The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 30, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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V. S. Official Paper for Oretron.
A Utile Count. HNtoryTliat 93.
000 Waller.
Ifl 1848 Wm. Haley was elected
County Treasurer of Linn county.
In 1849, after he had been in office
one year, to make his books hal-
ance, he charged the county !
about 8900 indebtedness to the!
school fund. In 1860, upon retir
ing from tlte office of Treasurer, to
make his accounts balance, Win.
Haley again makes an entry charge
ing the county with about 2,100
indebtedness to the school fund a
total of S3.000. This was the tig
ure, three thousand dollars, which
the county fund fell short while
Wm. Haley he'd the office of Treas.
urer of Linn county. This matter
of the, deficiency of 3,000 was left ,
uusetf'ed until the last of .Tune or
. , .no . . i
of .Inly, 18C2, j ust befor.- the
' , r , Al ...
officers elected ov the I nun
Republican rty, J. C. Powell,
Couiity Judge; J. Hamilton and j
O. W. Richardson, t'ounty Com
missioners, and air. Walters, Treas-!
urer, were installed into office. A
day or two prior to vacating his
office, Judge Haley, the father of
Wm. Haley, the County Treasurer
under whom this deficiency of three
thousand dollars had occurred, and i
who had held the office of County
Judge during all these years, and
whose duty it was to see that the
accounts of the Treasurer were cor-1
rect (as up to 18b2 there were no i
such officers known as County Com-!
miss oners), drew an order on the
county treasury in favor ot the school !
fund for the sum of 3,000 ! And !
this was, apparently, the latst official i
act of the worthy County Judge,
S. D. Haley the very last entry
made in the b.ok, as any may see
wi to feels anJuterest in the matter, i
or doubts this statement, by calling '
at the County Clerk's office. When
the newly elected officers above
named had qualified and took their j
seats ot office, and turned their at-1
tention to the affairs of the county, ;
with the mo-t diligent and exhaust-1
ive search tleyjwere uible to find ,
any entry on Win. Haley's books
showuiK that any money
borrowed ot the School Fund, or
,,v nthw f.m.1 tor the eountv : and
' , . .
more. than this, they could not;
find any record or entry, yn any ot ;
tho -nunt v'k hookas to show that
tne county 8 . 0008?! to snow
Iw. emlA 8 nnn , i.arl. t.l.Preof
had been b -rrowed torn any source !
m.. f ... ... 1..4 t,. ..t
iue uou.hy oum iucm
Judge Haley, and when questiouetf
as t6 how the comity hcame in
debted to the School Fund in the
sura of ISiltyNtrtb! .:o.Wawtf n
arvinint nf it whatever he said he '
account oi it wnaiLvtr m. s.u
had no knowledge "that any moiieyt
had been borrowed for the use of;
the county from the said (Wr
Fund. The t 'ouitT ' Bontd then, ; llif?ivnce of expenses per day In
' i (xwt of rtmn.njr the Supreme
as in duty hound, determined that! court between isho and mk
' " ,-ft, anmmitliiR to at hst, for
the securities of Wm. Haley should 1 four ywm....
1 j To wliliha'Mtli.Mllffeiviicein.hc
accotitit for the loss of the 88,000 to : enpetwrot taklnjt eareof the In
, . . , ani', helnif fl per utint p-r
the eountv, but it was soon found I week, more than In California
. , I or other States BverafftllR I7J
that thacouiitv had no recourse, as' r.niintsfor4vi'ars.amounwto..
the bunds of Wm. Haley, as County
ft 7: SMX..IKM ' i
Treasurer, could not be found. This i
is, in as brief a manner as we can l
give itkthe truth in regard to tho
j i-i t t:. . .
'TT. C
in chiio . vnawi, whb
U, by the co
unty ot S3,000lWhi!e
8. .-t, ihtex
(luring Judge Haley's term of office "
the law provided for no such officers j The Mercury of Salem, in a late
as County Commissioners, and it jie, charged that Tn.Moy Ford,
was the duty of the County Judge Independent candidate for Prose
to receive tlte books of the Treas. catil(g Attorney tbr this District,
urer's going out of office and see : ma,ie personal effort to secure the
Uiat they were correct. Tpou his 1 nomination for the office to which
examination lx-toro tin- now !?onil u ....... ,...:.., . .!. i.,,.i.. .. .i...
w, ,
Judge Haley did'not claim that he
had raamiiiHl the hooks of the ont-
going Treasurer, Wm. Haley, his i
son: but in resnonse to inouiries ,
said he mppmd they were all
rirut .i ... 2j iL
was . .
M and Imour that, tlm renin's
' money had not he., tampered with,
land that every cent due the people:
; should be tended over to the in- j
coming Treasurer.' If Judge Haley '
; knew of the defalcation at the time
the books were surrendered and the
arr-ounts adiuted bv him. then he
. is as guilty as the Treasurer ; if he
did not know of this defalcation of
j $3,000 until subsequently, he cer-
' taiuly was a very lax officer, and
held his sacred oath and his duty to ,
the peop e as of little worth ; but if
. ' , u .. ,.
it be true that after the discovery ,
. , , i e
was maae that a ueiaication or
3,000, clearly traceable to his sou,
had bet... made under his own eyes,
(and the Records afford undeniab'e
tL' ..-1. ... .1. .....
r" 'I tr
he then, to cover up the crime,
charges the county with the full
amuunt of the indebtedness to the
1 1 r Jsbl! t i
the enure defalcation .' n nen that
entry was made by Judge
did he not commit a fraud agaJt
. ! , ,n'H!
th, people of D
not by tins act prove h msdf un.
worthy ot trust,., any potion of
honor or profit at the hands ot this ,
4 ' a'"1 ' he.
of Lion county so decide at the
pods on Monday nexi? We are
confideut ot the answer.
We take the following tabular
Hauneutu. u.e wru nya -
the government of the State dnnng
the present administration, from the
. . e ,.e
Oregonmn of Wednesday. It
shows that the People's money ha
been illegally squandered to the
time .ot one hundred and ninety.
seren wowana-nwar. u.e
1 1 . 7 f Jf
i or riif
! taxpyers ot Linn carefully study
w ti
tini.'o nrviiraa u n rnnii rau wi u iir
. . .1 t I.
t knit iirih iha AAiitiniiaiitfi ill ennh
" ' " " . .
wholesale robbery, il&ui. the state
ment :
. x M Trea,arer-9
om bj 1 lrcm'' on
! McMvn(ljtaooiaWowitJ
ton'wnt;0,(Xmiirryrar. 10.000
Incrtti-'i salanuif OI supreme
I lr'
i piy of Clerk of Seeretary
ii wwi. pay 0H.1CTK oi wecrumry
nt state ... iMo
ll:feivnce in rtit ol tannic 'aii!'l-
.JKlfrivnw in mint Iiitf lor years 1870
71 For unit
2il,i)t K)
Km- 1S7374.
Wlfcrenee between octiuil fxiwnse
(,t S,lt,. rjapttpi CmnnUwIonerH,
W per. iiay, mi newtat exjicatf,
. ..r-..-i K. .wvi
l umnnum nwi Mini m.vw
'ehaiem road stent. 20,000
Total ' iw,ooo
This 1ow not include all the waffon road
The agony will soow be over, and
! rnnn nrl. maimed " a.snlisea ' ami
ii -
" rr ' ' - a -
m. n.-oiiucp at mi.; nanus vi mo
DemocratiUtate Convention hat
.... n lUAJ-.
he wrote letters to Democratic dele-
gates to said Convention asking
their inline.., to imm such noni -
i nation. When Mr. Gilfrey, the i
UiA'i;. if. u,a .. I
, .j !
for his authority for the statement. !
,, ,,' .,,.. !
Gilfrey said that Mr. Galloway !
and Mr. Ramp were the men to
whom be (Ford) wrote Utters, so.
liciting their influence. Mr. Ford I
then went to these gentlemen and I
asked them to show him the letters,
it s.wh tl.PV had. makinr such 1
tations. They were sui irised
said they had received no letters of
that character. And at Mr. Ford's
suggestion, each wrote a specific
denial that they ever received any
such letters, or made anv
. . ' . .,
that they had' received the.
f statement ;
im. vv m.
(.alloway s statement is as follows:
Dayton. Mhv ,2,2d.
'SSyedany letter fei
! you soliciting the nomination tor
Prosccutinz Attorney in the Demo-1
cratic State Convention, neither have j
l made stieJ. statement.
KeKetftiHv. 0WAY
Mr. B. F. Kamp writes, nuder i
jfcHWWI tl, same state eMd wl8t has
tWU Werebeen the record ot the Domocratic
tu011,tttir:tjlL;flu k ir cuev
tTZ 8" tbe"?
" the g f f not the rate ot k'en
cury a,,d Ui&ti-iwu ou'y. a"d 00111 increased from year to year, until
oflthew distinctly and uuequivo- fmw it fc double the rate
deny that thev em receive.! lhen ? jp there not nearly or quite
any such or that they J Qf J
, .... . , . . , '
' tW did solicit such "omi,,a
:cci uw wicjr iiau. I
tion ; oil the contrary, when so-
licitcd by Bill Watkinds of Salem ,
to become a candidate for such i
noiniiiation, he distinctly told him
be'Vmld not have jt that he was
not a candidate tor any office. o
, fer as this ch8rge c0cerned it
! to the Mf ForJ
,.ll(lnatfl)1 with hollor the w.
Un; ifl the ot
1870 ; was admittted to the bar in
j '
' . . t- effi- t
i mw '
Dftistflki..Lr lawver. (teLulJ.. .iik .
, fac, f, and u ewaks well
notable tact is, and it epeafca well
. - - . .
tbr his thoroughness as a lawyer,
. . . ,
! he has never had a case demurred
out ot Court because of any flaw
in his papers. Mr. Ford is not
only better qualified than his oppo
nents for the office, but he is a
sound, honest, reliable man, a
temperance man from principle.
, . . , ... . ,
: V hercver he is known he will lead
t his ticket. In the city of Salem lie
i will get at least one hundred ma
jority. He made a first rate im-
, pression upon u.e t eop.o o. "
I county, nnd will run equally well
with the balance ot the
rhathewillbeouruextProsecut -
. .I'. t i
; mg Attorney, we nave no nesi-1
tancy.nsay.iig, an., um ne win
make a good one there, is not a
shadow of doubt.
FUblle Speaking.
T. P. Campbell speaks at Salem
this evening shaking to com
mence at 8 o'clock P. M.
j T. W: Davenport will add ress
the citizens of Silverton at 3 o'clock
A fLMltlMlkv. laflr. nnmnrnmiuaH
When the Democratic adminis
tration in Linn county turned over
the control of affairs to the Repub- i
lican officers elect in 1862, they left
a debt ot $3,500. From 1862 to
1866 Republican offioials ran the
rv .t A r
"j"? Mf f
lne,r co,ur01 u,ev ouut r"
i Court House at that time probably
tl,3 "m1 Huuuu UU"U"'S
State-at a cost of 30,000. This,
with the debt ot 83,500 bequeathed
them by the Democracy, .uade a
wlal uco" o,ovu. 'l "uo
total debt of $33,500. At the
P'ratlon ot ,our W the ff
AWM of the
auty offices, when the debt of the
was alwut $16000 the Re"
Publl'' hav'g Paid. dur"
"g tlie fonr years wnih t,,py
werL w Pwer m Kn
by the Democracy, with interest on
same, and 14,000 ot the Court
House debt. During the 4 yearei
from 1862 to 1866, the tax levy
was from 9 to 11 mills, with the
excPtion of tho last year' wheu il
was raised to Vlh mills. JJuring
the four years under consideration,
nearly all ot tho costly county
bridges, those over the Calipooia
notably, were erected, costing as
hih as 1,200 for a sigle brnlge ;
and those bridges, although built
eight or ten years ago, still stand,
Khowirurthftt. thprp was no "shnddv"
, . , , .
erty in the county mat mere was
tlten, and is not the assessed value
of said taxable proX'rty more than
double the assessed value then ? If
these are truths and none
gainsay them how is it
after eight years at least
: 0f Democratic rule, the county
debt has hot decreased one cent,
but in all probability, it the facts
could be.ascertained. has increased ?
Now the county receives abuot
860,000 a year for revenue, and yet
flu. A..imtv Aniit im tint tifriiwltnii
, ' - '.."I
a nvl IVi unin i ii ' men i 1 1 vnuvivitv
- - '
30,000, the county debt .vas licjui-
dated at the rate of nearly five
thousand dollars a year, and that,
too, on an average tax levy of less
than 11 mills per annum ! But we
need not further comment on this
matter. The facts above stated!
show that to insure the lowering of
taxation, the payment of the county
indebtedness, and the practice ot
general economy and retrenchment
iu county affairs, a new set of
ollicak mual be elected mcii who
m m fctter(() aud
vho Will Wot etriptVo cover up
j mismaairemcnt a1j recklcss
extravagance of their predecessors
, those Dredecessors klo.nzed
; the me nart The PeoDu
, .
the taxpayers of old Linn, who are
compelled to foot these ontrageous
bills from year to year, feel that
thjg ig the on,y iiIie'0f policy to pur-
sue, and they have determi.d . to
clean out the entire official stable
on the first of June and the Pec
pie never faij.
A heary tornado stirred the Pen.
dlite-7Wiw2'ffl( op im livelti
W iHtil titlbft'' ;
Dont be Deeelyed.
We ask the honest taxpayers ot
Linn county to look at the way
comity affairs have been managed
during the past years while under
Democratic rule; to look at the
j partiality shown ; to examine the
charge that some sections ot the
county have been favored to the
neglect and injury of other ; to
consider the enormous amounts l f
money raised (taken from your
pockets) by taxation, during the
time under consideration, and yet
the county gets deeper in debt and
the tax levy continues to advance.
Consider the solemn pledges of "re
form and retrenchment" made by
the Democratic nominees in the past,
and call to mind if you can a single
fulfillment of those pledges. And
although the piesent candidates ot
that party are making the canvass
on the same "promises, in the light
of the past can youagain trust them
to make good these pledges a fter
the first day of ,inn , should they
prove successful? Assured ot their
record made in the past in the hand
ling the county funds, and knowing
that to elect the candidates of the
ring will be simply endorsing its
past official acts, how can you as
sert with any consistency that you
are in favor of an honest and eco
nomical administration of county
affairs if you vote to retain the ring
in power? Upon your vole on
Monday next depends the rate ot
taxation the coming two years. If
the Independent ticket is elected ,
taxes will be greatly reduced ; if
the ring ticket is successful, the tax
rate, judging from the past, will
not be decreased, but is more likely
to be largely increased. It resolves
itself into a question ot dollars and
cents, it appeals directly to the
pockets of the taxpayer. Let every
taxpayer consider this matter well,
aud after a careful survey of the
situation, vote as his conscience
shall dictate.
Not a SucceM nt a Temperitucei'nn
tlldatc. Mr. Whitney, Democratic candi
date tbr Prosecuting Attorney, has
made a complete failure during the
canvass, not only in convincing the
taxpayers that he is not competent
for the position, but that he is a
reliable temperance man. This was
stated as his strong suit when nom
inated, and the temperance people
were certain to vote him. The
citizens of 8cto are well aware now,
at least, that his temperance princi
ples will not do to tie to. Imme
diately after the discussion at that,
place recently, he went into one of
the saloons there, and stood tho
drinks for the crowd. At how
many other places he done the same
thing we are not informed ; neither
do we care ; this one instance is
sufficient to show tliat, if he would
break his rolemri obligation ns a
Good Templaf, to which order liV
belongs, he cannot he depended
upon to keep any obligation, no
matter how binding it may be. The
taxpayers of this Judicial District
want no such man for, Prosecuting
......... m. . . ,
The House Committee on im
peachment, of the Legislature of
Arkansas, have reported articles
against Chief Justice Sledim?, a
number ot Associate Justices, Aud
itor Wheeler, Cireuit Judges, and
other offioials, and they hid not
fully considered the hfirf;' but
I intended making s farthe JWport.