VOLUME VII. ALBANY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 11, 1874. NO. 1. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AX Ezchange Office, ALBANY, OKKtiON. I VRKOSITS RECEIVED SUKJKCT TO J ' cheek at sisrht. Interest ullownl on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and Ne'.v York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections made and pro.nntlv remitted. ttefers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W. 8. Ladd. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. If, Albany, Feb. 1, 1S71-23v3 x. st. joxks. J. Ll.NSEY 1111.J.. JO A 1111.1.. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. o7v4 J. W. BALDW5X, Attorney riiI i'ouiiKelor at I J, TX71LL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts j IT in the 2d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and tn the IT.S. District and Circuit Courts. Office -In Parrish brick, (up stairs), in office occupied by the late N. II. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. tolSve l. B. BICE, M. ., Surgeon & Pliysician. f FFICE Fii st street. be; ween Ferrv and Washington. RKSiDKJiCK- Third street, two blocks iielow or east ot Metho dist Clulrch, Albany, Oregon. v."n40 3. C. POWELL. L. FXIKN powell & ra.sxx. Attorney and Counselors at Law AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. Flinn notary public?. Albany, h-egon. Collections and conveyances promptly at tended to. 1 T. W. IIAKIIIS, Physicians and burgeons, ALBANY. OREGON. OFFICE OVER A. CAROTHERS & Co's Drug store. Residence of Or. Harris- Fourth-st., four bloekswestof theCourt House. Residence of Dr. Houghton Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. novl.V73 Albany Book Store. J0. FOHAY, DEALER IN MISCELLANEOUS SBOOKS, School Books, Blank Bpoks, Stationery Fancv Articles. Ac. Books imported to order, at shortest pos sible notice. vin30 DR. GEO. W. CIRAl, TE1VTIST, ALBANY, OBL603T. OFFICE IN PARRISH BRICK BLOCK, corner First and Ferry streets. Resi denceCorner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 1 to 5 o'clock p. ni. 18v4 EPIZOOTlCs1ISTA.CEI. THE BAY TEA 31 ST I I.I. I.I V US, AND IS FLOCRISIIING LIKE A ORF.KN bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance ot the same, the BAY TEAM will always be ready, and easilv found, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. g-fellery r Goods a .ei ialty. A. N. ARNOLD. 2v3 Prourietor W. C. TWEEBALE, DEALER IX Grxoceries, Piovhsions, "fohnrcu, Cigar?, Cutlery Crock ery, and Wood & Willow Ware, ALBANY. OREGON. gS" Call and gee him. 24r5 IKEetxler Cbaii ! Can be had at the following places : Harrisburg Sam. May Junction City Smith & Ilmsneld Brownsville Kirk & Hume Haisey J. M. Morsan Scio J. J. Bi own Albany Graf AColltr A fuU supply can also be obtained a I my old shop on First street, Albany. Oregon. i. VI. MKIZIKK. Iiles I Iiles T WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success might be placed before yon every day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Your physician informs you that the longer yon allow the complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. Experience has aught this in all cases. A. t Brothers & Co.'s Pile Pills and Ointment are all they are recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In a very short time, and are convenient to use. Thfe preparation is sent by mall or ex press to any point within the United States at 1 SO per package. Address, A. CAKOTHERS A CO., 7vtt Box 33, Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IW Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JU8T OPEKED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ac., to which he invites the atten tion of oar citizens. . In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. fy call and aee me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16-24 v4 BUSINESS CARDS. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! THE EXCITEMENT at Port lan 1 is raff ing to a very high degree on account of the Ladies' Crusade ! Also, at Albany, on account of the new store which I have opened at the corner of Washington and First streets, with a nice Assorted Stock of Goods ! which I propose to sell at 13 e d i- o c k I3 i i c e s . J. BLOOM, Highest cash price paivl for WOOL, FURS and HIDES. Corner of Washington and First si reels, A1 baity. Oregon. apIS A. W. 4iA.TIfi52.i:, li. n Phvsician, Sux'sreon, etc OfpFIGE -On First street, over Weed's " grocery store. Resioenck Opposite late residence of John C. Men den hall, near the Foundiy, First street, Albany. October 98, lST.Jy W. II. HcFARLAXD, (LATE M. M. HARVEY & CO.,) A", xt tVjor Id I ' ;-s TlanJc, Albany. Orij?28, STOVES, RAKGES, a"oice and Iif'S Fumpw, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow "Ware, HOl'NE H RNISITINO IIARDWABE, Tin, Copper antl Sheet Iron Ware. LARGEST STOCK IN TIIE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly none. OKA ALBANY FOUNDRY nd Macliiiie Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON,- Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour atJtl Saw Slill JSttcSiiii- ery, WOOD AY OH KING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinos of IRON ANI BteASS CASTINGS. Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. 41v3 A. CAROTHERS & CO., IX&lers in CHEMICALS, OILS, VAIXTM, DI EM !LAN.i, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular PATEKT IflEDIClXES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PERFUMER Y, and Toilet! Voods. Particular cure and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Rec ipes. . A. CAROTHERS & CO. Albany, Oregon-4v5 GO TO XilE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BUT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &c, &c, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Country Produce of All Kinds BOUGHT FOB MERCHANDISE OB s This is the place to get the BEST BAR GAINS ever offered in Albany. Parties will always do well to call and see for them selves. H. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon, 32v6 .BUSINESS CARDS. W11KKLER. C. K. C. P. W HEELER. "c A. WHifXfH A CO., S1IEDO, OREdiOA, Forwarding & Commiss'ii Merchants. Dealers in Merchandise and Produce;. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., c. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY. IS71. 1S7L Tiie Farmer;' Union '7K7 areliouse AT SIIKDD! IS IN APPLE PIE OR I 'LR for t he reeep- tion of main, and has ' Additional Room j now in process of construction, all of which ' is at the service of 1 he fanning conn inutility on the most reasonable terms. For par ticulars apply to 50ml A. WHEELEIt A CO., Shedd, Aug. 21, "74. Managers. Are O You 1 J Going I T ? Til EX USE THE BEST. the AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT M AN V FACTT RED BT THE CAL. CHEMICAL PAITC0. Purest White, any Shade or Color. It is Cheaper, Handsomer, More Durable and More Elastic than the best of any oili er paint. Ii will not Fade or Chalk off, and will last twice as long as the beat While Lead. immediate stpptication. requiring no mixing, and sold only by the yaiioii For further information npply to A. CAROT . . KK, A- CO., Albany, Oregon, who are our authorized atrents. and have the paint for ale in quantities tosuit pur chasers. .V2vtilii2 TAYLOR PEACH, M. ('. JEWELL. President. See'y Chcmsst. Waitham Watches. These celebrated Watches have been greatly improved daring I he pres nt year, and several new size- added to !heiit. The stem-win 1 in tr and setting; at 1 ach ment i can now be had with anj u a ieorsizc.an J ', all the old established - v ii a of key-winders arc also uiu.de as before. Any one who I contemplates buying a watch, el! her now or in the future, should send for our new Descriptive PriceList, which isnowready and Kent. Crce. This describes all the 1 Watches, large and small. Ladies' an 1 (Jen- ! tleinens. Oold and silver, with prices of . ,, i ..1, o , 1 1 . r.t, i . tna Iu.. "i , 1 . .V ....... ; . . v.... ....... ,.. - .. i .. ,.ni.i ,!, relation to watches useful to every-one. it also explains in full our nlan nf aeoilh. anv place m tlie In. on by mail or exoress. "i);t MHiiuaiu wu. cues at low pnees 10 ...v..,., ..;- .. , -. nnv place in the I 11 ion by mail or express. w.ih the bul to collect 011 delivery with privilege to the