BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING JOB PRICING. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. ah.i Exchange Office ALBANY, OBEUOS. cmi ivrr TO ! DBrOSrXB nr. r.ivci' SlW on Portland, San F";l9c0 i v,.u' viirk for salo at lowest rates. ""rottStoi nmdcand promptly remitted. Itefr w to H. W. Corbitt, Henry Falling, ,kfng 'hours from S A. M. to t P. M. UbanyrFB-l.1-3 physician, Surgeon, etc. MTICE'-On First street, over Weed's i r f u r. " ijrni Kric-Onnoslte KSBEftWr street, Albany. H)ctolier, I873y ft, v. -. ... l'", ! Gold In New York, 109 X Legal tenders, 90cslc. Ban Franc two Markets. s; Tly'o.ber,,rands, .??TA.S-i"iiiL Portland Markets. WHBAT-1 601 61 V cental of 100 to. OATS - 45c V bushel. Flouh Firm ; choice brands . 0(kB 00 Vbbl. BARM5Y-I- -ftfH .wnereeniw. ONWNS-lXGlXeVtt. Butteb Extra dairy iVMOc V a. ; com VifsHe- K(KM--820c dozen. PouLTRY-Grown chickens, 13 .HKM dozen- ' ' HlDES-Cholce dry, isc '' ' Albany Marliets. WHEAT-Wllltc, V lmsnel.7it.8c Beaks-White, my , rtint; AlBAM REGISTER FOR SALE ! ,.,.,.,..., ir i wnniffl REAPERS & MOWERS, j PRINTING HOUSlli . IMAM, (Wood's improved.) i . - 'A 3 Mist fell on Thursday. I ., .... ( '' t--it?uj; tH .Ii' Camp meets this evening. , , . Apples , are coming io by the wagon loads. , , j-v. u' -'' The little son of W. W. Parrish has been quite ill during the week. Mart: Brown and wife returned from Yaqutna Tuesday. ' ' Pat. Farrell, pt Lebanon, was in the city on Wednesday. P,v.' Hardly a day passes but persona are inquiring for harvest ncip, ..iris to do cooking during har- vest get trora $1 to 81.50 per day, .' jli r4.a a eiild. clllllV. cloudy, disagreeable day indeed. A young man ot this city who 'baifCH-K-lontoivi'ttheheaa, says iti.f.omcl.ewisjtvml egn a a tJt the !.. who have been lazily lolling around in the gun fur weeks past, are now being utilized in the harvest heias. yr The Bmwel an VlbraWr Tareahem (liest mnchliics on the coast- Stateunau rarfc Star Plow, and other machine rner ftleondand Klteworrh ste., Albany, SSn- FBANK WOOD. V. C. TWEEDALE, fttiocerieai, Provisions, Tobae, lar, Cutlery Craek ery,M W Wlllaw Ware, ai.raMT. OREGON. UM'Wm GREAT EXOITEMEXT J rrtHE HTOTEMKST at Portland Is rag T"? ry high degree on aeeount T-adies' Grusjade! Also,.t Albany, . Vff S" WKS Aborted Stock of Goods which I propose to sell at Bedrock Prices. J. BLOOM KB- Highest cash price paW for WOOL, l-TOS and HIDES. Corner of WMf on an WITR NEW AND FAST POWER ASD HASP PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Style of Printing f Material, Is undoubtedly "ii. ra. ' THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR apt! GO TO THE Uttl BEE-HIVE STORE! TO Bl'f AVheu ybn wish Posters, or f 1 Visiting Cards, ? Business Cards, Bill Heads, I, ..-I I. i ! t; a j J 1 " ' Utter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, DRIED 'FBDIT-Jtpiw," T -- Peaches Xe: 'wwntajie. Boos-V dozen, We. ., COFKEK 33c V IK Ip'&ttenUeg.Wx LABD- In tins, lie v , " H&S &V ad dressed, ,1 IS i dry cow h U , nint No. 1, 1214c V tt : Kfeen Halted, No. U 7e; aheenilns,wccttV-1 tifaM Friia-Otter,l!it3eaeh; Fisher, flg;3 each K Vj1 W 40(91 SSSo each ; Cm.n skins. 8(?10c eaeh CBA8.B.MOHTAGUE. B..BT. JfCAIXKY. M0STAGVE & McCALLEYj ARE KOW OPENIMi A MAtiSIFlCENT stock of SPRING GOODS! -consisting in part of elegant V -i.u Maraelllea, -Brllllant, .''' jpiqiiea, .. KWlK, V 'JapaneHC . , ,.BreaOotei andan, endless sffl&T f ' ' Rlobona, CoIlar,oHtireUea, L.ace, c. a,, the tadiea. and a line assortment of Ready made Clothing, Hata, taps, Boots, Clothn, CaaiiaaerM, t'ottonadea, aud Hosiery, ofalldnptBformenandlK Also Groceries, Crockery & Glassware. for everybody. The goods were selected with care, and purchased at very low prices. A look throngn onr r ,,;r. inai wist wii i" v g, j tj Lebanon, Oregon, April 45, 1874. The Oregon Legislature convenes next month. Layton Blain and wife started tor Fish Lake on Wednesday. K. Hanm went to 'Frisco on the last ocean steamer. Butter is worth 25e; eggs, 20c per dozen. ( ; , A. F. Cherry made the castings for the new eistern tops. Good job. t w i'.riv and John Millard re- tned from the Bay Jat last night. ',rvi " 1 "a. Um f (P ft ! Wc are inaeDtea io , mefs ot sea erab. M,-li As high as thirty-three wagoftja loads of wheat have been nnloadef tn one day at the Albany Faring Warehouse, the present ween over 1,700 bushels. ; ' tin? A ii -i " ' ,f 'v a if fr Hnffh Small, Esq- traveling , correspondent ot the Oregmiariti". waltze.1 m JUgW " Wfflia nd Hugh is one of the