A boy twelve years old, named Benny Davis, says the Detroit Free Prm, whose parents live on the river road, broke his leg some months ago and has heeu confined to the house ever siiee. He has during the lal three months Irain ed a rat to come forth at his whist'e, stand on his hind fee?, roll over, leap through a hoop covered with paper, a. d to execute .various other manceuvers. 'lite family own a big cat, and she has 'lieen trained to stretch out and let the rat leap over her, and they are great, friends, though (irimalki'i is death on all other rodents. The lad has an ex hibition twice a week, and secures quite an income by charging an admission fee of five cents. A lofty record is that of Mrs. Louis Ooran.ol Hay City, Michigan. Twins, and twins again four; and then triplets three and four are seven; and all within the incredi bly brief period of five years! Woman, fays the Louisville Journ al, when she has a white man's chance, is, as any unprejudiced philosopher will tell you, a greater man than man is himself. Where is the man who can point to seven little angels crowded into five years, and conscientiously exclaim, " I am the mother of these1" Even Fran cis Bacon, who, as Maeaulav as sures us. possessed the most exquis. itely formed intellect that was ever vouchsafed to one of the children of men, could not have dtce it. When woman deliberately makes up her mind to accomplish wonders, she never fails of u'ie achievement. You may browse for ages upon the pages of her dictionary, and you'll newer stumble over the word fail. An awful story of revenge is told by the Helena, Montana, Herald, as follows: "During one of the skirmishing fights had by the Yel lowstone expedition with tlie Indi ans, the nephew of Yates, the man who was killed, succeeded in shoot ing an Indian. Rushing upon the dying red-skin, the nephew un sheathed a large knife and cut the savage's heart oqe, and with the same instrument deliberately pro ceeded to disembowel the quivering carcass of the Indian. Stepping back, with a smile of satisfaction lighting up his countenance, he quietly remarked : ' Now 1 am even for the killing of my uncle.'" Considerable mention has been made in the newspapers of tlte re calling of the Japanese students in this country to their own land. The reasons may not be fully under stood. A number of young men were sent several years ago to the United States and to Europe to be educated. Since that time the ed ucational depart met of Japan has become thoroughly sy tenia! ized. A university, with professors of the highest repute, is located at Jeddo; high schools aredistributed through out the empire, and a system of common schools brings the advan tages of education within the reach of all. Therefore the Jaanese Government has hit imed students in this country and in Europe that the appropriations to defray their expenses will be discontinued after June 1, but allows them to remain and continue their studies at their own expense if they desire to do so. Many decide to remain. The Christian Union calls Kate Field "That vigorous young dis turber of the peace, who runs down some fix or seven dozen of organiz ed imbecilities before breakfast, washes her hands and says, like Hotspur, Fie upon quiet libs! I want to work!' PaeiftG Stopers, Quite a number of soldiers passed through Rosebnrg, en route for Fort Klamath, last week t'ampmeeting commences the latter rt of the present week at Dixie, and will continue over Sun day. V. R. Hyde, while engaged in splitting wood, yesterday, had the misfortune to receive an ug'y cut from the ax, in his foot. Mr. W. R. Simpson, resident agent at North Rend shipyard and sawmills, Coos county, has lately organized an amateur fire depart ment at that place. The Statesman . says : ' Parties from the Columbia river visited the mouth of the Coquille last week and expressed themselves very much pleased with the place. They intend to establish a salmon fishery at that place, and will commence operations at once " T. H. Do I. oss, who has been sent to the Penitentiary twice for forgery, once from Multnomah and the last time from Marion county for one year, has just served his time and was discharged a few days ago. T. 1L ought to have learned something by this time. A correspondent writes from Baker county, Oregon, as follows : "The El Dorado Ditch is now run ning water to some of the richest mining ground in the word. 'I his is one hundred miles long and carries enough water to supply thousands of men. The mines are rich; climate healthy; living cheap, and cost of, travel here reasonable. A match game of base ball came off at Dallas, Saturday last, be tween the Modoc club, of Dallas, and the Willamette club, of Inde pendence. Wm. Ruskett, of the Monmouth club, acted as Umpire. The time of the game was tour hours and twenty minutes, and was finally decided in favor of the Mo docs the score sauding 77 to 41. 