The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 30, 1874, Image 1

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Grovtr and his fijxlogirti-ure
feeling nd looking mure woebegone
as the day of election approaches.
The. was a slight ho), on the
part of ( Inner at least, that through
his mihl manner and seeming
truthfulness on the stump, he might
persuade the taxpayers into Hie
belief that tlte charges tit corruption
and venality brought against him
and his administration of the affairs
of State as (ioveruor, were at least
overdrawn if not entirely without
foundation. Aijd right here is
where he made his greatest mistake.
The proofs of his wrondoing, of his
downright rascality as the first
officer of the State, have been so
strong, clear and convincing, that
it has been impossibe for Mr.
Grover to create a disbelief of their
truthfulness in the public mind.
The time was when Democrats
would not have hearkened to the
truth, however plain and unvarn
ished ; but that day has passed to
return no more forever, and here
after the man who is a candidate
for the high position of Governor
of Oregon, must come before the
people with an unblemished char
acter, undoubted capacity, and with
a record for honesty, integrity and
sobriety, in public as wellas private
life, that will entitle him to the
suffrages of a free and Independent
People. The party lash has done
its last work. Men have rebelled
and will no more violate their
self-respect by voting, in ( bedience
to the demands ot party leaders
these "leaders" ofttimes the most
corrupt and venal men in the com
munity for the "nominee of the
party." Those "good old times"
when a nomination was equivalent
to an election, no matter how unlit
the candidate tor the office, have
passed away, anJ a new and better
ordej ot things has been ushered in.
Yea, Grover is dejected ; he feels
that all his scheming, all the dirty
work he has done and caused to be
done during the last four years, for
the sake ot keeping himself in
power, has only resulted in show
iug to the people his entire 'ack of
principle and honor, and still deeper
damned the party that placed
him in power. We are inclined to
believe that Grover has the ability
to make a very fair Kxccutive, were
he not notably deficient injudg
ment, entirely wanting in backbone,
and so unscrupulously dishonest.
And no man ever stood upon the
rostrum in America, and with
solemn visage and upturned eyes,
told more downright falsehoods in
a given time, yet covering them up
with-such adroitness that they
passed with the masses for truths,
than this same L. F. Grover. And
herein lays all there is of Grover.
lint we do not wish to speak too
harsh'y of the (lead. As a trickster,
a time server, a political mendicant
be will be known in the political
history of Oregou. May we not
hope that Oregon may never again
be cursed with such an Executive.
Woodhull & Clarlin, once the
noted female bankers, of New York,
it is reported, are about to open a
brokers office on Market street, San
Francisco, California
Owylirc Mlnea.
Prom the Llaho Statcmian we
clip the following about the mines
in that section : Geo. W. Gilmore,
from Silver City, informs us that
they expect lively times over there
this Summer, and that money Will
be more plenty than ever before.
The Kmpire, South Chariot, .Silver
Cord, Ward Eag e and Red Jacket
have iiened new shafts during the
Whiter',' and taken out rich rock.
Very rich pay rock has also been
taken out of the Golden Chariot.
They have good prospects on Judge
Hays' mine. The Hell Peck is
turning out well, with good pros
pect tor the Summer. The Hose
dale, owned by Mr. Henry Martin,
and the Illinois Central, owned ,by
Mr. Sands, have good prospects
Tliey are working hard on the Ida
Elmore, and expect something big
this Summer. Mr. (li'more a'so
informs us that several other claims
will be opened during the Sum
mer that will pay well ; and that
more work will be done in that
camp this season than at any pre
vious time.
On the 23d inst. the friends of
the Independent cause in Marion
and Polk counties held a giai.d
picnic at Salem, in Marion Park.
The immense crowd assembled there
on that occasion, variously estimat
ed at from 750 to 1.500, had a
very pleasant and enjoyable time,
the greatest enthusiasm prevailing.
Judge Boise and P. C. Sullivan
made excellent, well-timed speeches.
It was a glorious occasion, ami was
productive of the best results, as
will be shpwn by the returns after
the election on Monday next.
The Sheriff of Multnomah county
gets within a few dollars ot torty
thousand a year for his services as
Sheriff; the County Clerk over
twenty-one thousand dollars. The
demand of the taxpayers for re
trenchment and reform comes none
too . soon. No wonder taxes are
enormously high when two comity
officers alone get away with over
sixty thousand dollars a year. Let
these princely salaries be at once re
duced, and the heavy burdens ot
taxation will at once be lightened.
The wedding of Nellie Grant to
Mr. Sartoris transpired at Wash
ington on the 21st, Rev. Dr. Tif
fany performing the ceremony.
