The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 07, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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    i, w. J. Official ar for MSi"'
(rerraany has sold hei i.eedJe-guns
tr) China, not becaiae die ias no
more need of them, but sbe jias
found another kind which can j kill
twice as maiiy FreucbmelDA '
Brigham Young, Jr., :Hm lately j artists, while their fertility in in ven
al a Mormon prayer meeting: "I tion iamjty wonderful,
prayjfor our enemies, brethren, but I j Among the largerarticjes brought
always Drav that thev may go to
iwjo pray hjw. ijr ,uaJ
Professor Tyndall is exhibiting a
fireman's mask which enables the
wearer to remain in an atmosphere
,6f heat and smoke without danger,
ti a fellow could only take the
ttings oil this world; alcfig when he
dies! ".
An old maid in Lockport, X.
Y., purchased biie of the Egyptian
mummies at the Niagara Falls
Museum, the other day, for a parlor
ornament. Sbe.aid it would seem
better to have a man around, even
if he was advanced in life and
' They tell of a ben which floated
down the raging tide at .Mill liiver
for some distance in the barrel
where she was laboriously "cover
ing" nineteen eggs. She attended
strictly to business during the Hood,
finally brought up in a friendly har
bor, and has since left her barrel
with nineteen chickens at her heels.
A Frenchman being about to
move his shpp,,his bndloid hiqqrred
the reason, stating at the same time
that it' was considered a very good
stand for business. The French
man replied,, Oh, yes, he's a very
trood stand for ze business. Me
stand, stand all day; for nobody
come to make me move.
A dissipated young man, who
ran awav from home and spent his
substance in riotous living, resolved
at last to return to the' paternal
roof. His father was kind enough
to forgive the young rascal for bis
wickedness, and rushing into the
house, overcome with joy'that lie
boy bad returned, cried put to his
wife: uLet us kill the, prodigal;
the calf has returned f '
The following is a cop; pf a rio-
tice displayed in a field in Ebglan
"Ladies and gentlemen are reques
ted not to steal turnip?. Other
persons, if detected, will be prosecu
ted." 1 ; .,:;
, , a nr:1
"I can speak seven different lan
guages,'' said a convict, as be eu
tereda peniteutiary. "No matter,"
said the- keeper, ''we- have only one
language bete, and a very little of
that." i X
Some Bostoi ladies have estab-
.. ji f a );.;
lished a "dry narary," where- wom
en, now prevented from going" oet
to work by their babies, can leave
them and have them taken care of
for fifteen coots a day.
"How much did ha leave?" in
quired $ geutJbmau of a wag, on
learning the death, of a wealthy
citizep. "Evtbing," was the re
spouse, "he didn't take' a dollar
with him. '
- .Vfetican editors' don't ear about
aii estemled circulation. The fewer
subscribers they have the fewer
MUtg MtaU 'ta!Ml W Vj .1M i. iti
WRrf tri h$ tuifmutU t( K il
Uie Aahnulce.
The thousand ounces of gold
cohered in such haste bv Kioff
Kottea. as the first installment ot
the indemnity demanded by his
English Ronouerors. furnish manv
curious and striking illustrations of
the artistic development ot the na
tive golAnitbs. Their skill in
workiugigold which appears to lw
the most .common metal of the
i I .1 r.i u i?
equal to that of the best European
i away by the English is a human'
u i J
' til ...iv.
pounds in weifflit: a ghastly object,
a virtim o-iumxl fi.r saerifiee Q.
a more pleasing oharacter, and more
to lie preferred as works of art, art
two heavy golden griffins, said to
have been broken from the king's1
chair of state, There are besuief,
many badges ftt' ofiice of different
styles, some of them massive fibula)
of wrought gold, like thoste' worn
by the heralds sent by Kuig Koffee
to treat with the hnclisn com
mauder, others ot various patterns
according to the office of the wearer.
That of tlje kind's chamberlain, for
example, is distinguished by padlock';
and keys; the butler s by cups ana
bowls, all of solid metal, and for
the most part, castings ot exquisite
In addition to these great badges,
each, awbich.centojijs mapuices
of pure gold, there are fetish caps
ornamented with gold in repomue
work, the, golden tops of nmbre,llas
and sticks of ofiice, grotesque lions
for the Heads ot sceptres, golden
jaw bones, thigh bones, and skulls,
deD handle, and many indescriba
ble objects which doubtless served
their purpose in the fautastio cere
monies of Fetish worship.
Smaller in size but not inferior
in workmanship, are an infinite
nninber and variety 6f objettsM'rf
nativdesign, besides iurapu! imi
tations of the gold work of other
nations arid ages : 'bracelet, some
so heavy as to be a burdeiy others
ot exceedfng Ifgh'tness and' delicacy:
necklaces, qhaips, pendants, brooch,
es, and rings of curious yet beauti
ful shape.
