The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 06, 1874, Image 1

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    L P Fisher
volume vr.
firiiiiiM win ii mil milium iimmiii in i i i ! in m i t w
Written for the Register.)
The 9:10 Night Ktpress train oh
the 0. Q. R. If; stKHl at the deit
in Alden, will) steam up, waiting
for President. Sunnier and two of
the directors of the r.ii to arrive
st the station, to take assnge in
this train.
At 9:20 these officers drove up
in a carriage, and alighted, when
Chat ley 1 'rooks, the conductor,
gave the cry " all aboard"
A few of the passengers who had
been lounging around the depot,
bothering the station agent and
telegraph operator with, meaning
less quest ions, on hearing the above,
. sprang aboard with more haste than
A young lady ran towards the
locomotive and said to the engi
neer :
" Jack, crt n't I take a ride with
you to-night on 1 old 32 ' I am
going up the road with Father?"
The engineer turned aionnd, and
greeting the young lady, said :
" Yes, certainly, Alice ; but please
jump aboard, for we are 10 minutes
behind already, and only have six
millutes to make Westfield for the
down express."
Just then the condector called,
out, " Jack, for Gods sake are yon
never going to start ? We'll run
into the down train sure as J"
Then turning to the young lady
said : " Alice, you. cannot ride on
the engine to-night You will have
to come in the coach."
On bearing this. Jack Miller,
the engi-eer, replied: "Charlie,
Alice can ride on the engine and
will; so you better be getting
alioard if you go with us."
Suiting the action to the word,
lie pit ded the throttle and the engine
bounded away so quick that lirooks
hardly had time to spring upon the
platform of the last car, .muttering,
"Curse Jack .Miller; I'll be even
with him yet, it I have to run this
train clear through the down ex.
press ; he. shan't get the best of me
with that girl."
Charley 1 'rooks was a young
man of 20, who had, by a scries of
fortunate changes, risen from a
brakeman to the onductorship ot
the best train on the road. lie had
resided in Aldeu for two vcar
previous to the time our siory
opens, and had become acquainted
with Miss A!;ee Sumner, an only
daughter of N'm. Sumner, President
of the road. He was smitten by
Iter charms ami beauty, and he
I the acquaintance of Jade Milter, a
young man of intelligence, and who
was as handsome as he was strong.
He was the sou of an old friend of
President Sumner, and had been
transferred from an Pastern Division
of the road to run the express train
out of A'den. He lwd licen living
in Allien for nearly a year and a
half previous to this time, and
having been so warm'y welcomed
by Father Sumner and Alice, he
spent a good deal of his spare time
at the house.
He had liecorao interested in
Alice from the first time they met;
and this interest increased until at
length nothing kept him from de
claring his love but the know'edgc
that he was poor, iid the impns
sion would be he was after "Old
Sumner's bank aoconnt."
i Thus matters stood at the time
.Mice boarded the express locomo
tive for " up the road."
After leaving A , nothing was
said by any one on the engine till
at last Jack b'ew the whistle for
Westfield, when, turning around,
lie exclaimed :
" Thank God ! I made it and
have half a minute to spare."
At Westfield President Sumner
and party, except Alice, a'ighted
and went into the city, Alice in
tending to go on to Marshlield, the
next station.
Just as the train was ready to
start, Brooks came along and re
marked, "Jack, we have 'orders to
'meet' the down mail here; but
she is 10 minutes behind and we
can make Marshficld for her."
Miller protested against it, until
at last Brooks said, "Jack Miller,
I believe I run this train ; now I
Jack succeeded ip popping his
train, and had they been as prompt
oil the other train, no serious trouble
would have ensued ; .but before
Jack could "backouty" the mail
train bounded into him, completely
mashing " old 32," into pieces, in.
juring the mail engine badly, be-ids
mashig up three cation the ex.
press train.
Jack got one of his lower limbs
broken, and the otlr mashed in a
terrible manner, and also received a
severe contusion in the side of his
forehead, which caused him to be.
come insensible. As it was he did
not hear theexn'tant remarks made
by Charley Brooks who, by the
way, " saved his bacon " by jump
ing from the train on first scent of
danger and who had, just come
up, saving, ' he was glad Jack got
hurt, d n him j and the girl, too,
she ought to be served the same
way, and he hoped she would have
some sense next time
A ringing, scornful voice caused
him to turn and he beheld Alice
Snmner with her eyes fairly ablaze
with indignation. It was some
time before she could control her
feelings sufficient to speak. At
length she broke out :
"Mr. Brooks, you are a great deal
lower than I ever thought any
human bei g capable of getting. T
probably would have been killed,
as you tried to serve Jayk and nie
Is ith, had not Jack saved my lite
by lifting me into the marsh. I
charge you with this whole accident.