The East Room of the Presidential
mansion, in which the ceremony
was performed, was elaborately
decorated' with flowers, evergreens,
etc., the central piece being a large
marriage bell composed ot the
choicest white blossoms. A plat
form was arranged at one end of
the room, on which the bridal party
stood consisting, only of the bride
groom, bride, Col. Fred. Grant,
the only groomsman, and seven
No Si,bakin(i.-Hou. Ban Hay
den, announced to speak in this
city on Monday night btst, as we
are informed, although here, failed
to make a speeck because of sick
ness. The outlook for Democracy,
even in Linn county, is bad enough
to make even the average Demo
crat rick ; and as the day of election
approiaches mattewget worse and
Last Saturday in Cincinnati
Ohio, forty-three wen, crusaders,
were a rested fJif obstructing the
sidewa'ks. They were dismissed
the next day, with the admonition
that on the next occasion tltfy will
be punished. Thef.. inarched im
mediately to ehurah and prayer
meeting. What their future action
will be remains to be seen.
Kate Leinbach, young and
beantifnl danghtet; a widow lady
tn New York, warmrtrdered a
Summit Hill on thepiihg of the
19th. She was enticed into the
woods just outside of the city,
where she was ravished and then
murdered, as is supposed, to hide
the first crime-
Trwin is said to have determined
to return home next monthahd a
he has in his possession receipt and
vouchers for the $$$,00 spent at
Washington to seenre the dhlna
Mail subsidy, a slight warming tip
of some of the "waiters" in and
about Wash jjton way beaxpectied.
The following described sinful
little little game was indulged in
at Atlanta, Georgia. A party ot
young men dined samptiipns'y at
a restaurant, arid each one insisted
on paying tjhe bill. To decide the
matter, it Was pvoprafed to blndfold
the waiter, and the first one he,
caught should pay the bill. He
hasn't caught any vf lttem yet.
Late date from Brownsville,
T.i x as, says a terrible state of
affairs is existing on the border.
The Mexicans are raiding on cattle
and firing on the people. Com.
panics have been formed for defense.
In Corpus Christi some Mexicans
attempted, unsnocessfully, to rescue
some ot their countrymen who are
confined there tor murder. They
swear they will rob and bum the
city.. Mr. Smith living twelve
miles from Fort Davis, was at
tacked by four Indians and slightly
wounded, and ten of his cattle
The last steamer from San Fran
cisco to China, in the Pacific Mail
line, carried freight at 40c per Ion
$7 and $10 per Umj was the
figure but a short time since. Thja,
is tlie result of opposhm. China
men are now charged $12 per head
against $40 heretofore.
A Vermont pape h the rural
districts charges tor first class
marriaae notices. 15 pounds of dried
apples; with poetry appended, 12
pounds of onions, in additiol to the
dried apples, Bia is bis m Ver
mont. One-quarter of Forest City, Ark.,
was destroyed by fire on the 22d.
Loss, $40,000. On the 23d, an
other fire destroye aJboat half
what was left by the fire the day
before. Further lots, $50,000.
The murderer and noted bandit
of CaliforniaVasques, publishes a
card appealing to the charitable for
funds to enable him toploflegM
advice iu his coming trial ! What
Gen. Frank P. Blair, Jr., has
joined a Presbyterian church in St,
Louis. " Ab long as the lamp holds
out to burn, the vilest rinner may
The other day a
monkey in Troy, N... V.,
A tlnv, slender, silken thread
Is friendship, and we make it
Bind heart and lives to bes rt and lives
But e'en a breath may shske it.
And oft it takes bit one Wee word--But
que wee word to Drti -J"
ft draws the lips In smiling shape,
It draws fiie look of pleasure
From eve to eye when bauds touched
When two hearts heat one measure ;
And draw inewdrtg from a word
Which make .that WpjjTa treasure.
Like string of tuneful harp or lute
Between glad souls 'tis holderi.
And love's fond fingers on the thread
Make music rare and golden
Make music such as tender hearts
Could live, ami ne'er gyswoW In.
But if breath msy shake ft, let
Thar breath come near it new ;
And never spoken he that word
Which friendship's tie might sever?
But let the cord grow stronger till
The dawning of Forever.
oa the Plalas.
Westward, westward, westward
we have been riding all day over
the Kansas Pacific. From Kansas
City the road runs straight ap the
river bottom and along Smoky Hill
and tlie buffalo country to Denver.
O.i the trail are Grangers from
('arson and iljugo, and killers and
slabbers from Wild Horse and
Kadft Tail. (
jn we near osiuih, ivnnriw,
ductor Cheney (Domes along to
i ir
lect the fare. Touching a long
haired gentleman on tlie back he
looks down and says :
"Haictgot none," saystha
passenger, holding his gun with
one hand and scowling out from
under his black slouch, hat.
"But yon mast pay your fare
sir!'' expostulated the conductor.
