The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 28, 1874, Image 1

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    L P Fisher
NO. 61.
Muslr:il I. olty Ole Bull -Cniullln
Uno - 'llie Wevleya I'ugaulnl.
Ole Hull in 1830 spent several
months at Trieste, and one day
visited tle house of M. Jaeil, the
conductor of the orchestra. Little
Alfred, thou only a few weeks old,
listened with rapt attention to the
wonderful tones he produced, and
when lie ceased playing at once set
up a cry for the violin, and lie
would have ft ; and so it was given
him, and, improbable as it may
seem, at the age of three "tic execu
ted many of Ole Hull's most aston
ishing fiats. At sx he could play
perfectly the concertos of Kobe,
Heriotai 'l Mayseder, and at the
a"e of eisht, without an hour's in-
struction, he appear! in pnollC as
a nolo pianist. Before he was six
teen he had given concerts in every
considerable city in Europe, and
Liszt, who heard him at that age,
is reported as saying, "His playing
is full of fire, elegance, expression
and genius "
Tbe name ot Camilla Urso is
familiar to the world, and her tal
ents arc everywhere admired. Her
father and grandfather were both
eminent musicians. At the ase of
six she was one ot the most charm
ing children in the world. The
slightest sound would cause hei to
weep or latrgh, as it expressed sor
row or joy. One day, at about
this age, she said to her father, "I
wish to learn the violin ;" aid like
a sensible man, lie got a teacher at
once At seven she made her
debut. It is impossible to describe
the ovation which she received.
On a tour through France shortly
after, she -wis loaded with praise,
bonbons and toys, a kind of ovation
to wWh little Camilla seemed not
insensible. A critic, speaking of
her at the age of eight, says:
"What is the most surprising is the
sentiment of her execution ; she
excels in that essential expression
that comes wholly from the soul,
and which the composer, from lack
of means to express, abandons to
the discretion and intelligence of the
It is not generally known that
the Rev. ('has. Wesley, brother
ot the founder of the Methodist
Church, was blessed with two sons.
The elder, Charles (1767), when at
the age of 3, without instruction,
played several tunes' correctly on
the harpsichord. When he was a
baby his mother used to quiet him
by playing on the harpsichord ; and
go keen was his ear for harmony
that he would not permit her to
play with one hand only, and,
though not able to speak, would
seize hold of the other and put it
on the keys. When he first began
to play he had to be tied in the
chair to keep him from tailing, but
at that age (3) would put a true
bass to all he played. At the age
of 4, wheu asked to play before a
stranger, he would always ask,
hea mmickeri'" and if answered
in the affirmative would comply
cm tpirito. Although he never
bad efficient instruction, at the age
of 12 he played the works of Scar
latti and Handel so as to excel any
one in Loudon at the time. His
later compositions were highly ad
Probably no one ever equaled
Nicolo Paganini (1784) as a violin
ist. At the age of eight he com
posed a sonata, whicli was so diffi
cult that none but himself could
play it. At this time he played in
the church three times a week, and
made his debut at the theater at
nine. From fourteen to twenty-one
he traveled, producing an immense
furore, wherever he appeared. In
timately connected with his life was
that of Camillo Sivori (1817). It
is a somewhat remarkable circum
stance that the birth of this young
virtuoso was hastened by the won
derful strains of i aganini's violin ;
fur on the night ho was born his
mother visited a concert given by
the great t ieneose, whose mantle in
later years rightfully fell on the
shoulders ot Sivori.
At eighteen months he would
play on two sticks to represent a
violin, and hum a melody of his
own ; and before he was two, hear
ing a band in the street, he managed
to get tint of the house and followed
the music several miles, and teased
so much shortly after for a violin,
that his father had to get one for
him. At four lie could play any
thing he heard sung, and had be
come the pet of the whole city, in
eluding tbe Queen, who often gave
him presents. He would never go
to church, or anywhere else, unless
there was going to be music, and
then no persuasion would keep him
away. When he was six Paganini
aeturned to the city, and sent for
him, and on hearing him play gave
him lessons for two months, when
he was able to perform concertos in
public. At ten he played at the
Conservatoire in Paris, and went
from thence to London. When he
was twenty-three Paganini, then
sick unto death, gave him his favor
ite violin, saying, "You will be the
only survivor of my manner." Six
years later he came to this country,
and a critic who saw him says :
"In manner he is very modest and
unassuming, apparently not wish
ing to pass himself oft' upon the
public for more than he is worth."
Gilasy fr . 1 tiffitet.
olitiral Complexion or the htgi
Inture. The political status of the next
Legislature is thus set forth by the
Baker County J. W. Wisdom,
Kenton J. B. Lee, R.
