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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1874)
' -Yt ? ALBANY REGISTER. V. B. 0JataI Papr for Oretrva. SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1874. From the general tone of the taxpayer in Linn county, e are inclined to the belief that the Inde pendent ticket, State and county, will get a good healthy majority next Monday. We had feared, all along, that there was a large body of Republicans who intended to support the State Republican ticket; but the late news has been so uui formly one way, viz., that the election lay between Grover and Campbell, that the strongest, bed rook Republicans, have given up their prejudices and will vote the entire Independent ticket, from Governor to Coroner. This is as it should b& Certainly the People have suffered enough through the tbnr past years of Grover-Wadkinds misrule, to enable them to vote tor even a lera competent man than Mr. Campbell. Linu county can be set down almost certainly for the In dependents. Tlie schooner Alice, 366 tons, built at Port Blakely, is finished and has sailed for San Francisco. The schooner Una, built at the same place, was launched on the 14th insL The builder of the Una will immediately commence the con. struction of another schooner on the same ways. .,., The Waitsburg and Dayton cir cuits will hold a union campniett iug on the Touchet, about halt-way between Waitsburg and Dayton, near Harvey Iiateman's place, com mencing Juue 19th, 1874. The Boulder News has been shown, at the office of the Territo rial assayer, a certificate of assay ot rock from a newly opened Gold hill vein, that was very remarkable, the yield being above 812,000 per ton, of which 111,500 is gold. The Tribune says : "The day is not fit distant wheu the farmers will be raising tar and feathers, wherewith to clothe the officers of Fnoob. The seed is already in the ground, and is growing finely. Col L R. Wood, of Springfield, Dakota, has concluded to go west. He baa been appointed Collector at Ounalaska, Aleutian Islands, 1,800 miles west of Sitka, Alaska. The great Junjel will case in New York, ended on the 23d in favor of the Chase party, unless George Washington Bowen appeals form the decision to the Supreme Court The estate is valued at $6,000,000. ilr Sixty thousand dollars has been raised for the benefit of the Mill river, Mass., sufferers. One hun dred families, or 700 persons, were left entirely destitute. The New Mexican is reformed that the San Cristobal grant of nearly 40,000 acres has been told to Mr, S. H, Langhlin, of San Krenoisoo, California. , George Marshal, of Junction Citv. and Charles Marshal, ot fiageneCHy.have parehswd the woolen factor at Ashland. Forest Grove hoodlums sing The Mad Ikrtcber" in coureh, to thean. tfc JMMMk' fhe WBtomette Univewty 94 FELLOW OES04HAT8. Having shown the fact of the existence of a ring which has been running the Democratic party of this county, and the treasury otthis county, tor their own selfish pur pose, it is left for us only to ex amine the cause, and find the remedy. The cause lies in the great prj, ponderance of the Democratic party in this county, and the slavishness with which its members have sub mitted to the party lash. No matter with what base treach ery they had been treated in its conventions, they must forgive the injury, pocket the insult, and vote the ticket, for the sake of the party, and their own reoord. And they have done so. The ring has carried the party in its pockets, like a faithful "Efgin," confident that it would undeviatingly beat the time to their winding. A nomination being equivalent to an election, the strife was changed from one for principle, between Democrats and Republi cans, to one fofHpoils, among Democrats alone. There has been very little lalxr with tact and argument to persuade Republicans to turn from the error of their ways, but Democrat has woried with Democrat, and all manner ot falsehoods have been told, and all manner ot bargains and combinations have been entered into to defeat Democrats, until for years, nothing but the party lash and our ohl-time prejudices, and reluctance to change our party as sociations, has kept us together, when we should have been woik iug harmoniously together for the common good. The remedy is plain. To com bine against the ring in convention would be making ourselves as guilty as those whom we condemn; besides, a defeat would not be per manent; they would try harder next time, and the battle would never be decisively won. They must be taught that a nomination procured by fraud is not worth having. That urh a victory leads to certain defeat. Then the ring will dissolve for want of any induce ment to remain united. And all other rings, incipient or developed, will see the result and profit by the lesson. Then, per haps, "offices will be left to seek the men," and the people will have some voice as to who shall rule over them ; and the county fund, contributed by all, for the good of all, will be expended for the bene fit of the whole people. To be sure the whip will crack, but the old cry ot "sorehead," so often applied where it was often deserved, does not apply to us. We simply refuse to be longer "slaves ot the ring" or "of the lamp" A good ticket, fairly nominated, would have been elected, and probably can be in the future ; but the ring mutt be beaten, and we intend to do it, and that, too, where it will settle their bash tor all tune to come. I mean at the poll. It is not necessary to fight the whole party to do it. We have not rebelled against the party nor the ticket, but the candidates of the ring mav as well stand from under, But "we have gone dver to the Republicans." Not a bit ot it, TM Waders of our party (I regret to nave it to ey), have done so, Vol only WinUtfw ewnty ties met in joint convention, but whether in honorable, indissoluble marriage bond, or only for tern poiary lascivious embrace, we are not yet informed; not only in