"Now jes look a-here, stranger!
mebby yooer a doing your duty,
bat 1 bav't never paid yet gomg
through tliis Country, and-''
Jnst then a slonchy old frontiers
man who had been compelled to
pay his fare in the car, stepped iip .
in the front ot the mulish, passenger,
and, pointing a six-shooter at him,
said :
"See here. Lorn Bill, yon iespay
yer fare. Pve paid mine, and they
doirt anybody ride oh this tram
free if I douV-if they do damme!"
"All right, you've got the drop
on me, old boy, so pat up yer
shooter an' I'll settle," said the
passenger, going into his pockets
for th money.
"Do these incidents often hap
pen?" I asked the conductor a
little while afterwards.
"Well. ves. but not so often as
tiiey tfsed to in M58 and TO, Mrv
Perkins. The other day," con
tinued the conductor, "some three
card monte men came on the train
and swiftalea drover out ot m.
He said his cattle got so cheap
during the Eastern 'bust' that he
had to just 'peel 'em' and sell their
hides m Kansas City and this
was all the money he had. A
half dozen miners from Denver
overheard the talk, and, coming
np they 'drew a bead' on the monte
men and told 'em to pay what
money back.
Mast too ttouot thai money
back, conduct?," they said! "and
after I had done it," continued the
conductor, "one of the head miners
'"Now, conductor, yon jee stop
tlie train, an we'll hang these three
cord fellers to the telegraph pole.'
But the monte men flew oat of
the door too quick for em, ,
To illustrate the value" ot human
life in this country, Mr, Locke,
toacagv of the KaassJ City Opera
I lonsa. tells me tm mtt t
Two waff ago tie Ji
Brothers, the same two desperadoef
who sacked the Express ear, tad.
"went through" the passeugew v
the Chicago, Kook tstaito .r
cific, at Gad's Hill, stolthemopey
box at the Kansas State f air.
They rode into Kansas City on
horseback, and when the cashier
was walking to the bank with the
receipts uf the day, about $2,000,
they pointed their pistols at his
head, seised the box, and ga'lopetl
of. This was done in broad day
light hi the midst of a grer t crowd.
Well, somo time afterwards one
of the Kansas C ty reporters wrote
an articleabnot thesebighwaymeu's
recoro. a w iugm since iflr
wards the James Brothers rode
into Kansas City, went to the
newspsier office, and calling toe
reporter out, presented him a
handsome watch and chain. The
article touched them ou the tender
spot and they desired to show their
"But I don t feel at liberty to
take this watch," mid the reporter.
"But do it' to' gratify us. We
didn't steal this wateh ; we bought
and paid for it with our own
money,'' continued the desperadoes.
"No; yon must excuse me,"
continued the reporter.
"Well, then, it yon can't take
this watch," replied the James
Brothers regretfully, "perhaps yon
can name some man around here
you want killed."
It has never been ascertained to
s satisfaction of the public who
the man in the Iron mask was, Dot
generations to come will know
about Dick Palmer, of Macob street
Wh got inside ol something worse
than a mask Saturday. His mother
sent him after a brass kettle which
one ot her neighbors had borrowed
and orr the way home the boy turn
ed the kettle upside down and pnt
it on his head. Another Ooy gave
it a blow, and it shot down over
Dick's face as closely as a clam in a
shell one ctheW digging into
tlie boy's heatrfwpjW.aiKi tneotner
pressing oh his siW, The victim
shouted and x
. TT - A.
and clawed at
the kettle,
lden't bodge
it. A mall
and lifted
at it, but Dick
began to come
out by the roots, and the man bad
tostop. A crowd ran put from the
corner grocery: Dick's mother was
sent for, and the boy danced up and
down and cried "Oh, golly!" with
out ceasing. One boy said they
would have to take a cold chisel
and drill Dick ont of the kettle, and
another said they'd have to melt
the kettle off, while everybody rap
ped on it to see how solid it wason.
Then they taried to lift it off, but
Dick roared marder!"till they stop
ped. Some said grease his head,
and some said grease the kettle,
while the bey's mother sat down on
the curbstone and sobbed out "Oh,
HTchard! why did yon do thief"
Tlie crowd took it coolly ; it wasent
their funeral, and a boy with a brass
kettle ou his head isn't to be seen
every day. Tears fell from the ket
tle, and a hallow voice kept repeat
ing "Pll never do it again." Fi-'
naily they laid Richard on the side
walk, and While one man sat on his
legs, and another on his stomach, a
third compressed the kettle between
his hands and knees and the boy
crawled out, his nose all scratched
and twisted out ot shape, a hole in
bis head and a bump on his fore
bead. His mother wildly embraced
him, and all the boys cried "Hoop
laP and little Richard was led home
to loaf around on the lounge, and
have toast and fried eggs for a week.
It was believed on the 21st, at
OiMwa, Canada, that the Pacific
Rahroad BWwottM pass the Do-