PUBKiISHKD KVKKY WEtlNKSDAT. AND SATUBDAV, By COLI VAX CtEVE, IN EEOISTEK BflfLDtttOwV prner ,nr and Fir Strati. . ,1. - WCRMS-IN ADVANCB. iuMvmr Three dollars. yUnEStk r....... Two dollar. Single ies ! Ten.""'"- kffi;::::::::::::: transient advert iscmen ts. per square of ten lines or Ids, tart Insertion ft: wh subsequent insertion 50c Unrer adver tisements inserted on the most liberal term. 1 in i IM ! .o oJi " IS OF HffSBANIRY. dibittoky. f Oregon At .rn;.-r. Muter -Daniel fltartr, ftMem P. 0. Seerelary-J. B. Smith, Harrlsburg. Jverar-Wm.t)yriK 8eio. ,ectiim--eorio Hunter, Walla walla. Steward R. P. Old. " " lady Aa't Stf-xmrd --Mrs. Ohloe Olds. M- " Siewarf W. M. Powers, Shertd, tSwofcjirt -Anthony Simpson, Oirvalils. i?r-FmnlcShelton. Walla Walla Trouur t 11. A. VYIskoI, Turner. ' Carer-Mrs. Jane Cyru. Solo. AuvnM' Mrs. M. Powers. Sbedd. Ftara-Un,. L- 0. Kee l. MuMimi villa. "tafcWiw t?omi;v--Ianlel Clark . Selem : r. SL Gnrney, Ten Mile, Dooala-iUo.:Orly Hull Walla Walla: i. A. Wells, Buena Tiata; Thomas Munkers,Sdo; A.B. Henry, La&yette; II. X. Hill, Junction. Officer of Central UranK Aasorin tlon. AtMaW-w. r. Ate&idcr, Viae Pt M tit-James Taoui. Aojrrtwra-A. W. Snnnai d. U TVwtirT -C. P. Bnrkhart. stevssi- -F. wetid. r. rowen. Kteyr- Elian Fannin. W v . wintuart. at AHnuiy, on me seconu aeniwiay n each month. Blindness of Hons. " f e tind the following well writ ten article in (fur Dumb Anuna.'s for April, tisiislqtL'd.i'roru the pejr- mtri and give it j.lace as worthy , of careful consitleration : It is very singular that among al oui.&mestic animals, the horse is the one which sutieis most from diseased eys and fV.mi blindness. It Is Selaom tfiat we hear ol blind oxeiTieep, dogs, catel or swine. What cau be the cause of so much blindness in horses ? Our an swer is, that it must come from . ffit7 ! ftt'-i '. J mismanagement ana wrong: treat ment on the part of their owners. cv 1 ij.i Fivp nuiiic mav ivst aksniicn fur rrt r-y ,- 1 tm5truencyotbiinansinnorses.t(ralKUt HjA,Qt..tJ 1 no lirst is, tin; nign cno which la generally placed above the manger o that the horse must lift its head and, jitreteh its neck t be able to Pu,LAPJ!ffl'h?1 frW between the bars. Now. it often happens that very small grain, armed with fiiarbay falls direciy into the eye of thebflfse where it sticks too fast to be removed by the weeping which it causes IntlamaUo.i sets in, and the eye jg either neglected or bar- . , rr-, . . ... A second cause, is ine snarp, biting exhalation of the stajls in oomifawmy fgmvmm development of t be sharp amnio-1 . niacal gas which' stings Ifi? eyi 0f men and causes them to shed tears, j mus injure tJ eyes, of horses, a wein-AovHiv f iaKi- y iv rjs, already weal, the diu of the mad iufbuWefrit.itiid' tho, teisler does apt think to alleviate the animal's paid washing the eye with a soft Know re. ' -1 o A imni cause, i. iwiw wr.n?- . ment .Wi;it, .. j light. TT the light is on rHte side1, so that the horse sees it only from j one eye, it is injurious If the stall J is dark, so that tgj iyyr" look ! ... 1 ... J im mrtiCHTariv by the sifdjleii change. ..TJii 'j t-7T. .-Tir.. ..u --JB . . n "-. . :t utttt. n on mer war the horse is placed. The stall ought always to be Hfcht, because the horse is not a nocturnal animal. The bejuyyisernejit tpr a horn is to leaf 1 MMffitehaA if f ferge en closure, so that it moves freelv. Tbe Mini tnff piyrfjipacaiiie? orbfinffness m horses Is the blinder one of the most aruel inventions ever known, as any ore who un derstands the formation of Lite ej$ of UijiIl?iiKrv(Pi ft VTH ! pjvl LIlJ F HKumi caiiwMi.uiiTOincw in nie whip. Men and boys have the foolish habit of snapping the whip, even in sport, about the liorse's head, not heeding that the end often strikes in its eye. New (tee for hlehen r Fathers. "According to statistics very carehilly onmpHed," says a writer in La Nature, "we throw away yearly aqnaiitiiy of chicken feathers, the intrinsic value of which is equal to the money which we y out for cotton.'' A startling statement, but the author considers it true ; and he proceeds to explain how the feathers .ire prepared to render them valuable : The operation is to cut the plume portions of the feath ers from the stem, by the means 0'' ordinary liand scissor. 'I ho tor mer are placed in quantities in a coarse ha, which, when full, is closed and subjected to a thorough k' eading with the hands. At the end of five minutes, the leathers, it is staled, become disintegrated and felted together, forming a down, perfectly homogeneous and of great lightness. It is even lighter than natural eider dawn,- because the latter contains the ribs of the feath ers, which give extra weight. Tl e material thus prepared is vorth, a lid readily sells in Paris for about two dollam a pound About 1 b TrAy ounces of (his down can be obtained from the leathers of an ordinary sized ffille; B'lfl this 01 t!ie above valuation is with alwut 20 cents. It is suegested that through the winter,- the children might collect all the feathers about a la nn, and cut the ribs out as we have stated. By the sprbg-time a large quantity oi down would be prepared, which would be disposed ot to upholsterers, or employed for domestwse, Ge feathers inay be treated in a similar manner, and thus two-thirds of tlte .product of tlielbifdlAili, uitetid ioi" about one-fifth, as is at present the case. lie cmcKcn nown r . The chicken doWn 'fe said to form a beautiful cloth wlien woven material, a pound arta i half of down is required. Tlje fabric is said to be almost iianuttibte, as, in place of fraying or wearing out atfvyrihiileems to feit the tighter. It takes dye readily, and is thoroughly waterproof. There seems to be a giKid opportunity hero far some ingeuius penuji ) invent machines to cut and treat the feathers. ' What Sep Milt tiure. The cry for rest has always been 1 1 1 . .1 . .. 1... j v. louuer man me cry ior hnhi. .mi. (bat jt j8 mfeirof 4Mul bat Jt is m,er t0 get. The best ret 0 n comes from sound sleep. Of two men or woiien, otlierwise ecpial, itlie one who sTeepa best will bo the mi)St mfraLhItl)lul and efficient. ileep Will do much to cure irrita. uility of'tenrf,iuiuTipasi. ness baild uu and make strong a we.irv . ,,.), i Cnre dyspepsia, it will mdieaWngnor J . . 4 Wt '"sumP- tives I'M will euro hypochondria. jt WU curo kadache. It will cure . v 1 ' (HUT il7IIAW iiTtr HI .1.11 smnt: it win mire umow. in- uei we migni mane a longer u 01 nervous maiadifffVfftyt wiM cure. r, ik iiui uu envy, panH,-iiiai ty ' one which if broken for anv, l of tiJbe,it4Hi not so easily Often illness treated by powerful drugs, so deranges the nervous system that sleep js never sweet after. Or perhaps long continued watchfulness produces the same ef fect; or hard study, or too much exercise of the muscular system, or whisky drinking, or tobacco- chew ing. j To break np the1 habit, are re quired : A good clean bed; sufficient exercise to produce weariness, and pleasant occupation ; good pure air and not too warm a room ; freedom from too much care; a clear stom ach ; a o'ear conscience ; and avoid ance of stimulants. A little hoy was playing with a couple of five-cent pieces the other evening, which a friend bad given him, and putting his finger on one of them said, " This one t am going to give to the heathen.'' He kepi on playing till at last one ol the piece- rolled awav, ai d he could not find it. 'Which' one have you ! lost?" "The one I was going to j give to the heathen," replied the cherub. !1 Appropos of the many remedies proposed for preventing boiler ex- j plosions, the Louisville (,'ourier ! Journal says the only absolute')' ; sure way to keep them from ex. j plodiug s to till litem with ice-water and set them in a cool place. . A woman's pride and a guide The needle sailor'i E1V TO-DAY. pale. FABJI, AJOIM.G TAXUKKT, XX. well improved, will) House and Bant undiill kinds of Fmit and Oniamentnl Trees. For particulars Inquire on tin rami, of DANIEL MII.l.KU, Itoupsnt, Or., March JS, Tt-tr BEIDI.Ci t. l PHOLSTERIXJ, : j tun am t A r,l l 1 W.J. WARREN & CO. I'lrat Stn-ct, i t Albauy. Otifon ARK I'RKPARED TO H'RNISIl ALL kind of ItaMlnv, Mattrrwara, HpliottilcriiiK. .. to order. Bt-imr-nmctii-al workmen, llit-v ;runrontcuiiWMlon. All iipliolter!iw!c .lone in Albany. Call and esauiiiuour-i'ock antl work. W. J. WARRKN A CO. April IS, 1S71-1M nW Mt;l ),.MttlO ,'BO1 The Imported Perchi-ron Malllon ... I! ) anlfttolD 'WemntSpff Wherewe have no Agents White Prince, nil WIrf, & ifijC'til VKKV STABLE ! it or wmm. Mnrnlinll & ftlilosscr, in AHwujvilonday afimrnoort, Tuwdav.ann' I Vrfedtift i.iay fn;-M,j(Mi of cadi work, andf on Thnrxday afternoon, Friday and Snllt 1 ?" I iba-rx -. -1,-1 nn Terms for the -nson,dius July lat, 1874, , V. H. Liold Cola. KorJaBiinttnyxiMir. a. fioia Coin, due Albanv. Oi-.. Anril. 1 m ,r-11 A New Idea! IIIIW IIIWIIII.II II mi A WILSON SHUTTLE FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned 6! TI1K BEST IN THE WORLD! HTTho Highest Premiam was awarded to It at - VIENlSrA; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; ' Aiaer. Institute, X. If. : Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition ; St Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair ; and Georgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct COMPETITION I ! tWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cotding, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. we will deliver a Machine for the price flamed' above, at the nearest Bail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines lor Sale. Old Maehtoes taKen in EManira i A Yifw It 1 I tVliuAM :..'. w..uL.iu iirf,.i m r Jin f!s ADVKKTISKMKJirS. PETERS & SPEIDEL, MAJSCrACrl'BMUt ojr Carriages A Wagons, Of livery Description, ALBAX1, QBEOOK. M ASt'KACTt'RK TO ORDER A T ami al! stylr of Wagon, Carrlnges, Hacks. .tc, at nnsonahlc rars na tin- n or Sonil mut'-ruii ant ilrst-c.'u work will ju. rltv. IfHralrii) neaOj and exiK'ditiimsl) done al low rr.lo?. 8horon Ferry between First ami Stvomi straata. I'KTIiKS A Sl'tlPl.I.. Albany, Mnh li 7. 1873-37 .MAHBI.E WOUKS. IHOXftOK Ac iTAK.KK, Pcalori in Monuments, ibrii:lis, Ton;Lst Hrad und Foot Stonci, Kxwulcd in Caliltirnla, Vrrmuitt and Itallaa Miithlc. SAI.KM. OREGON, liKAW il hl301 AT AIHAXY. I !'t 1'? nkm rJSvMcnrf iBmiuayk-m3J WiheelfieJi-u-I t-v ot i r. .3 Si. ol mim's ('ptnjioitnij ! t.xtwct oi KiKsnlynnn tun lichjiMruil, iliau ! ,"' fo -oK-inir mini!tr.v ot tcs, trailed with fhlt i-i-nic ly hIoim',' ttv that Clnjin'iil nlivslclaii. II,;H v Wi 'st , in l In- f . S. Vtifitif Miwiiitnt. Siwi PraiH-hi-o. n-iini-i- ("1 lit lilt- AU''lt! ". ' r'r .lf.. Jftirnal: 0 .V.. CM, I Vr ( 0-(. jKtiiVf a H i liillWHixl F, Vi-r t inlioid ft t r 0 toll-nil oi'Iihlnt .... 4 !im vlis JO !9 9 .t 7 a 4 no to liK-oiiltiii nei- oi l rin t :! Mr'rtnre 8 liiltaiu.ui j;i(iter ST ! illeunorhnK'tii lit i M --mii-ol Hi.- Itonit. 7 t Dj 'i-nttrT t ,i I llirwiUw lllnrrliu'ik I'l ! Moiiorrhwn., 13 15 Oropsy 3 :l I Cimitiloioly corrnlMi oiivc of tho iilime. i nnMln- iinoi't of the cxnwrfniiinlii with I KnWlrptWI In: Ir. I.orrinii-i-, of Rctlin, I PJ-0tn, nn 1 In- K ()", ( hict; PhyiltgBj j of tho AftWftlti HhMWhv Co., phblished In tin- 4m. iV4 Jiiir. Jnlv, lf-72. I It will lto Wind v'r-"i'tPiiiolniH in ott?t - nali-ititcsor )ysnt-'iit, ll:nn hitK Hill'k" I iir.'l'onirh lititnle Son- thmnt, I.cncor- t tua, ot;., nixi m nantpa tliii in fiit-tiiinii-ry. - Dr.fot- miin'wlloiihlr Fxtrnot of ICiirnl.vD- m i jjidja naia sm-i-fal rropnrn- 1 tint tut 1 in-1 n'Hi iiK'lti 01 - M. , .. . j . . . a - Klind is warrant) l t viw every I nn- treat rrt in-cording to dlrci timi". without tltc ininrtoim i-inltof thewwnl Ijui liiiMi Mill ni'niciil re n-. (rtlojfor that iliKfiiNi? AlMinnre Hold -x-tiacf of Kac inyniuH, in one imnnd bgttlt'M fohhylcltttH w. Ilewnrenf imltntioiu-. 11ml take nunc lint Cojeiimil's, Kor silr eyi'iywhcif. nnd by ''odirr t'alot A 10., DruKKiala. I'ortluud. AwiiW for 1 ivl'oii. vSnSftj- REWARD FOB AN Incurable Case r XDR. LE RICHATTS GOLDEN BALSAM! Aft r tun jeu-s' trial op this Cout bo ;invwi itnslfth'1 only curatlvt! In afi-rlalnrlw ui ilitmg icDuounced by aedical pnictiuon tr 8 in tumble. Dr.le ton's GGLDEff BALSAM Ko.1 fircCUiicB!a first and aerond H'ngn. Horee uo thi-lgHorBody; Don, u, Ej-ea, Noae, ke.i itouper-itoto-eii Bli.teli-a, Syphilitio Oitan-b. f iiK6aa"0 8ml p, and all pruunry iunuii of tht 'lieeiuio known as Byphilia. Price, $& per bot tlr, or two for $9. Dr.LsBichaa's GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 rnim Tertiary, Uer.-nrial, Byphilitic Klienma tlam, Pain in tha Bonta. Backof the Neck, HI. tinted Bora Tttrnat, Syphilitic Rath, Lump and Contracted Cords, BtiftaeK ol the LlmbR, and eradicates all dlfasea from the syttem, whetaer caused by indiscretion ot abuse of mercury leaving the blood pare and healthy. Price, $5 per bottle, or two for 9. Df-Le Bichaa'3 GOLDEH SPANISH AN Udote, for the Cure ol Oonnorttoea, Gleet, Irri tation, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genita. dlaanaagoments. Price, a.M per bottie. Cr. Le Richaa's GOLDEN SPANISH 111- Jection. a wash and injection frratvereoaana ot Gonnorhow, InfUmmatory Gleet. Sfrictnrea, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Price, 1.50 per bottle. AJ30 Agents far DR. LE EIOBAU'S GfltDEff PUIS hr Seminal Weakness, NiRht Ewif- . imnnUncT. uJ all dlitnsss arialBa frota Masturbation and excessive abuwa. Price, $1 v k iitb.:oi.t.KK mi. i. Jut ut only in round Howe. On reoi ipt of price, these medicines will . t 'be sent to all parts of the eottntryjhy exrr- K Tilion. Halo Jjrentfi. . ornia)Soovreiy faaawawuw siOTAtffts k Co. and I 1 m ! BtreelS,