h P Fisher .U'iTi I I ' ' : '. mi!' i j. l .ijji.ii.iiji :j .. ......L, ALBANY; OftEGCHtr. AUGUST f,i8M. Volume vi. '-NO. 48. nit S ' : : ; ( A Sondny fctarj . . "I really don't see any, reason why I mightn't go," paid Mrs! iftiiTteilay. The fire Mated its blue-greeu spire of anthracite tiame behind the polished, grate; the satiu dam-. asK curtains wore cioseiy drawn, and 'the shaded drop-light thatfe' a' tiny circlet of mooney brightness above tlieeentre-tablei Mrs. four tcnay had a bit of zephyr-wnol work in her hand, and her husband was comfortably reading, with his slippered feet on an opposite chair. MGo -where ?" demanded Mr: taurteiAv, looking up from- bin book with, .something of a bew.il;. Iered air, ' " What places were We talking of just new ?" said Mrs. Conrtcliay, shrugging i up her sbtiutderei ii-S'I declare it's enough to try ;the pa. tience of'.l,oli!v , , , Mr Cyurtenay made an effort of memory. "I.et m see ol, yes,!' reinem- ot his wife could not quite fill' the aching, vokl in his heart. It was all right and natural enough he did not qonbt ; but were their relative positions to Ite reversed, he felt that he could scarcely have so rejoiced in a long separatum from i his wife while their marriage was as yt't but a lew ingiiths old. But, of course,, wpmen were different! Nobody could 'pretend to Understand the ins and outs of a woman's nature. So; Mrs. Ourtenay went to Washington with a wardrobe and jewels that quite satisfied her ideal; and, .ur. Harrison uiurtenay went to lioai-d at the Alexandria Hotel. "My dear, are yotf sure you are doing a wise thing V" asked her rnythcr. "Why not,mamma ? One can't live mewed up between tour walls all one's life!" retorted Rosa. "Your husband will be exposed to a great many temptations din ing your absence." .'. ''Nonsense, mamma r. what's the use of preaching in that' sort of a way ? It isn't as if Harry was a mere schoolboy. ., ".Of course .1 can trust him :!" , ,, .Mrs. Harper 6.ighed and made no answer. Rosa the wife was as ber iww YVashi i igton." . "The Hales are going, and Julia lieadstrong as had been Rosa the hverett.ahd Mrs. I'onsonby, added ma'ulen. Mrs. "Ooiirteiiav "Hale is a' tnember of tire House tbw year, and consequently obliged to go," .returned her husband. "Miss Kverett and Miss I'onsonby are at least so I suppose Bpon thp important business of husband " Von men are so uncliaritaWp I'f "Well, isn't it so? While you have a homo to look after." "'i-H'Si Courteiiay. "isitr' nonsense," said Mrs. " ourtenay, wiil you come to an oyster supper to:night?'' Mr. ( 'ourtenay shook his head. He was1 leaning back iri "a velvet room, or ilia -Alexandra rioted, two or three days after the departure, . of. his wife for the gay world of Wash 1 1 igton. "I've forsworn that sort of ;a thintr, ' said he, iHusrtuns;. 41l'm, married man, aid you knqw-" , "Hut your wife is., out of town, and there is no earthly reason you. "And I am sure," went on Mrs. ) shoifld'nOt joiri us," persisted the1 oiMteiiiyvtfelU'g tor her' pookeuj friend, one dt: those genial,' good handkerchief, "if I had supposed hearted men who are unconscii. nslv that marriase meant a perpetual ! responsible for so much of the mis- "lietuni at tince;' our husband isladly hwrt'if'Teadj; l ot poor! Hawy.i3onrtenay, reel. ii)g boroellaterom,a''rieidly little supper" had bit bis" foot against tlie curb aiid'taHen wTtli fearful force. ( MHosa'f Rosi ! heir feotbet cried , when first ihe young1 wife' entered tlie wQktfoom, 'fifyioulhad been at home, where you efouJ,d have been, this never would hayf happened." "Is nVdead'sfW gasped. "Is hedy)fjr?".!' " IJetter ifar better :tlt he were!" jvafjie wlemn f t "Hi brain is so sv'ousiy, injured . that the pwsicians uredjet a life of hopeless idi i-y,1 ifiiideed he iVlbr recovers." The ' words wete'bbl too true. Harry Courtenay still lives, a harm- le6s,,giib,bering creature,, whoie de. liglit is to play , wth ; straws and sunbeams, while noor Rosa Is expi ating1 With a lffetime of Wrnorse the fully she was so ready 'to commit. jut tbal was the -secret of her wjnf;er, in, Was it im dearl.bougbt pleasure? 