v rilraj KVMtir wbnimsay'and COLL. VAX CLETE, IN R.EGTSTER. BUILDINGS, Writer 'JpVttV itnet ffrtt Hindis. ' ..frw I'1'! fl ' ' i ' i 1,1 1 TERMS -IS ADVANCE, One1 j&r.!. :'. JStgXX I .three dollar. Sii months ,-,., .Two dollar. Single copies :.. Ten eiits. i To clubs of Ave i ."id eaoh . AiivKirflsiS;r, rates. Transient advinniswhlenfs, per square of ten .lines or less, first Insertion fl; each subsequent Insertion .We. Larger adi-fr ttsements Inserted on the most liberal terms. .1 i JUi : '' I j ' Wheat and Ships. Our mi- mense grain crop has attracted the attention of ship owners of the wor!d. With low freight ruling in tlie East ern Ifotes, Europe and India, Cal ifornia is the Only cpAntrr promising remunerative business to ship own ers.'' California ftrmets need not louger fear that we shall not have tonuige" enough t arry away all our iifjrfvis grafti,veti thotigli that BurptoreftcheslieeSiatrordianry fig- i!K .T ..'II uredf'700 ,000 tans. It should be borne in mind tlateviy'JsOdfaved on freight allows tl former 50 cents per ton of 12,009 pounds more tor his wheat These merobauts who havei obtained ot may secure the cheapest transportation will be ab'e to MftM highest pieces ;torgraiu. Tliqtjecior paper?, which are sop- osod to bo the special mouthpieces of the tJigerf t tspcak of the . vqs tels chartered by one, firm here pre viously Joticeil in.he Pv-M, as be ing bartered on account of. he Grangers. Some defend the high prices which have been paid' for freight" oii the ground that they were nxessary to get control of the cbarftd'srVijis 'gm'rig oai their lianA'' fhf, hwfeVer; is purely a matter ot UusWess, which we need not discuss hero. The Grangers are quite1 competent to judge weth er it was w to charter 100,000 tons at higlwr takes than are1 now going, to keep the market open to themselves, i We question . that pol icy of; farmers, turning speculators intonmge,ind we wry much doubt their having done so. Wheatliery crops and prices are enough with out tak.iug the chances on another contingency in what may militate against their profits, and we very muckdoubt thek having gone so deepl aiid rashly into tlie chartering business. ; w mucl more likely the charterSj were made for account Ot the parties, mentioned in our pre vious notice of ' this ' matter The amoflflt of tonnage known 'to be oil the way or destined for' this port has ifjcrHad very much within the Itfct few weeks- it uow aimmnte to 3QfljO0O;V)r register; a.nd with-i in thitk ixt biity day h will uli. doubtedly l)c increased to 400,000 tons.-ue vessels tyil) all be due here tfore the ied year, ana theirwabj' capacity is equajto 6OO.W0 tot of wheat bfl fl.OOO pounts'ln Ufe ton. Now, with a surp, 0f, 70,0,000 Why should fragru&iMigh? i hi this show ing tbftdaeger, of extreme freights, or even of the maintenance of the Wgh.fl !