purchaser to open the paekaee and examine the watch lie fore re'eV.Vh' f nave obtained genuine Waftbam Watches from us in this wavand all lave received full value tor their money. A larsreassort- lnent of extra heavy cases tor the Pad lie trade always on hand. Every one should send tor a Price List, as the farther you live from New York the more advantage It is to deal with us. When you wr.ie please mention lhat the advertisement was seen in the Albany, Oregon, RKOihTEH. Address HOWARD & CO., No. 223 Fifth Avenue. New York. toii37 CHAS. B. MONTAGUE. KOBT. M'CALLliY. MONTAGUE & iHcCALLEY, 7 ARE now openlng A magnificent SlOCK Ol SPRING GOODS ! eonsistin;.' In part of elegant Lustre. Poplin. M.irseil! -s, llrilliitiiten, Piqucw Hlutwlli, JxptitiPKe ItreiiN oots, and an endless variety of RibboiiN, Collars Collarettes Laecs, Ac, &v., for the ladies, and a fine assortment of Readymade Clothing, Hat. Pay i Hoot, Shoes, Clolhn, Casmimeres, Cotlomtd". aud Hosiery, of all descriptions for men an d boys. Also full assortments of roc eries, Croclcery & Glassware. for everybody. The goods were selected with care, and purchased at very low prices. A look through our stock and our mark ed prices thereon, will satisfy all that we are determined to place our goods at prices that will warrant satisfaction to the pur chaser. Lebanon, Oregon, April 25, 1874. FOR SALE! rpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS &. MOWERS. Halne's Headers, (Wood's Improved.) Coqiif llnrd'n Indiana Farm Wagon The Bnaael and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Statesman Foreefced Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call, see, and get price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. 39v5 FRANK WOOD. n V u LOCAL MATTERS POSI OFFICE BE4.1.STEB. MAILS arrive: ' From Railroad (north and south) daily at 11.19 h. M. ' From CorralHs. daily, at 10.30 a. m. Prom Lebanon, tri-weekly, 'Monday, . Wednesday ami Friday) at 10.30 A. m. mails depart: For Railroad (north and .-...til, daily, . clow prnmrt at H.iOa. m. i Fir Corva'lis, daily, at 1.R0 p. M. I Fr Lebanon, tri-weekly, Monday, Wed i iicwtny and Friday) at 2 P. M. ( 0cc hours from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. 1 Money order office hours from 9 a. m. to 1 1 P. I P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. , r- - - j cs - T7 . r i .teM.m ire Enoine. We learn ;.i . rT- . i l-' 1 ' that Portland Fire ( ompany No 1 i . ,j . a T V1. ''ave voted to attend Iaimi ounty Fair, bringing with them their fine Steam Fire Engine. Of course evervhi d v'll want t) see the steamer. . . i.. r. t .,. which is one of the finest on the ; Pacific slope. Tl tit m ii ici'n.. iiiu.i. i iiv. Methodist church at Tangent will be dedicated on the third Sunday of the present month September 20th, 1874. Hishop Pierce, of Goorrr'n, will officiate Prenebh g at 11 o'clock A. M., then dinner. Preaching again in the evening. T.et all bring their dinners and .money. 1J. v. . iiicr abland, ! Lebanon Mills This early in I the season, are crowded with wheat; i in fact we are informed that there ! was no more room for grain as early I as last week. But this will soon , be remedied, as the Red Jacket has been secured, and will soon have caried to this city thirty or tortv thousand bushels, thus afford ing immediate room. The yield about, Lebanon this season is spo- ... .. ... i kcii im as ui!e.wp'",," a1'"- Xfw Chcbch Mr. Ike Conn ha taken the contract t erect a church edifice for the Christian de- j ot this city, the work on which will rtvlnLlv fi imnicnp. next week. 