L P Fisher . m. m., ..TMT! 'I 4 r r p VOLtTMK Vf. ALBANY, OREGON, AUGUST 21, 187. NO. 60. A M MmwI Boy M ARcndy Rerkonrr. A corresjHiiident ot the St. Louis Republican, writing trom TU( Mo., says : We have quite a mar vel of a uian in our community, a natural mathematician, Mis n&me is Reuben Field?. Having heard of him frequently through farmers and others, who got him to do their counting, I determined a short time ago to make him a .visit, . and to ascertain lor myself if the re markable stories told of him were truer" I am free to confess that at first I was fully as ii credulous as many readers of this paragraph will be, in fact," would not have believed statements concerning him bad not the authority been undisputably good. Proceeding to Fayetteville, the small village in which he lives, I inquired for "Reub," and was told that he was in town and was shown his residence, toward which T made my way. When nearly there I met a young man apparently about twenty-five years of age, walking a little lame, and seemed to be leisurely and vacantly gazing about, and accosted him with: "Does Reuben Field live in that house yonder?" "Fes sir." "Well, 1'Ve heard that Reub was a great cal culator, and I must go and see him," and I started forward, when be stopped me with I'm him." "Well, Reub" said T, "I have a tew questions I would like to have you answer, and will make it worth your while to do so." Gazing around, he answered5: "That's all right," and remarked that he could "count" anything he could understand. I may here remark that he can not read or write a letter or figure; he says if he could he should lose his gift. He cannot- explain any thing, but says he has a numeration table away on "beyond the books." "You commence at the bottom and work up I commence at the top and work down ; it is easier falling out of a tree than climbing one." He frequently observes: "If I could read and write, I shouldn't know any more than you do." It is aaid he never makes mistakes. Of all these questions I gave him, lie made but one, and be corrected that ou recounting. The following lire dome ot the questions asked him: If, to tlie time past noon, there be added its , and 2-5, the sura will be eqnafto 1-6 ot the time to midnight ; what is the hour ? Divide $11 50 between two per sons eo that one shall have 75c more than the other. A tree 136 feet long tell and was broken into two pieces; two-thirds of the loi.ger piece equals three quarters ot the length of the short er. What is the length ot each piece? What is the interest of 1 cent tor 1 day at 6 per dent per nuu; What is the exact length' 6f otte mde of a square aore? These questions were all correct ly answered, Kis answer to tit lat ibeing, "It can't be told." I then said : "Reub, I hear that you can tell what day of the week any given date was, or will lie; is that so?" "Yes, sir." "What was July h 1868?" "Wednesday." "Collect. What was the 22d pf January, 1848?" "Sunday." "What day will the 4th of July" como on this year?" "Saturday." "New Year?" "Friday." "All right." I have also heard, Reub, that you can tell the hour at any time of day or night. Is this so?" "Yes, sir." 'What time js it now?" "It is 17 minutes past 2 o'clock, railway time eau time is .13 minute slow er." We walked around town and he gave me the hour several times, correctly each time within two or three minutes, Several times he called on citizens of the place to attest the truth of his statements, whicti they did. One of the lead ing citizens told me he had tried "Reub" on the time question on b th clear and cloudy days, and also on dark nights, and he always gave the correct time. Reuben asked the gentleman we were talk ing with to write down a column of figures, which he did ; they were tlifii read to him, Thirteen numbers, two figures in eacb number, and he at once gate their sum, and could repeat the numbers in the order in which they were written, either forward or backward. The tax collector got Reuben to look over his work last fall, and Reuben raid thai he could remem lier the numbers in the column and the sum yet County clerks have sent from Kansas for him to help straighten their books. A whole sale firm in Kansas City heard of him arid sent for him to do some invoicim?. He told them he could do the work of ten men in making computations. They tola mm ir ne pnnld bH should have the nay of ten men. He mounted a high stool with the clerks around him, and kept them giving the number, of articles, price of each, and taking down his answers. The gave him 45 tor his day's work. A firm in Fayetteville selling out took an invoice of their goods. Reub was sick at the time, but they figured it out and sent it to him ; be found a mistake of $300. The Wlilow x Protest. One ot the sadest things that ever came under my notice (said the banker's clerk) was there in Corn ing during the war. Dan Murphy enlisted as a private, ana totigiu very bravely, The boys all liked him; and when a wound, by and by, weakened nira down till carry iir ' musket was too heavy work for him, they clubbed together and fixed him up as a sutler. He made money then, and sent it always to his wite to bank tor mm. ne was n Washer aiid an ironer. and knew enough by hard experience to keep money when she got it. Mie uian i waste a penny. On the contrary, she began to get miserly as her bank account grew. She grieved to part with a ceut, poor creature, for twice in her hard working lite she had known what it was to