0 ' "" WUirKy'-Tiiik. A MAINE YANK BK BXHTMKK FROM A MOKA8S. ' UKMA1V8 OF. A , fOm; !BWiBOfl l.pANP j HIS WHOLE ABMV-rVAUTABI.H AND ANTIQUITIES state of monotonous drudgery and 'ridless.slavery,i never would have let,.the wedding ring be plaoed ,i mv Jjnger." , . Mr. i ourtenay looked with real, direfc at his pretty little wife. "Ifosa," said he,' "I am fdire I have no wish U be unreasonable bat' when a man marries he natur ally expects his wife to 'fed With hitui; wxtlt y rry om;tUuari. ing,scjeine of yours abouta wji ter, in Washington, pray what is to be come of me? You know perfectly well that I cannot go to YashWgl1 ton with yll " Y-bitcOuld btrd at' 'i hotel," fsuggested Mrs. (kuirteWyi '" 'fVAbatiWOuld be very, delightful waiLi llWtJ saidM.r.: Cgurteiaj, a'llttle bitterly. "O,ofcunfe I did hot eViect tcnav. acliusTnff her brieht blue eys bel imdlffe 'lace-boi'dered.'lia 1 4 ker5 chief; A'oii'ioii't care, how miser able I am, if "Are you realjy 0 , oent upon chief that is done in this wovJd "C'ome ! It wi'H be like a spttvm ir of the jolly old rirema'tritrlonia! daVs ! Only half a dceri 6f us ' aiid everj)' one of em an old cliimv of yqurr. .(,'omel . . i -. "Well, I don't know. I'll see,',, hesitated Loirrteiiay, ,, and then FraHk'l'kliser kliew that 'Ids case ws as good as won. , !f ja oyster., paftyk;ifollowpd by cnamp. step easil ' ssiys ihe'prdiiorb,! ad; h& 81; proved in Harrison Courtenay s case. ; lea He had been wliet tlie tongue of popular rumor i termed "a" little w.ijOV, , beiw ,laysi: byf, everybody fM.jf if) WftrWrtft. (nnnence would set that all, right , AM so it HaPilSI, for aJtihic, 1 Hi' least'; lmt'iHw'l4l!tlie efiok WHs': Uimitorarilv withdrawn; aJI thei old me andean, was .Urst,. i ant! the ithere came still more n'fuous ''Aceordfrgl' to1 a special corres pbiideilt; of tfie NeT6rk World, the lie ot Odessa' 'jHf now1 ft' a! lalnlfeAi-jwed Yanee''all the way front U;8tate; bT'l!iaHle;,i and w.d wfWrout'bfelntr fisBiJlaMrhself, has bf-rflid'-irltahek 'bis:' i 'i .... r . . ' , ii , eorhe the greatest " aWhrtoroglcal siks6e';dftlifedaV.'1 He haskought' to'Hg'ht; affff a 'stfiAt" seclusion of sixteen certohtieOliy Roman Em perbr Pett4irld' his' army, camp cliesfj bagaild bafegage, bodies, ges- tatriina afar alr'W a remarkably periferit srate1 of" pi'eservation. The WTifer's'accoiint is substantially as foilowsV'" - i,,,omt Mr.' B6olittle is a roan past fifty yeari of age,' and' a Wlli of some impossibly wtiicfli liecalls Mo luifkaSwaydbwTiiirliM,a,me, and is a railroad engineer by profession. .wierui'unng arounu, auer ins mno, for a good maivy (years, lie joined the; Www iber, flf BWore abtiutjraitlepttpleted Iheir railroad, U Motcoa;, aul for some. yeftrdrapieogMifj m tlit dine. )ffa.)$nJwMi 4flWi.t the Ciea.iaitdntoftred.iifor', petroleum frfli tbe.dioliKbiya: to the Hlauk Sea, ofteu ifindiogiioil and dliv,ipftgoodb;ltna. -Mtlwugh goi bai ins, Kosa?" interrupted her bus- of, lifewife. i "They :tejl meibfc wasj terribly.. ilBtoxioated. last ijiiglit at Melthorpe's and hw business is all ( Wtenav made answer, lietweep ruumng to tlie depce I Write to her "I've always longed .to see a little of Washington life," Mrs herihsi'ftiid' now that the HaleV WUj'invned me to go with thetn, and lulia aji1 Iloratia, my own scIhxiI mates, are to be of the par "'"Well, well, go, if you're so set ii()oii it," (-aid Sir, Courtenay. "I xlart say 1; do very well dur. iirii your