of section 23, township No. 12 south, range 3 west, containing about twenty-six and tvo-thirds(20 fiacres, and situate in Linn county, Oregon. Said property will lie sold at tne Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7tli day of November, at tho hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. Tubus -Cold coin, cash in hand. t JAS. n. OUTHIT, October 9, 187iw4n4 Iletronchment I i BY SAVING IVIOEY ! j aiUklLT lias just received a new stock of all thu latest st vies of MEJXS' AIf BOY'S' CLOTHING! And is selling so cheap that all can buy. The jxoids were I3ong-lit for Cash, and arc being sold for the same commodi ty. The secret of selling goods is in Buying 3Etslx-t ! Having selected our eoods in daylight, ive court the most CRITICAL EXAMIATIOX. I SKLL ALL GOODS AT GRANGER PRICES ! FULL LIN LS OF dry tioons, UBOCERUBS, HARDWARE, BOOTS & Knots, BfOTIOHS, ETC., ETC. X. BACH. Chcadlc's Brick. First street, Albany. aprlST4-32 POSTPONEMENT. Fif!li and Insist Ciiift Concert IN All) OF THE Public Library Kentucky AND A FCLL DRAWIXG ASSVREO MONDAY, 30tt NOVEMBER, 1874 ! LAST CHANCE FOR AN" ZHS.Gsy Fortune. A postponement of the Fifth Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky has been so generally anticipated, and is so mani festly lor the interest of all concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed, and there will be no variation from the programme now an nounced. A sufficient number of tickets had been sold to have enabled us to have had a large drawing on the 31st of July, but a short postponement was considered preferable to a partial drawing. Let it bo borne in mind that the FiS'TCJ tilVT COXfEKT IS THE LAST WHICH "WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER BY Till: PRESENT MANAGEMENT, That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on Monday, SOSli Xovraibrr, That the music will be the best the coun try affords, and that ita,000 Casta ifts, AGG REG ATI KG S2,500,000 OO ! will be distributed by lot among the ticket holders. LIST OF GIFTS : On,- Grand t'nsli tilt S2.10.000 One (irand t'nsli Hilt 100,000 One (.rami asli till 1 73,000 One (iraiKl 'asli 4iirt 30,000 One 4riitl C'imIi 4irt 2S,OOI B t'nsli tj ill's, 2,(ilpa 100,000 lO oslit.ills. r4,OOOeit 140,000 ISttashtURs, lu,(iOt'n 150,000 aOCfeshUlftS, o.OOOeu 100.000 25 Cmfa tilflts, 4,oooe 100,000 SOCmbLitfltM, it.OOOen uo.000 .0, ;ssll Call (H, I01M aslK.iiis. 240'HK tOUllS, 5oo 4 ':lNh ti I its, 19,OOOC'iiku tiilts, 2.000 n 100,000 1,000 en 100,000 roo est I'JO.OOO 1 00 en 5o,mm) So en 1150)000 (ir'nd (olnl " 'sisli. Ms 2, .100,000 PRICK OF TICKETS. Whole TieKets S 50.00 Halves 2-I.00 Tenth, or each citgimi 5. 00 1 1 Whole Tickets for S00.00 22,' Tickets lOr 1 ,000.00 Persons wishing to invest should order promptly, either of tho Home OfUce or our local Agents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. t-45"CMrculars con taining full part ieulars furnished on appli cation. TIIOS. E. lilt AM LETTE, Agent and Mannicer. Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky soma BLANK DEEDS, MOBTGAIiKS, ETC., on hand latest styles and fo sale low, at this office. SamuelE. Young (Successor to Blain, Youngi Co.,) Wholesale ana Retail Dealc r in STAPLE and FANCY be SC.' az CD EC Q O O r. Q e o e PS M 0 0 H Q 2 CO UJ OS UJ o OS o M 5 a m ALSO, WAGONS, PLOWS and all kinds of Farming- Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sewing M achine, Guaranteed to be equal to any, and lrom ill) to $15 less than other first class machines. TERMS-CASH. GOODS LOiV. Call and See. At Old Stand, First Street, feb!274 AI.11AXY, ORECS03I. R H.BURNETT. Cforner&ine&Sansomc Streets. SanErancisco California! Capital(PaiWGoll)$800,000 Surplus Fund (111801(1)206,110 Transnrliirvrry hind of legitimate JSankiugc IS ui in n,. BITS AN1? SELLS EXCHASOE on the principal Cities of the United Stated and Europe. ISSUES CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT available at all commercial and lluanrial points. Bl'VN AXD SELLS National. State, citv and ronntv Bonds. ISTEStnENTS -TIAr; on orders. ;!. I &NII.VEK III I.I.JON and LKALTENEKSiisilir andsoUI. OEI'OSIT Att'OUilTH kept in Hold, Silver and Currency, and .subject ti clicik at pleasure. INTEREST P AID nn Time Deposits. COLLECTIONS MAIIE in Man Fraaciwo and vicinity witliont cliarirc. and at all other points at cost, and proceeds remitted at current rates if Exchange. 0. H. BOGART, PETER. H. BURNETT Cashier. President. FOR SALE ! rjMIE CELEBBATED W. A. M OOD'S REAPERS & LOWERS. Haine'v IIonut?r, (Wopd'a improved.) 'oiiiillsrr Indiana Farm yVajoo. The Russcl and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Statesman Forecfecd Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call, see, mill set price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sta., Albany, Oregon. S9VS ' FRANK WOOD. The Wonacr of tlie World ! m w o.itnooflK t v LOOK HERE, WEARY WOMAN! THE CLIMAX STEAM WASHER IS the best, cheapest and most durable machine ever invented, and it costs noth ing to find out what it will do. The price of this wonderful invention ranges from ft 50 to S, and is worth the attention of every one. Look out for impositions, for the country is full of them. The machine can be had at W. II. Mi Karland's Albany. KM HAZEL, Gen. Agt, For the state of Oregon. Albany, July 11, 187i--3m. FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and Improved stylos, Call at the Register Office.