It never would have happened had
you remained at Westfield as it was
vour duty to do, and so Jack told
you. Here are several kilted and
Jack now being son-in-law to the
Railroad Company, has a sore
thing, and his prospects for getting
"Old Sumner's Bank Account"
were never better.
order you to go on ; yon are under agreat many injured." Then tum
my command."
Miller could not do otherwise but
obey; but calling the attention of
bystanders said : " Brooks, I will
go on, but if any thing happens you
will have to stand the blame, as
its against orders."
So on they went, and Jack,
thinking it he was in a bad scrape
the sooner he got oot the better, he
" opened her out," and if they went
lively before, they fairly flew along
the track then.
After getting within three miles
of Marshfield, Jack, turning to his
6 reman, remarked : " Joe, it we
were only by the 'Devils curve'
salelv, I would feel easy." This
I - . . A a: j. . .. . ... .. . ... i i . 4 .
I curve, bearing his Satanic majesty's
i name, was a dreaded pari ot the
road, it being long, sharp and dan-
He had scarcely got through
speaking when Joe cried : " My
Cod! Jack, breaks!"
Jack, looking forward, saw Lite
vowed that lie . would win her by
fiir means if pnssible; if not, by J down mail just coming around the
Ion I. i c-iirve, and not over a thousand
Ho paid mmhm attentions to; yards ahead. Jack immediately
Alice, wn en1 were t.oi accepted by ! " reversed " his engine,and turning
her except, on occasions when it as ! quickly caught Alice ,iu his arms,
impossible to do otherwise. I aHl as ' K,'e hadbeeuan,
A5 L-iug a young lady of I mtant, threw her from the engine
lianrfcome uppcarai ce and much j iulo a marsh (covered with rushes),
s)irrt; had heard of several remarks ! al"'g, liich the road had been
madPW'Brflfcks concerning iwr.and I M1'- W1F aliC" completely
was onifftMtfng fiif a good- -tfppod by surprise, the act being done so adrift; Swb mjfftW ne Pickd hereeU' P
ing to one of the passengers said.
" Arrest Charles Brooks, on the
charge of manslaughter, preferred
by me." Brooks blustered around
some, and said that was all very
well but he would like to see the
authority for so doing.
The passenger spoken to stepped
forward and said " you are my pris.
oner. As for authority, I will
merely say I am Sheriff of W
county, and was a passenger on
your train from Westfield to-night."
In the course of a few honrs, re
lief was obtained in the shape ot
a "special" train, and the dead and
injured were taken to Westfield,
together with the Sheriff and
.Charles Brooks, his prisoner.
But Alice and Jack, together
with President Sumner, who joined
them at Westfield, went back to
Alden, where Jack recovered in
the shortest possible time under the
care of Alice.
Charley Brooks wae charged by
the Coroner's jury with the crime of
manslaughter, by running, against'
the orders of the Company ; and at
next term ofCircuit Court was found
guilty and sentenced to fifteen years
WoNpEBFut MEMORiE8.There
was an idiot in Edinburgh, the son
of a respectable family, who had a
remarkable memory. He never
fa;led to go to the kirk on Snndav,
and on returning home could repeat
the sermon word for word, saying:
"Here the minister coughed. Here
he stopped to blow his nose."
During the tour we made in the
Highlands we met with another
idiot who knew the Bible so per.
fectly that if you asked him where
such a verse was to be found, he
could tell without hesitation, and
repeat the chapter. The common
people in Scotland at that time had
a kind of serious compassion for
these harmless idiots, because "the
hand of Cod was upon them."
The wise as well as the foolish are
sometimes endowed with a wonder
ful memory. Dr, Gregory, an
eminent Edinburgh physician, one
of the cleverest and most agreeable
men I ever met with, was a most
remarkable instance of this. He
wrote and spoke Latin fluent 'y, and
Somcville, who was a good Latin.
ist, met with a Latin quotation in
some book he was reading, but not
knowing from whence it was taken
asked Ins friend, Dr. Gregory. "It
is forty years since I read that
author," said Dr. Gregory, "but I
think, you will find the passage in
the middle of such a page " Som
ervil e went for the biiok, and at
the place mentioned there it was.
TrMha of Animate.
It has been well remarked by a
clever author that bees are geome
tricians. The cells are so construc
ted as, with the least quantify of
material, to have the largest sized
spaces and the least possible in
terstices. The mole is a meteorologist.
The torpedo, the ray and the
electric eel are electricians.
Whole tribes of birds are ma
sicians. The beaver is an architect,
builder and woodcutter. He cuts
down trees, and erects houses and
The marmot is a civil engineer.
He not only builds houses, but con
structs aqueducts and drains to keep
them dry.
'1 he ant is a soldier, and main,
tains a regularta, ding army.
Wasps are paper manufacturers.
Caterpillars are silk spinners.
The squirrel is a ferryman.
With a chip or a piece ot bark for
a boat, and his tail for a sail, he
crosses a stream,
Dogs, wolves, jackals, and many
others, are hunters.
Black bears and herons are fish
ermen. Ants are day laborers.
Monkeys are rope dancers.
Rotannre of a Renbturant.
A Chicago correspondent of the
Troy Times says : A bit of romance
recently came to my notice which
has not before appeared in print.
Some time in December last a girl
about seventeen years of age, who
at that time was serving as table,
waiter in a large dining restaurant,
was arrested for stealing a package
of money from the pocket of a
gentleman's overcoat which was
hanging in the room while he was
eating his dinner. At the prelimi
nary examination a party swore to
having seen her take the coat down
and hang it up quickly agaiu ; that
she soon left the rcora for a short
time ; and, as the moiiey was not
to be found, she was held for trial.
In vain she protested that she
merely moved the coat to avoid its
getting soiled ; in vain with tearful
eyes she offered to be searched.
The circumstances were suspicious.
and the officers inexorable. In the
meantime the gentleman who had
lost the money became interested
in her history, found she was an
orphan girl, and, though com
paratively friendless, bearing an
excellent character. Further than
this, he ascertained she was of Eng.
lish parentage, tha her name was
the same as his own, and, to make
the skay short, from evidence which
he could not disbelieve that she was
the daughter of his own brother,
whom he supposed to have died
childless in Australia several years
ago. Ot course he declined prose
Criminal Laws in Japan.
Criminal law in Japan still seems
to be administered in a home'y, easy
style, free 'from the bondage to ,
precedent which is found necessary
in countries which have been longer
civi.ized. A short time aaro a man
belonging to the Japanese town ot
Omi was convicted of stealing, and
sentenced to be hanged. Three
days after the execution of the sen.
tence his relatives came with a
coffin and applied tor his body, but
as they were putting him in the
coffin the man came to life again.
The relatives then attempted to
cany him away, but they were
stopped by the police, who again
brought him before the magistrate.
After much discussion it was de
cided that, as the sentence had been
executed, the man could not again
be punished tot the same offence,
and he was set tree accordingly, no
one being hard-hearted enough , to
point out the fact that the judge's
doom had roost clearly not been
carried out Again, an obedient
son, living with his aged parents,
had a disagreeable wife, who made
the old couple very uncomfortable.
The son, in order to restore the
harmony of the household, poisobed
his wife. This act, though dictated
by filial piety, could not be over- . ,
looked by the authorities. The
man was therefore tried for the
murder and sentenced to imprison,
ment for ten years, tint on cousid
etation ot the circumstances, the
Court decided that these should be
spent in his father's house, on cor
dition that he wore chains all the
in the penitentiary, where he can ; cutiIlg her, and as lie is wealthy and
have plenty of time m which to ! without near kin. he at once atv
meditate on his past act? and the ranged to take her home with him.
iiouwiic n:u iu uju , on nis return irom me west,
paper one day: I whither he was then en route.
.Married. At Alden, by the
Rev. Dr. Green, Mr. John IT.
Miller to Mass Alice, only daughter
opportunity came When she made feeling somewhat damp but entirely of the O. Q, R. R. Co;
Hon. Win. Jwmrwr, PreMlent I-when IliiflHMli
The other day he, with. his newly. L
aaopiea cniia so strangely brought
to bhtfftartM-'riork.
A tnnny sort of "combined fish
ing and wedding trip" that must
have been which the Mormon Rep.
reseutative Canntn took when he
married his fourth wife. He took
along (Belle Kimball say bis
wives Nos. 1 aud :4, leaving Nos,
2 and 8 at honrts. Bnt' wbich of 1
and 4 fished and which P cot bait "
isnhe conundrum which that happy,
trio jum
A petition-is being cir&latttf
Salt Lake for tipDfehtof C.
W. feriftet mgii&W cDiief