ALBANY EEGISTEIR: BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREUOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits In coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, nu new i nni, lor saie ai lowest rates. Collections madeand promptly remitted. Kefers to H. W. Corbett, Henry failing, Ranking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-2iv8 A. W. GAMBLE, W. D., Physician, Surgeon, etc. "VFFICE-On First street, over Weed's v grocery siure. KEHIDKNCE-Upposlte late residence of John C. Mendenhall, near the Foundry, First street, Albany. Octobers, 1873y . FOR SALE ! 'J'HB CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS & MOWERS. flattie's Header, (Wood's improved.) t'oquiiiards Indiana Farm Wagon. The B ousel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. (Statesman Fareefeea Brill. (War Plows, and other machines. Call, see, and get price and terms before buying my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sta., Albany, Oregon. Jv5 FRANK WOOD. W. C. TWEEDALE, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Clean, Cutlery Crock ery, and Wood & Willow Ware, ALBANY, OREGON. Gg Call and tee him. Mi GREAT EXCITEMENT I THE EXCITEMENT at Portland Is rag ing to a very high degree on account of the Ladies' Crusade ! Also, at Albany, on account of the new store which I have opened at the corner of Washington and First streets, with a nice Assorted Stock of Goods! which I propose to sell at Bedrock Prices. J. BLOOM, &T Highest cash price paid for WOOL, FURS and HIDES. Corner of Washington and First apis streets, A'bany, Oregon. GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BUT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Sao., ice, &c, CHEAP FOR CASH! , r . , j 31 imiM HMJB3 i sgftU tj'ri Conn try Produce oi All Hinds Ul tin',' .if.. BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OB wtuwraimaiu Mi ' OASHI i in the tfhu to aet the HESTAAR, tJAlNS ever offered In Albany, Partial, wm always do well to call and see for thea Btrset, Albany, Oregon' v5 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. A Mi Id in New York, ' - )J M SHI M ' ' Legal tenders, ssoool' v ' San Fra.iclseo Market Ml Wheat- i 80i V loo lbs. Floub Extra, S8A12X; other brands, $5 S55 75 V lbs. OATS-il HOI 70 W 100 lis. onions-a 76 v loo ns wUSm if d narkeM. Wheat-, 1 601 65 V cental of 100 as. OATS-46C V bushel. ey KI.OI B Firm ; ohole brands i5 0036 00 VbU, BableV-. (3J SO per cental ., ONI03-l,'illieVtt. : .' Buwpjptra dairy ttSaoe . com mon, tSSnL ' & Eggs-18S20c V dozen. Poultry Grown chickens, ts so4 V dozen. WoqL-i8S8e V HiDES-Ohoioe dry, Wo V ; i 1,7c Albany Markets. WHEAT-White, V bushel. 7580c Oats- bushel, cts. Potatoes bushel, 60 a. Onions- V bushel, I11M. Floub -V bbl, (6 oo. Beans-White, V n, 334 c. Diukd FBrrr-Apples, H, 6 cents; Peaches,16 Id Plums, 14o; Currants, 10c Butteb Fresh roll, 153200 V us. Eoos dozen, 18c. Cuickkbs - V dozen, 2 5038. i Sugars Crashed, 15o; Island, 10312c; San Francisco refined, 12.Sc TBA-lonng Hyson, $1 25; Japan, 75c CoFFBs-jpe.- tt. SALT-Df3fcVl. SYBUP-Heavy ojiolden, Vkeg, (2 50; Ex heavy Golden, ,1 00 W gal. BACoy-Ilatns 12c, Sides 8c,. Shoulders 7c LIbJ-Iu tins, Ul V ; in kegs, Sc. osuewej ierosene sjc gak,'j can,5giilrt., $2 50: Linseed Oil, raw, 1 gal, $1 25, lulled, ,1 37 . IT,..,,,, I! .J J... Um OAn lO t dressed, l 25 ; 4ry to bides, flintNoi i, unite f to ; green saneu, o. i, w 7c ; sheepskins, t30c each. FUB-paer, tl3 each i Fbher, 1$3 efch ; Beaver, 8031Vto Coyote, 503 2,sc each ; coon skins, siiuc eacu. .r,:i,', 4, CHAS. a MONTAGUE. BOBT. M'CALLKY. MOAfilfi & MALLEI j jRKNOW OPENING A MAGNIFICENT SPRING GOODS! consisting in part of elegant- Lustres, , , Poplins, Marseilles, Brllllnntes, Ptaues, tjbnwls, Jaoaneae UressOoods, and an endless variety of ; v. Ribbons, Collar;, Collarettes, Laces, Ac., ., for the ladles, and a fine assortment of Readymade Clothing, Hats, f aps, Boots, Slboej", Croats, taNslmeres, tottonades, Md Hosiery aroceries, Ctatiery & Glassware, I ,forteArery,body(. ! . ;f The.wdswera seieoted, with, care, and purclmsW at Very low prides. A lOOK mrougn our siocs anu uur uiaric are determined to place our goods at prices that will warrant satisfaction to the pur chaser, liiiurifl rnr LAST OftAKCE , , -.. 