The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 28, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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V. H. official Paper for Oreffon.
It is stated that Beecher will go
on a lecturing tour this fall.
Philadelphia quotations show
wool quiet but firm. Pacific coast
from 25 to 35c.
The fog signal at Point Bonita,
Oal., has been temporarily discon
tinued for repairs
The Chicago, St Louis and Cin
cinnati papers now assert their be
lief iu the guilt ot Beecher.
Colfax, W. T., is improving rap-
idly, the average being two new
buildings per week.
The Beecher Committee were
still taking testimony at latest
Grasshoppers and crickets have
destroyed everything in the vege
table line on the Pataha, W. T
The Democrats in the first Con
gressional district of Indiana nomi
nated Benr is S. Fuller for Con
An expedition, consisting of old
miners and others, will start soon
from Sioux City to the Black Hills
consisting of 250 men.
The Illinois Democratic State
Convention, which met in Spring
field on t!,e 25th, is pronounced a
On the morning of the 24th, a
fire in the mammoth wagon factory
oftheStudebaker Bros., South Bend
Indians, caused a loss of $300,000
Washington Townsend is the Re
publican candidate for Congress
from the seventh Ponnsylvauia district.
The Apaches are again on the
war path, killing and robbing in
diflcriminately, as we -learn from
dates to the 2d from Ures Sonora
Glendenning, the Jersey City
pastor, proposes to meet the charges
preferred against him for the seduc
tion of Mary Pomeroy.
The Republican Congressional
Convention for the eigth congres
rional district ot Ohio, met on the
25th, and nominated Judge Law
rence for re-election.
Harvest mm necta -A Fall la Prim
PrwUclcd iu Europe.
The subject of general interest to
the people of the Willamette Val
ley just now, is the price which they
are likely to obtain for their wheat.
While we are free to confess that
there seems to be no likelihood that
last season's prices will be realised
for the present crop of wheat, still
we have strong hopes that a fair,
living price will be paid our pro
ducers for all their surplus grain.
The appended extracts from lead
ing London journals, and from a
prominent New York journal, have
led us to the conclusion, as above
stated, that wheat prices must rule
lower than last season.
In a general review of the harvest
prospects, in the London Tunes of
August 10th, it is contended that
the worst point of depression conse
quent on the Vienna aud New Wk
panics ot last autumn and a general
reaction from inflation of wages in
all parts ot the world, was reached
some weeks back, and that a slow
but solid commercial revival is now
in progress.
The London jVeuw, under same
date, says that an extraordinary
wheat harvest is doing its work in
depressing the price of flour, &nd
certainly before the year is out, the
masses of consumers in Europe and
America will be beginning to use
for other purposes the additional
surplus which cheaper breads will
give them. Manufacturers and oth
ers are beginning to prepare for the
increased purchasing power of the
masses and the stimulus of a good
harvest to trade is thus, in part,
beginning to be an accomplished
The a. Y. Shipping List closes
its harvest review as follows : The
indications being all in favor of a
bountiful harvest in the principal
countries of Europe as well as in
the United States, and with no
country under the necessity of sharp
ly competing with Great Britain as
last year, the logical inference is
that prices are likely to rule low.
The Kenturfcy Riot.
A telegram from Lancaster, Ky.,
on the 23d, states that the riot be
tween the black and whites, caused
by the shooting of a white man,
had subsided, under the influence ot
the militia and U. S. troops. Two
white men were killed. Four black
men wer killed and two burned to
death in Seller's house, where the
fighting occurred. Thirty-five
blacks were arrested and jailed. It
is believed no further trouble will
be experienced.
The British bark Achievement,
from Portland to Liverpool, put
into San Francisco harbor on the
24th, in distress. On the 25th of
July she encountered a gale which
carried away most of her spars, dis
abling the vessel, and washing over
board and drowning three of the
crew Joseph Hughes, Manuel Jo
seph aud John Beau.
A rumoi is current that the In
dians have brought extensive por
tions of the steamer Geo. S.
Wright to Fort Simpson and Mo
talah Katlah, from an island in
Queen Charlotte Souud. The In
dians report having found partly
constructed cabins on the island,
supposed to have been constructed
by the survivors who managed to
reach the shore from the wreck,
only to perish from hunger, cold
and exposure.
Synopsis of the Report of Plymouth i are on one side. The Committee
Chorea Investigating nuiiltiec - , , ... , , .
Mr. Beeeber Pronounced Not , mid that Henry Y ard Beecher is not
The last Democrat has a fling
at the Methodists. As this is not
the first time, nor the second, that
Brown has shown his dislike to
that branch ot the Christian Church ' ,)lindred s per day is generally
we imagine that at some time it ! thre8ned t high as 2,330 sacks
I 1 1 i l i ii i .i ,
us experience a Methodist. mv i "as mresneu, sacked and pi ed
Mr. K. Gupton, -jfi'alusa county,
California, had 8,000 acres of wheat
to harvest this season. He com-
menced operations on the 20th of
June and exacts to finish about
the middle of September. About
2,000 acres is in club wheat, and is
expected to yield 40 bushels per
acre. To harvest this immense
crop a 30-horse power engine, a
40-inch cylinder Pitt separator, 7
headers and 21 header wagons, 80
mules, and a crew of 60 men are
required, besides three eight-mule
teams with back actions attached,
which haul from the field to the
wharf on the bank of the Sacra
mento for shipment. These teams
haul from eight to nine hundred
sacks, 135 pounds to the sack, per
day. From twelve to fourteen
Xhw York, Angust 23. The
ITeralJ gives the following synopsis
of the forthcoming report of the
Plymouth Church Investigating
Committee: The report is a lengthy
di enmrjnt, given in two parts. One
is a mere report of evidence, the
other giving conclusions of the Com
mittee. Ot course, these are all in
lavor of Beecher. The statement'
of Tiltou is first taken up and gone
over by piecemeal aud each main
allegation is set plainly forth with
out verbiage, the principal promi
nence lieing given, of course, to al
leged criminal commerce between
Beecher and Tilton's wife. This is
compared with statements made on
cross-examination and tergiversation
there used. It is there shown that
the statementsof what is now known
as the ankle scene are not supported
by the evidence of any person who
claims to have been a witness to it,
inasmuch as he could not swear to
its taking place at any particular
time during a period of nine years.
The report then goes on to review
Tilton's allegations ofpeisonal chas
tity and claims of high moral char
ac'.i ! compared with eviderco of
guilty of the charges preferred
against him
i. v
j mil Aches an ' rains; Purines the
Blood; Regulate.- too Liver ; Cores Amu
and had Colds. Don't !e without it Sold
by Druggists.
Snsan B. Anthony denies having
been caught setting in Theodore's
lap, and adds that she regarded
Bessie Turner as only a servant in
the boose, and idiotic at that.
The California Academy of
Science has secured a monstrosity
in the shape of a chicken, that pos
sesses tour legs and four wings.
A typhoon at Nagasaki, China,
on the 20th, destroyed much prop
erty on shore and damaged ship
ping in the harbor. A number of
natives lost their lives.
On tlie 22d Gov. Leslie, of Ken
tucky, called out four companies ot
militia to quell a disturbance occa
sioned bv whites and blacks in Lan-
caster. Spasmodic fighting had
been going on for three days.
The Grangers of Marion county
are having a large hall fitted np
for their use in the Opera House.
Montana has contracted her con
vict labor at 50 cents a day for
taoh man,
have "sinched" him so completely
as to have left his imprint indelibly
stamped upon the person of brother
B. Or it mav be that Brown's
hatred of everything appertaining
to Christianity and its teachings,
leads him to spit out his veuom
whenever occasion offers. These
constantly occurring cynicisms in
the columns of that paper at relig
ion aud its advocates, is not only
impolite and uuwise, but shows a
mind diseased a mind afflicted
with a distemper which totaly dis
qualifies him for filling the position
of teacher and leader, in eveu the
Democratic party. Only fools and
lunatics scoff at religion.
in one day, just to see what could
be done. This is what a correspon
Jci;t of the Orcgonian says, writ
ing from that point.
The three negroes, Dick Cooper,
Anthony Grant and Silas Johusou,
who entered the dwelling of Mrs.
Burnely, and violated her jiereon a
few days before, were taken from
the jail at Brookhaven, Miss., by
the citizens, about 1,000 of whom
where present, ou the 22d inst.,
and hanged. They all confessed
their guilt on the gallows.
A. J. Cain is to commence the
publication of a small weekly, at
Dayton, W. T., soon,
News from the Custar expedi
tion, dated Bear's Butte, Dakota
Territory, Aug. 15th, says the ex
ldition has found gold and silver
in several places, while game is
very plentiful bear, deer and elk.
The Black Hills prove far richer
than the most exaggerated report
heretofore given of tnem. d'old
and silver abound in numerous
places, and in such vast quantifies,
that miners estimate that with pick
and pan a single miner may easily
secure 10 per day. The distance
from Bismarck to these rich dig
gings is about 250 miles, over a
practicable route. The citizens of
Bismarck are highly excited, and
expeditious are already lieing or
ganized. Xo doubt an immense
number of people will soon lie at
tracted to the Black Hills country,
in spite of savage red skins and
terrible deserts. Wherever gold
and silver abounds there the Amer
ican will go no matter how great
the danger and privation to over-
! come.
other persons as to his alleged cor
rupt practices and criminal cuduct,
notably in the ease of the-girl
ki - vi. as Uessie Turner, whose ev
idence is givtii to siion that Tiltou
chims himself to he what he is not.
'I herefrom is deduced a charge ol
perjury, showing that Tiltou states
under oath in oi instance what he
flatly contradicts in another. The
( ommittee, in giving its c i elusion
to this particular branch of the sub
ject, rule that iu law, his entire tes
timoi.y, as he is shown to have com
mitter! perjury, is worthless. The
report then reviews the testimony
of other irnfsiUaiit witnesses, among
them Mrs. Soanton, coming at
lei gth to the examination of .Mrs
Tiltou, giving her accusations of
brutality against her husband and
of his infidelity, and still further
showing distinct eonuadiction ol
1 1 toil s accusations. Mrs. Tilton's
evidence la also qiioiiju lo give her
denial of having had criminal re
aLioiis with her pastor, and her own
explanations of seveial oi'the most
prominent poi lions oi'.hnr letters
From thi-. the report proceeds to
the short statement of Frank Moul
ton as given to the ('t.pimittce, and
dismisses it briefly as having made no
charges against anybody. Finally,
Beecher's statement itself is taken
up and contrasted with several ot
the more serious ot Tilton's charges,
showing that circumstances in them
selves apparently damaging were
iu reality capable of explanation.
After this review, given in detail,
of the more prominent episodes of
the entire controversy, the report
sums up the whoie matter, pro and
con, showing on the one hand a
man standing beroie all tlii world
with a great reputation for spotless
purity, christian character and
moral worth, on the other a man of
proven bad and criminal character
the latter making accusations
against the former; one, with noth
ing to prove his story except per
sonal alligation, proven in part to
be perjury and supported by some
letters which may mean a dozen
thing, but one meaning given to
them. This story is denied by all
having any connection with the
matter but one. The circumstances,
J. W. ItAl.DVtlX,
Attorney mid Counselor nt Low,
in the Id, 31 and 4th Judicial Ills
tricts, in the supreme Court of Oregon,
and in thelf.8. Drttrict an fl Circuit Courtt.
Office In Parrisli brick, mj stuirs:, 111
office occupied by the late N. H. Crimor,
First street, Albany , Oregon. tolivl
i. n. hu e, -m. v.,
Surgeon A Plij siciun.
OFFICE -Fiist street, between Perry
and Washington. BusinRM k- Third
street, two blocks below or easl of Metho
dist church, Albany, Oregon. v."ini
J. C. i'oWKLL. L. H.l.NM
Attorneys mo! owns' lor nt Law
Flinn notary public), Albany. Oregon.
CVilleetionsaud conveyances promptly al
i ended to. ' l
Physicians noil Surgeon,
Drug stow.
Residence of Dr, Harris Fourlti-sf,,four
blocks west of t he Court Hound. Remlufico
of l)r, Bntixhion Opposite !r. Tale, on
Thir l s; Peel
Albany Book Store.
.sW. rosHAY,
School Books. Hlunk Books, Stationery
Fancy Articles, Ac.
Hooks imported shortest pos
sible notice. v5n80
1 13 IV T 1ST,
corner First and Ferrv streets. Resi
dence Corner Fifth and Ferry streets.
Office hours f inm s t o 12 o'clock a. m., and
1 to 1 o'clock p. m. lsv
buy tree. Thankful for past favors,
and wishing to merit the continuance ot
the same, the HAY TEAM wtii always bo
ready, and easily found, lo do any hauling
within t lie ell v limit st. for a reasonable
comisniHatioii.' Delivery ol Oooria
a Npeelulty. A. N. ARNOLD.
2l)v5 Proni'ietor.
Piles! Iile
troublesome complaint cannot be
cured, when ho many ev idenees of mi. r'!f
tiiiirht lie placed bemre you evei v oy
cures of supposed hopeless cases'? jour
physician Informs you that I lie longer vn
allow the complaint to exist, yen ic - I
your chances for relief. Expertise, liiu
auuhtlhis in all enact.
A. t iirothers & t'n.'s Pile 1'UK anil
are all they are recommended to be. WW
Cure Chronic, lllindand Bleeding IMics in
a very short time, and are o c in ttf la e.....
This preparation is sent by mail or c.v
press to any poln t with in t he D n itcd S'af e
at $1 i0 tier package.
Address, A. CAROTHIiRS Co..
87 v5 Box 33. Albany, Oregon,
Groceries & Provisions,
establlsliinent on comer of Kllswgi'l Ii
and Fir-t streets, with a fish (totik ot
Oroeeries, Provisions, Candies, Cigar's, lo
liauuo, Ac, to which he invites the utten
tlon of our citizens.
In connection with the store lie will keep
a Bakery, and will alwavs have on bun i H
full supply of fn-sh bread, crackers, &i .
B2T i !afl an.j a tne.
' John schjiefr.
Febnuiry lft-2tvl
on hand hi ei
low. aMhis office
MoltTGAIiES, ETt .,
sty lei -and fo sn'u
' as well as the burden of prooof , all