'in,,, i ;hi;,, ,, ;ii osvin c;vt,. ?x40. I IL- Uiiil'iiii ui w x , v foot walls. A cupola, thirty tortv feet in highth. will add to the looks ot the church. The total cost, will probably be in the neigh- borf.ood of fifteen hundred dollars. Heaps of fioons. The ocean steamer Ajax brought an immense amount of goods to Portland tor this city. Saturday and Monday . , . i our itravmen had tneir lianas lull, I . , , . J , . , c Traiisrerr no- vivos aim inus iroiti r -- i flip vnilrund rloTnit to the dmere.it 1 the railroad deTiot to the different . r. 11 j stores. At first blush OUO would j ..... i ,.i: .1, t I vast amount of oHds that are an. n ,a ... ' , ; iv nuany wjki in l.us city. e ,.. ! t.i,I nmn!linna tol.locoon omnvi. mating the total annual sales .if our merchants, as a matter ot ?eneral interest. Real Estate Sal. The prop erty on Fourth street next to the Calipooia lranch of the Santiam Canal, belonging to Dick Fox, was ? I M aT;Tthee Tmmer on s?,,miay- It consisted ot two corner lots di- i vided oy an alley, a good dwelling I i ; . Nuise on one and a laro-e barn on the other. Ab. Humphrey was the lmrchaser, at S900. Thirty-three acres of land about one mile west of the city, was purchased by Jas. Harris, at 8460 About two-thirds of the purchase motiey was in green backs, balance in coin. Arm Broken in two T'i.acks. On Saturday evening last, &s Jake Iowe was returning home af ter attending tlie funeral of Mrs. Baber, driving a pair of horses be longing to J udge Haber, the pole, from lieing insecurely fastened to the neck-yoke, bectme detached and fh'l to the ground. Jake was un able to stop the team, which ran the hack on to a stump, upsetting it anil, throwing the occupants to the ground. None of the parties were seriously hurt except Mrs. Hrecker, a relative of Mr. Lowe's, who had her right arm broken in two places between the elbow and wrist Dr. Rice was called upon, and rendered the necessary medical assistance. The horses were some what injured, while the hack was pretty well demoralized. Tailoring. Mr. S. W. Melan, an excellent tailor, has opened a shop adjoining the City Market, i.ext to Wm. O. Tweedale's gro cery store, where he will be found ready to take your measure, and make up clothing in the best man ner and in the latest style. A suit of clothing that fits the wearer, let it be ever so coarse, looks a thous and per cent, better than a suit that does not, let it be ever so fine. Call on Mr. Melan who will warrant a fit every time. Baker Gay and his estimable lady are up from Portland on a visit. Malicious Mischief. Last Monday Mr. Reuben Saltmarsh and Canal last Sunday was quite a family left their residence in this j pleasant occasion, thoroughly en city on a sln-rt visit to the country, joyed by the participants. Capt. Shortly after the family had de- ! Wheeler understands handling a parted, their residence, on the cor- j canal packet, and is a clever, ac- I ner of Second and Raker streets, was pnteted by one or more parties, and j and for his efforts Jo make the ex t borough ly overhauled and ran- enrsion a pleasant one last Sunday sacked. The bureau was thrown j he had the kindest thanks of all upon its face on the floor ; about a j present. In passing up and down half barrel of sugar was emptied into j the Canal a great number of bridges the fireplace ; the beds were thrown and gates, hanging exceedingly near upon the floor, torn open, and several punnds of nails poured into them ; in tact tlie furniture awl al most everything else in the dwelling was turned tpsy-turvy, broken and torn atid left in a thoroughly de- moralized condition. It was un- , ,t , , doivbtedlv tlie woik of some ma- .. . iiciuin .cir.(ii or pel sunt., more through a spirit of malicious mean ness than tor the purpose of com mitting a rohbery. Admittance was gained to the building through a window, in which there was a broken pane of glass. We are in hoped that the perpetrators ot this piece of contemptib'e meanness may be secured, and made to pay the fullest penalty ot the law therefor. The officers of the law should not permit such outrages in our midst without using every means at com mand to ferret out and. punish the guilty perpetrators. Home Manufacturing Com pany. Elsewhere in this pai er will be found an advertisement, call ing a meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock of the above named Company at Salem, on the 12th day of October (Monday), 1874, at the Agricultural Buildinsr in that citv. tor the purpose ot electing three or more Directors, and for the trans action of other business As the question of where the Company will locale its shops will come tip at this meeting, it is ot the utmost impor tance that all the stockholders w pr--ut, eiu.er ... jierson i 1,1 . ..i We have been told that, a majority of the subscribers to the capital stock i reside in Linn county ; if this is so. 1,1 Tne mRCT,I,2 on l,,e en ; tTe wrs of the fmpoy will be j l' Albany,- as it possesses f advanracres for such a manu4aetorv, and Linn county . wonhj proV'ably require a large pro. j porti(,n 0f tlie goods manufactured, : j ct t1,ose interested see to it that : t, ,,n)m;sps ma(1p :n o-otfino- the i Rni,sf,r;nt;. ,K oV(J Ktrietlv fulfilled i cU USCI I JlLUUlS rt. i. SlllLLI .11111111.