&Wid, Vl finn, is ovejj. farmers need not this sea son faajf.jliftriy house ou any pre. iMalflftil)ft,$e to break down prweof , wheat belof the legijtiniate rulitigifjrbj MfirttP9awwar. keta-iftjpharted pn the If awry for Pjks axp Tarts. tale tfiretl.jsujw V sifted' tlour, One tablespcifvitiil ot white sugar, one tablcspoonfu'f i salt, one ciii of lard, and 'halt 'a cup of cold water ; stir with a spoon and roll out fcr ybur'tte.'' Tliis is lor three pieA, aYrd')yikl ban enlarge it as vou j wish. )o ndt put your hands to it mr' Will t a Li .v. .o.l U iitr i thin, if you wish it short and crisfy, ini not llakey and tough. Iro.V Ii'i'st. -To remove iron rust from : cotton or linen goods, saturate the spots thoroughly with fresh lemon' juice,' and apply a thin coating of sharp, fine satt. Tn suitable weather, dry in the suit; but in winter, or otherwise, a mar ble register is well, or its equal in other form. One careful and atten tive application generally answers ; but mora will do no harm. Coits twltffii Two chps of com meal, two cups ot sour milk, one cup of flour, two eggs, onc-halfcup ot sugar, and one teaspoonttil of saleratus. Hake halt an hour hi a hot oven. " It is excellent. j ... , '.4i The Fasthst Stkamep. in the Wnni.n. Such is the title claimed ly Jlessrs. Tliornvcroft for a Iwat they hae just built to the order of the (iovernment ot India, for service in theOrissa carta's. The dimen RKnsof this vessel are : I.ength, 87 leetj beam, 12 feet; draft of water, K feet 9 inches. The speed don tracted' tor was 20 statute mi'es per hour. The hull the worki ng parts o the enginefj and tlie propeller (TliomycroftV patent) are of Resse- mer steel, and the woodwork is. ot teak. The official trial Of the boat was mle on the. 14th ultimo, under the inspection of ("olonel llaig, If. E., Chief Engiueer of the JJengal Irrigation, Works, and the rewd were ; AVith tide, 25.08 miles per hour j against tide, 24.15 miles per hour: giving a mean speed of 23,01 miles per hour. In another official trial it was shown that, the boat could keep up a speed of 22 miles r nour wiuioui losing steam., These specks are extraunliiiniy etrougii ni tiieniselvCs; but when it tacohsidereij tliat they are aftaineo by a' boat Mv 87 feet long, they beouffie'ahHi'lntely Wonderful. The vahid ot wrft team launches, I & LI f i I ( t t, ' torpedo ho&(si is acknowledoed, and a already various'fliiejgn governments have ordered boats from Messrs. Thornyeroilt's yard, hear London. , 1? Ufedo'fanuches can lie hnilt to steam at the mie: o lrt or 1 8 miles an lidtir fft a moderately calni!fsca, the whole' fate of naval warfekreffirty Jtid Itself clittrige'd in a 'ery irfor. jtoctod way. Tin: two richest men now living' in merika, that I ktio ov is the oiie why las got the ius.t moiy,. aid fjie othi'r whw wanite. U'e Iqa; and t lie last out) is the happiest .of tl twti riifHHfWU h lit A geiitreman just returned to this country from a tour in Italy, was asked how he1 liked' the i'nlns of Pompeii. "Not very well," was the reply;"ti;ey are so' miicli out otrcrTr;,, Tiijst. seaiuiii Has arrited wlten smart, people ttvery where arc ahkiuj; tie iiujw, WJiy, If a tntiifmHQ likeobarity? The gleeftil resise AjrenU forJrhe Reyliiter. , v The folldtrf rfonaenien (Mifa&Med to receive oriil iweifit for snfiserlptwtis, "adverllslnir, etc., for the Rkoihtkk Hlnim Smith, II;irrfs1inrK. 0. K Tompkinsj BurtRlUOTki i ... Pater HUlii('. lirowtiw'v Hie', ' ' W. R. Kirk. IliowHsvllle. i i . J. It. Irvine. Mo; ' '.' ' 1 T. H. Reynolds. Sallt. ... , Hi P. fisher. Shit FinnHsm'. I). P. Porter, SheildV station. , , , For Bal6. ArARM, AIIJIHMVi TAXtUI'Vr, well Improved, with Honsc and Harn nuil nll kinds .if Fruit nni'i OrtuMlienlai Tiees. For nirtienlars inquire on the farm, of HAMBI. MITXER, FHH. Tanjent,OrMai'enS8,74-tf JIEDDIVfa ! UPHOLSTERING'!1 W.J. WARREN & CO. Upholsterei'is, i'irat Street, Allntuy, Oregon, A RE 'JrttEPAEI TO FliRSISHiAJ-L, lj kinds of . ' I'J ':''." H ,.l IMOt) '!'') Be l.llus, MnUreftNCa, 1'pholNlerliiH, ij,Ji , ... a. tuiti ,. t, i c to order. Rein,' priietfcnl SlVi-lillten,' thev KHitntntoi' siuisliu-tion. All unholsterv work done in Allinny. ' (.'Hltnaexaijime our-i o K ;in'i,vor. w. j. wunwir April u, w;t-i? ... , . The Imported Perelicron Slnlllon White Prince, WIM. BE AT iki'tWEXf STABLE of Messrs. Jlailial'.SUossiT. in Albany, Mondav aftcntohn, Tuesday, and Wednday forenoon of each week, aid n Tlmrsilay aftehioOn, Friday aild Sntnr dnvof each week, at the livery stable of Mr. Drirbin, Snletrt. from MprB 4d to July 1st, ISl. , I Terms for the season, .Uie July 1st, lsHi' For insurance. 10 1'. S. Gold Coin, d'fte'j' when the Mail' Uknown to lie wth Fwi ! or liatSled with. H- ) w. . n v;r. j AHwny.Or., Aprit,l744in I) II f Y? MEXICAN 1 Wit rt known in America. Its mcriti are now well knows throughout the habitaole wotlj. I( has the oldest andbest record of any Liniment in theworld. From the Millions noon mjlirins pf 1 bottles sold sot a single complaint has eVer meted us. As a.llealjog and Pii.Sabtiruj., liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to ;', man ad uEwi;i(;;;; SOLD BY ALL DRUCCtSTS. S, T -1860-X .7 " ..l7T' ')!' ve OlD ,.,- Homestead Tonic Jt a turiW Vtrttahle Pritnratteri, confused Cafiuya Bark, Rtots. Hert imd-. fruju, among: which wilt tt found Sarmparitian, t he Out GiHilan, Swerf1 Flat, tic; aim Tamarinds, inanncin, naii , Attach, Fever amiAfxe, Summer ComflatHls. WOMEN OLD Mustang 111 Plantation Bitters ; JDates,i-rum:sw jumper marji WW: A New Idea! WILSON -SHUTTLE FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned THE BEST IN THE WORLD I tyThe Highest Premium was awarded to it at Ohio State Fair; Northern Oljio Fair; m Aincr. Institute, N. 1.5 Cfocttmatf Exposition ; Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Uuls Fair ; Unifdana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Wcorgla State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, 'and doiitjr the largest and best range of work. All other j Machines in the Market i Competition i i j ) i iio ) it-!; !. ,.! ,'itut i.' .t W For Siwtwii, Fell- inwing, joraiamg, ; fimbroijlpring. .Quilt- " ini and Stilehinjf fine .ywvvy vvw jvft Mf , liB'itf . M.ii J ' Where we have no Agen1 we win deliver ft liaphine; Sox the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma- .30H3MW00 Qhnttlo Cowinnr Waphfirs f UliUlUU UUHllIg, . ohlfles for' Sale. OM Machines taken in Excfcuig& WilMh'tMrtjt MtrKtfie Co 'J .Tsillinstlf. I, li'! PETEHS & SPEiDEL, XAXVrACTVREltS OJP Carriages & Wagons? 1.BAM . OltfcGOA. M aKtTFACTVRK TO ORDER A.W and nil styles of Wtiyoii, CarriaRO, Hacks, Ae.. at ns retummltlo rates as the nw of tvood materiahmd flrst-class work w ill ius tlfv. ; . . Repairing m-allv and expeditiously done at low rat e. . Shop on Ferry lielwem .First ami Second Btreots, PETERS A SPEIDEL. All'uny. Maivh", WMff MAliBLE 'WOBjKS. JIOMMHi Ac !STAIr:, i a i &a c 6"i Tietilers in Monunients, ObelMis, Tombs, Ilcud antl Fot 8toil.es, Kxeeufed in Ckllfnrinl!