boys iiom , old dart. . . r j, v ,.' sMt'tft; The breaking down of our pwpf l f; Wednesday has crowded us some. , what to make the riffle on tuBe , and shortened our time fW limiting,, , ud locals. When a painter charges npthirtyva . two pounds of putty hi gMg ' windows, twelve lights, it teada to the suspicion that he's pntt(y)ing up too much. Jim Harris has a new horee " bay that gets away wun a bwj IiAST CHANCE Jli... ' FOE AN - Easy Fortune. I'ge bands o U? P- - - ; nowcausemanyteartn.oojurgauom, J ' iu with in the various part, of the county. t",ll . last (HIPS. The cisterns will be topped out Mf c p Burkhart has be and the iron flanges placed in po- pufferitlg fTOin bad cough, spnV sition to4lay or to-morrow. tj blooa) etc., for several day . '. Show may be easily partta-d, P-t. His frieuds are somewna, but happiness is a home-made ar- alarmed about him . Beach & Monteith will construct J " ". ditch, probably topping the CK- The colored posteiK for the Linn branch of the Canal, to oofl- County Fair have been receiveu. wle their mius at the tpoa ; They are gay and festive. S ) f Feny 3lreet, a A l.rm oartv are talking of The balance of the premium m starting for Pass Creek, in a few for.Li,in County Fair wilt appear days, and enjoy life i the moun- jn onr ,iext issue. We expected to k.o it il rodv tor to-dav's paper. tains. - - - . , loiioil iii onr expectations. AarnnKackns was out on the " ... , , (umIb. Mr 0 Kubarts tooK tne car afreet testcrdav, ookmg a little Mr. u. sti-eet yesuiuav, p,,iollli T hursdav morning. pale after the stabbing. - lit- iw-tM - - r - t Dave Froman and wife and W. ocean Rte.,mer for San Francisco, W. l'an ish and family start for the , f lhence overIaiid to Wash- Ifpper Soda to-day ingt(,n city. He goes on business Physicians a .kept pretty connected with fehsy, attending ..the accidents and nght ... which he s interested. Z May success attend him. , , "imiueilW iriw""M.- , , - t otiirdav the tine tann resi- ; We hear of one piece ot wheat . f w si..ttUck. something ,iast South ot te city that harvest- .. uortll of tWs cjtyi in iw bushels to the acre. tiMtroved bv The race-track at the Fair fire. 7! f . m -i- tin. A small nortion of tbe torn- gionnits now present a uc.t k- - p. - . -i ... ., uiiiirmed. was fvea pearance for a tew noiirseacn mum-, - . A- Groceries, DrnvlsionSs Notion., N""' &c.. &c &c Labels i'HUAl FOB CASH ! t o..trylWei All Kind. HOrOHT FOB MERCHANDISE OE But why particularize, when It Is gen m" ,,i ....i,..wl that we are enuy .av.v0 OH IT When It comes to ff5,i be Prfiflii fifth BBd East lft Concert IN AID OF THE Public library 5 Kentue JBIT aivr, TJ8T OF U1FT8: One Gmnd Cash Gift. One Grand lash . f M One Grand Cash t.ift M flO0 One tiranu uin "" .. 'opo One Grand Cash CW. ffl lOOwhuifta, KMge!; )W& 15 Cash whs, iu," - nil ono SO Cash Gift ,caeh gffl M Cash Gifts, 4,000 each 100.000 SO Cash Gift, 3,000 each Bp.000 50 Cash Gifts, ,000 u'h MO,0"0 too Cash Girw i,ooo u W 240 Cash Gift. 500 each W Kiui i aon i. ir- tnt vmut . vm m oS. 50 Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts, all cash, ttfioa,X PBICE I !!" Whole Tickets ., oo IUUVWmo' k an 1000.00 HTIoketa for..... iwu- for ticket or information, " - . WUMB. IE. ? f pnWle Ubrary ButldtaR, MivM mg. A. N. Arnold will soon be put ting on style nth his new express wagon and well he may, for its a beauty. TIia mnrhinerv for cleaning wheat .t Mrris A Parker's warehouse was tested on Wednesday, and worked to a cliarm. Fred. Hill. County Clerk, has been absent from his office during the major portion of the week, be cause well, he wants to stay at home. It's a buy mother and child doing well. Pant. .Tnse Wheeler has been busily employed for several days Htrengthening the weak places m the banks ot the sanuam mm The necessary dirt and gravel wei transcaiKR( a - -w in the valley, and was erected by Judge Thornton ome years ago, at a cost of over S8,uW. ' ,. 111 . Collegiate. Albany Collegiate Institute opens on Monday, Angus 31st, 1874, tor the reception of mmils. The course ot study em- r-r ... . ., . braces the following depanmenw. Classical, Scientific, Commercial, Art. Under tbe guid ing hand of President Warren, the Institute has attained a high repw- w tion tor thoroughness ana couiyre- ness,which will be tullysnsi-' long as President Warren remawa at its head. . JvsTllECKivEi..-iHT,k & Co. have just WwM nsoakery, etc., wnicn alISJV"''l a ' rt .j". Jli: . la' A' J , ..u ! iron m, rer aj, aearoca -w-. -- and examine jar Call and aoespeclmeni..