abseiia1, although, of course, it will be very lonely;" "Ob, yi-n dear, darluig Harryr. cried- Mrs. ( burtenay, brighten?ug; up like floweret after a sjiower. "Ate yo actually in earnest? May I really go? I'm the bappiest wife in the world, aiid ou are the best', liusband." ,JStSr. Coiirteimy lighted hi cigar Wita; KveutbeblandiskuienUi to rhe from some distance, It comes to me white and clean, almost, like spermaceti mixed With wax. It need's no purification or preparation Whatever, and absorbs the odors of flowers more reality than any stock revet used'.' , ,kThat is not fat," said" Doolittle', curiously. "I really do riot know, answered Cedrat, Doolittle' called to bis traveling companion: "Obme here', Hoist, you're a scientific fellow ; tell me what that is?" Hoist looked at the substance, examined, smelt, tasted and tested it; : and replied, It is ffdipocere." "But wbat the dickens is adipbeere?" asked Doolittle. "A A'e'ry curious- ibstanee," re sponded Hoist, "from the word adeps fat,' arid ctr wax. It is1 produced by the decomposition bf animal flesh. For instance, yon are buried In a cemetery not well drained-tlie water leaks into ybur gravfe and 'you turn into adipooere. "Humph," said Doolittle, "will it bumf" Hoist rolled a bit of string mine nil ana ngnrea re wiin matcli it flamed like the best steariile candle. 'edrat, do you know it there is much more of . trite where this comes from ?" "Debro knows,-tlie peasants that fetch it come from' his village." Debro was summoned and said it was a secre of his people. It had been in thefr possession for generations and nothjng should tempt niui to reveai a. . "ion are jTignt," said Dooljttle, giving him a handful of piastres, "ypu're a brave little fel low and I admire you, I ami traveler, Debro, and I will tell my people when I get home how noble you' were riot to let the Turk's steal the secret of your village's good loTtund. I will tell them, the brave man's name is Debro, and he comes from the village of , what il lage did you say? I have really for:' gotten it,' and it is swh a pity, for 1 had intended to write it down in my little traveling bbbk, here "Oufcoon-Keupri !" iitiickly an- Bwered Debro, nattered out of his discretion. "Ouakm-Kenpri ? Very go(Hl, very goodl Tliat will do, Debro !' Hoist and Doolittle detei mliied to haVe'alook at thisOunxm Keupri, before they wenV further. "Let me' look at your map," said Hoist "Omoon-Keupri, Jbrsh Chebrone on the Isker-Nicopolis was here; what is Forsh Chebrone . , . j i recKieniuiess.H).nei. wwvf a hw,.lieb4 In the oma rebrooji ? .h! that the place wf.e the En,ror iiifierfrusbkiid'in'tMB abrt'of whyr MNanopie mm way to mi-: jjecpia and ai; ins army were,BJainl Wi llarpor'fthpatieirtly demaiidel''Pgradi,, Ho Aiinej.Awti.:fli Dane When the battle was fought, the najujjdii'etejjlotetjaiid went with) Gotl, who wexf? liaid.pusl)ed and him .to yit theJlowef &rms tf tlie I desperate, formed aliife wiAh ; their I've no natieuce with thesfe married wOrneri fi,iiiriilg,:aivay:ia public places, while their home nNittes' afe1 lieg-etstod rf.i srrmm . '!': i So Mrs, Harper wroffl-r;piteous appealii ig; letter, at whieli Jiosa only, laugliecL "Matirma always' dfd ' take the' gloomiest view of things," sgid giie, "( yfcourse I shall not come borne. ; j ust: ififTarrf 'rjegiriiiihg' io ch$by my : self. I daw say Hawy'B a tight,' and, if lie isn't it win jbeila-i proper ; Iftitthoncjtt diy'came a tele':. gram, wnope imperious mimmons I could scarcely be4tnegrdel. om ever be found . You can read it all in Gibbon, who took bis description from Tacitus. That whole army at the bottom of this marsh turned to adipooere 1 There is an emperor and his army of thirty or forty thou sand engulfed in a quag, With their arms, armor, equipments and treas