be hungry, cold, friendless, sick, and without a dollar ra the world, and she ftaa a haunting dread of suffering so again. Well, at last Dan died ; and the boys, in testimony of their esteem and respect for him, telegraphed to Mrs Murphy to know if she would like to have him enba'med and sent home; when you know the usual custom was to dump a poor devil like him into a shallow hole, and then inform his. friends what had become of him; Mrs. Murphy jumped to the conclusion that it would only cosUwo or three dol lars to embalm her dead husband, and so she telegraphed "Yes." It was at the "wake" that the bill for embalming arrived, and Was pre sented to the widow. She uttered a wild, sad wail, that pierced every heart, and said : "Sivinty-lbive dollars for stufhn Dan, blister their sowls! Did thira divils suppose 1 was goin' to start a musoim, that I'd be claim' in such expulsive curiassities? The banker's clerk said there was not a dry eye in the honse. Mark Ttrithi. . A singular difference Call a girl a young witch and she is pleased; call an elderly woman an old witch and her,, indiguation knows no bounds, Hank Honk on "Saratogas.' ; Hank Monk, the stagd-driv er uhn mm Horace Greeley his memorable mountain ride, in com mon with all his tribe, hates .the sight ot those pouuerous specimens of architecture in the trunk line known as the "Saratoga bandbox He likes a "Saratoga" about as well as a cat likes hot soap. He now. drives, on the stage line be turoon Parson Citv mid t.sitri Tahoei1 He Was 'Wiving on 'the same tine last snrnmer.' i a Virginia lady who was stopping at the (-itou brouk I Ipuse had a , "Saratoga?, , aj Carson which he Wished brought up to the lake. It was about' as loifc and wide as a first-class spirhfg mat tress and seven or eight feet high! The lady had managed to get, it as far as Carson by rail, but the trout), le was to get it up into the moun tains; Hank had promised two or three times to bring it rtp "next trip," but. always arrived without it. At ast Hank drove ud one evening, and, as usual, the lady came out upon the veranoa to a.K If he had brought her trunk. Like that great and good groan, George, 11 auk cannot tell a lie, and so he said: Tn mo'm 1 httVPnVKrnnorht.it. aw, -) - ..--v... v ..f but I think some of it Will be up by the next stage." "Some of tt W cried the lady. "Yes;, maybe half ot it, or such a matter." "Half of it " erroatied the horri fied' owtier 'of the Saratoga "Yes; halt to-morrow ana tne rest'iiejct day. or the iday after." "Whv. bow. in toe name ot com mon sense can ther bring half !. . " 1 ' oi u : "Well, WheB I left they were sawing, it iu two, and" . "Sawing it lt two, : Sawing my trunk iu t,wo?. "That was what T said," coolly answered Hank. "Two men with a big cross-cut saw were working down through iunibout in the middle, 1 ihwk." ...... "Sawing my irunk in two? and all my best ch-thes hi it Saw in j k in the mMdle ! God help the man that saws my trunk 1" and in a towering passion she rush ed indoors, threatening the hotel, the stage line, ihe railroad company, il.p tnwn of Catssn and the State of Nevada with suits for damages. It was in vain that she was assured that there was no truth in the story of the sawingT-4bat Monk was a great joker she could not be made to believe but that her trunk had been sawed in two, until it arrived intact and she had eiamined its contents niost tht roughly. Hank's "SaratiMa." ioke is still remembered and told at the Glenbrook House, but the ladies see no fun m the yarn. Virginia Vity Enterprise. u , i , - 11 TrT-wi,r liv Pi WKlyFHi;iT.- A 1101 ' v - -, The Wheatland Free Press of the 1 1th instant says: M. O. K. Retz. of Wheatland, went with her husband, Mr. Isaac Het,z, on a vsit to some tnenaa near Viwlaus, on the 4th, and during the day Mrs. Retz ate some canned onrij-ots which had been nut tip 5n metallic cans last year. She was immediately afterwards taken; wiui cramps and has since been very sick. Sour fruit, atter stanaing a long tim.) in metallic cans, has in some instances proved fatal to those who partook ot it Another old pioneer gone. He lived at San Jose, and be "goned" with $6,000 which did not belong to him, and took along the hired girl to comfort his old age. Nothing is rarer than a solitary lie ; for lies breed like Surinam toads ; you cannot tell one but out it. rvmiafl with a hundred young ones on its back. A Wonderful Well. A correspondent ot the Chicago Inter-Ocean gives an account ot a remarkable artesian well on the farm of Mr. T. Henryson, iu Story county, Iowa. He says: Being 6hort of water tor his stock, Mr. H., in the rail of 1873, commenced dig ging a Well, little dreaming of the ample supply of water he was about to obtain. After digging in the usual way till nearly thirty feet in depth had been attained, he com menced boring with a common two inch carpenter's auger, attaching rods, till tie had penetrated to the .depth ,ot ninety-seven feet when, on withdrawing tne anger, the waiter rushed' up with such force and ra pidity as to induce the workmen to feek the surface of the earth iu the quickest possible time; indeed so rapid did the water rise that some of their implements were left in the pit, and have never been recovered. Mr. H. soon attempted to curb the well, but found much difficulty ; he finally succeeded, and then at tempted to find how high he could raise the water above the surface of the ground, using common' Wood pump tubing tor the purpose. At taining the