'I ho Coos Hay AVicv, in. speak ing of the shipyards, says: "At North Bend and Marshticld, the sound of the busy hands can be heard on all sides. At the former place, the big ship has just received her ceiling and decks and the out side planking will be commenced during the coming week. Captain Mattson's schooner, at Marshtield, has seven tiers of her outside plank ing and will be ready for launching about the third week in June. She will lie the largest and finest vessel of her class on the coast, and will carry as, much as some three-masted vessels running out of San Fran cisco. The Salem Statmman says: An accident happened last Saturday to Miss, Ellen Chamberlain, by which her ankle was badly sprained, and probably broken. She, in comjany with several other ladies, was going out on a strawberryitfg excursion. When going down a hill near the residence of Mr. Rickey, a tew miles cast of town, the horse be came high toned, and running away, turned the buggy over, throwing the occupants out, and injuring Miss Chamberlain as above stated. The lady was immediately brought into town, and a physician sum moned, who dressed the wounded lirub. Millions and millions of caterpil lars, according to the Salt lake JVViea, are hatching on the trees in. Utah, and threaten to destroy the crop. i Whatcom county indebtedness foots op over $9,000. '" Aw elk, weighing 800 pounds, when dressed, was killed near j Whatoom, W. T., last week Numerous Philadelphia capital ists will visit Colorado this summer for both business and pleasure. Stage fare from Wailula to Walla Walla is now down to bed rock prices. Opposition is what does it. Cheyenne rejoices in the posses sion of a new steam fire e"g which squirts water to the satisfac tion of all its citizens. It is estimated that 'emigrants are coming into Colorado Territory this spring at the rate ot fully a thousand per month. Thirteen thousand pounds of seed corn were planted in northern Col orado this spring. Last year the crop was short ot the demand,, and the farmers are trying to supply the deficiency. The pile driver Hercules, Capt. Serber, is driving piles tor Inspector Hammond near the street in front of the Brown Church, at Seattle, for purposes of ship repairing, and industries of a similar character. The Mountaineer ot Colorado Springs says that the jierambnlatiug professor, Peter Pier Peck, after pecking everybody he was able to peck, has taken up his pack and packed himself off. The Washington corresjwndent of the Standard toy Delegate Mc Fadden has been assured by the Postal Department that there will be, no difficulty in obtaining dailv mail service on Puget Sound after the first of July. The district conference for the southern district of the Colorado Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, which "meets at Canyon City on Tuesday, June 2, and con tinues the remainder ot the week, promises to be a meeting of much interest. The difficulty between the Nav ajos and the Mormon settlements of the Colorado is unsettled. -It appears that two Indians were recently killed by the Mormons, being shot down without the least provocation, and their tribes is bent on revenge. The Mormons are alarmed and several messengers have been sent from Salt Lake to General Amy, at Fort Defiance proposing indemnification to the Navajos for the two slain, and guarantee for the future, but no positive arrangement has yet been made. In the meantime, the Mor mons are Collecting around their strongest settlements and preparing for defense, it the Navajos will not have peace. One citizen and six soldiers were drowned at Fort Gibson, Indian Terr itory, by a tlatboat capsizing re cently. . James R. McKean's terra of office as Chief Justice of Utah expires J u no 1st. He is understood as seek ing re-appointment. The Arizona Miner say6: Too much praise cannot be lavished up on the small military force in Arizo na for the hard work it has done and is doing, A bill has been introduced in the I louse of Representatives at Wash ington to enable the people of the Territories to elect their Governors and all other Territorial officers, Colorado has nearly 'seven 'huff- dred trifles of railroad In Qjjfctien now. "bVmmIjp To-Night, Im. Husband Traveling. Scene I. Room in hotel. Spittoons full of cigar stumps. Burbon whiskey, all hands equipped for a night's spree. Husband, in a hurray to be off, writing home : "Drabkt Susie: My time is so occupied with business that I can hardly spare a moment to write to you. Oil ! darling, how I miss you ; and the only thing that sustains me during my absence, is the thought that every m.meit thus spent is for the benefit of my dear wife nd children. Take good care ot your self, my dear. Feed the' baby on one cow's milk. Excuse haste, etc." Wife at Home.