The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 18, 1874, Image 4

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ALBANY . . , - - OREGON.
One copy one year....,. 3 - SO
Ten poIMi one yi'nr 20 OO
Apecftil inducements offered to persons
desirous of canvassing fot subscriptions
to the Register.
V. S. Official Paper for Ort'Ron.
The l'eople Will Decide tl Quailon.
Several ot the leading papers ot
the country show decided signs of
uneasiness at Grant's reticence in
relation to the third-term question.
Commencing the attack with 'hints,
suggestions and iiiuendoes, they
have at last come out boldly and
asked the Fresid?nt to "speak ot
in ineetin'," quiet 'their nervous
fears, and put the awful question
forever at rest. This looks to us
like the softest 4und of nonsense
worse than undertaking to chop
wood with a hammer. Let the
People speak out on this matter;
the 1 'ouple make and unmake Presi
dents; and nf the sovereigns of this
country desire Grant to be placed
in the Executive '.hair for a third
term, nothing will prevent it; but
if they do not desire such a consum
mation, all the power llt Grant
can wield, through his vast army
of cilice-holders, wold not secure
him tlie vote ot a single State. This
country 4a8 not reached, and we
believe never will, that point in
Csesarism at which the election ot
any man to the Presidency depends
his own sweet will. Should Presi
dent ("rant cause himself to be nomi
nated for a third term, his candidacy
will not be dangerous, "will not
amount to a row of pins," imless
the J "le ratify the nomination.
The whole mallet rests entirely and
exclusively with the l'eople, who
are just now beginning to fully rea
litse and enforce their power. '1 hat
a third term wouvd he an attack
upon any latent right existing in
the People, we do not say; but if
the People so regard it, they will
quickly settle any such aspirations.
The People will settle this matter
of a third term, and not President
Grant. Rest easy.
A Roman Catholic organ, in an
article entitled "Hot Bricks for
Masons,'' the chiet de-ign of which
seems to be to prove that Geouge
Washington was not a Mason,
prints the letter of Washigton to
Rev. Mr. Snyder, in which he sas :
"The fact is I preside over none
(Masonic Lodges), nor have I been
in one more than ence or twice
within the last thirty years." To
almost any average intellect this
would seem to be very poor proof
to sustain the proposition that
Washington was not a Mason. It
he was not a Mason, how could
he have gained admission to a Lodge
even once "within the last thirty
Be Cautious. A great deal of
damage has been done already this
season by parties attempting to
burn straw piles, through high
winds or other causes, the fire hav
iug got beyond control, spread out
over the fields, destroying fences,
buildings, etc The utmost caution
should be used at this season of the
vear, in setting out fires, as every.
thing is dry, and will ignite readily,
burning like under.
The Valconr Community
Chicago has the doubtful honor
of having given birth to the latest
attempt to organize a genuine free
love community. The parties chiefly
interested in the movement are
Spiritualists. The chief promoter
of the new Communistic experiment
is Colonel -John Wilcox, of Wiscon
sin, who is the author of a sensa
tional work known as "The Ap
proaching Conflict," in which he
predicts a bloody revolution within
a few years, out of which will ariso
the overthrow of the present social
system and the ' marriage relation
and tlie inauguration of a reign of
freewiove. Through the munificence
of a fellow enthusiast, who, unlike
most erilhus asts, is also a capitalist,
Colonel Wilcox is enabled to make
a practical test of his free-love the
ory. The fellow-enthusiast, Owen
Shipman, owns au island called
Valcour, situated in Lake Cham
plain, and containg some 6U6 acres
of land. This island he has dedi
cated to the "Community," by
which the new experiment in Soci
alism is to be tested." Absolute
social freedom and the sovereign
right ot each individual to control
his or her destiny in the sexual re
lation," is the fundamental organic
law ot the association. The com
munity at present includes seven
men, fi ve women and four children.
Unless they can scare up at least
two more women there is bound to
be discord before long.
Robert Toombs is a fine old spec
imen of the unreconstructed rebel.
Ele says :
I have been asked to run by a
great many gentlemen in my dis
trict, hut it every man, woman and
child in this district were to rise up
and press it upon me I would not
like it. I hate the Government of
the Pnitel States, and would give
my life to ovei throw it.
We fear that Mr. Toombs is "a
representative man" of the South,
and that the feeling he expresses is
by no means confined to this "single
The Louisiana Enterprise is a
frank, outsjMken organ. Recently,
seakhig ot the negroes, it says :
"Their right to vote is but the re
sult of the war ; their exercise of it
is a monstrous imposition." Half
a dozen, at least, of the Southern
journa's talk in the same strain. It
begins to look as if the war is not
A man who drove through a
camp ot grasshoppers near lort
Dodge, Iowa, recently, declares that
they covered a square half mile of
ground, and formed a living, squirm
ing, wiggling mass, over three
inches thick on the average.