The imitated articles give a strik
ing indication of the skill with
everything that comes to them from
the outer .world. Thus there are
golden jcwksbuck'fesjbels,' and
even watch II;ib;;Mj
have been unknown. Not the least
carious, are vgrjit.WpSLj0f Jli
quaries, left, perhaps, by Roman
Catholic missionaries in that ben
igbted land, and reproduced in gold
by the native workmen, with a
faithfulness and delicacy which a
Chinese might envy. Among the
brooches, pendants, badges, rings,
and so on. there are forms which
are almost tac sirnilen of early In-
diaw ornaments; others approach
Egyptian styles : still otfiers", Scan-
dinavian Mid Anglo Saxon types.
The whole world, in fact, has been
laid under tribute and tin relics
hoaisded in this out-of-the-way re.
1 Some ot the arlet& are quite'
near, and still have clinging to them
the fine red loam hi which they
were cat. Other az old..AoA
worn, and beat- traces of frequent
pai.chin'aad soldering. OA ot
tmort.rejaBW)to rfth aaeient
pieoesfc afiwly ebssed seal ring,
j the m8de ot an anc,enl
! Co,tic "Tw) ' three SS
; wero evidently copied from early
English betrothal rings. , Some,, of
the necklaces and chains are formed !
of beautiful shells reprodnced in
gold, while otnere represent seeus
and tmit. In every case, the design
is individual and the beauty of the
woricmanship refreshing-id ' see, in
contrast with the machine-made
I jewelry worn by modern civilized
, . ,
Thu most noteworthy object' in
silver brought from Ashautee is an
enormous belt or baMriok, to be
, . . , i
buitiT over the neok by a. massive
,...!.. i.ricainiv nmacr n atrnna v
. . ' . " - '-' -
,, ' ,,,, 3- , a jiu.ii
I'ni. vii .'viv v.v,.v.iv. . v... v.
j eigm siner weauraior mnvcr., lue
. I i . t ' 1. -
use of which it is not difficult to
The 2Vanscript i&ys i The In
dian Agencies in Washington Ter.
ritory have een materially changed.
The last Congress arranged for iije
fult agatits, beside two1 specials, at
a salarv of 81.500 eah. Hereto-
tbre tiiere j,e been .bun three full
agents, speqjftl aijO. two ub-
agents. The sub-ageuta have been
in charge of the Tulalip and Qnlna
ult Agencies, at a salary ot 81,000
aiulUtri eacD tj, two are'
made agentg The ageQt at
OotvOtoi' berebfoft4i)ecial,? hr
classed with the full agencies,
which stand as follows: Neah lh
Yakima, kokomtsh, Coltille, whl
Pnyallup and CbehaliS' combined
in one. The object ot this increase
of salaries does not appear, except
it is to support somebody at Gov
ernment expense, Cejtainly there
is no good reason tor it.
. ( )
Go ix, Davis ! Lieut.-Gov.
Davis (colored), ot Mississippi, is
taking advantage of the absence of
Gov. Anie (Butler's son-in-law) to
revoke soma of the latter's Judicial
appointments' and substitute bjs
own, Among others, he pas rein
stated Chancellor Christian, who
had been remdved by- Ames.. The
Vicksbnrg' Herald, referring to
these acts, says : "Vhen Ams was
in Louisiana, some weeks ago,
Davis attempted a similar tlauk
movement, but the Private Secre
tary of Ame9 and the Secretary of
State thwarted him by contumacy
and insubordination. When, bow
ever, "Ames' left fpr', the 'North,
Davis dismissed fi& Private Secre
tary wjd appointed one for himself.
3lr. idneSmith, of Chehalem,
has a sample of wheat, the seed of
which eame from Germany. The
heamfojjr (ijrAaa.lo,ftW)1n.
ches wide, by one-half inch in thick
ness, and are well filled. If this
variety Mtkl be raised with suc
cess, it would he an improvement
on the wheat now raised as it will
yjidd much more. Ho got his start
from one grai, ad therefore has
not had a far opportunity of testing
it, but will have a bettor chance
next year as he will have a peck or
so this harvest. .
know if it is true that the human
body has seven million pores. The
last lime we counted them there
were seven million s)d nine; but
spontaneously generated for the pur
pose of misleading us.-.