-'-Scene 11. Parlor. All the gas lit. Thirteen grass widows; Fred, from around the corner, with his violin; Jim, from across the way, with his banjo ; Jack, from above, with his guitar ; Sara, from below, with his rlntef lots of other fellows with their in struments. Dancing and singing. Sideboard covered with nuts, fruits, cake, cream, wine, wniskey, etc. Wife, in a hurry to dance, writing to husband : "Dkah Hubby: How lone some I feel in your abseiise. The hours pass tediously. Nobody calls on me, and I am constantly think ing of the time when you will be home and your cheerful countenance light i'p the routine of every day- lite. My household duties keep me constantly employed. I am' living as economical as possible, knowing that your small income will not admit of frivolous ex(iense. Hut now, dear, I will say good-by, or I will be too late for the monthly con cert of prayer, n haste, yours, etc." A postmortem examination made on a valuable cow which died at the Hester place, Santa Clara County, revealed the fact that the animal had been dieting on nails. Four teen nails ot assorted sizes were found in her second stomach. This is a warning to children not to bite their nails. This unfortu nate cow, though it had a second stomache, died, and the inference is that eating its nails was the cause of its death. A shrewd wife in-town, who has a forgetful husband, has adopted a method of jogging his memory which is at once novel and effectual. When she desires lp'm to bring her any thing from the store she makes a cross on the back of his hand with a led peucile. When he takes a drink at a saloon iu extending his hand for the g'ass. he invarably sees that mark, and remembers the errand Being thus reminded thirty or forty times a day, it would be singular, in deed, it he should forget what was required of him. It must be cheering to cheese-consumers to Know that a new use has been found tor oleomargarine, which when combined with the poorest quality of skimmed milk, is said to yield a superior quality of cheese, cheap and not conspicuously nasty. In this tbrm it is no longer so easily detected as when sold under the name of butter, and it is repotted that in the East the demand for it has become so great for this use that the supply is inadequate. Have we any oleomargarine cheese on this coast? We hear of a precinct in Lane county where the Democrats nearly all, 63 out of 80, went Independent and 17 Republicans who had loudly professed Indemnitee voted the Republican ticket That was one place where Democrats stuck to it, and cio was another, so that the old political traditions of the Forks of Die Santiam V'fjMW are by-gone affairs A Mormon bridegroom was rim ultaneously married to three blush ing brides in Salt Lake City weent ly. Some confusion was created after the ceremony in each bride persisting in her individual right to the first kiss. The blossom cannot tell what be comes ot its odor, and no one caw tell what becomes ot his influence and example that roll away from him, and go beyond his ken on their perilous mission. A Iaishurg paper speaks of a gentleman in that vicinity who re cent Iv sold his wife and children to one of his neighbors for a coat a pair of second hand pants, and five dollars iu cash. In New Hampshire they value skimed milk at two cents a quart f!r feeding pigs. The Caxirier Jaurnal says that in Louisville ten cents a quart is paid for the same thing to feed babies with. An appropriate item under "Wit 4iid Humor," appears, probably by accident, in a western paper, as follows: "It is uncertain at what place death awaits thee ; wait thou . tor it at every place.' A Sunday School scholar, being asked what became of men who de ceive their fellow-men, promptly ex claimed, "Thego to Europe." If a man has a right to be proud of anything, it is a good action done as it ought to be, without any cold suggestions of interest lurking at (tie bottom of it. ... ..... ..... . 0 , Napoleon L, says an exchange, might have been worried some, but Jiis anxieties weren't half of what is exierienced by a fashionable mother who has tour or rive fash ionable daughters to marry off. J. D. Jorden has been nominated by two tire companions of Salem for Chief Engineer of the Depart ment. He will probably be elected. as the two companies compose a ma jority of the firemen in the city. A basket meeting will be held at the Highland Church, three miles west ot Salem on the road leading from the ferry to the Oak Grove school house, Saturday and Sunday June 6th and 7th. The La Grande Sentinel says ; The rains of the past few days have insured heavy crops of wheat, bar ley and oatsprovided the sun only shines enough to ripen the gram. The saddest thing iu lite is the spectacle afforded by a young per son who has burnt all the hair off her forehead with a hot slate pen cil, and can not afford to buy a roll of curls. . ... ki - Nebuchadnezzar was not the first "granger" Eve made quite a reputation iu the apple business, and broke up A-dnm monopoly, and was also the very first to pat rouize husbandry. . . ! What a blessing this genial weather is to Susan R, Anthony and Anna Dickinson, as it saves the trouble of taking a hot brick to bed with them. If a stick of wood is too long for the stove kick it a few times with your heel. Then take it out and saw it off. A country boy, having heard of sailors heaving up anchors, wanted to know if it was seasickness that made them do it. It there is one time more than another when a woman should be entirely alone it k when a line full of clothes comes down in the mud. I ... i, . There are larae droves ot mini weekly passing through J Grande, en route to the mines of Union and Baker count and eMthdl t dint o a cnerais always a retort