Wherever they camp vegetation is
totally destroyed.
The women cleaned the saloons
out ot Urbana, Ohio, and now rat
tlesnakes, that for fifty years have
been unknown, infest the place to
that extent that not a man dares
stir abroad without his bottle of
whisky as antidote against the ap
prehended prison.
Marshal MacMahon's Wipe-.
Lucy Hooper, of the Philadelphia
Press, .thus describes Marshal Mac
Mahon's wife: "Marshall MacMa
hon was present, as was also his
stout, and short, and most unstylish
looking wUe, who, ih her dress of
dark-blue silk, with tunic and
sleeveless corsage of open-worked
black silk, a hat wreathed with
pale pink roses in her hand, looked
like the housekeeper of some aristo
cratic family abroad in her best
Thte assertion so frequently made
trflfct'the code of morality that ob
tarns'among lawyers is lower than
that which obtains in any other of
the professions, is not true. It is
urged, in proof of the assertion,
that in other professions it is held
dishonorable for a man to advocate
tor money that which he believes to
be wrong or opposes that which he
believes to be right, while lawyers
are openly retained to make the
worse appear the better cause to
make black appear white. The law
gives every person charged with
crime the right to make the best
defense he can. The fact of being
guilty ot a violation of the law does
not justify the conclusion that noth
ing can be urged in extenuation of
such violation. Probably the great
majority of crimes are committed
under provocation not sufficient
alway to warrant an acquittal, but
sufficient to effect the estimation in
which the offender will be held in
the esteem of his fellow-citizeus.
Is it not just and right, therefore
that when he is called to the bar to
answer for the crime committed he
should be afforded au opportunity
to throw iivsight the causes which
impelled him to commit the misdeed?
So also with questions of constitu
tional law, the truth tho bedrock
can only re reached by an ex
haustive array of argument on both
sides of the question at issue. The
reasoning by which conclusions are
obtained is a mere exercise of the
intellect. The lawyer certainly
does not impair his self-respect by
the labor of producing arguments
which he expects his opponent to
confute In the language of an
other, "the truth in law is best at
tained by a strict and able ana'ysis
of statutes, and the lawyer who is
on the wrong side often contributes
as much to the final evolvement of
truth as he who fights on what is
held to be the right side. The ar
guments which apply to the lawyer
in the discussion of the constitution
ality of a statute do not apply to
the legislator, whose duty it is to
make laws conform to his interpre
tation ot the Constitution."
A Model Police Judge.
"Margaret Graham, why is this
thus?" asked His Honor, as an
aged woman stood at the bar.
"I couldn't help it, sir," she sadly
said, folding her hands and dropping
her eyes.
"I see gray hair?, wrinkles of age
and signs that you are slowly drift
ing into the grave," he continued,
"and yet you get drunk and hurrah
tor General Jackson, and rouse the
neighbors from the r beds."
"Plea, sir, it was a small drunk,"
she explained.
"And yet you have been here be
fore, and I have let mercy over
power justice. I am ashamed,
Margaret, to think that, in this
nineteenth century of civilization, a
woman forty-four years old should
be brought in here charged with
"I'll do tetter, sir."
"I hope so, Margaret, I hope you
will dash the cup from you and take
a solemn vow kever to drink any
thing 6trongei than river water
after this."
"1 will, sir."
"And, though the bloom of youth
may not return to your faded cheek,
you will feel young again in spirit,
and life will seem to you like a
grand picnic at Belle Isle with fros
ted cake piled up ten feet high.
One further remark ad I am done
I shall send you up for ninety
days.' Detroit Fret Press.
Qemw&Jt lews,
La Creole Academy begins the
fall term on Monday of this week,
under the management of Prof. F.
S. Bennett and wife.
There are 19 warehouses in Polk
county 4 in Buena Vista, 8 in In
dependence, 1 on Bird Island, 3 in
Eola and 3 in Lincoln.
The Board of Equalization for
Lane county reduced the valuation
on the lands of the O. & 0. H. R;
Co. from 40 to 30 cents per acre.
Upwards of $24,000 worth of
goods were shipped to San Fran
cisco and Portland from the Wil
lamette Woolen Mills in August.
Mr. George Belknap, residing a
few miles below Eugene, has a field
of wheat which he estimates will
yield titty bushels to the acre.