(i-'Vel'iiiiiit ami Italian SAI.KM, OUKOOX. BHAM'H MIOI AT AI.HAW. So littter evidenei' of the entcien- iv of 'iSr. J: S. olemnii'N t'liiiipouiiil Kxtmet of Euealyritus can lie desired, than the follfAvtriR suniiiiitn of ewes, treated with this remedy alone! by that eminent physician. Du. 11.' vin Wo ST i , in I lie 11. S. Marine Hosnlta). San Knincism. ivnort- (i r . Trwt'-d. CuikI. Jm'd Hemltteiit . o. r....... S ' a hillK Hd Fever 1 TypUoii lever IiilDtUior KMneyw... 4 IHnretN 0 liieoiitineuee of I'rlue . .1 Mrietme ;.. 6 iMffHm.oriilniMer !7 VlennorliaKiii i: I NenieOl'tliellenr.. -7 It J.entei-y '....!. f t'hrunie lliiirrlicen 13 I X 7 S 4 as 10 3 j.' X a 1 IB (Jmiorrlicvit 13 Itrojwj f'omM( a a pletely eorrobo ntiee of the nbive,' are the reports of the experiments witjv K-ntaltpjtiR ,tv )r. Lortiirler, of BtMin, Prussia, and in- Keelei, Chief I'hvwiiir, of the Austrian Knilniiy Co.. puWlslad in the Iih. Mai. Jmy. July, 1,972. It will be found yen- efficacious in niuti natecac8of PvsViepsla, Brum hit i. II, k ini? lough ( h ron ie Sore throat, U'fleor rhea, etc.', and in nausea dnring pifKiiatt cy. Ir.rleninti"s llonblr Kxtrnrt sf Kuealrp- tun is a sihkIh! pii')ar tlon for the t feat men 1 01 TKVi I' ni VBt ns.ftnd is nnsranlesl to mre every case tremi (1 aoeordinki io dlreetions, without tho tiijnrfdBS rnnlti of the nsttnl Qnl 'nlnotiul thi. ill rcni- cdles for that disease. Also nni-e tlnid ex tinct of Km alyptus. in one nound bottle, lOrphysli isjin' u-t, Bewnnwif tpiliiitiiuif. and laku--jimu bpt, lpvj:n' Fbr .nlo eyei-j wnere. anil ly Vtti? I'alef A rn ' Pnifigistsfl'ortlaiid.'Aitents Sir hereon, j r . T5nS9j- 1 . . V BEWiiD FOB AN Incurable Case! DR. LE RICH AU'S Xcoi rWMrtlilth) LDEN BALSAM! r I. liters' trial On thiiCosst hats IWen1r'lftlon1yenriitlv..inteltalilolal of diseases pronounced by medical pisctition crs aa insurable. Br. LeBichao's GOLDEN BALSAM No.i runs Chancres Ant and second stages, Sores on the Leg or Body; Son Kara, Eyea, Nose, c.i Copper-ralored Blotchet, Bypbllittc Catarrh, Diaeaaed Scalp, and all nriiaaWlrmeol thti disease known aa Byphllii'' M(;Si)WBoV tie, or two for $9. Dr.LeBichaii,iWEN-ULS.HNo.2 enrei Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Bheunia- tlam, Pains in the Bones. Backer trie neck, VU aMlMtltTKllMI CoM. Bttffliew ot ue UBtt, and eradicatos all discasca from theiyttem. whether caused hv iadlaoretlun ot ahiue of mercury -loarlngt ho Clond puielia healthy. Price, $5 per bottle, or two for $9. flr.UBjCoW'sfiOLDgllSPIBISBiH- Udota, for the Cure of Oonnorhota, Gleet, Irrl. 'tattoo, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital dlaamngementa. Price, $3.60 per bottle. Br.LeBichaa's GOLDEN SPAHISH IN- jectiottv mm rs .iamm'mmtermt of Oonriorhoja, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Price, IJfl!jWrikli.-: ,Ti I '. ', ' . Also Awnti fcr DE. LE EIOHATPS GOIDHf Uaaturbatloo and exoesslre abnae. Price, ti per bottle. The genuine Gouwh Biuuj it pat ap only In round bottle. On receipt of price, these medicines will be scat to all parte of the country, by ezpnm ot ntasl securely packed aad tree from eW Vaaka. BoloAaimts, No Cri Trmt- i. CumL lm'd 4 & in loading. 1 tVMawlvOhiV); 1 .