The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 07, 1874, Page 2, Image 2

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MAILfi akkive:
From Railroad north and south! dally
i ji.iur. m.
hnnAonllll (Itttlv At 111 .SO A . H.
from Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday,
W odnwday and Friday) at V1.30 a. h.
mails depart:
For Railroad (north and .eat), dairy,
cioso nruuim ui ji.iua. m.
m-r m .ih- Dt i uid w
For Lebanon, trt-weekly, (Monday, Vi ed-
-.1 1 .....,.. -.On u
Office hours from 7 A. x. to 7 P. X.
Snnday, from li M. to 1 v. u.
Money order office hours from 9 a. x. to
S P. X. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M.
BAPTIST CHIIBCH-Services at 11 A. M.
and 7 P.M. Sunday School at 12 1 P. M.
Bev. C. H. Mattoon, Pastor.
M. B. CHTJBCH-Servloesat 11 A. M. and
7 P. M. Sunday Sohool at P. M. Bev.
Isaiah Wilson, Pastor.
11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at
t X P. M. Bev. S. G. Irvine, Pastor.
a Pastor at present. Sunday School at
iX P.M.
M. E. CHURCH 80UTH -Services in Con
gregational Church alternate Sundays.
Bev. Jos. Emery, Pastor.
College Channel, alternate Sabbath", at
11 A.M. and 7 P. M. Sundav School at
U X P.M. Bev. B. B. Geary, D.D., Pastor.
I Enlarge. The present volume
of the Registeb six closes with
four more numbers, and, "no pre
venting providence," we shall com
mence volume seven by issuing a
regular bed-blanket sheet an eight
page, firty-six column sheet. It'll
be a whopper, and no mistake, and
we shall charge bat two dollars
and a halt per year for it, when
paid in advance. To clubs of twenty
it will be tarnished at 2 each copy
per year, and one copy gratis to every
one getting ap a club. As nearly
the entire paper will be reading
matter, the Register will notonly
be the largest bat the cheapest pa
per on the coast. When such an
opportunity is offered tor getting a
big paper, fall of the choicest read,
ing, miscellany, poetry, news 'from
every part of the world; market re
ports, and fall and complete details
of all local matters of interest, af
forded at so low a price, every
citizen ought to have pride enough
to at once come forward and tub
scribe for it, patting into the hands
of the publisher the means to still
farther enlarge and improve it
We are open to be interviewed from
7 A M. to 0 P. M., each week
nqeb badly torn. uarrv
' 1 ' rrn, w
IJenjarain, While shoeing a horse at
the shop of Peters & Speidel, last
Monday, through the animal's mak
ing a sadden larch, bad the second
finger of the right hand badly torn
and mutilated. The finger was
torn open from above the second
joint to the end of the finger, clear
to the bono. Harry had the finger
krnmd ttpfoarag.and is now it
. "work as though nothing had hap
pened. We call the attention of soldiers
and (pose interested to the adver.
tisemeut of the law and collection
agency of W. H. Aiken, of San
Fmnoisoo. They will there find
reliable information as to additional
travel pay Bounty Pensions, Prim
Warrants allowed by the Govern,
root We believe that Mr. Men
from bis official position in the
Grand Army has the confidence
of soldiers on this eoast, Informa-
l given by him free ot ebarge.
canal is running full
fp? bannesi,
S 1 1
The Snag Pulleb at Wobk.
About the middle of last month
the Snag Poller, under command
of Capt Geo. G. Smith, was towed
to the foot of Gervais Slough, where
she was put in trim and went to
work oleaning oat the slough,
which is halt way between Fairfield
and Wheatland. It is scant three
quarters ot a mile through this
slough, while by the old route
round the bend (Bitermao's) it is
one mile and three-quarters, so that
the rendering of this slough navi
gable is a saving of one mile's
travel to vessels. There is an im
mense amount of work to be done
right here in this slough, and Capt.
Smith is doing it in his usual thor
ough manner. Maple logs, two teet
in diameter, are found impeded in
the bottom of the slough, which
have to be coaxed oat with giant
powder. The Snag boat will hardly
be able to ge this far np this sea
son, but as far as she does go, un
der the present superintendence, the
work will be thoroughly done. The
river now is about at its lowest
stage, and the snagging, dredging
and wing-daming should be done
now when advantage can be taken
ot this fact. The Grangers, by go
ing to work at once, and iaon-
junction with the Government
agents, to improve oaf igation on
the Willamette, &r accomplish
much more than they otherwise
would, with a smaller amount of
money. : .
r- 1- 1 1 -' 1
Halsey News. One day last
week George Bill's team ran away,
threw him oat and came within an
ace ot making a cold corpse of him.
One of the horses succeeded in kill
ing bimselt.
On the 1st, a team attached to a
vehicle iu which several parties
were riding, among them Miss
Lame, ran away, upset the vehicle,
throwing the occupants out,, more
or less bruising all ot them. Miss
Lame was picked up unconscious,
and remained so for several hours,
in spite of all efforts made to resus
citate ber. We have not been able
to learn whether her injuries are
deemed serious oi otherwise.