Dr. D. Pay ton declines to serve
on the Committee to which he was
elected at the recent State Medical
Society Annual Convocation.
Two boys about eight or ten
years ot age, were detected a few
days ago robbing the tiil of Ren
shaw & Dillard's market at Eugene
The Dallas Itemizer says the
Ellendale water power will prob
ably be brought into Dallas and a
farming implement factory started
upon it.
W. W. Parker has resigned his
office as an Alderman of the city of
Astoria, and W. L. Worthington
has been elected to fill the vacancy.
Da' las comes proudly to the front
with the champion wood-chopjer.
lie cut and niled five cords of oak
wood and walked back to town, (a
distance of three miles) arriving at
tour o'clock.
Up to the 28th, one month since
the trial trip in July, the steam tug
Astoria had hooked on to 29 ves
sels, bringing them in or taking
them to sea. This is a decided in
crease in the number for any corres
ponding period at this season of
A little girl of C. P. Cottrell, of
Eden precinct, Jackson county, aged
six years, while playing in the corral
and passing near a vicious cow, re
ceived a kick which resulted in the
Wreaking of her leg above the knee.
Two or three large rafts ot piles,
now afloat on the Columbia river
for Astoria improvements, attract
the eyes ot passengers on steam
boats, and resemble the famous flo
tilla ot this kind so frequently met
by Mississippi steamers.
The citizens of Astoria are reques
ted to meet at the Custom House,
at Astoria on Saturday evening at
o'clock, tor consultation upon
matters of importance to the com
mercial interest ot the State. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
There are a number ot very un
safe bridges on the road between
Corvallis and Elk City. On the
way over from Elk, recently, the
stage team broke through three
bridges, and nothing but good luck
kept the team trom being badly
Every capitalist, mechanic, stock
man, and agriculturist wili consult
their best interests by giving all
possible encouragement to every ef
fort put forth in the establishment
of manufactories in the State, how
ever small and insignificant they
may appear at first. So says the
Jiecord, and we concur.
The Dallas Itemizer learns that
a son of Mr. Lew Hannan, living
on the big Luckimute, met with a
terrible accident, which may prove
fatal. The little fellow was stand
ing on a load of hay, and by a mis
step slid from the wagon striking in
his descent on one of the sharp
stakes which pierced into his body
nearly a foot.
Wednesday, in State Fair week,
all children under 15 years of age
that have a mind to conic, belong
ing to public or Sabbath Schools in
the State, will be admitted to the
State Fair free. Their teachers or
Superintendents can got admission
tickets by applying to the Secretary
of the Agricultural Society, Mr. E.
M. Waite;
Last Saturday week while Mr.
John L. Bright was engagtd in
painting the new dwelling house of
Messrs. Friendly and I.aner, at
Eugene City, the ladder gave way,
and he tell to the roof of the porch
and then to the ground. lie struck
upon some rough boards and pieces
of lumber, and was quite seriously
cut and bruised.
This is how a prominent Granger
took the Fifth Degree in that Or
der a tew days since : He aud a
brother Granger, who it seems was
high enough up in the Order to
confer degrees, argued some work
about a threshing machine when
the farmer put his hand in his
pocket in a manner strongly sug
gestive ot pistols and gunpowder.
Thereujion the other procured a
fence steak and branded upon his
forehead the emblem ot the Order,
ylle said it was the hardest decree
to take that he had yet reached.
Some villain placed a railroad tie
across the Dalles and Cclilo Hail
road, near Willow bridge and a
rock on the track m ar Simpson's
ranch, on the 30th n't. The O. S.
N. Co. offer a reward of 500 for
the apprehension and conviction of
the scoundrel. A hand car passing
over the road was thrown from the
track, and one of the men, .Michael
Day, who was at the crank, was
thrown out of and in front of the
car, which passed over his right leg
just above the knee, luckily not
breaking it, but spraining his left
ankle, and altogether bruising him
bad ly.
Situated in the center of a farm
ing country that lias no superior in
the valley stands the little town of
Lewisvide, in Polk county, and
though removed from the line ot
the proposed westside railroad, it
bids fair to become a place of some
size and importance. Already it
has become a place of considerable
trade, and it's goahead business
men inform us that their business 'i
constantly increasii g. Lewisville
has a good church, school house, a
Lodge each of Odd Fellows, Inde
pendent Champions and Good Tem
plars, all in a flourishing condition.
First Street,
Albany, Oregon
x. kinds ox
Redding, JIattresscti, 1'pholnteriujr,
&c, to onler. Being practical workmen-,
thev puarantee satisfaction.
All upholstery work done in Albany.
Call and examine our stock and work
AprU 18, 1374-32