Clackamas John Myers and
.las. W. Offield, Democrats.
Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook
S. H. Smith, R.
Coos and Cnrrv G. Webster,
Douglas J. F. Watson, R,,
W. F. Owens, I.
Grant-W. H. Clark, D.
Josephine E. N, Tolen, D.
Jackson J. S. Renin, D.
Lane-W. W. Bristow, I., R.
B. Cochran, D.
Ljnn S. D. Haley and Thomas
P. Goodman, I.
Marion M. L. Savage, D., Jo
seph Engle, R., J. A. Richardson,
Multnomah J. N. Dolph R ,
J. S. M. Van Cleave, L, Sol.
Ilirsch, R.
Polk R. S. Crystal, I.
Union S. Hanna, R.
Umatilla 0. L. Jewell, I.
Washington T. R Cornelius,
Wasco E. Barnes, I.
Yamhill Wm. Townsend, D.,
J. C. Brady, D.
Benton and I'o k A. W, AVlth-
am, R.
Democrats are Wisdom of Baker,
Myers and Offield of Clackamas,
Tolen of Josephine, Herrin of Jack-
son, Cochran of Lane, Haley and
Munkers of Linn, Savage of Marion,
Townsend and Brady of Yamhill,
W. II. Clark of Grant.-12.
Republicans are Lee of Benton,
Smith of Clatsop, Columbia and
Tillamook, Webster of Coos and
Curry, Wratson of Douglas, Engle
and Richardson of Marion, Dolph
and Hirsch of Multnomah, Hanna
of Union, Cornelias of Washington,
Writhara of Benton and Polk. 11.
Independents art Owens of Dong
las, Bristow of Lane, Goodman of
Linn. Van Cleave of Multuomalj,
Crystal of Polk, Jewell of Uma
tilla, Barnes of" Wjasco. 7.
The liold-over members of the
Senato are Myers of Clackamas,
Webster of Coos and Curry, Wat
son of Douglas, Tolen of Josephine,
Bristow of Lane, Dolph ot Multno
mah, Hanna of Union, Cornelius of
Washington. Only 8 hold over
and 22 were elected last Spring.
In Washington county P. G.
Buford was voted for as a candidate
for State Senator, and received 589
votes, and it is understood that he
will contest the olectiou of T. R.
Cornelius, who holds over and was
elected to represent Washington,
Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook,
and holds over, specifically, by the
act which created Washington in a
separate district. Cornelius' seat
seems secure.
Baker -J. C. Wilson, D., C
G. Chandler, D.
Benton James Bruce, I., James
Chambers, R., W. J. Kelly, R,
Clackamas Henry McGugin,
D., J. M. Keed, D., P. 8. Xoyer,
D., S. P. Lee, R
Columbia J. S. Rinearson, L
Coos and Curry II. Blake, R.
Douglas Geo. Kiddle, I., J. G
Drain, I., D. W. Stenis, I.,
Thomas Ledgerwood, I.
Grant Bart Curl, I.
Jackson G. B. Van Riper, D.,
W. J. Plymale, D., Thomas
Wright, D.
Josephine W. W. Fiddler, D.
Lane A. J. Doak, D., Richard
Hays, D., J. D. Matlock, D., John
MoClung, R.
Linn Harvey Shelton, D., A.
W. Stannard, D., G. F. Crawford,
D., F. Shedd, I., Joseph Lame,
L, Jonathan Wassom, I.
Marion F. X. Mathieu, D.,
David Simpson, R., William Darst,
R., C. A. Reed, R., W. Cranston,
R., A. N. Gilbert R,
Munkers, D, T.
Multnomah Jacob Johnson, L,
R. S. Jewett, I., Raleigh Stott,
I., William Cornell, R., J. M.
Gearin, L, R. P. Kelly, R., J. M.
Scott, R.
Polk-W. C. Brown, I., S. L.
Butler, I., David Stump, I.
Clatsop and Tillamook W.
Dean, R.
Uuion D. Wright, D., W. W.
Ross, R.
Umatilla W. M. Steen and J.
A. Florence, Independents.
Washington James Partlow,
U. Jackson and Thomas Roe, I.
, Wasco Robert Mays and E. R.
Dufur, I.
Yam h il 1 Wi 1 liam Galloway.
D., E. C. Bradshaw, D., Lee
Laugh'.in, R.
Clatsop county voted for Jcseph
Jetfers, believing they were entitled
to separate representation, but this
claim cannot stand as the Constitu
tion limits the number of represen
tatives to sixty, aud that number is
full already.