height of twenty-four teet the pipe burst, but before that happened a pebble as large as a hickoiy nut, from the lower re gions, had been burled up through the pipe fully fifteen feet in the air above. Mr. H. then conceived the idea of a mill, and to this end cor responded and consulted with those experienced in such matters, and was advised to wait at least six months before risking any outlay in that direction. After the expira tion of that time finding that in stead of diminishing the water in- creased in quantity, he procured from, vour city four-inch iron tub ing, and securing the services of a competent engineer, luiroouceu mu nine to the depth ot one hundred feet Upon opening the pipe the water issued, and still runs at the rate of nearly two hundred gallons per minute. Mr. II. informs me that it was the oppinion of his en- ginecr that the water could be raised w ino iieigiu ui iui ij rc v, rnore, and would afford ample power for a good flouring mill, a thing we much i.eeu m tins county. Ikon Dams. The Elmira. New York. Gazette urges a new depart ure in the method of constructing dams, saying: Masonry is but a little better than earthwork when nnnosed bv rushing water. What is needed, it seems to us, is material which will not crumble or break up when attacked bv rushing water. A dam might be constructed with a frame work of iron held by sub terranean guvs anchored beyond the reach ot the water. The foundation could be planted in a rock bed, or in the absence of rock, against a system of piling, so as to bo abso lutely immovable. J bus strength would be attained. By planking the iron frame and covering the latter with earth or cement, tight ness wontd oe secured, mis system Would achieve One end at least. In case of a break in the dam, no disaster could follow to the region ' below, because only a small portion Would' give way and the1 Water would escape comparatively slowly. The anchor could be so disposed- as to render a complete, giveing way impossible; or at least improbable, . The matter of cost and the process of rendering the iron durable as against rust, are matter tor engineers and iron makers to consider. We believe that for dams as well aa bridges, iron is destined to come into use. R. C. McCormic, of Arizoua, has deolined a.renominftion''atdele gate to Congress. ,; ,, ; KeantlMor Washoe Butter. It was our good fortune, a day or two since to hear tho following rather interesting dialogue in one cf our principal "hash-bouses." The interlocutors were a daudified-lwk-ing, side-whiskered, lisping, middle aged man from California, and burly, round-headed, merry-eyed Comstocker, who were seated at opposite sides of the same table. The men were evidently strangers to each other, I he conversation ope ned as' follows :' Qimdreary Deal) me, tbt6 h disgusting! (Holding up his knife and gazing, fixedly at its point.) I his is eithaw the second or the third hair I think it's the third that. I've foundin1 this. buEab f Comstocker You've not been here hu g, I judge? , ., , V( Dnndreary-a-No, mr; I arrived here yesterday morning. Comstocker I thought so, other, wise you would not have complained of hairs in the butter- : Dundreary No, complain ; .of hairs in the buttah 1 Yon suppwise me, sir. How could I do other' wise? Comstocker- Thosebairs, mr, are just as natural to Washoe butter as butter is a natural: product of ra,ilL They are just as good and j,ust as clean as the butter. Dundreary Impossible f Comstocker-Notatall.sir. All our butter comes from the great valleys ot our State where tlourishea that most nutritious and truly won derful plant the white sage. On this our cattle feed and fatten. This white sage has many virtues. Strage as it may appear to you f sir, from the white sage is manufactured a most wonderful and very popular hair resttmrtiw. Dundreary Ah, yea; I've heard of it in fact I may say that on one occasion, when thought I observed my hair growing a -little thin J used some of the prepawatioii. Comstocker Weft, then, sir, m a country where all the cows i feed on the white sage do you tbauk it likely that the butter will be bald headed? Dundreary turned red, pushed hack his chair and left without deigning to answer the conundrum. Virginia Utty JWerprtse, Pt ivnn it Back. Rather an amusing incident occurred during flbnrt week in thiB wise: Two jurors were delayed by some means beyond the allotted time, ano an attachment was issued for them. The truants appeared just aa the formidable document, unoer tne seal of the Court, was placed in the Sheriff's hands, and after a slight reprimand the good-natured Judge let them off upon payment ot tne costs of tho attachment The delin quents interviewed the Clerk 1 and Sheriff upon the amount necessary to make good the fractured law. Tlie Sheriff said he would break bread with the parties when he happened near their homes, aod call it square. Tlie Clerk, Tecogniiing a "fitter Root turn" as legal ten der, said he would, , come to about three qozen eggs, the next morn ing, to the great amusement of the Court and bystanders, and to the eonrternatioo of the Clerk, obe of the defaulting jurors walked deUp. u three dozen eggs upon the desk of the worthy UleTk, and aemanaea a receipt in full. jifonai a Mit awlina, Jvly 2d. "What was the picture M Uie Sm?',,.asked,theatturiKv? ' "Two diaris," was the reply. "What were the Indians doing?' hI didn't ask 'e," answered the boy. Tlie attorney suddenly discovered that lie had w tuber use ot the