As the train passed up on Fri
day, sparks from the locomotive
set fire to the dry grass and stubble
near the track, destroying several
tons of new mown hay in the field,
and burning over a fine orchard,
probably destroying the fruit and
injuring the trees. A wall of un
ripe grain, probably barley, proved
a check to the further progress of
the fire, and doubtless saved an
immense amount of grain and other
property. .
A Painful Accident, On
Monday Mr. Jos. Speidel, of Peters
& Speidel, while working in the
blacksmith shop, was struck in the
right eye by a piece of iron, and
fflfcjsaid member tearfully injured,
if th sight be not entirely destroyed.
It will be some time before Joe will
be able th resume labor again
Gone from our Gaze.' Late
Tuesday afternoon, Dr. Gray and
John Millard, seated in a two-horse
hack loaded with good things in
the eating liue, fishing rods, double
barreled shot-guns, etc, departed
from among as lor Yaquina Bay,
and other points ofjjjttfrest in that
direction. Wyfvh them the best
of look alUHe way through.
juv-A tan or two of good
othy bay, uumediately. . , Inquire
Protruding Nails. The pres
ence of Summer brings around the
old nuisance to be found wherever
wooden sidewalks are in vogne, to
wn, protruding nails. Daring the
rains of Winter the boards swell
and draw the nails away from the
stringers; then along comes the
heated term2, when the boaids
shrink, leaving the spikes protrud
ing from a quarter to an inch or
more, where they stand ready to
catch the flowing skirts of the la
dies, the toes of mens boots, or tear
holes in the teet of the barefooted
boy as be passes over them. The
Marshal has been doing what he
could during the week toward
driving down the nails, but it is a
thankless, moneyless job, and would
take one man a great many day's
ot hard labor to compass the miles
of sidewalk in the city, each walk
having three rows of nails, nearly
every nail protruding. The only
way to get rid of the nuisance that
suggests itself now, is for each
property-holder to take his hammer
and drive bask the nails wherever
protruding in his sidewalk. A
little exercise of this kind would
prove beneficial to some of them,
and while benefitting others they
would probably save themselves a
doctor's bill.
Runaway. Late Tuesday eve
ning, a pair of horses belonging to
W. W. Parrish, broke loose from
where they were hitched near the
residence of Mr. J. Grouse on First
street, and came tearing up the
street at a fearful rate of speed.
On the northwest corner of First
and Ferry, opposite this office, the
off-horse struck tlw iron lamp-post,
the terrible shock breaking the post
short off about three feet from the
ground, and sending it spinning
along the sidewalk for several feet.
The horse was throw,fj (violently to
the ground by the concussion, but
regained his feet immediately and
dashed on after his mate. The
horses continued on in their wild
flight until they reached John Lay
ton's place, something over two
miles, probably, where they were
caught. The horse that demolished
the lamp and post was more or less
injured, and the harness somewhat
. .
Night Watch. IT a night
watch is ever needed in Albany,
this is exactly the season of the
year when he should be employed.
A very slight apart, the stomp of
a cigar throwB away lighted, may
ignite combustible matter and create
a conflagration that Would destroy
mote in an hoar in a city built op
almost entirely, as is ours, ot wooden
tenements, than the cost of several
watchmen per annum. We believe
that a majority of the business men
of the city desire that the City Coun
cil should appoint such an officer,
who should serve at least during
the dry months. We feel con.
vinoed that the moment the City
Conneil find that such is the desire
of the eitiaens, a nightwatoh will be
ordered. A petition presented to
that body at the next meeting,
properly signed; would receive due
attention. . '
The Victobb. In the third
game qt base ball between the
Bulletin and Oregmian typos,
which transpired last Saturday, the
former were beaten.
'MSft : ""' til'iiii .li .Kin' ,
.Bo-In this city, on the Slat
ulfc, to the wifcMrfMr. Hide,ason.
The gentleman and lady an lately
fromMassaohojetts. , , y.
A Tbaiw Wbecked. The fol
lowing in relation to the train
wrecked on the 0. & C. Railroad
on Tuesday near Canemah, is from
a correspondent of the Salem Sta
tesman, ande date of August 4th :
The down train this afternoon found,
near Canemah, the wrecked loco
motive, Harrisburg, of the morning
Express train bound down. It en
countered at this point, a cow on
the track, just where the road winds
around the rocks on the brink of
the river. The locomotive struck
the cow, run over her and converted
her into chunks, convenient size for
eating, but while thus engaged the
cow hoisted the engine otl'the track,
on the river side, and in turn the
engine drew after it, two freight and
the baggage car, leaving the passen
ger coach alone on the track. The
rails were torn loose and bent like
reeds. Ties were smashed into
splinters, and the ground was plowed
into deep and angry-looking fur
rows. The locomotive ran, thus
off the track, perhaps forty or titty
yards, when it keeled over on its
side and stopped, careened against a
big stump which was all that pre
vented its rolling over and over
into the river. Two or three cars
were considerably smashed in wood
work, but the locomotive was the
only one remaining off when we ar
rived. That still lies wedged in
between the steep bank and the
stump against which it lodged. A
down freight train was here wait
ing when! we came ; but that and
our train have just passed the wreck
on the reconstructed track, at 3:40
p. m. Strange enough, nobody was
hurt seriously. The engineer stack
to the locomotive until it stopped
and when the passengers got out
they found hrm setting on top Of
the stamp gazing mournfully at his
dilapidated pet. It was a rough
accident and it seems almost a mir
acle that everybody escaped injury.