(1 i T T.. C . A j-.i.m .n ai, i awrp-rsii ruitALr.. large amount of ersonal j.rop- : erty is othcred tor sale hy .ludge i Baber, preparatory to his leaving I tlio Statn Ho offers for -al wheat. - - - - - --- - - -- - - -, "tits, hav, a line lot or house'iold ano fotHn furniture, all new and ot b,st quality, cattle, sheep, .1 .. . . ' , ....... . 1- ii(rses, cmcKens. cariieniei s ohms, and all kinds of tanning imple ments, etc. If they are not. sold at private sale, they will he offered at auction within the next three weeks. On "Monday as Ves. ITackus was driving Weed's grocery team out across the Canal in the southern end of the city, the hauiestriug broke I a,,(1 ,pt t,,e thl,!s own in the water, ; P"'iS the harness back on the j mare's flanks. I be btt e mare at ! nuce manifested her displeasure by letting fly with her heels until she kicked herself loose and upset the wagon. No great amount ot dam age done. lrs. Pennington, son and daugh ter, from Umatilla county, are here on a visit. They left " Mc" at home to run the ranch. By the way, Mr. Pennington (McPennington as he is generally called), came very near being a member ot the Legis lature from Umatilla county. His opponent only beat him a few votes probably not more than half a dozen. The parties who broke into R. Sa'tmarsh's residence, gathered ail the photographs, likenesses of the family and Eastern friends, threw them on the floor a- d trampled u)on them, breaking and destroying them. They broke open a!l the fruit cans and preserve jars helping themselves and leaving a spoon in nearly every can or jar. If yoa want a genuine Oregon stove, manufactured in Oregon from Oregon iron, go to John Briggs' stove store. It sells at about the same figure of Eastern made stoves, does its work equa'ly as well, and being made of better iron, and much heavier, will last longer, and is, therefore, a much cheaper stove. Call and examine them, anyway. We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. C. R. Wheeler, of A. Wheeler & Co., Shedd, last Satur day. Mr. Wheeler having been a member ot the "press gang" for years, knows how it is himself. i The excursion on the Santiam j commodating, sociable gentleman. the water, have to be passed, which require an immense amount of bowing and dodging on the part ot those who go down to see in canal boats. The party went up the Canal some four r five mi'es, rid ing in the famed Red Jacket, which was towed up by one horse. Re turning, the boat floated down the current, swift'yand gracefully, mak ing about four miles an hour. When the bridges thrown across the Canal are raised to the proper highth, a;id gales arranged so as not to be in the way of boats, an excur sion on the Canal will be delight ful ; and we predict that they will be of frequent occurrence iu the near future. Considerable excitement was caused by a drunken man, on Tues day, on First street, and at one time the prospect for a general row was good ; but the timely arrival of the Marshal, and the locking up of the intoxicated party, soon quieted matters, and peace reigned iu War saw. Messrs. A. Cowen and family, an Andrew Hill and family, left us on Thursday on their way to Southern California all looking for health. Mrs. Jos. Ligget is reported re covering very slowly. She has been very sick for many weary weeks, and has required close attention and good nursing to bring her through. The Granger, we understand. j wil, herea,ter printed at Port land. The office here has been locked up. The partnership heretofore exist- ing between Peters & Speidel in the manufacture of wagons, has been dissolved by mutual consent, The funeral services of the late Mrs. J. H Poler, tik place last Saturday, from the U. P. Church ot this city, Rev. Mr. Bowersocks, of Salem, officiating. Mr. McOlnng is about again after his severe illness ; his wife also is re- covering, we are pleased to learn, firora a sevei attack of fever. John Lee. of Lebanon, who has been sick for a long time, died on Snndav night. He was a victim ofeousnmntion. 