Milt, lWe is ttill very low, and
stswus: denbto we entertatnedl of
R .1
L 'U -r. "M" A
unfatllint support In tl pMt.imn hopeful of ;i and entariroinent (it
the same in the future, Wfl desire through thW mertfnm to call the attention of ron
snuverpln Unhmnty. ioui wi'llas()rtedindcai'l'ully purchased stock pf good
ilt the above point, uouuu-isiiur full and
Complete Lines of all Classes?
of oorts usually kept in Count restores. I.aek of time alid space precludes any at
tempt tosueoitv; hut We are determined to maintain and add to our reputation for
kccniiitr the most complete Conntrv Store in Unn county, and will only say in eonclu-
.,!.. ,i. ......... n,.,,.... ,,t siu.iiii uiii lip frinnil
awn. in(.i mm mi .v. .....
fjVI-1X V XH V
hef(1.))an,, ftWe ,mv? )l6tbt.CM
umlei-sold by aiy honoi'nble dealer.
Dealers in General Merchandise,
'" I ' ' ! " 1 INCLUDING ' " : 1 ';
Machinery, Wagons, Lumber, Shingles, &c.
Bills for building furtsbed to order at lowest rates. Forwarding and .
Commission Merchants. Vf Highest market rates in Cash for
W All Kinds of Merchantable . Proclucc. "
Shedu and Peoria, Linn county, Oregon. f
Offlcera of Oregon 8tne Vrange.
JiMT-Daniel Clsrlt, Salem P. O.
H. Smllh, HarriMrarfe; '
Qwrtetr -Win. Cyrus, Scio.
rf(iirT-eorite Ranter. WttBa Walla:
Stewani-tL. P., Olds. '' .
Liitly An't Steward-MrS. (Tikx; (Ms.
Aisikant Sh-utardyf. M. Powers, fihetbl,
' Chavtain AnrhonvSlniiMrti. t'ort allW.
eafc-icp-FiuiikSliclton, WalJa Walla
ireaiuri'r a. a. wnzei, rurner.
Cert'i-Mra. Jane Cj-rjiP, Solo.
Pmnmin Mrs. M. nWrers. Shedd.
tor-Mr8.t.O.Reea,.MeJliiinvllo.. . ;
ErrtHiixx Committee-Daniel Clark, Salem;
R. M. Gurney, Ten Mile,I)oagla3t'o.:Orley
Ifnll, Walla Walla; G. A. Wells, tluena
Vista ; Thomas MuiklMirsi,$cio;A. B. Henrj',
Lafayette; TI. n. Itin" Junctton.
Offlcera of Central Grause Assocla
tton. PreMenl W. F. Alexander. i
Vioe Preiidmt- James Tatom.
.Steretctry-'A. W. Slannard.
Tretimrer-C. P. Burkhart.
TruMfiet- -V. fihedd.'F. Powell.
(Jate-ICeeper-$laa Fanqlng.
Agent- A.. C. Burkhart,
Meets at Allnny, on the second Tuesday
neacli month. El ' "
.. ii!9t?l t T lull a i ". iii
Blank Mortgages,
aui i: i i li'.tii'iVi
i . . v Latest and improved t yies,
Call at the Roister Ofliee.
4 i i !' ") I .'I i. V l.ij .
1 tn r- iut no amafflb u isu ol im
'(Hi fob. ,
Noatly wecutcil,
Call at the Register Office.
Sihrer-Plated Ware!
Just: bsceivpd, a rutt. inv(hck
of Roera' Mlver-piated Ware,
Mtves-Mteel 'OerjrVote., ulruot from
the Factory. We will noil Table Hixwns at
S tier set, and Teaspoons at $1 no.nndoth-
lM fTbnier or the World!
TVhfrSheMiert'tod mwfd.Imhl'o
-Tl JIIW; V.IWWgSjW'ib
miuhin vr invented, ana ilcoiis noiu-
8f thU wonderful invention ranges from
BO to $8, and Is worth the attention f
every one. "look out fot luiumMiona, for
najatian nnn flr. w . n. encr au inaawr a aiubuv
Albany. July UWrta..( odl 1 nti!
BLO-USTS .a.2r&
tn nnntAih. nt n II times, more nearly
UVI.VV. wxa.m a-
in ,he past, neither win we he UUhefutuie,
Everything New.
Manufacturers and Ttealers In
.111.. l '(t.rrr h 4Umi ! 6 '.. .'.
Always on luuid or made to order on the
i shortest notice.
PCRN'tTl'RK repaired expeditiously and
at fair vute
NnleNrooui and Factory on FIrtt-St,,
near Sclimcer's Bakery.
Aibany, Feb. 18,187445
Dealer In
IIi'M V'iil V V'J'rV llvi "'
Of the best patterns,.
Ahd the unual AWOrfment of 'flnrtilshlnB
as to-oeooiaineu in a -tin stote. ;i , ,
repairs neatly and promptly executed,,
m reasbnablfl term '
Short reckoolnira make lona-lrlcnd..
vee.o. iwb-J'
.... .!..( niM .u ..ri-t 1 -.1
OW.1 I .
4l0ifiJUd TO(J