Change of Time. On the first
of the present month the new time
table took effect on the 0. & C.
Railroad. The train going north
passes this city a half boar or more
earlier than formerly, necessitating
the closing ot the mails that much
earlier, due notice of which Poet
master Raymond gave last week,
but which we neglccte. to call at
tention to at the time. For changes,
see Postoffice Register, at bead ot
local page.
Preparing fob Biz. On Mod.
day the regular freight trains were
put on the Oregon and California
Railroad, to be prepared for the
immense amount of grain that will
soon be in readiness to forward to
deep water. If necessary the pres.
ent transportation facilities over the
road will be doubled, and in
ot emergencies special trains w!
sent flying through the
loaded with the golden gi
i -
Danoebouslt III. . Alex,
ander is reported as again danger.;
ously ill at his farm residence, ten
or twelve miles from this city. Dr.
Ballard, we believe, is his attend,
ing physician. The Doctor has not
been enjoying very good health
since his severe illness last fall.
8omb Better. At last accounts,
Miss Mary FlolayeoB, who was at-
tacked with hemorrhage of the lungs
while visiting Yaquina Bay last
week, bad renovanul anfflmontlo 1 St
nrac tlinnnli) LI- I .
"""""s wvimuH uer w euuare
iw ungues ot toe trip
F, , P
HnJK. 4 V.-
New York quotations give gold
at 110. Legal tenders quoted at
90i9c, at Portland.
From Portland dailies we learn
that home money matters show
little change; money is compara
tively easy, and a growing disposi
tion is manifest toward easy rates
for accommodations. The banks
are much more liberally supplied
with funds than at this time last
season, and grain buyers desirous
of availing themselves ot aid in
moving the crops it is asserted will
be able to handle large amounts of
coin and on better terms than last
season. This will be good news to
all. Large amounts of money have
accumulated in the moneyed insti
tutions of San Francisco, and has
been a drug in the markets there
for several months, so that there
should be no difficulty experienced
in handling the large crops of grain
that will be secured the present sea
son throughout the Pacific coast.
It is believed that there will not be
much difficulty experienced in ob
taining all the shipping necessary
to carry our crops to a foreign mar
ket, and that, too, at reduced figures
over last year. If these statements
prove reliable, the abundance ot
money, no want of shipping facili
ties, and the price of wheat in Liv
erpool approximating the prices of
last season, there would seem to be
no reason why the producers of
Oregon should not receive at least
a fair remuneration for all their sur
plus grain.
Wheat in Livrepoolis quoted at
lis 5dlls 8d for average, and
lis 10d12s4d for club.
Handsome. Messrs. Titus,
Bonrgardea & Go. have purchased
a handsome span of young sorrels,
match colts, that step out well and
bid fair to get away in good style
in short time.
A New Postoffice Has been
established at Sweet Home, and
our young friend J. B. Hughes has
been appointed P. M. Mr. Hn
ghes is our authorized agent at
Sweet Home.
The Premium List To be
awarded at the Linn County Fair,
will soon be in the hands of the
printer. We are told it will be
much more liberal than any yet
offered by the society.
New Wheat Is beginning to
come in right peart. In a few
days more oar streets will be lined
with teams, hauling in the new crop,
from morn till dewy eve.
Physicians report considerable
rickttey, mostly bilious attacks.
f IfeW To-Pay.
(No. M Montgomery Block.)
W. H. AIKEN, attokwey-at-law
and Commander of tlw Grand Armv
of the Republic In California and Nevada,
will give prompt attention to the coUeo
tton of Additional Travel Pay, now due
California and Nevada Volunteers dla
charged more than three hundred miles
from home, soldiers can depend on fair
dealing. Information given free of charge.
state company
vnutiAvea dtl
tenaea ineumeior m nig claims for Ad
ditional Bounty Wider Act of July Ss, 1868,
to January 18K, so all snob claim mast be
made Before that time. Original Bounty
of $100 baa been allowed aU volunteerswho
en"? b5.fe,e1 Ay f?r
ycara If not paid the same when discharg
ed. Land Warrant can cau be obtained
forservtoes rendered before lft, but not
for services tn the late war. Pension for
lat war awl wag of 1813 obtained ami
Inoreaeed wben allowed for less than dia
abBBy warrants, but no ponions are al-1
vivmg veterans of Texas Bevoluflon. New
means ana Jtooiie itbh Money is now
o and being paid. W. H. Aiken also au
toueMcai UwancJonBait.