Douglas county, where the two parties have done the same thing, but the majority of our past leaders throughout tlie nation did go over to tlie Republicans, in National Convention, when they adopted the Liberal Republican Platform and the Liberal Republican Can didat,e a man who had fought us more persistently and effectively than any other man in America. They sold themselves, and tried by gag-law and the power of numbers to force the rest to go with them, but we don't drive "worth a cent." We have not gone over to Repub licanism, but we hold and intend to maintain that "we are, and of right ought to be," and hereafter will be free and independent of all cliques, rings or combinations, by whatsoever name they may be called, world without end, Amen. BEDROCK DEMOCR..T. The candidates on the Demo. cratic ticket in this county, aided by their friends, have been busily at work ever since the adjournment of the Democratic County Con vention, using every means in their power to buy, coax or drive voters into the support of the ticket put up tor them, by the Convention. Money has been spent freely, all sorts and styles ot rumors have been put in circulation by them to in jure the Independents and secure votes for the Democratic ticket Every man who had formerly voted with the Democracy was- haunted night and day, and every induce ment offered him to "decline" to run on the Independent ticket. Wheu it was found that the Inde pendent candidates were not to be scared, coaxed, driven or bought off, but were determ ned o stand by the People, whose candidates they were, these tricksters then re sorted to the last, meanest and very lowest dodge of political hoodlums who see defeat staring them in the face, to-wit : circulating the report that the Democrats had all re signed, leaving none but those who formerly affiliated with the Repub lican party on the ticket. The only truth in the whole report was the withdrawal of Mr. Cook, as a can didate tor tlie State Senate, and his place' was immediately fillet? bya well qualified and intelligent gentleman a gentleman who has heretofore voted and acted with tlie Demo cratic party. With the exception of Mr. Cook, who had good and sufficient reasons, as he thought, for taking the course he did, there has not been nor will there be any withdrawal and every man on the Independent ticket will work faith fully to the last hoar for the suc cess of the whole Independent ticket. Whenever a man tells you that any candidate on the ticket has declined to run, set him down at once as one not well informed or as a chronic liar. The Committee on Ways and Means on the 20th authorized Fos ter to report a resolution censuring the Secretary of the Treasury, the Assistant Secretary, , and Solicitor Banfield, for lax and careless ad? ministration ot the law in tho San. born ease, Trenor W. Pa?k announces him, cwahia af TenkflBi. PROMPT THANKFUL TO AN APPRECIATIVE PUBLIC FOR TIIKIU GENEROUS AND unfailing support In the lwt, aud hnncfnl ol' u ton' liutntioc mi I enlaMeinent the same in the future, wo desire through thin mc'liiim to eall the a' tent Ion of con sumers in Linn county, to our w ell assorted and carefully purchased stocks of good! at the ubove points, comprising full and Complete Lines ol all Classes of goods nsiiallv kept in Country Stores. Luck of time mil space preclude" any at tempt to specify ; hut we are determined to maintain and a l l to our remit. ition for keeping the most complete Country Store in Lion county, and will on y a In conclu sion, that our House at Shedd will be found to contain, at nil times, more nearly Everything Needed on a Farm than ever before-and as we have not been in the past, neither will we be in the future, undersold by any honorable dealer. A. WHEELER CO., SHEDD and PEORIA, Dealers in General Merchandise, INCLUDING Machinery, Wagons, Lumber, Shingles, Ac. Bills for building furnished to order at lowest rates. jPorwawHrtg and Commission MerclianU. jf Highest market rates in Cash for fcAII Hinds or Merchantable Produce, "i 2 Shf.m and Peoria, Linn county, Oregon. AEW TO-DAY. I TXTH.B. Everything New. GRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturer, and Dealers in FURNITURE! OF ALL KINDS. BL'BEAVS, BEDSTEADS, TABLE, LOlfXUE, SOFAH, MPBIXU BEDH, CHAIB. ETC., Alwav on hand or made to order on the shortest notice. FURNITURE repaired expeditiously and at fair rates. Our Factory is on Water street, at foot of Lyon, adjoining Althousc Co.'s Planing Mill, where we invite our friends and the public to call and examine our stock of goods. Salesroom at Drug- Start of A. ' rothers ('., Flrat street. UBAF COIXAB. A.bany, Feb. 38, 1874-24 OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, , Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PAJUOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. A LAO i TIN, SHEET IBON A SB tP FEB WABE And the usual assortment of funiishint As to be obtained in a tin store. Kepatm neatly and promptly executed, n reasonable tonus. Hhrerckninr"wakclir;rrlraa, FROST 8TRK T, ALBANY. Dec. 4,1888-1 TJLAEK DEEDS, MOBTOAOfS, ETC., MARGINS ACT! HETURNS." FOB Blank Mortgages, Latest and Improved styles, Call at the Register Office. FOR BLANK DEEDS, Neatly executed, Call at the Register Office. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON CORNER OF WATRB and Ellsworth streets, In this city, on which there is a good dwelling-house con taining five rooms; there is a large wood shod and other outbuildings, a splendid well of water, etc. The property Isforsale on reasonable l crras, For further particu lars iwuiire, on the premises, of MEN. N. HITt'HIft. Allmny, February 21, 1WI THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing lietween the undersigned, l, this day dissolved by mutual consent, Messrs. L.E.BIaln and J. Barrow retiring. The business will hereafterrweooaueMSl by S. E. Young. . All persons having unsettled bumnsa with the undersigned, will please call twsir earnest convenience,