ures. The camp chest alone, of such an army, will be a, fortune to us. . Those old Komaus were hard money feltows, and gold and silver don't turn to adipooere no matter what emperors may do." So Doolittle and, Hoist had an interview with JKabil Pasha, the ruler of Jjicopojis, ad obtained, .jib, escort of one hundred soldiers,. with whom they had full permission , to drain the swamp. This was in August, 1872. They sunk sjbajrlB and came upon complete evidence that this was the actual scene of the battle of Forum Terebronti and of the great disaster to Decius and his army. A stately figure was found, clad in complete armor, with' two gilt eagles; a bronze helmet, inlaid with gold, covered the Lead,. The quirass was of steel, elaborately enameled.. The, short sward was. jeweled on the , hilt and ;halkwy down the blade.; the greaves were of silyer and so were the knobs ban the shield and tlie buttons ou the sandals. . "It made me feel queer,," raid Joelittlwhen my,Je lifted, tbaitold fellowi;jind,hihilij!ps4 . out of bis harness to the ground like a big tallow candle, out of a mold," Tlie camp chest with ,Us contents was also found , and the entire plan-. dpr was very valuable, at least 60Q , rubles. 1 Ijere were about tweirty silver Q which families of senatorial rank wore inside of their busking. A mule j probably belong, ing. to the emperor, was found, , not . ouly splendidly caparisoned, but with steel shoes on, differing from those wp use,,w, being, ample platen folded up jover the hoof, and with . I small, hole open in the center, over tlie frog. Several bronze sac rificial axes with ivory handles; ial plates;, great quantities of arms and armor; interesting fragments of military engines; jewel cases saruony x seal ring ; razors ; kitchen and table apparatus, and a. rare collection of. 'coins were also found, making, , perhaps, the best collection extant of Roman offensive ana defensive arms to be found, any wh and curiosities re in the world. front resting on a morass. The. The battle was terrible, ...The Ro. lower) Ualkan where ottar of roses is manufactured - so 'extensively, They fbnndi there a l"uchman from mans attempted to charge across tlie; i(qig)dxHlfOQd . Of Grsse who j the'; lirorass. The Goths resisted had jceuted a large. farm fioin Ach- their passage. ' The place' Wa4eep met ,l!ey, and li,ad gone extensively i with ooze, sinkiiig under those who Into the cultivation of flowers and ) stood ; slippery to such as advanced; tlicmanufactuivofrierf innes. Ottar their armor heavy ; the waiters deep; of roses is commonly made in Tur- J nor could they wield in that uneasy key uy the simple distillation of flnww leaves in Water. lht Cedrat said' he had tourd if much more profitable to make rose pomade by the, favorite Freneb pro cenef roaceralWu or miftektr&ffe. "I httvb lierc," WeWs feulir kind of fat that the 'peitrt ' bring situation Uieir weighty javelins, Tle barbarians,: en the contrar, werei mured to encounters in the bogs; their persons tall; tbeir spears long and such as could wound at a distance, In this morass the Ro. :wsi'i4,; tfor could the body bf the emperor 'When Henry VIII, proposed to send Bishop BdnVier tb France, irj a dlplomafe toplofty, tbe kiBg tpid ' hifri that he must speak to the French monarch in a very lofty tone, tit the same time instructing him Wliat he had to say. "Please your Majestyvquoth. the bishop, ! "it I should bold such haughty Ian guage, King Francis, in all proba bility, would ordor my head to be chopped off." "If he dared to do such-, thing," cried Henry, ' "I would chop off the heads of ten i thousand Frenchmen fot (N "Trulyi your MajestyMObjfastBd Bower, "but, perhapi,' not one of those heads would fit my ahottU ders." - II j ram i ' ' Texas womeu rkk on both side of the horse: