The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 06, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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    T V T
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I " " ' -i.. - - ii ii .
. 8. OMrtal Paper for OrrB.
-: .
6, 1874.
ism. wm.
Vic. Woodhull is lecturing in
California on the social evil.
Santa Barbara, California, has
voted against license.
Plait's I!a!l, Sah Francisco, was
crowded on Tuesday night, to hear
Woodhull. v
The Independents ot Linn county
hare done well, having elected four
of the nine member of the Legis.
lafttieene Senator a:id three Rep.
resentatives. The candidates for
Sheriff, J. 8. Morris, Independent,
end L C. Rice, Democratic, re
ceive the same number of v4es,
m4m therefore a "tie." A great
number ot Republicans voted for
Fred. Hill, Democratic candidate
tor Clerk, enabling him to getaway
with the office by a good round
majority. It was a closely con-
tested electiorf on the part of our Sft" Francisco merchants have
foes, who left no stone unturned to Prteted against the repeal of the
elect tlieir ticket. A noticeable I Pacific Mail subsidy, which it is
feature ef the election Was that a i thought will materially lessen the
Donald McKay end his Warm
Spring Indians are greeted by full
nouses in raliforma.
The shore end of the new Atlantio
cab'e was landed at Cerry Head on
Sunday morning.
John Mason has been nominated
for Surveyor General of Ariaona by
the President.
The bill granting $50 a month to
the widow of General Canby, has
passed the P. 8. Senate.
few Republicans voted foi Grover,
while a few Dem jcrats refused tp
swallow Grover or M ,y other
man " fir Governor. Tliere were
but nineteeen tickets out of over
three hundred cast at one of the
polls in this city that were not
"scratched." The Independents
electare T. P. Goodman, Senator ;
J. Wassora, J. Lame and Frank
ShedJ( Representatives Goodman'
and Shedd were formerly Demo,
crats; Wassrai and Lame were
formerly Repubfcaiis.
probability of its repeal.
There seems to be no doubt that
the Democratic ring have succeeded
in getting away with all the State
offices, even to Superintendent of
Schools. Grover, Chadwick, the
two Browns, and Dawne seem to
be the fortunate men. A sick
hombre who dwells in Eastern
Oregon, yclept La Dow, beats Wil
liams, Republican, and Davenport,
Independent, tor Congress. Here
after it will be in order for the man
who wishes to go to Congress, to
remain at home after receiving the
nominition. and swear that he is
"down with rheumatiz.'' The
Tn London on the 1st inst , as
the Prince of Sax weimir was leaving
his residence, he. was fired upon by
an unknown assassin, who escaped.
The Prince was unhurt.
George Bushhy, on trial at
Marysville, California, on charge of
the murder ot Brady near Smarts,
ville on the 25th of March, was
acquitted by the jury on the 1st.
The Jo fin Z. .Stevens, last week
.brought, to Portland a small pox
patient, a little child, which was
taken to the pest house. It is get
ting along well there.
t .
The Grand Chapter A. F. & A.
M., convened in Portland yester.
day. On Monday the Grand
Lodge of Oregon and Washington
Territory convenes at same place, in
Masonic Temple.
A Little Rock, Arkansas, cor
respondent says tliit Baxter is en.
dworing to break up the Repabli
can party in that State by intfmi.
dating and Imprisoning prommeut
members ot the party.
At Hamilton, Nevada, on the
evening of the 2d, occurred one of
those terrible shooting affairs. As
Pat Casey, watchman at tlie Eher.
hart, mine, was going to his work he
met his foster brother, Tom Casey,
crasy drunk, who, without provo
cation, drew his revolver and com-
menced shooting at Pat's doc. and
turning sudden'y upon Pat, who
stood a few feet distant, fired two
shots at him, one shot hitting Pat
in the left s de, just above the hip,
and lodging in the groin. 'Pat tell.
but remarked, " Come lielp me up,
Tom ; I don't think I am badly
hurt." Tom replied, " I am too
mean to live anyway," and putting
the pistol to Ids head, blew out his
jjU j
Sir Heory Thompson, one of the
must distinguished of English liv.
ing physicians, said in a recent
speech that all men of action,
whethei educated or not, require a
ffoil otsome kind to their hours of
blank toil, and went on to say that
if you take away liquor from the
workingman you must" put in its
place some agent of amusement
which will give the elevation of
spirit and buoyancy of heart turn,
islied by alcohol. He holds l.lmrn.
fore, that on all days, and especially
on Sundays, ooflee. houses, reading
rooms, libraries, museum i, and pic
ture galleries should be thrown
open to laborers.
The Senate Committee on Trans
portatkm is now taking its turn in
wrestling with the fares and freights
question, as presented in a bill in
troduced by Senator Sherman.
This bill does not attempt to tlx
any arbitrary schedule of rates, nor
can it apply to any roads except
these which cross State Hues or
conduct a business of transportation
between States or to or from any
foreign nation. Its provisions are,
in brief, as follows : Section 1 pre
seniles that there shall be no dis
crimination in rates or charges;
Section 2 that in every depot and
station shall be consDicuouslv in.
ted a classification of freights and
rates of nharmi tvr mile an3 a
complete table of distances between
terminal points and each and every
station, such posted tab'e to alwo.
lutely fix all charges; Section 3
provides for prosecution of com
nies violating this law and col
lection of penalties from them in
any United States District I'ourt;
Section 4 reserves to citizens the
right of recovery ot damages for
violation ot the provisions of this
law. independent of the prosecution
in the name ot the United States.
ttm JwUrial Election.
From the meager returns before
us we gather that E. I). Shattuck
is elected Judge of the 4th district,
with H. Y. Thompson as Prosecut
ing Attorney. They were the can
didates of the Peoples' Committee.
In the 5th district Hnmason, In
dependent Democrat, is doubtless
elected Prosecuting Attorney.
In this district, 3d, Whitney
probably gets away with the At
torneyship a Permicratic gain.
In the 2d district, Burnett, Tnde-
pendent, is elected Judge, and
Fitch, IVmocrat, .Attorney.
The petition to throw the Union
Pacific Railroad into bankruptcy
has been decided adversely by
Judge Lowell, of Boston.
The waters of the Columbia and
Willamette are rising rapidly, and
First streeters, Portland, are gel
ling a'armcd.
The blight has attacked mm) im
probabilities are that the Indepen- ! troyed mauy hundred acres of pota
dents have elected a maioritv of i tes back of Mission andWi their
the Legislature, and will thus be
enabled to hold the executive in
check. Tliauk God for this tnueh.
The ship Sontus fripjj Uajy for.
Nev 1 ork, sprang a leak and sunk
ou the 6ib ot May. The Captain
and crew toot to ibe boats. The
one containing Captain Devriesand
five others. fa picked up by the
schooner Clara, after tliey had
been out nineteen days, For three
days thm neither" water or
provisions. On their arrival at
Staten Ibbad, M men
were sent to the hospital. Two
other boats, commanded by the tin
ana second mates, have not been
heard from.
Another horror is related in New
York. A Mrs. Devine, of JJpkT
lyn, on the morning of the 2d,
truck lier husband, Michael De
vine, on the back of the head with
an adze, and while lie was having
his bead dressed, killed her three
infant children by pounding their
beads to pieces with a flat-iron.
She was thought to ba crai? the
effects of a protracted cooper's strike,
in which her hatband was engaged
,rr i .
"me, now
land, will not be
to Half Moon Bay, says telegrams
from San Francfcwi, which causes
tpprehensions of a short crop and
high prices during this season.
Daniel Drake is the name of the
man who was killed by DoraCush
man at Coivallis on the evening of
the day of the election. Whisky
was the cause ot the affray. Cush.
man fled at once, and at last ac
counts had not been arrested. It is
reported that he staid Monday
night at Lebanon.
i " --
On the 1st inst., the public debt
statement was as follows: Total
ftbt, $2,261,091,027; total inter,
est, $33,364,003. Casjt in Treas.
rjr, coin, $81,958,979; currency,
11,177,705 ; special deposits. $66,.
050,000. Total, $149,186,683.
Delrt less in the Treasury, $2,145,.
268,488. Decrease during the past, $4,456,838.
The immense wharf boat that
was swept from her moorings at
Wallula, W. T, on the Columbia,
last winter, during a violent mk.
and carried a few miles down the
rirver where it sunk, has Un
raised, repaired and towed back to
itt old place at Wallula. The
wharf boat is 160 feet long, 80 Act
A lawsuit is going on at Naples,
the incidents of which would form
a good theme tor Charles Reade.
A young girl was placed by her
family m the Lunatic vlmn. She
was a millionaire, and wa; destined
to lie married to her cousin, that
her fortune might be retained in the
family. She refused to marry the
man provided f;,r her, having chosen
some one else, and the next thing
known ot her she had been shut up
in the private asylum of a certain
Dr. FIoureiis,atCtpodk liion. The
young man to whom she had prom-
isea ner hand, and other friends,
insisted upon the matter being in.
quired into, and i' "was discovered
that she was perfectly sane. Of
course she was released". She mar.
ried accirding to her own desires
immediately, aud lias instituted
legal proceedings against the physi.
cian who caused her to be shut up,
a factotum of her ramify.
" - i I, i i
In Virginia City, Nevada, an
"Independent" organization has
been formed, and A. B. Elliott,
Corresponding Secretary thereof;
has issued a caH for Jhe selection by
independent voters in the several
counties of delegates to meet at
V irgmia City on June 6th to form
a State Central Committee " for
conference, consultation and or
ffanizatitfti of the Independent party
of the State ot Nevada." The call
denounces grasping monopolies, dis
honest officials and the " Heathen
Chinee," and invokes all who favor
a reform of State and Federal ad
ministration of government to cut
loose from lxth thp old parties and.
oome into the new movement. It
is to be hoped that the Independent
rty will do something toward
purifying Nevada politics.
The coming transit of the planet
Venus is a matter of great impor
lance to the scientific world. The
phenomenon will occur on 8th of
1 teoemlier next, and extensive pre
parations are being made for the
observation of the passage of that
planet, across the sun's disk. The
last transit, visible from the earth
occurred in I860, and there will not
be another till the year 2004. By
1hc knowledge we now possess, as
a basis tir calculation, it is impossi
The Western Union Telegraph
Directors have just declared a
quarterly dividend of two percent.,
payable Jn'y 18th.
Richardson was confirmed Judge
ot the iCiwrt of ( laims by a ma
jority of three.
1 , ,
J. Mccormick has been con
tinued as Pension Agent at Port
land, Oregon.
Harvey W. Scott has been nom
inated tor Collector of Customs at
A statistical table has just been
published, showing the influence of
ble to ascertain the earth's distance intemperance ou the chinches. Ac-
from the sun within 300,000 miles.
When the total distance is about
91,480,000 miles, as slightamat'er
as the distance above mentioned
would seem to be of no practical
importance ; but a variation ot forty
times the earth's diameter renders
computious too uncertain to suit
astronomers, it is expected that
the observation, which will betaken
next December, will leave a margin
of only 50,000 miles open todoiibt.
As the transit will occur in the win
ter, the base of oliservation must lie
located south of the equator, (ireat
Britain will have special stations
iu the Sandwich Islands, and in
seven other localities. The United
States will have eight parties in
the held, r ranee will occupy three
stations, Russia four or five, and
Germany five. The probem is
simply the familiar geometrical pro
cess ot constructing two sides of a
triangle iu order to determine the
The more we con over the election
returns, the more we are convinced
the Independents had the strength
to have carried the election by
sweeping majorities had they have
heel) better organized. The People
'at heart are right, and will hereaf
ter sieak for themselves. It will
not lie a question of policy hereafter
with the People, but a question of
right, honesty and justice. Poli.
ticians and political rings have
gained their last victory in Oregon,
we hope and believe.
wwty " W Pf8 ww Jwff. wde and 7 &MiA
. i
It is no ascertained that the
famous century plant, so beautiful
in bloom, and yet so rare, buds aud
flowers every sixteen years, instead
of once in a hundred yean, as has
been long supposed. The question
is, why is it called the century
piani r
It is reported that a Scotch com
pany will put np the money to
erect a bridge across the Wilkpaetto
at Portland.
When iit
J D j iuun 9
boon? WbenafcelrtMIWairi. 'tMic.
-":. t
The funded debt of New York
Uy May increased $1,500,000,
making an increase of over $11,.
000,000 in two years aud three
quarters under the reform government.
John Owens, a saloonist at Sierra
City, Cal., ou the 1st so aided by
shooting himself the mouth with
a revolver.
Bristow has been confirmed See.
retary of Uie Treasury by tbell. 8.
cording to the judgment of the
author, at least seven-eighths of all
'he offenses requiring discipline, for
the past twenty or thirty years,
have originated directly or indi
rectly from this cause
Among the Pennsylvania Ger
mans there is a religious sect called
the Schwenklelders. They go be
hind even the famous " Prayer
book of 1785 "; for their principal
Uxik is entitled, " Catechisms; or,
First Instruction in Christian Doc
trine; Needful aud Profitable tor
all Christian Disciples, Young aud
Old, to Exercise Themse'ves There-
in." l'nnted at Philadelphia, 1763.
The W(ti(itit Jovial asks:
" Why should not women be more
generally iustructfd in the principles
of civil government snd matters of
business?" There are some hus
bands, replies an exchange, who
believe that their wives are suffi
ciently instructed on points of gov.
eminent (civil or uncivil) already,
and that they know more about
some matters of business than is al
together agreeab1 to the husband
aforesaid. Tltat'swhy.
We wonld be glad to know what
Venus thinks about all these pre
parations for observing her transit.
If she is anything of a modest fc
ma'e, it most be extremely harrow
ing to her feelings to bo squinted
at through spy-glasses from all coi
ners of the earth. Suppose yon
had n transit !!rs. Ornndv, wouldn't
y.tu grumble at this sort of thing y
We have private and personal rea
sons for believing that Venus is
preparing to inquire whether she
lias any rights which astronomer
are bound to 'respect.
The Tcmieranee mass meeting
iu Seattle resulted iu the formation
of a County Aliian.-o auxiliary t
the Territorial, with J. H. Hall,
Presfdent; John Webster, View
President; I). B, Ward, Secretary.
and Mrs. Emory, Mrs. Dr. Weed
eud'llisnKreeland. KxerutivB t 'om
mm ppp