The complexion of the House is
as follows:
Democrats Willson and Chand
ler of Baker, McGugin, Reed and
Noyerot Clackamas, Van Riper,
Flymale and Wright of Jackson,
Fiddler of Josephine, Doak, Hays
and Matlock of Lane, Shelton,
Stannard aud Crawford of Linn,
Mathieu of Marion, Galloway and
Bradshaw of Yamhill, Wright ot
Union, 19.
Republicans Kelly and Cham-
bers of Bet ton, Lee of Clackamas,
Drily ot Coos and Curry, McClung
of Lane, Simpson, Darst, Reed,
Cranston and Gilbert of Marion,
Cornell, Kelly and Scott of Mult,
nomah, Dean of Clatsop and Tilla
mook, Ross of Union, Laughlin of
Yamhill, 17.
Independents Lame, Shedd and
Wassom of Linn, Jewett, Stott and
Gearin of Multnomah, Brown, But
ler and Stump of Polk. Steen and
Florence of Umatilla, Partlow,
Jackson and Roe of Washington,
Mays and Dufur of Wasco, Bruce
of Benton, Rinearson ot Columbia,
Riddle, Drain, Stearns and Ledger
wood ot Douglas, Curl of Grant,
We learn that the scat of Bart
Curl of Grant county, will be con
tested by George Reynolds, the
Democratic candidate. The vote
stood Curl, 212, Reynolds, 199,
and Curl's seat will be contested on
the ground that he is ineligible un
der the clause of the Constitution
that requires one' year previous res
idence in the county as qualification
for membership of the Legislature.
A man out in Iowa, according to
the Burlington Ilawkeye, died re
cently who had taken his county
paper tor twelve years without pay
ing for it. Upon the day of his
burial the kind-hearted, forgiving
editor called to see him for the last
time, and stuffed a linen duster and
a couple ot palm-leaf hats in his
coffin. He was preparing him for
a warmer climate,
Miss Hattie Lewis, of New Lon.
don, Conn., has recently married
the Roman Count Bandalairi at
A Ten-TfaMMauHt-DoIlMr Olrl.
I must give you a story lately
told me which goes to show the
value of the girl of the period. On
a certain day, on a Pennsylvania
railroad, a belle of a thriving Penn
sylvania town, the daughter of a
wealthy lumber merchant, wan
traveling in the same car with a
shrewd old citizen of her native
town and an agreeable young gen
tlemau from the West, who -tolls
the story. The latter had been
talking to the belle, but as nig hi,,
drew on and the young lady grew
drowsy he gave up his seat to her
and placed himself beside the some
what cynical Pennsylvanian. Tho
latter began the conversation by
pointing to a high mountain past
which they were whirling, and
said : " Yon see that mountain. Six
or eight years ago it was covered
with as fine a forest as ever urew,
and was worth ten thousand dot
lars and upwards. Now, without
a tree, covered with stumps, tbq
land is scarcely worth a continental.
The net produce of that mountain
lies over there in that seat," and ho
pointed to the recumbent belle j
"that is my calculation. It has
just about absorbed all ot that lum
ber which her father owned to raiso
that girl, pay for clothes and Jew
elry, bring her out in society, and
maintain her there. Some of you
young men, perhaps, it you wen;
given your choice between tho
mountain yonder, as. it now stand-,
and the net produce ; but as for mo,
give me the stumps." AT, Y
There was an old couple at tho
Central depot yesterday waiting to
go through to the West, and they
seemed loving enough until the old
man went out and returned smok
ing a five-cent cigar, and with l..r
hat slanting over his left ear. Tho
wife looked at him twice before sho
could recognize him, and then
opened her mouth and said :
" What'd I tell you, Philetus Rem
ington, before we left New Jersey ?
Didn't I say you'd go and make a
fool of yourself the first chance you
got?" Retried to pacify her by
saying that the cigar only cost fivo
cents, but she shouted: "You
teased and teased till I let you git
your boots blacked; then you
wanted some soda-water ; then you
bought apples on the train, and
here's another five cents thrown
away ! It all oouuts up, and if you
don't die in the poor-house then my
tame hain't Sary !"
A correspondent says that tho
Princess de la Tour d'Auvergne,
who is erecting a convent on the
Mount of Olives which she has
purchased and presented to tbe
Catholics will remain in Jerusa
lem seven years longer. Her sob
companions in the little cottage
where she lives are a dog and cat.
John Bruner, twelve years old,
banged himself at his father's house,
in Hardin county, Ky., the other
day. His father had refused to
buy him a new saddle.
The worst of maniac