1 FOR' AN' ' : Easy Fortune. I j i ' j i j ? Flftli and Last Gift Concert IS AID OF THE ublic Library ; Kentucky JVLT SI8T, 1874. ,. UST OF GIFTS: An., nnind f'0'4h(lift One Grand Cash (iitt.:.,.. w,uuy One Grand Cash Glft.....t.......'. m One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 0ner.fc-::;::n iWtt::l!: fiW .Ml L,fM ft AH wh.. . 1 1(1(1 ('ash (iifts. ovvjiisu linn., r,C, rvli. in 240 Cash Gifts, 600 Cash Gifts, 19,00p,Clih Gifts, ,W WVll,.,.... JW, ow eacn in, 100 each 50, n v. . mn till PUTOI, ...... Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, 2,500,000 HTholeTlokett JJ.oo Halves .l,,,i!r.w ?!, TentB.arfaaohOoBpon,,,, UUi. JS ' 11 Whole Tickets for , MM MX Tickets for , ..JOW.00 For tlokete or'lhformiitien, address THPB. B. BIALBTW-. ; . Ajresit aad Manaiter. Public Library Bnlldlnf, LDolsvlUe, Ky, Louis Miller, after 8 long pull, is slowly convalescing. John Altbouse has returned from the McKenzie springs. Judge Thornton, ot Salem, was in the city yesterday. The big circus is on its way down the valley. Save up your quarters. A slight rain tell Wednesday morning. Mr. Coffey, of Salem, is in the city. Large invoice of fresh goods at S. E. Young's. The demand for harvest help was never greater or the supply less. The John L. Stephens sails from San Francisco for Portland to-day. The finest plums we have seen this season came from Milt. Hale's. City Council meets Tuesday night. John Brigga puts np nice fruit cans. A great many strangers in the city, new-comers, looking for homes. Markets well supplied with fresh vegetables. Stoves and stove furniture in good supply at W. H McFarhwd's. Blackberries, of the Lawton va riety, selling at 50c per gallon. Mrs. Chattin and daughtr called a tew moments last Saturday. Al ways glad to see old friends. We are prepared to do all kinds of job printing well and at fair rates. Mrs. Allison is lying at her resi dence on First street, very ill ot fever. . - - Chas. Hogue, of Shedd, came down the first of the weelc. Re ports business fair in his bailiwick The water-wheel at the Farmers' Warehouse was put to work on Wednesday. . It was a success. Grouse and quail are said to be plentiful in the foot-hills, while deer and bear abound in the mountains. Andy Carothers arrived home from Fish Lake Wednesday, great ly benefitted by the trip. Pears, apples, plums, green corn, string beans, blackberries, squashes, etc., are to be found at the grocers. Jay Main returned from his trip to Dalles on Wednesday, much im-J j - I proveu in nesiwi. The announcement that we are to have a County Fair seems to please everybody. Weather has been grand d uring the week just warm enough to be pleasaut. Mrs. Harper is expected home from the Bay to-morrow or next day.' Pat. Farrel, of Lebanon, shot his regular venison the first of the week. Pat gets a deer every week. Dr. King, of Scio, was in the city yesterday, looking hale and hearty. Advertisers and others will please remember that the Hrgibtkh. is now Issued Friday morning. Peters 4 Speidel are turning ont an immense amount of work they are running a shop-full of employees. Our mechanics are all busy, im provements going on in all direc tions. The dusky forest maiden and the still more dusty buck, still recline on statrwaysartd door-steps, whiting away the fattop samara hours. So far as harvest has progressed we hear no complaint of a falling off in the yield. Thirty bushels per acre seems to be the average to date. The committee appointed to se cure subscriptions for improving the Willamette are meeting with good success, and a large subscription will doubtless be obtained. Judge Baber informed us Thurs day morning that his wife, who is suffering from paralysis, remains about tho same, no improvement manifest. Her disease so far defies the best skill of the physicians. For the past week our physici ans have been kept busy Harvest times, with its green fruit and over work, generally gives the doctors plenty of driving. Judge Powell and Chris Finlay son returned from Yaquina Bay on Wednesday, bringing Miss Mary Finlayson with them. She is pro nounced much better Since her ar rival here. Morris fc Parker have not quite completed their magnificent ware house, but are ready to handle grain with dispatch and safety. The work on the building is being rushed, and it will soon be com pleted. Mrs. Glass, ot Portland, arrived in the city on Wednesday. She is circulating a petition to the Gover nor asking for the release from the penitentiary of her