1 e was unmarried, and probably 28 years old. Six sewing machine wagons tartetl out from this city on Mon day, representing the Singer, Wheeler & Wilsou and Howe machines. Our dog foil into an open well Sunday night. We succeeded in getting her out, and she's well over it to-day. Wm. R'cter is the happiest man in town since Wednesday morning. It's a boy, and is as handsome as a peach. Judge Baber, having sold his farm, will, as soon as he disposes of his personal property, go to Cali fornia to reside. Our best wishes go with him. Geo. Luper, of Lane county, was in the citv on Wednesday. Geo wi'l soon become a resident ot Linn county once more. Grill. Burkhart has so far re covered as to be able to sit up for a short time daily. The rainfall Tuesday night made the streets somewhat slippery and muddy. Mr. Butler, from Harrisburg, was with us a day or two during the weeek. A little chill of Bart. Crooks has been very ill for some time, and probably will not recover. Wm. Mansfield, typo, has gone to Salem, where he will help on the State work. J. B. Crane, of Brownsville, was in the city Wednesday. County Court convened on Mon day. Considerable rain fell Sunday and Sunday night. More new books, periodicals, il lustrated papers, ett, at Foshay's. Sharp and distinct peals of thun der on Wednesday afternoon. A. L. Stinson, of Jefferson, has struck a "brimstone" spring about three miles from that "city." There were 53 wagons waiting to unload at the different ware houses in Independence at ope time last week. Amkndmets TO the City Char ter. it the last meeting of the City Council, the Rec order was ordered to draw up a new chart of the city of Albany, incorpor ating several new additions or amendments, en larging somewhat the powers of the Council, and mod ifying and chang ing it for the better government of the city, the whole to be submitted to the next Council for its adoption or rgjj.;tion. If adopted- it wdl be for warded to our del egation in the Leg islature, who will present and ask its passage by tht body. One fea ture of the new charter will be the dividing the city into two or more wards, when we can have "ward i ! politicians,' know. you A Splendid Farm Sold Judge G. II. Ba ber has sold his magnificent farm, about five miles f this city, isisting of one hundred aud sixty acres, to Mr. George Lnjier, for the sum of $9,000 cash c heaper than dirt. The Judge has but lately completed a i ... .1 !... . s 1 rl iLMHinr? hmuo n the farm, that must nave CORt eariy j(af tny money, brides erecting a spacious barn and other outbuildings at a large outlay of money. Under the Judge's care the farm has been brought into the finest state ot cul- tivation ; f r u i t , s,iade , aml ,'rna- j mental trees p ant- ed Rl,d thf ,tarm . , " improved and beautified as only a man of the high taste and cultiva tion ot the Judge would concieve ot. George has secured as nice a little home, in the pur chase ot this farm, as there is iu Linn county. Lyman's His torical Chart. Mr. D. A. Scott, ot Forel Grove, formerly of this county, is canvas sing Linn county for this valuable work. We have had time to give the woik only a casual glance, but that was sufficient to convince us ot its great worth to students as well as professional gen tlemen. We shall give it a further notice next week. Quarterly Meeting At the M. E. Church next Saturday and Sun day. Preaching Saturday evening at 1 o'clock, and on Sunday morn ing and evening by the Presiding Elder, Rev. I. D. Driver. Subject of the morning dis course, "DarwuK ism.' We intended to issue a much larger paper than the present number, but did not com plete our airange ments in time. In the course of an other month we will be all right.