husband, Dr. Glass. The petition is being signed by everybody, we believe. Miss Minnie Allison had reached Blodgett's valley, twenty-five or thirty miles from this city, en route for Yaquina Bay, when she received the news of her mother's severe ill ness. She returned on Wednesday. In locking up the jewelry estab lishment of Titus, Bourgardes & Co. Wednesday night, the lock was broken, and the locksmith had to be called in the next morning to cut away the bolts holding the lock before an entrance could be effected. Itattractd the largest crowd we have seen on the street for some time. Rolla Hudson and Louisa Hoi den, heirs of Furgerson Hudson; Tipton and Joseph Todd, hcjrs of Nancy Todd, (formerly Dale) can learn something ot interest to them, about an estate in which they are heirs, by addressing M. Dale, Wos- nton, Mo., who is administrator. information solicited from any one. A Report has it that B. F. Brown, Wells-Fargo's agent at Salem, has igned since the robbery last k; another report is that he was arrested yesterday morning. The first report is true; the second report is doubtful. J. G. Fuller has been appointed agent in Browns place. i The great Conference Campmeet ing at Canby promises to be largely attended. A large number of our citizens will go down on Sunday should there be an extra train over the O. & C. Railroad that morn- The Portland Print's base ball club threatens to go tor the sur rounding country. Let 'em come, up here if they want to get cleaned to the bedrock. The citizens of Stayton are de- termined to have a flouring mill, and to that end have incorporated I company, elected directors, and commenced the erection o( the build- OH Pi After the first of January next publishers will be compelled, under the new postal law, to prepay port age on newspapers t the rate ot thiee cents per pound on weeklies. This will of necessity compel pnb. Ushers to strike from their lists all non-paying subscribers. This harvest season has pretty well cleaned out the wagon busi ness tor W. H. Dodd. He baa also sold an immense amount of machinery. William Henry and Mariar Jano get their soda at the City Drug Store. Everybody, in fact, takes some. The demand for lumber for build ing purposes was never greater, and the supply does not equal the demand. Knox Haight, while hauling lumber for tbe Grange building at Knox Butte, the other day, acci- m dentally let a scantling fall on his ,, left foot, and he is now a cripple, Tbe Madame Anne Bishop Troup give a concert in Pacific Opera House Tuesday evening. Lovers of the superb in music will make a note of it. The Statesman claims that tall wheat in Marion county will average as high as forty and forty-five bush els per acre. Is is unusually plump and heavy. Mr. Larkin, wbo lives neat Brownsville, left a fine vinison bain at our house on Wednesday he killed the deer that morning. Wer'e living high. Del. Smith has transferred hit interest in the Corvallis Democrat to Cass. Humphrey, of this city. Cass, will soon know how it is him self. Henri Sayeis is now Chief Clerk. at tbe saw-mill. Henri is a full team anywhere, and always fills tbe bill well. Wm. Gird returned form Sand Mountain a day or two since. Two week's absence satisfied him. Ted. Whitfield also returned. Mr. Cundiff has made an excel, lent job of topping the cistern at intersection of Ferry and First streets. Rube Saltmarsh and family will visit Waterloo shortly, and drink the invigorating waters from the spring. Don't tail to make arrangements to attend the Linn County Fair, and bring something to exhibit. Xo trouble to show goods, and lots of them, at N. Baum's. Mrs. Wolf and children are so journing at Sodaville. rs' Officbks Installed. Follow- 1 ing are the officers of Tangent ' Banner, No. 200, I.O.G.T., in stalled on the evuning of Ang ust 1st: H. Wiuthrop, WCTi . Ella Luper, WVT; C. F , Davis, WS; O. L. Scott, WFSj J. F. Beard, WT; John Lnper, WC ; Maggie Smith, WM j Aigfe. Jordau, WIG; Porter Shtey WG. G; Miss D. Boggs, RH$; Miss Luna King, LHS; Oliver McFar. land, WDM; J. J. BeardWAS; E. E. Fanning, L. D. District Deputy, Ji A. Warner, was tbe- Musicau The celebrated Mad. ame Anne Bishop Troupe, we are informed by Mr. Foshay, will visit this city and give an entertainment on Tuesday evening next. Our Citizens will doubtless gladly aval) themselves of the opportnnity thus afforded to obtain a great Mil twit,